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Momocute Edition

>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous thread: >>91735534
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Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss streams.
Check https://rentry.org/brgdex and any new restreamer that might show up.
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still amazed people actually watch poette
who whales her?
potatodragon and pandaburritoguy
think the same ones that have been
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elise got raided by Z0NE today
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She’s gonna make it
It's all luck, nothing yet that proves she will
AniLive is FUCKING DYING and you bake a Momo edition?!?
We all die together
Why didn't (you) bake, anon?
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Everyone shut up, nell of all nexans is debuting on youtube
About fucking time.
it's a christmas miracle
Apparently Nell’s doing a weeklong collab with Poette and the Shielddong?
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Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for scheduling issues including but not limited to your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule, rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.
Nox https://www.twitch.tv/tetheraa
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Arane : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
she's suffering from collab beggars...
>Pyxi can't even upload her model to other apps
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no Pyxi today
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How will Momocute if she's leaving the Momoko behind to die?
Oh ye of little faith
Momocute is eternal!
Lulu rape
doesnt say what corpo poached her, instructions unclear Momo is ded
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Ochu : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLjqGRUVoo0
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Sex with Moka.
Lulu impregnation
Nyan is moving to Iriam
She STILL doesn’t have a PC yet?
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today is not a googmorning... because it's only goog when nowi is with us
Lulu paizuri
Calm down Cedric
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Faelive with Cult of the Lamb
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>you make me feel good
all me
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that post? mine
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Ruri : https://www.twitch.tv/ruritinytale
someone should tell Fae heavy topics like sexual abuse and famous rapists don't make the best stream topics
someone should tell Fae heavy topics like sexual abuse and famous rapists do make the best stream topics
Honestly these kinds of moments remind me that lurking is preferable
I saw him for the first time the other night.
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Kenzo playing Spyro : https://www.twitch.tv/kenzokozima
was he hiding in the shadows waiting to rape you?
usually this stuff is not happening in Fae's streams, Jayme just could not drop the topic and Fae's personal past and french ego did not allow her to not reply, was just a bad mix of circumstances really
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I miss my Fae wife...
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yukiko crime scene cleaner: https://youtube.com/watch?v=oGe03pg0u9U
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Ellwyn pls
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Momo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVwqaxp7juI
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Sorry I went too hard today
Who's the lucky miafucker
>I met a Beechanic in the wild today!
>I was celebrating my friend's birthday today and I started talking about VTubers with a few people. Someone started scrolling through their subscription feed on YouTube and GUESS WHO I SAW!
ellwyn, thats already how it is with your pathetic ass
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Nano Zatsu later
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Manon : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUBMKkJOy1k
yipee! I missed my menhera wife!
tell your wife to stream like three hours earlier sometime
okay, I will whisper it into her ear while we make sweet love together.
i made this post
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Roseli : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OA_s502ulU
Guess she'll be fixin the pipe in the bg?
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Backshots with Mia.
>tfw it should've been me
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mayo cabin factory: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KR6-uqsF9pM
wiggzy overslept, will start stream soon
Did she finally ditch twitch? She seems to be going youtube only lately.
Seems so, her schedule only has YT streams
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lulu productivity/work with me: https://twitch.tv/lululasso
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Myu (vdreams) playing Salt and Sanctuary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL3MsiFw_4o
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Konomi : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
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silas continues elden ring: https://twitch.tv/silasain
nano yappin: https://twitch.tv/burgerposting
Nano canceled stream yesterday to play Fortnite with me all night. How does that make you retarded cucks feel? Your wife is all over my dick
Seeking validation over a 1view illuminates your own pitiful existence more than anything else
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Mizuki busting out the unannounced untweeted guerilla to satiate her Marvel Rivals addiction.
So we're just gonna post IRIAM on the live anchor now?
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it's been a slow slow thread these days
I’d check out Iriam if the company allowed me to
Myu is cute so its okay.
I wouldn't play Fortnite with her even if someone paid me.
I wrote this post. She also gave me personal 1 on 1 kisses that were all for me btw.
Shiori playing Infinity Nikki:
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Since I am Nano's little baby boy, I think it stands to reason that those particular kisses were for me.
aww is Cedric jealous that his oshis dont love him the way Nano loves us
Those Nano herpes she gave all of you? Those were from me. Merry Christmas! And a Happy LuYear!
