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it's finally that time of the year again! hope everybody has had a great year so far!
as a small change this year, we will be expanding the whitelist card tier from 2 to 3 cards maximum

copypasta will begin next post
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Fill out the form below to join up! You’ll need to send it to sweetsecretsanta@santasquad.moe

Here’s a link:
///Form FAQs///

>Santa, I can’t edit the form!
Select “File”, “Download as”, “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” and save a copy for yourself. Fill it out and send it to us as an attachment
>But Santa, I don’t have Excel!
If you have a Google account, you can also create a copy on your Google Drive.
Just click “File”, “Make a copy” and send us a link sharing the document with us in your email.
If you choose to use Google Drive, set the spreadsheet to allow anyone with the link to edit. This speeds up the processing time on our end.
>Santa! I’m /g/ as fuck and I don’t want to use Excel or the Google Botnet!

///General FAQs///

>What is Secret S/a/nta?
A chance to give, receive and post gifts and be a part of an experience with other /a/nons locally, nationally, or even globally with a bit of X-mas spirit!
>Who is hosting this event?
Your friendly hosts and helpers are now Santa Loli, Santafaggot, SpoonSanta, Santa’s Elf, SantaBucket, SantaTrap, and also yours truly, Initiated santa
>How do I join the gift exchange?
Correctly fill out the signup form and email it to us as an attachment or link before the deadline. Once we process it, you’ll receive a confirmation sometime later.
>Deadline to join?
October 30th 12:01 AM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME!!!
Dōshite!? Because we need time to match you all, and give everyone enough time to procrastinate until Thanksgiving and then draw cards, buy gifts, and ship them both in time for Christmas.
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>Why should I trust this?
It's up to you. We’ve had multiple successful SS events hosted by us for the past few years.
Although the average amount of people not receiving gifts is low, the risk still exists. Please be aware that your mileage will vary. However, we do provide a grinched protection program which allows people to send gifts to those who didn't receive anything at all... even after X-mas!
>Can I give you guys stuff?
Please send us your Christmas cheer only!
If you need to make changes to your wishlist or address, or anything else:
please RE-SEND the application with the changes made as a REPLY to your first e-mail!
Having the email thread history allows us to keep track and provide a timely response!
Let us know what specific changes were made.

///More FAQ///

>Is the price of shipping included in the price tier?
No shipping costs are NOT included in the tier. Make sure to budget in not only shipping/hidden handling costs but the time and effort it takes to create cards and package the gift.
>What tier should I join?
Pick whichever tier you feel most comfortable with, however please be aware that we may switch it depending on our ability to match you.
>When are the threads going to be?
Threads are created only on Fridays/weekends until we get closer to X-mas. The Santas will create them.
>What’s a handmade gift?
Take a look around in the threads. You’ll see plenty of examples of knitting, laser cut wood, horrifying waifu masks, and much much more. People bake cookies/brownies or buy snacks and supply booze local to their country. You may not get out what you put in, but remember that giving is the most important part.
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At last, Christmas has returned
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whitelist cards have also returned this year and we're expanding them to 3 total cards maximum
these are also ban enforced and we're planning to coordinate anti-grinch for whitelist cards this year again as well since we have a lot of anons who like to make extra cards.

also, as another note, please make sure to use a normal email address to send your sign up. if you're sending from some autistic /g/ domain or mail service there is a chance outlook is just going to defer or reject your mail. we've had this happen to several anons over the past few years.
>still haven't separated the $25 and whitelist gift tiers
Christmas is ruined! Please explain why you didn't after all the discussion last year
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Isn't it a little early for these threads? It's not October yet.
Sign ups are like 5 weeks then it's like another 6 for people to get stuff ready. By that point it's already almost Christmas
Meant for >>271238053
I'm not really complaining, I just could have sworn the first thread is always the first weekend in October.
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I've been plotting for months on how to spoil my card anons this year
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It's usually always the last two weeks of September that it starts. Last year's thread went up on the 23rd.
I'm gonna flood my card anons with wave after wave of socks
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I was disappointed in my own cards last years so I doubt I'll sign for many.
that reminds me, where do you even find novelty anime socks? I was thinking of doing the same
It'd probably depend on the character/series you'd want the socks to be of. Amazon's likely the easiest choice but I'm sure there'd be some Japanese shops with websites that'd sell anime socks. Also Etsy I guess. The anon who sent the socks last year probably has a better idea.
>its already been a whole year
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>a whole year and anon still hasn't posted your card
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I figured out how to make custom keychains last year so I'm debating on doing it this year to send to my cards as kind of a makeshit tree ornament
AP from MI are you still here? I meant to give you a thank you card from last Christmas but life got hectic sorry. I'd like to get you something this Christmas to make up for it.
>the $25 and whitelist gift tiers
Just realized I typed this wrong, shit. Was supposed to read
>still haven't separated the $25 and handmade gift tiers
If I get a custom anime keychain that shit is going right on my motorcycle keys, fuck putting it on the tree for display for only a month a year
one anon gave me a bleach keychain back in 2020 and I've had it on my keys ever since
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already ordered my hot cocoa packets
Right on! Think this will be my fourth or fifth year, thanks guys for keeping this on!
Oh yeah, best part of the year is here.
A lot of people had differing ideas of what whitelist cards were meant to be last year. Are you doing anything about that or just leaving us to our own devices?
all leave it up to you guys. on paper they're just a card tier that's enforced like how whitelist gifts are, but I know some people last year liked to use it to send snacks and extra stuff

also, I should have mentioned it earlier in the thread but whitelist cards require some sort of proof of postage. (tracking number or just a picture of the posted card before you send it)
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I am unprecedented levels of ready, I speedran learning bored housewife crafts for my cards and such this year.
I will NOT watch Aikatsu
Way to ruin Christmas for anon
I've lit the beacons of Gondor.

Remember to plan your eggnog now!
I actually worked on my backlog this year for once
Going to put the backlog series on your wishlist or sticking to your favorites?
I try to do a bit of both, generally just list my all time favorite and then whatever I watched the last year and liked
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What do you mean it's almost Christmas again? It was just Christmas last week, wasn't it? Honestly good, past year has been the absolute worst and I just want it to be over
current season is that bad huh
kinnikuman is good at least
BR from Mexico, I got your card in March! Dunno where it was, you did send it in time according to the stamp, but thank you!
Oh boy! I'm both very ready and very unprepared this year. I can't wait to speedrun my wishlist in a weekend and spend the rest of the year in a constant state of anxiety. It is the Christmas way! Regardless, I hope everyone has been doing their calf raises because 2024 will be the year of the socks.
I actually still have some left over from last year. Alton-san says it can last a year without problem, but......
Has anyone used copic markers (or a cheaper alternative?) for making cards? It would only make sense to get a large enough color palette to handle any potentially listed character, but such a set of copic markers costs over $200...
goodnight anons , euro bros pls keep the thread bumped with christmas cheer
hey thats me
>I got your card in March
I blame my kunts postal service they are slow af, like 5 or 6 years ago I received a card in fucking april iirc
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What a random thing to say. Why wouldn't you?
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I just woke up, leave it to me.
Can we not count custom products with stolen artwork as handmade, pliz?
I don't need another mug with random fanart of my char.
Just write in your list "no more mugs with stolen fanart please".
I feel like using copics does make my cards look better (as opposed to crayons/regular markers). I've also used prismacolors and blick but less often. Can also be a skill issue cus i suck at coloring.

