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What is the most realistic game with MSAA graphics? Is it even possible?
holy fucking sperg
Op's obv confused about a lot of things but I'll answer 'the spirit of the question' so this thread don't go completely to waste:

For older rendertech; A well crafted scene with baked ligthning can look arbitrarily realistic as you're essentially looking at a draped photograph.
There are examples of PS2 era games like the photomode in Gran Turismo 4 that starts to approach photorealism even on that old hardware.
Mirror's Edge is another example of how well 'baked light' still holds up as it still looks better than many current era games.

The pre-production is a lot heavier and the result is more static and non-usable but in principle if it's narrowly defined
very high levels of photorealism in realtime graphics have been possible to pull off from shader model 3 and onwards (driectX 9, ~2004).
Lighting would need to be done thru ambient cubemaps or spherical panorama using image based lighting aka IBL.

If you could travel back in time and rewrite the code for 'shader model 3' era shaders to use some current day PBR concepts you could've made a
PBR-esque realtime shader that functioned on mid 2000's hardware that would look a lot better than anything that was featured in games at the time.
so basically, the most realistic MSAA game came out in 2004?
Half-Life Alyx

Cheap AA looks bad on VR headsets if base resolution is not crazy
No it’s not realistic close enough, you can’t even make fire with realistic sources.

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