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Previous: >>https://warosu.org/3/thread/986993
Someone thought it was a good idea to use angel wings at the op pic.

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Similar programs:
Makehuman: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/
Vroid Anime Tool: https://vroid.com/en/studio
Xnalara: https://www.deviantart.com/xnalara

Hair Creation: Still working on the retard friendly vroid to ornatrix guide

News: Literally just ai stuff and lame ai at that because tafi fucking sucks

Some anon created a cool morph. May require editing since it auto applies to any Gen8 female. Quinn -mega(.)nz/file/2qpGmDoD#YdTIb5G1dMRMnpPneyGGRpp5t5KUTC7glXwgu_daL_8
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Looking for hair items that have this poofy updo that was popular in the 00s. Any suggestions?


In the last thread someone asked about making poses easier and an anon posted an weird device that looks like one of those robots that sucks up dust from the ground. Could someone explain to me how that helps? Thanks.
Nice, thank you.
That was me, it was the 3D Connexion space mouse. Basically the way you manipulate the device itself is the way the camera moves, or limbs move if you change the daz studio settings so that it controls bend/rotate/etc instead.
Oh, thank you.
As for the poses themselves, I think the biggest problem isn't the controls, but the total lack of more advanced tools. As far as I know, you can't even see the center of mass of the models. DAZ Studio is a poser that offers basically no tools for posing the models, which is pretty insane.
There are other programs out there that apply physics to models to make poses look natural and realistic, such as Cascadeur, but this one focuses on animations.
Indeed. Even the rig exported using the bridges is better than what's available normally in daz, which is pretty silly.
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thanks for putting the link to my morph in the post for this and the last thread. I want to make a second version of the morph without it auto applying to every gen8 female, is there any good guides or advice to properly export a morph for others to use?
The freckled harlot!
Is there a daz alternative that's actually better than daz yet? Makehuman is fucking dead and cc4 is a piece of shit.
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Reallusion keeps trying but it just doesnt have the content library. Daz and exporting to another program for proper posing and rendering is the least worst option.
Diffeo to Blender. All the cool kids are using it.
What did you use to render that? A TI-83?
Cope clara fag. Blender is essential for the ultimate daz comics (Non porn, zbrush with maya is best for that)
Is that you, parmy?
it's looking more like models generated with AI will be the future. We just need to wait a few more years.
Here is a tut
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Oh dear EmmAnon, please share your assets with us.
Well boys, it's come to this...
I consider myself a staunch and proud Daz hater, but I need a set of characters for some upcoming projects, and I can't find a better alternative. Character Creator is up it's own ass and I'm not dropping $200 on that shit, MakeHuman is fucking MakeHuman, Unreal's Metahumans look like an absolute fucking BITCH to get out of Unreal into something other than Max, and AI is still trash.
So yeah, I'm up Shit's Creek and my only paddle looks to be Daz.

Someone wanna give me a quick rundown of this shit?
Can I just download the program, shit out a rigged character with some hair/clothes I like and jump into my program of choice? Or is it something where I'm nickeled and dimed for every retarded inch of the character (like closing the eyes is a $20 "morph pack")?
I've got access to CGPeers, so if I need to grab some pack or something it might be on there (unless there's some site dedicated towards pirating Daz shit).
Granted, Pirating CC4 is an option, but I'd rather go with something a little less sketchy this time. Especially with how retarded the install process for it is.

So yeah, I've scorned it in the past, but I'm pushing my pride and judgment aside to give Daz a go. Any help would be appreciated. Might even make a convert of me.
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There is no "quick rundown" for daz, just learning by doing.
Grab some basic character, cloth it, pose it, render it.
Do that until you're familiar with daz layout and basic functions.
Then start to push on custom morphs (zbrush 2021.5.1 works great with Daz 4.22) textures tweak and lighting, scene composition.
Then you'll have your hands free for post processing and animations (or rather not, animation in daz is fucking terrible)
>making violent rape porn with real starlets
I did not believe I could fall down this degeneracy slippery slope before I downloaded those models of Mckenna Grace and Isabella Sermon
may god help my soul now for the ungodly acts I have perpetrated
>Or is it something where I'm nickeled and dimed for every retarded inch of the character (like closing the eyes is a $20 "morph pack")?
that's kinda true but there are sites where you can download them for free and seeing as you're already talking about pirating software i dont see why that would be an issue

porting from daz to blender is easy, you can do it for other programs too but i've only used blender
I'm not really looking to do the "full workflow" inside Daz (getting a character, adding a scene, posing, rendering, etc.),
I'm just interested in it as a way to get characters for actual projects outside of their ecosystem. So really the "quick rundown" amounted to what character to use, quirks/pitfalls and bullshit, and exporting. I've got no interest in the program itself outside of a means to an end to get characters in projects outside of Daz.

