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Who else is just holding? I haven't touched any of my wallets since 2021. They're all off exchanges, so all funds are safu.
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I don't own a single LINK. My entire portfolio is BTC, ETH, and an altcoin that nobody on /biz/ has talked about since the last bull cycle.
Which alt coin is it? If it's not too big of a secret
i bet it's vechain or something
never selling (at least my btc holdings, the rest it'll depends)
if it goes to 1k, or 10 millions, not selling
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I'm holding my MUMU since launch, things are going well, not so bad, I'm buying more now

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Should I buy a duplex/triplex, live in one unit, then rent out the others?

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>he didn't sell the news
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>wake up
>check mail
>"CCIP GA is out" (11 hours ago)
>about to check out cmc
>slightly hesitate for a second, mentally preparing myself for the green dildo
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every time I dca the price drops after
I don't do it manually btw

insider info. ccip ga is now.
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bearish as shit. should i kms now?
I'm so excited for you kids. Chainlink is next fucking gen.
I give it 12-24 months until we make it. If we haven't made it by EOY 2026 then I'll sell my whole stack - screenshot this post fuddies.
how tf I'm gonna last this long?
You've already lasted 6 years, what's another two?
He is a big guy

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Are pajeets the ultimate business men? They don't really have a soul. They don't appreciate art. They don't care if people die. They're perfect.
If they are so good at business how come nobody wants to do business with them?
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never do business with a jeet unless you want to lose all your money and end up grinding in blocklords for pennies, I tell you from experience.
This bull run is ironically all about getting far away from jeets and their networks as possible
>They're perfect.
Lol no. The word "jeeted" exists for a reason. You guys just don't have the necessary intestinal fortitude for crypto trading.

remember ark looool
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central banks are tightening the money supply and you still think the normies are coming?
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you are not liquidated yet are you?
No but im down so fucking much and now people are saying the crash has only just begun. Im fucking sad
it has to bounce at least a bit, don't know if it reaches 18 cents but surely around 15
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at this point ill just keep looking into more ai related shit since normies usually don't understand it or avoid it
honestly with all these influencers talking about it its a blessing but a curse at the same time
if i suddenly saw a bunch of retards coming to check AGRS
on one hand: gold
on another: idiots invading my space
so liquidity gongo up, but how does this affect my bitcoin stocks?

AI drug discovery and testing is going to be huge. the boomers going to dump everything into 'in silico' tailored gene therapies and drug cocktails so they can keep the dick working right up until their heart valves seize up.

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Chainrink isa decentralized borokchain orakru netuwok buirt on sorana.[3][4] the netuwok isu intended to be used to faciritate the turansferu of tamperu-proof datah from offu-chain sorses to onu-chain smart conutrakto.
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Not sneeded, I would much rather use truflation than going back to chainkek
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>he didnt slurp the zuck stock

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Where were you?
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>down 20% in a week is a lot
>down 25%
boomers are cute
Loosing my job
>thread 14 hours old
>8 replies

Seriously why do you losers even bother?
In 2008 I was in high school working at Burger King, and I distinctly remember thinking about how I couldn't even tell there was a crash or a recession happening

"Must be a rich people problem"

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In a few months people will look back on the massive degenerate crypto party in dubai while it floods as a huge top signal

I emotionally traded and attempted to time the market for the last two years. I was here when btc was 15k. I literally made no money since then despite having 100k to play with (still have just 100k).
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Get some fresh shitcoin from satoshisync, who knows maybe that's what you actually need
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ur lucky af lil nigga
take the chance to invest on projects memecoins and such, have some variety in your wallet, perhaps look for AI related projects and coins like AGRS$ and such
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>i've made 15k with 500 just copytrading on dexview
senpai you're retarded, thanks for the ego boost i was feeling down
felt stupid until i enlarged your picture and you just kept the transparent placeholder background in as is. you make me feel smart, anon.
I already have a shit ton of coins at hand bro, i don't think i'll make it with this. I'm thinking of making my own coin but i don't know much about this shit, while i learn the ropes, is there any way that AI can help develop one or mantain it or whatever?

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bitcoin is about to fall off the fucking cliff
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Just bought another $5k

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I'm only 26 and my entire family's financial situation is so bad that it's causing me to be in a permanent state of FUD. I feel like I am being mentally raped by merely existing. Parents have six figures of debt, relatives are becoming poorer every time I see them, grandparents are literally pissing away any chance of an inheritance. I did nothing wrong, I did everything society expected of me. Got great grades, went to college, followed my dreams, and now I am useless and soon to be impoverished. My life is over. No one in my entire family even seems to care anymore, they're more blackpilled than I am at this point.

