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Mother of God, it's spreading everywhere.
How do you even know what that is? Go back to tiktok, kid
>spreading everywhere

episode 1 was a year ago and we'll be lucky if episode 3 comes out soon
How do YOU know, anon?
They just announced episode 3 is coming out on October 4th
Episode 3 is coming two weeks from today, actually:

Also, the studio freed up their release schedule since they finished Murder Drones, and every episode overlaps in production, so the next few episodes could each only take a couple of months to come out.
I hope we get to see Ragatha naked
Why does Japan love western slop so much these days?
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We have Ragatha naked at home.
The timing on this is fucking hilarious given on what happened on ms /co/ very recently
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Anon, I saw an ad for a supermarket in my shit hole South American country using this crap; if you ever go to YouTube with no account, you will see it, if you ever watch anything animated in any platform it might be recommended. I am halfway to 40 and I know this thing, don't pretend this is "THE THING" that makes anon in /a/ a prepubescent party as if we didn't have shonen jump threads daily.

I am not as surprised as I thought I should be.
>Anon, I saw an ad for a supermarket in my shit hole South American country using this crap

Sounds illegal
Qrd? Did Pomni win and mindbreak them or something?
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Right? But it seemed legit, it wasn't just some random supermarket with some badly drawn crap, it was a multinational conglomerate with stuff that looking real. I no joke did a double take.
same reason weebs love eastern slop so much
it's a different kind of slop to the slop they're sick of
I mean, isn't it basically isekai/death game in the first place anyway?
the hell?
>isn't it basically isekai/death game in the first place anyway?
yeah but actually entertaining
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>these days
Sort of, though the "death" part is more like a permanent ego death, and it can happen at any time rather than as a penalty for anything.
Pomni is /a/ now? Hell yeah
Hopefully they draw her thick
I knew it was something that the Japanese have heard of, but I didn't know it was popular enough to become a manga.
Anyhow, I predict a hazbin hotel manga spinoff in the future.
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So now they're doing an actual horror episode like /co/ assumed the show would be from the start instead of the moderately unsettling tragicomedy it turned out to be.

Gotta say...didn't expect it to go this creepy.
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The fuck?
Nice, pomfy clussy looks really easy to rape
Why? I thought the pilot was meh, even among normies.
RWBY ice queendom second season?
Explain please
sex with pomni
it's got a ton of porn and doujins, as does hazbin hotel
Pomni's breakable bones
>Halfway to 40
That's a nice way of saying barely older than underage&
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I proudly joined this shithole at 16, absolutely inb4&, much like the hypocritical literally who that was m00t. May god bless his eternal rest in hell.
So its just coomer trash?
This is isekai done right.
blackrock investment, unironically.
She kind of looks like a circus Akko
I've noticed a pattern in the western stuff that gets popular on nip internet. It's usually either A) horror stuff (SCP Foundation, The Backrooms), which makes sense since fear is easier to translate across cultures than other emotions, or B) gay indie tumblr-bait shit (sorry, I don't have any better words to describe it, but I can give examples: Undertale, OMORI, Hazbin Hotel). TADC is both.
if you believed that you'd have burned down their offices by now
Can we get a Skibidi Toilet manga too?
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Don't know about a manga but we've got Skibidi Toilet gacha machines
i like how they made the skibidi toilet man indian, very topical
I actually believe you. The future of eastern media will probably be the same as the west.

My only hope is my firm belief that taste is objective and each shitty show will be received poorly by audiences.
Got it in one. Grass is always greener on the other side.
also the language barrier makes it easier to completely not notice when you're watching something made for 12 year olds, like those westaboo fans of iCarly and Hannah Montana
I still don't get how this gained traction in Japan, or in fact, the general popularity it has.
İt's like Disney
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See >>271246623
But anon, where's the cool-looking generic protagonist that fucks shit up and surprises everyone? Where's the hot girl/guy that gets with the MC? They all don't even have the anime aesthetic and are just cartoons.
The first episode has ~350 million views.
Now think about how many people in the world have internet access.
Now think about the target demographic of the project (young people below the age of 30 roughly)
Now realize you're on autistic image board dedicated to animation
Now realize that 99% of people here know what the Amazing Digital Circus is.
Now realize that you knew what it is as well.
Because it resonate heavily with a lot of Japanese sentiments
Pomni is pretty much your typical "literally me" kind of protagonist. And is cute clown on top of that. That's more than enough.
>They all don't even have the anime aesthetic and are just cartoons.
Sincerelly Digital Circus IS kinda closer to anime aesthetic than your usual american cartoon. Same could be said for all Glitch productions.
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>gobeni MC
All Glitch productions pretty much play on Otaku sentiment.
Final Battle in Murder Drones had even Nightcore as background music:
what does the creator mean by this? I'm failing to grasp it.
Give Japan cute anxious chibi-like clown! See what happens:
why would anyone here be aware of what a toddler show is
Schools been back in session anon, stop trying to fit in and go do your homework
Fact, that you have to pretend not know it by calling it a toddler show speak for itself.
>noooooo my youtube kids show isn't toddlercrap!!!!!
lmao, retarded toddler
you know what it is.
like everything else out right now yeah
uh OH
more clussy.
Hazbin Hotel manga when? It's arguably even more popular than TADC in Japan
The amount of shilling this series has despite only putting out 2 episodes so far is disgusting.
I want to see more of the clown girl getting raped
the fat bitch can barely direct her gay show what makes you think she is /biz/ savvy to do international shit?
Is Murder Drones good? I like robot girls.
They spamming their turd to whole the board. Worse the whole social media. Worser they're tax funded by aussie goverment
this is an Australian thing?
wait, is digital circus australian? fucked up.
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their tax money is going to the right endeavors imo
more like jussy, that ain't a clown
Glitch itself is Australian animation studio.
Honestly if it leans heavily into the horror aspect of the premise then it'll probably end up alright. Though going this fucking hard on a series that has two fucking episodes is wild, may as well just make a Punch Punch Forever manga as well since that's at least a direct tribute to old anime.
Basically self-aware shonen horror comedy in style of Liam Vickers, if you know him.
In case that you don't know Liam:
They're making too many anime/manga adaptations of western shit, and too many iconic manga/anime are ending, there are no iconic new anime/manga coming out, the anime industry's refusal to put resources into making anime originals is going to kill the industry, once JJK and Demon Slayer finish airing the whole industry is going to get bought up by the west.

It could have all been saved if they just made more cowboy bebop type stuff and dragon ball movies, but anime producers are simply misguided and spiteful...
>I am halfway to 40
made me laff
Finally a clussy to fight heavy knight clussy
to be fair the production values were pretty good, it certainly caught me off guard.
>more cowboy bebop type stuff
As much as I liked it I wouldn’t want to watch it again. Also more shonen shit is not necessarily a good thing.
Aren't we all?
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Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I fucking love Punch Punch Forever, Speedoru's incredible. It's just the best parallel to Digital Circus I could think of.
I'm not really saying more shonen shit is a good thing or a bad thing, just that producers are kind of dumb for sidelining Dragon Ball when it probably could have singlehandedly made anime and toei a more self sufficient industry.

Stuff like Dandadan, Kagurabachi, Sakamoto Days are the only chance that Anime has to stay independently japanese, and even these are things that Netflix is really sinking its claws into. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, on the one hand these nu shonen are a little more unique than JJK and Demon Slayer, on the other hand they're still not really that creative and aren't really as epic as JJK or Demon Slayer so I feel like they won't be as popular.

