Are there high quality blender projects with animations that I can study? I want to see how pros are making stuff. Maybe there some creators that share them on patreon or something?
>>1006500Pros don’t use Blender and everything animation related to Blender breaks. Use something else.
>>1006501But all the cool porn is made in Blender.
>>1006501I mean, blender is pretty much a professional tool, isn't it? It has pretty good animation tools. If you can't get any good results then it might just be a skill issue.
>>1006502no its made in maya and the creators just say they use blender because they dont want autodesk raping them for making 10k a month with a lirated copy.
>>1006503There’s no proof pros ever using it. The cat movie took 4 million dollars to create. They had to use custom tools and different techniques to achieve movie quality. Nothing was directly related to Blender. Also no, Blender’s tools are not close to what professional animators want. Too many tools like Mocap, gravity (not to be confused with simulation), frame rate, etc.
>>1006504For stylized stuff you don't need super powerful magical tools, there are nothing super special in Maya that will make 2 minutes animation of a girl being fucked on the table impossible to recreate in the Blender. It's not a super realistic movie or complicated scene wtih 1000 layers of dynamic stuff.
>>1006505>custom tools and different techniquesyou mean advanced techniques like texture mapping?! holy shit
>>1006505> "Too many tools like Mocap, gravity (not to be confused with simulation), frame rate, etc."What do you even mean by that?
>>1006510Have you seen how Adobe substance can just create bump mapping without 3rd party software. Unlike Blender who needs to use Gimp because other sources are proprietary or paid. News Entertainment are clearly saying from the creators of Flow that Blender didn’t meet their expectations and have to make custom code. So what crazy thing in your mind tells you Blender can do impossible things when it’s not implanted into Blender.
>>1006515You mean the fabled bump? I heard they only teach you that in your third year of university, unbelievable
>>1006516Bump Node can’t perceive higher levels of detail stupid. It also doesn’t offer colorful details either. What you suggested is stupidest method of doing things.
oh hey its this schizo again. Happy new year, faggot
>>1006522Now tell me, did they use something called "animation curves"? I heard they only have those in Maya
>>1006526Graph Editor in Blender is inferior, you can’t smooth it, the data is not saved which means you lose work and doesn’t offer any effects animation. It’s simply not worth using it, many Blender users are in the same situation and always recommend something to fix Blender’s inability to solve it.
>>1006534And no, blender has a smooth function for keyframes. And what do you even mean by "the data is not saved"?Sounds like you just have a skill issue desu.
>>1006526I also heard that they have this new technique called "Normal mapping"Too bad i don't have money for 3Ds Max. Blender just feels so outdated now.
>>1006542Just play along, he's mentally retarded
>>1006544Probably more like inexperienced.
People make decent porn in a fucking source engine, you don't need cutting edge stuff to make good shit.
>>1006542>>1006544>>1006545>Stupid Blender people think they can do this: noobs never change, never stop being a clown.>>1006543Read >>1006522
>>1006548I think they used python to create procedural materials, I'm sure it would have been a breeze in Maya since it has its own scripting language
>>1006549I'm sure it would have been a breeze in Blender since it has its own python API.
>>1006548you sure?
>>1006551>Blender noob think it’s the sameThere not the same just like this isn’t the same either:
>>1006557You don't even know anything about Maya, what is wrong with you?
>>1006558You don’t even know anything about 3D if you think they’re the same. It’s like saying Manual Car and Automatic Car are the same.
>>1006557Ya can't really implement bezier curves in a fundamentally different way. They're just bezier curves.As for the last video; see attachment.
>>1006562Poor Blender users, limited range sliders and zero control over selection of points.
>>1006568> zero control over selection of pointssee attachmentalso, limited range slider is such a stupid nitpick, as if maya or max doesnt have limited range slider
>>1006500damn, another porn thread, how cool
>>1006571Oh stop playing dumb, you’re the one who can’t drive Manual Transmission and over reliance on automatic vehicles. You know Blender can’t do those things and just installed plugins that break down.
>>1006575I, no joke, didn't even know that this plugin even existed...
>>1006509it doesnt have to be impossible. just harder. why work harder when another option, which is easier and makes better outcomes, is available?
>>1006500f95 has a lot of guides and stuff, the rabbithole goes infinite, but besides all that it really is just watching a lot of real life bouncy butt and recreating it as best as possible with your talent and your skillset. Learn whatever program you're using from head to toe and practice until you get it right.jesus what a piece of shit advice
Unironically, SFM was waaaaaay ahead of its time for animation.It's features and UI are still superior to anything else on the market right now.The only thing they are better at is having proper soft body physics etc.It's fucking baffling how these gorillion dollar companies fail at such basic things. Maya? Fuck that shit. Blender? Stumbling buffoons. Even unreal engine is better than those two.
>>1006679SFM doesn’t have cloth physics, outdated files that one day will no longer exist, no node controls for the animator, percussion editing not available, etc. SFM is the one with the outdated stuff, you’re not even a real animator if you can’t see the major difference between SFM and Blender/Maya animation tools.
>>1006679>UIi can somewhat understand that>FeaturesFuck no. The only real feature that sets ot apart is the native source integration, since it is, technically, a fucking source game. I'd love an addon that somehow integrates the TF2 recording system into blender but thats it.Almost anything SFM can do, blender can do bettter, and in many cases faster, while allowing way better control over every single element of the scene, not to mention that SFM hasnt been updated in a literal decade and is bursting at the seam at every possible moment.I admit that i dont know anything about S2FM, but the original has been outdated dogshit even back when it was still big.