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Previously: >>11243863

-Marvel Legends Fan Stream on 12/6 @ 11am EST

-Mezco One:12 Deadpool and Wolverine Wolverine solicited

-Amazing Yamaguchi Gwenom Solicited

-SHF Across the Spider Verse Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Ham announced

-SHF Across The Spider Verse Peter B. Parker and Mayday solicited

-SHF Venom The Last Dance Venom solicited

-Marvel Legends Dark Avengers Warbird solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Fabian Cortez announced

-Marvel Legends Powered Up Spot announced

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Captain America (Brave New World) announced

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
it's gonna be another wave of spiderman right?
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Check them ROSSes.
My Ross never has good stuff like that, although I did snag Black Series Dengar the other day for six bucks.
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This ^^^
I don't have a nearby Ross.
No one asked.
fucking when?
Don't tell me to check one then.
I literally didn't though. How autistic are you that you need to reply to every post?
>Spent 26 dollars on She-Hulk when some ghetto store has her for half of that
Fuck off
This thread is going to be shit until the livestream where there is new things to be upset about, right?
Unless there is a classic falcon or valkyrie I basically don't care anymore at this point. Hope you all enjoy your reveals.
these would be easy snags if they didn't DOUBLE the prices of the MLs... this isn't ollies now cmon
at least with ollies you get GOOD marvel legends for 10 buckaroos not the garbage that nobody wanted
I think we might see sunfire body mold this event. I know my fellow hasfags would be ecstatic if a highly requested character was on that body.
>at least with ollies you get GOOD marvel legends for 10 buckaroos not the garbage that nobody wanted
Lol, lmao even.
Are there any Venom molds as of now from Hasbro that would fit MvC2 blue Venom? Last thread ended with discussion about it. I doubt they'd make an all new one, but I'd not be against it. Would the movie/two pack style Venom body work?

He's obviously baiting. That being said I did see Mk1 silver Iron Man and Ollies before. 10 bucks for that is a steal in my opinion.
This is someone who doesn't have an Ollie's and is reacting as how someone had reacted to him when he stated as such
ROSS and Ollie's are not the same chain.
Yeah no shit. You didn't understand what I wrote at all, so you're stupid too
It is literally a post about ROSS.
Gimme Stegron. Need my dino daddy.
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Hasbro is going to ignore this game while it's popular for the first 3 years then decide to finally crap out some figures when it's at it's lowest stream views and they ultimately wind up at Ollies.
Reminder the Vietnamese hapa mary sue was in the game before your favorite character.
But Spider-Mans and Logan are in it day 1 though.
Nothing I'd want there
I hate all of those designs.
Too sexy and they need to look more troonish for you. I know how "modern" audiences need representation.
NTA, but it's not the sexy females that bothers me, I mean I played the First Descendant just for Bunny's ass, but most of those designs are just outright bad.
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Neither of these Anons, but Yeah, these designs are all way too busy and have too much RPG shit grafted onto them.

It's like Overwatch's design problems cranked up to 11.

TF2 remains the gold standard, I guess.
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New leak I guess. Enjoy.
>Astonishing Beast
Fuck yeah. Don't botch his articulation though. Hopefully with a regular head and cat head, but we know they'll do one as an entirely different release
>Sorcerer Supreme Doom
Where the fuck is my Doom 2099 you hacks
Do any of the Marvel Legends have the design that Iron Man has metal nipples? I've seen the one before with cat-like mask and the one where the circles are mored to a more reasonable location.
>Astonishing Beast
Fuck yeah
>Rachel Summers
Which version of her though?
Rachel better be either her Art Adam/John Romita outfit or her Excalibur red leather outfit.
Kitty Beast? Hell yeah, hope he's sexy.
why does marvel diamond select still exist when it's objectively an uglier and somehow cheaper looking legends?
i asked the same thing a few threads ago and was told the closest is monster venom
FF She-hulk sounds fun. I wonder if this is a tease to her appearing in the new film. Punisher NF 2pk is odd when we just had them both in multipaks already.
Glad and Death im interested in, but need to be 70's accurate.
Medusa and Gordon finishes out the Inhumans since we also heard about BB and triton, so that's exciting.
>why does marvel diamond select still exist
Different markets, different product (7"). They're in comic shops, specialty stores, and Disney stores/online
That fucking Ross price on the SW retro garbage. Total dismay is back.
>Don't botch his articulation though
This is hasblo legends we’re talking about lol. Good articulation schemes are not their strong suit.
Right, well it has to at least be serviceable by Hasbro standards anyway. He's gotta have a good neck (none of that super deep sunk in ball peg shit they've been doing), butterfly hinge shoulders, a good ab rocker, and toe hinges or else it'll be a bust
It will be the same mold as previous Beast but hopefully pinless this time.
Have you ever seen Astonishing Beast? The thing will need to be a 100% new mold
So that Nick Fury and Punisher is the Spider-Man Animated Series, right?
Thanks for confirming you've never read comics
Hasblo is obsess with useless articulation cuts that serve zero to no purpose or are completely hindered and I don’t see them changing that ideology. Plus they like to use the good ol’ ab or diaphragm crunch, limiting mobility.
>It'll be bad
>B-because I said so!
Lmao, whatever you say ESL anon.
Considering how little they improved over the years, I believe my judgement is warranted. Hasblo’s articulation is still comparable to those of the toybiz era from 2 decades ago.
Lol, if you insist
>Hasblo’s articulation is still comparable to those of the toybiz era from 2 decades ago
I understand we all hate Hasbro but holy fuck. You're seriously telling us they haven't improved the articulation and appearance of the joints at all since those hideous ToyBiz Legends?? Have you seen the ToyBiz females?
>read comics
Reding comics in 2k24? Are you gay or something? We're all MCU chads there.
Only autistic retards "hate Hasbro." What a psychotic thing to even say.
Females are a different story. Yes the figures have improved greatly but the lack of cleavage and ass for the some of the broads is still an upset. Articulation wise it is a step up if we look at Widow, but still isn’t perfect (take a look at Jada for example for fluid flexible movement) as for proportion/anatomy wise, needs improvement.
>inb4 called a coomer for wanting attractive comic female bucks equal to the male ones.
For now we have only one good improved female buck with at least acceptable rounded boobs and ass. It's Phoenix/Ms. Marvel. Too bad this mold also have ugly biceps.
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That thing lacks articulation and seems too big to me to be MvC2 Venom. I like it in of itself, but dunno if I'd care for it as an MvC2 version. Like can the monster Venom even get his basic standing pose?
Venom and Spidey are right there.

