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Jews be like
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The last year has really opened my eyes that the majority of jews genuinely are subversive people
Every post itt is a hailing of Christ is King.

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we will never merge edition

>Season 2 is over now
>Who Won?
TJ won after beating Shinji in a boxing match
>Will there be season 3?
Yes after mini-season 2.5
>What is Fish Tank?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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what are you gonna do?
Take your meds
Yeah yeah skull we heard this a million times before now fuck off

Silver ends the fed.
Real money is:
Silver and gold fit the criteria perfectly. Currently the federal reserve prints currency out of thin air, buying up assets while their cronies at the metal exchanges print IOU slips promising metals, the intention is to short the price and quell demand through artificial supply all while never actually delivering the metal, opting out to pay in printed cash. On top of this we are charged a trillions year in usury interest payments on the national debt as every time they print each dollar its attached to debt, formerly backed silver and gold. Without a supply of silver, they cannot continue their paper ponzi schemes...
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>bed shitters hate silver
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>holding cash long term
Going tk try to look into the history of the paper markets for precious metals; in the past decade or so it has vastly expanded from around 250 to around 400 now. That has created an artificial supply of silver that does not exist.

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this could have been us you stupid fucking whore
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apparently yes
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say that to my face irl not online and see what happens
probably too stupid and dumb to know the difference

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>GA released
>BTC dumps
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Andy Sixx has got some dumps for ya
slidder no slidding

I’m taking a trio to gensokyo and I wanna know who has the best and cheapest pussy in town. I heard Reimu turns tricks for donations but honestly I don’t want old worn out human hag pussy, I want nice young tight fuckable youkai pussy. So can you help an anon out and point me in the right direction? Thanks.
>I want nice young tight fuckable youkai pussy
They're all at least several decades older than you with body counts to match

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When did you realize that a million dollars is literally nothing?
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You can't even spend it on anything.
When I had over a million dollars in 2021. Literally nothing changed. I bought a Macbook and a new desktop and that's basically it. There wasn't anything else I wanted
it is a meme

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>10 x 10 x 10 = 1000

You could x10 $1000 to $10.000, then x10 $10.000 to $100.000 and then x10 $100.000 to $1.000.000

What's stopping you?
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I don't have 10$
Let's say you have a 25% of x10 (which is already highly unfeasible)

So now you need to do
10x10x10 or
0.25*0.25*0.25 or 0.015625
1.56% chance of succeeding that move, that's what's stopping me

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is it common for 50yo dudes to date 20yo chicks in your country?
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>I'm upper class so I have not met a single person who ever faced consequences for anything ever in my entire life. Except old people who are getting what they deserve. But when the consequences finally come they already got away for too fucking long.
Yeah but its different.you might get away because of money you bribe with, here it is socialism.
Its socialist here too, literally. If you're a leftist you can get away with anything.
>leftshit congresswoman son rapes 11 year old
>bolsonaro says some 15 year old sluts flirted with him
>i have to hear how he's a rapist on christmas dinner
Its pain being a right wing man in a left wing country. So tiresome.

Good luck on your greek teenager hunt.
>Its pain being a right wing man in a left wing country. So tiresome.
I can iagine

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Came two times in the last 24 hours and I'm already horny again.
You do not look like futa kurisu, meds.

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bru akaibu
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do raid now and sleep late or sleep now and do raid later. hmmm
will I really be able to wake up at 6am?
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also I know it is not tomorrow morning but the morning after so no need for telling me I got the date wrong

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why is this happening to timmy?
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>black men are OBSESSED with white men holy shit an hour long video you can't be srs right now
Cope. The average nigga in the hood doesn't even know that you exist, he's busy smoking blunts and drinking Hennessy at the local strip club

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I can’t for the life of me imagine why anyone was interested in posting here before it became a strictly bizness board. What in the world are bant fags even upset about? We basically rescued your sorry lot.
>you’re welcome
I would appreciate a bit more gratitude going forward.
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>muh polandball
I get you're a retarded tripfag, but that shit is beyond reddit at this point, and is over a decade old. pretty much the equivalent of posting raptor advice images nowadays. It's 2024, find something new to post.
on the internet nobody knows you're a dog
>That's gonna be a 3 day global ban for *reasons*

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i wish there was a way to just push a button and have them all named for you instantly.
this is a good filename
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it's a fake filename sorry

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are bizniggers here to stay forever...
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Wow, nanachi is hot
>Jannies are hiding gems from you
so the advertisement was true
wow, reg is cute

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