I know there's cheaper alternatives like Ohuhu? I've never tried them but thinking of giving them a chance this year.

Every other year I buy a few markers and increase my colors so it doesn't feel like a huge expense. Spending a lil bit more on quality/sturdy products in general goes a long way and they last me for years.
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w-what? already? what happened to 2024?
And today Anon learned the concept of time
I came in the cookies
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I don't believe you.
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2011 - 2024 /ss/ photo albums of cards and gifts

2017 - 2024 /ss/ thread archives

Previous thread:
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I've only watched two episodes of Aikatsu TAT

>only watched two episodes
You'll end up watching the entire goddamn thing and you will love it.
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This is what I have been waiting for, couldn't participate last year so this year I want to expand my Aria collection.
Happy early Christmas!
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Time to post the two things that arrived after the last thread.
Jew-kun, got your anti-grinch at the end of January. Thank you so much for ensuring Christmas was saved. I fucking adore the velcro Bocchi, she's sitting within eye-sight as I type. Love the Nichijou x MiA magnets too, gotten some good use out of them. Didn't take an additional picture of it since the lighting's shit where it is but the Yunyun is sitting nicely amongst my Megumin figures. Very much appreciate the Dragon Maid volume too. I've been mainly focusing my collecting on Vagabond, but I'll probably start filling out other series soon so I'll be keeping an eye out for more Kobayashi.
Thank you again for the gift and the kind words, and I hope your Tu BiShvat was wonderful.
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And to the anon who send me this card (sadly I can't remember who it was, and I can't just check the top of my envelope pile since my family decided to fucking move it while I was out of town. Don't trust relatives with your belongings, folks), I can't believe you fuckin' broccoli'd me, cunt. Unbelievable. Thanks for the fun card, got a good laugh out of it and I love the kinda trippy Rem. Cursed taste is always the best taste, and never forget it. Hope you ended up checking those series out, especially Thunderbolt Fantasy since the next season starts in two weeks. I forget if I checked out those two youtube suggestions before but Karameru defo seems right up my alley.
Thanks again and I hope this year's Christmas is a great one for you.
Man, I should really watch Aria already. Every year there are at least two anons in my list who are big Aria fans.
Go back.
Best part of the year is back! I hope my assignees have good taste this year too.
is this a joke? kill yourself shitokonigger
ignore trolls, post cute girls
Very cute image. I will now proceed to steal it and use it in the near future.
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That's the spirit. I have a worryingly small amount of images with cute girls wearing Santa outfits.
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This year I'm going to write the longest list ever produced by /SS/. I hope you guys are ready to READ.
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They'll just complain for making them read. : ' (
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The exact opposite happened to me. Last year I had at least three anons complaining because my list was too short. But that won't happen again.
I LIVE for long lists. Please send me a 3000 word essay, I promise I'll read all of it!
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It's my 9th year and I still don't know how to make the wishlist any decent
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6 years in and I'm still too scared to make my lists bigger than the box. But this way has served me well outside of getting grinched last year so it's at least got a winning record.
Can a newfag join this thing or no?
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Yes but you will be bullied
Any other newfriends lurking and thinking about joining? I spent years not even checking out threads because it seemed sekrit club-y. Then I joined and they were all nice. no homo
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I don't know if I'll reach 3000 words, but I'll try. There are many things that I want to say in my list this year.

I started nine years ago too. Time fucking flies.
Just make sure to ask questions if you're unsure about things and don't do anything retarded like ask your anon to buy you a guitar or hand deliver your gift at 3am.
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So the usual
As long as you don't send someone an ocarina or show up to their place at 3am you'll be fine.
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Did the ocarina even pop up last year? SAO novels are probably dead, though
Context on the 3 am part?
There was an Anon once who hand delivered his gift at 3 AM and hijinxs ensued
Someone post the screencap.
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I can't wait to spoil all my anons again! It's my favorite time of the year!!
The ocarina only appeared twice and then never again. I think the last anon who received it decided to keep it.
At least the pantsu are still on the way, right?
You DO know how to address and post a letter, right, anon? You won't have any problems talking to the postal worker, anon?
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Schizos will never be funny stop spamming this every thread.
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Uh... maybe? I vaguely remember seeing some pantsu last year.
You're going to read a short essay for my list
I'm sorry anon
I also wrote an essay, and cut back on the "here are some other options that I kinda like if you dont want to touch my very specific obscure favorite series" that I add in every year.

I regret nothing.
Make it long or I'm not reading that.
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I wanna hit up anon for card exchange but I feel he doesn't want to, which wouldn't be so bad but he's one of those more active kind of s/a/nta. I hope it won't be image board when the threads get more active, he said, on the /a/ imageboard.
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I just wanted to share what I got for secret santa in my last year of highschool, it's very /a-esque.
Sorry for the text not being visible below since it's old af, it's suppossed to say "Anime girls do be liking Staljin"
Honestly fun idea for this year's cards.
... don't give me ideas.
Just ask! The worst anon can say is no.
Most anons here would probably be more than happy to accept
kek based
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Last month I bought three years worth of socks. I'm so fucking ready.
I just wanna get my card crush santa this year
And who might that be?
We're all anonymous, you can tell us.
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>three years worth of socks
H...how many socks even is that?
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Only six. Just enough for free shipping.
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I'm so fucking scared.
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I trained all year to level up my card-making skills. I hope my anons like them!
Please post my thank-you card, anon.
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That's significantly less than I was expecting based off "three years", but now I'm worried about what kind of socks they are, guess we'll find out in 3-4 months.
I ordered my socks today so 7 anons are getting the good shit.
Is it me? I'll gladly exchange a card if you mean me, as you surely can't mean anybody else
Wait, is that from what I think it is....
I'll get my card crush eventually. What'd be really cute is if we each got matched with each other and sent cards it'd be the cutest thing ever :)
that one anon last year who sent their card anons socks set off a domino effect
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I've waited nine months just to say "I can't believe you people still remember the socks".
wish i could participate but im not murican and never will ne
Anon, you can deliver letters to other countries for very cheap.
anon there is a tier for cards
I might sign up for more cards this year since I do fuck all at work these days. Except then I always get a ton of international assignments and have to frontload everything.
Why can't I copy and paste a text from Google Docs to the signup?
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Read the line directly below the link. You need to make a copy.
Maybe I'll do international cards this time, but I haven't done anything to improve my drawing skills nooooo.
If you want to ease into this you can just do some cards!
Remember to only do things where you'll still be happy even if you get grinched or your santa puts in zero effort. The chances are low, but not zero, and bad luck can ruin your christmas spirit.

