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So, that's it? just one member stream? when's the next one? valentines?
within six months
graduation stream after holofes
Don't worry, she'll be back to steal your money on Christmas and New Year's and then will disappear until Fes
She'll be back between 75 and 80 days since her last membership stream.
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She'll be back for valentines, then she'll be back a bit earlier than 120 days after her last membership stream, then if they launch a new gen around summer she'll be back to overlap any new loli during her first few streams after debut.
She's literally done this two years in a row now.
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you want more ?
She's gonna be in the Kiara Advent Calendar #trust
it's actually ogre if we don't get a Christmas karaoke chumbies...
when was the last time she did a karaoke stream?
There's no hope for Chumbuds, she'll never change. Even if she debuts as an indie she'll still stream the same amount.
The queen appears as she pleases
Christmas stream, she shows up for Fauna's graduation, and then she sleeps until fes.
(And then she graduates sometime next year)
honestly, who cares
I only feel pity for chumbuds.
Why? They defend this behavior to the hilt and are deluded assholes everytime she comes back. Chumbies get what they deserve for supporting someone who transparently just sees them as a cash machine.
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