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File: balls.gif (346 KB, 500x506)
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346 KB GIF
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

1. Do not request. All requests belong in >>>/r/
2. Contribute 2 or more additional related images when starting a thread (in addition to the OP).
3. Report rule-breaking posts and threads. Use the inline extension for easier access to this feature (Settings>Recommended>Report Button>Save)
4. If you know the source of a given image, please provide it directly. Do not respond to sauce beggars.

The Global Rules apply as well. Provide good content and report infringing posts. You can hide this thread by clicking the "[-]" icon to the left.
Do NOT post threads / images about "teens", "young girls", "jailbait", "questionable age", or anything that could be construed as advocating pornography involving minors.

This includes questionable content from Omegle, Chatroulette, Gifyo, etc. This rule also applies to /b/. Don't take it there, don't even recommend that people post that shit there. We don't want it anywhere on this site.

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Russia went from the 2nd most powerful country on Earth to the 2nd most powerful country in Ukraine
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Post the REAL hook-up stories. More crazier the better. Bonus if with relevant webms.

I will start:

Hooked up with this girl while on a work trip. She was a tall, bit curvy, cute girl in her mid 20s. Matched on Tinder. She said her partner was asexual but she is horny all the time and was in an open relationship. Exchanged pics on snapchat. She sent her address. Drove to her place and we settled into her living room. After a bit of chatting, we started making out. Eventually, she took me to her bedroom. She stripped while I went down on her. I started fingering her initially with two fingers. She kept demanding for more fingers as she kept moaning harder and harder. Towards the end, I was fisting her as she cummed hard as her legs kept shaking. It was so hot.
30 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
No not really. I've mostly avoided ONS because I prefer developing feelings and intimacy with a person. But I guess there's a mutual agreement (said or unspoken) that you share a moment in time and that's it.
Work backwards from 3
>be me years ago
>at friends house for birthday party
>stupid drunk
>eventually people leave, we go to bed
>friend is kinda ghetto, she’s got two mattresses instead of a mattress/box spring.
>pulls mattress out and lays them next to each other
>she sleeps on one mattress with gay friend, I sleep on the other
>friends sister has no where to sleep
>hold out hand and shrug, suggest she sleeps in my bed
>kinda joking because we’ve said maybe a total of 4 words to each other
>to my surprise she agrees and crawls next to me, instantly cuddling
>start groping and shit eventually fucking
>friend and gay friend awake, don’t care keep going til we cum

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>I've mostly avoided ONS because I prefer developing feelings and intimacy with a person.
Same. I did have a sexual relationship with a girl when i was 17. It wasn't serious, just sex here and there for 2 years. And i fooled around with other girls too in the past. But i knew them. They were like buddies. Hooking up with a complete stranger...i am not judging...but...it would be totally awkward for me. Gotta get to know the other person first. And a 1 hour small talk before we get down to business isn't enough.
You were 100% being scammed, she prolly got preggo from whoever gave her chlamydia as well. Pregnancy tests require like a 2+ week waiting period before they are accurate.

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Post webm in which you want to be the girl.
Get webm reaction to that --> you have been made that girl.
Announce challenges,
maybe deploy rules
(Usually: 0-4 you are bottom, 5-9 you are top)
Or something like this.
Have fun!
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sauce plz ;)

Im your brother in christ, thats why im helping
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amen brother

Mammaries. The larger the better. Getting fucked, fondling, tit fucking doesnt matter any thing is fine as long as big tits are involved
65 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
Disappointing. You have an absolute buffet of titties in front of you and you awkwardly poke them and then shoot the weakest load ever.
need a name

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Quick Start Guide:

1. install Stable Diffusion webui (installation instructions on the git page): https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
2. install this extension (installation instructions on the git page): https://github.com/light-and-ray/sd-webui-replacer.git
3. install an inpainting model. Here is just one example: https://civitai.com/models/2661?modelVersionId=15670
4. in stable diffusion, open the Replacer tab and use the following options:
>detection prompt: bikini, white shorts, etc; simple is better. this will detect which areas to replace.
>positive prompt: RAW photo of a nude girl, naked
>negative prompt: ((clothing)), (monochrome:1.3), (deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), (hair), jeans, tattoo, wet, water, clothing, shadow, 3d render, cartoon, ((blurry)), duplicate, ((duplicate body parts)), (disfigured), (poorly drawn), ((missing limbs)), logo, signature, text, words, low res, boring, artifacts, bad art, gross, ugly, poor quality, low quality, poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy
>video: browse to the video you want to process

More in-depth guide with frame-by-frame processing:

Even more in-depth guide with ControlNet and AnimateDiff:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
132 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
I think this one was likely depth (depth-anything), probably normalmaps and a weak tile with a denoise around 80%. thats usually my go to workflow.
report back if you do please im curious.
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i used that comfy setup

i dont know what is the source lol

The age of AI,
What a time to be alive, young faggits.
alright you convinced me.. Im gonna figure out how to do this shit and start doing requests here for a little while for shits and giggles...

