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What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.

Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.
Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.

Every citizen has one important choice in life: To fight the bureaucracy or to be the bureaucracy.

>"Hello fellow citizens. I am Yoshida the half-elf, working for the post office of the Imperial City of Idazig. My job is to deliver letters and documents to wherever you need them to be, whether it be a castle in the sky or the bottom of an abyss."
>This is a comedy written by the biggest Middle-Ages geek, hitting the fantasy genre from an entirely new angle!
Chapter 1: The Elf, the Wizard, and the Demand Letter
It's nice of him to not question it too much
Prime pariah real estate
Prime (?) civil servant attitude
Just one snack isn't enough for all these griffons
Damnation upon man made economy
howdy, OP
Someone please think of the messenger
It comes with the job
Wait this got axed? Why in the goddamn would a great manga like this get axed, I assumed it came to an end naturally.
She's just like...
A sensible reaction plan
Many such cases
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And that's all for today. The excellence customer service of save points proves the greatness of the once free economy we need to return to. We just need your stamp right here, please.
Good day/night, everyone.
other TL note: the heisei era was 30 years long and values changed accordingly. 1.00 yen is presently 0.076 Norwegian Kroner
the most important medieval bureaucratic question
hell yeah
thanks, OP
Greg has always deserved better.
Good taste, OP
>half elf
Elves are naturally slutty.
If you're going to get a welfare job from the State, the post office is definitely the most honorable.
>Ran for 9 volumes
How is it even an abrupt end? It outlives many axebait in weekly Jump thrice of them.
I've been meaning to read this one for a while
Fuck bureaucrats trying to document everything.
Might does make right, though.
You are a mighty wizard, therefore you don't have to abide by random couriers showing up at your door.
Some peasant ain't got that choice.
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Gentlemen I love female elves.
what the FUCK not the paper, shitty jiji
First gen guy had a neat hat
>loved by slimes
Imagine the slime rape
Thanks, OP. You will NOT have my stamp.
Oh fuck yes. Time for fantasy office politics, RPG parody, and regulatory compliance! Not to mention medieval autism.
I hope they eventually do an official translation.
Oh this is from the same guy that did San Choume Zouhyou Monogatari. Neat.
I couldn't believe that was the ending they got like i know it a comedy series first and foremost
do authors of cancelled mangas ever elaborate on how they wanted the manga to end, had it not been cancelled
Slimes wouldn't bother raping such an unattractive girl.
Zero sex appeal.
Lol one of my favorite manga made it on the axed daily.
It wasn't even axed that badly, and the author is said they plan on releasing more.
I don't know if it's going to be self published or something else.
Thanks OP
Strange men in hats killing birds is no system for a system of land ownership!
Thanks OP. This reminds me of those stories of Europeans introducing modern administrative practices into their colonies. In a lot of them, the peasants were up to their eyes in generation debt, and land reform was meant to emancipate them by providing them with fallow land. However, the landowning aristocracy often benefited more because they could pay to fake documents saying they owned the land. Still though, in the long run it was for the best. "I own this land because I said so" is a pretty shitty basis for society, you won't get much farther than subsistence agriculture with that
Oh I recognize that art style, it's the guy that did a Private Story. I will now follow your daily again OP
That poor bird is just a baby and already it's spirit is being crushed by the bureaucracy
>a drawing of a medieval manuscript AND a citation for the original
Oh yes that's the good stuff
>so-so about humans
She's just like me
The new stuff he is doing for it is self published after he got permission from the original publishers to go ahead with it
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Glad to see this finally get threads, it's fantastic.
He hasn't gone full Gregarious yet anon, be patient
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I love these diorama style cover pages
Nip's shit taste, as per usual.
Man, I hadn't kept up with this in months and this is how I learn it got axed?
Guess I'm rereading it now...
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Yoshida the great wall
In the very last (side)chapter translated Author elaborates on that.
Tl:dr - didn't make enough money.
Main conflict is wrapped up though, even if author had to publish it faster/earlier than intended.
