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so this is what passes for AAA these days? they don't even bother making high poly for assets anymore. the whole thing feels like it was outsourced to some third world asset-mill for $200
the hell is happening to this industry
You nailed it. What "Passes" in a AAA studio is whatever the director approves of. It's 100% an economic decision. Nowadays directors approve shit like this because they just hold their 3rd world contractors to a lower standard than they would any brand new domestic applicant.
grim outlook. corners are being cut everywhere and yet the industry is making more money than ever
It doesn't even make sense to me anymore
Asset quality isn't even the worst part, the whole "nasapunk" aesthetic they proudly kept talking only made it's way to the final game in form of a few outfits, game just looks like generic sci-fi slop. Gone are the days when bethesda had strong visionary art leads
They had to save the polygons for the 1 million polygon apples.
forget the model, the textures are horrendous
couldn't tell what i was looking at until i noticed the fangs, i knew their art direction was terrible but this is unacceptable
>the industry is making more money than ever
Don't take those figures at face value, take inflation into consideration as well. We're in a recession
theyre also playing the same finance>flop game as the movie industry.
The industry is washed. Being independent is where the money and security is

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