Yeah, I mean if I can do basic morphs or whatever myself I can't imagine it being too difficult. I'm assuming it's just moving verts around, and people selling em are capitalizing on people being too computer illiterate to do it themselves. I'm mainly looking at Daz for the pre-weighted clothes and character.
Like I'll be able to edit facial proportions and stuff without buying into it, right? Like basic things you'd see in any other character creator, I'm not looking for crazy paid shit like elves or goblins.
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I hate packaging assets. But I actually did package this version of EW halfway. Could finish it. But there is like already 100x Emma clones out there for DAZ.
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download Genesis 8 and Genesis 9. Those are the base models and rest are just morphs. Then get the morphs you want / characters and then export them either unrigged or rigged to blender / maya / 3dmax
>I'm assuming it's just moving verts around
it is. But you dont really do that inside DAZ. Export the models to something like zbrush or blender or what have you to create your own morphs. You can create a entire morph library yourself and then use the DAZ base models just like a character generator.
Also there are so many morphs made for DAZ that you can just easily go get them to get started. Wont cost you anything.
Yeah, I downloaded it and gave it a quick look, but like I feel like I'm stepping into another world or something.
Like I realize that you have to buy the ability to change tit sizes or change a dude's jaw structure, but like, where the fuck are those in the marketplace to begin with? Do people buy entire characters and get shit like that piecemeal alongside the character and it just blends between the default and that character, or is there some kind of overall pack that simply does what normal character creators do (just blending between two extremes of a given part)?
I downloaded the base shit, and it made it seem like it came with all kinds of basic stuff, but it really is just full of eyebrows and other useless trash.
You'd think the actual devs would put something that has the basic sliders people expect front and center on the marketplace.

Also, is there some super secrit site to download these things, or do I just have to make do with CGP?
exit while you can!
3d-load if you dont want to make a zone account. You don't need an account to use thr install manager.
If I want to make a visual novel but I have shitty hardware, are there any tips to improve rendering time? Scenes with 2 models and a room, for example, take forever. I plan to upgrade my GPU, but for now, what are some things I can do?
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wtf why didn't anybody tell me they added THE one and only KWABOAT to daz?
turn down the max samples and max render time
>3d-load if you dont want to make a zone account
Dunno what zone is, but 3d-load seems like a good start I think.
I'm still really confused about what I should be downloading if I want to edit general face/body proportions though. Characters? Aren't there just dedicated slider packs or something?

I'm considering it. The more I dig deeper, the more it seems this is closer to second-life autism than 3d.
Still, I've got anim projects I need finished, and the other offerings just aren't an option.
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Is there an easy way to put a transparent png into your scene? What about an animated gif? I've checked the forums and it seems there isn't an easy solution for pngs, and I haven't found anything on gifs.
>I'm still really confused about what I should be downloading if I want to edit general face/body proportions though. Characters? Aren't there just dedicated slider packs or something?
Actually, I think I've figured it out. Partly because I'm retarded, and partly because the program is too.
All the shit that I want seems to be built-in with the Genesis 9 figure. God damn this shit is obtuse.
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Thanks, I made a new version of the morph. This should work better than the last version.
I still have the one you sent me a couple years ago (thanks btw), I truly think you have made the best 3d emma ever. Don't ever stop creating what you want.
try looking up Texture Animator for Daz Studio 4, I haven't tested it out but it claims it can render animated textures on both iray and 3delight.
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If you're rendering via iray, and using modern assets, then you don't have much choice but to try to rely heavily on the AI filter (in the render settings, see the post denoiser options under “filtering”). Your renders will be blurry, however, if you make the filter start acting too early.
A possible solution is to make your Visual Novel rely heavily on sprites. Instead of rendering two characters in a room, you render the room as a blurred “background”, then render each character and their poses separately using any HDRI to speed up the rendering (pic related), then you program your visual novel so that it consists of a background + sprites in front, and the rest you describe with text.
Of course, you'll still need to render entire scenes at certain times, but you can radically reduce the need for them if you make intelligent use of assets.
Bear in mind, however, that depending on how limited your GPU is, you'll probably run out of VRAM to render more complex scenes. You'll probably need to start using things like the scene optimizer to reduce textures or things like that.
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Toto is at it again.
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I managed to make a few cute with G9.
Probably F95zone, they have a Yarr! section buried somewhere.
Nothing; You bite the bullet until you've sucked enough dongs to buy a 4090, or if you're poor a 3090. Good luck, we all went there.
Where can I find this guy's models? I haven't found anything on the most famous websites.
zonegfx has a lot
Any recs for natural style female pubic hair? The few I've seen for golden palace are a little too trimmed for what I'm considering.
does anyone know why my HDRI's have this weird horizontal line through them? it happens no matter what HDRI I use and I'm pretty sure it happens no matter if it's set to infinite/finite dome/box whatever.. assuming it's some settings that is causing it?
thanks. yeah that makes a lot of sense. I will render the background separately and use it multiple times.

