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A week remains until the 25th anniversary

Clear mahjong continues

Volume 8 >>271077400
Volume 9 >>271112922
Volume 10 >>271149074
Previous volumes:
Volume 5 >>270970369
Volume 6 >>271003140
Volume 7 >>271040155
Previous volumes:
Volume 2 >>270870525
Volume 3 >>270901074
Volume 4 >>270937398
Previous volumes:
Volume 1 >>270838972
Hi op
>Ginji disappeared
>Akagi gone
>bring back Kanamitsu and Ken for commentary
How long until they're forgotten again
The first missed pair...!
For an instant, Hiro had an uneasy feeling run through him.
Me every time I go for chiitoi.
My boy Kanamitsu is back
Three groups exposed in the blink of an eye.
Flow: lost
Need to adjust FAST
Sogu in tenpai, Pinzu honitsu...!
Why didn't he pon 7p instead of chiing the 6p?
Nevermind >>271185816
Two groups completed in one go, neat
At the very least Ten can force Soga to take the 2000 points win if Harada gets in riichi or something
Why not discard the 6-sou to keep the tenpai?
He's not aiming for the last tile...?
... He's after...
Rinshan kaihou...?
It's ready...
Oh shit...!
That's right...!
Dealing in doesn't have to come from the discard pile...!
He dealt into chankan, 3 dora...!
He wants Hiro to win or to give Hiro the noten payment?
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This is the guy who was introduced as "riding the flow of odds and evens"
First big mistake from Harada
Kek yeah, I'm not going to complain about "flow" it's definitely something that happens but "flow of odds and evens" is another story
How the fuck did Harada get to 4400
good mahjong
Chanta Sanshoku...!
completed clear mahjong...!
The final piece...!
We still don't know.
Our fates still aren't settled.
They're wavering...
ざわ ざわ..
That's it...!
Very logical move from Ten if you think about it
The final conclusion isn't settled yet...
Still wavering...!
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My mistake, have an advertisement page that was in the raws
The end of the volume eleven
Thank you for reading
Nice move from Hiro here

Insane read. Hiro's logic pays off here

Not his winning tile but they're still scared of it, nice detail
At least they aren't Washio. Now he's one who gets completely forgotten. And Sawada I guess.
This is some peak FKMT writing here. Advantages fucked over Harada
I wonder if we have first time readers here who wonder how the fate of this battle isn't decided yet, it's not obvious at a glance
Not a first time reader but I don't remember, it's been too long.
I'm guessing Ten's tsumo could potentially kill Hiro too given enough ura?
They need to make their points drop below zero too? Given the rules said they had to win in both Clear and Point ones.
The answer is try counting how many han Ten's hand is
>unplayed dragon tile after you get your tenpai
Why does FKMT like to hurt me like this?
It's a dealer baiman with 10 han so yeah if he gets even one ura Hiro dies with a 12000 hit
Very strange seeing the narrator using a phrase like "didn't mean shit".
There's a third option, that he had 67 and drew an 8. Discarding the 6 to put himself in furiten 6/9 wait for chanta.
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Ancestor of the boulder from Ichinichi Gaishutsuroku Hanchou
why didn't they just use a katana
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I like the exchange they have with PONS in just a single page.
Thank you OP!
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>Thank you for reading
If he wins from hiro or tsumos they lose, so it's not much of a tenpai.
If he wins from Soga or Harada hiro is still at 1000, so it's not a whole lot of progress.
If the game goes to draw it might even be better to not be in tenpai because of the Noten penalty.
He would also clear one of the yakus
By brute forcing san ankou every single turn, just like last round.
He's just like me.
That hand had the potential for It
Oh, right.
People get sanshoku all the time in FKMT manga, but now that they have to they suddenly can't.
Maybe you could headcanon that narration as being Harada's internal monologue. It certainly sounds like it's from his POV because it's all about how much he's struggling.
They jinxed themselves.
A wise drunkard once said "Glass is the easiest thing to break in the world until you try to do it on purpose"
Same goes for winning yaku
God damn "win one hand with pinfu/tanyao" event quests
It took me 4 hours last time.
Very apropos.
Thank you for posting.
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I have a bit of trouble keeping up with the mahjong.
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I have some suspicions that the translation isn't the most accurate.
He reminds me so much of Kaiji in some panels.
How does the count work?
>chanta = 2 han
>sanshoku = 2 han
Do the other 6 come from the round, seat, and/or specific tiles used?

The full hand is riichi, tsumo, chanta, sanshoku, iipeikou, 2 dora.
Early Ten was more old FKMT style where people would get whatever thay want. Current Ten is more later/modern FKMT style where people struggle to build their hands little by little.

Thankfully this is the part where things get explained more thoroughly compared to the beginning, but feel free to ask if something seems fishy or hard to understand
oh thank god, i don't know what we would do without ken and monk standing surprised in the background
I've always found the concept of a monk playing mahjong interesting (nevermind the fact he smokes) too bad Kanamitsu is barely a character.
To be fair Kanamitsu gets more meat in the final arc. It's more being implied than directly shown but I think it's significant enough.
That's what I was thinking top, assuming the final arc was planned from the start.
Is he even a real monk? He was said to be from "The Temple of Mahjong"
Thanks OP
Yes he is, you'll see later on
The Temple of Mahjong sounds like the kind of shit where a series jumps the shark and becomes stupid in terms of its setting.
You know, the opposite of FKMT writing, where the setting is mostly very grounded.
Volume 12 thread up now

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