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I do 2d, but I need a model. Anyone got the bazarr shop from Ocarina Of Time?
I don't have it, Cris. Sorry.
Im sorry that you don't have it Cris, maybe someone else?
Op here. I found this. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/oot-shop-scene-fd8172bedf5c4af197d97dc6b73080eb
But am I allowed to use it?
How do I download it?
How do I make the room a little brighter?
Anyone willing to help?

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I've been using SourceFilmmaker over the past year to make a voiced-acted visual novel. It's called "Please Fur My Wife" and Pizza Girl is one of the heroines that you can date.

There's a demo out and you can see a few completed SFW scenes at youtube.com/@chadchan3d

The game's premise is that you're one of the last humans in a world of furries. This was an NTR fetish parody game (still is) but it's growing into a story about furries vs humans.
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I've rendered several animated sprites as transparent webms, mainly to show a couple characters dancing or walking in or out of scene
Also I lock in the camera behind the MC and first of all render out the scene from that locked perspective, then I render the other character sprites from that same perspective and even animate them and just render the webm with an alpha channel, that way the characters fit in perfectly with the scene even if they're just sprites
Ah but shadows. Do you get transparent shadows too?
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yes, in Blender at least it's as easy as placing a shadow catcher under the characters and using the same scene specific lighting
Shadow catcher?!
Explain. Is this a blender plug in or just a snazzy name for a transparent material that receives shadows?
That offers great versatility (reusable sprites) while maintaining an immersive look. Very smart!

A strength of sprites is that they can shake and move left or right, like a picture cut-out glued onto a popsicle stick. I've been brainstorming ways of recreating that sense of motion with full 3D renders and one method is your way of using alpha channels. I've also considered using a combination of dissolves or of making simple slide animations (move the character on a single axis in or out of frame).

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This is from Lethal Company. Whenever you're modelling/texturing/rigging/whatever and get hung up on stupid shit that nobody cares about, take a step back and remember that this game made $100m
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average unity user.

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Is there a market for lowpoly modelling with high quality handpainted textures? How do I go about finding work asap with this skillset?

Most big boy jobs are pbr high poly bake retopo workflow stuff which I really dislike. My entire skillset revolevs around low poly 3d but there seem to only be poor indie companies using this art style.

What do /3/ ?
If you want to flex your le epic artstyle 3d industry isn't for you, you are making assets not artwork
Being a commercial artist is different from just being a artist. You want to do this for a living in 'the industry' you have to compromise and shape your ability to be a commodity.

There is market for the sort of art you are interested to make but it's mainly a consumer market. You have to be really ace at what you do and be head-hunted to a indie project using that sort of art if you wish to gain real paying work off such an ability.

Indie projects is usually a small group of friends or people who know each other that has deep trust for one another, getting hired onto such a project is difficult
even if you have the right skillset, you need the right 'in' and the right chemistry to get onboard.

I'd join all the discords and indie art communities related to your field of interest and start building your presence, posting stuff and finding your people.

this sounds like great advice, thanks anon.

Any tips on finding relevant discord servers?
Just tell people youre a minor confused about their gender and youll get discord invites nonstop

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am i gonna make it?
ITT: post animations you did with blender, anything is welcome
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more details pls
Just whatever you do don't ever learn what quaternions actually are or how they work. If someone mentions Clifford Algebras run for the hills
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>I'm looking for someone who can animate simple shapes rising and falling away
you. unironically. You could figure out how to do this in less time than any one person will even respond to an email.
Is anybody else getting this issue?
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Yeah, gotta weld the verts first. It's a rookie mistake, but we've all been there.

A thread dedicated to CAD, the chad's choice and the working man's choice in 3D production.

What projects have you been working on lately? What kind of work do you do?




>Tutorials and Guidebooks

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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If you already have a student ID and email through your college, you could see if they have free access available for students through a remote server or borrowed laptops. Once you get your hands on it, you could try finding any tutorials your college's creator space has on their website or something. Failing that, you could try looking into any documents workspaces at universities like MIT, Stanford, Purdue, or whatever have posted. Videos on YT are also a decent resource, but don't put all your eggs in one basket.
95% of engineering is just running some analysis programs and being an excel monkey and the remaining 5% is quoting studies performed by PHDs to justify your excel sheets.
At least cad monkeys make pretty pictures.
is there a use case for implementing a physics engine inside of a cad program? I was wondering how people use something like tinkercad playground in a professional setting. Wouldn't a game engine be better?
3d printing general says architects should look to Sketchup, and not FreeCAD. Anything a total noob should know before diving in?
I know I'm wildly late to this one, but just in case anyone ever needs the info, PCBWay is a pretty solid one if you're looking at outsouring your 3DPrints. Wide variety of materials and methods

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The only way to truly create retro CGI is by using period accurate hardware and software, anything else is forced soul from coping zoomers.
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Shut the FUCK up. Kill yourself.
holy checked
its over. cris won. proxima64 eternally btfo
it's over, Nick. digits dont lie. you have to re-transition now. almighty Kek demands it

so imagine that i got good at 3d modeling, how do i realistically make money? is porn the fastest and easy route? how do you build a fanbase or do you make videos for pornhub and cash on views?

