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how are decision makers able to pull up perfectly justifiable excuse to start wars? are the masses too dumb to not realize this?
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>now adjust for 1950 dollars when Iraq was the richest nation per capita on the planet
Yeah, and it was Saddam and his gay revolutionary buddies who were responsible for that ending. Bush did Iraqis a favour by getting rid of him.
Mr. Freeman, it is a pleasure to meet you. Godspeed. And all God's peace and prosperity to Arkansas. May the people of that land thrive until the last day.
I'm Peter Burger from the Nebraska Oblast and I approve this message
Glory to the Federation of American States
apartheid south africa was a nuclear power
It was also a shithole even more so than it is now

Has China's culture and people been unadulterated for the past 5000 years?
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pic related ancient chinese architecture
lol no. the han have been there for like 10000 years but nothing is ever static in that long a time. the mongols alone did a real number on them.
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Im not high.

Im in Laos.
KEK wtf is this webm, this is like a conversation you'd have at first contact
Greeks, Islam
Christianity, Turks.
Islam, Turks.

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>Perhaps we may trace Shaka’s subsequent lust for power to the fact that his little crinkled ears and the marked stumpiness of his genital organ were ever the source of persistent ridicule among Shaka’s companions…”Look at his penis; it is just like a little earth worm!”…Nothing could be more humiliating to a Zulu man than this.
Why were incel dicklets like this even back then?
He'd be a bbc spammer today btw

It's reasonable to doubt that Jesus was a real person given that there's no hard evidence he was real, only speculation.
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Romans conquered things in the name of Mars. Therefore Mars must have been a real person.
Of course Mars was a real person. But not God. Maybe a famous warrior who got deified for his deeds. That's beside the point though. You moved the goalposts twice without directly addressing the argument because you have no response except for useless and childish banter.
>here's no hard evidence he was real, only speculation
demonstrably incorrect statement
probably, it's not like the herodian kingdom was exactly lacking in apocalyptic anti Roman prophets
there's more mentions of jesus AFTER Tiberius Caesar was alive
this lol
"Jesus" was origimaly a vision some dude (Paul) had and only later people made tales about him being an actual person

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Medieval dragons were a historical real thing.
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Christcucks called them satanic and killed them.
that's not a dragon, that's a griffin
Are these “Christcucks” in the room with us right now?
No they're washing African feet and donating to AIPAC.

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Someone used this pic to explain how ancient Greece viewed gay sex, I'm partially certain it was a joke but I might as well ask how true that idea is
Well, gay sex did happen, and some saw it as a form of assisted masturbation. So I guess, but this shits way more nuanced than people make it out to be
very wrong, ancient greeks and romans only considered being a buttom to be gay (which was punishable by death), being a top was considered manly and not gay.
Wrong. Ancients view taking dick as deeply embarrassing.
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From the Greek point of view taking dick was OK if you were a teenager/young man and doing it out of love for your older male lover and tutor. But it was not good if you were doing it because you loved being topped. Males were expected to take the active position when they became adults (with women or boys)
it's not gay if you're the top

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1. The universe always existed and there is a God force but not God.
2. Aliens from space who were considered the gods turned the hominids on the planet into humans. These were called the Anunnaki
3. Moses worshipped the alien Yahweh.
4. The energy in your brain exists after death in the afterlife and ghosts are trapped in a bad part of the afterlife.
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Is someone an atheist if they believe in the gods but call them aliens?
can the aliens die?
no the aliens can't die, humans can die but their minds live on in the afterlife in this.
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Christians don't have a monopoly on god.
I know there is a "god" as in the foundation of existence and source of being, a universal intelligent force active on all things.
"God" is such a shitty word because it's very muddy and has tons of preconceived notions and baggage.
Yahweh being an alien can coexist with this definition. But Christianity cannot coexist with a universal force and cannot admit to aliens because it discredit their schizo fairy tale of the creator of the universe personally coming here to talk to a few dudes through a burning bush and then kill himself for some schizo convulted reason to wash your sins because he apparently couldn't just do the same thing without having to kill himself apparently????
So any aliens are automatically labeled as demons sent by Satan to trick you.
Pic related is the work of "god"
The Mormons believe in aliens so it's compatible

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>be chinese dude
>about to get married
>get killed by works from the failing american auto industry at a strip club
>because Japan's auto industry was destroying America and which was largely due to American subsidies
>japanese military subsidized
>insane amount of resources poured in
>japanese yen allowed to be low circumventing international custon so they could easily dominate foreign markets
>americans commonly went out and beat the shit out of any asians they saw during this time
history is wild
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Nobody fucking cares you brown insect
>yes massa whip me again

