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Boruto tanked that

Full chapter
Leaks came out 6 hours late so I wasn’t able to post them
>Another nothingburger chapter to pad out content for a volume.
Who's buying this manga?
I was hoping Ikemoto would at least subvert our expectations a little bit but it’s the exact exposition disappointment we predicted last month
What do you mean? Legacy characters are finally returning,
Koreans and chinese, rest of asia too I think
It's strangely popular over there
Also Indonesia and Brazil, I think.
I'm envious of Dragonball super at this point, at least Toyotaro loves the franchise, Ikemoto clearly doesn't give a fuck if his potato looking girls aren't the focus, why is Kishimoto letting this sack of shit ruin his money maker like this? Can you imagine trying to make an anime out of this nonsense? the entire conflict til now is at most 5 episodes
I zoned out on this manga so has Ibiki showed up before this? And pretty sure he must have better torture methods than punching and banging your head against a table.
We don't have an anime anymore because the budget shrunk too much and the staff was sent to Bleach and Ikemoto just makes up the story as he goes and you can't adapt it that way.
But I like his potato looking girls
Ah yes because we were totally looking forward to the elders…
And Sakura.
Hashirama cells
Turns out doing absolutely nothing is a good strategy. Danzo was too good for them.
Where are the raws, because these tls are ass.
Seggs with Salad
Seven more fucking years of this trash. I'm convinced Ikemoto is Kishimoto's revenge for Samurai 8 failing, he'll let potato man burn the thing that put him the map to the ground because of his anger at being rejected and trying to escape from this IP
is naruto still in the cuck dimension?
I don't think the plot advanced at all other than power-level shit.
>Ibiki calls Boruto good looking
Those Hinata genes really did wonders.
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I didn't know Kankuro and Gaara were married.
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Yup, that's shinki
Kankuro's face looks so awkward here.
He looks fat.
Reminder that if Sarada was there she would try to spot it while Sumire would sit there like a good little girl. Sumire love Boruto my fucking ass.
It just looks as if he didn't bother to completely draw the eyes.
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Do you think Matsuri straddled Gaara?
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After thoroughly examining the chapter, it is clear to me that Jura is distinct from the Juubi. However, this observation leads me to an intriguing theory. My hypothesis revolves around the mechanics of Jura's creation and his connection to other beings within the narrative.

Initially, it is important to note that Code's Claw Marks and the remnants of Isshiki's White Karma provided him with the ability to manipulate the Juubi, ultimately resulting in the formation of Claw Grimes. However, I propose that the essence of Jura was actually birthed from the absorption of other humans. This process allowed him to attain a certain level of consciousness.

Moreover, it is worth considering that while the other Shinju are also manifestations of the Juubi, they exhibit distinct personalities, yet they remain interconnected. This interconnectedness raises an interesting point for discussion: could we be witnessing a phenomenon similar to what transpired with Majin Buu? The parallels are quite striking. As Majin Buu absorbed various fighters, he was able to enhance his own consciousness, gaining new attributes and facets of personality in the process.

I hypothesize that a similar fate awaits Jura. If the remaining Shinju are defeated, Jura may lose the consciousness he has developed through their absorption. In essence, this would mean a regression back to his original state—akin to how Majin Buu reverted to his form as Kid Buu.

This transformation would signify a return to a more primal, instinctual entity, stripping Jura of his humanoid appearance and conscious thought. He would revert to being a mindless monster, losing all the complexity he has gained through his interactions with others. In conclusion, if my theory holds true, the eventual defeat of the remaining Shinju could lead to an interesting and potentially tragic unraveling of Jura's character, marking a significant shift from a conscious being back to an unthinking Juubi entity.
Hate keep you going
Shikamaru might get ousted as Hokage because he's starting to look suspicious.
Please understand
Incestuous Spooks
In other words, he'll become almost something like Juubito before Obito took control.
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Gee Sakura you don't say
It's amazing how bad this chapter is and how bad this manga is. The fandom everywhere is dying on the vine too, /bort/ was more active during the hiatus, the subr*ddit is dead and twitter is ghoulish. There is no way the manga will continue another 7 years (reminder that this statement was an admitted fake from someone on fanverse).

Nope, Ikemoto does not like complex villains
I'm surprised they didn't do anything this chapter
Ibiki showed maybe 2 or 3 times in the manga before and a couple of times in the anime where he has his own squad.
Sasuke was right about them suna people.
Does sumire do anything
She's Sarada's sidekick who goes "..." or explains what's going on to other characters.
She looks cute sometimes i guess?
She will do something and that’s what matters
No. Ikemoto doesn't seem to know what to do with her. She's Sarada's friend, Eida's friend, Boruto's ally and spies on Amado. Her best hope of being relevant involves Amado. That's her only real set up so far.
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Daemon seems to like the idea of things tumbling down for Kawaki.
he is literally me
Daemon is such an annoying character.

I wonder if the chapter after this will have Eida talking to Boruto like she said she wanted to. If the other set of translations was accurate Kawaki once again expresses he might die in pursuit of his goals and Eida gives him a look. Seems like she's still defending Kawaki and trying to help him so maybe she will ask Boruto for advice for dealing with Kawaki. I think she might be his only ally left, so either she sticks through or decides to side with Boruto thinking it will be in Kawaki's best interest and then who knows what Kawaki might do.