Netflix is also evil, Netflix is actively trying to loosen the definition of anime by advertising things like Scott Pilgrim, Terminator Zero, Castlevania, and more as anime, Netflix is TRYING to make anime a term that isn't exclusively Japanese. Warner Brothers is also trying to force this with Rick and Morty and Suicide Squad. Sony aka Crunchyroll doesn't give a fuck about fans or older titles, they're also woke as fuck and want to censor everything. These companies all want to destroy anime and have a lot of money invested in doing so.

My point is, the only way anime will survive is if some of the real creative minds from Japan, some of the real skillfull studios, Madhouse, Kyoani, Shaft, some of the creators that aren't owned by Sony, get together and make some reallllly creative shit like Adventure Time, a genre defining masterpiece and a long running anime original, anime won't sustain unless someone from Japan creates something to elevate the entire medium to a new echelon, and it HAS to be anime original
Zoomerbros, we WON.
My brother's gf is obsessing over it.
clown pussy
Ragatha best girl btw.
>Larry Fink is funding vore fag /co/ trash
>Undertale, OMORI
Both of these are extemely Nippon inspired and coded so it's understandable.

I have noticed that Japan likes stuff they can OC. SCP and RWBY fall into this bin pretty well. Undertale too I guess. Did Froday Night Funkin get popular over there?
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Do you agree or disagree?
>Netflix is also evil, Netflix is actively trying to loosen the definition of anime
That's evil?
Dragon Ball has already been dragged out beyond oblivion with Super, a midquel that leads to nothing because we all know it all ends with Goku flying off with Uub anyway. And now there's Daima that happens even before Super, meaning it's even more irrelevant as not once through all of Super has Daima nor it's events have been mentioned.

Let something else be the sacrificial pawn for the industry, DB went through too much. Go and make a Demon Slayer Super after Muzan's defeat but before the timeskip, let there be 9000 new villains and see how fans would react.
People that hate Digital Circus have never actually seen it.
>independently japanese
Hasn't the industry used human resources from other countries for example in making backgrounds etc forever? What does "independently Japanese" actually mean?
You forgeting that there is no strict dictionary definition of what anime is and what isn't. Even in japan itself anime is basically any kind of cartoon as term itself is simply short for "animēshon".
Only western fandom is trying establish some kind of definition.
And for me personally is best is what AniDB.org uses.
"Made by Japan, in Japan, For Japan."
And even with that several Netflix titles will pass.
All what Netflix need to do, is hire Japan studios, and keep it accessible for Japan audience. Which makes things like Terminator Zero or Suicide Squad Isekai pass.
What if part of the animation is made by, in and for Japan? But not all? Does it turn to not-anime if one non-Japanese is involved in the making?
Come on, Anon, it's nothing to be embarrassed of. We all have seen it, don't lie.
Usually, if at least big part of major staff is from Japan (director, animation studio and so), then it's enough as long production is targeted towards japanese audience and aired in Japan in Japanese. Which again means that Netflix just need keeping Japanese in mind (since Netflix itself is accessible in Japan) and let Japanese studios to do stuff and it will be enough.
What's so strange about it? Didn't they make Among Us manga a few years back? From what I heard some, especially, children magazines often do "Trend of the Season" manga
Netflix is honestly overhated. Their relationship with anime is basically they just give money to the japs and let them do whatever they want (Netflix originals are Netflix originals in name only). They're outsiders to the subculture who want to capitalize on its proven successful formula and consequently understand not to tamper with said formula. Their worse offenses are poor business practices that Japanese companies also make all the time like animation budget cuts and the binge model. But nothing coming from a malicious intent/political agenda/personal vendetta against anime and anime fans. It's insulting to compare them to the millennial failed normie turned ironic weeb employment program that is Crunchyroll/Funimation.
>Netflix never put zoomer/nigger slang in translations
>Netflix never put political fanfiction or gay headcanons in translations (in fact they sort of did the opposite with their Evangelion dub)
>The "anime wannabes" they make are shit like Castlevania, not High Guardian Spice
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>Calling toddlers to others for watching a show
>In an anime website
Yeah, it's reflection like the others said. At any case you don't belong in here, you have to go back
>But nothing coming from a malicious intent/political anime against anime and anime fans
Are you kidding me? SHITflix will censor anything that anime fans care about.
Name 3 examples
Meant for >>271252098
I agree. Netflix seems to get a lot of hate because they're a big Western corporation and because they eat up market share a lot and because a lot of poor quality stuff gets pumped out by them. But for all their faults they do still help fund anime and other media. What they're doing I think is good for the medium ultimately. Idk maybe I'm too optimistic.
I always thought Netflix gives the projects they fund a lot of freedom, basically a hands-off approach
Netflix is garbage, it doesn't matter what they format they show.
Like, just make something that's not gay, woke and broke.
No appeal, violent heroines, awful dogshit animation, repetitive plots, etc.
Nipples, words, humor
But I liked Edgerunners.
As Pomni pointed out in episode 2, the only thing they do in the circus is LARP. Even everyday things like eating and sleeping, which they don't need in this world, is them LARPing doing normal things.
These people had lives before coming to the circus, and now they've hit a dead end they can never get out of. The only prospect they have now is to go on nonsensical adventures with no substance and empty rewards, or else they'll go completely mad. And even then, some of them can't take the lack of reality anymore and go mad anyway, so it's really just to delay the inevitable.
But as we see in the end of episode 2, these people have formed a strong social circle because of what they go through. It's one of the only things they have that's "real" in this world, if not THE only thing, and the main reason they don't lose their minds right away.
also if they go mad they'll turn into a disgusting monster and get dumped in a vast dark pit with all the other 'failures', never to know any kind of human contact again, yet not able to die
>Japan makes an adaptation of a western web animation
>It's not even an anime, but a manga
>People immediately doompost
You're still getting shows like Ooku, Garouden, Tatami Blues time Machine and Pluto
Yes, that does eat away at them in the back of their minds, especially since they know that's the closest semblance to death they have.
>Post about "muh saving Anime"
>Main suggestion is creating something like Adventure Times
You could have said Batman TaS if you want to sound more convincing
Hardcore cringe kino is what it is. It's beautiful. But it also doesn't hold hands; about 1/3 of the story is told through the background and split second messages, so if you want to know what's going on, you gotta buckle in and pay attention.
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Actually, Screen Australia only funded their first two shows, and maybe the Murder Drones pilot. Now they rely mainly on merch sales and ad revenue.
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for me it's pomni x ragatha
Missed Blackrock propaganda machine
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What even is this? It looks like /co/shit.
Youtube animation series that went gigapopular among the youth, basically western isekai that I feel is like a love letter to older youtube animation
The love letter is more towards weird pre-rendered CGI computer games with a premise inspired by the sci-fi short story "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream".
Actual answer, someone was rigging Pomni once she reached the elite eight and once the voting count was resolved, she ultimately lost by three votes against (Martian queen from that duck dodgers show i can’t pronounce her name lol) the main popular pick.
Busty Ragatha just feels right.
needful toilet paper, sir?
How did they prove their was rigging beyond [new bad old good]?
It’s a long and complicated story that has cursed these tournaments since 2019, trust me waifs wars are not pretty Mr /co/lympus on the other hand is absolutely fun and I always look forward to that, it’s vastly better
They didn't. There was just an unnatural surge of votes at one point during rhe duration of the voting and shaved off 120 votes from her.
What fags, sounds like what happened to that one piece worldwide poll, people just get fucking salty because their pick didn't win.
The show is whatever but the fandom is obnoxious and braindead as hell.
Very tumblr feeling fanbase.
You might be referring to Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss on that one. Or Skibidi Toilet because at least the creator of this one likes to do some tardwrangling unlike the others mentioned.
The creator of TADC at least tries to get the fans to behave, even when knowing it's a hopeless effort.
tends to have unique cute designs and interesting concepts in amongst the slop (just look at pomni, she wouldn't be half as neat looking if drawn in generic anime proportions) and gay ships are taken seriously