Autism is my favourite genre of manga.
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This is how a proper fetishist to tackle their interests.
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LOTS of autism
He at least had a good amount of time from when the publisher decided it had to end to the when it had to end by. So he was able to start wrapping things up decently at least.
Thank you for posting.
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Honestly after the final arc it deserved it, abandoning what the series was about for a 15 chapter long or so war arc was dogshite and the ending/epilogue itself just sucked. This was my absolute favourite manga or at least very up there during its run but it shot itself in the foot so hard I can't even mourn its death
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yeah it got axed. He talked a bit about it in the final afterword
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I'll post the rest of my crops from the Molga chainmail afterword at least, though
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But the final arc only happened as it did because the manga got axed.
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If that was the final arc he was planning to go with anyway, which to be fair it seems somewhat reasonable to assume he was just going straight to it once he learnt he was being axed from what he says, then I still struggle to feel much for it. I wasn't a fan of the election arc prior either, so I feel like he was shifting this direction overall anyway when I really preferred the episodic nature and chapter-by-chapter inspirations, losing the chapterly write-up about the concept that inspired him and the real life history of it was a bad sign
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At least we got these though, god bless
Goodness me, that is a woman
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You can just pay him like 20 bucks to see hardcore porn you know
>Live on top of a fucking mountain in the middle of fucking nowhere
>Government still sends people to your door
Fucking hell
Is it weird that i have fantasized about this exact scenario at least once?
Being a hermit wizard living alone on top of a fuckhuge structure and telling local governments to go fuck themselves.
If the so caller ruler of the land can't take over the wizards property by law then he has to try force.
So in the end might does make right.
No, every man has at least once.
Thanks OP.
This it?
I hate when authors whore out characters like this.
Especially when the mainline work itself is not full of sex and rape.
Like you can draw sex and still respect what you're working on. But you can't draw your characters that have personalities and we're meant to take seriously, getting gangraped for dudes to jerk off to for money, and still make me respect your writing.
>Kemono is wildly out of date
damn that sucks
They had a shutdown scare and now I think people have to upload their own copies of fanbox stuff to the site, rather than it being scraped automatically.
Greg just isn't popular enough with the clientele to get regular reuploads.
kek, based
Some of them deserve it though.
the final arc you refer to, the war, was vol 9, the series was axed in vol 6 according to author notes
I wish I had enough money to sponsor a trip for him to a medieval Renn Faire. Or maybe one of the european armor museums. It would be the high point of his life.
Almost there.
Chapter 2: The Dragon, the Hero, and the Courier
Already corrupted by the humans to be keeping do that
Gotta create jobs somehow
Wah, it's all scripted?!
Good rates
Is there anything this girl won't skin?
Wh-What kind of connoisseur?
Think of the escort too...
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And that's all for today. What do the employment polls (government approved) look like these days?
Good day/night, everybody.
>suddenly came to an abrupt end
It didn't
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Shut it, government dog
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can't go without the sulter, the logistics of a party need to be tended to
obviously in fine meats
but what is the strain of curry-induced digestive diseases upon the party?
thanks, OP. I'm happily employed, at least
So the demons were middle-eastern from the very start, huh.
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>Gambling Organizer
Thanks, OP.
Thank you for posting.
Thanks OP
I love this look at the more normal side of living in an RPG
fun little idea
It's a breath of fresh air compared to the usual.
She's just the party sex rag.
You know the Hero busted her open.
Why does she think her daughter is worthy of the Hero?
They're just jealous she knows she's beautiful.
Thanks OP
This got axed? Wtf?! I put it on hold and saw that it got its final chapter I thought "hey I guess it finally ended" I wasnt expecting to learn it was an axe, well, I guess better join this daily to finally complete reading it.
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It was axed but given 3 volumes to wrap up, the mangaka mentioned he did things around 1.5 speed as far as the story so it at least wasn't too rushed. He's got some self published stuff for the setting and characters too.