There's no doubt in my mind these designs are overdone so people go out of their way to buy real skins they want. Like classic/symbiote suit for Spidey, normal/Anti-Venom for Venom, etc.
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no i thought the same, it looks too bulky and i'm sure it can't do that pose
maybe yamaguchi?
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Another wave, another disappointment

There's always next year...
fuck Hasbro
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There's nothing you can say or do to me that life hasn't already
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I'm sad we'll never get a figure of her fukken stacked granny
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The sad truth, yes they look better and might balance better, but articulation hasn't really advanced, maybe other than the ankle rockers
I really do hope it's this version of the characters. I don't want blue and white Nick Fury.
How else do you want or expect articulation to be changed or new points invented? You guys are fucking crazy.
I wouldn't mind using proper ball joints
No, it's all about pandering to FF fans since Jen is super popular with the fans from her run on the title and the fact that we've not had an FF She Hulk yet from Marvel
For what? Wrists?
He's going to kevetch about waist swivel and how ball waists are supposedly the biggest game changer in action figures when really it's only marginally better and a slightly different articulation scheme than MLs use now.

Sorry bruh, ball joints aren't the be all end all in toy articulation you think.
the mcfarlane/mafex style articulation setup is superior in every way. jada's street fighter line kinda sits in between and they absolutely smoke every hasbro line
I agree with you about Mafex, but let's not jump to conclusions and say Todd's articulation is good. It's not. In the slightest. Mafex does have a good scheme, but I can't expect domestic toys to pull it off as well as imports do without them costing nearly the same as an import.
Nice non response lmao.
We’ve already played this game before hastard, you’re a shill and won’t listen to reason
Another non reply. Typical. Why even reply at all if you can't properly articulate how having slightly more (a couple of degrees at best) makes a toy SO KUCH better than a Hasbro figure? Or are you just going to call me a shill while shitting yourself some more?
Ball hips waist and diaphragm gives more range and doesn’t separate the sculpt like a waist swivel and that’s a fact.
> “b-but it’s only marginally bett-“
wrong. The pose-ability options are much more, you would know had you played with your toys. Yes I will continue calling you a shill because you are one.
I'm sorry, I can't take non English speakers seriously.
NTA, but you are kind of blowing it out of proportion. The extra range is nice for sure, but it isn't the game changer you're making it out to be.
Why can't you all be normal?
posability Is not a word fucktard what else would I have typed
You don’t play with your toys fella so try to stay out of this.
Did you mean to reply to the same post twice?
>You don’t play with your toys fella
Not like a child does no. I pose them on my shelves and occasionally do toy photography, but no, I'm not quite autistic enough to outright play with my toys. I'm an adult, I assume you are too, if you're using this website.
That’s what I meant by playing. Ball diaphragm and waist are crucial for dynamic poses. Disagree if you want but diaphragm or ab crunch plus waist swivel is outdated.
Post a McFarlane figure leaning forward.
No reason for change. Many feeble minds cannot resist the hascock and will buy regardless.
Are you just on here all day anon?
If Gladiator is on a new body then I'm in
Outside of using a slime toy, any good ways to represent a unbonded symbiote? A faceless goop monster seems unlikely to have any figures.
who asked for this
I messaged Dan directly.
>He doesn't like stupid sexy Electro
Aw Yissss, more AOA
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Not a very attractive body desu
I mean that's, just like, you're opinion, man.
>new character
>old articulation
Big pass.
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your best bet is to check old toybiz figure accessories, i know theres an old carnage i had as a kid that had this trap gimmick and had this carnage blob as a rip cord handle so you could repaint it
>let's not jump to conclusions and say Todd's articulation is good. It's not. In the slightest. Mafex does have a good scheme
these two are almost identical setups
Toddy fartlands don’t have ball jointed shoulders.
yes they do, retard
Yeah, it's wild that with such similar setups, how much worse it is to articulate a McFigure. I mean I get that it's a $25 figure vs a $75 one, but still. Every time I get a McFarlane figure there's some varying level of disappointment. Only one I've ever actually liked was MK11 Spawn.
Todd hasn't figured out how ball joints work. He's still trying to figure out what makes a thigh swivel.
Nobody wants this aside from Hasbro since it's like 95% re-use. Find this on clearance at Ollie's next year.