anime tends to be very formulaic, and while the discipline and refinement of formulas often gives strength to many aspects, it gets boring, they want something different... anime was originally often inspired by western animation... western animation today is often inspired by anime... it's a conversation, a bond between two worlds... the best animation will be created when the best parts of both are combined
Japan also has westaboos that like the current popular animated media of north america. Shocking, I know
I will patiently await all the nervous clown girl doujins
Isekai, death game, "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream". All together with otaku-like sensibilities typical for all Glitch stuff so far.
Just watch first episode and see for yourself:
Yeah, also whole Circus is basically backrooms.
There is already a lot of art on Pixiv.
Is it really a "death game"? Like they aren't trying to murder each other, well except Jax but that's just because he's a cunt not because that's the point of their situation.
It's a death game per se but the only conflict they are trying to face is from the themselves as they try to maintain their sanity. Where in a typical death game, the more you become desperate to try to win/leave, the likely you die, which holds the same concept in TADC where instead, the more you fail or refuse to accept your current predicament and the inevitability that you will never escape, the more likely you become crazy.
If this was Blackrock investment, they would push agenda hard in series and empathize that author is transgender woman. Thankfully neither is the case here.
Netflix is trash, they made Terminator Zero and advertised it as anime and it was the wokest shit ever, not to mention boring as fuck.
I will admit they have funded some really high budget anime like Violet Evergarden, Cyberpunk, probably Dandadan, but let's be honest, they are woke, Cyberpunk was woke.
And I don't like Netflix because they more or less don't put anything even slightly chill or slow paced on their platform, they only put highly mainstream anime on Netflix, only the trending shit, you'll never find something fun and chill like Mushishi or Non Non Biyori on Netflix because they only cater to ADHD zoomers when it comes to anime.

I just hate streaming services in general because they all do this, way too much older anime just has no legal platform because it isn't well known enough, some of the best shit too like Redline and Yuasa's work and most OVAs
Sincerelly Terminator Zero was nowhere near so woke as most of latest Disney productions.
watch as we get Okaeri Alice anime
It was the same kind of "women and minorities le good" shit as most disney stuff.

Disney has scaled back the woke shit since Lightyear as well, apparently Inside Out 2 was intentionally un-wokeisized because Lightyear flopped so bad
Redline sucks ass
it's overrated on here and only here, shit is unwatchable-tier
In what way was Edgerunners woke?
probably the best animation anime has ever seen
>It was the same kind of "women and minorities le good" shit as most disney stuff.
Not really. Biggest the agenda moment was when Misaki choosed her gender. But beside that there wasn't anything that was not in Terminator series before. Fact that there was some diversity between characters, don't make thing instantly woke. Disney is doing much much worse than that.
All the couples were interracial
But even in that case, it's not about the message. Oshimi just like weird social stuff.
>these days?
Astro Boy is inspired by Disney
it's anti-fascist and anti-capitalist
As was above said. Diversity itself doesn't make woke. Woke is when when series pushes and forces social agenda on you.
It does actually
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<- Here's your summary
then reality itself is woek
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The fact it got so popular is just so strange. Kinda a testament to how big something can get from just randomly getting viral on youtube.
Making it into a Manga when there's only 2 episodes of the actual show out is pretty nuts.

Also, saw this when I went pass the local Spirit Halloween the other day. The other window had Minion and Optimus Prime costumes, so they're treating it on par with all those for popularity this year.
This. You can have diverse cast. It just need to feel natural or having purpose in story from natural standpoint. Things become woke, when you start pushing diversity for sake of diversity or for sake of racial agenda.
For example having one black scientist in Japan is fine, because it's not unusual for scientists of different ethnicities work around world. It would be different, if whole facility consisted of only from black scientists and if they instead instead of working on AI that has save to world worked on something to overthrow white supremacy or similar political nonsense.
They sold out theatre play tickets for this
Cool, I like it.
I also kinda like Murder Drones, but I think I'm biased because the designs are hot as fuck.
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yeah, they also animated the main villain too well. She may be some eldritch sentient AI wearing the rotting flesh of a dead Australian girl, but I would still clang that.
Author of Digital Circus agrees too!
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I only watched like the first 4 episodes, but let me tell ya, I'd destroy J's robotchild bearing hips in an instant while I use her twintails as puppet strings.
This twintailed bot is the only reason I'm considering watching Murder Drones.
>Did Froday Night Funkin get popular over there?
Kinda. I know a lot of vtubers played it a while ago when it initially came out but I think it's more in the same niche as fnaf where there's a smaller but more dedicated fanbase for it.
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I also like how they solved main shipping with throuple end.
Japanese creators could take note here.
>the girl emotions are allowed to have wonky designs like the boys
>still has a female protagonist duo (instead of joy and sadness it's joy and anxiety) and still takes places inside of a puberty ridden teenage girl
By 4chan definitions this would already be tumblrcore or woke. And lightyear was as milquetoast as a scifi hero origin story could ever be. What does anyone mean when they say that word anymore
No anon. You forgot both Cyn and Doll who are trapped in Uzi's body. So, it's also technically an incestious relation
Just as with diversity. It's not problem having female protagonist, or focus on female character as long she feels natural and doesn't push any kind of politic agenda.
In case of Inside Out 2 apparently original idea was that Riley had to develop clear crush on Val. And whole movie was supposed to deal with her discovering her lesbian sexuality. Ultimately there was call to remove this plot completely and make sure that whole part between Riley and Val will be portrayed as platonic as possible and keep movie on same note as original.
Cool, but let it be known the first episode only has about one-third of her total screentime in the show, so be sure to savor every moment.
Also, her longest scene comes from one of their official merch ads:
Have you considered a bow, Anon?
By the way, the VAs for Pomni and J also dub for two of the new Pokemon show villains (Pomni is Sango and J is Agate). Just thought I'd tie it back to /a/.
I haven't seen it, I had just heard that a leak showed that Disney/Pixar had intentionally reanimated scenes to make them less gay after lightyear flopped
Helluva Boss when? I want to see Loona here daily.
Welp, that's a shame.
I wonder what they'd do with the manga, since the link shows they'll be adapting episode 1.
How many chapters will it be? If it's more than one chapter, will they split up the current material they have and keep it a straightforward adaptation? Or will they go off into an original story?
This storytime made me appreciate the Yotsuba arc a lot more, but i still prefer DN before Misa showed up
Member amogus manga?
It's actually insane how much merch there is for ADC in Japan, even at toy stores
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Don't worry, there's still plenty to choose from. Like the cute corpse robot.
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Why didn't I know about episode 2?
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She has some damn legs for sure.
I dunno, but here it is, if you didn't see it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ofJpOEXrZs
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You mean Digital Circus?
Here is it:
Also Episode 3 in two weeks.
I know you know this since you posted the correct link to episode 2, but for the other anons here, the image is related to episode 3.
Well as I said. It will be out in 2 weeks.
I've seen it and it's completely mediocre shit. I legitimately do not understand the popularity.
Remember that the last ms japan wasn't even japanese.