I stopped making my own sdg gens becuase so many folks here were contributing... I want to do this shit and recontribute for anons...

if theres any quick advice please lmk, otherwise im gonna continue what I did last time which was basically piecing this shit together little by little until I fry my gpu .... anything helps thnx

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You know what to do
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Cant wait till Eves design gets ripped so he can start cooking.
Thank you.

I don't suppose you have Max as well?
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Post more of this species
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so how do they get rid of all that shit?
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Silly woman, the pajeets don't gather around in circles and squeeze out hot fresh cum into balloons, they already have that shit prepared in a jar due to years upon years of cooming
Not even the Mossad would torture this information from me, yet here she is singing about this like it's a memory of her birthday

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you get new villagers for your island by going to random islands and the ones you find are random, I guess it was a rare or specific villager he wanted
A few autistic retards are supposed to represent the fall of man? All the other shit happening in the world and this is what is supposed to worry me? All this new age hipster shit about gender and diversity and male toxicity being such a big fucking deal that it's being taught in work places and the military, and this is the autistic retard you want me to worry about? The downfall of man has everything to do with liberalism, gender identity, new age feminist that really want a matriarchy not equality. We fucked with and crossed too many boundaries and now we're paying for it. We got too comfortable.
This is true but it’s tard happiness which is based upon obliviousness.
hes also lost every single valorant games hes played
its fake
You think this is what he sounds like during sex?

Doing Hot Latex Things
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Anyone have any latex breathplay webms/gifs to share?

Post anything new and old with bwc white men with any woman and raceplay etc
272 replies and 137 images omitted. Click here to view.
the olgierd everec as seen in the paul mitchell book
Any more doja chat rooms vids?
he's got the wrong head size for it
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bleaching is father approved
His food and his women forged the British sailor into the greatest seafarer the world has seen

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>you just handed them a loaded gun
Want to calm down there drama faggot? No wonder why chicks are becoming more into black dudes. You're scared of a invisable gun.
>Hey, I'm going to sell my body for money
>Also, what I do with my body is nobody's business lmao.
>I'm going to change my body to something people don't like.
>Why aren't people spending as much money on the body I'm selling anymore?
>Why are people complaining that they can't buy what they want?
Is this bitch for real?
Unmasking as if it's a great mystery why being a prostitute is bad for you. Of course it's a fucking relationship destroyer, no high esteem man is going to want to date a slut. You will never pairbond with him unless he is also a slut, in which case, you deserve each other.

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Its been a few minutes
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Anyone has any Emma Langevin ones?
hey you retards
have you ever thought
just maybe
putting the AI voice together with the AI deepfakes??
That'd be so hot
it's an online saas thing and yes creating custom voices is paid

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No sissies, no shemales, no caged dicks, no white dicks!
Instead, try to post content that includes:
- Real life BMWF couples from instagram, tiktok, etc;
- Thots from instagram, tiktok, etc, hanging around with black guys (the more, the merrier);
- Women saying they prefer black guys (like the clips by quincybytheway and similar);
- Women wearing QOS tattoos, BLACKED underwear, etc;
- BMWF couples from TV shows, movies, etc;
- Women supporting Black Lives Matter, Refugees Welcome, etc;
- Public interracial sex caught on camera (it's okay if it's staged, as long as it looks real);
- Short clips from lesser known interracial porn (like the trailers that aria_six and Wond3rwoman00 post on their twitter);
- Compilations that combine the above elements (like the stuff posted by noirworldorder on twitter);
- Bonus points if the women have large natural breasts (let's try to avoid fake tits and small tits);
75 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
brown people are extremely good at suicide, fatherlessness, and being lgbtqiapf's whites cannot compete!
>blacks commit suicide more often than any other race in america
>blacks murder blacks more than anyone on planet earth
>blacks have the highest percentage of lgbtqiapf sex and fatherlessness
>blacks have the lowest iq
>In the USA more blacks are aborted than born
Planned Parenthood and the CIA mogged these broken bucks
A literal prostitute cheating on her husband? Call Ripley because I do not believe it!
Blacks are number 1 at prison sex and tossing salad. Lots of black tranny hookers and black guys getting smashed by black dick all over the USA celebrate!
I think a lot of them just pretend to get cash from paypigs and simps.

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RIP to the OG
282 replies and 124 images omitted. Click here to view.
Is a Hookup Hotshot a worthy successor to Max Hardcore?
have you ever spent time around women? if so youll understand it perfectly.
They took the basic idea, and cleaned it up.
oh yeauh

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