Hi Leo/Koha
aww he is jealous! Besides I’ll take Nanos herpes before Shiwhoris aids you’ve already licked clean nigger <3
Lulu DOES love me, tho. Also, he’s right, you do look insecure.
No Elise I really don't care about Arcane
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>banged Lulu
>banged Enaria
>banged Mia
>banged Reiki
>banged Emiko
>banged Accismus
>banged Shiori
How does he do it?
kys cedric
raped* not one person in nexas can stand Cedric. Coming from a nexan lmao
damn shio, wait a little bit after you finish stream before you shit post on here
To be fair, Shiwhori hates all of her fans. Cedric isn’t an outlier for her.
She heard you anon. I'm honestly impressed with how much self-control Elise has, being able to talk about her interests without turning the whole stream into an arcane rant. I love her so much
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boys fell off
guess sora debuted
Sora appears to be playing Left 4 Dead on stream, shes also definitely SEA, speaks tagalog but her voice is kinda cute, model is about what you’d expect from Vol 2
have any of the vol2's mentioned what they actually get when anilive goes under? is it literally just a png?
I saw addie was rigging the model herself, but are the others just becoming pngtubers?
Sora’s debut stream has been like 4 and a half hours and she apparently doesn’t think thats a long debut
AniLive had said that they would help the jumpstarts transfer to other platforms while AniLive is transitioning to beta. I presume Vol 2 is also like that, so whatever they have access to now they should be able to use on twitch or youtube, addie is probably doing her own rigging because the Vol 2 rigging is ass.
no reason not to really
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I stopped following NEXAS after the first month because it was too troublesome to watch their streams. Did something happened since then or did everything went smoothly somehow ?
it's dead jim
Nexas is kill, most of the talents are getting the option to keep their models though so if theres anyone you liked they’re probably on youtube or twitch now
That was probably the best ending possible frankly.
Anilive will also be going into beta soon and the app will be taken down during the transition, the non nexans still trapped there will presumably be getting their model rights while they update
JS Kerth debut https://www.twitch.tv/tetheraa
the fuck did this one come from
she's a cyber angel from another dimension!
it's confusing, either she's got the strong fish out of water kayfabe or she legit has no idea about vtubers, streaming or even Anilive
female Endra, amazing
it's burgover
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This is an experience
Nox had an accident
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Ochu : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIg-62EowII
The PS5 has NO game.
it has infinity nikki
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Ewise is live!!!
she's crazy
what happened?
Sweet : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
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Violent animalistic impregnation sex with Elise
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Gentle handholding impregnation sex with Elise
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Pick one, which will it be anons?
we fight to death
Now rape each others
go home elise
she's so cute bros
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nagi hsr: https://twitch.tv/nagi_ishidori
what a fucking image lmao
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>Zatsu-only app
>Zero zatsu streams
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liars bar ft.
mia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1q3STwChXE
os: https://twitch.tv/osianwhitlock
midori shoku: https://www.twitch.tv/midorishoku
rambonis (no pov)
who are the others?
some random indies afaik
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powerful Fugi, bigger than the head
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rixxy: https://twitch.tv/rixxybrightful
asa karaoke: https://youtube.com/watch?v=2-PPQ0vMEno
manon MAL lists to manga covers: https://youtube.com/watch?v=-WYwrdhreoQ
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Mia's rage in this is just brilliant
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Shadow Mizuki
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da wose: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eOiFrhXvHzs
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mayo: https://twitch.tv/mayosozoic
How do I get to collab with her?
Surely the AniLive beta will fix this
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moka: https://youtube.com/watch?v=23b1xAfdtOQ
She usually takes $100 and 20% from your donations during the stream.
She's making herself even smaller now and it's making it really hard to have her titties and gameplay on screen.
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lulu fallout nv: https://twitch.tv/lululasso
Nano is the Queen of Zatsu <3
She's so dumb with tech
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wuwi die hard: https://twitch.tv/beeb_sack
nano anchorman: https://twitch.tv/burgerposting
Is she the one with the most porn in NEXAS?
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Lulu has the most art overall but in terms of NSFW I think Mia got a lot.
Mia has the most because every one of her streams is porn material due to her erection-inducing voice.
Holy Sexo
Pyxi cute
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dead thread
Mizuki's tits were fabulous today, too.
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nexas is already dead but i still feel depressed about it
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Mia morning Zatsu:
Sex with _____
Did she not stream yesterday?
