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Any ideas for an AI app that can help you shill your memecoins or whatever the fuck you guys are doing here?
noncognizant npcs are basically ai in skin suits that shill meme coins.
it's already being done. actual robots can and are doing the same thing. no need for more robots in these field, anon.

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you can sell now at 63k or at 32k next few weeks
your choice really
itll go back up to 65k and youll have 80% of the board screaming that youd have to be an idiot to think it wont be going to 100k or higher before christmas
We're obviously ranging before a massive May dump.
If it dumps to 32k I'd be funneling every last penny I had into it you mong, not selling.
so, a couple grand tops?

I'm like 95% all in at this point, dips barely help me enlarge my position
If it dumbs to $32K, I'll simply just buy more op, why wouldn't I buy on sale lol, also I'm not looking the chart 24/7 like you, I spend my free time grinding on blocklords to get even more money while you wait for BTC to dumb

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$4chan on eth. Can get it on 4exc.com, uniswap, or Lbank. Get contract address from coingecko or coinmarketcap. It's so degenerate, mentioning it by name gets you autobanned.
Also this.
get yourself some LRDS, and start grinding in the game
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it's not a lot of money honestly, instead of “investing” in something to make money like SSNC, TRX, XRM or similar, you should try to learn a trade or take a course to have a stable source of money
actually good advice here
in nothing lol

lesson in there

XRP won't either. ICP probably neither. Don't fall for stuff with crazy high fully diluted valuations, they only make the insiders rich.

So many biz anons fall for it for years because the schizo theories are fun and suit them well. It's all BS and you're missing out on serious profits.

Charts don't lie.
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>t. didn't read the whitepaper
>he unironically reads whitepapers
I do - you should too. Inform yourself or somebody else will.
>the tech
the only tech is whatever people are buying the most, nobody gives a shit about tech, look at bitcoin, slow ass expensive piece of shit, cost more to send than the amount you send in small cases
but it's the king because everyone knows it, it is THE crypto
that's why meme coins are great because they are honest, all these utility coins are just meme coins in disguise making their teams rich as fuck
go buy Apu
>look at bitcoin, slow ass expensive piece of shit
Do you have even the faintest idea why it's slow and expensive? Do you have any idea what PoW secures? Bitcoin is king precisely because of 'the tech', you dribbling retard.

HBAR full retrace
what the fuck happened lol
a full retrace back to 3c ami-ami

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$14.88 Stablecoin
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>ETHtards got rich in 3 fucking years
ETH $10 buyers got a 100x at the 2017/18 picotop back to an 8x in the next bear. LINK $0.50 buyers got a 100x too, back to about 10x.
Very few people got ETH below $10 and very few got LINK below $0.50
>paying $88 a swap
KEK no
I only bought 16k... my dca is also exactly 50c lol
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well, I'd rather see it at $14-15 stable than to see it start to go down. It's the same for me with XRP and SUPER, both refuse to pump but at least they are not dumping

>Bitcoin dumps
>Chainlink announces CCIP
Crazy coincidence
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I'm so fricking sick of chainshit baggarinos starting threads I just want to be able to talk about epic memecoins with my heckin pals and now I can't.
Only 2 fuddies left huh
No one cares except you, dumb fucking baggie lmfao
coincidence? you think it is a coincidence? do you think it is a coincidence that just before the return of the NFT I am buying SUPER?

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$2.5 Waiting Room Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)

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Hello this is a precious test
Just got a new job! I start monday. Gonna be stackin like no tomorrow here soon. Stacked 20k in 9 months last year, already seen 12% "return". Our entire economy is fake and gay and the only way to make it is to save more than the competition.
George Washington and Adolf Hitler
Nicely done, those are some serious numbers you're hitting.

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now that all the indians have been BTFOd by email verification we can have some serious discussion about the next eth. also this board is fucking healing again. feels like 2019 bear market days where a shit ton of alpha was dropped. props to jannies for finally doing something right.
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ICP is legit and Moonman is a chad
if you say that icp is the next eth, do you think that it will follow eth's trajectory? so far it seems to be lagging behind where eth was in terms of returns.
tokenomics are different. Market is different. Who knows
ICP is the future and the past, follow the piss
different paths to get there. ethereum had the full defi summer in swing which brought its biggest return % wise. ICP will do it by being the biggest L2 for bitcoin.

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im starting to think that it dumps every wednesday to make me sell and then pumps on friday or dumps even harder to make me want to kill myself. down 90% from my ath

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Why is ETH/BTC getting cucked so hard?
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lack of normies, but I don't care much when rn I'm doing a speedrun in pinksale, I'm not going to retire without making a coin and winning just a little bit of money with it
Why are people holding BTC and ETH when there other alts to buy into.
cuz we arnt broke
Aren't they kind of the blue chips of crypto? Is there a serious reason not to?
Besides ETH's shit gas prices, I mean. But BTC at least seems pretty constant.
kys u should be ashamed for posting such a fag image

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>2$ eom
i left LITESHIT a long time ago when SUPER came out and personally, i'm doing better
litecoin was always a boomercoin and a honeypot for retards
Its amazing how we're still seeing threads about lite tbf
super is currently rugging idk what are you talking about anon
I find it hard to believe that there are people who still hold litecoin.
>>crabs around $70 for the next 8 months until it pumps back to $85 by EOY
hopefully it will remain stable at $50

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G I V E. I T. B A C K.

>900 ICP is my whole portfolio
this man could ruin me
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icp and btc are the only fundamentals plays in crypto right now. unless something really bad happens youll be fine.
Investing in ICP now is like investing in Bitcoin 1939
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only 900?
the only man who is ruining you is yourself, diversify that portfolio with some SOL and SSNC or you will regret it.

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>blackrock and hbar link up
>edf and hbar link up
>hbar chads stay winning
crypto incels seethe
I don't get it, is this a type of cope post or something? An attempt at revisionist history? Some investment company with investment in HBAR creates their own tokens to represent a Blackrock ETF holdings, mails Blackrock saying "uh we've made tokens to represent our holdings of your fund, is that ok?" and gets no response and then they tweet out "hey we partnered* with Blackrock to bring their assets on chain (*We made tokens they didn't ask for or approve but since they didn't say we can't do it we just are assuming that's them saying it's all good) and artificially pump the HBAR token then dump it on retail for profits and this is bullish now? Meanwhile Blackrock is not even aware any of this is happening. That's bullish?
no fud ser
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>500b aum mEaNs NoThInG
Kys incel. BR linked up with hbar and your dogshit token will fade to obscurity
fuck off, hbar retards. we're not falling for ur fake news.

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Between TRUMP and PEPE, which is the better buy?
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>Post release Gravity Labs
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>Between TRUMP and PEPE
Kek why buy such shitcoins when you could buy drooling retards like r o j a k
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>Every solshitter TG
>"I wish I had more liquid to buy the dip"
Motherfucker you don't need more liquidity, you need a fucking job.
trying to get a job, its not looking good. hundreds of apps and not a single interview yet. im unironically about to take my last 30k and backpack around SEA for the next few years and look for work out there. Ill take being a rural chicken farmer in Myanmar at this point
>pork, 2 eggs, and fake cheese on a sandwich
What inbred culture is this from?
New Hope, Pennsylvania

Is there a way to bet Crypto on the upcoming election? I think this is on topic because we had threads about it last time
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You're welcome
This is looking like the best so far
didnt this actually happen tho

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unless 15k support is not broken were in a bullmarket

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anyone else in?
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how is this thread still up. is biz dead?
bump i guess, one last chance to buy in.
well anon biz has really gone down the drain. at least you'll make it

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