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Last page already leaked and....OMG.
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This page? TL anon translated it in the other thread
>A new presence
Either bait or sequel
Post em fag
The Yuko meme has become annoying. It was bearable only when it was just the "Babykuna soon" schizo.
Will literally will myself past the point of death to see the Gojokek seethe when he stays dead
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Alright fags, would you like cool loking Yuta's fight for final chapter or Yuta banging his harem in the final chaper?
>banging his harem
Gege is not based enough for that
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Where did yuuji go
Also apparently the rest of the chapter is them discussing the final battle (aka more Gege fighting 2chuds)
If the final page ends up being true, these threads will turn into a fucking ghost town. Never seen such a boring ending in my fucking life even if the manga turned into a terrible pile of shit
>He is back at the end.
Uh oh the clock thing was just a bait
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Gojo has already had his 'funeral' so he can only come back
>heartwarming oldschool trio mission final chapter!
Gojo is back.....as a curse....
Only thing to save the manga is to bring Gojo back. At least go out with a bang.
this Yukoshitter should kill himself, same with the leakers
>Yuji has been missing for hours
Feeding Blobkuna?
Fuck this shit I'm going to sleep.
Good night kozo *kisses your cheek*
Dream about Jogo returning.
>no yuta.
You are too obsessed dude. Just read Gojo fanfics
>Sukuna loses
>manga goes to shit
Who could have seen this coming.
>Implying it won't be the trio dying in the next chapter
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>Remember when we fought that Su...kuna guy?
>C'mon it was like last week we already moved on to more interesting things
>yuji gets pushed into a wall
>gets stabbed by a nail and dies
Kinda funny that they yoinked the TL from the other thread right away to repost it on twitter.
Anyways, this looks real to me. Nothing looks off in the art or dialogue or anything. If its fake, goddamn its a really good fake. Because this is night and day compared to our usual fake leaker, who has fuck ups all over the place.
This leaked page matches this, too. The third point is this page, basically.
>itadori disappeared for hours
What is he hiding?
jjk went to shit way before Sukuna lost, indeed, Sukuna cycle was a disaster
What was I thinking?
He was just having a goon session now that he's free of Sukuna watching him.
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I dont think anyone in these threads couldve wrote a more boring ending to such a big manga series even if you fags tried really fucking hard

pathetic. Imagine One Piece having an ending this boring or naruto and sasuke going on some gay mission after beating the final boss instead of having the most hype fight ever in fiction (and i hate naruto)

even SnKs final chapters were super hype to wait for despite the absolute atrocious ending and MHAs ending while boring was hilarious to laugh at cause of SHITku and NTR memes