Now, do you have any opinions on whether DAZ or Blender is better for this? I love how easy it is to put different clothes/hairs/accesories/morphs on DAZ but posing is a nightmare and Blender really makes it so much easier. Also I can sculpt some stuff better on Blender, right? And what about render time? Too many things to consider, it's a bit overwhelming
if I put it to finite box it does get less visible because it moves the line up into the skyline... but I mean... this doesn't feel like a solution.. is this just the line separating the sky box from the ground? I thought HDRI's were supposed to be like 1 consistent solid picture or whatever
well after getting desperate enough to complain/ask for help here I decided to finally go thru each and every render setting and found out it's this draw ground setting that was doing it... apparently it splits the HDRI in half for "ground reflectivity" or whatever that means.......
If you use the same models and assets and aim for photorealism, the rendering time will basically be the same.
Blender is better than DAZ, though. Everyone who uses both says it's worth going for Blender, even if you just want to do exactly what you do in DAZ. You'll have to learn how to export the models, and you'll have to learn how to deal with Blender, but this initial barrier, once overcome, makes all your future work more efficient.
However, as you're still starting out, I think it might be worth trying to make a prototype in DAZ, a very simple visual novel, and see if you can create something interesting that will appeal to some audience.
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Give me inspiration for Quinn-related content.
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Does anyone who has used Breastacular know how to remove that “bridge” that sometimes appears between boobs?
Does anyone regconize this character's textures?
I swear I have seen this body textures with lots of moles somewhere, looks like aeon soul's stuffs but im not sure
>splits the HDRI in half for "ground reflectivity"
Nah, it just draws a ground. As in, an infinite plane of grey, at the lowermost Y of your scene (if "auto") or at a set Y (if "manual"). This fucks up any scene looking at a distance, any scene with an horizon, or any outdoor HDRI. It's activated by default.
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>5000 iteration limit reached
Anyone use Daz under Linux? How are the current state of things. I've seen the official forum post suggest some nviida-libs git project that apparently gets cuda working in a wine bottle or prefix.
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That's very cute, anon, but...

Pic related causes Iray (Iteration): 1,500,000 (2%) which is the most pathologic case of lighting I have ever seen in a scene, and makes the environment functionally useless.

I don't understand why. There is nothing seriously wrong in the placement of the lights there, and last I tried there was nothing seriously wrong with the render settings. But for some reason, Iray really, really, really, really hates this scene.
A smelly fujo
There have been a few products like that. I've messaged a few of the creators and they pretty much just shrugged their shoulders.
Daz works with wine and has worked perfectly for like eight years. The (only) remaining issue is rendering with Cuda. When I tried to make it works half a dozen years it was simply impossible.

>I've seen the official forum post suggest some nviida-libs git project that apparently gets cuda working in a wine bottle or prefix.
I suppose some advance had to been done in six years. But honestly I stopped trying.
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Already did that.
I had no problem with that scene. Also why would you not limit your iterations?
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that's what, 50 hours of rendering? do you at least give your GPU breaks? your poor GPU, that's a long time to be running it at 100% load
I do 18 hours renders commonly, as in thrice per weeks. 12000x6000 at a decent convergence will do that in difficult scenes. 4 hours on easy scenes, 6 on difficult, 8+ on slightly pathologic. My GPU, last I heard, isn't catching fire.