I like the sleeping girl
>For victory
>For defeat
Well, better than most I guess, still a little surprised, but then again, the medieval autism was getting a little out of hand with some chapters being more a lengthy rambling about the topic of the chapter and trivia than advancing whatever plot was happening
Thanks OP
Checking those trips of anarchy.
Thanks OP
This is my favourite chapter
Does that mean it's downhill from here?
I love the idea that there are all these bureaucratic functionaries to work all the RPG mechanics, like tallying XP, monster wrangling, and resetting dungeon traps.
Thanks OP
this series was made for me because I also like RPGs and medieval studies, and ended up working in the medical field where I have to worry about regulatory compliance, not a common topic in manga...
Bunch of pen pushers.
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Some live it everyday on the other side
NTA but no, it's just beginning.
You see how much endowment the Hero just gifted her?
Sure, but why should the Hero settle for her daughter?
What makes her any special that he'd drop to her level?
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It's reverse psychology
>The squire is the highest level
The janitor that has been sweeping floors for 40 years vs the new hot executive.
Squires...are strong!
Time for reverse reverse psychology.
I love this manga.
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Nice. I love this guy's manga like you wouldn't believe.
bureaucracy is heck
but is it also yuri?
I'm afraid not... Paperwork is not nearly as sweet and pure as yuri
if bureaucracy is not yuri then what is?
Jump is a special case and should never be taken as the norm for publishing practices.
Man, why are you so whiny?
I can really only enjoy a work if I get the feeling the author is taking seriously.
That doesn't mean it has to be dour or serious in tone. But it has to feel like the author cares about what they're making and is being authentic with me.
You can't care about characters and expect me to take them seriously as persons that matter, if you draw them getting facefucked by ugly bastards for money on the side. Clearly you are just interested in pandering, and in that case I'm not interested in being crassly pandered to.
Do you also get mad when mangaka draw characters in fun scenarios that aren't meant to be canon?
You are silly.
That is totally different from violent degrading scenarios to pander to rich perverts.
Not intrinsically
Ok, but do you also get mad when it happens?
It does not typically denote the same lack of authenticity or care, so not much.
If they're drawn to pander to topical memes and the like too heavily, that can bother me too.
If the base work is hyper sexed and the characters are degraded constantly, I'm probably not reading it that much anyhow, but in that case I wouldn't be bothered because there is a consistency from the writer.
>It does not typically denote the same lack of authenticity or care, so not much.
There are two questions that come to mind, and I'm not sure which I consider more important. So I'll ask both
Why do you think an author making a small, non-canonical, out of character work on the side degrades the work itself?
Why does sex have a larger significance than any other non-canonical OOC scene?
Chapter 3: The Paper, the Knife, and the Messenger
High level cat
Sex matters more to people than going out for drinks.
It has a larger significance because it is more significant. Socially and psychologically.
Artists can never create in a vacuum. The same brain does both and works with both sets of characters. The one in the work that they ostensibly are treating as a serious means of self-expression that audiences should respect. And the other that is crass pandering to people for base currency. They're all together.
So it's like that, huh?
Women/men amirite, boys/girls?
>It has a larger significance because it is more significant
This doesn't mean anything
>Artists can never create in a vacuum. The same brain does both and works with both sets of characters. The one in the work that they ostensibly are treating as a serious means of self-expression that audiences should respect. And the other that is crass pandering to people for base currency. They're all together.
Citation needed. You're just making a mountain of assumptions here. You assume all mangaka can never separate a non-canon entry from a canon one, you assume that all non-canon works are "crass pandering" and not something the mangaka themselves wanted to draw, you assume it's purely done for money, and you assume that it all MUST bleed together. But those are ALL just things you assume. After all, if you think a mangaka drawing porn bleeds into their canon work, surely that would apply to literally everything they draw. Sex isn't some magic act, if a mangaka is susceptible to letting a non-canon sex piece effect their canon work, they're susceptible to doing that with everything else. So why the sex distinction?