fuck this fucking manga
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This little retard
Gege doesn't want him talking about his powerlevel shenanigans.
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Tasty little retard
Watch it be Takaba fucking with people. Just being a harmless goofy menace.
Nobody cares faggot, Yuko will win.
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This is the TLanon btw
imagine being forced nofap because sukuna would bite, he truly suffered
are you from twitter or reddit?
>Eats him
>Reincarnate as his kid
boring is worse than bad, this just proves it yet again. the worst kind of reaction is no reaction at all.
>nobara is alive
>megumi is alive and healthy as if nothing happened
>yuta is alive
>Higuruma is alive
no shit, these last chapters fucking suck
>It will just be Uro asking about Yuta and acting tsundere all over yuta while Manki is jealous
Everything is so tiresome. I hate jjk0
>final chapters
>still can't get leaks
It's so over
GODta CHADkkotsu can't stop winning.
If you need characters to die to have an "interesting" ending then you might just have the logical thinking of a toddler
I love how most people agree in not being interested in the previous chapter since it was obviously yuta wank
facebook actually
If the chapter had gojo funeral it would have been leaked already
This is just more yapping
>kill character
>comes back after the fight with no issue
>final boss was holding back BECAUSE YUTACHAD WASN'T AROUND you see
Reaaally sounds like some special kid for the sequel bait
You are delusional if you think Higuruma having a cog mentality is good end for his character.
>gojo funeral
Who started spreading this shit?
Who even thinks gege would give gojo a funeral chapter?
Nobody cared because it was a chapter for the author to justify his writing. Yuta or not it was irrelevant. It already happened, we don't need to know why it was the only way, it's done already.
And yuta wank
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Honestly way cuter. I wish I was a friend or a bf of someone like this. She'd be bookish and smart and sweethearted and easy to please. Good looking girls (Like the upper 95%) basically have everything so they don't need to be intelligent, and don't value the people they have in their life because they can just use and discard simps at will.
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Mourning the COOLEST uncle, of course!
We got millions of cute yutamaki art tho so yuta was the good part
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No, Yuta wank will always be bad. Also femcels and ugly selfinserts don't count
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Uh oh doomer bros
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Who's hand are you grabbing?
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>they just spoiled PART 2 CONFIRMED
Remember Mha's announcement?
Expect a worldwide poll leading into GOJO SWEEP
>I-It didn't count
Nta but Cope.
What wank you fucking retard it was everyone shitting on him the entire chapter
Also, COGji will NEVER EVER be a good MC
gege, please don't end the seires on sequel bait...
right now
*pisses on you*
It depends, the one to the right is Hana or Angel?
>Sukuna reincarnates as Yuji's son
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How retarded do you have to be think "final mission" is sequel bait.
Its clearly just some "the gang get back together, successfully bitchslap some leftover element from the Games, and walk off into the sunset having become stronger from their experiences and with their futures bright" sort of shit.
Yuji is the right Mc for JJK, while Yuta is the right one for 0, they had different roles.
It's Hana.
wish we got more Remi
Not him but the fact that they are finding some mysterious player last minute sounds like some donut steel for the sequel bait for me
No way Jump will leave jjk die so easily specially when Gege neglected the main cast so much
Yeah and if there is a sequel there should be a new protag
>Sukuna may actually go back either as a blob, kid or shikigami
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Stop posting shit and post the PAGES
But no more Yuta and Manki wank stealing his spotlight lmao
if they didn't force a kny part 2 or even more spinoffs, i don't think it'll happen here out of sheer editorial pressure only. not saying there 100% won't be a p2/sequel /whatever but if so it's something gege at least kinda wants.
Then Yuji, he's more reliable and more interested in helping randos.
You mean the manga that triggered Oda so much Jump pretends it doesn't exist? Bad example lmao
The leakers arent posting anything cause even they know this shit is bad and boring as shit

if gojo came back there wouldve been a war in the arab/pajeet discords and it wouldve been revealed like 8 hours ago
Agree, like Yuta's story ended with 0 Yuji's complete with this, I would read a new story with Yuji but it would probably become derivative on the previous one. Yuji and Yuta aplearing as previous legends to help the new one would still be ok.
File deleted.
>JJK part 2 is real

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>censoring nigger

go back twitter troon
Nope, he already hogged way too much during Culling games
He means the manga that was making the most money in history for Jump and kept selling millions even after it ended.
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What if they find a girl and we get our own femcel protagonist for part 2 like csmfags
I love Maki, and I don't mind Yuta.
But they are way too strong. Story won't last long if they are often featured. Or there is gonna be a power creep. Both dogshit options.
pure headcanon cope
well, I will drop it then when Part 1 ends
>Happy announcement
That'll just be gege saying thank you, not leading to a part 2
Yeah, and I meant the manga that triggered Oda to the point the author rushed the ending, there were printing problems, it got worse marketing and Jump pretend it doesn't exist
>happy announcement
Gege is pregnant
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As long as she's cute.
Happy announcement gonna be something small like an international fan poll or maybe even a movie tease if yall are lucky.
how the fuck one person can like Maki, she's not even a character, she's just the bad female version of Toji, she doesn't even have a character