I didn't try since 2020. Possibly fixed since then. Was fun when it happened.

>Also why would you not limit your iterations?
It also looked like utter shit in render, it wasn't a convergence bug, it really looked like shit after 1,000,000+ iterations. Have you tried posing a random character at the centre of that environment to try?
Finally some real daz tech talk
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what board does she browse?
>no dragon dildo on the desk
How about a cybergoth or just a raver.
Uninterested photo or movie rental clerk.
I almost put a dildo on her desk but the story isn't quite there yet.
Is it possible to steal a lip shape/morph from a character?
I think it's part of the head morph so idk if it's possible.
Based anon
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Where is this dress from? I'm looking for the gloves
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How come 60% of Daz characters are Japanese women yet Japanese 3D porn artists are all using fucking Honey Select?
>How come 60% of Daz characters are Japanese women
Did you mean to write 6% because 60% is far from the truth.
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Does anyone know how to make Breastacular seem less terrible?
It usually looks all wrong if you don't set up a collision object with it, but once you do, it theoretically needs to look normal. But with me it's always very deformed. I've tried all sorts of different smoothness, but it always looks deformed.
What a waste filament ended up being eh?
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How do I fix these pointy edges on the butt? Is it wrong to combine morphs to make the ass just as I want it to be? I haven't found the perfect morph for this.
subdiv anon
3DU's new character is actually cute and not a goblinian monstrosity?
what's happening?
Iris are completely fucked, these people are a disgrace. His shit isn't worth pirating.
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Did that CUDA emulator stuff come out yet for AyyMD cards?
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I just realized the little + in the middle of the two depth of field frames is for where you want the center to be.... I have been meticulously going back and forth with the focal & fstop sliders to adjust it for like half a year now and it just clicked in my brain...........
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it's crazy to me how much better Daz could be if the devs actually gave a shit about improving their product, as opposed to pushing pointless trash like NFTs. i keep telling myself i'll switch to blender... eventually...
This guy's recent stuff reminds me of Emmanon. Only the gals arent spitroasted by gobbos... yet.
That's Mormons for ya.
Nice! Where can I see more of your work (presuming this is yours)
Is there any community/server of people sharing tips, advice, showing off their work and getting critiques and stuff like that? There are technical videos on how to use DAZ, but I haven't found any good content that focuses on getting really good, pro like renders. If not, should we start one?
It goes like this: If you're mediocre, you post your work on F95 where you won't get any constructive criticism ever and might accidentally impress some third worlder and his goat.
I you (falsely) believe you above average you post your work on Artstation where you won't get any constructive criticism ever and might accidentally impress some third worlder and his boyfriend.
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go to the Daz website and check out the community pages, they have user galleries and a forum. Daz actually has a sizeable non-coomer userbase, if you can believe that, and there's a lot of skilled people there. most of the problems i run into are solved by searching their forums

i'm glad you like it. my SFW stuff is on deviantart though i don't use that anymore. i've returned to posting on pixiv, search for phantaseye
Aside from richard, the daz forums are surprisingly good. Hell, that applies to most daz communites not counting the subreddit and the offical discord. (Tafi shilling)
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>There are technical videos on how to use DAZ, but I haven't found any good content that focuses on getting really good, pro like renders.