But I think it's a little more likely he will ask her to locate KK for him before anything else happens.
That's hot.
I guess even a broken clock can be right once in a while.
Kawaki will ask Ada, but then she'll tell him Koji unlocked the power to see into the future, so it would be a waste pursuing him unless he wants to be found.
He knows Aida can do better than an emo
The translation is pretty crappy, but Amado doesn't seem that shocked that the Juubi can evolve like it did.
Well yeah he likes Boruto more than Kawaki
Who doesn't at this point?
Hmm good point. Maybe it will just be Eida chatting with Boruto about Kawaki then.
Ada and Amado like Kawaki.
Whorada keeps barking while Sumire actually handles the situation.
How is she handling anything?
By explaining the situation
I figured
>lorem ipsum
now you're just fucking with me
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So this is why he doesn't have wife and kids...
He is based. Boruto is a pretty twink
he's been studying the ayys for decades, he probably has a bunch of hypothesis he's never gotten a chance to test about how their whole lifecycle with the ten tails works
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what did he mean by this??
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Next chapter will be all about Boruto and Sarada
Kid got his first ever awkward boner when Himawari revealed her power and now he's feeling compelled to get close to Boruto so that maybe Himawari might fight one day.
Glitch in Shibai's matrix.
*Kawaki and Sarada
He forgot to add the text.
You wish, KEKson.
Isn't this dude a senior citizen at this point? Like he's roughly Minato's Contempo so he's like 25-30 years older than the Naurot generation.

How does he still look young
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You know they'll fight only to end up fucking.
Jackson, it's time to let it go.
hope kawasara fuck the first time while flying, that would be the kinoest.
Aren't they like 90+ years old? It's still on the realm of possibility.
Salad would try and utterly fail to stop it, Sumire would ... My boy Snek did save the Bort.
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Mitsuki ended up being the best one...
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sex with Salad and Sumi
sorry i meant death to sarada and sumire
The art is so ugly desu (  ̄- ̄) the faces and eyes are so wonky
Where is Nishi?
Planning his next step.
you will never sex
Sakuya? Ninigi? Chikarashiki? Shippeishiki? Otohime?
why is this monthly and not weekly?
art isnt that great, i doubt it takes very long to draw.
story is okay, its nothing amazing but isnt the worst story. the problem is that its very forgettable, and i wish they'd finish it so i can forget about it for good
>why is this monthly and not weekly?
Ikemoto can't draw weekly.
>Boruto and Kawaki's kids will be half otsutsuki like the sage of six paths
>Ninja Gohan and Ninja Trunks
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maybe if he takes breaks from jerking off to sarada, he will finish sooner.
see attach.
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1 or 2?
death to both
even setting aside everything about this and that, salad wearing a big red jacket looks more like she's trying to cosplay as an akatsuki member
lmao this thread is so dead, no one cares anymore. I think the France interview sealed the manga's fate.
I haven’t seen anybody associate that jacket with the akatsuki. At least Ikemoto established a reason for her wearing that oversized trench coat.
Naruto in general is dead on this board. The Naruto ones have about 6-7 people max since they're always close to dying.
That interview didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. Likewise we already knew how this chapter was going to turn out last month because Ikemoto’s exposition is so tiresome and shit.
The interview told us what we've theorized (Ikemoto threw out Kodachi's plot and Ada and Daemon were added by him).
Reminder that Boruto is wearing Sarada’s jacket in the flash forward
So you're saying he's wearing women's clothing?
firing Kodachi was a mistake, Kishi is a hack.
It’s a men’s jacket that’s why it’s oversized on her. It’s Boruto’s signature brand, that’s why she got it.
is Sumire ever going to something in this series? she's like background decoration at this point.
Of course Ikemoto missed the opportunity for Sarada to break Boruto out. Because character agency doesn’t exist and everybody revolves around the scheduled asspull that comes every 3 chapters. And then Sumire breaks the fourth wall and stares at us while explaining what’s directly happening in the story because apparently we’re retards and plot points need to be reiterated by multiple characters.
The interview finally put to rest who was writing the manga. It isn't Kishi, it's Ikemoto.
so Kawaki has gone full villain at this point, right?
Boruto confirmed as Dragon Ball GT?
Everything getting off screened is ridiculous. How many days have passed since the beginning of part 2? The first 10 chapters were basically all a single day, but now it feels like the last few have had multiple days but at the same time it's all a single day. The pacing is ridiculous.
Which we already knew
The best part of the series with the most aesthetically pleasing characters?

