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Step 1- Get off 4chan.
Step 2- See step 1.

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I cant wait for our bitcoin future when I will pay $130 in transfer fees for the privilege of buying anything at a store. This is the future of money and I can't be more excited.
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Interest rates are still at historically low levels and we havent yet felt the effects of the rise from 0%. This is going to be a shock for you zoomers who have lived your entire lives in a massive bond bubble
it's funny that you think bitcoin etf managers in Hong Kong are concerned with these transaction fees that will prevent you from purchasing coffee with their new king made store of value asset class. comical!!
>mempool clogs
yes anon, this is the problem, It can't scale, gratz for finding out
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VINU is somehow doing better than BTC and it's a funny dogcoin
This problem has been solved by Kaspa, Monero and Bitcoin Cash

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Let's coof up our own catcoin to 1bil

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If I eat the hairballs will I accrue assets ?

Will my contributions help this kitty expel whatever ails him?
I’d consider paying in if it got this kitty help and some gains

What flavors does coof have to offer for my assets put in? Why should I coof for the kitties ?
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Cat has coof and sick he needs ur contributions to stop coofin
coofin hard
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Why are you creating clearlly rugpulls when legit memecoins like MAGA TRUMP are still making it?
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>He doesn’t know we’re coming for keyboard cat

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Honestly i don't understand. Especially a loud minority and "artists" that just yap the same "argument" over and over without understanding it's evolution or the fact that there's different types of AI that do different things.
Like dude, the one that makes song covers and voices in general IS NOT THE SAME AS THE ONE THAT GENERATES IMAGES
Seriously they'll bitch about anything, even if it's something they know NOTHING about. Recently i made thread about AGRS on twitter and some random loser decided to reply to every single person that commented my post and complain and cry about it like a child on acids. Someone asked this rando if they knew what we were talking about and effectively they didn't, but continued to yap for an hour. I personally didn't participate til i told her to "kys", she blocked me and i got a twitter warning lmao

See what i mean?
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Your friends are chads, all the programmers i know had a meltdown when chatgpt or other program learned how to code lmfao
I like it because it gives me opportunities to just bulk download good ai generated pron when it leaks and gets uploaded somewhere. I've seen some thats good and they don't have fucked up hands or nothing. Why would I care if some paypig simps pay for it.

Last I checked deviant art does have filters for AI and tags and stuff for it. Sure I imagine some don't honestly label some things which are generated. Are they supposed to be great about hunting down all AI images which are not labeled as such? Sounds costly and futile. Like they should have a bunch of vigilant AI-jannies Just for the sake of appeasing the feelings of smug narcissist artists and their nonsensical self-centered ideals on the subject? It's a losing position for the artfags. Its not that I can't empathize with feeling that way, but its just a futile position. Original cavemen didn't get paid for doodling on the cave wall either, nor did he bash the skull of other ooga boogas who copied his style. He was too honest and humble to presume to own the abstract non-scarce ideas that went into his cave wall doodles.

>AI art on their site and get ads or have your own work USED as AI feeding material.
Artists learn by copying other artists anyways. I don't favor artificial scarcity caused by the special protectionism of IP law. It is cringe and makes the world less prosperous.
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it was mostly freelance artists bitching because they're basically gonna lose their job but now the voice actors joined too.
In the next 2 years, you will see musicians and callcenter people start to seethe
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they are instinctually hostile to anything that threatens their worldview and sense of self-worth. they don't have the curiosity to look directly and perceive these things for what they are. over time blurry and peripheral threats surround them, sets them on a singular straight path like blinders on a horse. could be a righteous path, could be off a cliff, but to them it is what it is.
Nobody is against AI, only lousy whores and poorfags
In fact, AI changed crypto and it's a vital part of projects like Truflation who uses data learning machines to condense macroeconomic data

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Do cryptobros really
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>So I start making excuses, putting the cold shoulder, avoid all confrontation
Feminine behavior. Just fucking break up with her you pussy. Why are you being all gay and passive by not directly telling her to fuck off?
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You mother fucker you had me up until ssnc lmfao fuck you
any man fawning over an altcoin like eth is too high erogen to be a husband anyway
if you need a prenup dont marry the woman

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Sell your hbar right now. Top is in
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i've seen this image multiple times on biz but i still can't find the source anyone kind enough to tell me the source?
transgender mysterio
thanks OP, topped off on my hbar, this is a bottom signal im pricing in
-And then buy some VINU, you'll make way more money
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>the VINU fag is back
You’re holding the wrong dog brother

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>gf says "our Bitcoin"
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Aren't you being a bit too mean?
gf said my MUMU is my MUMU and her salary is her salary, so it's a win/win situation
Jokes on you, bitcoin is my wife
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>mom asks if i can sell some satoshisync's BRC20s to do grocery