You will always get the same answer to that question. Look for tutorials from photographers or lighting for movies.
How to set up your lightning matters more than having the greatest assets.
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Absolutely wretched.
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>spitroasted by gobbos
well that is how it goes unfortunately
Emmanon no! Uncensored nipples!!
ohhh seems like I was due a vacation
Love that knight, what hair are you using? Is that a custom ab morph? Cant wait to see more of her!
>what hair are you using?
for the knight ive been using:
dForce Stephanie Ponytail
then just changed it to fit what I want. Pretty good product.
>Is that a custom ab morph?
Yes, wanted her to appear trim and athletic but I felt most morphs are too extreme for the look I wanted
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>those cum trails
is that some dForce asset, or did you add those in post-editing?
dforce asset. Just create some nice looking "slime" in a 3d modeler and then use dforce to get that hanging thick look. Fix minor z fighting issues in post (I dont like doing post so I want everything to do in-render)
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thanks for the info, hope to get as good as you someday
OH NONONONO not another nipple!!
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Another WIP without any post work
oh sure you will anon.
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based and butt-pilled
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male nipples don't count anon
I can see a gobbo being stabbed by one of her heels as in the Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
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Posing WIP
damn, awesome art anon.
hah actually not a bad idea
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This time for reals!
The official forums search engine fucking blows. Any search tips to share?
"Qwery" site:daz3d.com/forums
Works much better for me. I have no idea why they dont update their forum software.
Thanks, I'll give that a shot.
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gobbo pile
Will upgrading 5600x to a 7800x3D give more any performance benefits in Daz?
What's your GPU?
I'm no rocket surgeon but I doubt it will change much. Perhaps shorter time between pressing render and seeing iterations start, depending on the storage device you have all the futa dicks stored on.
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viewport navigation but Daz still only utilizes single core IIRC
show bobs
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keep coping dazlet
Hell yeah reallosers where we at??
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right here big guy with functional up to date software
When will it get a good looking render engine?
What an asset collection!
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>load default male figure
>load SWOLE sliders
>crank my hog as I slowly pull them to the right
like is there something else i'm supposed to be doing here or have I got the idea
Keyframe it and let the animation loop
yeah you're supposed to load the female figure
I once asked on the DAZ forum and all the guys said that once you get used to Blender you can't go back. I don't think there's really any advantage in staying with DAZ, perhaps except to use iray if for some reason.
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I'm trying to do something but I'm probably going about it in the most retarded way possible. I downloaded a figure whose skin comes with these pink details on the bottoms of the feet that I like. I want to use those pink details on other characters, but nothing else from this character's skin. I thought I might use Photoshop to extract just the pink details and make that something I can layer on top of other character skins as needed. Does what I'm looking for already exist somewhere and am I making any sense?
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perhaps not, but it's the beast i'm familiar with, and i really don't feel like undergoing "the climb" all over again right now. and i'm not about to start being a craftsman who blames his tools for my renders, there are some artists out there who make some great renders with Daz.
It's very hard to mix base color maps, because there will be a visible seam.
Maybe you can get away by using the sliders to make your legs visually match the tone of your skin and then use like a skirt to hide the transition from legs to body, because you can never get it perfect.
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>Fantastic model. Too bad the creator wastes his talent with racist cringe Queen of Spades bullshit.
What did the reviewer mean by this?

He meant the artist probably does interracial animaitons on his socials.
just taking a quick look at their products page, there are several QOS clothing items for sale.
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>that first user submission render
Jesus Christ.

Blender's navigation, modeling and posing is so much better than DAZ, but the problem for me is the library. In DAZ, changing poses, hairstyles, clothes, accesories, materials, genitals and expressions is so easy and quick, I can try every single clothing item I have to see which ones I like better and it doesn't require ahuge scene like Blender would if I want to give my models more options. That's the only thing keeping me in DAZ
>he is phased by seeing a buff woman with a cock
Anon stick to the blue boards, otherwise you're in for a bad time...
Imagine being on 4chan and being bothered by other people's taste in porn.
imagine being on 4chan and being bothered that people actively make fun of and shit on your bad tastes
I don't give a shit what he or you think about anything.

And Fuck hiroshimoot.
You past the details and do your best to blend them within your targeted textures, means maybe adjusting Hue, Saturation, Colors, Brightness, Contrasts etc...
What you also want is to avoid to override the original texture's edges; Shade off the details, keep the original edges.
It's a case by case scenario...
Any good tutorials for Diffiomorphic? My characters just don't look the same in Blender than it does in Daz.
Daz (Iray Uber, PBR, MDL etc...) and Blender (no idea) probably don't use the same "shaders" :The combination of successive layered texture processing (if it makes any sense).
Same with Arnold or Octane; not the same shader render.
This tutorial was solid, I learned a lot from it. I suspect this guy is a legit pedo, but whatever. He creates great tutorials.

>I suspect this guy is a legit pedo
Just from the thumbnail and channel name I can confirm this 1000%
This, learn Blender native materials.
The shirt's stamp too.
Confirmed psychopath
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those are indeed some nice feet textures desu senpai
We need some proper titty simulation.
Does anyone know what G9 model this is?
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I have some ponytail and pigtail style hairs that work on most of my figures but some of the shorter ones are offset or hovering away from the main hair. How can I fix that? The braids are a sub object of the hair but translation controls do nothing to it.