also killing an entire clan and facing any consequences for it? nothing to see here
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Nta but they could be handled like Gojo.
the happy announcement is Gege drawing the new Isayama's manga
>Jump pretend it doesn't exist
This did not happen
Who did it, Fujimoto or Horikoshi?
Uraume light novel if we are luckier
great we are getting a sequel...gege sold out
Nta but as another who like Maki
>how the fuck one person can like Maki, she's not even a character, she's just the bad female version of Toji, she doesn't even have a character
despite it stagnating after the perfect preparation arc she has a character
>also killing an entire clan and facing any consequences for it? nothing to see here
she didn't, she killed those at the main compound and other 36 members.
Let's hope he gets someone else for the art because otherwise the writing will suffer again because he's too lazy.
I doubt it will be done by him
That said more yuta I will drop it
I'm curious what he would do with a monthly series
She was more likeable pre-shibuya
Hori could handle it, his last Yuji looked great
Is the Kuna back yet or not
I think Hori is a pretty good artists but I don't like how he draws faces most of the time.
she used to have a character but jogi burned it off. "___ used to be ___ but it vanished/stagnated after shibuya" is a recurring theme.
>AWAKENED player
Yukobros, its her isn't it?
>happy announcement

Inb4 its some art panel or extra JJK space at Jump Festa
Its definitely gonna be some shit like that.
Remember the crazy super special project? Just free chapters online.
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Hori is not very good with hand to hand combat, his best action is just big impacts and explosions, maybe finishing punches, but nothing detailed as far as I remember.
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Finally Jjk cast for Jump Force 2
extra gems for everyone that pre-registered for the gatcha
collab with a different gatcha
more dates for the stage play
pop-up cafe
merch collab
Is it that he’s not good or just that his series didn’t had many opportunities for that?
I don't know why, but I feel Yuko may be important
>Jump Force 2
genuinely worse than nothing. jjk is doomed to the worst fucking video games ever
It could be anything, from a 2nd part, a release date for the first episode of season 3, JJK continuing in another magazine on a monthly basis like Gintama did at the end, an interview, Gege revealing he's actually a woman, Gege saying he's now ready to work on a different series altogether, some Japanese only event like "here's your collab café that serves expensive and mediocre food for 2025, you can get more limited edition merchs", etc.
He was the one writing the series, he could have written those opportunities if he wanted to.
1 hour left for leaks
I hope the announcement it's a mobile game or a movie because If it's a Part 2 I'm going to kill gaygay personally
it's a game but the story is part 2
There is a gacha already
Shits like this makes me thing there will be a part 2
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>And the winner is JJK2
Kenjaku had another kid. It's Yuji's HERMANO
Quote me on this. It is going to be related to the mobile game
Im hoping for a part 2. I don’t want JJK to end with a whimper.
Finally sukuna will stop holding back in the sequel
Uraume was right
Jjk2 should be female.
Jjk2 shouldnt exist. Let it die
And possessed by Sukuna. Finally, Female Sukuna
>Sukuna with Kamutoke and Hiten.
We are so back.
Finally, the one who will teach sukuna about love is....
Why do these subhumans post only the last page? Why not the first page if you’re gonna post barely anytthing?
No gojo funeral
More explanations about the last fight (aka gege fighting 2chan again)
The Yakuza killed the leaker
>dead thread
i know the leaks are extremely delayed but...yikes this never happens to popular shonen that are ending
I do think it's a part 2 just because of how wide open gege left it with there being more questions than answers.
It's more yapping and leakers killed the last bit of hype left, when it leaks people might be working/school/sleep/watching Nintendo direct
This. They probably agreed on a Boruto sequel, Gege has the ingredients he doesn't want, they just need a better chef
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Papa Yuji will hide MeiMei footage from Shotakuna
>nintendo direct
what? no way
It's baby gojo AND baykuna
Jjk game for switch 2 reveal next week
Jujutsu Kaisen: Two Red Shrines
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They're finally reunited and fucking in the afterlife, Gojo's death might actually be a good thing.
Ok but who is the Madre
Yuji. Like Virgin Mary.
>yuji disappears for hours
>He comes back
>Teehee....Nobara-chan, Megumi-chan....we really should explore that new presence by ourselves right?
Geto takes it like a champ
why was yuji so strong to begin with, he was just a normal guy
Why is Gege so insecure?
small wrists
Kenjaku's experiments.
He's just Sukuna with two arms.
Of course he does, he loves it.
Manga went to shit at Chapter 236.
I miss sukuna
cut that number in half and i agree
So no Yuko this chapter, fuck
Yuta? Wanked by gege and became redundant by the end but he's still a fun character in my book. Great CT, great fights (esp vs the headcannon guy) and great fit.
Yuji? Neglected by Gege imo. But that's expected Gege is still young and this was his first serialized manga so it's understandable. Fucking love Yuji btw. Sick cqc poses I still mimick him in front of my mirror from time to time (yes I'm retarded)
Megumi? Wasted potential. I wanted to see more of him. By far the most unpolished character in all manga that I've read only second to Bob Makihira. I like him though.
Nobara? Didn't like her at first she did not pique my interest. Her CT was boring to me but necessary for the plot. Her cockiness does not match her skills, she is almost all mouth and no action. I don't care much about her.
Gojo? He's fucking fun. Whenever he makes an appearance I know I'm going to have a blast. The strongest, you just can't hate the guy.
Sukuna? A disappointment. What a bitch.
Choso? Love him, he's fun.
Fuck off Yutard bootlicker
Yutafags really are like Gege kek, manipulative as fuck.
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You're fucking retarded if you expect anything from this announcement lmao
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Brown nose: the post.
But gege keeps adding new weird shit
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>KGB leaks out before JJK
>KGB got leaks before JJK
What the actual fuck. lol
Is this the leaker that was bullied by KGBtards? Did he change his stance?
Big mistake was sidelining both Yuji and sukuna after the Shibuya arc. They were the besto duo
>Please like Yuta: Poo anon edition
No matter how much you want to ask for COGjibros and Gojofags support, it will never happen.
>awakened sorcerer
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>CSM ends with a CP and an important announcement
>It's part 2
>JJK ending next week with a CP and important announcement