This execution isn't great. That light brown plastic for the limbs is way too clean and light looking. It needed to be darker and with a wash or some kind of paint detail. And WTF is this cape? It's so fucking huge and thick at the top and is just floating all over his shoulders. Looks awful.
Not sure if you’re surprised or not, but these are your typical hasblo legends. Reuse and bright cheap looking colors are standard for this line.
>Electro Girl
I need this for electric effects and evil smile face for custom purposes. Female smiling faces with teeth are very rare after all. Probably pick up her on some sale.

Shitty figure.
I hope BaF is something retarded and lame. From this wave I only need Ultimate Wolverine, UXF Nightcrawler, Marrow and Husk.
>bright cheap looking colors
You mean like a comic book? Imagine that.
>UXF Nightcrawler
O rly? Uncanny X-Force was top tier X-Men comics. I'm down for AoA Kurt in his X-Force getup.
Right. What in muh dick is this?
>Electro Girl
Never heard of before but doesn't surprise me. Still, why make a figure of this when there is so much people been asking for.
>aoa gambit
I've seen so many AoA figure over the years, seems nobody ever buy them. Is this the Toddmcfarlanification of Hasbro?
>Never heard of before but doesn't surprise me.
Don't blame you, she's a Dan Slott character, a GF if Max Dillon who got his powers. Can't remember exactly when she was introduced p, I wanna say around the All New All Different era, but I can't even keep track of this modern stuff anymore.

>I've seen so many AoA figure over the years, seems nobody ever buy them.
AoA was popular back in the day but I don't think that really translates to it being fondly remembered now. I remember it being a big deal and speaking with friends who were also collecting comics at that time, agreed that it was pretty massive, at least at the time. Also, it didn't help that the figures that came out the year those AoA waves did, were massively over produced so, even after the people who did want the figures did get them, they massively shelf warmed for like a year. Hasbro really over compensated after that big spike in toy sales during covid when everyone was locked down and people had free stimmy money.
AoA is absolutely fondly remembered. Your personal bias is not reality.
>I hope BaF
I don't think either of these are real BAF waves. Hasbro is too cheap to do BAFs anymore these days. I'm pretty sure both these waves have been heavily rumored to be retro carded waves.

People still like AOA, just not the shitty figures Hasbro has done. 90% of their AOA figures have been lazy ass repaints of blank bodies with a new head or a couple add-on parts.
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>not Electro Catra
still looks ok
nta, it is but the figures simply don't sell.
She's a Slott creation. An Elektro groupie/gf who killed him and stole his power. IIRC she's part of girl Beetle's all girl crew.
If they go ham on the hair that's an instabuy for me, even if she's a two-pack with Gorgon (I'd probably just keep him in the box)
>AoA is absolutely fondly remembered.
since when?
/co/ here
I am glad thay are calling it Peter Parker so Miles can be the one true Spiderman he is supposed to be, both in the game as in the awesome movies
Just chef kiss all around
That was kind of my point. I just said I wasn't sure if it translated to being fondly remembered. I personally remember it fondly so don't get your panties twisted.
Those cocksuckers at CT Toys said my Brown Suit Wolverine was supposed to ship by the 5th, well guess what, they gave me another bullshit tracking number days ago and it still hasn't updated. Surprise fucking surprise. If it doesn't update by the 11th, a month from when I placed my order, I'm getting a refund. Actually, I'm gonna get a refund regardless because there's no way they're going to get it to me in five days. Fuck them. And fuck you guys for shilling them so hard here. Typical bootleg company that rips you off.

I'm now 100% convinced CT has employees camping and shilling in these threads. Fuck you for wasting my time.
you didn't get ripped off if you get your refund though
Where did you buy it from? Do CT Toys actually have a direct sales outlet, or you using just some random ali express seller?
You're stupid.