The item is Cute Braids for G8. Merigold Hair is a somewhat similar alternative but I'd much prefer to get Cute braids working.
Thanks. Giving her a cute futa cock as we speak.
post render or it didn't happen
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Is this G9 or G8.1?
Haven't see you in a while
All the time I spent on this could have gone toward becoming a Patreon millionaire.
should I bother learning how to do skin indentation manually or just use this addon/script for it?


there's this good thread where this guy posts instructions but it's kind of confusing to follow
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Sculpt in your application of choice
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Dazlet gurus, any suggestion for similiar hair?




I mean... yeah... if I don't get good results I guess I can just export to Blender..... but I'm even more of a noob on there
totocandy sisters....
Z-brush has a plugin that seamlessly ports over your Genesis 8 and is actually made for sculpting.
Not the worst of his slop
Why does G9 have no morphs comparable to Thicc Project for G8?
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needs bigger booba. Bigger than her head
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wtf does this mean. everything loads fine.
it could not find Genesis 8 Female. You probably deleted it, or a script deleted the morph. You have to reinstall the basic G8 Female from Daz
but i can literally load in the dev load of gen 8 and 8.1, and normal 8 and 8.1.
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It's over for hermionebro...
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How do I get dforce hair to show up properly in blender? I'm trying to use diffeomorphic "make hair" and selecting the hair and the human mesh but it's not working. Either the human mesh is not selected or it's in the place of the hair. The render looks like a buzzcut.
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>needs bigger booba. Bigger than her head
i quite like her booba size.
Your renders are improving. Post work?
I just noticed that I always rendered with the “Bloom filter” turned off. I guess that completely removes the bloom from the image, right?
Do you use bloom when rendering your stuff?
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no post work except for the occasional photoshopping out small errors. my understanding of the render settings is uh... limited? lol.
Bloom sucks it's only used by those who want to do retarded artsy fartsy "cinematic" renders
What is the best video I can watch that can help me manage different genesis models and accesories?
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Instructions unclear. Install? Just watch some basic intro videos from their official channel.
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Does anyone happen to know what model this is?
found the perfect model for the player character in my WEG!

>all similarities of real persons are purely coincidence
just take another hot guy, and 50% their heads for a legal distinct henry.
does anyone have any idea how daz actually uses vram? i used to use scene optimizer by default, before realizing that literally having 6 characters out of the box with full uncompressed 4k textures doesn't even put a dent in the vram. one character was using 5, with windows stealing 1. 6 characters didn't even hit 6. i don't understand. also, the scene optimizer scaler fucking sucks dick, it makes everything blocky, whereas manually resizing looks much better. a fucking 2k face texture shouldn't be blocky. blurrier, yes, but not blocky.
My understanding is that Geometry are more an issues than textures with vram. If you don't get beyond a subD of 2 then i guess you won't hit the vram wall.
Won't work out of daz, but with the right amount of zbrushing it would.
yeah new studio DAZ premier and suckscription model incoming. Quelle surprise
>we fixed all the flaws you've been complaining about for years
>in the subscription version!
i don't use anything beyond subdiv 1 honestly. i also bake my own normal maps from subdiv 4 or 5 hd models, because the normal maps you get with those are usually just surface detail, which is really dumb.
yeah that's what I ended up doing, mixing it with some other figure
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bros I don't feel so good... something I installed yesterday goofed up the eyes on all my G9 figures. It happens in saved scenes and on brand new G9 figures with zero morphs/poses applied. I even toggled hidden parameters and don't see anything being applied.

Eye Side to Side is causing them to rotate out of socket.. like they are rotating around the wrong axis

Found this thread that is only a few days old and I did have this Charles figure but even after removing all his stuff and clearing cache it is still persisting... bros I am COOKED

Also tried enabling dev tools and edit mode and this "adjust eye rigging" thing to no luck
click on the head, enable show hidden in the right panel, then click on "currently used" and look for hidden morphs. then try the eyes next. when you find it, click on the little cog, browse to location, and delete it.
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ah... I mistook these for official Daz sliders, but after inspecting they were actually related to that charles developer, Color Galeria

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there's no time for resting.
The new icon blows, what else changed?
The plug-ins provided as part of Daz Studio Premier need to be installed, like any plug-in, through Install Manager with Daz Studio closed. In DIM pasting

rx::ci::^Premier -

into the filter box at top-right should show the Premier add-ons and allow them to be installed, assuming that you have the Download Filters set to include plug-ins.

