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Would you do the same for your country? Or are you a clanfag?
loyalty is a two way street. fuck my country, the only thing it's loyal to is profits
The point of a country is to help protect and uplift your family, killing your family to save the country is just nonsense. Altruistic maybe, but there has to be limit on what you're willing to sacrifice for others.
A country that puts you in this type of scenario can only be evil. Choosing between killing your family to serve your country and betraying your country by serving your family is something that should only exist in fiction.
>A country that puts you in this type of scenario can only be evil
The leaf never did anything wrong
for a second I forgot what thread this was and thought you were talking about Canada
In both cases the leaf did EVERYTHING wrong
They have failed to successfully indoctrinate several talented shinobi. They have a lot of rogues.
I'd only ever do the same for the girlfriend I'll soon have.
It's a mess because Kishimoto wanted to
>Make Sarutobi look good
He ended up making him look like a terrible hokage
>Make Itachi come out on top
only made him look dumb
>Make Danzo look bad
He ended up looking right by trying to make Itachi reasoning to genocide the clan right
>Giving Sasuke a scapegoat
Who else could he have lashed out at, the elders?

It was a mess, for me the series should have made Itachi owned and not made him look like he did the right thing, because for all intents and purposes it was stupid If the strongest clan in the series, Hyuuga didn't rebel despite being stronger than the Uchiha, what would a weaker Uchiha have done with the lineup of that time. Fugaku would have lost.
>He ended up looking right
Fuck no. If Shisui was allowed to use kotoamatsukami like he wanted, the coup wouldn't have happened, and the genocide wouldn't have been necessary. Danzo intentionally fucked that because he wanted all the uchiha dead.
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Uch*has deserved what they got
>Uch*has deserved what they go-ACK!
Based Madara
no, fuck this country
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i didnt know gaara's hair was supposed to be brown
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Imagine doing this to little Sakura
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a couple of days ago i finished reading part one of the manga but i decided to watch the anime because i dont feel ready to move on to part 2, but holy fuck i forgot how slow the pacing of the anime is, there are so many scenes were nothing is happening they just stand there staring at each other while the camera slowly pans from left to right while tense music plays.
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big bubble-butt BITCH
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It's symbolic, putting Choji's bubble right ontop of Sakura's ass, the ass was fat.
>Hinata blowing Naruto's bubble
It was always there.
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>teleports behind you
>obliterates solo king's susano'o with kurama level Rasengan
heh nothing personal solo'd king
Country - no, but if it's about race (humanity), i would do that without second though, as i be doing nothing wrong.
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she is so cute
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It wasn't
imagine looking outside your window and you see this
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Shikamaru doesn't deserve her
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>base minato's rasengan is on par with a bijuu bomb from full kurama
Kishimoto is a hack
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but they even reffer to him as "the one with brown hair" in the manga
Butchering the uchiha menace is a reward in on itself. I won't even need to do it for someone's sake.
We know.
what cope retard, its right there in the manga
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OUR HEROES...and Shino
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What color do you like more for the rasengan, yellow or blue?
hell no, bootlickers are the worst
any traitor deserves death
>only strong because of Senju DNA
Senju > Shitchiha
As it is no. If I was a Uchigger and my family was Uchiggers planning a violent takeover and I had the means to stop them, yes.
>teleports behind you
how? he has to have his special kunai to be extremely close to susanoo in order to teleport
>kiba has the smallest bubble
Has there been a character done more dirty than Kiba?
At least Rock Lee has a top 5 fight and Shino won every fight.
Changing topics a little but must be crazy to managa a town of ninja in a world where chakra exists, so when one guy goes nuts he might just be capable of about anything. Kages should by more hardass and sometimes merciless and relentless in enforcing their law. Orochimaru should have never been allowed to leave. Hiruzen the softie dropped the ball big time with him.
he's an ass sniffer what do you expect him to do
where the fuck I can read Minato Gaiden?
He had a cool moment in sasuke retrieval
Tenten is the one who got done most dirty
Literally happened in the mental realm. How are narutards so retarded?
>"uaaaahhhhhhhh every character has to be important uaaaaahhhhhhh"
>kyubi powerlevel in real life: 999999999999
>minato powerlevel in real life: 100
>mental realm = minus 99
>kyubi in mental realm: 999999999999 - 99 = 999999999900
>minato in mental realm: 100 - 99 = 1
He Kiba doesn't need to be important to win a fight or do something cool.
he might have done other fights offscreen that have nothing to do with the main plot
At least she has some cool ninja gear.
He doesn't have to be important, but it really feels like every character in the show pretends he doesn't exist, even his teammates.
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freak in bed
>Literally happened in the mental realm
Your point retard? When did it ever show it wasn't consistent with one's real life power? Nothing Naruto did in his mental realm when he fought Kurama was inconsistent with his real power.Now go back to sucking kishimoto's cock.
You just know Naruto has fallen asleep at home only to awake tied fo the bed and all his chakra points sealed except for the ones in his dick and Hinata is standing over him, naked, and with an economy sized bottle of lube.
because he's not part of the main plot
and then she makes him do four clones and five naruto clones fuck her from every side every hole and do every sexual act she learned from reading porn.
Tanked btw.
The 4th Raikage is a lucky man
Why? Hinata and Raikage canonically never had any relationship sexual or romantic.
Re-reading Naruto to get the awful taste of JJK from out of my mouth. I honestly don't think there will ever be a more satisfying ending to a WSJ series than what we got with Natuto.
If you're talking about the very last fight than yeah. Wish there was no alien bullshit roght before it though.
I don't mind Kaguya honestly. And yes the final Naruto vs Sasuke fight is so fucking great.
He had a cool moment in the Sasuke retrieval arc, and at least he didn’t get killed by some sticks like Neji.
Hinata is nice to him though, was even the only one who recognized him when he talked about being Hokage. Shino is just a bitter kuk over Naruto never remembering him and not taking him on the Sasuke mission.
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Are you retarded? Yes you are.