I don't believe they do, but there are a ton of sellers listing it. Retard likely bought it from someone advertising it WAY below everyone else's price and didn't think it was suspicious.
Toy Planet Store. CT has stated that it's their official store front, until Marvel apparently found it.
Oh hey, that's where I got mine. They're still up.
You're stupid. I purchased it from You Planet Store and they had an estimated delivery date of the 29th of Nov. That came and went. I messaged the store and they assured me the next batch was shipping on the 5th, only to be given a bullshit tracking number that leads to nothing. Twice. Meanwhile, I ordered Agent Anti Venom from some random store and they managed to actually ship it out. CT is not putting their best foot forward with this situation.

Stop shilling a literal bootleg company you fuck.
Seems like you have lots of problems with shipping, anon. First Bane, now this?
>I purchased it from You Planet Store
Sure you did
What the fuck are you even on about? Who even mentioned Bane?
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Lick my asshole shill.
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I accept your concession you stupid shilling faggot.
You are so easy to spot lol
Who even do you think I am?
Go to bed, anon.
>shill gets blown the fuck out
>starts schizoing out
Many such cases.
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>upset he can't post the based Wolverine in front of his heckin epic display

Can someone please explain to me what this anon is talking about?
>anon gets upset that anon is upset that he hasn't gotten his toy yet
>starts posting schizophrenic ramblings
>refuses to elaborate
Why can you guys be normal?
>based alky Carol
>anon gets upset that anon is upset that anon is upset that he hasn't gotten his toy yet
>”Why can you guys be normal?”
>I don't think either of these are real BAF waves.
X-Men one is definitely BaF guaranted. 7 figures instead of 6 and all that.
Spider-man is another cardboard wave though.
He thinks you're the anon with the NECA street diorama. Just ignore him, he does this fairly regularly.
>talking to yourself multiple times for months
Crazy right? Do you visit other generals? It feels like all the Hasbro focused ones have this really bad where an anon just spams as two+ people not knowing we can all see it.
>talking to himself
>I'm now 100% convinced CT has employees camping and shilling in these threads.
Wouldn't be surprised if Hasbro McFarlane and all the rest have employees lurking this board.
You're not very bright, are you? Often enough, once the package has been shipped, the seller has literally nothing to do with the actual delivery. How the fuck do you not know this if you're into toys?

Obviously, you deserve a refund if the package doesn't arrive but usually, that's on the delivery service
The issue is that the seller hasn't actually shipped the item. I've gotten two different tracking numbers that don't work with anything I plug them into. If I saw some updates indicating the shipping company received the item it would be a different story, but the item hasn't even actually shipped yet.
What's the current status of the figure? I've ordered tons on Ali and never had a real issue when it came to delivery times. Sometimes, some products are collected but it works pretty fast
It was changed to "shipped" a couple of weeks ago, I got a tracking number that never updated on Ali and didn't work when I plugged it into any service. Then they cancelled that shipment. I got another, completely differently formatted, tracking number a few days ago and it still hasn't updated nor does it work when plugged in anywhere else. I'm beginning to think I've been scammed.
AoA is fondly remembered for original characters like Holocaust who will probably never get released. No one cares about Cyclops variant #6327463724 etc.
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I really like this figure. The spider carnage stuff they added really is the chef's kiss for me.
Is this offical CT toys store? Imo it should be obvious that ordering directly from them would probably be slower.
That definitely sounds like a fuck-up on the shipping side. Call up Ali and let them handle it. Maybe the best way is to cancel and order again but their support team is pretty cool.
Stop worrying, all will be fine. Btw, scamming happens when the seller is acting with malicious intent. Judging from all of the positive feedback, CT is legit. Doesn't mean the process isn't fucked from time to time.
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>heres a piece of a string as an accessory
KEK this made me laugh so hard. You guys been begging for the hasbro team to give spidey new web accessories, well here you have it, a piece of string with no wire.
Marrow, X-Factor Cyclops, Husk and Extreme Wolverine join Cortez, AoA Gambit and Nightcrawler for the X wave. Looks like they showed coveralls Prof. X, too.
BaF is modern Holocaust, or Nemesis or whatever.
>praying every night for a new Holocaust
>Get a figure
Close enough
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Looks alright. I want the comet fist though.
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The biggest scam of 2025 is here!
It's actually Extreme Wolverine aka very lazy repaint of original. Not Ultimate variant.
I've been waiting for Hammond so long I'll take the damn string
Same thing happened to me. I ordered from toy planet store and they gave me a bogus tracking. After 30 days, I filed a claim and got a refund. I think the gooks ran out of stock and are still taking orders. I tried MY original store and hopefully they come through
Marrow would have been cool to have an alternate head with asymmetrical bone growths and exposing her teeth, but probably hit the budget allocation already.
I'm with the other guy in I want Hammond. The string makes sense given the effects of the old show. When can he be preordered?
As I've already stated, I messaged the store and they outright said they didn't ship the item yet and wouldn't until yesterday, but I still haven't gotten an update. The shipper hasn't even received the package yet.
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To be fair, his second Ultimate costume is nearly identical to the X-Treme one to the point that eventually artists just drew it as the X-Treme suit.
I'm already surprised they gave her a new and accesories.
Not any of those anons, but sorry you're having trouble like that. I've not had any issues dealing with them at all despite ordering like 4 or 5 from them. I know I don't usually get the most accurate tracking info as I've received my figure well before I think I should. Maybe where you live is effecting it? I love in PA though so no idea if that matters.
Holy fuck that looks amazing
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>sculpt new lower body
>separate the outfit from the flesh tone into two pieces
>perfect shape to implement lower ab crunch
This fucking company
You’ll also take a lazy shitty figure too apparently
It is so you can panel line her muscles.
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>Based Nicholas Hammond Spider-Man
I'll fucking take it!
Their time will soon come brother, the niggers and jews will be eradicated.
That's accurate to the show
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Hasbro got JADA beat on Space Kook it seems.
You can't expect people to know the source material, c'mon. They just bitch.
I thought the fig was of the japanese spidey rerelease. Completely forgot there was also a US live action Spidey show. Now the ML team definitely has to do the Italian Spider-Man.
I made a custom back in the day.
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so what?
if this means TV Avengers next then it's worth it. Hasbro does what mafexdon't which means figures for the connoisseur instead of the casual and tourist
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my only complaint is that they used a 616 Wolverine head. the Ultimate version is younger, less rough-looking and has the goatee. an easy skip if the Ultimates come out better.
Was Venom supposed to be the alternate color originally, but made the light blue the default for reasons? Dark blue seemed closer to both usual depiction of black with blue highlights and the artwork for the game.
He’s also taller at 5’8 and not as stocky as 616
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It's not Ultimates. That's what people were just talking about right above. The team said it's X-treme Wolverine which is dumb because more people like Ultimates obviously and there's the rumored Ultimate Iron Man coming too.