I would prefer if so
no, this was not known definitively just heavily suspected within /bort/, outside of /bort/ lots and lots and lots of people insisted Kishi was writing
0. It’s been the same day but since it’s downtime right now next chapter a day will probably pass
Ikemoto doesn't know what to do with her since he didn't create her nor was she created by his buddy Kishimoto.
Kawaki pocket pussy
So Boruto has been going back and forth between Konoha and wherever the fuck with barely a day passing?
it's too late to retcon that she had the Nue all along and there's no real room to contrive her suddenly getting it. her being immune to omnipo seems like it'll just go unexplained in the manga while the anime can chalk it up to the nue and make shit up to give her some more to do on their own
so what's going to happen next chapter, the start of another rescue Gaara arc with Sarada going to the Sand Village?
Sounds like we're getting a flashback of Gaara jobbing and Shinki being tree'd.
I’ve seen a theory that Sarada and whoever else, Mitsuki probably, will be sent to the sand village but I don’t think Ikemoto will waste time like that. There’s too many plots in the leaf currently.
What are the chances Shinju Shinki targets Chocho?
I don't think so, of the entire cast she's the most passive character. She's a foil to Sarada; while Sarada is stupid and impulsive Sumire is smart but passive to an extent that it's a detriment to other people. I wonder how much of the plot could have been avoided had Sumire been more forthcoming with other people about her concerns. I don't think we've ever gotten a single scene in the manga that is focused on Sumire's personal feelings about anything because neither Kodachi nor Ikemoto care. Sumire seems to exist for the narrative sake of other characters. Other characters exposit at her for the benefit of the audience or rely on her for support. Aside from being shipbait it seems like her current role is to be Sarada's confidante and tard wrangler, without her Sarada would be alone with her true memories and would have gotten herself killed by Daemon.

I think the most agency she has shown was in helping to expose Amado's doubts about his memories and we don't even know if that was her idea. I guess there was also the time she swung to action when she realized that Boruto was being hunted down but really all she accomplished was explaining things to Sarada.
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This is the person Boruto wants to save btw
It'll soft-confirm the ship.
reports will probably start spilling in that the gaara shinju has attacked all the other kage and/or jinchuuriki in the span of just a day or two, and then he'll come for kawaki to eat him and gain the power to access the time out dimension and eat naruto
the gaara shinju was shown as part of amado's worst possible timeline so he'll probably rise up to become the strongest until jura pulls a fast one and eats him
Hes fought like 8 different people, had sit down conversations, been interrogated, ko'd, and more. The entirety of part 2 taking place in a single day would be kino.
Sarada is Kana and Sumire is Akane.
I think Ikemoto doesn't know what to do with her in terms of fleshing her out as a character or in terms of giving her a character arc because he didn't come up with her but I think he has a very well defined narrative role for her. Whereas Amado gets to be the Smart Normie of the older generation Sumire is the Smart Normie of the younger generation. She explains things to other characters (and explains them to the audience) and other characters have someone who will be there to listen to them when they explain things to *her* (to explain them to the audience). Unlike Sarada or Eida she isn't defined by her romantic infatuations either. Ikemoto really might think that between Sarada, Sumire, Eida and now Himawari he's got good female representation in the story because the characters all represent different ways a female character can be powerful or relevant. Sumire is a good friend to Sarada and they complement each other well so even though its in the background female friendship ends up being an important background element to the story (so feminist!).

When you put it all together like this it doesn't actually seem that bad it's just underwhelming relative to Sumire's presentation on promotional materials and relative to how she was set up in the anime with her arc. I think if she got a mere two (TWO!) scenes that were dedicated to her and her alone, to flesh out her feelings and illuminate her personal goals for the future, people would criticize her writing a lot less. We know every other relevant young characters personal goals but hers.
What happens to a juubi minion if their target was already eaten and tree'd? Like I can imagine that Shinki cared most for his adoptive father too (Gaara) since he's like a 'mentally healthy Kawaki' but who would a Shinki-beast eat if Gaara has already been defeated? Is the set up that the Shinki-Beast would want to eat the Gaara-Beast?
>Boruto wastes half the chapter repeating the explanation of the plant people are to other characters and for the third time to the audience
>Kankuro shows up having somehow figured out offscreen despite plant Shinki not even existing yet
I don't know if I should be mad or happy next chapter won't have 15 pages of Shikamaru explaining the plant people shit to Kankuro too.
Seriously, fuck Ikemoto.
they seem to be targeting not simply who that person cares most about, but who it would cause them the most suffering to see defeated and eaten. I think the shinju victims perceive everything the Shinju can do and it's how their souls respond to that stimuli that they learn from
that's actually really interesting which is how I know it isn't true

Shinki did show up in NNG for a few pages
that'd also be a convenient way to have sasuke come back after his shinju is defeated and be like "No need to explain, I already know everything"
I think it will end up being Eida having made Sarada and Sumire immune. She observed them and wanted to befriend them and wanted to question them about love to help her understand her own feelings but she can't really do that with people who are under her power because their feelings aren't genuine. She can't control her powers so she subconsciously excluded them. Because this only affected two people she didn't need to do the same lightshow that the switcharoo required because that was a global effect.

The only other thing I can think of is Shibai shenanigans made them immune, perhaps because Sumire ends up relating to Amado or Akebi in some important way but I think the former is more likely because Ikemoto has weird ideas about how to write Girl Power.
Code just completely disappeared from the manga.
PLANT Shinki. If he's just been born, Kankuro wouldn't know he's one of them.
I'm not complaining though, anything to spare us another info dump.
This means the Claw Grime have just been going wild throughout the nations.
Code was lucky not to be killed off.
None, Chocho is for Mitsuki.
That would be interesting but no, besides Gaara has probably already been defeated and Tree'd. If not the new Shinki-beast will probably eat him. The only thing I think I can predict is Eida finding Boruto to talk with him because that has to happen eventually. If she knows that KK can see into the future maybe she will talk with him too but that doesn't seem like the sort of thing Ikemoto would write. Also possible that Bort reunites with KK and maybe they speak to Oro if they are in one of his hideouts.