1) Eight tails literally stopped a full kyuubi bijuudama with one hand despite being weak.

2) Naruto used six paths sealing technique, something he can't use in the real world.

3)He even had all of his 100 clones gain sage mode while jumping in the air. The real guy couldn't even reach sage mode without sitting still for 5 minutes (see the madara vs shinobi alliance fight)

4)He had all of his 100 clones make not just rasengan but chou odama rasengan with one hand, The real couldn't make a normal rasengan with one hand until juubito fight. (Needed a clone to make a normal rasengan against 3rd raikage)

That's just from the top of my head. Even among the manga community, narutards are a clinically retarded bunch. Back to school, retard.
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People calling BM an asspull with no foreshadowing ignored that Samurai 8 exists. This is pretty much how BM works.
Being loyal to a country is gay as fuck.
wait.... does that mean... there's out there a galaxy composed of Naruto and Kurama's chakra?! Deep.
Yes that's what it means.
Mental realm is totally dictated by will and has nothing to do with real power levels. Obito tanked hokage Minato's rasengan, when minato was trying to kill him. 16 year old Minato's rasengan is nowhere near a bijuudama. Only mentally challenged narutards believe that. Like this retard over here>>271288309
Killer B's speech style is the reason he stopped being used so much and he isn't in Boruto at all.
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Why are they so cute? it's rare that I like both of them. Kushina is the fun girl type and Minato is a humble genius, don't know, I like their dynamic. This it's the first thing I read about Naruto since Naruto ended. Burrito isn't canon.

Also Kurama looked like a bitch in this one-shot lmao.
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>Eight tails literally stopped a full kyuubi bijuudama
>full kyuubi
Was literally half Kurama you stupid fuck
>Naruto used six paths sealing technique
He was just manipulating his seal to do it, you stupid fuck. Christ you're an idiot.
>The real guy couldn't even reach sage mode without sitting still for 5 minutes
He's literally sitting still in the real world which why he could go into sage mode to begin with you dumb fuck.