But on the bright side, Hound Rachel was on this team? Whatever gets her to us sooner I guess.
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If this doesn’t prove hasblo’s laziness then I don’t know what will.
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You guys are so lazy.
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I let you all take over one stream and you can't even post pics of the completed waves. Embarrassing.
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Amazon exclusive
Cause it's shut and nobody cares
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Target Exclusive

And >>11255888 is Walmart.
Then why do you femboys cry when you can't post screenshots? I swear you're all a bunch of little girls.
Nah, if there were girls here, there would be a lot more photos of Iron Man doing girly things like going on dates.
>Target Exclusive
Shit. I have the worst luck with that dump's exclusives.
>The one figure that actually needed cel shading doesn't get it
>Also has the awful waist swivel
Great job!
It's because the reveals are terrible. Complete pass for me. I may get that x-factor cyke, but only if it bins.
Holy shit, buying the while wave
I'm getting Chameleon. Kane is kinda cool but I don't think I'm going to get him. Female Electro I'll probably get when she goes on sale.
Nah the reveals are great. Cry you pussy.
I'm down for the whole Spidey Wave minus Femlectro. I actually like Spider Boy, it's probably the only ongoing book that I'm actually enjoying. The lack of cel shading on Unlimited is fucking rough though. I foresee a reissue down the line with cel shading. I may wait for that. A new Agent Venom, 90s Kaine, and finally TAS Chameleon. My Spidey rogues will finally be complete.
This, the Spider Man wave is fucking great. I don't really care for most of the X Men wave, but I'll grab Marrow and Nightcrawler. And the exclusives are all nice too. Don't care much for Lizard, but I definitely will try to get Professor X and Nick Hammond Spiderman.
Yeah the main difference there is his height.
Ultimate Wolverine is tall, handsome goatee bastard when his 616 counterpart is ugly, hairy, stinky manlet.
Well back to my custom then.
Any idea where or when Hammond will be up?
It's Walmart so whenever their next collector con or geek out or whatever they call their little mini event where they drop a bunch of exclusives. I doubt it'll be difficult to get if the past few Walmart exclusives are anything to go by.
truly the year of the waist swivel.
I guess my 2009 BAF Holocaust is worth shit now then?
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He’s already available anon
Been a while since I was this excited for MLs, full waves at that. There's some great shit here.
It is a different guy, it is okay.
Finally holocaust is back
Guess I'll try to sell mine, he looks cool but the articulation is ass, especially in the hip area. At least this Holocaust will have ankle pivot and double knee articulation.

