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File: Gwyndolin_Render_01.jpg (153 KB, 1920x1080)
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As I lurked Reddit I found a post where guy posted a link to his Dark-Souls themed archive of 3d models for printing (there were also discord links but they expired a long time ago). There were some pretty cool models but THE ONE I was searching for was absent!!! Instead there was just a picture of a render, as if to tease me. Does anyone know where I could find this model? Or any good gwyndolin 3d models actually. Any models I found online were either unprintable or NSFW, lol
>Does anyone know where I could find this model?
Try in telegram, we have a minis thread here >>>/tg/93867519 too.
Telegram's got some good stuff.

But you can also go here: https://www.models-resource.com/pc_computer/darksouls/?source=genre

This has the actual in-game model and textures used. Not sure if you can print it without some modifications though
Telegram, tho I couldnt find the ones from the STLSmith yet
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>Or any good gwyndolin 3d models actually. Any models I found online were either unprintable or NSFW, lol
You can get the actual game model of Gwyndolin and every other Dark Souls boss/enemy and even entire levels. It is all right here
However none of them will be printable out of the box. You will need to prepare them for printing by merging all loose parts and making the entire thing non-manifold. A model like Gwyndolin, even the pose of the render in this picture will only really be printable in one go on an SLA machine. Assuming that is what you have it will also need tons of supports and it would be ideal to strategically pose him in such a way to where he can support himself in some places. What slicer do you use?

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