It takes a long time to regrow a christmas spirit.
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I have saved absolutely no money for ss or in general. Time to sign up for a high tier and leave fund procurement to my future self as always.

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I get paid bi-weekly so I only have to be hungry for like a week at most, even if I spoil my Anon rotten
gonna have to send my cards as packages this year due to all the candies and stuff I'm sending with them
Will you be sending yourself?
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I will be sending as letters but I still have the cursed anime stamps. I honestly don't know how much longer until the post office runs out, they sure as fuck aren't reprinting those regularly
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EM from I don't remember sent me this last year as anti-grinch. Thank you! The flash drive was full of recommendations, and he also included a very neat cut and polished stone (not pictured). Plus he didn't poison me with the gyudon recipe and seasoning he sent.

MO of CA I hope you received your gift in good working order and once again apologies in the delay getting it to you
>last year
and by last year I mean Feb or March, but you get the point
I want those 2hou headphones if ones with Sakuya exist
I'm gonna join homo cards this year! I finally will send and receive gay anime shit, but on purpose!!!
I told myself I was going to play touhou this year since so many people last year posted about it and had it on their lists and then I got busy all year

Just listen to the music and read couple of doujins and you're further than good chunk of the fanbase
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Bold of you to assume that anons who mention Touhou actually play the games. I do.
As long as you play the best one you're good.
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94, 10 days and 37 minutes till Christmas
I missed you. And I think you meant "94 days, 10 hours".
I missed you, anon!
Arigato, Horse Anon.
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Aaand sent. Well, it ended up being much shorter than I expected. And as always, I forgot to include one particular anime that I really wanted to include. Ah, what a beautiful yearly tradition.
Now it's time to wait.
There's still 6 more weeks to procrastinate and not do anything like the pieces of shit we are
>September 21
>still no initials

Never trusting any of you fags again

fall officially starts tomorrow!
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Last time I drew something was around late January for a Thank You card. Oh God, I should have practised more.
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I won't post initials this year.
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I will post wrong initials to five fake hope
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Fuck you post my initials already ahhhhhhhh
God I can't wait. Summer sucks
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It was kinda fun to not post card initials and see people get actually surprised when cards pop up. Maybe I do it again this year
I can't believe I only started doing this 3 years ago
I look forward to this more than anything besides maybe melli
Anyway this year I'm gonna do some water color for my cards instead of colored pencils
I barely know how to water color but I also can barely draw, it's the spirit that counts.
My first year cards were absolutely terrible so anything is better than that
Last year I tried acrylics for the first time and the paint I got was so trash that cheap set of water colors would've probably been better. It was fun, even if the red stain on my mouse pad never actually came off
I'll have to dig up my painters tape. Not having the colors bleed to other parts of the initial sketch is probably gonna be the hardest part
They do sell paper made for water colors that shouldn't bleed
I actually learned how to draw this year after a decade of doing this. Can't wait to spoil my anons!
gonna take a voyage to my local japanese grocery again here soon to stock up on small individually wrapped candies I can throw in with my cards. people seemed to like them last year
The closest actual Japanese store is like an hours drive away, but there's an asian grocery store pretty close that sells some nip stuff. Might make the long drive up anyway
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>never got initials last year
>just assumed it was one of these anons
>was one of the few that actually got grinched last year
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Ty, santa loli for your card!

It was a nice surprise receiving this in April. Your drawing is adorable and well worth the wait!
This is so cool, I really wish I could start learning how to draw
>Loli is gay
Very intersting
eagerly waiting for cards is honestly as close as I can get to being a kid excited for Christmas again. I actually get into the Christmas spirit doing cards
Sending my cards first week of december!
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Got a nice card from Santa Loli back in January.
That Bocchi is incredibly cute.

I going to participate again this year and I hope my card anons enjoys my drawings.as well
RRfrom Portugal, have you receive a card from RM from FL?
I have a question, are the match ups made to be as close as possible?
What do you mean? Like, geographically? If so then not really but it also depends on your country and what you choose on the form.
They try to take country into account if you can't ship internationally but are otherwise random.
I mean it's better to ship US anons with other US anons because you don't get tax sending from across the country rather than a US anon with an eastern euro anon and such, also less likely to get lost while travelling through 1 continent rather than cross continent/ocean
>Dear anon, I'll be brief...
>[Page 1/6]
That is the cutest Bocchi I've ever seen
You get to choose in the signup form whether you want to ship within your country, continent, or anywhere in the world.
Ok, who do I have to kill to get a card from Loli?
What about only certain continents? Because I don't think something from Australia is arriving here in less than 8 months
There's a box where you can write specific instructions and santas may or may not listen to you
Can't believe a tradition from /a/ is still alive.
This is all so confusing because I have a lot of stuff irl to worry about, when is the deadline to send it?
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Man, if only there was a post at the start of the thread with q&a
>can't read the form or the thread
Anon, please.
The gift, not the reques
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You go to your post office, and ask the lady behind the counter that you want to send something to Assholistan, when is the absolute latest for it to arrive for Christmas.
Hey, you don't have much room to talk regarding dead traditions!
>Because I don't think something from Australia is arriving here in less than 8 months
Australian here, I spent $200+ last year to make sure my anons got their cards and gifts as quickly as possible. I'll spare no expense to make your Christmas happy too, dammit.
Hey, I ended my tradition on my own terms! I'll be back, we're here forever.
>Rikaschizo from /jp/ got mad by the sole fact Satoko was in the OP
I miss them and hope you do bring them back. Are you still banned from /ss/?
Everyone participating so it will be only you and her.
sign up for homo cards for better chance
Unfortunately. And thank you, even if it hasn't even been a year yet since I retired kek.
I've been living under a rock but I guess that explains that previous post lol
10 card bros where you at?
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If I skip this year will I still be able to do whitelist cards next year?
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I told all my anons last year that I would watch their favorite anime but I didn't watch any of them
I'm one those guys that sees the fucking Christmas stuff going up in September and I want to shoot someone.
I told all my anons that this year would be great. I lied.
I barely finished 6 last year despite taking Thanksgiving week off. I could do more if I didn't get mostly international people.
13 this year, you mean?

24, surely? (homo, whitelist, gift)
Imma try to tone it down this year, but I always wanna go full 10 on homos.
I opted for 9, but I should probably have done less. I spend way too much time on each individual card. I wish I was talented enough to make something that looked really nice in just an hour or two each.
10 for cards
3 for whitelist
and at least 3 for homocards, maybe 4
I'm doing 13 this year. Yes, I'm crazy.
I'm doing one card! Pen scribbles on tissue paper!!!
Still better than anything made by AI.
Sorry normal cards, I'm going full whitelist.
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Does the anon that drew this shit for me back in 2014 still exist? I still have this shit framed up.
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Oh boy, another year's helping of Christmas cheer is approaching.
Maybe I'll bother the santas to see if they can match me with a 2hu anon early since I'll be at Reitaisai.
That Nep looks like she just ate human flesh.
What do you mean finally??
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I'm fridge magnet guy if anybody remembers. Anon I still have your art that you made for me in 2023, I look at the magnet multiple times a day and I remember you said that you'd be thrilled to do another in 2024. I hope you're still alive and well.
Hello anons, I would like to participate in this year's /ss/. It will be my first time and I am thinking of doing a card. My drawing skills are absolute shit but I hope whoever I get paired up with likes it.

