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>900 ICP is my whole portfolio
this man could ruin me
Hbar makes icp obsolete
how so
By being less shit than ICP
so you don't actually have an argument?
They never do.

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HBAR bros, I kneel....
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Should add a stack of DOVU
its not too late
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Hey, I think I gave you that 500 force kek
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Ch3cked, if youre 407119 then yup. Wanted to send you an NFT.
Dcaing down is generally a bad idea.
That doesn't prove that BlackRock was involved in any way other than signing off on the press release.

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Watching people lose money edition:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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We're back bullbros.
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>OT has dried up at work
>lent my car to a family member and they end up crashing
>insurance isn't covering shit because member was at fault
>car is totaled and not worth fixing nor picking up from impound
>trying dating apps again and being reminded that these 3d women don't want someone like me
>somehow not able to save money despite cutting back even more on my own spending
>stocks are green though
please buy JEPI
Its part meme stock on top of everything else.
but where are the auto driving cars? i have only seen fsb on teslas as impresive real life demos

how the fuck isnt this impressive? imagine in 5, 10 years, cars that autodrive and can generate you income acting as taxis. why not buy at current prices?
>"Meme" stocks
No. Its a heavily advertised piece of shit paper. "Meme" implies self replicating, toy car shit scam papers have to be heavily advertised. The word "meme" from advertisement has cost the word "meme" all relevancy. Using the word "meme" in the context identifies the speaker either as a bag holder or a dirty advertiser

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One dude holds 10% in ihob.

Gonna get dumped on.
>inb4 dev gotta eat too
what site is that?
This dude isn't even a dev just a tard who didn't realise how bad that would look
He’s gonna kill the fucking coin anyone holding right now and not taking profit is a fucking fool.

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Shut it down. Nobody needs a platform for scammers and propagandists to advertise their shit

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Already have bitcoin, jasmy, datamine, neurai. Maybe i should buy some meme coins?
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Focus on DePIN projects instead
I heard you can use it to buy apple gadgets in its store, thats bullish
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Buy anything and hold it for enough time and you have a legitimate gem there. What most of /biz doesn't understand is that gems aren't born, they're made. AGRS has been quite the proof of that and so has AVAX. The former went from 0.3 to 10 in three months after never pumping for 5 years straight if you can believe that. So stop asking stupid questions and buy and hold imbecile, the strategy hasn't changed at all
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snnc if you think bitcoin powered defi can actually be a thing. kas if you think eth is going to shit. that's it that's all i have, if these were different times i would've recommended more shit.
This thread has been up for so long and nobody has asked for pics yet???

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i dreamed about being extremely wealthy when i was a kid. i am now 27 and dream of owning a shoebox apartment one day
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>I'm still dreaming of a debt-free future
I keep dreaming of a world where FIAT money does not exist and we all use memecoins created in satoshisync and the price is stipulated by ourselves.
If you think about it anon, us dollars is becoming more like a memecoins
there will not be a world without FIAT money, never ever again
just be happy for what you do have and stay grounded fren. not saying you should be mediocre or something, just saying shit's hard out there at the moment. over 25% of purchasing power has been lost by normal, working people in the us, for example. inflation gongo up. all that jazz. im happy for my good super/eth/xmr bags. im happy im close to being a wholecoiner. im happy i got a gf recently. im happy i opened a crate with a nice knife in cs2. stuff like that.

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Day after the halving and Bitcoin maxis are in full cope mode. You love to see it
Finally conceding that Bitcoin base layer is cooked because of all the inscriptions, brc20, ordinals, runes clogging up the network. Layer 2 necessary for settlement
Mind you, Bitscam maxis have been attacking Ethereum for years with the same argument LMAO
Vitalik won

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runes is already dead lol
>something they perceive as a threat
Nigger the chumps behind the US government WANT BTC to succeed because it's an integral mechanism to their plan to usher in CBDC and enslave the world after the US dollar collsapses under it's own weight (intentionally). The only US government there is exists as a puppet to serve central bankers and THAT'S IT.
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Marxist propaganda
I have been swapping BRC20 through satoshirouter for a long time and it's really better for small purchase
BTC was always better for +100k transactions
>BTC was always better for +100k transactions
the merry go round of cope you faggots go through to justify the ponzi known as bitcoin
>>Nigger the chumps behind the US government WANT BTC to succeed
*Trades his BTC for Monero during the ATH*

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What is this pattern called?
I believe it’s called The Singularity
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I call it "the shitcoin" pattern
Mance forgot to turn on the sell bots. Silly guy
Sol btfo this coin in a way that i never even knew plausible

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Are the pajeets gone?
Is this board usable now?
That's right cutie! Even the banning seems to be less random and extreme- I was issued a warning the other day instead of my 10th questionable ban.
i wanna sex cutie tight mouth with my dripping cute cock
I got banned for literally asking about a coin
I don't think it can ever go back to 2017 state of affairs, memecoins ruined everything
its seriously easier to get banned here than on preddit now
>Are the pajeets gone?
Good morning sir, I'm still here sir, please do not redeem your shitcoins sir

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Are you in? We're mooning

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>its a 'alts ride just under their 21 daily exponential moving average for a week episode'
But why 21 and daily specifically?