Literally kill yourself you speedreading nigger
This was a shit one shot. Just proves that Minato doesn't have mc aura. It's funny how only two characters in the series have MC aura yet most of the retarded fanbase slavers over itachi, kakashi, jiraiya or minato, who are essentially just plot devices.
Any country that needs to do this to maintain stability is a shithole and was never actually stable in the first place
>has to use another series to justify an asspull
What a cope
>Burrito isn't canon.
True, but Boruto is.
Half kurama is still magnitudes stronger than 8 tails, you retarded abortion.

Blah blah blah.... still used a jutsu he couldn't in real world.

>He's literally sitting still in the real world which why he could go into sage mode to begin with
Aka he can't do either one hand rasengan or instantly go sage mode while jumping with 100 clones out in the real world like he did in the mental realm. You low iq chimp brained retard. Kill yourself. You literally posted evidence how the mental realm is completely different from the real one. Naruto is able to do things he wouldn't be capable of doing in the real world until much later, or at all for that matter. You narutards are so fucking retarded holy shit.
And that was a weakened 8 tails because it was Naruto's mental realm, as Bee says.
>Half kurama is still
Still half not full, you speedreading nigger. You were wrong.
>still used a jutsu he couldn't in real world.
Messing with his seal in his head isn't a jutsu dumb fuck
>or instantly go sage mode
Was sitting still the hole time speedreading nigger
Isn't Yin, you know half of the part of chakra, mental power/energy?
>strawmanning this hard
You fucking retard. Half kurama is dozens of times stronger than 8 tails, let alone weakened 8 tails. Watch the fight with renanimated jinchuurikis. 8 tails can't deal with them while a half kurama bitch slaps all of them. Kill yourself you abortion
>Was sitting still the hole time
That's the point you chimp brained retard. The move Naruto used to beat kurama in the mental realm, chou odaama rasengan barrage, is literally impossible for him in the real world until chapter 640. He couldn't make one handed normal rasengan yet, nor could go sage mode with 100 clones out in an instant. We literally have proof to the contrary. Chapter 553-65 clearly show him needing both time to sit still and a clone to do either of that in the real world.

Holy shit, you narutards are illiterate retards
>a half hashirama hybrid tanked hokage Minato's rasengan
Your point dumb fuck?
Naruto can't perform half of the shit in the real world that he used to beat nine tails in the mental realm. You claimed that it's consistent with the real world which it clearly isn't. Naruto can neither make rasengan just by himself, nor can he go sage mode while fighting. That means if this fight happened in the real world Naruto can't do what he did in the mental realm to beat Kurama. He can't use chakra chains either because Kushina's chakra is very little. There is no plot hole here. It's just that you guys are a bunch of retards with no reading comprehension.
A half hashirama hybrid who was crying when he had to transplant one rinnegan into himself, while a wee uzumaki baby like Nagato handled two just fine. You are really retarded if you can't see the problem with giving 13 year old obito bijuudama+ durability just because you have Minato's cock too far down your throat.
>backpetallding this hard
You said "full" speedreading nigger, I didn't forget. It was half Kurama. Get over.
And half Kurama being "stronger" doesn't mean every single attack Kurama can do would oneshot the 8-tails. He can take hits you stupid fuck
>That's the point
No the point was you speedread the part where it wasn't instant and he was sitting still and I BTFO'd your argument, you lost nigger.
>A half hashirama hybrid who was crying when he had to transplant one rinnegan into himself
Has nothing to do with his durability.
You should have been aborted you chimp brained retard. His mental self wasn't sitting when his mental self went sage mode. Your retarded ass said that mental realm feats are consistent with real world when they clearly aren't. Naruto's winning move is something he can't even do in the real world, low iq niggtard.