Part 2 is coming.
>Ends with CP
Ui Ui chads we won
Kill yourself
Only the repeated impregnation of Nobara can save this shit ending
Just announce the sequel already. Jesus this pussy footing and pointless chapters are trash. This is it? This is how it ends? Another series added to the Japs cant write endings list.
Chapter is so dog he is prioterizing kgb. Holy moly the jjk fall off is INSANE
It was as easy as show a timeskip then married and byebye
A YutaMaki wedding is the only way to end this shitshow
This just means gege really skipped gojo funeral LMAO
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Real reliable source, stop shilling your own account faggot
Semi grade 1?
Is our guy truly back??? Welcome back Kamo my glorious king.
Hana's cause I'm not gay
Let me guess more prease rike yuta and more gege downtalking the readers
If there was more yuta. The chapter would have been leaked already. Probably a lot of manbara and bumgumi in the chapter.
Nta but I can't imagine being so mentally restricted that it's impossible to fathom liking more than one character. I too like all the character he stated.
>Prease rike yuta
But I already love yuta
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So are there no actual leaks yet? Everything's from unknown twitterniggers
It's always the Bumji fanboys butthurt yuta is the star of the show
But people like Nobara and Megumi not Puta Stu
COGji warped you.
Yuta is the forced mc because Gege knows without Gojobaits and Yuji no one would read the manga
Jjk leakers are milking the last bit of relevancy they can get.
Kgb already has leaks.
This. Snk leaker became fucking obnoxious at the end, he even hold onto leaks for 2 whole days just to keep people begging him in Twitter
People read the manga for gojo. not in a million years Bumji is a reason to read this lol
Still seething, Yutard?
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Yeah this chapter was also mid. But I still have hope for next week.
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CoGji is like ,carried by literally every other character.
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Mahoragabros how are we feeling about our return soon?
Its the new protagonist for Part 2. Maybe Rebornkuna, new guy or new girl
A reminder Gege didn't want Yuuji to be the protag. My wild guess is that maybe Yuuji will die but his body will be taken by Sukuna and will fool everybody. Jjk Part 2 will either be published on Jump+ or in the Young Jump mag and Megumi will be the part 2 protagonist, just as gege intended at first.
She kinda looks like kashimo
A reminder that you are a braindead retard.
If he came back it would be the dog or something inheriting his power
Gege didn't give a shit about megumi, just look at how much he ignored Tsumiki
He tried to fool the editor bt making Megumi who looked too much like jjk0 yuta, and as soon as he got freedom he got rid of Gojo, Nobara and only focused on yuta and maki
It's Gojo turned into cursed spirit
We can't handle them. They are going to force us to read their manga.
Nigga, at this point having hope for this series is a talent. How did you get to this point?
happens a lot
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>bumjistans still fuming that he has ride of the coattails from our GOAT Yuta
Why would Megumi summon him at the end? He smashed his toe?
It is like gambling. At some point you gotta win even of it is small.
This manga it's a fucking joke. From the first leaker to the last fan.
Jesus Christ
All that means nothing if Yuji didn't have soul dismantle
I’ll drink to that :)
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>gojo and nanami are both alive
Glad I dropped it mid shibuya. Already knew this series was bad especially after that garbage ass arc. Kubo wannabe. We are gonna have some good revisionism with this series now that all the clickbait moments are gone. Bleach dogwalks this manga.
that's a flashback, you moron
Flashback or fake. No in between.
sorry no need to be mean
I feel nothing for this end. But this was one of the most fun I have had with a manga.
That's flashback from Sukuna vs Samurai Teacher chapter
Csm last chapter had similar text. But I still doubt he is going to do a part 2
You dumb fuck. Its a page from the Kusakabe chapter.
Of course we are getting part 2. Main dillema of jjk was cursed energy (fat bitch and geto talk) and still isn't resolved.
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Well fuck the leaks, I'd rather spend my time on panda reading some new C104 releases