You should be able to read this
That's quite the pipe
Stop stigmatizing the pose, please. Sometimes people really need to scratch their faces in public
Postal economy strong, officer
Autistic ergonomic stations had an early start
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And that's all for today. Maybe she should've considered metaphors.
Good day/night, everyone.
It means everything.
Why is rape different from assault when we have almost free anti-pregnancy drugs and procedures?
Because sex is more significant to us as a society and within personal psychology.

All that stuff does bleed together.
Everything a person does bleeds into the rest of what they do. That is why people tell you to develop good habits and bountiful hobbies so you don't spoil your life from the inside-out. Why spending your downtime watching gore and gonzo pornography doesn't lead to a well-rounded and happy person elsewhere in life.
In the art world, that applies just the same, what you draw or write on the side bleeds into what you draw or write in the mainline.
Drawing your characters that you've ostensibly spent careful time on creating and writing being sexually exploited in a crass way just to appeal to paypig perverts isn't magic. But it is very significant for a person's perception of themselves and their work.
Love is best given with a threat of violence.
To be fair, it's a simple and easy job. Going back and forth has gotta beat scaling mountains
Shakespeare eat your heart out
Thanks OP. A moment of silence for all those medieval scribes who had to hand write the Bible 10000 times
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Thanks, OP.
>It means everything.
You misunderstand, I'm saying that what you said was meaningless in the sense that you're just rephrasing your thesis as your argument. You've not said anything new
>All that stuff does bleed together.
No it doesn't. Any good artist can remain committed to a work without going off on wild tangents because of what they're into at the time they wrote the chapter. In fact, one way people identify bad writing is when this happens. When a mangaka starts changing the story because of their personal life experiences (Tokyo Ghoul and SNK come to mind), people decry it as awful. Naturally this means that most good writers avoid doing this. If it was impossible, then we'd culturally expect it to always happen
>watching gore and gonzo pornography
Don't give me the edge case as if it's the base case. Also, do you have any proof that gorefags are never happy people?
>In the art world, that applies just the same, what you draw or write on the side bleeds into what you draw or write in the mainline.
Are you speaking from personal experience?
>sexually exploited in a crass way
You seem fixated on it being crass. What about if it wasn't crass. What if a mangaka drew porn of the main girl making sweet love to the main guy, would that be better?
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I read some of this recently. It was too video gamey about it's autism. Fantasy bureaucracy is cool but stuff like "counting XP points" is just absurd. Even stuff like "save points"—they could've just had the priests off healing services rather than literal respawns: it's just too beyond what a "real" world can actually have.

And what I read it was too gag and didn't really have anything to invest you in the "story"
The whole point is "What if I applied historical practices and customs to a Dragon Quest fantasy setting?"
Don't expect much story (except at the very end), it's mostly just an excuse to write about medieval history and applying it in absurd ways.
>"counting XP points" is just absurd
How so? Someone's gotta keep track of the level gain
elves are lewd
But only if you are the girl
Funny thing to say that considering that the main conflict is introduced in the first chapter
I was confused when HxH was canceled. Thought it was a joke till around the 4th month with no new chapter
Is her mom hot?
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You can tell where Yoshida gets her body type
Love me some knife ears
Very informative chapter. Thanks OP.
Cat my beloved
First greathelm appearance
Looking forward to when more of the self published stuff gets translated
True, WSJ might be a cutthroat magazine, but even then most series (including the ones outside Shueisha publication) that cancelled early only last for 3-4 volumes.
Also this manga was published on Ultra JUMP and Tonari no Young JUMP.
>White-eyed blue-necked dragon
At least she got a kiss.
I hate the way she got it, though.
I honestly thought this manga was a self-published on Patreon.
Anybody know how caught up are the TL'd chapters with the JP ones?
? I thought all published chapters were already fully translated?
That's good to hear, I read this when the first fanTL'd chapters popped up, it was agony waiting for the next one without any idea of when it was coming
I wonder how much money is made from this back and forth.
the thighs in this manga are hot as fuck
also, Mongrel best girl
Just FUCK already
cute imagining
i love it so much, history's so cool
thanks, OP
Thank you for posting.
