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Kind face, happy smile, curvy figure, thick body, big boobs... perfect woman?
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If she didn't have those bunions she'd be perfect.
that pic is hella old
They aren't as great as the rest of her. A disappointment.
Sorry, guys. Turns out she's a super bitch. A real class-a cunt. This, according to anyone, male or female, who knows her personally.

On top of which, she's a total wigged-out whack job. Serious mental deficiencies.

Some things are just not worth the price.
Crazy, bitchy girls are the best fucks tho

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The internet has really taken a huge downward turn now that all the retarded faggots can make a post about any retarded thing they can think of. Isn't your retarded mother bringing dinner down soon?
10/10 troll. Well done.
Just want to take note of the fact that this person is complaining about the downward turn of the internet while calling someone slurs (and not countering any arguments), while OP was civil and direct. Sounds like someone is insecure about their lack of historical understanding/education :)

isn't it pretty well accepted that the U.S. didn't actually produce a functional nuke until May 1948?

Scale is wrong too
Compare NukeMap

It's a 3D render though

a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine.
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Government literally controlling what they're allowed to manufacture and ruining cars in the process without even achieving the "climate goals" yeah totally not commie shit kys retard
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we can never have nice things again
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That, dear anon, is why we must preserve what precious gifts we have been given through past ages.
I'm keeping this one as long as I possibly can, preferably until I die, and hopefully my children will keep it too.
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Last one: >>4830712
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I dreamt that I met her at a premiere and when she sees me she opens her arms and smiles at me like she knows me and is really happy to see me again and I was so happy but when we hug her voice is like a mechanical recording and it tells me to take the device out of her pocket and it's like a weird little box where you can put your fingertips in and it covers them with membranes to give you different fingerprints and when we stop hugging we're alone suddenly and all the happiness and warmth is gone and she's doing something on a computer like hacking some federal databank to place my fingerprints somewhere and she's really mean like she knows I'm her bitch and she can do anything to me and ask anything of me and I'll never say no and she's just using me to set up some CIA style hit where I get framed as the shooter and it felt really fuckign bad.
That's cool bro. Last night I dreamt I sucked her toes while I fucked her pussy. It was pretty gud dream. Like a 10/10 dream. Would dream again.
Me on the left

Just got two 4k monitors, and need some nice wallpapers. It's been hard to find nice landscape pics like pic related that are not blurry in this resolution.
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Am I supposed to stand in that river or boulder up it
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Dumb people start thinking oh the world is awful and I don't want to bring a child into the climate apocalypse. And someone who thinks
is a good look is the type I mean.
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3 years for her Premenopause to begin.
6 years for Menopause to activate in her system and stop producing ovums.
She needs to donate her eggs before it's too late.

Kpop threads galore, but little love for the higher-brow stuff... let's change that.

> Minhwa, literally means "painting of the people" or "popular painting", were produced and popularized by anonymous painters of the lower class during the late Joseon dynasty of 1390s to 1890s. Folk paintings portray animals, beautiful flowers, trees, birds and even shelves with books, painting essentials or other daily objects in the live of ordinary Koreans. Though these masterpieces may differ in figures, colors and topics, they are all drawn to a specific plain, straightforward and naive style. Some even look quite childish and unrefined. However, the actual work is much more complicated than that. Minhwa is usually produced to decorate the main door of a house or can be done on folded screens and other furniture to bring happiness, luck, prosperity, wealth, fame, offspring, and even to ward off evil spirits. It usually takes a huge amount of effort, concentration and great skill to finish a Minhwa painting. Though they are roughly drawn, they express the philosophy of art of the Koreans: bold strokes, vivid colors, and unconventional layouts, combined with wit, humor, and an optimistic spirit.
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Lunch time and Wrestling by Kim Hong-do from late Joseon period.
Scenery from Dano day (단오풍정) by Sin Yun-bok aka Hyewon from late Joseon period.
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Dakota thread?

i have a boner and it's webbin' time
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i would give her a bath and a popsicle if you know what i mean
my god haha.
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Do you have this without the Manning?
So much unused facial real estate. Wasteful desu

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There is no precise way to interpret the Constitutio Antoniniana (Edict of Caracalla) since piece of it remain undiscovered and elements have not been fully understood such as the identity of Dediticii mentioned in edict. Furthermore this so called process of extending citizenship to non-Italians began really late in the history of the Roman Empire, about 3/4 in its history.
italians weren't romans until the empire was almost dead
Your comment makes no sense, no that I disagree with it, it's that it literally makes no sense, what are you trying to say?
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i fucking wish i could hide posts from americans, literally all of the internet would be 10 times better
We made this website. We can easily just deactivate it.

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Camera-shy edition

Previous thread: >>4819760
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Quick OC today.
Bump. Slow thread

The old thread died, so here's another one.

Don't post shitty edits made in MS Paint.
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This is my favorite
Where do you guys find these? I only got into this after the blackedfantasy reddit was banned and I can't find more

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It's Spring in the Southern Hemisphere.
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AGP Edition #2
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imagine being here and being a normie imposter and needing to be accepted so you "um ackshually... le feet is le bad cuz le normal is le good"
you = Big Gay

>you could smell her from rows away
a theater from the late 60's would only smell of cigarette smoke
>foot fetish is a mental disorder
Being gay like you is worse
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>dude wanting her feet smell to infest ur lungs is totally normal and not derangement
i've seen your selfie on pol i know exactly how you look like.
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nip slip or edited?
Imagine the double footjob after tennis practice
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my nut would clear the net
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Vault qt
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Is it so hard
to admire the face of cute ayylmao
without resorting to autism?
Is she half pajeet or something?
Half alien
half qt half okie dokie

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