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Praise Cthulhu.
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is pegging gay???
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nini gear

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Continuing with this babe
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Yeah same, but at least you got a chance bro. Keep dumping if you can
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Don't have much more, shes back with her bf

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girls you recognized on /b
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Back from earlier today

Anyone recognize my porn wife?
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Waifu thread
The rules:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Discuss yours and others' choices
>Keep RP/ERP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>No homo
>Welcome to Who's Waifu is it Anyways, where the rules are made up and the claims don't matter.
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>ain't nothing here for me
>here 24/7
Retardation and schizophrenia in action.
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don't do this to me. i'm too good looking and i know they want to touch. it's like sodom up in here

share your shos, your stories and dreams
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im not here to be virgin mary lol
Make a separate thread.

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Doing tribs with my small cock hmu!
kik: lildicktribs
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manjaro12 to see my sister
Looking to cum asap by giving full ownership of my gf to a private bull. Pressure to publically expose for the first time is very welcome.

Kik moriv18
Kik throwaway20cu feeding all irl friends for depraved Misogynistic pervs. Love Asians, raceplay, heels, rough sex, nn. Bonus if you trib

Twitch / Youtube streamers
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That fake uwu-like shit is so annoying. Still would smash though.
super cute
I hope miz was joking about his podcast being like 40 min of them discussing their fight

Someone has to say it for once. Gen Z and millennials are the most entitled, most laziest sacks of shit out there. They don't know how to use power tools, they just want to "bare minimum monday" and "quiet quit" at a "lazy girl job". Horse. shit.

Why are they like this? They have no work ethic and then demand a free house like a brat. Is it because we took prayer out of schools?
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This. Why should I do all of the work so I can have nothing and some old fucker can buy a fifth summer home?
i gotta say you're right, i have a small business with 2 areas, a shop and 2 stores and i've been trying to rejuvenate the store personal but every time we get a 20-something behind the counter they just don't perform half as good as the 40 year old lady when she came in the first day 10 years ago.

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MAGA begins setting themselves on fire!! awesome.

One down, 50 million to go
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commonly used term by homosexuals.
Rope now degenerate.
fuck off faggot.
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whos crazy enough to set themselves on fire.....hmmmmm, yeah its definitely not the school shooter troop

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5 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
aah a "bitch"
>op is convinced he's not mad, everyone else is!
>OP: "please visit my fbi honeypot website so the feds can give me money for tricking pedos!"
>OP "and i will call you a bitch bitch bitch because i'm sure that will really hurt yoru feelings!"
>op mad
op mad
>op mad his scam exposed
>op will keep trying too hard

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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What a tease

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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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Celeb Thread - /Casefire/ edition.
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Hellooooooooo I am home from the farm. Solid day of planting wheat, bros. Allison, this bred is for you <33
You only tell the wurst German jokes
Are you behaving?
Ohhhhh, they were always saying bread her. I completely misunderstood

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How smart is /b/?
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>Im sorry but this doesn't make sense.
It might be counterintuitive but it makes perfect sense when you understand it.

See the image here. If you randomly remove the first ball and it's red, is it more likely that you have box C or box B?
The fact that the first ball was red means you are more likely to have box C, anon.
But then its not the same question, the question was about the second pick probability to be red, not the probability has to be the double red or n-red

honestly the craziest tweet i've ever seen I can't think of anything crazier or more outlandish. like i've memed his sanity up to this point -- this was the tipping point for me. this man has fluids in his skull for a brain.
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Shalom brother

I smell a civil suit, that Antonio will fail at fighting (same as all his pursuits off the field)
He's just jealous of someone who excelled in their sport.

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