The serialized stuff is fully translated, one chapter of the self published stuff is translated. So the full story pretty much with the extra stuff still coming up for translation.
the historical autism is my favorite thing about Gregorius' work
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yep, caught up to the end just a month or so ago. I presume that is why OP decided to storytime it now.

me too
I love all his isometric art, you can tell he has good taste in SRPGs.
Seems interesting. I'll give this a try after coming home from work.
Let's keep going.
We should go faster
Go on...
Time travel? But then the time cops will come after us.
I like how open he's about things
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Chapter 4: The Hunt, the Monsters, and the Warden
Is that a compliment or?
Evening, OP
Do you have a license for that post?
Surely he changed jobs
Oh, but some guy can't protect the griffons in his backyard
Wh-What happened to orcs?
By no means of his own, Chief has a hard life...
It looked nice too...
love me a girl that engages in machinations
This truly is the fantasy of many
Think she misspelled trash
Only back in those days, haha...
This ain't math class, doc
Itchy and horny, reminds me of high school
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And that's all for today. Now you should know what to do.
Good day/night, everybody.
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Thanks for posting and here's a gift, OP.
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That kind of unfair bullying was common in the pre-modern world.
Justice wasn't meant to be impartial, it was something to inflict on people. Unfair laws were fine if they were targeted at others.
A fury only matched by a woman deliberately sending you home from the DMV over some made up paperwork issue.
people always cite the Magna Carta as being a great piece of English legislature to curtail the rights of the kings, but its parliament was mostly called only at the king's behest whenever he wanted taxes raised.
The Charter of the Forest, issued alongside the Magna Carta, was a much more liberating document for the rights and clarifying the abilities of common men, which was unique for its time, especially to declare that non-noble men held true status of "freedom"
thanks, OP
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I want to SIT Yoshida down, ROLL her pencil skirt up her thighs, SPREAD her toned legs apart, and FUCK an expression of lust into her pelvis with morse code.
Apparently this is latin? Seemed like spanish to me.
Being force feed cheese by an angry girl half my size?
Thanks OP.
I understand why hunting liscenses are a thing but I think you should be legally allowed to kill wild animals that attack you.
Thanks OP
For me, it's Inolie. I want to fuck the gay away.
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It's a wonder there are any farmers ever with how often they get dicked over by bureaucracy
Don't worry. I'm sure she'd be a delicious snack.
I like where this is going. The setting also expresses this conflict with the way fantasy is combined with bureaucracy.
>loved by slimes
I hope this means what I think is going to happen will happen.
>Saint Georgios
Based on Saint George the dragon slayer?
Thank you for posting.
People farm because they have to, not because they want to
itch like heck
pencil skirts are the best
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indeed an interesting manga
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Buddy goes kinda hard. I like it
Can't you just wait until that chapter comes up instead of posting about it now?
its spoiled, isnt it?
Yeah but sitll
I'm re-reading this and just want to see the reactions to certain chapters as they happen, there's a ton of shit I want to talk about
>I Parry a Regulation
wait, wrong series
This is hitting way to close to home for my other interest, space launch, since the FAA just slapped SpaceX with a $633k fine just for trying to make their launch process more efficient.
One and the same, just different names from different cultures.
That's basically the entire series in a nutshell, that bureaucracy is hell but anarchy is worse
>since the FAA just slapped SpaceX with a $633k fine just for trying to make their launch process more efficient
that reminds me of Disgaea
>Colorful isometric design, with squareish topography, random items everywhere, chibis and a green dragon.
Yeah, i can see it
Does that fall under self-defense laws?
not exactly the middle ages but this chapter reminds me of how right before the french revolution one of the most requested change in the Cahiers de doléances was hunting rights. At the times only nobles were allowed to hunt, and if you were caught you would get a fine and heavy corporal punishment (but death sentence was forbidden). It was especially annoying for farmers since if there was a bunny or another animal eating their crops they couldn't really do anything.