Once installed, open Daz Studio and log in to your account (Connect>Login..., for the plug-in/feature activation you do not need to update metadata though you do if you also wish to download the content that is tied to your membership; that does not include the free bundles, which are not tied to remaining a member). You should then be prompted to restart Daz Studio.

Once DS is running you can find the new add-ons in the following locations:

Geometry Sculptor shows up in the Tools menu (remember that, like other content creation tools, it disables any GeoGraft's mesh hiding and won't show interpolated hairs for dForce/Strand Based Hair)
Pose Converter shows up in Edit>Figure>Pose
Shape Transfer shows up in Edit>Figure>Shape
DForce Manager shows up in Simulation Settings pane / Manage
Render Queue shows up on Render Settings pane / Queue
This is caused by some other morph. Dial down morphs you are using and you will soon find it.
All of these are just reskinned already existing addons, anon. Daz took them from the store (lmao) but you can still pirate them.
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I'm having an issue importing a Genesis 8 model from DAZ to ZBrush for creating morphs. The mesh looks really low-res when I bring it in. Any suggestions on how to fix that?
use blender
With the main mesh selected, press D.
Are they at least improved? Mesh grabber and render queue haven't had updates in ages. They're pretty basic.
Mesh Grabber supposedly is (it was originally an update). RQ is basically the same as RQ3, only reskinned.
My real question is how their Gen9 conversion fares, since the available addons (they removed from the store) were basically useless.
What's with Geometry Sculptor ? Was that a plugin too? Mesh grabber is not really a sculpting tool.
"Geometry Sculptor" = updated Mesh Grabber.
>that will be 3 dollars SIRS

That's the resolution you'll have to work with in ZB. Daz won't let higher resolution at all.
I give it a year before we can use their shit for free. I can be patient when it come to keep my money away from them.
I swear to god they won't see a cents from me.
>That's the resolution you'll have to work with in ZB. Daz won't let higher resolution at all.
Wrong. Press D to subd, do your sculpt, port back, it works.
Daz premiere bros, where we at???
The Premiere stands for Premiere Retard, because only those would go for it.
Are there any good pregnant morphs?
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That fully depends on how coomer you want to get
Laudanum has some decent ones in the Xtreme Penetration Morphs bundle
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there's no way an adult made that, it looks like something some 12 year old made after just installing Daz 30 minutes prior to uploading... does renderhub even have age verification before you can upload junk like this and sell it?
>TFW didnt scroll down and see the animation until now.
Has anybody updated to Daz 4.23? is it worth it?
How are the exports to Blender? Is diffeomorphic still better?
What you're planning is pretty much the simplest way of texture mixing:
1. Make two layers in a graphics program like krita, gimp, photoshop
2. Put the base texture layer on the bottom
3. Put the second texture (with the pieces you want, in your case the feet) on top layer
4. Erase the parts you don't want from the top layer (in your case, everything but the feet), and give it a smooth edge with eraser, or alternatively use a layer mask instead of erasing it.
5. Change hue/saturation/brightness of the top layer to make it fit the skintone of the base texture.

You can also try different layer modes on the top layer (addition, saturation, multiplier), and play around with the transparency to get different mixing results. In my case, i usually do this with nipples or genitals on textures because 95% of them are either terrible or missing entirely.
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>Stop using DAZ for like 3-4 years
>Come back looking forward to how far it's developed
>Actual renderer still looks like 2005 tech demo and is slow beyond measure.
>Still has no realtime rendering for previews like literally any other 3D Software.
My god, what the absolute fuck are the people at DAZ doing? Do i have to import my shit to Blender again to get anything remotely decent looking? Even open source game engines written by some guy in moms basement look better graphically at this point. How are you capable of making models and textures this detailed but shaders and renderers this shitty. What the fuck?
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Beautiful render, its inspiring to see this. Makes me want to do an even more elaborate render.

