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Autumn is almost over.
Why don't you have a Cub yet?
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I have a Super Cub™ in my heart.
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But, I do.
Over? The leaves have only just started to change, though.
It's too cold to go riding now.
but I do though
haven't washed it for like a year now
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Wash it. Now.
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Prefer a Yamaha.
Do I become an anime girl if I buy a Honda.
There is a 50% chance you will become an anime girl by buying a Honda. If it doesn't work, keep buying Hondas until it does.
I think I'm too big for one
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>trusting your life to a Cub obsessed maniac
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What is her kill count?
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I have a CBR650R
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Yamanashi crossover.
Who else? Think about it.
That's nice, but it's not a Cub. Buy a Super Cub™
Maybe he doesn't want to go anywhere he wants.
That's very sad. Think of all the freedom he is missing.
That guardrail is massive
Giants cross there.
He hasn't yet had the necessary character development through a one cour anime to embrace that freedom.
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I love Reiko like you wouldn't believe!
You should drive around in your Cub and look at them.
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Stop huffing Honda fumes Koguma. Autumn has just begun.
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These scooter ads are getting out of hand.
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By telling the truth?
Should've been shopping at Bad Bike.
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Who do we root for?
Theyre bigger than you think they are. Unless you're 100kg "big" then yeah, you'd bottom out the shockers
Why did her parents leave her?
why Anon?
Reiko is a straight dime and the only reason I haven't finished reading her spinoff is because until I read it I can hold on to the hope that there's more to see of her being hot as shit and carelessly underdressed
>only two arms, for now
what is the power of 7 arms?
do you own merch?
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No, I wish.
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yeah, why?
Why not?
>Been looking into and researching motorcycles. I see the ninja 4 is supposed to be good but I really want a Honda CBR500r from 2019 or 2020. Wont ever grab one until next summer (cash and license needed).
Is this your first bike? How is it? What is the maintenance cost?
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They cost more than a yamaha
She left her parents, because they didn't have Cubs.
She did the right thing.
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They're lucky that's all she did to them.
shes so cute
whats going on here
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Cleansing the world of non-Cub users
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Oh my kami-sama, is that... no, can it be, plain white rice and curry? OISHIIIIII~!
This but unironically.
That looks pretty good though NGL
More like a sorry excuse for curry.
I managed to find some card sleeves at a local convention, first time I'd seen Super Cub merch in the wild.
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Curry doesn't need to be fancy to be good.
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I think fellow yuru campers will also enjoy Wakakozake. It's a short 3 min per episode mini series about food.
>PSSHUUUUUU intensifies
I need a doujin of Toba and Wakako drinking
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Koguma as originally designed.
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Koguma's anime voice actress.
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And Koguma after Hiro was introduced to Koguma's VA.
Her bike maintenance videos are fun
They are. Buying a Makarov with Riko would also be fun.
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Such a shame that this is as close as we got to a nude scene.
>Koguma's modest and perky kogumas
But we never got to see the size and shape of her nipples and areole. I miss the 80s when people like Gainax drew all this in on the design sheets and then sold them as art books later. Now they don't even bother.
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Gaze upon the reflection in the water...
the moment I try to ride that little shit in my shithole city, I'd be killed by pajeet drivers
I'd ride Reiko if you know what I mean
She's a girl, dumbo. Girls don't have cocks.
That's not at all a necessary prerequisite. All you did was expose your gayness.
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What Koguma grows up to be.
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>Why don't you have a Cub yet?
Why would I want one? I already have a car and I hate driving.
You hate driving because you're using a car and not a Cub. Buy a Super Cub and your whole world view will change.
People with short attention spans hate driving, they lose track of all the things going on around them and cars and people just suddenly 'appear' and they nearly collide with them. Or sometimes actually collide with them.
I think it's the opposite, I can't focus for shit but driving provides just enough stimulation to keep me in line. Riding bikes is even better.
I'm looking into getting my license this year, but I've not had time
Ganbare, anon!
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This looks worse than dog food. At least dog chow has big chunks of shit in it. This is mostly just gravy.
>Anon likes eating shit
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>Why don't you have a Cub yet?
Because I bought a Sako instead
Was this the most influential anime of the 2020s?
Seeing Hiro's stuff posted here makes me realize that Reiko looks like the hot basketball girl from Akebi but drawn in a different style.
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Which Cub is the best Cub?
all Cubs are best Cubs
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The Monkey
Is it still going?