Code and Mitsuki should have all been killed.
How can Jura even be defeated? He likely can't die since he's the Ten-Tails and the Tailed-Beasts just come back later when they die.
I wonder if they can be put into the timeless dimension but that's too risky to try. Daemon is still undefeated.
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he'll job to Shibai in the final arc.
I've lost any expectation of this, Eida is confirmed to be Ikemoto's personal kpop waifu
great chapter. About time we knew Jura is actually thge juubi and not the other guy. And by the looks of it, this process happens to every Ootsutsuki and explains why Kaguya had such a personality change after mergind with the juubi (or rather, I believe she was eaten).
Shibai is dead. Long live Jura
Jura having a rinnegan makes me wonder if he's related to the other Juubi that Kaguya got a rinnegan from.
I thought all the shinju had rinnegan
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2 is so much better it's bumming me out.
You know your design sucks ass when fans can make an outfits that look better, more practical, more in character, and still manage to look sexier.
Their like Pain.
I'm not Muslim so 1.
Kawaki is interesting because, while unlike Sasuke he is clearly meant to be hated by the audience, so that's an intended audience reaction, Ikemoto has gone so overboard in making him hateable an I guess not being a good enough artist to make him look cool while acting evil, he's going to be surprised when his redemption ends a joke and he ends up the next coolest guy.
Never happening, unfortunately.
Kawaki's my favorite character, I started reading for him but even I'd rather just see him get to be a full-on villain as opposed to redeemed. I do not think the writing has the breathing room to make that redemption feel genuine and well earned, the better way to salvage the character is to just make him a villain at this point (I don't want him earning his redemption through death either).

What's going to happen after he get 'redeemed' anyway to make things right with everyone else? It strains credulity that everyone will just accept him back and would be a band ending. I fear that if Ikemoto *does* plan to redeem Kawaki it would entail . . . altering everyone's memories so they don't remember what Kawaki did. Which would also be a horrible ending but I fear that is what is being built up, there's foreshadowing for this if that is what is being planned.
Hope if Kawaki gets redeamed the whole village gets to deck him once at the time
He looks like Jesus Christ.
Shikamaru got a lot of death flags this chapter.
Very simple. Sumire exists to comfort Sarada after she gets rejected by Boruto.
That's all he gets every chapter he's in.
Ibiki showed up for a chapter just to job.
Hope he actually dies this time
Who will comfort Sumire after she catches him and Sarada kissing?
Eida will send in Daemon
He wasn't even attacked.
Kawaki ironically enough. He already hates Boruto and Sarada so he has no problems talking shit about them, and more importantly he knows about Sumire’s crush. Something even Eida apparently isn’t aware of for whatever reason. If he saw Sumire crying on a bench somewhere I do believe he would comfort her.
someone teach sarada to wear that jacket right
What a fucking whore
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Shikamaru had a hard day, he deserves this.
Sarada is purely built for sex and you can’t tell me otherwise
God all of this is still happening in ONE DAY. This is the busiest day in history since the Pain invasion and it's arguably even busier.
Boruto is very interested in that drink.
Unironically she and sumire are just there to shout "he dindu nothin"
god i fucking hate shitrada and shitmire so much can kawaki sacrifice them to the juubi?
Sakura's unfortunately not doing anything important, just making a token appearance and saying "well he's not dead, good job Himawari." Even fucking Ibiki got to do more.
Of fucking course after the aliens and cyborgs we get the Buu saga, Ikemoto is such a hack.
Naruto peace is fake. Konoha enjoys peace because they have two walking nukes named Naruto, the Jinchuriki of the strongest bijuu and Sasuke, the last Uchiha and possessor of the legendary Rinnegan.
Why are the "I's dotted while everything else is in uppercase?
I dunno.
Shikamaru is a traitor and is impeached. Who will be the next Hokage?
Sakura desu
Get a wartime Hokage back like Tsunade.
Why didn't Kakashi fire those elders?
He was busy fapping to porn
You mean firing his bosses?
they have videotapes of the anbu masked orgies
Hokage is the most powerful position in Konoha. Kakashi can fire them and choose new advisors.
Don't worry, Ikemoto doesn't kill characters.
Give it a rest, bro. Ada is Kawaki's official woman.
Total Cyborg Death
I can see why Ibiki got a team with more girls than boys now.
Ah, the girls from the cosplaying escort service.
>Sakura didn't appear with a pink haired boy nor did she interacted with Sarada.
Missed opportunity.
? he might have had pink hair the pages werent colored