Sling your hook scholars

You fooled nobody Kusakabe, stop wanking yourself.
Well, I'ma go play a weg and eat dinner. Call me when its time to the TL.
You are trying too hard, Yutard
Aussie or Nips?
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>even SnKs final chapters were super hype to wait for despite the absolute atrocious ending
No it wasn't, the threads had devolved into a shitshow and most people saw the writing on the wall due tonhow shitty the last arc had been.
>while boring was hilarious to laugh at cause of SHITku and NTR memes
So you had to make up shit unrelated to the manga to find any enjoyment in the ending
>More flashbacks and explanations
Fine, you got me. I haven’t read anything since culling games. I just look at leaks, read chapter summaries, and straight here to hate.
Nip time. I'm a third generation shitskin, though.
I feel like gege was way too limited about what to write he doesn't give a shit anymore
My problem with Gojo treatment IS that i fucking hate the flashbacks now, just keep him alive instead of this shit, it was the same with fucking Sabo when Ace died, just don't kill Ace or asspull him to live
>Hori is not very good with hand to hand combat
Neither is Gege also who gives a shit? Fights couldn't save JJK but it might as well not look like complete unfinished garbage
>MeiMei wank
Damn gege really is going full contrarian
Pull a Benoit.
Is he really ripping off csm with Yuji finding a kid version of sukuna that he has to raise?
So when a mommy and a daddy move to a foreign country they are considered as the first gen. Their kids are second gen. The grandkids are the third gen.
>Black page borders.
It's a flashback, braindead retard
Do you live in JP?
>Kagurabachi leaks are out
I will ask one personal question,
Do you have a familiar?
Didnt he already tease that with lets try this again and Sukuna shitty childhood?
No, you're off.
>immigrants are either immigrants or naturalized
>their children are first generation
>their children's children are second
>so on
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>3 chapters left
>2 dedicated to filler
No. lol

Oh. Guess I'm second gen, then.
>we will never see that smiling face again
I hate sorcerers so much bros.
Where is the rest of the fucking chapter!?
JJK is too popular so leakers are going to be assholes till next week
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I ate it
The user will be sukuna nayuta version isnt it
Yuji cursed him to stay and try again
Why isn't the usual guy leaking anymore?
their hands should kiss
I assume you must not be looking for anything then, you would be quite the catch.
Do nips still treat you as a foreigner even though you were born there?
Shuisha killed his grandmother.
ScantranslatorCHAD here:
With the horsepower
I say
It's better
The image of losing
I'm not
There are many techniques variations
You can use the barrier
Based on abundant magazine knowledge
The analysis and judgment are also strong
It's a convenient man
I want to take it to an uninhabited island
I feel like that
Mr. Kusakabe
As it is
I have it
There is
To enact
Various beginners
I make a binding
The area
Both feet at the time of activation
If you leave the ground
It will be released
Thanks. Translator kun
Fucking nips need to hurry the fuck up
Not the original translator anon, just used OCR and did the lazy thing
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>we will never see that smiling face again
sex with mahoraga.
Please do not tell me this is a flashback about Simple domain.
Kek based.
That is an unedited page from over 10 chapters ago you stupid dumb fucks.
Yes, it's funny how they always try to latch Yuji on, he's a fine character but people obviously read this for Gojo.
Yeah, kinda.
I mean, physically, no I am no catch. Overweight, yet somehow fit enough to do sports, but I'm no looker. No one really looks at me and goes, "damn that bald fat hairy fuck gets me wet".
And somehow everyone thinks I'm some deep, intelligent, wise motherfucker, and I've had people want to set me up with their daughters.
But I'm fucked in the head, and I have no desire to get into a relationship with someone and unload my shit onto them. So yeah, I don't look for that.