Also the Witcher wasn’t that good
check the board you're posting on beaner

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>There are many prophecies in the OT that describe the coming Messiah
>Jesus fulfills those prophecies
>Jesus is the Messiah
>Jesus is the truth
>Christianity is the truth


>The writers of what would become the NT knew about the prophecies
>They wrote the story of Jesus in such a way so that they would fulfill said prophecies to gain legitimacy
>Jesus was just a historical man written to be the son of God
>Christianity is just another religion with its own myths in equal validity to that of any other religion

Discuss and debate.
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Is the reason why the book of Enoch not considered canon is because the NT writers seemed to have clearly ripped it off?
To be fair, most Jews don't even consider it Canon
The second alternative Is less reasonable. If you want to be atheist then Jesus exists no matter what you wish to feel.

The better explanation is that Jesus was a smart man, like Terry Davis, and purposefully fulfilled the parts of scripture which weren't fulfilled prophecies yet and also interpreted what those prophecies meant.
>The better explanation is that Jesus was a smart man, like Terry Davis
Watch this


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Historically speaking, this planet has always belonged to autistic virgin chuds.

Modernity is an aberration.

>learn some history of the church
>Think Catholicism is the only church before the protestant madness
>Join Catholicism
>realize it's not the based medieval faith they heard about
>realize post-Vatican II Catholic church is full of wierd leftist innovations
>Get disillusioned
Many such cases.
It's too bad she didn't come home to Orthodoxy. At least the Roman Catholic church is an apostolic historical church.
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>Can someome explain to my why catholicism is considered cringe and orthodox is now considered based?

Fidducia Supplicans (Pope Francis says gay couples can be blessed)

Pope Francis

Orthobros (People online, orbitting Jay Dyer who, since COVID-19, have grown in following)
>Candace gets baptised Catholic


The only white european religion worthwhile, that wasn't mudhut shit slinging babble, was the philosophers religions: deism, Neoplatonism, Freemasonry, and Nazism.

It never seizes to amaze me how a person will worship an actual skydaddy God of Thunder, Lightning, whatever, because they simply hate jews so much: this is despite these alternatives being much worse. Hitler didn't like Himmler's mysticism btw.
It's an ethnic heritage thing. You wouldn't understand Juan
>38 replies to a tmz style headline
Literally emulate Christ and accept him, or don't.
Don't focus on meaningless bullshit

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Thoughts on Crimean Greeks?
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Your pic says it's literal fucking greeks.
What about Gothic settler and later western Latin merchant?
>That pic
Looks like Syrians
So ancient greek

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who actually likes Jews and thinks they are based?
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It usually comes from juxtaposing liberal and orthodox jewish viewpoints as though they contradict.

However there are some liberal jews that are very hypocritical about Israel and buy into some zionist propaganda.
But some people are hypocrites does not strike me as a strong basis for an international conspiracy. ALL people who are for an ethno-state for this group or that group are hypocrites.
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70% of US Jews support the Democratic Party, the party of open borders and globohomo

95% of American Jews support the existence of a Jewish ethnostate.

I didn’t bother reading the rest of your post because you started with a false statement, and the rest is probably just mealy mouthed pilpul based around that.

Jews have pushed globohomo in western nation, this is why Israel must be punished. No ethnostates for Europeans? No ethnostates for Jews. Tough.
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>some liberal Jews are hypocrites

The majority of Jews in the US are liberal zionists, aka hypocrites. It’s not a minority faction like you purport.
I dont like jews much, but i think the religion is pretty neat. of course this is all from an academic and almost mythological viewpoint but i think the traditions are interesting. the rabbinical tradition is fascinating, and Zionism itself is a really cool idea and justification. Building the third temple and reestablishing the sanhedrin is shit straight out of a fantasy novel lmao. fuck kikes but if white people had the same level of tribalism and ingroup preference and tradition we could be so much more
They use and destroy whoever respects or likes them so I can't like them, even ironically.

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It doesn't matter what the americans and nordcucks say, the descendants of the Romans are the Southern Europeans
>romance languages
>same genetics
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>20 years of HARDCORE gibs were needed to bring them to a below average state level
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what the hell s this map anyway
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>Nice cope.
somebody needs to genocide you quadroons out of europe
>mix of euro with some se Asian and or negro
""euro"" is not an original population
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Someone got CVCKED hard

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Is he the greatest loser of the entire 20th century? How does he still just keep losing decades after his death?
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/pol/tranny meltdown
Stop acting like DPP libcucks are 100% of Taiwan. They’re not.
No, there’s actually a gang of seething Jewish vermin who live on this board and sperg out anytime Hitler or Palestine are mentioned. He’s correct in identifying you rats.
You're not White.
Shut the fuck up shitskin.

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