What are you talking about?
None of the Boys around Sakura are pink haired.
Besides, I clearly meant a new character that's supposed to be her son.
Boruto is the redpilled reality to Naruto’s idealism
Is what she wishes
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This is going to be retconned into Sarada’s jacket, she gives it to him. Sarada herself will get a new design, one not so whoreish.
... and it shall be since she's Ikemoto's waifu.
Until she gets raped by Mamushi
The Kara arc was really just Namek and Isshiki was Frieza.
Give up, the Uchihas are dying with Sasuke
Eida and Barotuo are endgame.
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what a quality translation
Konoha's education include Latin? Holy Based
You know what would've been better than this exposition chapter?
Actually seeing Matsuri beating Gaara and Shinki getting grimmed.
That's for next month's chapter,
We aren't getting a flashback to that, anon.
I think Eida does know about Sumire’s crush
Kek, what a bitch
Secret longevity shinjutsu technique
Why isn't Sai with Ino seeing their son recover?
Because he replaced Inojin with that Kakashi fanboy.
The edgelord line must be retained
Nah he was right to offscreen that. The problem was not limiting the interrogation to less than 5 pages if it wasn’t going to amount to anything. At least he only used 1 page for the hospital. Also wasting time on Kawaki, Eida, and Daemon just for them to say nothing.
If it did, Konohamaru sure failed it.
Kek, is he good at anything?
He's not bad at Rasengan.
He is.
Still surreal that Naruto canonically fucked Hinata in KSM
You mean Kurama fucked Hinata?
That too.
malaysian airlines
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Do they have a chance to appear now?
Anko lost a few pounds? :(
No, she's still chubby there.
Where's Temari in all of this?
Madara wouldn’t have even felt this, why are all of the characters in boruto so weak?
Well, Boruto has his handcuffs that disable his of chakra, so it's like he's a regular human there.
Boruto isn’t human, he’s an otsutsuki. He legitimately should not even feel this.
Otsutsuki also use chakra to have super human durability and strength.
>Uh s-source?
>"I know it by instinct"
Amado will forever be the best character in this shitshow of a manga
By being that over the top and on the nose, he manages to be a funnier "smart character written by dumb author" than Shikamaru.
Nah he made his own variant with an elemental twist, he's decent.
>salesfags vanished now that Himawari's volume did better than the previous two
Isn't that the default text in photoshop? lmao
It did?
The Juubi concept was so taken from the Gravemind from Halo. lmao
>The Naruto thread archived.
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Yeah boy
As expected of best girl. Call it the best girl bump.
>Amado's handcuffs would've defeated Madara.
I fucking bet it went down like this
>bro you gotta read Boruto
>nah man I dropped that shit ages ago
>bro Himawari is relevant
>no way, Ikemoto is a chud like his mentor, a woman can't be relevant
>bro I'm serious you gotta check this out she's actually really strong
>alright fine I'll trust you
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Boruto is so lucky.
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CHADbiki would probably break his fucking skull in that table.
>*Daemon/shikadai/some last minute addition- love interest boy
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Shueisha executives are right now having a meeting with Ikemoto to make pic-related the focus of the manga after seeing this small jump in sales.
I would genuinely start buying volumes if that became the case.
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Theory: There only 6 candidates left to be cloned. Why? Because that makes 10, and Jura is the main body of the Juubi, and he's trying to recreate his "tails" using the clones.
Marrying Boruto.
But she lost in the very first fight she was in.
Lol, lmao.
that PUTA wishes
She managed to force the strongest character in the setting to get serious and didn't die immediately. That's something.
I can't believe Konohamaru will marry her by the EoS.
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sumire and sarada's biggest achievement will be as BoruEida's bridesmaids.
Yeah, and she repaired her broken leg and other injuries almost instantly. She's Hashirama tier broken before you even get to the byakugan and hyuga taijutsu
1. It's amazing how little levity there is in this manga compared to Nartuo, even during the fucking Pain arc.
2. Shinki being a tree would be mean if we've seen Shinki at all in the last like 7 years of this series.
It's amazing how I hate all these characters.
I hate this manga so much bros.
I miss the anime, I wanna see the green cat and goth loli again
They're never coming back. If the anime returns it will be seasonal.
>Naruto peace is fake. Konoha enjoys peace because they have two walking nukes named Naruto, the Jinchuriki of the strongest bijuu and Sasuke, the last Uchiha and possessor of the legendary Rinnegan.