i dont want to work in a studio or with other people, want to fly solo here
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that model is repulsive
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For the most part, the big companies want to pretend it doesn't exist, because if they take action, and the artist fights back, it may gain mainstream traction, and then normie redditor bloggers like mr. beast (or whatever normies watch these days) find out tracer & widowmaker have giant penises.
Followed by normie moms & news vultures finding it out and then it's a whole PR nightmare.
>worst case scenario for most people making money from it would be a cease and desist email, which is a nothingburger.
There was a situation where one porn maker for warcraft got approached IRL by blizzard's lawyer and handed the letter in person. It can be pretty spooky, but yeah. You basically move on to other IP / original characters and nothing really happens other than that you may need to change up your rigs & characters, some even just straight up added weird curly horns to their WoW OCs, changed their skintone, and bam, no longer a copyright violation if you call it 'Crock' instead of 'Orc'.
Also only really a problem if you're in the US. People in the EU and especially eastern europe / asia shit on your copyrights.
>this took me 1 second
looks like something rendered in 1 second in the early 90s,
and why do blender losers keep spamming the entire board with their hideous doughnuts?
How about this chocolate doughnut
mmda.booru.org if you're an mikumikudancefag

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God bless non-photorealistic rendering
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NPR shaders are volatile as fuck. It's easy to make a shader that looks 2d for a certain pose or lighting, but change either of those and the same shader will usually make things look awful. The one advantage of rendering in 2d is that it's easy to be appealing.
Not really, with clever face editing you could get some pretty clean shadows without obvious artifact
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Girls und Panzer technically counts since it's still going, they use UE4 and mix 2D with 3D (sometimes character models are 3D as well)
One time I walked out into the living room and saw my dad watching this. He's not even remotely into anime or anime girls.
It was weird.
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Kinda based ngl

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its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024
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and you never will !
>and you never will !
I hope, jelly & donuts don't mix
source ?
Looks like those Purble Place cakes that had a cursed mix of glazing/chocolate/jelly on the top, i like it.
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I meak donut accident tutorials found searching the web, very good approximate the big glue accident needed in project I build.

Thanks blender nut man.

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>A PBR model will conserve energy such that a pixel can't return more energy than what hit's it no matter how you drag the sliders.
[Laughs in open domain albedo textures substantially above 1.00]
Run normalization on your color texture in case someone decides to stick a HDR-file in the diffuse/albedo slot.

I don't know what will happens in my shader if I do that, the thought to do this never crossed my mind. I guess it'll cause a nuclear runaway where the scene gets progressively whiter as I use ambient light probes that could amplify the light in a endless cycle.
Yeah I know I was just shitposting. But doing so does lead to some "interesting" results, particularly in Cycles. I was shining a spotlight onto a piece of Scene-Referred artwork I made in Krita, and the bounce off the bright parts of that image predictably led to the scatter of much more intense indirect light compared to a regular white surface. I also attempted to make a "super white" cube with a white that was 250x higher than display white and it kinda freaked Cycles out, leading it to slow down and hang.
I _WILL_ violate the physics.
wtf anon NO

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>See modern game
>It has mocapped animations without weight that seems like the character is under water
>Character moves a slow speed
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more like vidya animators are bottom of the barrel amateurs that don't understand basic animation principles
Nobody understand. But you understand, Cris. You understand everything.
shut the fuck up, I work in the industry so I know most people here are talentless film industry drop outs
I don't know Cris, how I dry my computer?
Yes Cris, I understand more than you, go back to your containment thread

Is possible to convert an image of a human model to a 3d model (Blender) using Ai (StableDiffusion)?
Trying to find such a tutorial.
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If you have a lora i guess you can openpose it to make a reference sheet and then take it from there in blender and doing the needful tracing
Yes, but not in blender and the 3d model it's kinda low res
Not currently, but I'm working on a model called analshart-5 that will eliminate the need for human learning to accomplish anything ever, just grunt at your screen and the model will pick up on your intonation and facial expression and be creative for you so that you never need to stimulate the soft pink thing between your ears with unnecessary, nasty effort again. Once the seed funding rounds are done I'll send you a link to the model, but be aware, it's a suppository.
It's the same thing I'm working on. So I don't have do see people doing their "base model" that never goes anywhere over and over.

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redditors are niggers and removed my post without explanation so here I am
how do I do it, bros?
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I'm confused at this question. Can you be a little more specific? I think I can help.
I got you bro, open up a 3D view in Revit. Go to Insert tab then Link CAD, a file view will pop up see attached image, then in the place at box select your level and hopefully it will show up, sometimes you need to fuck around with positioning type and manually drop it somewhere, sometimes you gotta change the import units cause idk. Use the align tool, AL on keyboard to line that shit up.

Fuck Reddit
Also change layers and levels if you need to hide shit that's been hidden in the CAD.
Go into autocad and wblock all levels as individual dwg files. Move all the object to 0,0.

Go into a revit floor plan view and link cad (not insert cad) each dwg file to their respective level. position origin to internal origin and deselect correct lines that are slightly off axis. make sure your project base point isn't in the stratosphere.
You didn't ask copilot for help but instead waited for hours on /3/ of all places for some anon to help you? Lmao. Asking questions without showing you even tried tells a lot about you as a person.

I want the best tutorial I can pirate. I want to learn the basics of 3D from modeling to animation, I can use blender or either pirate Maya. I have access to cgpeers because im a super badass
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I always found Imphenzias tutorials on youtube pretty good.
was enough for me to get a foot in the door with modeling and animation.
Grant Abbit's stuff is great for beginners and his stuff is available on rutracker. Have fun anon :)
YouTube can be a good source depending on what your after and humble bumble have a good deal on books and courses at the mo, I know you said pirate but worth a look.

Has lots of torrents for tutorials and despite it been russian site they tend to be in English, I advise for ease of use login to the site then once logged in use Google translate to help navigate
Watch out! We got a badass over here

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