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Who else is just holding? I haven't touched any of my wallets since 2021. They're all off exchanges, so all funds are safu.
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I don't own a single LINK. My entire portfolio is BTC, ETH, and an altcoin that nobody on /biz/ has talked about since the last bull cycle.
Which alt coin is it? If it's not too big of a secret
i bet it's vechain or something
never selling (at least my btc holdings, the rest it'll depends)
if it goes to 1k, or 10 millions, not selling
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I'm holding my MUMU since launch, things are going well, not so bad, I'm buying more now

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Why yes i buy high and sell low, how can you tell?
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I'm still waiting for bitcoin to fall to $10k
>sell low
Sometimes i wonder where i went wrong for that to be the best strategy for me currently, i miss being able to create funny shit on pinksale
you need to improve your information sources and your mental bro, this has happened to all of us and it is something that can be overcome. Learn to read statistics, use truflation or tradingview, read books to have a serene mentality and you will notice the difference.
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omfg yes, blocklords is one of my tools of choice, since their token is not out yet and they are making collabs with other games.
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That's what literally Dexview tries to prevent giving you real-time updates on your tokens

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Should I buy a duplex/triplex, live in one unit, then rent out the others?

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>he didn't sell the news
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>wake up
>check mail
>"CCIP GA is out" (11 hours ago)
>about to check out cmc
>slightly hesitate for a second, mentally preparing myself for the green dildo
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every time I dca the price drops after
I don't do it manually btw

Can any schizo's tell me the significance of link launching GA on 4\24\2024.

Also surely the "variable apy" didn't get finagled to mean variable based on staked link instead of variable based on ccip fees. R...right bro's?
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Maybe coins like Wzrd or pups will 10x at peak of bullrun
His asshole
based number schizo
the last line dipshit
$2.16 USD eoy confirmed...

insider info. ccip ga is now.
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bearish as shit. should i kms now?
I'm so excited for you kids. Chainlink is next fucking gen.
I give it 12-24 months until we make it. If we haven't made it by EOY 2026 then I'll sell my whole stack - screenshot this post fuddies.
how tf I'm gonna last this long?
You've already lasted 6 years, what's another two?
He is a big guy

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Are pajeets the ultimate business men? They don't really have a soul. They don't appreciate art. They don't care if people die. They're perfect.
If they are so good at business how come nobody wants to do business with them?
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never do business with a jeet unless you want to lose all your money and end up grinding in blocklords for pennies, I tell you from experience.
This bull run is ironically all about getting far away from jeets and their networks as possible
>They're perfect.
Lol no. The word "jeeted" exists for a reason. You guys just don't have the necessary intestinal fortitude for crypto trading.

remember ark looool
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central banks are tightening the money supply and you still think the normies are coming?
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you are not liquidated yet are you?
No but im down so fucking much and now people are saying the crash has only just begun. Im fucking sad
it has to bounce at least a bit, don't know if it reaches 18 cents but surely around 15
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at this point ill just keep looking into more ai related shit since normies usually don't understand it or avoid it
honestly with all these influencers talking about it its a blessing but a curse at the same time
if i suddenly saw a bunch of retards coming to check AGRS
on one hand: gold
on another: idiots invading my space
so liquidity gongo up, but how does this affect my bitcoin stocks?

AI drug discovery and testing is going to be huge. the boomers going to dump everything into 'in silico' tailored gene therapies and drug cocktails so they can keep the dick working right up until their heart valves seize up.

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Chainrink isa decentralized borokchain orakru netuwok buirt on sorana.[3][4] the netuwok isu intended to be used to faciritate the turansferu of tamperu-proof datah from offu-chain sorses to onu-chain smart conutrakto.
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Not sneeded, I would much rather use truflation than going back to chainkek
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I am financially ruined
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it was fake retards
At least is not pulling a truf move lol, lmao even
blackrock are not in the business of making you rich. they will use every trick possible to enrich themselves and their shareholders, at your expense
It wasn't fake it was just widely misinterpreted. Archax tokenized BlackRocks fund on the Hedera network. Arachax talked to BlackRock and said hey "we're doing this are you cool with it" and BlackRock said "yeah we're cool with it and we can sign your press release." That's pretty much the entire story. BlackRock didn't reach out to anyone or specifically ask for Hedera. But because everyone is retarded, myself included for initially misunderstanding the relationship, the truth of the matter is being overlooked.

Archax tokenizing this fund is a great development on Hedera. Archax is the only FCA regulated exchange, broker, and custodian for digital assets. They have real investors with real size and they're providing them the funds they want on Hedera because they personally think its the best choice.

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>he didnt slurp the zuck stock

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Where were you?
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>down 20% in a week is a lot
>down 25%
boomers are cute
Loosing my job
>thread 14 hours old
>8 replies

Seriously why do you losers even bother?
In 2008 I was in high school working at Burger King, and I distinctly remember thinking about how I couldn't even tell there was a crash or a recession happening

"Must be a rich people problem"

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