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Are you sure you know where your girlfriend went out to tonight?

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the insomnia demons are back
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are eyes real actually
only sometimes
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Eyes are evolving, sometimes they are real

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Walmart boomer wagies are a pleasure to be around

Wolfags btfo
I hate when this happens

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Apu is live on Bitget.
100x is priced in.
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I just want 6 figures. Am I gonna get it?

Thank you kind ser. Now please don't kill us.
Thank you. I will buy it two days later. Hopefully it's not too late by then.
I don't know what those are

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fancy cat
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not my problem thoughbeit
You're doing it on purpose you spanish prick
I don't know what you're talking about
meds immediately howevertheless

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Watch. Your. Tone.
I'm a cissy boy
I like the fuck the rotting corpses of humans but sometimes I'll settle for certain animals
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>Watch. Your. Tone.

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reading edition
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i'll read some history in bed

I'm a few beers deep and watching Anime. What are you doing in your country?
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Special Week is pigging out.
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Watching our parliament vote to deport illegal immigrants to Rwanda at my computer desk. It's dark out now at 23:02pm. I have a light bulb on and the central heating. Quite cold and grey today. I am wearing a red jumper and blue jeans.
You absolute madmen did it. EU is seething, so it is probably a good law.

Russia and China better watch out
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didnt know americans had such low standards
why are they all in glasses
apple iphone: check
nintendo switch: check
it's time to die for israel, baby!

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I have an autistic fantasy of imagining teleporting a single, modern thing from the present, and putting it in the hands of scientists/researchers from the past. Like, 70-100 years ago. Imagining what they'd do with it. How they'd interpret it. A console with a single game. A single movie with a means of watching it.

Imagining them trying to dissect the chips and hardware. Entire teams meant to comb over every frame and visual from the film, all looking for hints at the future. Hypothesizing what the future might be like from it.
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>he thinks there were no movies 70-100 years ago
American education everyone
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There were. But what if you showed someone a movie with a cellphone in it? Or someone mentions the Internet. You'd have a team of researchers trying to figure out what the internet is. When someone says Ronald Reagan was president, they'd get into debates on whether or not that was the film telling a joke, or being serious, because to them, Ronald Reagan was an actor. Like that scene in Back to the Future.

I like you OP. Somehow you remind me of my teenager years.

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Tottenkopf Tuesday..
Bed moaning..
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me with bulgogi
no I just have issues
what is tottenkopf tuesday
I know what tottenkopf is but did something happen involving them on a tuesday or something?

Blue Archive
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my daughter
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>Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a plane ticket to Thailand, hire a child prostitute and give her all your money, only for it to be revealed to be a sting operation.
Wasn't there a baggot who became a sex offender for that?
whats your daughters name shes cute

Insider here; all the big crypto whales are pulling out and calling the bull run early this year. Time for stocks to fly. Cya in 4 years boys!
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wait has bant become biz now? wtf am I seeing kek

The Jews that run /biz/ took $5,000,000 from the IRS to collect email addresses from users to help investigate capital gains fraud.
Ok cool, see ya!

Look at this mighty bird I saw
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Parrots are pretty neat, just don't try to have sex with them
That is retarded they wont survive outside their natural habitat or a cage especially if they have always been pets.
The thought never crossed my mind. For me it’s horses.
thank you for posting bird photos I really appreciate it

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