Nigger, a half kurama bijjudama will not be casually stopped by a weakened 8 tails who is already dozens of times weaker than half kurama, you chimp brained retard. Just go kill yourself.
>narutard struggling to read
You are a low IQ retard
>Naruto can't perform half of the shit in the real world because I said so
Ok retard.
It's literally all spelled out in the manga, you stupid drooling nigger. Not my mistake that you're illiterate.
no way i would be an uncle tom
>more speedread no jutsu
The real world affects the mental word because why wouldn't it when they the shit you can do irl can be done their too, dumb fuck. He didn't enter it instantly, get the fuck over it.
>when they clearly aren't
Literally proved you wrong you speedreading nigger. Read slower next time.
that panel simply means if kyubi's hatred consumes naruto, he controls naruto's body
No, I would have just kill dad and let propagandist machine to finish the rest (Fug was insane, unstable, people heard he fucked in the ass with kumoniggers and brought back std etc).
This whole story would be over in a couple weeks.
Itachi and Elders went with unnecessary brutality.
>why wouldn't it when they the shit you can do irl can be done their too.... because i believe so
There is literally proof in the subsequent chapters that he cannot do half of that shit irl, you low iq nigger retard. Literally posted the chapters. Learn to read then go read them. Don't spread your retarded headcanon around.
Naruto couldn't make one handed rasengan until juubito fight, you retarded narutard. All of his clones were making them as if it was nothing in the mental realm. Use your two remaining braincells to process this information and deduce.
>no argument
Yellow always made sense to me the most.
Also in kakashi garden sakumos blade of white chakra made me think there was some uniqueness of chakra colors between various characters. Namikaze having yellow chakra would look cool.
Blue was boring.
>trust my headcanon bro
It doesn't matter what it means. The gist is that mental realm feats are separate from real world feats because there is overwhelming evidence that somethings can only be done in the mental realm.
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Just popping in to say Happy 25th. I'm gonna re watch Naruto. See ya.
You are too retarded to argue with. If you weren't retarded you would have noticed the very overt implication that the ability to handle taxing jutsus or powers is directly tied to durability in Naruto.
Sorry anon, but Naruto in his mental realm had to use shot ton clones with shit ton oodama rasengans powered by SM and help of kushina to defeat half of Kurama.
Minato stalemating full Kurama with just rasengan in the same mental realm is a real feat.
Frankly, it seems that his rasengan was technically the most powerful because his hair had both ways whirl.
Read the rest of the thread. Mental realm feats have no bearing on the real world and are greatly exaggerated.
Damn, that's actually pretty unsettling.
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>There is literally proof in the subsequent chapters that he cannot do half of that shit irl
I already proved you wrong speedreading nigger
>All of his clones were making them as if it was nothing in the mental realm
READ SLOWER nigger, picrel
Re reading Naruto makes me feel how bad modern shounen situation is.
Authors is my failed to make a mythos, larger than life characters, write captivating dialogues, storytell competently so it feels like cozy evening coffee read of the favorite fantasy book. Modern action and character portrayal during action fell so hard in comparison to what was done even in later Naruto. It's just sad.
Sorry anon, but Kishimoto literally told us through Kurama that Minato is Hashirama caliber shinobi couple pages before that. Given that comment him stalemating Kurama just seals the message Kishimoto wanted to iron.
Yeah. If Kiba is the Yamcha of Naruto, then Tenten is Chiaotzu.
idk man JJK beats naruto in pacing and entertainment factor. Kishimoto did great things when he could, but people forget that most of the time the story didn't develop that way. It's just nostalgia
>you would have noticed the very overt implication
Funny way if saying "my headcanon".
he has sage mode because hes sitting still on the floor with Bee meditating in that weird cloud room
Anon, plz, if you'd read some random chapter from Naruto for the first time you would have call Naruto a whiny little weaklinf faggot and moved on.
Minato had fair share of MC vibe given the short and focused nature of one shot. You can't realistically ask more.
>Authors is my failed to make a mythos, larger than life characters, write captivating dialogues, storytell competently so it feels like cozy evening coffee read of the favorite fantasy book
Demon Slayer mogged Naruto in japan.
I literally reread Naruto recently and can confirm that any part of Naruto blows any part of JJK out lf the water in every way, including entertainment factor.
It's so retarded how Itachi still had Shisui's eye and could've used it to make Fugaku stop the entire coup but instead he went "Nah Danzo was right, I better kill my family and clan".
See above. Itachi thought that Danzo was right and ditched the whole Kotoamatsukami plan.
It sucks cock as a piece of fiction in comparison to Naruto though.
>entertainment factor
100% wrong. how is this even a debate
Most of the chapters are a complete slog Naruto usually had crap chapters with only talking. And the pacing in the war was horrible, holy shit. JJK is worse than Naruto in many areas, but pacing was never a problem.
>It sucks cock
To you. And who are you? Just some loser on a basket weaving forum.
>JJK beats naruto in pacing and entertainment factor
because kyubi's consciousness lives inside naruto
so naruto needs to suppress the spirit of kyubi inside his body
so you're saying kyubi's mental self is weak?
he went into sage mode, retard
>there is overwhelming evidence
overwhelming headcanon you mean
it was never spelled out by kishimoto
Seethers suck the uchiha off but if it came to it they'd just be destroyed anyway