I am still also a bit confused if this thing is safe? I don’t have a lot to give but I can try to make a card. Also is anyone here into Precure? I watch Precure a lot so maybe I can draw anon his favourite cure? I would love any feedback.
Quick question, if we only want to ship out a card can I do that? Is it mandatory to get a gift? I don’t have the money to get gifts at this point in time.
>I am still also a bit confused if this thing is safe?
/a/nons will come to your house on the 24th (they checked the police response time).
To add to this post, I also love Pokémon, Aikatsu & Miku.
Is this a joke? By 24th of December?
I have given my full address before and nothing bad has happened but some anons use a PO box if they don't feel comfortable using their address. Also for the cards you are given a random anon's list of anime/manga that they like and you are supposed to draw something for them, or you can get creative and shit on their tastes in a playful way. As long as you put some effort into your drawing that is /a/ related then I think any anon will be happy.
Read the OP again to get a more detailed answers and you can look at >>271250925 to see what anons have made for their cards.
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Hey, glad to see you're here once again! Yes, I'm still alive and well (somehow) and I'll definitely make you a better magnet this year. Because the last one was something that I drew in less than 10 minutes and come on, even I can do better than that. Also, thanks for your kind words. I hope you have a great Christmas!
Yes, you can do cards only
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MH from CT
Did you get the package I sent you last year? The original shipping service I sent it through returned it to me for some asinine fucking reason (last time I ever use USPS) and I had to send it out through FedEx instead. By the time I got the email notification that it reached your address, it was January and the threads had stopped being made. I'm sorry it took such a long time to reach you, but I really hope you enjoyed the stuff I sent (especially the poster haha).
Hype overload. My wishlist expanded 4 times in size, I'll make you watch an hour long powerpoint presentation on the things I like
Yes, December. Might be on the 25th if they show up at 3am.
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Sure thing, Onpubro
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Meanwhile I made a very short list with hyper-specific characters from manga that only I've read. I wish good luck to my anons.
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When putting together your wishlist, don't forget about all the shows you liked from the start of the year and all the shows that start airing soon!

>MaoMao, technically
>Dungeon Meshi

>Uzumaki (finally)
>Gun gale Online S2
>Thunderbolt Fantasy S4
>Like a gajillion otome shows
>Uzumaki (finally)
If I get someone with Uzumaki I will sure as fuck make card that, even if I don't know how you mix Christmas and spirals
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>don't forget about all the shows you liked from the start of the year
But I don't watch modern stuff. I think the newest thing in my list is Madoka. Please forgive me.
Oh wow that's quite rude of you
one of my cards returned from Canada in fucking August, I guess anon didn't want chocolate and lewd anime girl! I will send it again and you WILL EAT THE FUCKING CHOCOLATE AND FAP TO ANIME GIRL IN SANTA HAT
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Same here, I don't think I have anything on my list which aired after 2008. I take /ss/ as an opportunity to educate newfags.
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I don't think I've watched single brand new anime this year, only sequels and backlog and even then barely
Anon, it's been months. That chocolate is probably out of date already.
Chocolate don't spoil.
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But how can you say you love Madoka if you haven't seen the puppet version
Can you do that?!
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This puppet show confuses me greatly. Why is there an incubator? Is he forcing puppets to make contracts and become meguca puppets? I need answers.
You aren't me
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Greetings homod/a/chi, may I interest you in signing up for homocards this year as well?

>What's homocards?
A smaller Christmas cards exchange that runs parallel to Secret S/a/nta, featuring MALE anime/manga characters only.
To participate, simply copy-paste and fill out the form below, then send it to homocards.santa.mugen@gmail.com (it's the same address as last year).
Signups are open until October 31st, 11:59 PM PST.
If you have any special requests, let me know in your email.
As a final note, I encourage you to be available to send cards internationally if at all possible. It helps to keep match-ups more random since we have less participants than /ss/.



FULL Address (check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address for the correct format to use):

How many cards do you want to exchange (0-10):

I want to send my cards (choose ONE):
a) anywhere
b) to my continent only
c) to my country only (please note that depending on your country, I may not be able to match you)

Card Wishlist (this is what will be sent to anyone who gets assigned to send a card to you. Describe here what you'd like to see in your card, e.g. you're husbando, OTP, favorite shows/manga...):

Lewd is okay? (Y/N):
You think someone would just do that? Pretend to be someone else online?
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The best time of the year is back again!
Cute Chris.
I've always thought about signing up for at least one homo card but never have. Would it be really lame to sign up and only put one incredibly obscure character from a light novel that has an anime but the character hasn't appeared yet?

The more I type the more I think it would be a bad idea.
Thanks friend!
Do it, anon. I bet homochads would relish the challenge.
most of the recent seasons haven't really had anything that appealed to me either
DD from China here, if you were my card gifter last year (the anon who posted >>259158354), I was wondering if you took any pictures of your card? I think it ultimately got lost in the mail, so I don't know your initials but I want to thank you anyway for preparing a card!
Fall bump!
>only put one incredibly obscure character from a light novel that has an anime but the character hasn't appeared yet
I'll google how he looks like and skim through wikis or tumblr or twitter for his personality and backstory and send you a card with his dick out while insulting your taste in men.
what even is the distribution of countries? I think previous years were like 90% US and UK right?
I love this little pimp like you wouldn't believe.
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I forgot the last year's but the composition doesn't change too much. Here is 2022
Of course
Anyone thinking of trying something new for their cards this year?
I saw some people do like 2 sided cards or cards with a sleeve last year, kind of tempted to try those this year instead of my typical card where you open it up and the drawing is inside
>Finland is 4th
Ok can someone explain?
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Think I'll tell the santas to avoid matching me with leafs this year. I'd rather not do it but they've always been a problem.
probably a Finnish anon and their friends in all likely hood
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Thank you to the Seattle anon again for my grinch parcel, I loved the bead Cinna and Usahana! The art was lovely and ive been using the miffy sticker flakes!! I recieved it on the day id just had a funeral so it was very appreciated, ty again. I hope my thank you letter reached you!

I might join this year!!
This is weird. Last Christmas an anon told me he was going to send me a thank you thing, and I FEEL like I received a post Christmas box of snacks afterwards, but I cant for the life of me find any physical evidence of receiving it, nor any post thanking him on the archive. I might be going crazy and this is too awkward to ask directly.
Were you in CA?
Think I'll tell the santas to avoid matching me with burgers this year. I fucking hate burgers.
But anyway, if I identify myself, either he did send one and I'm an asshole for forgetting/losing the card and not thanking him, and if he didn't I'm an asshole for pressuring him into sending me shit he really doesn't need to send.
I've been tempted to put that on my list as well. I've had the only trouble getting packages/letters into Canada, despite having shipped to every other continent. Leafs also rarely post what they receive.
>plugging in a random flashdrive from anyone
i would really not advise doing that, the risk is just too high
One year I got a cd that looked very much home made and I didn't want to put it in any of my proper devices so I ended up playing it in my car
Surely this time will have sent everything by the 20th of December, right?
I always send stuff out by the week after thanksgiving at the latest
It's funny to be able to identify which anons are participating from the reaction pics alone.
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Whatever do you mean, the reaction pics I use are completely normal and generic.
I really need to expand my reaction pics folder.
You forgot to rename the google sheets.
Time flies when you think about it in April, July, and now.