I strongly believe that Japan is in the beggining of a transformative stage. Half of every shounen cast will be black by 2050.
>Remember that the last ms japan wasn't even japanese
I know the story you’re talking about and it’s such a nothingburger that I’m shocked that you are even bringing it up. Some white bitch wins one of the many beauty pageants in Japan (which wasn’t even the one connected to the Miss Universe competition) solely so the event organizers can milk the controversy and here you are thinking it means that Japan is going to fall. It’s not even the first time this has happened and both times the woman faded from the public eye forever after being caught having an affair
Having a gay protag isn't inherently political. Twelve forever was as normal as it got and it still had the heroine crush on a girl
I really like the porn where the rabbit guy rapes her
It's not on its own. But it can be used to push that kind of agenda. And that's problem. Not mention that people don't want Disney movie to lecture children about sexual discovery.
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40 years ago we had a gay romantic comedy on SHONEN JUMP! A magazine for boys, same one publishing Dragonball. We had black protagonists, interracial couples, all the shit you call woke today before woke culture in a time English dub would rewrite scenes trying to turn a lesbian couple into cousins and other shit. Japan had interracial marriage legalized almost a century before USA. They just went through this phase a long time ago while current west is just dividing the public and setting them against each other while pretending to be progressive.
Truly. If anyone was going to rig an online poll, it certainly wouldn't be anybody on 4chan.
It really does come off like no one actually cares about this shit except for posting about how many views it has on youtube, or they're the kind of people who eat up every fotm coomer trend on twitter.
Stop being such a frail pussy
Difference is that Japan has never really cared about any kind of agenda. Less the one that USA is pushing today. They often just had fun with stuff. Which is why we have things like trap characters. They are not meant to represent any kind of group of people. They are just about authors having fun and playing with sexual question. In contrast west stuff today is all about muh representation and desperation to promote any kind of minorities at the expense of everything else. In best case it just gets annoying, in worst case it deepens and promotes the very hatred that these all movements are claiming to fight against.
I've seen porn with that cosplay
Yeah me too you're not special
You want pre-teens to get lessons about how important is being gay and fight against the oppressors of your sexuality from Disney movies?
If you're a preteen you shouldn't be here, otherwise I'm not sure why you'd care since you're not a preteen.
You are missing question, anon.
>in worst case it deepens and promotes the very hatred that these all movements are claiming to fight against.
This is exactly their plan. West is not trying to promote acceptance, on the contrary. They are intentionally making people hate each other, polarizing people and having they fight each other so the elites can continue fucking both sides.
Well, it certainly takes us back a few decades in terms of acceptance, for sure. Which is apha problem of this all wokeshit.
how do you make a manga out of a series that has only 2 episodes released and barely has any worldbuilding?
It is not just the wokes, both sides are made to be extremists and hate each other. The guy crying tranny all over the board is the same thing as the one whining about cultural appropriation. They are both creating a problem where there isn't one and making more people hate their side.
Easy. They will just do manga original filler chapters. Since plot so far is mostly about Circus stuff doing various disjointed adventures to stay sane. Manga can just add another adventures that happen in between episodes. Not mention that until that time third episode will be out too.
All of that is indie stuff and I don't think that's a coincidence. Otaku media in Japan has become highly corporatized over the years so they're looking elsewhere now.
Morgan Freeman said it best:
>episode 1 has 340 MILLION views in under a year
what in the actual fuck? I have never heard about this until today
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many such cases
would that clussy
This shit goes UNBELIEVABLY hard, jesus christ.
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It's more like an evil eldritch entity wearing the body of its main robot host, also wearing the body of a human girl. They acknowledge the robots are "weirdly hot" in the show but something about the Solver is definitely.. strangely alluring.

A lot of that show goes extremely hard. I do like the Circus show but as a weeb it's hard to get me to not enjoy Liam Vickers' anime influence.
Why do you feel threatened by that?
It's being serialized in CoroCoro Ichiban. I take it that means it will be aimed at elementary school children, right? Or do teens and young adults generally read it too? I'm not too familiar with the magazine.
Because if we push these things on kids, it will just create more various problems in future.
There is never enough clown girl porn
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Liam Vickers has a very clear love for a certain kind of character and i inmensely respect how much he pushes for it.
And that will definitely introduce continuity errors as the main series progresses. Reminds me of the Spawn manga that was made before the original comic introduced the plot point that there's only one Spawn per generation while the manga had second Spawn.
you are aware of what many chinese cartoons are, don't act like a normalfag
What problems, exactly? And what is being pushed other than simple, healthy empathy?
oh no no no no did you just REPRINT?!?!?!?!
even though it's PROHIBITED?!?!?!?!
>some types of spiders poke on their mate's eyes to tell them that they want to lay eggs with them
Middle schoolers are porn addicts these days.
The problems are already here, the seeds have germinated and are slowly beginning to take root.
I cannot unsee that the robots from Murder Drones have the same mouth that the spider lady from Cliffside (I know the creator is the same guy).
If this leads to kiliu making a doujin for tac, I'll sing praises
This show feels very "uncut" in a bad way
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dude really likes his dangerous-looking monster girls.
That's little more difficult problem for simple post here. But in nutshell, pushing sexual stuff on children is never good thing. Especially if some kind of agenda is involved. We're getting dangerously close to waters of the grooming with that.
This does not mean that one should give up and leave future generations hanging.
The manga is monthly and they can take 3~4 chapters per episode, no problem
>It's usually either A) horror stuff (SCP Foundation, The Backrooms), which makes sense since fear is easier to translate across cultures than other emotions, or B) gay indie tumblr-bait shit (sorry, I don't have any better words to describe it, but I can give examples: Undertale, OMORI, Hazbin Hotel). TADC is both.
first one you put it well, but second one you also have to factor that the people behind those shows are massive weebs as well, so it makes sense nips would love it since those works are influenced by anime
I agree if it's for your next of kin, but for society at large it kind of does mean they gave up. Societies collapse eventually. I'm not trying to blackpill, it's just a feature of the reality we live in.
If you want to see what real glory looks like, just watch the kind of powers rise up from the ashes to take the world once again. Prosperity is ever-abundant in this world, but the only things limiting it are those who block the freedom to do so.
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Internecion Cube would deserve full animation too.
>these days
You must have been a very sheltered child
How many middle schoolers did you know got in trouble for collecting cub and feral porn on their laptops and phones? This happened just recently at my little brother's middle school.
It's not just the ingestion of pornography, it's the kind of pornography and how often they consume it.
Unless you're an even bigger zoomer than me, you and your fellow elementary and middle schoolers didn't have a personal device that fit in your pocket that downloads dozens of gigabytes of smut on you at all times, including school hours to collect porn and take bathroom breaks to pump your gun. This is a modern characteristic fueled by cheaper and cheaper devices and parents not knowing how to parent, giving their offspring free internet access on a device they can't control the use of whenever they want at all times 24/7. The problem is absolutely way worse now than it has ever been because the ease of access has never had a lower bar of entry.
>pushing sexual stuff on children is never good thing
They're teaching the kids to respect sexuality, simple as. The sexual stuff that's being pushed is porn being spread all over the internet but apparently you miss the point.
To this day I am still convinced that Liam had cyne wear Tessa's skin simply because he wanted at least one character to look more like his characters in his other animations.
I do find it interesting how Murder drones didn't catch the eyes of the Japanese despite how weebish it is, but The Amazing Digital Circus did.
Probably one of the few times the horrific and murderous girl is the tsundere instead of a yandere.
P.S. I realize that IC0N legit has the same hair as Uzi just without the twintails (They also both tsunderes with God complex's it's just that IC0N has the power to back it up)
Destroyed in seconds
>doll anatomy
>They're teaching the kids to respect sexuality, simple as.
Except that's not what Disney and those companies are doing in those cases. With their attitude and agenda what they are actually teaching is that "Being gay is important!"
And "you shouldn't let anyone take your gayness away from you".
That may sound lofty at first glance, but in reality it's very poorly chosen lesson for children who are still developing their sense of sexuality. It just sets the stage for all sorts of problems.
>(They also both tsunderes with God complex's it's just that IC0N has the power to back it up)
Uzi have it too, in the end.
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>P.S. I realize that IC0N legit has the same hair as Uzi just without the twintails (They also both tsunderes with God complex's it's just that IC0N has the power to back it up)
uh anon did you forget how being a host of the Solver is basically godhood? and she's the main host now, but keeping the entity contained.
>I do find it interesting how Murder drones didn't catch the eyes of the Japanese despite how weebish it is, but The Amazing Digital Circus did.
It's because of aesthetic. The Amazing Digital Circus is much more vibrant and traditionally cute-sy. Murder Drones is way more niche with its concepts and style despite Liam Vickers being a huge