Imagine how much better Boruto would have been if this was the theme of series? Whether the world is truly at peace or are they too terrified of Naruto and Sasuke's abilities to even contemplate violence and whether or not this is this not literally the exact same piece of that Pain and the Akatsuki envisioned. Kishimoto claimed that Boruto's peace was akin to the Cold War, and this would have literally been a great theme for Boruto.
And them could have been like Lawful Order under Naruto and Sasuke vs Anarchy under some villain, maybe Kawaki to actually give him a real character. Similar to how SMT does Law vs Anarchy

But I guess having literally no theme or message and instead focusing on aliens and power levels is better.
The problem is that then you make Naruto's claim of being a Hokage to surpass all previous Hokage a false.
But that brings about an interesting conundrum that could answered, did Naruto actually fulfill his mission of surpassing the previous Hokage and bring peace to the ninja world like he promised Nagato or is he merely ruling through fear?
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Lucky guy.
That would make it still Naruto's story when they want this to be Boruto's story.
Well Boruto is boring, so in a perfect world, it wouldn't be his story.

But, what they can do is have Boruto be essentially the protagonist in a SMT story, he has to decide what side he's on, chaos or law.
They can even do the whole Kawaki gets a adopted by Naruto, but as Kawaki gets more exposed to the shinobi world and how it's peace really came about, he starts trying to pull Boruto to his side of thinking.
So it's up to Boruto to decide where he will go, side with Kawaki and chaos to take down the Naruto's fake peace, or side with Naruto and believe that the peace he's achieved is real.
Just because Naruto makes a claim doesn't mean it'll come true.
It's his big stated goal and we want to see him achieve it.
He's a great Hokage for Konoha, not the world.
And that's where an interesting conflict comes in.
Naruto, and Sasuke, essentially operate as the Hokage for the whole world, not just Konoha.
Is this a peace that worth having and it's just peace through fear.
She looks like she has a gorilla grip.
GODE will beat Jura and finally get a non Amado made GF.
>and finally get a non Amado made GF.
Of course!
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She is for Kawaki
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Inojin won
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Sasuke should have quietly disposed of them
This crackship is dead, dude.
Kurama Hima is the best thing to happen to this series
>*Corpse noise*
Hanabi LOST
>words words words
just make a novel
She wasn't even in the game.
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Were they wasted?
The franchise itself had great potential for more political story, but instead we are stuck with boring shounen fights and barely a plot
Only Code and Isshiki.
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Hibiki totally must have better torture methods than banging your head against a table but Ikemoto has no creativity.
>Amado made GF
Amado didn't make Eida. He only modified her.
He made Delta and Oga.
>”its pointless Boruto isn’t one to respond to pain”
>doesn’t attempt any mind jutsu
Uhhh huh?
the dude is a sadist. has been since pre-shippuden. he just wants to hurt cute guys regardless

The anime had to make up two members to fill up their ranks and Victor was barely a character in the manga so yes.
Reminder that Eida will bring up Sarada in her conversation about love with Boruto
The anime members should be canon because Kara still goes from 1 to 9 numeral members with 7 and 8 still vacant, unless Ikemoto just decides to make whole new members which would be a mess and complete disregard for the anime.
Shikamaru had to bring Mitsuki in or else Boruto was gonna get raped by Ibiki.
Bringing the elders back is literally stupid and unbelievably uninspired. There’s way better potential ideas to do contrarianism, like Tsunade or Kakashi or the other Kage any og Naruto character that’s not close to Boruto and shouldn’t be dead by now.
Huge missed opportunity by not having Shikamaru place Sarada in the interrogation room for a 1 on 1 with Boruto while everybody watches
Based snek saving bort's virginity
Boruto's interrogation showed multiple sides to the situation.

Those on Boruto's side and wanting him out of the situation (Shikamaru and Mitsuki).

Those who are just doing their job to bring Boruto to justice (Konohamaru and Ibiki).

Those who find Boruto a complete menace and want him dead (Kohara and Homura).
Nope, but she might bring up Sumire.
The only canon boruto is the movie. The rest doesn't fucking matter
>”I think Sumire is trying to steal Kawaki from me, that stupid bitch”
This but Mitsuki
Sarada’s exposed shoulder is built for suckling
Kawaki, please.
Why does nothing happen in this manga?
Because >>271172595
I completely forgot about this character.
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Someone make a Yujiro edit with Ibiki and Doshu/Boruto
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>Bringing the elders back is literally stupid and unbelievably uninspired.
Like Kishi with Danzo week long tenure, they don't have the balls to make the Hokage/Konoha actual antagonists. So already Boruto has the Hokage on his side like Naruto always did.
All this chapter did was prove is Kawaki's charisma is such dogshit Mitsuki is willing to give Boruto a shot after a single conversation, which alongside Sarada, Himawari, Ada, Daemon, Koji, Amado and now Shikamaru, means Boruto already has any character even slightly worth a shit plotwise either already on his side or willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Not that it will matter, given Himawari was established as the strongest nine tails jinchuriki of all time only to job immediately and be relegated to healslut. I doubt Sarada or Mitsuki will fare any better.
>he doesnt know
anon, sarada will never become Hokage and will never have Boruto. this has been explained several times already.
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The post above had nothing to do with BoruSara, shipfag.
Kek I remember when everyone thought Sarada would have long hair after the timeskip.
We're all in agreement that Boruto is terrible, but we're reading it so we can see how the Naruto series ends?
I guess it's because it's actually at its best when characters are just interacting with each other. The fights are shit, the villains are shit, the plot is shit. Should have just been a slice of life manga about Kawaki showing up in Konoha and having to fix flower vases.
Yeah for some reason Ikemoto gave her a dog shit haircut. I don't know why he and Kishimoto have dogshit taste in girls designs.
I think Kishi and Ikemoto like their main heroines to have dogs shit designs.
It's the only explanation.
Like you are really going to keep Salad less attractive to Sumire and Eida really?
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One thing I noticed re-reading Naruto is just how much levity and lighteharted comfy moments are that are utterly lacking in Boruto.
This was after Sasuke's full mental breakdown and him killing Danzo and trying to kill Kakashi, Karin, Sakura, and Naruto.
Kishi still found times for fun.

Boruto is just boring and dull drama the whole time and it would be OK if the manga was well written ,but it's not
Boruto's introduction made him seem like an ungrateful shit, as compared to Naruto just being a loud retard. He comes around, but still kinda has that stink on him

Making the Otsutsuki's the main big bads was also a terrible decision because the side characters are power crept out of relevance before they could have ever had it. At least some of the Konoha 12 got moments to shine. Boruto's classmates are and will forever be useless. The powerscaling is totally fucked because Boruto was fighting niggas stronger than Kaguya at the start of his story. At this point, with Sasuke's Rinnegan Rinnegone, and Naruto losing Kurama, the only relavant characters are nuTeam 7 minus Konohamaru, Kawaki, the Karafags, and Otsutsukifags. And they're all boring as fuck because they're all too cool to emote. Also, all the Jonin in the village have been power crept as well, so old characters that never got to shine will continue to be wasted potential.

