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What was this, the Pissverse? Unironically, though, what was the gimmick here with everyone turning yellow? Some kind of fear wave overtaking the planet?
Batman doesn't respect GL, when he and Robin have a meeting with Green Lantern they paint everything yellow before the meeting to fuck with him. This is a fresh Robin that's just gotten combat training but still isn't over his parents' recent death too. They get in a big dumb arguement, Robin channels Batman's contempt and kicks GL's ass but goes too far with a killing technique.
He's a trauma kid, Miller is a good writer and people are uneducated.

That type of impulsivity is seen in kids with ptsd and trauma.
When was this printed?
Circa 2005

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Frozen Core Edition
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>oil painting, 2girls, Elsa from Frozen, Wonder Woman from DC Comics (50s comic book style), clone of herself, standing in kitchen, embracing each other, faces close to each other, romantic eye contact, lustfully looking at each other

It gets dogged sometimes, but it does work
Thank you!
You’re welcome! Hope you like it!
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I think you need to re-watch "Fire Made Flesh" and "Remember It" at any rate allow me to reminder you about a few things. First of all we don't know when the switch between Maddie and Jean took place thus scott does not know if he married jean's clone or jean herself. Granted he and maddie did share a psychic rapport and jean did lasher out at scott one she found about it, but scott said he he's been checking in on for maddie for the past month and when jean asked if he loves her at all he says he loves her and maddie.

Therefore scott was conflicted between maddie and jean the thing to keep in mind is that jean, scott and maddie are all victims of Sinister since they were all manipulated by him. Thus scott's emotions/behaviour is actually understandable and forgivable all things all considered, at any rate he and maddie did NOT have sex but simply shared a a psychic rapport wit each other.

And this brings us to OMD and my point when mephisto offered peter the deal peter HAD a choice he did NOT have to accept the deal since he did have a choice and yet he did accept the deal. Thus peter destroyed/undid his marraige and his life since he did accept the deal. From my point of view peter's behaviour/choice is unforgivable since his choice was selfish and since he did have a choice in the matter.

But Scott's, maddie.and jean's behaviour on the other hand is Understandable since they were all victims of sinster manipulated by him and therefore they had no control over what happened to them.
It's a similar thing when it comes to the comics remember the recton of the the phoenix saga. Here we found out that the Phoenix Force duplicated jean's body and became her since it believed to be jean. While the real Jean was at the bottom Jamaica Bay, in a cocoon healing herself.

This the part which makes me pround of jean Upon its suicide by way of a disintegration ray, the Phoenix Force dispersed into its original form and a fragment located the still-healing Jean at the bottom of Jamaica Bay. In trying to bond with her, Jean sensed its memories of death and destruction as Dark Phoenix and reject, it. So basically jean told the Phoenix Force to fuck off when it tried to bond with her.

Now did Peter Parker tell Mephisto to fuck off when he offered him the deal no he did not and this is why I like X-Men better then Spider-Man.

Again jean, scott and maddie actions are all understandable since they were all manipulated by Sinister. But peter's choice regarding his marraiage when it comes to his deal with Mephisto is NOT Understandable or forgivable at all so quite frankely fuck Peter Parker, And ALL hail X-Men for all time.
Or maybe that's what are fans are supposed to think still the day may just arrive in which we find out the jackal did clone MJ yes Marvel is that stupid enough to make it canon.
>scott said he he's been checking in on for maddie for the past month and when jean asked if he loves her at all he says he loves her and maddie.

Peter Parker, meanwhile, is a committed guy.

Instead of robotboy, Professor Moshimo sent tommy Robotgirl on learning to be a real girl.

Would the series be the same or different than the original?

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>would he feel offended or amazed that a electronic worker manage to (somewhat) replicate his technology?
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>an older Robotgirl would dress up in punk clothes and acting tomboyish but still her clothes are still pink so if there is a Drawfag reading this please do draw this idea
>tfw ywn a punk tomboy robo gf
Who the fuck is this picture of
I keep seeing it
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Old Mecha Sonic from the IDW Sonic comics
>”I’ll crush you!”

