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Alright /3/, who here messes around with 3D car modeling? Whether you're making game assets, renders, or actual printable parts, let's see what you've got. Post your WIPs, finished models, cursed blender screenshots, or whatever.

What software are you using? Any good resources for reference and topology?

Bonus points if you're working on body kits or custom parts. Drop your meshes!
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Great thread idea brutha

I did some car modeling like a year ago, for a gaym and most likely only as environmental assets, but I'm keeping my possibilities open by modeling and texturing the interiors as well so if I ever want drivable vehicles as well there they are, plus it's iMm3rSivE.
I plan to have an "interior prefab" of sorts, so I'm gonna duplicate it and give it to all the cars I'll make, with due exceptions like this here Humvee, its interior is too unique compared to regular cars for it to use this modular solution I had in mind. When you model this bad boy you appreciate how huge it is, especially the interior, it's massive, it's like a living room in there

I'm throwing in a quad bike too for good measure
That modular interior setup sounds interesting. How are you going about it? Are you making a base mesh and tweaking it per vehicle, or do you have separate swappable parts you mix and match?

I’ve modeled a dozen cars, but I’ve never touched interiors. How hard is it compared to exterior modeling? Always felt like there’s way more small details and weird shapes to deal with.
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ready for printing!
>How are you going about it? Are you making a base mesh and tweaking it per vehicle, or do you have separate swappable parts you mix and match?
That's the idea, with BOTH the "basemesh" in this case being the interior "proper" (this would include the interior walls including the interior side of the car doors, the door frames, that "floor middle ridge" that runs the entire length of the car wherein is the car's drivetrain, and the front dashboard) and the separate swappable parts (these being the front seat duplicated for the driver and co-driver, the shift, the steering wheel, the passenger bench/seat).
It's only a concept in my head as I have other priorities at the moment but I do plan to put it into practice when I'll have the opportunity
just learning blender rn and following some tutorials. Picked a geometrically simple vehicle to get used to the UI
Luv me some jap tuners, keep up the good work
First car model I made and 3rd ever, so it's a bit rough; made it as a mod for a game I like that has a low poly style. I've found that (at least for older/higher end) car references Mecum auctions is a good place for reference photos
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made this ages ago, but I don't really know how to make the panel gaps
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rear side
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Made this 3 years ago, haven't modeled another car since then.
why didn't you follow the blueprint? it looks completely retarded
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datsun i made a couple months ago to test how well i could model not following a tutorial of any sort
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If you think that looks retarded, wait 'til you see the DeLorean time machine i created 2 years before the GT40 lel
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i can't 3D, but I wish someone made the Sorcerer truck for me
Nice movie! Yeah give me 20 minutes and i ll make a rendering for you.
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Wtf man.. How can I be good like that
Dude its a shit render.
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