The newest anime I've watched as of recent (and that was last year's /ss/ assignment) was just Akiba Maid War, really.

I was thinking of making a giant card out of those mini trifold project boards for either my assignment, whoever matches my tastes or both.

I've always been good at shipping my gift out during Thanksgiving week/the first few days of December. A little leeway goes a longer way!
com estàs brother?
I haven't been posting my normal reaction pictures solely for that reason. I don't want to turn into an avatarfag.
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Estic bé, gràcies per preguntar.
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The Japan of the North!
I wish my country produced cursed anime stamps.
Has anyone actually received these or are all finanons just fucking with us?
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The stamps are real. Last year I received a couple of them.
Hello anons. I know I said I would be participating this year but due to my health I will not be able to. Next year I will try again.
are you okay?
This image doesn't preclude the finanons fucking with us anyways.
No m'ho puc creure lol (soc altre anon, aquesta serà la meua primera vegada. Encantat.).
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Stay safe.
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Chotto matte. You're telling me we're two people from this country this year!? Because it's been like, eight years since the last time someone else from around here decided to participate. I wonder if we'll get assigned to each other. Please don't visit me at 03:00 AM.
thread is going to last until Tuesday at this rate lol
Nah, early threads usually die on Monday. Nobody feels morally obligated to keep the threads bumped once the weekend ends.
I seem to recall that most threads last til bump limit around Wednesday-ish. Then again those threads might be closer to the holidays season. We'll, good advertising so anons might see the thread and get reminded that it's that time of the year. That's how it was for me, I was taken aback that it's already nearly October, the fuck.
What you said usually only happens after we get our assignments, around early November. But before that? There's not much to talk about.
>its already nearly october
I got my pumpkin beer and my horror movies lined up, its gonna be comfy
It's the first thread since we're back! We're talking about that! I feel kinda bad since I feel like I let more than one of my anons down. My only hope is I sucked in a totally forgettable way. You only tend remember the really good and bad events, after all.

Ironically, Halloween is when things start heating up (lol) events wise. Never tried pumpkin beer. Might give that go this year.
I always look forward to regional treats some anons send from their countries

is there anything from the US that you all would like to get? I can't even think of any particular candy here that isn't like mass produced
The best thing in this case is to find a local candy shop that makes their own stuff, or to try to find something esoteric you can't get anywhere else.
I actually am interested in what your coke tastes like in all honesty, because the coke I had in Germany, Czechia and Croatia all tasted differently
I like giving anons something they might not have in their own countries. For example, canada only treats. There's a bunch of leaf only candies plus KitKats taste different. Some anons also add in Japanese treats since we're all weeks by default. In any case, a gift is a gift simply because it was given. I'm sure they can just buy their own food if they want to but it's literally the thought that counts.
If you get the chance, try to also hunt down Mexican Coke. A fair number of people swear it's better than US stuff.
I dunno, I've been curious about some of your ultra processed garbo. Like poptarts, luchables, twinkies. I don't know if that very christmassy through lmao.
>I don't know if that very christmassy through lmao.
They might get christmas themed packaging
I don't rlly drink soda but Mexican coke is way better than US. Tell ur anon to try to get u Mexican coke instead.
>candy that isnt mass produced
salted nut rolls I assume arent exported too much, a lot of the smaller companies like annabelles (U-no's are damn good) dont get shipped around too. besides that theres a bunch of smaller regional companies that you might arent even nation wide (twin bings, mountain bars, idaho spuds, etc.)
*that you might find that arent even nation wide
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>Write almost no comments on my wishlist next to each series because I don't want to bloat it too much and refuse to not include a shit ton of shows I liked.
>Watch upwards of 30 shows this year most of which I really liked.
I either just add more shows and make it feel like a soulless list copypaste or go unhinged and add everything with comments and unironically end up with thousands of words.
Leaning on the second.
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Write a novel, santaloli can't stop you.
Okay, stupid question incoming: is it possible to protect it enough so it won't budge at all during international shipping?
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>write characters and explain why I like them
>anon writes back that it's supposed to be a wishlist so why didn't i fucking list it

There's companies that make packing materials specifically for bottles. Alternatively, several layers of bubble wrap in basically a cylinder would work.

I'd recommend wrapping the bottle in something watertight especially if it's a glass bottle or you're shipping more than just the bottle though.
Plastic bottles shouldn't be able to open at all since the plastic is malleable, but for others bubble wrap and styrofoam are good, I know when I bought star wars figures in the 2010s from ebay that were brand new they would be put in bubble wrap and surrounded by small balls of styrofoam type material so the packaging itself would be completely undamaged
My favorite lists with the highest effort cards have been the longest I've gotten. I will reward the highest effort with my highest effort!
I feel more attachment and put more effort into longer lists. It's more fun to make something for someone that autistically rambles on about their favorite anime girl than a guy that just says "ya i like jojo and jjk they're pretty coo"
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>There's companies that make packing materials specifically for bottles
Of course. That makes sense. Hopefully it's not too hard to find those, thank you anon.

I want to try sending at least a can, although if I could I would go with a glass bottle, as everyone says it's tastier.
I hadn't even thought of plastic bottles though, it could be a last resort option.
To be fair, the santas explicitly say to keep card wishlists short even if you don't technically have to. Newfriends especially get confused by this and only list a couple of things.
Sorry for my past anons getting small packages with candies from me that are said worth 50/100 leaf bucks. That's just what the post office worker advised me to put down for insurance and I've been saying that ever since. They obviously didn't cost that much.
I hope the Russia anons are still okay
Hope there's some fun OC this year.
I'm getting older and nostalgic. I'm an infrequent /a/ browser and I've been intentionally holding off on watching a lot of anime because I'm building a backlog to splurge. (I like reading comfy manga on holidays because I take a lot of time off at end of year plus thanksgiving)

But I want to participate because this seems so nice. (Seen this many years now)

So the way it works is you take on a number of people, make a budget you'll spend per person based on a tier and then get matched by budget (as close as possible) to however many people you've decided to take on?

And there is a card tier?
This is correct? What else am I missing? I don't fully understand the white list card tier...
you can only do one gift, you just pick which tier it is. you can do a bunch of cards though if that's your thing.
>as everyone says it's tastier.
Because glass is the best for keeping drink in general, plastic literally dissolves partially into your drink
You ever do a secret santa in real life? It's like that but online.