Yes. I've said it before, probably years ago when I was asked the same thing in these threads. But I'm born and raised here. The people in my neighborhood have known me since I was three. I have helped them, and they have helped me. I chill with them every now and then. But they will only ever see me as a dog with tricks. I am forever just "ooh, you speak so well for a gaijin". Years and years, and thats all I am to them.
Most of Japan is like that. Polite, but if you are not native, you're just a thing. An object that talks. And that wall will never come down.
I stayed up okay! Eyes are heavy and I'm ready to take anything.
Its funnier how you get triggered and try to latch onto Gojo, Yutafag. Accept some criticism for once
Holy shit at this point I may just wait for the last chapter
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Must be an absolute nothingburger of a chapter if we still don't have it yet.
>wake up
>only a page gets leaked
What the fuck
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No Sukuna
No hype
missed opportunity not to have his extra arms squeezing from his fat folds
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>Ends with CP
/jjk/ loved that retarded KUSOkabe chapter but they don't even recognize it lol
It's always just contrarians
I like gojo tho? There is a reason he's the most popular character of the manga, to the point of the absolute degeneration of their fandom.
And anyway I didn't mention Gojo until others did.
CP = Shotakuna btw
>>27118748 (Dead)
Man old internet was different lmfao
It's out:
>Latching onto Gojo
I accept your concession, Yutard. Can't wait to see you spam GOJEET again everytime Gojofags dislike your selfinsert, Yuta
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It's gojover....
Yuta won btw
I didn’t recognize it because I haven’t read a single chapter since the beginning of culling games. I just read chapter summaries and come here to hate.
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That's his sisters grave nigger
>Gojo funeral
>Shoko still ruins the mood
Basic Gege
I don't think that's Kenny.
Kenny’s alive??!!? What?!?
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enter CHADkana man
of course third worlders aren’t going to share the spoilers of the last chapter
Why is Gege hiding his face then
Is gege smoke chicken bones rn
Because it isn't Kenny.
I never said Gojeet, I dislike his fandom, and I know they don't like Yuta, they care only about Gojo in the entire manga, but don't use buzzwords.
All of them already got posted subhuman nigger.
>Megumi: Thank you very much
>Headstone: Fushiguro Family
>Shoko: Don’t worry about it
>Blurb: Praying for his dead sister’s happiness in the afterlife.
>Shoko: Even if all that is left to burn it, cleaning up the body is something worth doing.
>Shoko: I'm happy if thanks to me someone looks pretty in the afterlife.
>Chapter 270 - Dream's End
>Shoko: Should have left Geto to me as well. What an idiot.
>Megumi: ....Yes
>Shoko: Well, not like I believe in the afterlife anyways
>Shoko: Wa ha ha
>Megumi: .....
Pretty sure this is Tsumiki's grave, not Gojo's.
>Wouldn't it be really funny if Kenjaku survived
nothing burger chapter?
Gege is never beating the Disney kaisen allegations.
>Tsukimi's grave
Gojo copers live for another week
Hey TLbro, the full leaks are here: >>271187745
I'm surprised Takaba is alive. Unless this is airport realm
>yuji literally disappeared until last page
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Not like this gojosisters
Nothing happened.
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I never EVER doubted
This shit will never end. At this point just give them a fucking spin off
I wasn't a sequelfag before but wtf is this
Penultimate chapter my ass
At this point i even expect the nayutakuna meme to be real, gege is a hack
>Wouldn't it be funny if the guy I just hired looked exactly like the mass murderer I had the best show of my life with
Dumping new ch
I knew it. The comedian being alive is the only one that could make sense not like Higuruma or the other shitters.
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Wtf is this
>the biggest asspull character survives
color me surprised
so moe
That's Gojo in Kenny's (Geto's) body
yeah, did you expect something different?
el profesor of the first chapter, the one who told itadori to join sports team or something like that
Holy fuck I'm in the manga
>we see Tsumiki's grave but still not Gojo's
I don't like what this might mean
>gege is a hack
Truer words have never been spoken in the history of mankind
>Takaba got someone that looked like Geto to be his partner
Kek Gege is such a dick.
>Angel: There is nothing to be embarrassed about at this point
>Hana: Shaddup.....!!
>Megumi: I will take responsibility.