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The disparity in pay between game developers and software engineers in big tech companies is ironic, as game development is often considered more challenging than roles in FAANG companies, yet game developers are paid significantly less than their counterparts in big tech. Despite the challenges and longer hours, game developers are predominantly staffed by US citizens, while big tech engineering positions are filled by foreign workers.
Japan is proof that americucks can't into gamedev

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If this is what Sergey looked like would you guys still buy Chainlink?
>Would you buy my decentralized oracle token if I were a worm?
Yes, Sergey.
Be more confident and believe in yourself. I love you.
That's the real satoshi nakamoto so yes
I would double down on it. Chinks can into tech, and a red ChinkLink would be mega bullish

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kill jannies, behead jannies, roundhouse kick jannies into the concrete, slam dunk a jannie baby into the trash can, crucify filthy jannies, defecate into jannies food, launch jannies into the sun, stir fry jannies in a wok, toss jannies into active volcanoes, urinate into jannie’s gas tank, Judo throw jannies into a wood chipper, twist jannies heads off, report jannies to the IRS, karate chop jannies in half, curb stomp pregnant jannies, trap jannies in quicksand, Crush jannies in the trash compactor, liquify jannies in a vat of acid, eat jannies, dissect jannies, exterminate jannies in the gas chamber, stomp jannie skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate jannies in the oven, lobotomized jannies, mandatory abortions for jannies, grind jannie fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown jannies in fried chicken grease, vaporize jannies with a raygun, kick old jannies down the stairs, feed jannies to alligators, slice jannies with a katana.
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I actually thought this was a brapu thread until I read your post.
BAPU's dev is the most pathetic leader I've ever seen. This fag keeps trying to push his shitty NFT collections and twitter competitions no one gives two fucks about. BRAPU has been shilled for 1 hour and its marketcap is almost the same as BAPU's. This is sad.
nowdays is APU or PEPE shills
you meant TRUF
Update your token page in dexscreener indog

Do not try to trade crypto, time the market, or invest in shitcoins. I had over 30 btc a few years back and knew we would eventually go to new highs, reaching 100k and beyond, but I got greedy and thought I could outtrade the market. I repeatedly sold at what I thought were resistance levels, traded what I have for shitcoins, and am left with practically nothing now.

Trust me: do no trade, use leverage, or buy shitcoins. It's gambling. Do not go the route I did. I have nothing now because I was a greedy retard. Learn from my mistakes
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>if anyone here is new to crypto
>buy shitcoins
that's literally the worst advice you could give a newfag and the reason why i think you're utterly retarded anon, buying alts is the way to go, why? because buying and holding is a far easier strategy than telling a newfag to do dca on shitcoins (the ONLY way to make money out of those curry scams) so idk senpai, the linkie or agrsfag telling anons to buy are far less shitty than you are at giving advice
is there like a /biz/ dictionary somewhere that'll teach me the local lingo? I'm picking it up little by little from lurking but it's kind of slow going
DCA is dollar cost average... It means you regularly buy a certain amount of something in dollars (inline with what you can afford to do and your risk tolerance), so your purchase of it is distributed over time.

Alts is short for altcoins. Original definition for altcoins was "everything that isn't bitcoin". Some may choose to not view ETH as an altcoin so they will exclude it from the definition as well.

A more recent distinction is people separating "altcoins" from "shitcoins". Originally I'm pretty sure "shitcoin" was a term bitcoiners used for all altcoins. But on current year biz, shitcoin typically means things like meme tokens which may have lower market cap and liquidity. So altcoins are the higher marketcap cryptos (other than bitcoin) which are pretending to have some sort of utility other than pure short term speculation or gambling, which excludes "shitcoins" (by some people's definition) or "memecoins". The distinction between alts and memecoins can be pretty arbitrary and fuzzy sometimes, so you just gotta interpret what one particular anon might mean by those words.

Biz isn't actually a good place to learn about "crypto" btw even if I am being nice and answering this. I got into bitcoin in 2015 through my interest in monetary economics / sound money, and I kinda feel bad for new people enter into "crypto world" these days through degenerate social media circles, simply because it often leads people to confusing places where they become more cynical and nihilistic from being unable to navigate all the crypto narratives well.
buy low buy high never sell
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>invest in shitcoins
I boughted SNNC and UNI, so not shitcoins but instruments used for people to trade shitcoins with. Good strat or trash strat?

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back to 10c hbrotherss and hsisters

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>bought at 73k
>sold at 59.7k
what should i do?
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This is also one of my big bag at the moment
Don't buy all time highs???
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>what should I do
Stop buying literal new All Time High(s) (ATH)'s? That's a good start. For now be a big man with big man pants, take the L and go back to the shitcoin mine. Reminder that $SSNC is going to ride the new rune market so that might be a cool entry for you.
>bought at below $20k and $35k
>still haven't sold shit
Sometimes you gotta just George Constanza this shit. Do the exact opposite of what your instincts tell you, and suddenly you will emerge a chad.

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sold my hbar stack right before the pump
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Bottom signal

this is not really a good coin besides larping
t. ADA bagholder
um..sirs... it's not going down

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Fire sale on gold bros
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and then im still using SOL to exchange $SSNC and wait it for it to actually do something next months or so. Guess its better than anything.
buy gold anon, none of that sol shit here
how you manage to exchange on SOL when the network just sucks
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While BTC is halving, Gold is thriving
You can sit down, relax and play some Blocklords while money is being made outta thin air
why would a digital bank pay you for real gold that they can't have? Idk if im reading this right

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