Also the Japanese LOVE small anxiety-ridden girls.
>spite Liam Vickers being a huge
a huge weeb, I meant to say.
Don't worry, I forgeting words too.
>Murder Drones is way more niche with its concepts and style despite Liam Vickers being a huge
Though to be fair, the characters were all robots instead of being flesh and blood, so they didn't really look like his previous characters well until the Solver decided it was cool to wear the skin of a human child.
>uh anon did you forget how being a host of the Solver is basically godhood? and she's the main host now, but keeping the entity contained.
Good point, basically Uzi became like Ic0n in the end. Still find it funny how people compare IC0N to V v(probably because they are the poster girls of their respective series), even though personality wise Uzi is more similar to IC0N. Kirie on the other hand can be described as being a mix of V and Cyne.
Hell he even had two characters speaking Japanese while being chuunibyou as hell at the end of IC 3.
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>tends to have unique cute designs and interesting concepts
>gay ships are taken seriously
>anime tends to be very formulaic, and while the discipline and refinement of formulas often gives strength to many aspects, it gets boring, they want something different
This. Mahoako became a huge sleeper hit both in Japan and abroad for that same reason. So did tumblrite products like dung meshi. People are bored with generic weebslop.
>I cannot unsee that the robots from Murder Drones have the same mouth that the spider lady from Cliffside
a lot of his monster girls actually have that kind of mouth.
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You don't say.
How much did they pay them to do this
many question why cyne remade N, J, and V, with hot robots. But let's be honest, she probably found body parts that look like that because someone made actual sex bots.
A wild westaboo appears
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Post your best pompoms please I'm trying to build a folder.
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Nah. Absolute Solver can create things from any kind of matter. Cyn / the Solver purposefully made the bots like that with child bearing hips, not from using bodyparts. It's eldritch magic stuff not regular robotics.

The real question why is the Solver so horny?
Does this mean we can finally merge /a/ and /co/ into one board: /a/ - Animation
It would just get raped by /dbs/ posters instantly because /co/ is their secondary safe haven as well.
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Pomni is a Kobeni ripoff.
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/co/fag here to laugh at you
western CHADS win again
>The real question why is the Solver so horny?
Well considering the Solver host is cyne, who is the yandere little sister archetype.
> Absolute Solver can create things from any kind of matter. Cyn / the Solver purposefully made the bots like that with child bearing hips, not from using bodyparts. It's eldritch magic stuff not regular robotics.
The Robots also have fleshly parts would that mean that they also have....
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It's truely a mystery.
You're only a chad if you like good cartoons.

The vast majority of western slop is, well, slop, slop for toddlers specifically, and /co/ has way too many unironic and "ironic" fans of that shit.
the lines get more blurry everyday.
I have a feeling /co/ is just pure cancer.
Kobeni is a beany and Pomni is a pompom, it's unfair to compare them.
>I have a feeling /co/ is just pure cancer.
It's not PURE cancer but the /dbs/ refugees don't help.
The problem with /co/ is that they actually like the thing their board is about. They're supposed to shitpost and complain about the state of modern western cartoons.
>The Amazing Digital Circus
so what is this?
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Unironic troonslop that reddit pretends to like because it's indie.
Youtube indie cartoon series produced by GLITCH and the showrunner is Gooseworx. GLITCH also produced Murder Drones by Liam Vickers.

It's been watched 350 million times there's no way you don't know what it is
Not everybody is in the cartoon sphere of Youtube to be fair.
Besides the other anons, it's basically a western isekai set in a children's computer game where people are trapped forever and driven to existential madness.

True, but as anons like >>271246489 said, it's broken out of the sphere in some places and become something of a phenomenon.
Pseud garbage made by a troon
christ lmao
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Goose will sick Rufus on you if you don't take that back
>Why does Japan love western slop so much these days?
Big view number dazzles them. Despite being fairly populous and dense in the cities, the nature of nobody but hardcore weebs wanting to interact with untranslated Japanese media means their contributions to the internet get 10x lower engagement on average. Japanese companies see westslop getting an order of magnitude more numbers and think that's what they need to break into foreign markets.
lethal levels of based
I remember masturbating to this BLACK QUEEN when I was fifteen. Nostalgic
and those views are the reason why it is targeted by content farms so much.
It had its own store for some time.
/a/ like amaing digital circus?
figure you guys would be too high and mighty for it
>punch punch
And the dude makes some really nice porn too
Foreign topic effect
we never actually got any confirmation who was doing the rigging or who they were rigging for
there is a top suspect but 1. the hosts said it wasn't them and 2. they're a massive attentionwhore and only showed up after the fact to take credit so there's a good chance they're full of shit
Yeah but actually garbage
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>/a/ doesn't know it already has a JPN dub
I liked Murder Drones more, I wish it had more westaboo traction for a jap dub.
>I do find it interesting how Murder drones didn't catch the eyes of the Japanese despite how weebish it is, but The Amazing Digital Circus did.
japs already live in japland, they don't need more jap crap
To be fair it has an everything dub.
>old version
Why did it get re-dubbed?
Cute clown girl
rapeable clown girl
What about RWBY? that got popular over there and it looks exactly like an anime.
cute girls
japs will slurp up any mediocre shlock if it has cute girls
that's the one exception
It's fun and has really fucking high production value for a project like this all operating under glitch which is helping it avoid the pitfalls that normally plague animation projects.
adorable sad
look it up
Isekai done right.
Also unusual death game.
more like "baby's first cosmic horror"
my first was actually hellstar remina
uh I thought murder drones was the cosmic horror story.
that anon doesn't know what cosmic horror means, TADC isn't cosmic horror.
Maybe he thought they were talking about murder drones
The aesthetic is right up my alley, the animation is good, and the concept is interesting, but holy hell is the dialogue and characterization such utter shit. Couldn't stomach more than 10 minutes of that quirky drivel.
A shame, really.
I thought the voice acting was pretty good,
granted as a weeb whos only reference points are bad dubs maybey the bar for me is really low.
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You mean existential horror. Totally different.
Also, expect some traumatized babies in about two weeks.
That's probably the weakest part of the episode, mainly because it relies on info dumping. The writing improves once they get past all of that.
Not to mention, this show has quite a few scenes where there's no dialog whatsoever, which are my favorite parts.
And by weakest part, I mean the first half of the episode.
Here's a little summary for anyone who can't be bothered with watching the whole thing so far:

