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Is it really normal to box model organic things? Shouldn't you sculpt a character like this?
He could sculpt, but box modeling anime characters has been solved a long time ago
Also anime characters are smooth and that's easier with subdivisions than sculpting
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very hyperborean of you sir
You need to work on your anatomy
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No rig or animation?
now perform surgery on her https://files.catbox.moe/5r3iq2.rar
when im in an unlovable pedophile competition and my opponent is the OP of this thread:
the butt and the side view could be improved yes.
No, box modelling doesn't allow enough control. Should only be used for low poly.
put red or black color on her lips??
Box modeling lets you get the topology right the first time.
That too, but the one thing I dislike are the shapeless calves. Also the part where you join the legs to the leotard is too sharp, add a few loops there while you make the butt.
I really recommend not using flat shading. That shit doesn't let you appreciate the surface. Right now If you disable that the model's face doesn't look good at all. Work on that first, make it look good with a normal shader and then you can try flat shading
ill do more practice then. I want to learn how to paint textures instead of relying on shaders
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You know nothing John Snow
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I'm losing my mind trying to unwrap this building
I might actually go blind
Bro you’re supposed to connect certain parts of the model. Not super divide it to individual pieces like a lego piece.
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This looked fun so I figured I'd WAAGH a bit myself. But I think I'm biting more than I care to chew because her outfit is elaborate and looks like a pain to make. So I dunno yet but I might not finish it. But since I bothered starting, here's what I have so far. Sorry for the incoming spam, I tried to contract it as much as I could. Also if anyone wants the file so far I can share it.
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AAA I guess
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The end for now. I mean AAAA.
oh I'd love the file so I can study the topology! you did a good job with the ears and the face looks really cute
i really need to learn this topology. But i just cant help building topo from reference..
Sure, here you go.
holy mog. dude, get your own thread.
Should i do the base mesh naked and then do the clothes over it, or should i just Frankenstein the base mesh with the clothes already?

I ask because i see people making it both ways, specially in paid courses at Colosos.
As you said, you can do it any way you like. I prefer making a naked base and modeling the clothes over it. If the clothes start clipping when you start rigging/skinning the clothes then you can just delete parts of the body underneath afterwards. And if you rig and skin the body itself in advance you can easily copy weights to form fitting clothes as well. At the same time, modeling the body and having to delete parts of it afterwards may feel like wasted effort. But it helps measuring the shape of the clothes if nothing else. Also you can reuse the body later if you're into cycling personal assets. I mean it's good practice to do so since 3d allows you to do it and there's no reason not to. But I for example am extremely stubborn and prefer remaking things I've made before every time for every new project. As you can guess, I rarely finish projects because of that.
it depends on if you plan to swap or remove the clothes, I ain't judging

depending on the application of the model you can mask off the clipping faces so you don't have to delete them
in blender that would be assigning them to a vertex group and using a mask modifier
As the one making the rigs, can you please not make me do more work and do have each part be an individual piece. The two models are missing teeth and tongue so i have to add those and the eye brows and eyeliner had to be replaced. Face had to be redone so the girls could have emotions. So a mask for morphing the face would be nice. Basically redoing the texture because that’s what happens when you change the original model UV. Had to remove the shaders in blender 4.4 because i’m in 4.2 so that it stops lagging. Lastly, if you’re making this dress which is very fluttery then please have the body with two dress, the accessories individually piece and her tail in a natural position like a cat.

Otherwise I’m never going to finish, your models aren’t recommended for rookie riggers. It looks great but moves very badly.
New to 3D modelling. How is this guy going from just lines to having a mesh? What's the method here?
there is a technique, sometimes called "patch modelling", where first your draw nurbs curves around the facial features on 1 plane first, then you translate all the vertices on the 3rd axis last. ie: draw all the curves on the front view, then move the verts along the Z axis to match your side view reference.
Once your curves are 3D you loft them or otherwise generate the geometry to link them together (like connecting patches). Your curves become your topological edge loops and the face mesh is perfect on its first iteration.
It's like drawing with vertices.
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I want to learn to make feet more... sexy. Someone know where i can download the Nikke's models? I want to see their topology.
aren't they live2d? if so there's no models
The head looks weird in that position, too close to the neck
If you select a line and extrude, you get faces. Or you cab use the "build face" operator after selecting relevant vertices
how do i get this good at blending?
Modeling one loli a day goes a long way
You don’t need to use blender, even Wings3D can achieve this look if you know how to model.
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You mean the head was too far back? If so, fixed that, you're right.