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Draw their demonic offspring
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>This whole thread
Fuck Valve indeed. They were the reason why we didn’t get a TF2 series.

Valve and Adult Swim made a deal on episode lengths and commercial lengths.

I think it was like 10 or 12 minute episodes? Then Valve kept pushing for longer and longer times (without taking commercials into consideration as well) to the point that AS couldn’t make it work.
That shit sounds gayer than this thread!

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Charles Xavier: Sentinel X?

Also in this thread: Sabretooth War continues!

Comics in this thread:
>Rise of the Powers of X #4
>X-Men Forever #2
>Avengers #13
>Wolverine #48
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nostalgia minis get their own storytime
Do we know if it's set in the past or not
he does his own thing like a real mugger
leave him be
better question is did Doug do a single thing in the entire Krakoa era besides marrying his large wife
He was more or less just a mouthpiece for Krakoa, just sitting in the background most of the time. I guess the biotech they used was developed with his help, but that hardly counts since it happened entirely off-panel.

imps butt
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Sometimes I post to help me masturbate
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How come no one ever talks about Moxxie killing 3 imps 5 times his size in close combat without breaking a sweat?
Because the show treats him as a joke in most other instances
You can think of him as well above average, but he's surrounded by people at the top, I think.
That and no story ever keeps power levels consistent, it's all to do with what the plot demands.
ntr moxxie with millie

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Clover get TikTok
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>in 2024
Most animated shows can barely get out 13 eps nowadays
french power
Those ladies look oddly different?
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>Villain steals Sam's talent
>Someone dangles a ball on the end of a string in front of her
>Instantly hypnotized and defeated
So Mandy is a tsudere

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What a fucking mistake
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This movie doesn't hold up compared with the first Dreamworks/PDI efforts like Antz and Shrek. Even Madagascar, released one year after Shrek 2, has more charm and witty than Shrek 2. They should be made before Tusker instead of this.
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If it wasn't for Shrek 2 then we wouldn't have Puss in Boots.
If we didn't have Puss in Boots then we wouldn't have the greatest character from his extended media.
I am talking about Death wolf lobo of course. he is so cool straight up for real for real.
That's what your parents said when you were born.
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BAHAHA! I know you ain't talkin' about Shrek 2!

ITT: Scenes that made you shit bricks when you were young.
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Holy shit I forgot Rob Paulsen was in this. Reminds me of his voice acting as the MC in this game.
I know any one of you got turned on by this clown guy.
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When Ursula gets huge and then gets impaled by the ship's bowsprit.
Shit was terrifying.
This shit, I think studios realized it and eventually somewhat updated it with rock rendition of the intro theme to make it less creepy.

So like, no one cares about the Legion of Super Heroes, right?
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>TT that height
You’re a massive faggot

But the jsa is great.
Justice League basically has nothing decent before Crisis. Haney Titans is amusing and Wolfman Titans is aged but still more notable than anything JLA precrisis.
And post? JLI and Morrison's run is all.
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Why aren't you like a big sheep, just with like eyes cut in and going like woooooooo? I mean why is that? I mean that's like a ghost!
redpill me on that?
Why so many, DC?

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It's just a bit too easy, and the original panels are already funny on their own. I think memes are good when the punchline isn't on face value and it uses regular/unfunny material
Also a hack artist.
Impressively disingenuous; I can see how someone as blinkered as the person who replied to you might even believe you're pro-palestine. You get an 8!
I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure in that comic strip he knew she had a penis. I knew, I was just a degenerate who thought it’d be hot. But confronted with the reality…it was not.
Well, this thread was already derailed by /pol/ shit so…
>meet cute girl on Facebook
>chat her up, eventually ask her out
>says she’s trans
>eh I’ve choked the chicken to tranny porn and I’m a 21st century man what could go wrong?
>go out, have great time, she’s really cool
>start making out in my car
>have weird feeling, like my brain isn’t accepting what my eyes are seeing, my brain is saying “this is a guy”, eyes are saying “girl”
>go back to her place, get naked
>heart sinks, this isn’t like my animes
>still had sex tho, just avoided penis
>brain confusion getting worse, really sinks in I’m balls deep in a guy
>come, never felt more disgusted with myself than I had in that moment