The series feels the most divorced from ninjutsu that it's ever been. And that's saying something.

The art is shit. No sexy women, just stick figure brats, no gag moments or levity. Fights look boring too. Ikemoto is genuinely a hack. People throw that word around a lot but if he were doing an original series, he'd have been axed after 3 volumes.

Boruto's goal is nebulous as fuck too. Being Hokage is a clear stopping point. "Being like Sasuke" is vague and "Helping Sarada be Hokage as her 'shadow'" is lame, no matter how he tries to hype it up.
The Jura stuff with Hidari in the bookstore reminded me of shit like that. So Ikemoto does that stuff for the villains sometimes. It's one of the flaws of being monthly suppose when the predecessor series was weekly. They haven't been able to adjust. Also Kodachi was damaging to the manga because he would let the anime pick up on the light hearted stuff.
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Ikemoto has no good sense of humor.
Kawaki is a bum with no rizz.
Shinki is gonna target Chocho isn't he?
good morning i hate kawaki sumire sarada chocho delta eida and daemon
Why is Hidari retarded? Will it ever be explained?
>Amado pill plot that goes nowhere
>Followed by pimp house plot that also went nowhere
Ikemoto said it's gap moe
I assume Ikemoto was told to wrap it up to the timeskip because people were BEGGING for it until it actually happened.
>Everyone thought TBV was gonna fix at least a good chunk of NNG's issues
>It actually just added more
It had to be. He spent like three volumes having characters play telephone while setting up Ada's house then in one chapter Kawaki sees Momo's ghost and literally got up, kidnapped Naruto, cut out Boruto's eye and triggered the deus ex machina that set the sequel in motion.
It was still the right call too. All that would have been different is we'd be complaining about this chapter in 2028.
Doesn’t help that he went about timeskip in almost the most boring generic fashion possible, going as far as to ditch Sasuke for the Jiraiya clone
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My FUARKING heroes.
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These little shits were aliens from previously consumed planets.
She has the same aura as Obito.
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Kaguya consumed Toppo's planet? Wtf
Sarada always looked like a western girl, why did people expect her to get prettier? Look how when Eida appered in the anime, Sumire got her skirt and highheels to keep up, but what did Sarada get?
Truth be told the vast majority of Naruto characters are western
She’s not prettier, she’s hotter which is what matters
How many ten tails are there?
in theory, one for every otsutsuki duo
ten ;)
The pimp house served as a way to make Shikamaru a Hokage, lol.
>selling shotas to old bastards and pedo aliens
the state of konoha
That was always the problem with Kishimoto, most of of his girls and women are not feminie in the slightest. They're mostly tomboys or comic relief charcters. Some have attractive designs because he based them on his favorite porn stars but aside from that he doesn't seem to know whats good about women.
Difference is Eida acts as a woman, while sarada and sumire are just slutty brats.
Eida also doesn't look like she belongs in Naruto at all
In lgbt prison
In Ibiki's rape dungeon
Hello gentlemen, i want to impregnate Sakura, that's all.
Those old fucks were going to kill Boruto.
Also who the fuck are Daimyos? Was that ever mentioned before?
They're tree seedlings. They probably exist everywhere.
Why was the other Juubi such a gymbro? Who the fuck did he eat to be like this?
God this guy sucks at drawing so fucking much, I can't even tell who the new treeguy is based on.
each Country is ruled by a Daimyo, and hidden ninja villages answer to them

Didn't' the daimyos show up in the final war arc or was that just a Shippuden thing?
It's Naruto.
That's clearly Gaara's adopted son.
Official is out
Sarada is hot, Sumire is cute, Eida is a hag. End of story.
Congratulations anon.
That's what I said, Naruto. I mean, he was more like a pet to him but still.
I can't believe Himawari single handedly pulled sales up.
I hate Sarada. I hate Sumire. I hate Eida. End of story

We know Mitsuki.
I feel like there was a war between Kodachi and Ikemoto, and Kishimoto sided with Ikemoto
I'm genuinely shocked that Boruto has become such a likable protagonist. And him teleporting in and telling those guys it's not their fault for him taking his stuff back was pretty funny.
Ok Shizui. Go back to being dead.
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>Kawaki's charisma is such dogshit
Funny how Kawaki wished for Boruto's life yet treats everyone like shit to the point even the Hokage's killer is more sympathetic.
That's part of Kawaki's character. His bad upbringing made him unable to form good relationships. I know the anime made him more socially approachable, but Kawaki is supposed to come off as someone who is very rude, standoffish, and rubs people the wrong way.
This but he also isn't attractive like Boruto
Kawamado status?
Shibai's Juubi.
>Toddlercon art
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>12 year old
>He doesn't know about THAT animation
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So how hinata lost her tits, hinatafags start to like her ass like sakurafags.
No you're not.
Shikamaru is going to be in trouble. Boruto was freed and Konohamaru knows only him, Ibiki, and Shikamaru knew the code to unlock Boruto's cuffs. And Ino thinks Shikamaru is acting strange vouching Boruto lately.