That description alone brings me back.
>annoying for farmers since if there was a bunny or another animal eating their crops they couldn't really do anything
That's messed up.
Such was life in the feudal era. That's why they killed them
Is that even that much for a company like that?
How much does one of those launches cost anyways?
SpaceX proposed a couple of things to make their launches more efficient (eliminate T-2hr readiness poll, and a reconfigured control room), but couldn't wait for the approval to wind its way through the bureaucracy before using it on a couple launches. Elon is painting it as "lawfare" against him by the current administration. And yeah, it is just a slap compared to the multi-million dollar launch contracts, but it does eat into profits, considering how lean they run.
>but couldn't wait for the approval to wind its way through the bureaucracy before using it
>Elon is painting it as "lawfare" against him
People always blame the government for being time consuming until something like the Challenger happens, then they blame the government for not preventing it in the first place. There's just no winning
A lot of those people are not involved at all and completely clueless but somehow their opinions matter.
Look at those fat little arms!
Gregorius Yamada is both a medieval enthusiast and a bit of a Christaboo
>bit of a Christaboo
A belieber or a secular bible enthusiast?
>secular bible enthusiast
He seems more in that category. The sort of guy who enjoys the stories as well as the culture and its impacts on cultures it interacted with.
NTA but I'm like that too. The Bible and Christian history as a whole is super interesting. I like learning about the various schisms and the things people argued over.
But actually believing in the Bible is another story
Personally I'm most interested in the way that the various European cultures were effected by it but in turn effected it in many ways, possibly due to having picked up Rome's practice of integrating cultures and beliefs of the people who were conquered by them. Things like traditional holy days being worked in to the point that even things like Christmas got relocated from the more likely late Spring early Summer to match the Roman Winter Solstice celebration Dies Natalis Solis Invicti on December 25 for example or what seems to have been the adoption of old gods/goddesses as ancient kings and saints in places like Ireland.
If I remember right, Spanish has its roots in Latin.
Chapter 5: Mages, Labor, and the Courier
You get breaks??
That's hot
Oh~ the irony
Jokes on them, imagine Dark mages salary in niche environment
He sounds nice
Hey, OP
And environmentally friendly! Mages? Bio degradable! Recyclable!
Is this the first time a certain adventurer showed up?
Have you prayed to God's chosen vegetable today?
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And that's all for today. Heard of this MGTOW movement lately? Corporates sure don't.
Good day/night, everyone.
Yet you call them steamed clams, despite them being hamburgers
wind and water-powered mills were the greatest labor saving device of the medieval world and they don't get enough credit
the wearing of time...
he's good at his job
thanks, OP. Can't break the guild contract
Lots of important side characters show up this chapter
Thank you for posting.
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nice hat
>Nuclear Mage
Holy shit it's Chernobyl-kun
Yes, I'm an avid Apostle of Potato
Thanks, OP.
Man, I've always wanted to write a story about mages living through the industrial revolution
Thanks OP
Poignant chapter. My NEET status ended today, and I'm already so full of dread
Jesus Christ, that's hell.
He cares
>Forced to work
That last one reminds me of Metal Slug
Thanks OP.
It's a fruit.
Just kill your boss at that point. Who is going to stop you?
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>this bitch enslaves people
Yoshida can eat a dick.
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Reminds me of the Vampire Engine.
This manga does a bunch of things right you can tell the author is a huge nerd.
>Grimm's "Little Red Riding Hood"
Fun fact: in the original Little Red Riding Hood tale which predates the Brothers Grimm's version, there is no hunter. The wolf eats the girl and the end.
No, she FACILITATES the enslavement of people. Government at its finest!
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Based on the name and description, I'm guessing these spiders have a reputation for preying on princesses?
love this fire&ice pair, they have a great relationship throughout the series
Is that the fire mage? They put her in the leech barrel.
Not me. I need the stockings off and that can't be compromised.
Not me either. It must be you.