Its not really a different style, Akebi's classmate just turned 13 and Reiko is 16-17. Basketball could look like Reiko by 17.
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why do ppl like this series so much?
Because of how opposite the characters are to the girls in Yuru Camp.
But you meet the nicest people on Good Bike...
the real news is that Yamaha president's daughter is a 33-year-old neet
she's just like us
one of us, one of us...
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>current year is almost over
>why don't you have a koguma yet
You gotta kill the mama bear first.
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Yes, but no translations
/a/ doesn't want to pick it up?
>the kino ones are banned in my country
>they only allow the cringe ones now
maybe ill buy some vintage one and restore it one day
for me?
Too expensive in the third world
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I already have a Suzuki.
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very nice tits
does anyone else own doujinshis of this series or just me?
Spent all summer on my cub. I have my endorsement test this weekend and then I'm going to replace the rear brake and oil. Unless I fail the test, in which case I'll just kill myself.
I always thought it was weird they didn't spend much time on Koguma earning her license. I feel like that stress would weigh on her
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Watching someone autisticly follow the instructions both oral and written completely literally would not be fun.
They showed her following the service instructions literally, the bike test would have gone the same way.
I lost interest in getting a Super Cub when /a/ told me the only ones sold now all have keyless ignitions. Half the fun is turning the key and hearing the engine roar.
>Half the fun is turning the key and hearing the engine roar
Point and laugh at the nobike.
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The service bits were some of my favorite as well though. It was nice re-watching with my owner's manual and seeing exactly which page she was autistically referencing

I don't think they ever did that. The key only only opens the ignition relay and turns on the battery, but the actual switch for the motor is on the handlebar. It's always been a funny button or kickstart, never a turnkey ignition even when they had physical keys
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I love the Yamanashi girls so much bros.
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I can (not) fix her.
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Yamanashi are where all the cool girls are at.
I bet all the other prefectures are jealous.
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I hope her manga is doing well.
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But only Aomori is doing something about it with Flying Witch.
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Ibaraki has Girls und Panzer
Ibaraki started it.
My god, you're right. Good to know she'll stay hot.
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Did spring ever come for Shii?
No. Shii died in a blaze of glory when she rode her Cub off Mt. Fuji shouting "Nippon-ichi Honda namba wan!"
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Just because Koguma wouldn't eat her out? Crazy.
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anon they are children...
>literally would not be fun.
you are wrong, gay and retarded.
anyone have screenshots of them drinking coffee or talking about coffee
i need them
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Literally me
>He's never watched "The Reassembler"
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wish they sold these cheap and practical bikes in the US.
riding is a hobby for people that want to become a statistic so i guess there's not enough interest to import these over.
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It was only one volume but somehow it returned
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>what's up guys i'm koguma and today we're taking a look at my bug out kit
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Anywhere you want!
>Shii is part of the kit.
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The Super Cub 50, which has been produced for 67 years, will be discontinued in November 2025.
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I didn't know they still made the 50cc models.
>The company intends to continue production and sale of mopeds with an engine displacement of 110 cc and 125 cc, including the Super Cub.
At least they'll still be modernized and on the road but it's kind of sad to see the original get phased out
But the new ones are not as maintainable as Koguma's. The electric ignition and fuel injection needed to meet emissions standards can be disabled by EMP and they are not easily converted to running on alcohol as the old ones. The old cub would easily survive the apocalypse as long as you could scrounge lube oil. The new ones- not so much.
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I like the image but it doesn't look like the full resolution.
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I've seen about 12 cybertrucks in my town alone this month. I've seen zero (0) Super Cubs IRL in America, anywhere.
I'm genuinely surprised the cybertruck sells at all. I guess I shouldn't be.
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Here's a real mode of transportation.
Look at her go!
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If I had a lot of money, I'd buy them just to park them outside of the houses of people I don't like and make them have to look at them
Have cybertrucks made it to Japan yet? I haven't see any in anime.
that is not a cub
has this chapter been translated yet or are bakuon tls dead?
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I'm not black
Super Cubs are popular with black people?
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Is she slapping Shii there?
What are you two talking about? Aevery dealership I know of that sells Hondas has Cubs, if not some other minimoto like the Grom, Monkey, Navi, or Ruckus. I see Groms especially fucking constantly.
Nice. Very impressive.
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>if not some other minimoto
That's not the same.
Sure, but they almost always have Cubs too, did you miss that part?
