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Let it snow, ERB...

Deck the Halls
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Good morning rosarians
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Who keeps baking threads like this?


>Timetable / Schedule:

>Next Live:
Comic Fiesta Appearance

>Previous Archived Live:
Marvel Rivals - https://youtu.be/S00ZhY5Biyo

>Unarchived Karaoke:
22 total

>Archived Karaoke:
https://youtu.be/T68MKhkRS-g (Monetisation celebration)

>New Cover
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree


>Group Songs

>Shorts Covers

>【DEBUT】Ello Ello Ello~! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice


#BloodflameLive #BloodflameArt #BFKingdom

>OP Template

Previous thread: >>91939445

Don't feed the seagulls
Luv me 'Liz
God save the Queen
Simple as.
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Liz will be on Towa's team for the New Year's event
She'll be in the mystery game with 8 teammates, Fall guys with everyone and Chained Together with Towa, Chihaya, and Kronii
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That would make a really cool album art.
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Here's some images from Comic Fiesta and Hong Kong event
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Noice, cover getting bloodraven to open for the concert is a stroke of genius i got to say, i usually dont like attending concerts but this is making me reconsider.
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its pretty cute how she's retweeting all the people meeting her :)
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She's a cutie
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Liz getting flashbacks
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Its certainly a smart marketing decision. If they do another world tour like this, I hope Liz will be involved in the actual concert portion instead of the intro portion though
>Rissa is a undercover agent and secret 5th member of Justice all along.
This is my headcanon now
Ya, definitely, i hope Liz gets her 3D soon, but i think its a clever way for cover to get the two music focus holos of the newer gens involved in the concert.
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Good morning! It seems the event went well, nice. I'm a bit jealous and I wish I could have attended too... but I'm happy Liz has more opportunities to sing for a live audience.
Does anyone know the setlist?
These just showed a looping pre-recorded message?
Not sure, but >>91967146 suggests it was more of a group meet and greet.
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This is the only thing I have seen so far from global
- Firefly (Rissa)
- Fairytale (ERB)
- Espresso (Rissa)
Two Mario songs. the jump song and peaches. I know she's good at this, but man ERB is built for this.
>The watch is about £308 without shipping.
Fuck me, I was not expecting it to be so much.
Gonna have to do more overtime after this.

>Liz singing Queen.
Would be perfect ngl.
She's sang a few of their songs. Bohemian Rhapsody, Don't Stop Me Now, I Want To Break Free from looking at the karaoke setlists.
>jump song
I am assuming this one?
If so it fits her perfectly, bet she killed it.
Seems like Liz sang Peaches so that would mean Nerissa probably sang that one.
Holy shit, I just listened to the song for the first time and I'm so sad I didn't get a chance to see Liz singing this lmao
Holy underboob
Don't see any cameras for it to be a meet and greet
Looks like they're just looping videos
Ah I see, I guess that makes more sense anyway. Thanks for the clarification
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Surely 6th month anniversary stream some time next week. Gotta shill the inevitable keychains and tapestry merch.
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Hong Kong merch pictures
Also looks like the Hong Kong event just ended
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I see, thank you!
Huh, Jump Up Super Star seems perfect for Liz, given the energy / vibes of the song. If Nerissa sang it instead then it's cool too, though.
Got some more info, so updated setlist
Say My Name
Viva La Vida
Above Below

Jump song - unknown
Five seems too few for an hour long karaoke?
Sounds like Liz had fun
Also, Nerissa sang Everytime We Touch as well
Oh yeah there was definitely more, its just no one has posted a full setlist yet
CF 2024 Karaoke Setlist

- Fireflies (Owl City)
- Fairytale (Alexander Rybak)
- Espresso (Sabrina Carpenter)
- Jump Up, Super Star! (from: Super Mario Odyssey)
- Peaches (Bowser, Jack Black)
- Lay All Your Love On Me (ABBA)
- Somewhere Only We Know (Keane)
- Viva La Vida (Coldplay)
- Wonderwall (Oasis)
- Everytime We Touch (Cascada)
- Say My Name (Nerissa Ravencroft)
- Above Below (HoloEN Justice)

From NightCrow
CF 2024 Karaoke Setlist

Rissa - Fireflies (Owl City)
Liz - Fairytale (Alexander Rybak)
Rissa - Espresso (Sabrina Carpenter)
Liz - Jump Up, Super Star! (from: Super Mario Odyssey)
Liz - Peaches (Bowser, Jack Black)
Rissa - Lay All Your Love On Me (ABBA)
Liz - Somewhere Only We Know (Keane)
Rissa - Viva La Vida (Coldplay)
Liz - Wonderwall (Oasis)
Rissa - Everytime We Touch (Cascada)
Rissa - Say My Name (Nerissa Ravencroft)
Liz - Above Below (HoloEN Justice)
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Nice setlist. Looks like Liz sang both of the Mario songs lol
Makes sense, Liz seems interested to sing more video game songs and I guess the cons have more perms for them than holo
Maybe cons don't require perms? Its not recorded anywhere after all. I suppose they would have sang Disney songs if that were true though so maybe not.
I'm pretty sure when Snake Eater has come up before on stream Liz talked briefly about how venues/cons get different perms for songs, that they have to submit a list in advance which then confirms what they can sing.
huzzah! thanks again.
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>Liz - Jump Up, Super Star! (from: Super Mario Odyssey)
>Liz - Peaches (Bowser, Jack Black)
>Liz: Mario
>Ceci: Luigi
>Gigi: Wario
now if only raora was purple
Could have Gigi be Daisy and Raora be Peach
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>Autofister and Lizotto
Looks like the Chained Together will be 2 pairs per team so it'll be Kronii and Liz pair. Wonder if we'll get the deadpan admiring version from the MC tour stream or the toxic rage version from ENreco since its chained together lol.
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Probably deadpan admiring, unless Liz decides to release gobLiz for the stream than we might get some banter.
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Life is cruel indeed
Looks like 6 more pages coming tomorrow.
Nice set list, shame about no recording
They're always placed as the opening extra acts for the main concert. Shame, but it's good opportunity for them to gain fans who are willing to spend money for idol stuff
For sure, its nice exposure. Just wish we got to see it too
Karaoke #22 uploaded to YouTube. All have been uploaded now except for 18 which keeps getting striked down so will have to use mega.nz or internet archive for that one

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