I would put earth above ice desu
Earth Magic would be fucking godlike in an agrarian/industrial society
>Make foundations in land otherwise impossible to build on
>Designer fields to make megacrops
>Prospecting for large deposits of minerals and even mining itself
And so on
Godike for peasant work
That's why they aren't in the triple castle walls
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Fun fact: in the future, the girl eats the wolf and the end.
Pixiv Fanbox changed how they handled updates so its not as easy to rip.
I've missed Q.
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I miss this Q
feels weird to see him without his mask
It's okay. In the end she'll spit them out and it turns out everyone is alive.
there really is a lot of future characters that appears in the background of this chapter
Yeah, mine.
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That's the Q I miss too. Now that was a manga for footfags.
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Chiho is just so cute. I want to ruffle her hair and smell her and cuddle her
At least she got a cute dommy girlfriend out of all that trauma.
this manga is something else
The name could just come from the familiar reputation monsters from folktales have for eating princesses. Or maybe there's something about the ecology and culture of that world that at one point made princesses vulnerable to getting preyed on by princess-snatchers. Or maybe the name refers to the spiders' silk which people used to tie up and abduct princesses.
>Corporates sure don't.
I think that has changed now.
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Shizu better fuck her stupid.
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Shizu will make her bark during sex
god Chiho was so freaking cute
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Literally perfect
They're aware of it as a demographic and they target them with ads like everyone else.
Reminds me, what was this called? "Q" isn't very searchable.
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Umibe no Q
>oh, you're an elf? You must be pagan!
Does our Lord and Savior not live knife ears?
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Almost there.
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>Yoshida can eat a dick.
Alright, you win. I will fap to this elf tonight
She's probably a cheap whore, too.
And her without big ass titties.
Chapter 6: Order, Chaos, and the Courier
Now he's gone and invoked "them"
She's assimilating nicely
Peak human architecture
The replacement plan is not that bad, with living example
>the torture chronicles: female saints ver.
my kind of literature
He sounds nice
yo yo yo OP
Straight into the CEO office. These guys know how to do it
They just don't teach them like they used to
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And that's all for today. Jeff Bezos is not merely a man, but a concept. One that transcends boundaries and existence.
Good day/night, everybody.
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Scary ghost
Chief has seen some shit.
It aint easy being the mailman
Of course knife ears brings up the final solution.
Martinus Turonensis; 316/336 – 8 November 397
>making a comprehensive map of the City
I admire that goal
>for totalitarianism
suck up
She's right.
Literally no one could make a convincing counter-argument.
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Thanks OP.
I will not pay taxes.
>that much leg in the medieval world
This is part of why Napoleon III bulldozed the place and started over
Thanks OP
All power to the postal service, hail the mail
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Cutie spotted
>They really don't like taxes
Thanks, OP.
The random forced yuri near the end was awful, until then it looked like her senpai was going to win
I find this elf attractive. And not just sexually.
Spoiler that for the first time readers.
Also Yoshida was just using her, very very obviously too. Senpai is who she's actually drawn to.
>Senpai is who she's actually drawn to
I want to believe this and up to the kiss it seemed true, but we never got a confirmation of it at all
Frankly the whole ending felt very rushed and unsatisfying, especially the final two or three chapters
The kiss included her biting Inolie's tongue and generally treating her as a servant or slave.
I'm not even an anti-yuri sort of guy whatsoever but to me it's very obvious who Yoshida's real love interest is by the end.
Best couple though is based Pakiri and Yasmidia. 100%.
>biting Inolie's tongue and generally treating her as a servant or slave.
So standard yurishit then
>Pakiri and Yasmidia
Mine was probably Meus and Yasmeen
I know Meus outright said that they aren't lovers, but he's an idiot when it comes to love and Yasmeen basically died for him so I don't believe him
She does name her own post office at the end the Station of Love after her fantasy of living in a castle with her knight senpai
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Sex with elf ears
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Thank you for posting. See you next thread.
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Close enough
bai bai

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