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I want to get into something 3D related but I can't tell exactly what

The tools I'm aware of

I've tried doing basic Blender tutorials but I think I don't like modelling much, I don't know, I think it's kind of a drag.

I grew up playing The Sims where you just placed assets around I don't want to make them I think

Is that normal or Should I be wanting to make them? Can I actually be like more interested in idk, animation or building scenes with things other people make??

I watch Iwara videos sometimes and play VRchat so I was kinda interested into MMD, can I do like animations without caring about modeling things? Idk I just feel like I want to put things together without complicating much.

What about Unity. I know some programming
it's okay to use assets without making them, there isn't enough time to learn to do everything by yourself
Newsflash you can do whatever you want, you don't need my permission, now fuck off
I'm better than you, chud.
> placing assets around
That's called mapping or level design. A lot of people make their own maps/mapsets or even whole DLC sized episodes for old and new games using exclusively or mostly the assets from original game.
> I watch Iwara videos sometimes and play VRchat so I was kinda interested into MMD, can I do like animations without caring about modeling things?
Yeah, you can download models and learn to animate and only ever animate existing models without modelling yourself.
Animating requires a lot of nerve and willpower imo. Especially in Blender... For me personally modelling is kinda more easygoing and chill.
Why don't you try messing around with TrenchBroom or Ultimate Doom Builder?
dumb brainrotten zoomer, this is the most retarded thread I've seen in months

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