>Takaba: So thats why
>Takaba: having a lot of dirty jokes is good, see?
>Takaba: But lets keep away from the erotic ones.
>Takaba: Even though they're also dirty jokes, with shit and piss, its like Pyun Pyun Maru and Hattori-kun.
These are two old school mangas. I dunno anything about them, but I guess they're low brow humour?
>??: So its pretty much the same thing.
>Takaba: I'm saying they're completely different....
>Takaba: Were you listening?
>Takaba: Enough. Lets go practice our routines.
>??: Can you not say "practice our routines" in a loud voice.
>Takaba: At least pay today
>Takaba: "Practicing our routines" is not a dirty joke
I don't get the joke here. Maybe my brain is just tired. ネタ合わせ is practicing jokes/routine.
>Getting rid of Gojo's face
Gege won
Translate in the new thread better if you don't mind
Also don't worry japanese word play is hard kek
>Megumi: I will take responsibility.
Me when I see booba.
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>Kenjaku is back
No one is ever really gone
Except Sukuna and Gojo.
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Asa is the best part of Part 2 so that sounds good to me
If there's no part 2 this will legit be the most boring ending I've ever seen from a manga and I'll consider the real ending where sakuna was killed (without all these fucking retarded ass Disney "they're still alive! asspulls)
shit taste, she literally killed csm
>takaba is alive too
Disney kaisen
>everyone lived except Gojo
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No u
what is with you faggots always crying about the stupidest shit, what is actually wrong with a manga having a happy ending? this entire fucking manga a billion anons have been asking for it to slow down and have some slice of life but now its bad because the fan fiction they wrote in their head isn't happening
We get it, you'll never have sex, holy shit.
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dilate, asatroon
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We won.
Happy endings are fucking stupid and I hate them. And gege can’t fucking decided if he wants these faggots dead or not to the point were he kills them then plot no Justus them back later. It’s shit.
You're the one who fell down the incel to tranny pipeline. Kek.
What went so wrong?
jp twitter sama....I kneel....
>Still posting this with no median comparison
This is just so sad to look at.
Yuta got shafted by Yuji. He should've been the true protag
>Entire chapter leaked
>No bump limit reached yet
what killed the hype?
The editor left
It's because everyone is in another thread right now.
holy projection
cope harder, no SHITsa and the manga would be an ever-green cashcow
>the stall man tranny lover
what's the point of JJK 2 if you got these niggas and Sukuna is dead? what are the new bad guys gonna do against them?
>create a new threat
>make the sequel in a remote future
>Kenjaku created a cursed object
>the story is low scale enough that the protagonists of the previous ones won't appear most of the time.
JJK2 will reveal that curse energy originated from aliens
Why are there so many fucking threads under the bump limit
He was never dead
There is no JJK 2, retard.
Fujoshits lost btw
/a/ is dying. Before Hiroshimoot removed the IP counter even OP threads couldn't get more than 200 IPs.
Yuta will fuck off to Nigeria again, leaving Jujutsu High vulnerable
/a/ don't care about shounenshit Reddit series like JJK.
I'm talking about JJK threads
Yet here you are
Ozawa after reading the leaks
Only because I see fags spam this series on the catalog
I feel like Gege could make a killer action comedy like bobobo Id fully endorse a sequel/spinoff that was just about takaba
Who ships Megumi with angel ?! I think most shippers are for Maki and Yuta
what did you win?
they both suck
Nothing is more boring and played out than /a/ being contrarian about yet another ending.
I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed
Rukia and Ichigo have more interactions in the first chapters of Bleach than Yuta and Maki in the entire manga
And somehow Maki and Yuta have more chances of happening
Rukia won bigly
To me it sounds like a sequel. Maki wants to rescue the captured sorcerer from America. The last culling game player is unhinged Gojo
Into the trash it goes
He couldn't even finish part 1 properly
Renji isn't anything to br proud off. Her daughter will never become anything because of her Renbum genes
Sex with Nobara...
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...as Sukuna vessel
I'll fuck Sukuna out of her
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No ! Sukuna majestic her 1000% hotter
Alright taken.
What happened, I woke up just now