Most were just civs.

Jiraiya, Guy, ino shika cho, Anbu would shred through them.
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You need to read the next pages.
That Killer B's talk is for when Naruto touches Kyubi, in which Naruto got consumed by Kyubi's hatred.
As long as you don't touch Kyubi then it's normal fight not mental fight.
kys zoomer
As much as like 4 and 6 tails berserk Naruto I wish he could control those forms without going berserk.
Post timeskip he just had a slightly bigger rasengan and new ninetails forms (2-3 tails and the ver 2 clock) he couldn't even control. Despite his training being dedicated to controlling the ninetails chakra. It made Naruto's timeskip training with Jiraiya feel like even more of a waste.
Naruto piss and shit over jjk corpse
>Massive destructive power
>Godlike taijutsu
Not that bad
>JJK beats naruto in pacing and entertainment factor
Naruto should have become a great ninja before getting Kurama to be his chakra pool.
Naruto should have freed Kurama and just be friends without it being forced by a seal.
Naruto should have faced the struggles of command before the end of the manga.
Naruto and Hinata should have a more interesting story.
the older I get the more right Sasuke seems
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They had to go.
Sounds like you're becoming more retarded with age
the older I got the more I realize Uchiha are basically muslim immigrants
>Godlike taijutsu
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How? Uchiha founded the society they live in, refused the complete dissolution of their identity but were deliberately subverted in their attempts to peacefully assimilate by Senju politicking and deliberate efforts to destroy the Uchiha's influence. What did the Uchiha do that the actual immigrant clans like Hyuuga and Nara weren't guilty of?
Uchiha were genocided by the elders because after the Senju bred themselves out of existence, the Uchiha arguably had a more tangible claim to Konoha culture and history than any other group.
>Another series
It's the same author and Samurai 8's God claims he arrived to that universe from a different one. So he's most likely an Ootsutsuki and the verses share fundamentals. And that's blatantly obvious. They wouldn't introduce an "heavy particle mode" if it wasn't related to that panel I just showed you.

Chakra has no weight, it's mostly soul energy, it can be converted into baryons energy, which both Fudo and Kurama were able to do. But Kurama had to sacrifice himself because he isn't a God with infinite enrgy.
oh, uhm, not specifically. That's just the main migrant problem in your generation. When Naruto was being writen there were other likely inspirations.
We had for example the armenian genocide, where a single Armenian, hired by the Ottoman, named Hikashi, killed an entire village.
Are you going to take responsibility if some idiot actually believes that?
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The backbone of every nation is the family structure anyway, you may be serving the state's governing body's interests by choosing nation over family, but you're actually weakening the nation as well as your family when you place the nation first. Just look at your typical military/police family to see the results of putting the nation first.
>100% headcanon
Madara was basically the second strongest ninja ever next to Hashirama, and the only reason Hashirama won was because he had ridiculous regeneration abilities. Madara went toe to toe with him without any regeneration abilities nonstop for a full 24 hours. Tobirama would've gotten shit stomped by Madara, which is why he had to fight a literal who instead while big daddy Hashirama took the real fight with Madara. SenJEWS wish they had superior UCHADha blood flowing through them.
All of these sound gay as hell.
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>idk man JJK beats naruto in pacing and entertainment factor. Kishimoto did great things when he could, but people forget that most of the time the story didn't develop that way. It's just nostalgia
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Where does Hiruzen go on that ranking? How does he compare to the rest of the hokage at his peak?
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did you forget that Rasenshuriken ended his life?
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Say what you will about the Uchiha prioritizing the clan but do you honestly think they would ever allow the bullshit Kumo pulled on Hiashi to go down? I rest my case.
I prefer blue, I think it just looks better considering it's a wind style jutsu.
Yes but only because Gaara's universe level sand pulled him out of his susannoo. It caught him offguard.
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he had to resort to Rinnegan (which he obtained from Senju DNA) to save his life
funny thing though. He probably already had senju DNA because he was able to use Izanagi. And only those with the mix DNA of both clans can use that shit.