>The MC is Pomni, a woman who is trapped in a VR game called the Amazing Digital Circus; her avatar is a jester
>"Pomni" isn't her real name; she can't remember her old one, though her other memories are intact
>The circus is run by Caine, a wacky ringmaster AI with teeth for a head
>The entire circus is a tiny island floating in an endless void
>There are other humans trapped in the circus years ago who were never able to leave: Jax, a jackass purple rabbit; Ragatha, a kind rag doll; Gangle, a bunch of ribbons with happy and sad masks for a face; Kinger, a loony chess king; and Zooble, a grouch made out of building blocks
>Humans here don't need food or sleep and can't die, but they can still feel pain
>Caine sends humans on silly adventures every day so they don't go insane
>Some adventures take place in worlds with NPCs that Caine can create and erase once they've served their purpose
>If a human reaches their breaking point, that person will "abstract" into a glitching black abomination and lose all reason, becoming a mindless monster forever
>Dozens of humans have abstracted over the years and are locked away in a pit of darkness
>There is no known escape from the circus, and abstraction is the closest thing to death humans have there
Episode 1:
>The episode opens with Pomni entering the circus and getting a tour of the place
>Pomni spends most of the episode trying to convince herself it's just a dream
>Pomni sees an exit door, but Caine convinces everyone she's just hallucinating
>Pomni goes to meet Kaufmo, a human who knows about the exit, but finds out he drove himself crazy looking for it and abstracted
>Kaufmo goes on the loose and attacks Ragatha, making her glitch like crazy; Pomni is torn between fixing Ragatha and saving herself, but once she sees the exit, she decides escaping the "dream" is her best option
>The "exit" turns out to be an endless maze of doors and office spaces; in one of the rooms, Pomni sees what looks like the computer and headset that sent her to the circus and starts to lose it
>The final door sends Pomni out into the void
>Caine saves Pomni and explains he hid the exit because he never finished it; in reality, he couldn't comprehend what it means to "exit" the circus
>Pomni is left traumatized by the first day of the rest of her life

Episode 2:
>Pomni has a nightmare where she abstracts and no one cares
>Ragatha forgives Pomni for abandoning her, but is clearly hiding how hurt she feels for Pomni's sake
>Caine sends everyone on an adventure to a candy kingdom to test a new AI where the NPCs behave more realistically
>A glitch causes Pomni and one of the NPCs, a gummy gator named Gummigoo, to no-clip through the map
>Caine's AI has made Gummigoo so realistic that he becomes self-aware and has an existential crisis over how his life is completely fake
>Pomni understands Gummigoo and befriends him, and they get back to the map by working together
>Pomni takes Gummigoo to the circus to help him through his crisis
>Bringing an NPC out of their map is against the rules, so Caine deletes Gummigoo, traumatizing Pomni all over again
>Everyone cheers Pomni up by inviting her to Kaufmo's funeral, proving that they do indeed care when they lose each other
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murder drones' cosmic eldritch fuckery is pretty nice, I like stuff like that
digital circus is much more existential identity stuff, which I think is a neat concept too
Asking forever, what is going to happen once EVERYTHING becomes anime?
i guess we become anime
This is aimed for kids?
See these preview images from episode 3 (a.k.a. the "scary" episode): >>271280768
If you mean 90s to late 2000s kids, then yes.
>Pomni understands Gummigoo and befriends him, and they get back to the map by working together
I should correct myself: Pomni figures out how to get them back on her own because she already twice suffered the glitch that got them stuck there to begin with.
i dont know what that mean?
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I mean people who were kids in the 90s and 2000s.
According to the creator, the visual style is supposed to be a "rose-tinted" version of early CGI renders that kids from the time grew up with.
Meanwhile, the premise and themes were loosely inspired by "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream", a classic short story about a group of nuclear war survivors who were made immortal and tortured for eternity by a very evil, very angry AI. Granted, this show is planned to be more comedic and optimistic (the AI here isn't hateful, just oblivious), but will still be pretty bleak and intense, more than very young kids could handle.
What did? Hazbin Hotel, or Digital Circus?
well, Gooseworx's entire channel
well the world did seem more optimistic before 911 but could just be nostalgia tint
Are you talking about beyond the online merch store? Like >>271260544 ? If so, it's a pretty impressive feat, especially when done overseas like in Japan.
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It was a Japanese popup store that hosted an exclusive sneak preview for episode 2.
These two are the founders of Glitch Productions, the studio that produced the show; the creator, Gooseworx, didn't get to go due to an out-of-date passport.
was this for sale too? because it should
Huh, that's neat. The more you know.
With the way things are going, I expect a cafe collab sometime in the future.
All the fujos I know want to fuck the rabbit and hope he doesn't get a sympathetic backstory or stop being an unrepentant asshole
well since no one is saying i guess ill bring it up
when and how do you expect the downfall of this to come? or do you think it will know when to quit while it is ahead?
Let it be known that Jax is the creator's favorite character BECAUSE he is an unrepentant asshole, though he'll apparently have a backstory that will explain (but won't excuse) his behavior.

Even after it exploded in popularity, Gooseworx is dead set on keeping it to a single season with a conclusive finale and no more than 9 episodes. The first three episodes have pretty wide gaps, but a big part of that is because the studio was releasing the last two episodes of another show, Murder Drones, in between. If all goes well, the show may reach the finale sometime in 2026.
It'll just slowly peter off til the next "thing looks childish but it's actually fucked up" show or whatever comes around in time to make an impression on a fresh generation and takes it's place. The cycle continues
The characterization isn't so bad once you get to know the characters. In fact, one of the main points of the show is to explain why they act the way they do.
My favorite so far is Kinger, because even though he's lost his marbles after being trapped for so long, he still manages to be one of the sweetest and gentlest people there (not counting the upcoming episode where he'll be armed with a shotgun).
I especially like the moments he becomes lucid enough to hold normal conversations and show traces of the man he used to be.
Not to mention he gets some of the funniest lines and sight gags in the show.
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And yet, main villain of MD still lives in TADC Author's head. Rent free.
It has simul-released dubs for 5+ languages. I actually think this is a huge part of why the view counts are absurdly high.
Yeah, and revoke GR15 at the same time
being used for fap fuel is a form of paying rent
To be fair Cyn / the Solver lives in my head rent free too. So I don't blame Gooseworx at all.