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Captain Marvel #7
Avengers United #28
Spider-Woman #6
The Avengers #13
Avengers United #29

Last week's thread: >>143220247
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>They keep sabotaging each other before they can even get close
Japanese women consistently top tier Marvel artists. I wonder why
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Man, this was fucking worthless dogshit on just about every level. But at least it's finally over after four grueling years.
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But the Shaman is Leo and Mirage Donnie will still return to his scientific work.

In the early IDW story, IDW Donnie is more keen on using technology, IDW Leo also learned mystic and spiritual skills from Splinter earlier than the other three. There is no reason to let IDW Leo to abandon his mystic skills. Now, he only has the title of leader. Oh, wait, he's not even the leader now, because everyone is separated.
>Is it possible to introduce a female turtle without this happening?

Yes Mutate April.
Oh they got called out on it. They got called out on it a lot. It's just that they ignored that fact and kept writing the shit they wanted for themselves and the people that called them out to begin with stopped buying and stopped reading the terrible comic.
Absolutely, but it also requires letting the story stop and breath on occasion, have characters actually develop and talk to each other instead of leaping face-first into another half-baked arc or big event that will just crowd up the cast and setting even more.

Jennika could have worked, but she was a clumsy addition with no real substance, and then Waltz mutated her, patted himself on the back because he imagined a version of the story where that made perfect sense that he didn't write, and then fucked off with zero intention to ever revisit her as a character. He spent all that time setting up Armageddon Game and forcing Jennika into things for years, and then he came back for his epic big event and she was just a background character and nothing else.
I still don't understand how this got greenlit since they aren't even proper legacy characters going by the story.

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Post wasted potential
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Anon I think I’ve told you this before given your autistic rage: DC doesn’t want to deal with the bad press and clickbait “outrage” from a backpedal given how people are. Any course correct would be seen as “oh DC must hate gay/bisexuals” or some other nonsense. They opted to just move on unfortunately and begrudgingly admit it was a bad choice to begin with. Tomasi even went to them asking to flesh out what Bendis and Taylor did, and they said no

So yeah, go blame cancel culture and journalism
chris kent
Anon I think I’ve probably told this to you but only people actively trying to keep Jon a teenager out of spite are trying to convince DC of this.

There would be zero outrage let alone negative sales impact. Teen Jon would very much still exist, just like the entire LOSH does. Meanwhile people who actually pay for and read comics would have kid Jon, super sons, Superman and action comics all back on their pull.

So, I repeat, only you paid employees who refuse to allow Jon to fixed say this. Whether your Paul kaminski, a paid poster working for Tom Taylor’s literary agent/agency, some DC a intern… I don’t care. You don’t actually believe this because it simply isn’t true.

Even most of the gay people love straight kid Jon. Nobody wanted him aged up and with straight kid Jon and gay teen Jon they get their cake and to eat it too. It is NO different than the chocolate/strawberry Wally situation.

>So yeah, go blame cancel culture and journalism
Why would I do that when the real blame belongs on the shoulders of bad actors like you invoking such a bogeyman as some form of threat?
what is Bendis up to these days now that hes been kicked out of both the big 2?
im guessing his indie comics dont have much pull with his name these days
Anon I’m trying to figure out if this a bit or legit schizo behavior. I’m literally giving you the reason straight from the horses mouth himself, the guy who wants it undone as much as anyone else. There’s no shilling, no conspiracy, just business and editorial choosing not to put up with the fallout of autism from course correcting. You’re a fan, and your perspective is not only limited but flawed.

I want young Jon back, Tomasi wants him back, he’ll editorial wants him back too because he sells (proven by the reprinted omnis of the run). Doesn’t change the fact that they made a bad call when Bendis & Taylor, and are stuck with the consequences. You’re only saying it’s an easy call because you want him back and don’t care about everything else needed to get to that point

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