Shikamaru is going to be the first impeached Hokage who will probably get locked up to boot.
Blame Ikemoto for giving her a decent ass.
Careful, anon, that sounds like something interesting happening in this manga.
>Yfw Neji would had been saved had Naruto learned heal like 1 hour faster
The more screentime she gets the more I care about this shit. Uzumakin Siblings Teamup WHEN
He TANKED that.
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Hanabibros, what are her chances of appearing later on?
I don't believe Amado was affected by omnipotence and I don't believe he was going to let Boruto die. I think he's an Ootsutsuki.
Technically, Himawari should be living with her and Hiashi.
Will that ever be acknowledged though?
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>I know this instinctively
I'm becoming skeptical too.
It says "It knows this instinctively."
I guess I'm dyslexic or an S-rank speedreader.
Neither, you read a shit translation.
You are a dumb nigga though because at one point in that translation Konohamaru just starts speaking some latinesque gibberish.
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Canon btw.
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>the dump thread is just the leak thread from days ago

Jesus this manga is cooked. I stopped reading the manga months ago and now I’m not even motivated to keep up with the spoilers anymore.
kindly fuck off
I think the saddest thing is that it's still somehow better than current One Piece.
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That means nothing. The goal is to be as good as Shippuden and it failed massively
i dont know how anyone reads that shit, its hideous to look at. boruto is ugly as sin but at least i can tell whats happening in any given panel
The Kazekage title works like a monarchy and is inherited
which means Shikadai technically could become Kazekage by the way, if Shinki can't then there's no one else that we've seen so far who could
I think One Piece is suffering from the same effect as Boruto did from the timeskip. All the build up for the final saga and the execution isn’t living up to the hype. At least Boruto has readable panels.
that could be cool if we were ever given a reason to give a shit about either Shikadai or the Sand village in general
The better question is why the subs don't make sense.
>That pic
Hanabi's design always gave her a big forehead underneath her hair.
calm down uhhhhh rock lee
I think Ino is already brainrotted back by Omnipotence and will betray him. Even Shikamaru, who deduced everything on his own, has already forgotten what is Omnipotence (in the flashback panel the translation just show us [_] in the space of its name) and he now only remembers that he has to trust his feelings, despite no logical reasons for that.
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Rock Lee is already taken by Kurotsuchi.
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>TFW we don't live in a timeline where Kawaki was groomed by Sakura into a good gentlemen.
Ino is taking her son's safety over Shikamaru's defense for Boruto.
Imagine the smell.
>Anko, Shizune, Tsunade, and the Mizukage are all unmarried hags with dried up eggs
It's amazing how little has happened in this manga over its whole run considering that One Piece was in Enies Lobby by this same time.

Why is there so much repetitive talking scenes instead of actual stuff happening?
the manga is promotional material for the anime, it's basic by design, the anime is intended to expand on everything
people get it the wrong way around and complain that the anime is full of filler and so on because no one actually cares about any of Boruto's characters
Tbf One Piece didn’t even reach a narrative stride until Marineford, until then it was the typical island rhythm
>Anko, Shizune
Worry not, i IMPREGNATED them.
But the anime was canned

What is manga trying to promote
That was the case when Kodachi was writing, Ikemoto just doesn't care.
Sort of, I do think there is going to be some dumb reason Kakashi hasn't appeared in the manga yet that runs contrary to him showing up in the anime
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ficanon wrote this but it was just a background joke and everyone hates her for it

The manga and anime productions have barely anything to do with each other anymore, Ikemoto does not communicate with the anime staff.
It's trying to promote quality.
>What is manga trying to promote
The brand itself, I guess.
>how little happened
What? Are we reading the same story? lol
And if this is nothing to you what exactly has happened in Ennies Lobby that revolutionized your world?
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Boruto is much better than Shippuden you insane fuck. The plot from Shippuden had no rhyme or reason, much like Wan Piss.
Sumire WILL force Kawaki to impregnate her!
This, but with Ada, obviously.
Ada doesn't have the balls.
>And if this is nothing to you what exactly has happened in Ennies Lobby that revolutionized your world?
I refuse to believe this is a real question.
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Eida watches
Is this meant to be one of those fake spoilers?
I like how easy it is to spot fake spoilers because they are either A. They have too much stuff happening or B. The art looks decent.
Well in this case it just looks bad, in a different way from Ikemoto, but still bad.
Sumire, stop posting.
What if Boruto was written like MHA?
Boruto would be a bitch, but i guess he'd have more of character for me to care about.
Jesus Christ, the Naruto thread is awful.
More fujos, female characters would be more sexualized, shit writing
Has been since this year started.
>female characters would be more sexualized, shit writing
We already have those, unless you mean to non lolifags.
well it would be way more
I thought the first arc of the anime was written in response to MHA's popularity. There is even a character named Denki Kaminari(mon).
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Imagine her tears when she gets rejected by Boruto.
Although Ikemoto might be a coward and just show Sumire hugging her instead.
which one was first
>pinkshit still traumatized
Implying Sumire would be bold enough to do something as hugging someone
The Naruto thread is down the hallway.
You're not funny.
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And always will be.
Cmon, post the image of Ino kneeing Sakura in the gut, i know you're itching to post it.
Sumire is a whore plain and simple
>pinkshit woke up
learn to group your shit, retard
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>Sakuracucks get rejected from Naruto thread
>and now from Boruto threads as well
Unironically what's next for them?
Also, Sumire's family name is actually "Shigaraki" (her dad's surname).
I never realized because I hadn't watched MHA until this year. That's funny.
Have you forgotten to take your meds today?

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