A shame the upcoming version is not translucent nor has the cannon in the arm.
Kaine at last. I just want Carrion now then I'm done forever
Just imagine the sick photo sessions with Kitty Pryde.
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Don't care, I'm happy for Holocaust-anon
This. The figure is just as awful as the show, which is kind awesome. Man I hated this thing, worst Spiderman ever but I bet this figure will make a few people really happy.
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That face!
It's Leon S. Kennedy.
Uglified by Marvel Legend standarts of course. But still.
The face of a Spider-Man fanboy.
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Chameleon bros we're eating good
Looks more like the Silent Hill 2 guy
Lmao, it's absolutely James from the SH2 Remake. Just played it around Halloween.
Not who I was thinking.
Should have just made him black. The blue doesnt look good without the shading
I hope the belt is removable so I can make voting PSA Spider-Man.
Sick. Coolest figure I've seen from ML for a long time. This will do.
Headdie carnage?!
That's a really fucking good face scupt
kek, can't unsee it
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nice, i don't care about any of these.
Now I wanna wait for the head to go up somewhere, or for the figure to go on discount, for a kitbash James/Leon.
Only reason not to get this Agent Venom is if you already have the AY. I was tempted both times but the $120 pricetag or whatever he cost, even after converting from yen to dollars, was too much for me. I just bought a house and need to cut back on expensive toy purchases for a minute to recoop some savings.
>The figure is just as awful as the show, which is kind awesome.
Go back
leave neca anon and his dollhouse displays alone lol
rent fucking free
no, you're just on government subsidized rent because you're broke as fuck lol
Honestly I'm not into Agent Venom but I bought a knock off agent anti Venom and it's great, and it's designed after the normal one. So there's always that as an option for a really good AV if you're trying to save. That head does look pretty good though for customs or just in general. For all their issues they seem to do pretty good head sculpts even if they're a bit too big at times.
Ah ok cool. Wasn't sure where at. I haven't had any issues getting Walmart exclusives yet so no big deal. Thanks.
Eh, I'm fine with the new ML, it looks pretty good. I did order the Agent Anti Venom, and depending on how much I like that I may end up grabbing the regular Agent Venom as well. I do dig that head sculpt as well so I may end up getting the ML just for it.
That's not Holocaust/Nemesis from Age of Apocalypse, it's Genocide from Uncanny X-Force.
The projection is unreal lmao
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Kek seethe more faggot
What if he is? Lift up those in need, not stomp on them.
Kill yourself.
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After you, ladies first.
This is cool and all but I wanted a AoA Holocaust/Nemesis remake, not Ghost Rider in Hulkbuster armor.
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Man, you couldn't have even painted black onto the face, Hasbro? The mask was practically designed to have that cell-shaded shadow. I could have stomached the body lacking the paintwork if we had the face painted, but now it just looks fundamentally unfinished. Guess I'll have to wait for another "look, we fixed it!" re-release for the cel shading...
Based. Sully BAF when?
Dmitribro, we finally won one.
I know y'all don't care about this, but I was listening to the A.C.B.A. podcast, and I've had it with Rickdom. Dude is like a cross between Forrest Gump and Kristen Wiig's character Penelope on SNL. Apparently he's done everything there is to do, and if you've done it, he's done it better.
Hasblo’s laziness greediness knows no bounds. All these figures shown already look dated with the articulation schemes, they couldn’t even bother accurately represent something with paint because it will cost too much. They can get away with this because hastards will buy regardless they have no self respect.
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What a joke. I'm issuing a refund regardless if they actually ship it or not. Four days will be exactly a month since I ordered. Can't believe you faggots made me fall for this.
Same. It's all live action, animated or millennial comic slop.
> waaaaaah my bootleg toy didn't ship promptly
get a grip. mine hasn't shipped either. it was like $12. who cares
It's the principle of the thing. Especially since the company was being shilled like crazy here. It's absolutely wild how this thread will suck off literal bootleg companies, yet when Hasbro does something they personally don't like, they throw a big baby temper tantrum like any of us can do a thing about it.

I wish there were better places to discuss toys, this place is getting to be gayer than reddit.
since i'm not a sick freak, i went to check and it seems like there's a factory delay of some sort. i'm not worried about it. either i get my illegal bootleg toy in the next few weeks or i don't. my life isn't changed either way.
i think you're a big baby and should find something more important to do with your time. killing ceo's is very hot these days, have you considered that?

probably not, i guess, since you think some low level chinese bootlegger should be held to the same standard as an international corporation like hasbro. maybe you should consider killing yourself? just a suggestion.
It's not a big deal, but I'm making my issues with their official store known since this thread has been sucking them off for like a month and a half now. I was skeptical as shit about this whole thing but you all convinced me otherwise. Last time I listen to this thread.

You sound well adjusted. Why is it that my issues with CT upsets you so much?
>Why is it that my issues with CT upsets you so much?
says the guy who doesn't hesitate to post about how upset he is about the delivery of his bootleg toy. get a grip and chill or kill yourself.
>I should kill myself because I'm pointing out a bootleg company isn't as amazing as this thread tried to claim
Do you work for them or something?
do you work for medicom or hasbro? or are you just autistic? how is a $13 investment causing you this much mental and economic duress? get a grip. you're crying about what can't be more than 3 people in this thread. go do some pushups you bozo. i'm in the same boat as you and feel so much better about my place in life because i'm not being a big dumb baby about it like you.
Once again, you sound incredibly well adjusted. Sorry that me pointing out CT Toys aren't the greatest thing ever ever ever rustles your jimmies so much. Don't spend too much time doing damage control for them, at least not for free lol.
>Sorry that me pointing out CT Toys aren't the greatest thing
thanks for the breaking news that literally everyone else has mentioned you big dumb baby
also, i'm not doing damage control you retard. i literally just said i was in the same situation as you. i am not defending them. i am making fun of you. you are a fucking loser. if i were you i'd kill myself. instead i'm me and either i get my fake toy or i get my money back. either way i don't spend a bunch of time crying online about it.
Do you see your dad when you talk to me like that?
Funny how you never post toys. You just bitch and whine.
Kind of wild just how upset this thread got over one anon having problems with CT's official store. From telling him he used some random seller to telling him to kill himself. Unreal. Why are you all incapable of being normal?
>I'm issuing a refund regardless if they actually ship it or not
Kinda feels like this keeps happening to you for karma reasons. You genuinely seem to be a piece of shit in these threads.