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The Cub and Trail seem to be the least available models at dealers though. Despite the massive demand. So they end up getting crazy markups off the lot. I blame Honda for not pushing more into the US - they're the only manufacturer that has any stake in the growing market for cheap, small-displacement fully-featured baiku. I've heard dealers keep asking for more but Honda decides how much they actually receive.
Some of them are pretty close. I also think the Navi is kind of like a reverse Cub, a scooter drivetrain & tires on a bike frame where the Cub has a standard drivetrain & tires mated to an underbone scooter frame and fairings. It's neat and it's no surprise it's becoming popular
I have a 450cc naked and I absolutely abuse it by going 100mph to work. A super cub is not enough for American roads.
Every Honda dealership and most places that sale bikes in general will have a Cub around me, the actual Honda dealerships always have at least two or three of them. Demand definitely isn't a problem, I remember hearing something similar to what you said from the Honda dealership when I went with a friend to get his Monkey. Something about how Honda takes forever to deliver them and they never say when they're going to send more. Honda won't cater appropriately to American demand for their small bikes just like they won't fund a second season of Super Cub, they're stupid.
I commute just fine on my C70. It's not enough for the interstate and I struggle with hills but it can keep up with 40mph traffic on side streets and older roads. The new 125 can handle pretty much anything save for freeways.
>if not some other minimoto
>if not
I'm still mad about season 2.
They might sell them, but what I'm saying is I've never, ever, not even once, seen a Cub riding down the road in the wild.
Honda leaving Red Bull doesn't make any sense either but they did it. Although the divorce has taken so long to execute that Honda and Newey are going to be reunited as Aston Martin. But that was just dumb luck, no way it could have been planned.
Shutting down ASIMO after 25 years and all you are getting from it is optical range finding for active cruse control without radar and the ability to read lane lines as a bonus also doesn't make sense.
Honda just emotionally jerks from one idea to another. Quite often the change is only because of a perceived insult to one of their executives from the other party they are working with.
Given how sensitive they are to insults- Honda may have walked away from SuperCub simply because of the tandem riding scene that got the police and that one mom's group so upset.
Honda didn't actually fund this show right? You're just memeing? I thought it was decided the author wrote it as a love letter to Honda but it wasn't officially sponsored by them.
I'm getting one in a few months
The light novel was a love letter to Honda. The ANIME was funded by Honda, just like Yamaha is one of the sponsors of Yuru Camp. There really could not have been a anime without Honda due to copyright issues.
Suzuki and Kawasaki are lagging behind.
A lot. So much so that I cannot name a small displacement 'young persons' bike either of them make. They are only interested in the 18+ young mens market, no matter how much it shrinks.
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>I hate smart ass shit nuggets like you...
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>Every dealership I know of that sells Hondas has Cubs
The only time the "if not" even applies is if they're not Honda dealerships, which shouldn't shock you
Be the change you wish to see in the world. People ride 125cc all over the place in the summer, you can ride a Cub.
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It's Nissan
But Nissian- for reasons known only to them- wouldn't join the Yuru-Camp production committee or license their logo
It was an old car, over 20 years old, and had been modified.
unemployed? get married you whore
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Go anywhere you want.
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Even Koguma has a job.
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That's weird. I see one every time I check my mirrors.
Honda and yamaha only sell a few of their models here in Brazil, so the interesting looking stuff like the cub, the monkey, the rebel or even the navi are not sold here.
However they sell shit like the Pop which is the bike they use to go around their factories everywhere else. Here is brazil it is a top seller like the cg 160m that shit sells like 30 thousands bikes a month. they have around 70% of the market here.
someone had a little red thing for sale at the end of their driveway in my neighborhood
i didn't go look but i think it was probably a vespa
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>so the interesting looking stuff like the cub
In Brazil the cub was sold as the Honda Dream, it stopped production in 97, it got replaced with the Biz. Sadly the scooter market is just getting big now, I think it will take a while till we got the cool stuff.
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Because I already own a Honda
Specifically, a Civic
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>Honda Dream
I'm so jealous. You might not have the actual Cub but so many south american/southeast asian scooters and motorcycles are so firmly derived from the Cub. In Europe and North America, if you don't want a full sized motorcycle, you're pretty much stuck with something derived from the Vespa, with a floorboard and CVT and tiny wheels. However I prefer larger wheels and pegs like the baiku you have down there. Easier to maintain and work on, and more fun and comfortable to ride.
All thanks to her Super Cub™.

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