I wanted to post progress pictures again but it felt kinda lame with small details just appearing out of nowhere so here's just what I have at this point. Clothes are boring to model anyway. I'm dreading texturing the thing now. Anyone up for texturing? I'm tired.
Here's the file so far:
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>Hair is uneven or not straight to allow rigging
>Still no mask for morphing
>Eyes and mouth problem still exist and i need to fix it
I’m never going to finish these with so much modification required to rig it.
Sorry, I wasn't sure if you were talking about the Flonne model since you said "two models" (I'm not the OP who made the first two models in this thread) and you didn't quote any of my posts last time. I mean, you did mention a tail and a fluttery dress, so my bad.
I could accomodate it for rigging the way you want it.
You want the ponytail parts to be straight, right?
You didn't mention the eyes in your last post, what should be changed for them? Can't you just assign the irises to eye bones and call it a day?
>mask for morphing [the face?]
Not sure what you mean by that. Do you intend to use a facial rig or blendshapes? Sounds like you want blendshapes, but can't you just add a new shape to the body mesh and start editing? By "masking", do you mean separating the face geometry (like the eyelid area and the mouth area) from the rest of the body for easier editing? Without "custom split normals", it'd break up the normal smoothing, but I could copy them from the end product by topology and separate the mouth and eyelid areas if you want. Just be aware that editing the geometry won't change the normals after that point without re-copying the normals again, so this kinda thing is usually done last (if ever).
>mouth problem
My bad, I forgot the teeth and tongue, sorry.
OP here. i just follow "trace" the reference and make topology via muscle memory.
I cant make my own reference so sometimes i just eyeball shit which make things worse. Or sometimes when i follow the reference it doesnt look good on 3D.

A good example of anime face topology is this >>1006704 it makes it so that it "shades" good with lighting/normals
ive been following different videos and guides to learn to model anime characters to make figures, but i have a terible time scultping the cheeks/nose area well, could you point me in the direction for some good box modelling ones? it seems like it would be way better to just make myself a base that way and then tweak it rather than trying to sculpt it from a sphere
just watch any natsuhiro katsu timelapse, he does have subbed videos explaining the process but it´s not really necessary
I got his books the other day randomly but i didnt know there was a timelapse, this is very helpful, i'll try work through them and look at these
Can you post the book?
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hurf blurf
That shit ain't easy
Not just the pony tail but the entire hair to be at least smooth enough to sway in the wind. A hair like this is usually built from custom events: youtube.com/watch?v=cvTchBdrqdw

Still that’s less of a problem when trying to do fabric simulation and having everything look nice like as someone would have thought when drawing her.

Eyes are individual pieces because of how they interact when looking right or left. Every 3D model with eyes has to be individual pieces due to the fact that it can’t 100% be represented of real world eyes.

Morphing is a common technique in rigging to create face emotions. 100% seen in anime in all cases. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LowByiyu02Y

Blender people have been doing it wrong for the longest of time. Always assumed rigging with bones is better but morphing has more benefits for face in cartoons and anime that no restricted movement could do.
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I started painting the body and lost interest, so I just rigged it as quickly as I could and now I'm abandoning it. I didn't bother skinning the skirt parts to their own skirt bones because making and using rigid bodies in blender is ass and I got lazy. Maybe it'll be of use to someone studying anime.

Sorry but on second thought I'm too tired to continue. I never said I didn't know what blendshapes were, I was asking whan you meant by "masking". And I'm still confused why you're mentioning cloth sims or curve hair when this kind of model has geometry hair and is obviously meant to be driven with rigid bodies and not cloth sims.
In any case I did most of the skinning so if it saves you time, try to salvage it if you want.
You can ignore whatever he said, that's a mentally ill man
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Little by little
No one uses bones for cloth like clothing. Morphing is super common in blender and Maya. You are stupid if you think bones should be everywhere in the human model.
the character you posted here >>1006771 literally has bones for the hair and clothing
They are called dynamic bones, everyone in 3D uses dynamic bones. It offers higher control during certain stages while also not being annoying when physics needs to be applied. A bone with nothing but absolute control and needs human input is never to get the right balance of hair animation.
Ignore the troll, he's been shitting up half of the active threads on /3/
It’s literally on MMD software editor. Blender also has the same tools for dynamic cloth and bones. There’s no alternative for better physical base animations. Stupid people are always going to be stupid with “believes” because you can’t accept reality.
Only troll is you, the hitbox for it is a nightmare. Blender doesn’t offer the same benefits of Maya cloth simulation or the ability to create dynamic bones. So shut up.
So are you rigging this in Blender or Maya?
>Blender has dynamic bones
>Blender doesn’t have dynamic bones

Which one is it? Does blender have dynamic bones or does it not have dynamic bones?
Once again thread was nice until the chink schizo showed up
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If you haven’t told that lie none if this would happen.

Hair is either dynamic, bones or custom made. There’s never a university agreement because each style of hair is unique. Also, no Blender is very outdated when it comes to hair models. You have to get a plugin to match Maya’s Xgen hair otherwise you are using ploygons.
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Clothes tomorrow
Perfect proportions
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Alas, not much progress this weekend
cunny seggs
Somebody needs to stop this madman.
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Now with some materials!
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