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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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Is making Blingees a good way to get into /gd/?

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PS is for editing one still frame, how do you do this effect in sony vegas or after effects
I decided not to answer technical questions that the person didn't even online search before.
You mean adding a filter over your video?
Movies are just thousands of frames that move past the eye to create the illusion of movement.
Break your movie down into frames and apply the filter to every frame in photoshop.
Yeah, this is the easiest way to do it.

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ITT we post graphic designs related to transportation .
Here's my city's transportation systems' graphic identity manuals (they're in spanish but you can use deepl).
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>something has colors, therefore it's faggotry/troonery!!1!1!
you're a dumbass
Those designs were created long before you were even cum and that grooming cult decided to have a flag, dumbass zoomer
>Mexican city
>Mexican pink
>Some blue
Rent free
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Dutch traffic signs:

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Is MDE/Sam Hyde's current art style cool or embarrassing? Sincere and naive or ironic?
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Does Sam even do motion gfx anymore? Seems like he juat pays other people to do it now.
The stock is definitely in a downward trajectory. Only held up by sam being good at avoiding mainstream memes - these always die in cringe within long.
He still slips up, like when he allows his team to dub the massively overrused black man exaggerated laugh audio (the "oh no no no" one) into his videos.

Sam just isn't cutting edge any more, and he only focuses on perfecting what he sees as the peak of his aesthetic, and his advice giving internet dad persona. We don't need more of those. The only funny thing he's done in the last 5 years is the video from the boxing fight where he says he's coming for Hasan Piker "in real life"
World Peace graphics are still some of the best I've ever seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT8vPNsrACo
I forgot to mention the saddest part, these graphics were what Sam submitted that he made with Pomp&Clout but all the text and WP logos were erased and only the cast names left. Sad stuff.
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Have an updoot!

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You went to school for graphic design because it's your passion. Did you end up as a "Graphic Designer", or something else? How's that working out?
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>Graphic Design Degree
I mean, at least looking at my former classmates, maybe 10% of them (including myself) ended up making a living in the industry? Shit odds, but it works for some
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In my experience the most succesful designers/art students are the ones prone to globohomo culture and will work for corporations because the biggest added value of art school is not the skillset but the networking.

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How do I rotate this shit (I'm using a MacBook)
have you tried turning your device 90 degrees?
How new are you to this? The rotate button is literally in your screenshot.

what softwares do you use to create diagrams and documents and shit like that? like create custom reusable components, position them on a grid, custom page sizes, a pdf document, mix text and images, stuff like that

First real peace. Let me know what you think.

Good or bad?

Post also work my father made and I edited...
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Which scripture do you refer to ?
No scripture... Own experience and findings but my findings are that the universe is like a feather to god. Do you know why?

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How does the bridge between heaven, earth and hell look like?

What would your gate to heaven look like?
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Hello /gd/ I am coming here with a request today. Can you guys help me find the original picture and the original drawing of these 2 demo's from a French band called Peste Noire? I have been trying to find the original ones for a while now and I have not been able, using Google and Yandex, I even contacted someone who had the original tapes, but sadly they sold them by the time I asked him for the scans. Thanks for your time and effort! I really appreciate it!
Okay OP, all I have to do is apply my magical de-filter brush onto the pic and you'll be able to reverse image search the orginal in no time!

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>fellow designer and I were assigned to assist with designing some banners in Figma
>Fellow designer’s title is technically “Art director” so she often feels like she’s the senior or leader despite us sharing the same role on this project

>I make a set of banners
>next morning I find out she adjusted the headlines on most of my banners
>she has a tendency to do this on past projects we’ve worked on with Figma

Is this normal when working with Figma or is my coworker just being a cunt? I wouldn’t be so annoyed by her edits if they were actually good, but every design edit or suggestion she’s made was always poorly received. If I tell her a blend mode should be set to “Lighten” to get a certain look, she’ll say it should be set to “screen”. Then the next day she realizes it should be “lighten” after all. I’ve found her moving some elements into the bleed area of certain templates, just because I guess she thought it looked better, but obviously she didn’t bother to look up the specs of the template.
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order of hiring is irrelevant
if shes he director shes the fucking director
her changing shit is not a conflict with you, its just how she thinks it should go

i would suggest asking her why she made the changes she made - in a totally nonconfrontational style (to learn, to get projects flowing better, etc)

why is she the last person to touch something before its delivered?

so sounds like she is in fact the director.

if not, you need to talk to someone over both your heads abut clearing the heirarchy up.


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can Figma replace illustrator?
I'm so fucking done with Adobe
Depends on what you are using it for. Generally no. I was hoping the graphics tools would have improved if the Adobe merger went through.
this is the thing that pissed me off the most about that sale falling through. Figma's holes would be improved so so so much if adobe had taken over and implemented things they have perfected.
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it takes 2 women to make some banners!??!
imagine my shock

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These Ai programs are taking our jobs! How are we going to stop the Adobe Illustrator files from taking over?

I'm new at life. Can I just drag and drop PDFs or images or something from InDesign into a Microsoft 365 PowerPoint so I can actually use cool type faces and interesting lines and curved text and shit?

I've been searching how to do this, but all the sites do all kinds of complicated things where the exported files have to be converted or show up as links in the PP.

I'm new at everything and so scared it will fail during the day I present :....( :o
>so I can actually use cool type faces and interesting lines and curved text and shit?

You can't do that in InDesign?

who the hell designed the 4chan banners, they are so simple yet so fun

share some of your favorites
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does anyone have that one where it says in graffiti "FO CHAN" and its a nigger next to it
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The one with Calvin.

Anybody know how to recreate the circle pattern of this goreshit album in photoshop?
look up halftone effect
>come to this board for first time
>its 99% AI cucks
>the other 1% is actual retards asking shit like "where do I download this pattern" and the pattern is polka dot halftone

good board guys
>goes on board meant for graphic design
>goes on a thread asking how to remake said pattern

almost like its question about a design...in graphics...

actual retard
so when i started i would either use a halftone brush in photoshop, which are generally pretty easy to find, or define my own pattern and mess with it's scaling on my project. hope this helps

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