No reply is necessary, my opinion of you is set and you'd only be wasting your time. Which you'll likely do anyway.
plz understand Hasbro smol company extra paint too much cost plz paint urself
CT shills are on suicide watch this morning.
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Goblin bomb at Target
I mean, if they don't ship it out in 30 days it's kind of his right to ask for a refund.
No, he should learn to be patient.
I mean, considering the estimated delivery date has come and gone and I still don't have a real tracking number, I've been pretty patient.
Being a whiny little bitch here and threatening to demand a refund even if you get the figure kinda isn't :^)
I haven't gotten the figure though. And I highly doubt I'm going to get it in four days. The seller has a refund guarantee if the item isn't delivered in 30 days. Not my fault they can't get their shit together.
what a karen lmao
Why are you going so far out of your way to defend a bootleg company?
Damn and seeing this just after I found a MISB Agent Venom at my parents' house the other day.
This looks like one of the dorkiest spidermen in awhile
Why were they allowed to name the character Holocaust closer to the actual event that made it a PR nightmare word, but now they can't when we're further away from the actual event? Does this make some kind of twisted sense somewhere?
There was no social media back then and the mainstream media barelt cares about comics back then. Either way they've been calling him Nemesis on merchandise since the 90s so this isn't some new thing.
This is a lie, he was never censored until the last few years
I'd buy her for 12 dollars. Is she niche enough to go that low?
>actual event
Who's going to tell him?
Maybe. She does have the mvc2 factor though that will boost her sales.
She's the most popular X-Man from her era.
The posers in this thread that pretend they read comics, played games, or even were alive at the time that some of these things were popular is outrageous.
She's x-girl with pretty face, nice boobs and from "insanely" popular nostalgia videogame. Every degenerate with SmashBros display will be after her.
He's not wrong but the late 90s is a really low bar considering her peers are characters like Cecilia Reyes or Maggott
She will, don't listen to the niche incels here.
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>Funny how you never post toys. You just bitch and whine.
It's because she's an attention whore, that's why she can't stop making retroblasting threads amd shitpost in multiple threads with shitty consolewars.
Glad we have the best mods in the whole board, they deserve every single penny for their hard work :)
Yeah, these are the same retards that were telling people Warlord Prof X was gonna be hard to find.
>pretty face
It is kind of funny thinking about who it is, even if that is true for this toy.
No she's not

Marrow was and remains super fucking hated as a shitty fucking character that was shoved down fans throats for several years because she was Mark Powers' waifu, fans be damned.

Cecelia Reyes was way more fucking popular but she didn't make Mark have a boner.

The only people who like her are the worst of the worst filthy casuals that only know Marrow from the fighting games.
Cecelia was way more popular than Marrow and even Maggot had more fans than Marrow.
Dafuq are you talking about hastard who do you think I am?
An attention whore. Clearly.
There also are casuals that like her for political reasons by having ugly powers.
Sorry the truth hurts. 99% of Legends suck ass.
If you insist
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Just one more Sinister to go. Yes we got a Mysterio in retro card but that is not the animated series model like Doc Oc and Vulture.
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MCU Sharon Carter has the jacket. Or a close one.
Yeah this. Marvel pulled a fast one by pretending it's the same character. Counterpart at best. I mean I still like both characters and am going to pretend it's the same, but it's not even the same name.
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Spring Collector Con exclusive, limited to 10 figures only avialable, pre-order opens 3 hours before you get up for work.
That looks nothing like mvc2 venom.
>still pinned
as if people would scramble for this
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They will definitely use that new Kaine to make a half assed animated spider carnage like this.
>on a pinned, dogshit mold
It's gonna happen
Oh it will happen hastards love this slop. You saw how giddy some of them got with hammond spidey, of which is just the japanese spiderman body with a new head. Still 2015 era articulation and they got ecstatic they will for sure go for this lazy repaint.
Trolling aside, you people don't realize how niche this community is, even online as a whole.
I gotta question if you even like Marvel
It’s my favorite Ip. That’s why I’m so hard on hasblo because their figures are not to standard, it’s insulting.
These people seem to think if you're hard on a company it'll hurt their feelings and they won't make the product anymore. I first noticed it a couple decades ago with the console wars.
Just pointing out the flaws. If you disagree that’s on you.
They could've just repainted a regular Venom in those colors by now
That's awesome
people didn't mind pinned molds for years, they won't just suddenly flip flop on this.
People didn't mind horse drawn carriages for years, they won't suddenly just collapse the horse drawn carriage market to go for these strange "auto-mobiles" that are coming out.
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this person doesn't care if he spouts the most retarded argument ever as if horse-drawn carriages don't still exist or are somehow comparable to pin holes in action figures.
Pins in action figures still exist too, but they are becoming much less plentiful, because people have chosen a better option.