You can only do one gift exchange but you can sign up to exchange ten cards. Whitelist cards for anons in the past year(s) who've proven their recipients will definitely get their cards. First timers/newfriends aren't eligible for that yet.

I'm sure other anons can explain gift/cards thing better.

Cute rat (?)
>Cute rat (?)
That's a bunny lol.
What are cards and whitelist cards?
All the answers you could ever want are in the first couple posts.
tldr newfags do regular cards with no insurance while oldfags get the chance to do whitelist cards where anon is required to send the santas proof of mail.
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>That's a bunny lol.
Where are the ears?!

Still cute tho.
Source of the pic?
I love you and I'm excited to see whatever you end up cooking up for me. Thank you again!
File deleted.
Just a funny pic I saved off twitter. I'll try to find the exact tweet but I was browsing randomly at the time. Context was something like "Japanese online slang expressed by kamala".
Entry sent. I had to go down a price level due to a hospital bill i have to pay soon.
Too busy watching Israel and Hamasses shoot each other. Or Europe being taken over by smilsum selifodep
>haven't received a response yet
I think I've been blacklisted.
Is the anon who got the K-ON Uniform still on? How's the sox feel?
How many veteran /ss/ers are still on today? 10 years or more of /ss/?
Been on /ss/ since 2010. Been a wild ride.
This would be my 10th year, if I could bring myself to join.
>10 years
A nope for me, this year will make /ss/ number 9, so 8 years since the first.
Fear not. I haven't started going though them yet. You'll probably get something in the next few days
This is my 10th year
I've been participating since 2020, so this is my fifth year. This will be my second year doing homocards assuming those still happen.

>>271291679 anon.
Good night, /s/i/s/ters. See you next week.
Do guinea pigs not exist in america?
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I told myself I'd learn how to draw this year but I haven't. I'll still put in as much of an effort as I can into my card.
Only as classroom pets
You can sign up for 1-10 cards, and decide whether you want to mail to anons in your country only, or internationally. Your assignments are matched by the Santa's.

You can also choose to sign up for 1 (one) gift and can select a price bracket. Like the cards, you choose whether you want to be matched with your country only or are okay with international. Again, your assignment is matched by the Santa's.

Signing up for gift exchange is optional, and I would guess that a majority of participants favorite part is actually the card exchange rather than the gift exchange. I do both, and do max cards and max gift price bracket for maximum Christmas enjoyment!
I haven't kept track but this is at least my 6th year, maybe 7th
Adding onto this because I forgot. The whitelist cards are available to anybody who is whitelisted, meaning anybody who has completed a secret Santa/a/ in the past without incident (grinching, being a ridiculous unreasonable piece of shit, etc) basically anybody who is not blacklisted. Whitelist cards are optional. If this is your first year, you are not eligible to sign up for whitelist cards because you are not whitelisted. Try again in 2025!
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Important info for anybody reading this who is new:

Outside of whitelist cards and gift exchange, there is no tracking/verification and there are no guarantees that you will receive the amount of normal cards in the mail that you signed up for. If you sign up for 10, expect 5-7. If you sign up for 4, expect 1-2, etc. it's a luck game and an honor system. Things also get lost in the mail.

Thanks for the concern fren
I hope I do join this year too
Oh is that a guinea pig or what
I'm Canadian and I make sure to always send people Kinder Eggs despite that technically being contraband in the US. I also send Tim Hortons hot chocolate and Coffee Crisp chocolate bars.
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Last time I joined was in 2017 when I was still in university, now I can afford the big boy tier!
Haven't been this excited for Christmas in a while
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If I get matched with anons from Russia, would it be difficult to get a mail order bride that looks like picrel?
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If you meant me above with the cute mousey like animal in the carrier (I'm just now rechecking this thread, thanks to those that replied btw) then yes. She's not mine I have two boars (male guineas) but I really wanted to adopt her and call her Bee....
So cute!! Pic related: one of my mama pigs with my boars years ago before her passing
If you were the anon who sent the matryoshka keychain I wanna thank you again she’s adorable
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indeed it was me, glad you like it!
You gotta be pretty specific (and patient) , but it can be done last year one looked like this
Hey, newfag here. What do you mean by "whitelist cards" are enforced? What about them is enforced? You say you leave it up to us, but then, how are they different from just normal cards?
Also, what does it mean to be grinched? I assume not receiving anything, right?
Sorry for the newfagging, been lurking the last few years on this thread, but never had the spirit to sign up (until now).
Aaaand I got my answer for whitelisted cards just after posting >271324087 (sorta, I mean, I won't be able to send any whitelist cards, so whatever). Sorry, forgot to refresh.
You have to send proof you mailed out a whitelist card and if you don't you're banned from participating ever again.
Surely this will be the year I get an /ss/ enjoyer in my /ss/ assignments *hint hint*
You've still got two months until you should be worried about sending cards out. Assuming you actually practice drawing instead of just thinking about it, you'll be in a good place by then.
Last year was the first time I did ten cards, and I think I might go for full max this time around (14 cards?) It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be last year, and I got a system down that makes my cards go pretty quickly while not feeling like I'm just running a production line. Maybe this is the first year I dip my toes into homo cards as well. I do end up putting a handful of dudes on my /ss/ list so I don't think it'd be too out of the question.
One day I'll be matched with a puppet bro so I can finally draw puppets for someone >:(
The Christmas Spirit imbued into the sweets makes it last forever
I went to Greece over the summer and would love to send over some sweet Halva and orange chocolate (which is popular in Florida).

Explanations don't have to be a novel, although I get why someone would gush over their waifu.

Same. I AM a veteran for the site itself, though; been here since 2010.
Either pick the one that has your favourite music or the one that has your favourite girl. If you really don't know anything about the series, give Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (06) or Imperishable Night (08) a shot. The former has some of the most recognizable characters and songs (in my opinion) and the latter is generally considered to be one of the easiest touhou games. 08 is also my favourite because I think it has the best music in the series and I really like the visual style of it all. At the end of the day, there are so many games out that you could pick one at random and get a good idea about how the series plays. I would recommend against starting with the pc98 games (01-05) however. They're still fun in their own rights, but are different enough that I think it is very reasonable for someone to dislike the pc98 games but enjoy the latter releases.
I'll make sure to include the moon rabbits on my list just for you, anon. I will be expecting some massive usamimi now, so don't let me down
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>Didn't come say hi.
>male guinea pigs are called boars
Wtf gap moe