Can't wait for the crack, hopefully they finally update iray in the future.
Cute! Good colors.
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Daz barely has an actual development team at this point (likely 1-2 programmers who might even be contractors). The company is run by short sighted money grubbing retards who chase trends and get rich quick schemes (NFTs, AI image enhancement, etc.). The software will continue to languish and stagnate. Daz is primarily a 3D asset store at this point. Yes, you will have to import to blender if you want to be able to use actual up to date competent software with the assets Daz sells.
I need a car. A normal car. Not a 1950 vintage car. Not a fancy race car. I need a normal car. Why is it impossible to find?
I havent tried diffeo recently but read the big thing with that was grafts exporting correctly. With the update to the "official" daz to blender plugin the other day. It appears that Golden Palace and Advanced Pussy transfer correctly. I've not used this much before but the morphs I selected for the gens objects didnt trasfer. JCM and other morphs I selected for Genesis 8 transferred without issue.
Nevermind. I found a good one
They made over a million from the NFT grift, so I guess that worked out. What's the point of developing a free software where all the store assets get pirated?
They'll make a bit of money sure. In the long term they will become uncompetitive though. Maybe they already are. If thats the case, their behavior makes sense and they are just cash grabbing before the ship sinks.
They have no competition. Make Human or Realusion forbid nudes.
Working a on subdivided mesh isn't the same as making morph at a subdivided level.
I am pretty sure you're going to bust my balls because you won't get it; So please, Lurk more.
>Working a on subdivided mesh isn't the same as making morph at a subdivided level.
Chances are, it will be enough. It is definitely enough for shaping tits and other soft parts of the body, it is good for skindentation, and it is definitely good for sculpting faces. Apart from making really detailed stuff like scars or anything else that would require "HD" morph, it is definitely enough.
And for HD morphs, just use Xin's shit.
It improves the workflow, true, but technically that not it.
I'm actually interested now. For basic work, this is pretty much perfect solution. For HD morphs, use Xin's plugin. Is there even a different user case not covered by these two?
If you are talking about Xin's plugin being kinda ass to work with, then I agree.
Blender is an extra step i refuse to make.
It's bad enough you have to use another software to improve these retarded broken jcms; I won't jump in the blender train.
No, kind sir, i was referring to the fact that you still work on a 0 subd mesh in ZB no matter how much zb subdivides it.
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I hate lighting so much. I've spent like two hours tweaking this scene and I'm still not happy with it. I'm just going to move on though, while the ADHD/perfectionist in my cries out in pain.
>ADHD/perfectionist in my cries out in pain.
I resemble that remark!
Looks good to me though. Far better than many of the WEGgers
did the daz forum get even more shit since i last checked it
feels like the GUI got even worse
and did warez retards finally agree on a common folder structure for RARs so Anons don't have to make sure everything install to the right place
I'm a photographer and that has helped me a lot when it comes to lighting. I would check lighting tutorials for film/photography and translate that into DAZ. What were you trying to do?
And you're right, there is not enough contrast on the front and not enough saturation.
You're supposed to finish the lighting in post treatment anyway (means Photoshop).
Why did they list her measurements?
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Your render probably would have looked better if the hdri or the light you used as enviroment was the only light lol. You pretty much "drowned" everything in light.
hdris whitewashes shots, flattens iris's light reflection and vote for Kamala Harris.
You need several spots at any circumstances.
Doesn't means they have to blast the shit out of your render.
>Geometry sculpter
>Subscription only
Shouldn't they work on fixing shit first? This proves they still have at least two programmers left.

Seems I'll acutally have to move on from 3delight since these look WAY better than pwtoon. Only problem is, I haven't updated in fucking YEARS. Something will break for sure.
Makehuman doesnt forbid nudes, it's just fucking dead and everytime someone tries to make an opensource or nonshit daz, they literally die. Character creator seemed neat with 3 at first, but one of its major selling points was importing daz models which tells you alot. It's also more resource heavy than daz for some reason.
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Hdris needs additional lighting or you have no respect for your craft.
>more resource heavy than daz for some reason.
pajeet code
All Daz3D core figures have their measurements listed, even the male figures.
As a Filament enjoyer this pleases me.
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I'm having trouble figuring out stockings. The thing I'm using (Stocking Settings) basically adds the stocking to the figure's skin and then you have to add the part covering the toes separately, like a piece of clothing. When I do this it looks good in the viewport set to IRAY (left), but in the actual render (right) the figure's toes seem to poke through the toes clothing. I've tried adding collision and smoothing iterations but no luck. Any advice?
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This new FilaToon shader and anime base character is actually pretty neat. I might actually start using G9 just for anime characters.
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Testing out Totocandy's Sydney Sweeney model.
HORSED when?!?!

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