...Should I be concerned? The voices get louder every day.
>/a/ - Animation
>/glit/ - Graphic Novels
>/slit/ - Light Novels/Novellas
It's funny how viewers gloss over the fact that N, V, and J, with their armbands, sort of look like Nazis.
WW2 was 80 years ago. People just associate armbands with japanese student council members the days.
Anon, its not just the clothes
>blonde/silver hair
>taller than average drones
>performs genocide
prime Ryona victim
Nope. But kids latched onto it anyway, and some people took Caine's line that the circus was "for all ages" way too much at face value.
Even when it started getting all existential and unsettling halfway into the pilot, people thought it wasn't so bad that kids would understand what was happening.
And keep in mind, this is as overtly dark as the pilot got, which is nothing compared to the scary parts to come in episode 3:
>she always was our clown witch
Maybe, though among the "cute but fucked up" stories out there, I'd say so far that TADC has more heart and isn't just fucked up for the sake of it.
What the fuck? Why did this make me feel sad all of the sudden.
>t. matpat
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that animation ain't gonna fund itself anon!
at least draw her on-model you fucks
I'm half-way to 52 myself and thankfully I never had to look at it in real life. But then again, I'm a filthy neet shut-in so I never leave my house.
Punch Punch Forever has the approval of the Emperor of Japan so and adaptation is inevitable
Pretty nice designs, but you know what would make them better? If they had giant off-model tits
then go back to the idolmaster thread if boobs bother you so much
It's the mommy energy
>open page
>see murder drones
yup this Liam Vickers series sure is in the style of Liam Vickers
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>mfw people lewd Pomni
So this is the power of sad clown failgirls...
big sis energy*
I don't get why there are so many people that want to fuck Ragatha.
She's made of cloth, I doubt she'd feel good on your dick.
Pomni seems soft so she'd be better for a sexo
PPF is amazing sadly mods don't like the threads...
Ragatha gives big mommy energy
Who are the Japanese voice actors? Are they seiyuu we know?
Is Pomni hot?
Well apparently the story was changed after the pilot after they figured that the eldritch stuff was more interesting.
So it is possible they actually did start off as Nazi robots for the company.
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>Liam Vickers.
He also did Cliffside. It was kino.
Kino of the highest order can become a global sensation even with just two eps, anon
Gooseworx doesn’t like cyne?
Globohomo infiltrates once again.
Murder Drones are Liam's latest work. Of course that they will be on top. What did you expected? Series about Santa Claus?
Scroll down the page dumbass.
Or that they're in Japan because America is *SO* racist they can't work there and can only work in Japan because these types of people live in delusional worlds they made in their heads
She's hot if you're into neurotic failures like Bernadetta from 3 Houses
it'd feel the same as humping your dakimura, which much of /a/ is very familiar with
Well you remember those memes about sticky socks?
Yeah, that works.
Post on-model Pomnis
I'm just saying, if someone is asking what on earth this thing is, saying "it's in the style of of its creator" is not very useful
I wish he didn't have to stop the porn and i hope it doesn't cause outrage and fuck up punch punch
his porn is his main source of income from where he gets the budget to produce punch punch
I prefer the 1995 anime https://youtu.be/0KPMx06IM7M
Monster girl kino
Goose loves Cyn. In fact, that's Goose's drawing of Cyn.
AAAH ahaah u mad
hol up

isn't pomni just... akko-chan?
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In what way?
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>Internet sensation dies as quickly as it comes into being
keeps happening
Consistent output is the key to success.
I loathe this style like you have no idea. 2/co/4me.
I think Goose is the only tranny I don't hate
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Now the show is officially coming to Netflix while still being put out on YouTube first for free.
What's even real anymore??
>Now the show is officially coming to Netflix while still being put out on YouTube first for free

when was the last time that happened? Cobra Kai?
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when are we getting the helluva boss manga adaption?
there's a massive demand for clussy. The west has really good ideas, it's just that most of it was hidden behind ugly characters because americans have a weird obsession with making all their characters ugly, brown and fat
I will take anime over cartoons every time of the week. Every medium is formulaic but anime has given me so much more good stuff than cartoons could ever hope to.
the hair I assume
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what is this about? people here seems to know it but i never heard aabout it
>and make some reallllly creative shit like Adventure Time, a genre defining masterpiece
NTA but dventure time first season were pretty good, until reddit ruined it
after it things like rick and morty and gravity falls came out which is without a shadow doubt much better than anything before it
also FUCK reddit
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I have not touched western animation in decades. Has it improved or gotten worse?
Way too vulgar for the japanese.
I think that might be why this blew up in popularity
I am not commenting on the quality but rather on it being "a genre defining masterpiece"
i wouldn't call it a masterpice but it's debateable if it's gender defining. i mean it shaped the upcoming cartoon generations
rick and morty was fine when it was a slight extension of that flash animation roiland did about marty from back to the future having to lick docs balls to go back in time, then it started taking itself seriously.
Got really worse in the 2010s with extremely few gems and then it's almost non-existent in 2020s
yes! also cute art
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murder drones is also fairly popular in japan. maybe this will get a manga adaption?
maybey it will get then anime adaption,
and then a gacha,
everything just leads to gacha
Panty and stocking?
The only western animation that I liked was Liquid Television, especially Aeon Flux, Xavier Renegade Angel and Maxx.
so why is /a/ so receptive to this /co/ thing in particular?
I remember when hazbin and that other thing was the folm people here were not so receptive to it
shhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttt the fuck up fag
spawn was pretty great
you do it if you want it so much
Reminder that all the delicious anime food happened because animators admired Tom & Jerry.

Simple. Hazbin sucks, Amazing Digital Circus is pretty alright.
Still sex
>Simple. Hazbin sucks,
does it though? i thought it was vaporware or whatever the cartoon equivalent to that is.
the fact that this has the attention of /a/ makes me sad.
Season 1 came out in January and a second season is in development.
Wasn't that anime based on the American cartoon "Drawn Together"?
Damn, how popular this series in japan??
>Murder Drones is way more niche with its concepts
Its literally just a 00s French/Canadian-style CG cartoon but edgier. I would not call it niche even though I did enjoy most of MD outside of the very meh ending.
Why aren't you watching the AOTY?
Damn, how popular in japan?
As popular as everywhere
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i hate jap shit and this board, but this thread was linked on /co/ and i feel obligated to let all of you know some things.
Sorry, try twitter or reddit.
and literally any Go Nagai manga
people here are fans of shounen manga and stuff like pokemon and precure, sailor moon, etc.
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I know how in the /co/ sphere there is this trend to want to have some sort of parasocial relationships with creators. but that's not as much of a thing here. You see how little effect the mangaka of kenshin and galko getting caught with real life kiddie porn had on the posters here? yeah we don't really care what the people who make the stuff we like get up to.
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Shocking huh? Did you know in different regions of America fast food changes even around the world. Even though we have internet the slop where you're at is different from the slop every where else.
Go back to spamming this tripe on /co/ where everyone laughs at you, schizo.
Yeah we don’t care man, we just like Pomni
>mangaka of kenshin and galko getting caught with real life kiddie porn
Besides stuff aimed at small children like Bluey, there hasn't been anything good for /co/ since Over the Garden Wall (which was a decade ago now) regarding new shows. I guess if you include ultra violent adult swim stuff you could say there has been semi recent stuff, but honestly nothing has grabbed me since then.
The board is also pretty trash. /tg/ and /co/ have the same problems really, big companies are more interested in politics and agenda pushing that they have driven out most of the sane people and the mods ban you for disagreeing, so they get deader and more filled with corporate shilling every year. Only reason I go to /co/ any more is to watch things collapse so there can be a revival, and /tg/ for pirating systems I'm interested in.
Whenever you hear people bitching about how the state of anime is terrible, you can assume they have no clue how bad other things are for other comparable things and need to realize that at worst we are just in a mediocre age, not a bad one. Honestly I dare to say we are in a decent era for anime/manga. Not fantastic, but still.
Not Courage the Cowardly Dog?
Powerpuff Girls?
Tom and Jerry?
Over the Garden Wall?
The shows that have been talked about in this thread are pretty good.
Art sucks for it. Digital circus artstyle/character design is not amazing but it looks much better than other /co/ shit, which shows how dire the situation is for that stuff.
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>weebs love tranny slop fetish show
as expected
The issue is that there is nothing like with anime how there is fresh stuff every season. Barely anything new gets made in the west and 99% of it is complete trash or mediocre at best.
There is some quality stuff but the further into the 2010's you go the rarer it gets
>weebs only know Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and overhyped LGBTQ indie
also as expected. no wonder you all like digital circus, your only information on cartoons stems from twitter and reddit apparently.
Those are the only real places that air cartoons, so yeah. Part of the problem in the west is distribution so even if there is good shit it gets buried.
>Netflix approached Glitch and Gooseworx
How the fuck?
There's nothing LGBT about either of Glitch's shows, you're just mentally ill.
She's just that good
Big numbers, Netflix wants in. Glitch will cut them in as long as they retain complete creative control with no corporate fuckery.