The best things about these threads is the occasional pics of anons pet. Thanks for the fuwa fuwa.
I ain't no bitch. If I'm man enough to consume the provided seasonings I'm man enough to plug in a flash drive
Anyone send their match alcohol products before? I assume I could get away with it domestically (US) depending on the state, but probably not worth taking the risk sending it across borders?
don't try to fuck with customs it's not worth it
Use UPS or FedEx and print your label and package at home, go to a drop-off site and send it on its merry way for domestic
>potentially sending booze to an underage
I wouldn't risk it
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For the first time ever I had to rewrite my list and send it again because the first one was terrible and I forgot to include a lot of things. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Santa team.
I have sent small bottles from EU to various countries including the US multiple times without any issues (and without declaring them), but it might be a bit of a gamble, as the other anon said
Grinching is signing up for gift exchange and then never actually mailing out a gift. While incredibly rare, this does happen from time to time and anybody who does it is blacklisted for life. If you are grinched, you need to contact the Santa's and they will work with volunteers who signed up to be part of an anti grinching squad to ensure that you get a gift in the price bracket that you signed up for. Obviously your anti grinching gift will arrive past Christmas.
Domestic is fine, but don't fuck around with alcohol if you're sending internationally. Some countries require alcohol to be a declared good subject to tax, and it cannot be part of anything labelled as a 'gift'.
Total Taxkike Death
>get grinched
>send gift to a grinch
>sign up for anti-grinch
>receive anti-grinch
At least I can join whitelist gifts this year but last year was almost enough to put me off gifts entirely.
dude, it's september
>I ain't no bitch
That means you've been procrastinating for 9 months, so get to it already.
I think I'm going to make a newfag friendly FAQ/glossary image within the next couple of days.
>dude, it's september
I just realised I didn't remember.
Implying they'd even

I like the idea but I feel that might end up frustrating for you.

Not even the 21st night?
One year I got grinched for all my cards, gift, and anti-grinch gift. That's mostly why I only do cards now.
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Emergency bump!
>One year I got grinched for all my cards, gift, and anti-grinch gift.
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Guys, it's Monday already. Let it die.
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Feel like there has to be better ways to anti grinch. Should be a more strict deadline on when you have to have the stuff ready to ship, should send proof it's purchased and ready to be sent out, and then at the end of the deadline people who are in the pool of actual buyers/packagers are redrawn in the final pool and assigned to each other.

Getting shit that you didn't specifically hint at or ask for is infinitely better than getting nothing.
Giving is nice, but gift exchanging is imo the whole point.

We have our families to selflessly gift give to this is like penpaling to someone who never writes back.
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>Should be a more strict deadline on when you have to have the stuff ready to ship
I'd be all for that, conscious late sending is a form of grinching in my eyes
>at the end of the deadline people who are in the pool of actual buyers/packagers are redrawn in the final pool and assigned to each other
But this is absolutely retarded. I want to send and receive something that was tailored to that person, not some generic anime thing. Anime is not a genre.

Being grinched does suck, but iirc it's very infrequent and I see no reason to restrict the event so much because of a few anecdotal cases
There's no one deadline that could work for an event like this. For example in the US, you can send stuff as late as the 20th with priority shipping with a very good chance it'll be there by Christmas.
>Getting shit that you didn't specifically hint at or ask for is infinitely better than getting nothing.
Imagine sending a figure of a modern FOTM isekai girl to a guy with a waifu from some obscure 80s OVA who hasn't watched watched any anime from the last decade.
That seems extremely unlikely. It sounds more like you had an issue with your address or something.
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yes, anon?
Let me clarify somethings I wrote that hastily;

The re-pooling wouldn't be random for everyone it would merely affect those that are essentially confirmed to be grinched due to their SS no showing.

So a guy who was getting a package from someone and their SS confirmed it's heading out by deadline who also confirmed THEIR SS is getting a package shouldn't be swapped. They did what they needed to and the anons should get and give from appropriate senders.

The re-pooling would only work to go and effectively say, "hey misfits, we are going to scramble you as best as possible please now send package to this address instead".

For those guys the thought of someone sending them something nice matters more than getting exactly what they asked for I would (wrongfully?) assume. If I was pre emptively grinched I'd be totally okay with getting things like a an anime girl figurine that's lewd as hell (that I don't collect ever) instead of some pui pui molcar merch or candy because it's still really nice to have an anon that cares to exchange things like that with me. Plus there's a nice chance to be exposed to something new that might now become a new facet of a hobby or interest.
Or it would let people return their merch at least potentially and get their money back for next year.

Would maybe be easier than creating anti grinching gift givers and having packages arrive much later for grinched anons?
I thought the same but I seem to recall a similar case (maybe the same one) where anon signed for a few cards. Like maybe two or three? I can see being unlucky enough to whiffed on a couple of cards, gift then another anti-grinch gift in one year.
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Things are fine as they are. Grinching is terrible but accounts for like >1% of cases. Overpolicing and overcomplicating a comfy event for a crushing minority is gonna put off much more people than it is gonna help. You might think you are trying to do good but you are coming across as underage and grasping for control.
Let's discuss the $25/handmade tier! Should it be split next year???
I'll split your skull
I signed up last year to get whitelisted, now I'm ready to sign up for the big leagues and grinch.
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is there any hope of redemption for grinchers at all? would eventually just sending a gift without receiving one be acceptable?
i kinda had a meltdown last Christmas And managed to not send the gift somehow.

i would guess im just banned which is totally understandable, but i do wanna make up for my retardation in some way.
I would use a different word
fool! grinching the poorfags is the truest grinch spirit!
Why would I grinch a poorfag when I get someone to send me $150+ of weeb stuff?
should i participate this year? i don't think i have done it since like 2015 or 2016...
Nah, I sent my gift without tracking one year and my recipient told the Santas I grinched so I got blacklisted.
Nah. Things are fine the way they are.
Oh great, we’re stuck with the retarded third worlder with shit taste as the organizer. SantaLoli and SantaFaggot really don’t give a shit anymore, huh? I know they’re still helping behind the scenes but the face of this event being this guy sucks.
I live right next to you
Is this the guy who showed off a participants email last year because he was too lazy to cut that part off in a screencap?
And you just hang out in the threads now?
You can't visit /ss/ threads unless you're participating now?
>i kinda had a meltdown last Christmas And managed to not send the gift somehow.
Was your anon from last year JB from Aus by any chance? Cause if so I'm coming to kick your fuckin' ass.
But seriously I hope you're doing better now, anon.
It's just kinda sad to sit in the sidelines while everyone else is having their fun. I think I may be blacklisted too
>i kinda had a meltdown last Christmas And managed to not send the gift somehow.
And how did you remedy this situation. Your anon is still waiting for that gift. You wouldn't be here just fishing for validation now, would you
i would send it again if i could but the address seemed to be incorrect in some way. the postal office asked for the actual address and i just gave up. chances are the package is gone now and i have no way of asking for the correct address now.
i absolutely would send it again would i be given the chance. as for closure, i guess thats true. i just tend to regret stuff so i try to correct them somehow rather than just thinking about it in bed.
i believe it was someone from Italy. he seemed really nice as well, i hope he got something in the end. thanks for caring Anon.
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>i absolutely would send it again
You have had the organizers' mail for the whole year and you didn't do anything to sort your mess out. The power was in your hands the entire time
>so i try to correct them
Sorry anon, but you're just trying to find a way to get off of the blacklist
To the Austria anon who didn't get their whitelisted card last year your postal system sucks ass and when I got the package sent back to me in Feburary it was beaten to hell. I am gonna send another letter this year and hope for the best.
There's not much else to do unless you want to purchase a PO box and use a different email.
yeah no shit thats why im posting here to share my thoughts on the matter. it really is nothing more simple than me doing something bad and being punished for it, so i try to fix it as to lessen the damage i did and so i eventually get whitelisted. ig i can see if you find that hyocritical, but imo it would be worse to not do anything about it at this point.
This exact conversation has been popping up every year, put your bait grasses on and ignore fags.
As unlikely as it sounds, it did happen. I didn't mess up my address, I went back and verified it was right.
I did end up getting a CD from Jebus though. This was a few years before he got banned and he was sending people CDs who wanted them.
Why was he banned again
Didn't he rip up someones card or something?
He shipped directly and late I believe
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Thank you! What happened last year was too bad, especially because I did use PO boxes the first one or two years after I started /ss/, and I received everything including parcels just fine. Maybe the directives changed during rona, and I did try to sort it out with both the branch manager and the customer service, but to no avail. This year it should be smoother again though since I can receive everything with my normal address, without being bound to any directives what a branch can receive and what not.