I have a bit of savings but that's it, I can't see my situation improving once it inevitably starts evaporating like everything else I know and love.
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I wonder, are there any mental health professionals that are actually, truly mentally well adjusted?
By which I don't mean whether they're able to fool people into thinking that they are thanks to years of training in the field. Almost all of them can do that.
Another way to ask that question might be: Are there any mental health professionals that got into it for reasons other than their own mental damage?
Get a job and invest gradually in memecoins since you are looking for quick money, which can still fuck you up. I will advise you to go for altcoins like AAST and XRD with long-term potential.
well my father can't work because he died of cancer last year
Falling Down. Yeezy mentioned it in a song

>Time to take it too far now.
>Michael Douglas out the car now
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i almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
>I did nothing wrong, I did everything society expected of me
cap, also people who actually do that don't boast about it. at least you can see beyond your own existence and acknowledge the struggles of your family an others so you're not a narcissist douchebag. but that aint enough
you gotta be smarter than that. you said you went to college and shit yet your about to fully enter poverty as you said
So what are you gonna do? what are your options? did you consider any at all? did you search for alternatives? other jobs? invest into stocks, coins, memecoins ai assisted ones like AGRS$, projects, etc? cuz it sounds like your ass is settling for nothing without even trying
you assume you have no alternatives so you do nothing and wait for death. goddamn loser ahh behavior

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Thank fucking god I didn't fell into shitlink trap or blocklords trap, I remember 1 month ago, you faggots were shilling that shit A LOT, literally 3 of 5 threads on /biz/ were about those 2 fucking projects, thank god for the email verification as well, I'm seeing less and less bots and jeets shilling their shit
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ok :(
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buying LINK is worse than taking fentanyl
I keep seeing an abnormal amount of threads about APUs
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So what now? Where will ICP go from here?
It reclaimed the mid teens, beat the linkies in price action, and continues to develop new bleeding edge tech.
Was $2,000 ICP actually a premonition?

Normally i’d say “Inb4 fiverr jeets/turks post $.03” but I dont have that concern as those niggers arent able to post anymore, kek.

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It’s actually crazy how much FUD was in these ICP threads in the past, now it’s dropped to almost zero, no more annoying green texts about it being a VC scam, no more mentions of other coins, this shit rocks.
I was against the email thing at first but I run a pass so it doesn’t even affect me. The quality of this board has increased.
13k pees
i continue to buy
Based, do you stake any or all liquid? About a third of mine are 8yg never dissolve.
same pretty much

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100x short opened
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the hebrews grabbed OP's cash and left
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Bought when it was on 0.0700, sell on 0.18
this shit its too easy, you retards really don't know how to make money, or are actually biztards who holds SUPER waiting for a miracle kek
well that's a full-fledged x2, how much did you win?
buy high, sell low KEK

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>TJ shill
>doesn't know who the TJ team consist of or their history
>surprised they created an incentive program to scam any retards dumb enough to listen to another one of their schemes while they dump
>still posting on /biz/ wen jannies successfully nuked this shit board
couldn't be me
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>TJ shill
just stating that Trader Joe is the best DEX with the highest volume and TVL on Avalanche makes one a shill?
>doesn't know who the TJ team consist of or their history
you mean how they kept improving the DEX and kept their Number 1 DEX position ever since they chased Pangolin out of town? that indeed is an impressive History. What I liked most was the pump from 2 cent JOE to $5 JOE.
>surprised they created an incentive program
we already had this, this comes from Ava Labs not from Trader Joe. the question is why they didnt tell Emin to fuck off.
>while they dump
Nobody is dumping anything, thats why the trading volume is so low.
learn 2 read next time you try to write a reply.
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>I'm not a TJ shill, I just cant stop fondling their balls every chance I get when literally nobody asked, while they scam millions of dollars
>>nobody is dumping anything
>Avax price at the beginning of their memecoin rush scamcentive - $60
>Avax price rn - $36
Lol. Lmfao. Even.
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she hungers
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>when literally nobody asked
impossible to talk about Avalanche DeFi without mentioning Trader Joe.
all the action happens on TJ.
>nobody is dumping anything
the entire market dumped not just AVAX. so you cant blame this on the "memerush" or Ava Labs, Emin or TJ.
>Avax price rn - $36
I'm buying more cheap AntiVAX tokens feels good man

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>tfw my networth is only 50% of what it was from the 2021 peak
what about you anon?
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post proof or larp
I’m not posting my wallet but just check the chart for LGCY. I road it and RSR to the top, threw everything into LGCY and am now a bag holder. APU is the only reason I’m at $20k
$42k -> $180k
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i'm beating it. ended up rotating most earnings into chainlink, which dropped bigly, but didn't completely die like most alts.
since then i've rotated mostly back into various alts.
>he didn't make any profit and is projecting

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Thinking of selling all my ETH and putting it into low cap AI tokens. Convince me not to
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go for it anon, those things are way better than memecoins or shitcoins.
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>skynet is using coins to distract us from it's agenda
what if the dead internet theory is real?
are being spoon fed by AI on the internet?
Just get squid bro
I'm thinking about doing the same, swaping all my shit into $TRUF, since I've seen a lot of retards shilling that shit here
Just do what works for you, for me am buying more AAST

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