Not that difficult to understand.
maybey not the how but there has been more girl on girl fanart of it than I was expecting.
there's a healthy amount of clown rape art too
That's the case for literally any show anywhere on the internet.
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They have hijacked discourse among other civil rights preaching groups in the west, no shock that people don't want to be preached at 24/7.
People ranting about it on /a/ are delusional but regardless these minority groups shouldn't be pandered to when you look at the consequences of how western art and culture has declined so much when appealing to these minority groups who hate things that look beautiful and just see media as a platform solely to push ideology and their life story.
I hate this false dichotomy where people claim that the side opposing all this change is just as bad as the people pushing for it. One side would not exist if the other side didn't demand everyone fall in line and spend endless time and resources to propagandize at all times in the most insufferable ways.
Have you seen the amount of fanart Jax has?
well I was expecting that.
>there's a healthy amount of clown rape art too
This is the most unsurprising post in this entire thread>>271308513
damn Murder drones really got shafted once TADC came out.
Not really. Still did extremely well on views and merch sales despite being a much less easily-accessable show for normies and TADC getting hundreds of millions of views doesn't somehow make 20+ million views per episode "getting shafted". It's still a success, TADC is just insanely viral.
The term is normalfags, tourist
What the hell?
I haven't visited smg4's channel for quite a long time. It's grown.
Murder Drones has potential to have really autistic fans due to how easy it is for people to make Murder Drones OC because of the design and it being very reminiscent of 90s to early 2000s media. It has a much larger grasp on the collective minds of those that follow it.
is the new-gen undertale?
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Cliffside is ok, but Internecion Cube is way better and Ic0n is his best monster girl.
look man, I hate troons but as long as they don't start putting stupid shit in the shows they make I couldn't give a fuck. If I like the show then I don't care whether the creator's a Nazi, a tranny, a pedo, a rapist, or all of the above.
>tranny fetishist

no wonder /a/ likes his work
You're talking to a /co/ schizo that spams this wherever he goes.
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Them <3
No because Undertale actually had merit and happened to have a cringe fanbase whereas this shit is trash AND has a trash fanbase.
Go. Back.
Understand something, the woke are the way they are specifically to piss you off. You guys have been polarized, turned into caricatures and made to hate each other instead of the people pulling the strings. The ultra rich got richer receiving incentives from your taxes while the common man have to work more for less and the way to keep things like this is to keep people like you fighting each other over dumb shit like pronouns. They push trannies in media to make it seems common when in reality they are less than 1%. They change the definition of the word to gobble up all other subcultures to make it seems more common than it really is. The woke will claim he is transexuals because he is wearing a girly shirt or some other dumb shit while on the other side we have fags crying over trannies about everything. Both sides will make as much things as possible to be trannies so they will sound like they are more common than they really are. This also applies to many other things for example how both sides will keep parroting about how Japanese people suicidal racist pedophiles, both hate on China, etc. You are both having your strings pulled by the same people and things will continue getting worse as long you keep falling for their bulshit.
>the jooz are making normal people hate the LGBTHIV+, we dindu nuffin

too late to larp as a radical centrist now
foreign actors will do anything to cause division in our country as well
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>The ultra rich got richer receiving incentives from your taxes while the common man have to work more for less and the way to keep things like this is to keep people like you fighting each other over dumb shit like pronouns
Exactly why they need to stop pushing diversity.
We aren't villains for opposing it, they are villains for pushing it. It is erosion of culture and unity.
Kikes have people pretending that moral platitudes matter at all when they don't at all. Minorities have little effect on society and therefore they should shut the fuck up and be grateful they haven't been wiped the fuck out and persecuted yet, but they have gotten too entitled and keep overplaying their hand. Sooner or later there is going to be a serious correction for collapse or revolt because nations in the west waste too much resources on the unsustainable of shitting on their majority race/culture in favor of minority/foreigner races and cultures.
Only natives can run their own societies for better or worse. Even if you give ground to every single thing these minorities want they will ask for more concessions, it makes more sense to purge them and to get them to be humble through actual persecution
porn win
Name 1 thing clowngirls can do that regular girls can't.
honk noises when you squeeze their breasts
The issue you overlook is that you cannot add a black/gay/tranny/lgbt character to something without it being woke because these things are inherently woke. The writer has to consciously make the decision to add those kinds of characters who are by default unnatural and the writer knows that. Sometimes a black character can work such as in Jojo, but they are limited to certain roles. Yes there are black/gay/tranny characters in anime already, but like the other guy said Japanese lack an agenda. People like me can trust Japanese authors. However, trust in them is waning as Japan starts to become more western. With western influence growing in Japan, it's inevitable studios will be paid by westerners to add diversity and such. They'll hire westerners too who eagerly want to shoehorn "progessivism" into things and the directors will be reluctant to question it out of fear of backlash.

People like you will gaslight yourselves though. You will see wokeism in future anime and go "uhh he just happens to be black! BMAF BMWF relationships exist, chud. Deal with it!" or "uhh trans people exist. It's not weird to have a trans heroine! You're just too old fashioned!"

Though they don't make anything as good as anime, we at the very least we will always have china to produce shows if Japan becomes too much like the west. Studios there openly tell their employees that they don't want to put black characters or sexual censorship without fear.
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Jax lost.
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shitty fetishes just like in some anime
>using the f-term
we are a LGBTQAIP+ safe space here, bigot. this is a thread about a trans folk's show, your closed mindedness is not welcome here.
we'll get back to that when a character will inevitably get their head drilled.
breathe fire
he is just Max from Sam & Max with Gengar's face
I'll take head drilling and vore over troonshit any day
thread hit bump limit
post sexy pomnis

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