Let it die during dead hours.
I’m just sad we’ll never see another gen, things would always get a little more exciting around here with new debuts
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iku hopping in to collect her free coins I guess
Lulu thigh-job
I hope Lulu gets better soon.
>so sick she vomited onstream
>still went through with her ASMR
She’s a keeper that one
never cared much for the style, but I respect the hustle
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So when anilive and nexas stop existing would we just migrate to /asp/?
asp's mostly for selfposters so yeah
/corpo/'s basically a dead corpo thread now, so that works, and it can always use more actual vtuber discussion
Don’t wish that evil on anyone
There's no need to mention /asp/
I mean, i presume most people /here/ still like the nexans right? I’m a little worried about the downtime when Nexas is dead and AniLive is down, but supposedly AniLive won’t be dead forever and I still find the battle royale there to be kinda entertaining. Also Iriam is supposed to be becoming available outside US and Japan eventually and when that happens it might warrant more discussion here, restreamers might even divert their attention there during AniLive’s downtime.
We can keep going
No! We stay here and keep the fires going
only if people actually post about streams
eventually the pity bumps will stop if there's no reason to keep the thread around beyond some retard saying their oshi is live
Nano is on Iriam so no
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Will she ever escape Lulu’s shadow?
I try to livepost the jumpstart debuts but nobody cares
well yeah, but they're all nearly unwatchable so they don't need a thread either
I thought Addie's debut was pretty good.
Would watch again.
Faelie! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn3xwqXP-Ys
Isn't she Canadian?
will IRIAM fail just like anilive did, is there really a market for apps like that?
AniLive magdumped into their both feet desu, and IRIAM is pretty successful in Japan apparently, so I doubt they will fail that hard. They just need to open to global and advertise to actual people
Iriam has a whole gacha ecosystem of dailies and missions to drive engagement, which also serves as a distraction for the shitty kids
What was cap thinking with 5 coins per day?
And before someone says "any more than that is just bleeding money", I think vtubing has been going on long enough that everyone should know that these are massive money sinks, I hope to god Cap didn't think he'd see a return anytime soon
I'm just wondering what audience they can get. Most people already use youtube or twitch on their phones; the only ones that IRIAM/anilive appeal to are people that want to stream from their phone.
Hence the classic anilive experience of every other new viewer asking how to stream, then fucking off when they realize they can't.
People follow streamers, not platforms. If they get more people like Nyaru to stream and promote it, then they know the game and it will work out.
Elise Fairy Tail watchalong! (Shocked we still doing this)
That assumes they can get popular streamers to use it, and not just do 1 stream and never again.
basically just that
doddling kids and doddling third worlders with no sense, and neither have a lot of disposable income
but they don't really need a lot to float as long as they keep the expenses minimal, especially when they're only sending realtime tracking data and caching model data
I don't think that works the way you think it does
I think there's a lot more friction
hell it's hard getting a third to half ccv to show up to a space and that's likely most of the core audience... and for what?
there'll never be exposure strong enough
there'll never be a monetary incentive strong enough
there'll never be a technological incentive strong enough
if they can stream normally, they'd just stream normally
if they can't, a space works and has more exposure
and though it could be better quality and have easier chatting, a fucking phone app even if it pulled that off, wouldn't have a case sweet enough to compel jumping over the barriers for a lot of people
there's a risk of exhaustion and pushing them to go invest time in someone who doesn't ask them to follow on five platforms to keep up with someone or they're not the type to ever follow off platform in the first place
there's layers to the audience onion and anyone with sense wouldn't waste their limited time shedding theirs for nothing
>People follow streamers, not platforms
Eh, not entirely true, plenty of people will only watch chuubas from one platform and refuse to use the others, just look at all the youtube vs twitch debates /here/.
They shouldn't be trying to compete with YT or Twitch in the first place. It should have been an alternative to twitter spaces - a place where people who primarily stream elsewhere can occasionally do a more chill and low-effort chat when they can't/don't feel like setting up a real stream. There was legitimate interest in something like that but of course they botched it in every way possible.
It also could have just been Reality 2: Reality Harder where the intention isn't really to stream to an audience but to just have an avatar and use it as an excuse to "socialize" (groom) other users.
But all of this assumes Anilive has any serious intention of coming back and not just quietly disappearing when the investor cash faucet dries up.

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