why didn't Kishimoto took breaks when he was writing this garbage?
They literally caused every disaster that happened to the leaf and were planning a coup.
cool it with the antisemitism
>jobs to Gaara
what's the name of this legendary guy from Heian era again, Jobdara Jobchiha?
According to lore and databooks or some shit he was supposedly the strongest of ALL the hokage at his peak but there's no real evidence of that anywhere. He lost Orochimaru, even if it did require Orochimaru pulling out the reaper death seal, the reaper death seal still relies on the strength of the user, for example, if Konohamaru somehow learned the reaper death seal and tried it on Madara, Madara would be just fine and Konohamaru would have immediately died. Nobody knows anything about peak Hiruzen so I don't think about it at all, I place Hiruzen somewhere around Orochimaru's level.
His brother jobbed to Tobirama, which is even worse. It's in his genes to job to weak shits.
So much so that i wish Kishi didn't waste her already scarce screentime on affirming shit we already knew. I guess it was easier than delving into the clan stuff especially since he already had Uchihas to hype up but still, it would've been nice to see her in more of non-Naruto related situations. Was she ever shown interacting with Kurenai or Hiashi or Konoha 11?
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It took super mega six paths lava style rasenshuriken to do that and apparently lava style is like the strongest of all the chakra styles for whatever reason, which always seemed like a really weird and forced fact they added in at the last moment tbdesu. Madara would have laughed at a regular rasenshuriken.
To be fair, obviously Madara got much stronger from implanting Senju DNA. I'm just saying that it's wrong to say he wasn't strong until he did that. Madara would absolutely wash ANYBODY pre-war arc, and most people during the war arc without any Senju DNA aside from Hashirama.
Izuna isn't weak and neither is Tobirama.
>bizarro world where it was sasuke who got kidnapped(succesfully) by cloudniggers and itachi makes the hidden mist look like a joke
I like it even if unlikely since itachi was a will of firefag
Based noticer
Uchihas don't need Senju DNA to use Izanagi, the senju DNA just allows them to use its full potential
>the bullshit Kumo pulled on Hiashi
I still loathe that revelation with a passion. It only ever served to make Neji's situation more tragic and to expose Hyuga as weak cucks. Neji's entire character purpose was to make Hyuga look weak now that i think about it, from the beginning till his death.
Konoha was very susceptible to kidnappings if you think about it. They lost a heir of some major clan or a biju every other week.
>Was she ever shown interacting with Kurenai or Hiashi or Konoha 11?
Nope and same for combat situations where she didn't immediately get bodied. Sucks really, i was hoping to see her achieve success in some non-Hyuga autism related areas, like genjutsu that her sensei is conveniently very proficient in or nature transformations of which she has two very powerful ones. I'd even take some Mangekyo Byakugan bullshit that activates during the moments of stress. Make it the entire reason there were main and secondary branches and cursed seals in the first place.
>and the only reason Hashirama won was because he had ridiculous regeneration abilities
headcanon, Hashirama was just better.
but he did job to Gaara and Naruto without Senju DNA
so he was weak without Chadju DNA
It will be cringe just like every attempt Kishimoto made to show Sakura as a "badass".

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