To my other santas who didn’t see their cards in the threads, I did receive one or two cards in February, and I will post them later this year!
is it possible to sign up to send out gifts without wanting to receive any?
Oh God that's right it was a PO box so I won't have your address. I'll ask the Santa's if they can maybe help me
You can sign up to do anti-grinching, or maybe do cards and ask the organizers to match you with someone that is doing cards only and send them a gift.
i'm a bit schizophrenic, so i would prefer to not give out my address. i just want to send things to anons and see them be happy, since i have money to burn and nowhere to spend it
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i wish i could participate but i'm an esl :'[
how do i cope with the pain?
That's cool and all anon but flip it around: are you okay that someone out there has your address and sending you stuff, and you don't know who they are and where they are? I'm sure there are anons who'd be fine with that but santas won't just be giving their addresses or any wishlists to anyone without their explicit permission first. Best bet is ask in the next few thread for any takers, get a po box for a return address, then work something out with the santas. It won't be a secret exactly though.

Or maybe ask someone who got grinched and you can send something too.
That's half of /ss/ already, what are you scared of?
As long as you can write your favorite anime's name and your address Anon will be pleased to gift you.
people will be turned off by my location, which isn't common
>central america
not to mention the fact that they will probably just have to pay extra to ship here, just to give a gift to a brownoid.
might try the charitable approach this time seeing my small array of options
Contact the santas or sign up for anti-grinch.
If it makes it any better I'm not from the western world so my postage rates are the same every year, bloody expensive.
you can get a PO box anon, you can actually get them pretty cheep at your local post office just for the holidays. a lot of people here do
I will send you a Goku plushie in a stereotypical mexican clothes with tacos and burritos in his hands
What is a PO box? I don't know if my slavic shithole has that
its a mailbox you rent at your local post office. its typical in most countries so I'd be surprised if yours doesn't even in Russia
Not Russia, but I'm an idiot, they're those metal boxes in the post office right? I always thought those were some storage lockers, granted I barely use the post services, I only seem to be getting court summons
yep those are probably it, you can rent small ones for cards or bigger ones if you're expecting packages, if you go there and ask they'll be able to tell you more probably
is that so?
Yes femboy
I haven't moved my ass in a week, I barely get out of bed now, I've had a friend from Texas already send me stickers from red bubble so I don't think I'll be using those
you should come visit me :3
I don't have a car though :(, nor a license
why are bottoms like this?
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you could use public transport anon
I demand you don't let this reach bump limit and let it fall off page 10!!!

Also central American anon check this out >>271297941
I do but I hate going cross country, I traveled to Prague alone and I still don't know how I managed to not get lost
well you wouldn't be alone this time
Do you intend to get me or yourself boypreggers?
why not make it mutual?
stop being faggots
no it's cute i think they should keep going
post contact for each other
I'm only gay during Christmas
>post contact for each other
How? I only have whats app and da 'cord
Yes of course and I'll never participate in the gift exchange until they are. I thought they were going to this year so I am taking my handmade ideas and spoiling my whitelist card anons instead.
Teenage scum get off my board
Heh, that was a long time ago
You might send or receive gifts to these "people"
christ I hope the santa's don't let this crossboarders in
God forbid making jokes on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Why have I never ever get an anon that's closer to me, especially last year when there's 2 of participating? I always get the anons from America and Europe continent.
Just live in the West anon, not hard to do
The west is falling doe
True...but it's easier to ship gifts to anons!
After 2 years of being pisspoor I think I will participate again.
Hey guys I'm a crossboarder.
da cord works
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I don't want to send it here though
Is there seriously a secret s/a/nta discord
bottoms are so dramatic
since you want to be all shy, you can both add me and i will connect you to the other
Shipped directly from Amazon and turned out to be a bootleg. This was around 6 years ago.
That was another tripfag who will never be allowed back lol
Blonde dude right
Highly doubt but if there is one I'd probably join. There's a part of me that wants to be connected to my /ss/ friends year round.
That would ruin the magic. You autistic faggots are lovely in small doses with a 60 second timer in between messages.
This is why you just let the thread die after the weekend.
ok that's one down and one to go
That faggot is desperate for attention, him being allowed in the first place was a mistake by the organizers. All he does now is make the shitty waifu Christmas videos and /a/ still slobbers all over his dick.
I hope not, I don't want this getting sucked into trip worship like so many other things on this site
Use any other site than here normalfag.
I hope all the oldfags who seem interested in coming back or joing for the first time, does and have fun.
The oldfags just come back to shitpost in the r/a/dio threads
Yeah but there's been a few in thread saying they wanna join again or they keep seeing this and wanna try, so I hope they do.
Preferably they don’t, if they left that means they don’t give a shit about this place
They never really left. After all, they're here forever.
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I've seen these threads for the past decade but I've never participated. This will be my first Christmas alone so maybe I should try it out
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I hope I get nice anons
I’m a nice anon I hope I get you as well
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Good night for real this time /a/
I will read it, for what it's worth.
Seconded. These threads are too much already, I don't want people talking about their whole lives all day. It takes out the meaning from the whole thing.
Good night friend. Let's make this year's Secret S/a/nta even more magical than the last one.
perhaps I'll only do homo cards this year
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2 years ago I had an amazing santa. I told him I've been wanting to send him thank you gifts ever since but life got in the way
this december you will get pummeled in the face with affection
prepare your ass, anon!
Why? Don't you like drawing cute girls?
this year I'm going to get a bit EXPERIMENTAL
but everything has already been done with glitter?
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>a bit
I'm going full experimental. Nothing can stop me now.
A lucky anon is gonna get a horrible but I tried painting from yours truly this year
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Please, I beg of you!!! Please split!!!! Lord I beg!
But do we really to split the two categories? From what I saw last year, most people who joined Handmade/25$ ended up doing handmade stuff anyway.
Are there statistics on that?

My eternal concern is that a lot of handmade anons end up putting a lot of love and effort into their work, and I don't want to see them get just like a prize fig and some candy in return.
Sorry, I want to type a good response but idk when the thread is gonna die, so I'll try to respond next thread

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