Also both are technological advancements. Thats it.
Fuck, my dick is going to make me collect a gender bent sinister 6 now
hasbro never lets me complete a team but spiderverse doc ock will convince me that it might happen in a few years
>stupid sexy electro
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Slightly colorblind. Do the flat hands match his skin tone?

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Three years after Callisto I'm getting Marrow. At least Marrow isn't trapped in a five pack this time.

Congrats anon, you're almost done, I'm just getting started.

>X-treme Wolverine which is dumb because more people like Ultimates
I mean we're on the way to Sage so that's something. Bonus she's going to be a basic ass full reuse so she'll come up sooner or later.
>She does have the mvc2 factor though that will boost her sales.

She's like the A-list of a couple super niche groups, so while I don't imagine there are a ton of anons collecting morlocks, Maggot sold ok so that xmen team may have some demand, and with Jada doing a great job at cheap streetfighter characters, a decent amount of gamer tourists will be picking her up too.
>Just one more Sinister to go
Welcome to the "I'll never ever get the last guy" club.

Right now it's me and the anons waiting for overdrive. I'm sure I've forgotten a third team though.
Wait, are you going by costume, or person? I think they made all of them at some point, but it is more than one that isn't Nextwave's design.
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Costume (ish).

I'm genuinely shocked that it's an xman I'm waiting for, but I got two of them from the A-Force 5 pack, one of them was a nick fury alt head, one of them is missing the trenchcoat but whatever, and the fucking OC donutsteel guy on the far right got a comic-accurate figure with multiple head expressions, of all characters.

While technically we got Boom boom, they're not passable enough to sneak into the nextwave team like Machine man is.
In a few years, there will be Rorkannu in some multi-pack.
That body mold is so much better than Warbird's, shame
The short-hair Carol head will come with Dr. Minerva, so it would not match the neck or leg design and require you to buy both.
Yeah, they do
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Needs the movie Dr. Strange.
I bought the single dormammu to get me halfway there.

I couldn't justify a mindless one as a baf though, ever since my website of choice for buying the baf and not the figures went under. Hopefully they get single packed somewhere down the line to army build.
The Marvel Rivals Anti-Venom skin has me really wanting a new figure of him.
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Whens FF?
What’s funny is that you can’t put hammond in that pose.
Yes, same color in both pics
>Sue huge cameltoe
>Reed and Johnny small peepees
This pic made me feel things I didn't felt in a long time.
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Well, they did make that new mold of spiderman last man something, with that jacket. Tehy gotta reuse it for something.
Nice motorcycle helmet, cap
They better not fuck up the Lou Ferrigno Hulk. I had fond memories watching the reruns on SCIFi channel in the early 90s.
I would be scared they would just use a generic Hulk body and then a new headsculpt.
Wouldn’t be surprise considering the spiderman is just the japanese spiderman with a new head.
Are Marvel Legends dead?
You asked this earlier in the thread
Yup. Hope you're read for marvel multiverse.
To be fair that is actually fairly appropriate reuse. They were similar enough looking body suits that just changing the web pattern and what not is really enough. I know you're going to whine about how every $25 mass market action figure should be uniquely molded, but that's not realistic and you need to temper your expectations a bit more. As long as the reuse is done appropriately, it's fine. Although, I could just be saying all this since I skipped the ML Takuya since I managed to grab the SHF so I'm more alright with getting the ML mold.
Doesn't look like it. People get like this around license renewal times. There is no other company that can handle the Marvel license that exists except Hasbro. McFarlane's Marvel statues had many go on discount already, which would likely call into question any use he would have to Marvel due to their failure to move. Jada is still too small. People like to make a production of it about how the licensors have all the power, but there is actually very little choice on the part of the licensor due to how small the domestic toy industry is (this is by design on the toy companies' parts, due to buy outs)
>Marvel Rivals is a massive hit
>Chris Evans joins RDJ to make MCU great again
>Hasbro ML team focusing on comic chracters people want

Marvel Legends is on the rise from the dip,
It's a shame they haven't yet improved their articulation schemes. Could've easily went to double ballpegs for chest, waist and neck.
Weird that Punisher will be in another two pack, but it makes me glad I skipped the Bushwacker one. I hope it is Frank and Nick from the arcade game.
He also looks like later seasoned X-Men Evolution Wolverine. I hope we get the season 1 costume someday
This, there is really no reason not to upgrade the articulation when every other company is doing it.
New Thread:

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>not knowing a fucking thing
>confusing accuracy for bad construction

Please KYS

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