damn it, I just want a movie accurate Buzz with a working laser pointer, helmet that fully retracts, and karate chop action, is that too much to ask? I don't all this extra useless bullshit.Don't even get me started on how there's still no accurate official pullstring Woody toy with a closed smile and only 9 phrases.
>>11202564>helmet that fully retracts, and karate chop action,The reason you don't have this is because it is physically impossible for these two features to co-exist on the toy while still being visually accurate. There is simply no room for both the helmet and some kind of arm-ratcheting mechanism in the upper torso.
>>11202564That headsculpt is fucking atrocious, too.
>>11202564I'm just happy we can mod Buzz to say the n word. We have the Tim Allen voice clip already.
>>11202564Not a big enough Toy Story fan to even justify buying the revoltechs, but this looks pretty cool. Now give me a 1/1 A2 with this technology.
>>11202700Dunno, why is it that /toy/ has the biggest amount of projection and lack of self awareness of any board?
>>11202700calm down chungusfurry
>>11202700>onionsLol, silly boy, I think you're on the wrong board. >>>/ck/
>>11202700Zoomer autism
Of course my favorite feature seems to be missing
>>11202752>lack of self awarenesslack of manchildren being manchildren?
>>11202574this is absolutely bullshit especially with modern toy engineering. have you seen how much crazy shit some of the new diaclone toys can pack into tiny spaces? there is 1000% room for a fucking gear attached to the arm in the 1/4th of an inch between the shoulder and the helmet.
>>11203598It's not just a gear, you still need the pieces that connect that gear to the button on his back. And make these durable (so, not paper thin) while avoiding a giant helmet that fills his torso.
>>11202564just make Major Chip Hazard already
>>11202564Wouldve been perfect and paid 600 happily if it blinked, moved eyebrows and had ai voice with ai chat. We have all that tech now, come on
>>11203128Wait now I'm confused, so was Buzz supposed to have glow in the dark paint or not?
>>11203942Yes he was. In the movie he glows lightly in dark areas aaaaaannnnnnd back when the movie was out there was an electronic Buzz that actually had GITD paint for his green bits. It doesn't glow super bright and I think they only did it on the very first release.No other Buzz had GITD since.>Sad pepe image goes here
>>11204027>No other Buzz had GITD since.The Toy Story Collection and reissues all have glow in the dark green paint.
>>11204027>>11204060I got mixed up because I didn't realize I was looking at an edited screenshot.
This 2019 Buzz might be the best one I've ever seen
>>11202564The original Buzz and Woody toys do exist, I got them as a kid, I think the only thing missing was the karate chop action
>>11204849The original Buzz had unpainted hands, no wrist communicator panel, no lights on the end of those really short wings. He was still awesome.
>>11203823Yup, would be the only robosen i buy
>>11202586Blessed! can he also be made to curse at kikes?
>>11205331Is there a Tim Allen voice clip available?
>>11205331Not yet, but give it a month or two after the toy comes out and I'm sure someone will jailbreak the program and upload some lines from an AI voice model with plenty of slurs.