She is the only good part of Part 2.
Denji is by far the worst part.
>the last time we see geto's body it's not with gojo (who was his best friend) or sukuna (since kenny was piloting the body for the majority of the story) but with the one guy who has nothing to do with either of them
Fuck ships, Takaba won
To be fair the last time we see him is him winking at the camera after laying down in funeral garb. It was always possible
what a shitshow of an ending
holy shit it's Sadamune
no one ever...
how the hell did csm get a part 2 lmao?
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why wouldnt it?
it wasn't very good
better then the shitshow that was the second half of jjk lmao
no, it wasn't
You know Gege hates Yuji when Puta and Bumgumi get bitches before him
Am I Kawaii? Uguuu~
>that pic.
Yuuko won tho.
anyone get the leaks in order? Trying to read them
at least this manga's Angel character is actually a fucking woman.
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Googling JJK 270 leaks will lead you to the JJKfolk plebbit, they've got something organized.
>Yuuko won tho.
>Gojo return scare thread: >>271176547

Initial leak thread: >>271184518

In order leak thread: >>271187854

Raws: https://imgur.com/a/jjk-chapter-270-Tm6HBWl
Oh yea, I still need to get banned from that subreddit.
Cope. Nobara just sees Yuuji and Megumi as her younger siblings.
>even more foreshadowing
Gege has made clear that JJK is about incest
What can possibly save the ending now?
Gege needs to be killed, quickly replaced with someone who has a non toddler brain, start the series over, and act like jjk was just a prototype.
suffice to say suffice to say..the manga died with gojo didnt it
Nah, that's stupid
Rdt ?!
Real Doublepenetration Times
>he was just a normal guy
Do you dumb niggers just look at the pictures and not read? I understand jjk is lowbrow trash but still.
Why did Sukuna never tell Yuji that Kenjaku was his mother?
Gojo is back and going to whoop their asses
A Yuko thread
He’s coming back as a cursed spirit
Kenjaku's plan will come to fruition in the final chapter...
If it sufficed you wouldn't have to say it twice retard
minna.... doko desu ka?
did dadanon post his rewrite yet?
I've already been awake for several hours at this point, but the lullaby is appreciated.
Nobara milk…
>artist gave yuji a noticeably bigger cock
She was just following the canon material
Its canon thats why
They hate each other
Ty for posting these
what if the harassing curse user is the signs of the merger starting or something… idk I just hope it’s not a “curse of the week” for the final chapter.
i say it how i want bitch ass nigga
That artist made my favorite Nobakuna art
>She'd be bookish and smart and sweethearted and easy to please.
do you live in the 90s or something? all women are annoying entitled cunts now.
even the fat ones have a 100 dudes slamming their phones constantly asking for sex and willing to give them everything
It's painful seeing westerners try drawing anime faces.
Sex with Nobara...
Part 2 actually makes sense, imagine if Dragon Ball ended with Piccolo Daimao
Torishima thought it should've ended at Frieza but there was no way
I mean, a whole battle shonen focused in just one enemy is very lame
Thank you TL-kun for all your services, it's been a pleasure and an honor.
Fucking die already
Based Yuko thread
Shitty Yuckofag

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