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Previous: >>1002436
Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

News: Daz Premier replaces prior subscriptions and doesnt add much aside from a free character bundle every month and some tools that are worse than using another software like blender or maya.

Some anon created a cool character morph. Meet Quinn! https://mega(.)nz/file/rmZQWLKZ#lh4aluWj6drjfPLkW7FVAUVDaOZZqJfqjoAvsREDo7U

Post more Quinns!
My quinnposting didn't get any (You)s last thread.
She cute.
the original purpose of the request area was to give point rewards and encourage leakers to post some assets, like maybe if you get 50k points you could actually buy a 20 buck asset to leak it there was always this common courtesy thing to post the asset on the public archive right after the request got full-filled, and still like 90% of full-filled requests do get posted, but a small share of desirable coomer assets take a long fucking time to get shared and get re-requested to get even more point
ND3D themed OP when??
I have the ability to detect renders made by boomers.
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Fish in a barrel with Daz. If its lewd, there is 99% chance of some old ugly bastard self insert.
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when these threads get about 40% more based
unfortunately there's still too many hebephobes in the threads

middle one is based on kirsty btw, I made her a jewish qt, blonde hair didn't fit her at all
Mickey as the gigastacey and Romina as the ginger tomboy
Where can I find good, detailed skin textures for G8?
99% of daz renders look like they were made by the same person. I hate how ugly most of them look and how incapable of learning they are
So this is the power of Genesis 3?
Quinnburger! Now that's an idea. Have her working at a fast food place and reacting like the chick fil a "no sauce" girl
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That's not Quinn!
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havent posted in a long while. Well here is a WIP
Nice, these on your pixiv?
not yet. Just made some ME stuff this weekend and the Hermione stuff was just from today.
Ill update my pixiv with 3 ME images and some Hermione pin-ups
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no longer banned
I dont know how you got flack for it before. Each iteration of your Emma looks better and better. Also more mature.
>I dont know how you got flack for it before
well each to his own I say.
>Each iteration of your Emma looks better and better. Also more mature.
well thanks anon. Now that I am unbanned ill start posting regular in this thread again!
pls, don't oldhagify the emma
Add stuff to your F95 thread? I missed the Mass Effect image. Or, do you have another site somewhere?
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Can someone please show/tell me the default sliders for a G9 character?
(click character -> surfaces -> currently used).
I have a tons of crap installed and a lot of it modifies the default morph.

Thank you in advance.
Snip created on a machine with only the default install sets. Hidden values shown.
I saw an anon criticizing genesis 9 because it's the same body base for men and women, which according to him, generates less anatomically well-made women than the previous genesis.
But all DAZ products are being released for genesis 9 these days, so I guess there's no avoiding it anymore, right?
It will be 50 years before G9's library is as large as G8's, so you won't need to switch over until then.
sure, ill upload it all today
too late. The wall shows no mercy
You can use 95% of G8 assets with G9 and vice versa.
>You can use 95% of G8 assets with G9
>and vice versa

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