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Have you greeted happy birthday to the yuri goddess of /a/, anon?
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Majima's wife.
I ejaculated several times in her honor.
best girl, we need more like her
>Chisato (16)
>Majima (30+)
Do Majimafags really
Takina's thick tongue inside Chisato
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imagine pretending to like a ship that doesn't exist for months
Happy birthday to Majima's wife. He's so lucky.
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Wait a minute. Whaaat's going on here?
I fapped to her earlier this morning, does that count?
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16 year old lesbians belong to other 16 year old lesbians PERIOD.
POV you are Takina
and by old men I mean other lesbian JKs
Chisato is 18 years old by the end of the anime you filthy casuals.
Out of 10!
you seem confused, Takina has dark hair and no cock
... failed ploy and fucking off
Nobody cares about this seasonal yuritrash anymore, stop spamming it in the catalog.
Do yurigods like futa girl-on-girl?
>nobody cares about this seasonal yuritrash anymore
The obsessed yuri-haters in these threads do.
only when it's the submissive girl with the penis
A lot of girls like older guys you know...
/u/fags, tell me why most Yuri were dark hair x light hair?
Theyre both 18 you fucking retard. Kys.
>mentally ill troon likes it when girl with penis do it
Mentally ill bitch
This anime has very active threads that often hit bump limits. But perhaps high quality discussions are too highbrow for your simpler taste?
>yuri goddess
but she's the straight one. takina is the lesbo of the pair.
Because it provides color contrast, which is especially important in black & white manga.
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Kagurabachi yurikino.
And he's paired with Chisato because it means yuri loses.
>that smile
Is that how it happened for you?
yeah it's quite fascinating how autists tend to be homosexual
like majority of 4chan
>thinking girls like dick is homosexual
There are plenty of yuri series where girls were attracted to guys to start with but end up choosing a girl instead.
>thinking...dick is homosexual
Why do yuritroons still obsessed with MALE's genital?
Chisato is older than Takina by a year. Chisato is 18 while Takina is 17 by the end of the show.
can you try again in english this time?
Because they cut off theirs, and now they miss it.
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It's a sausage fest, it's all they can see.
LOL penis worshipers btfo.
Why can't you speak English?
yuriGODS won
look at all the incoherent sperg rage in the thread
What's the competition?
S2 should cover Takina’s past, Alan Institute, SoL, yuri shenanigans and absolutely no Majima.
i hate men
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Yurifags just banded together to save one pf those such series. And popular titles like Citrus had the MC kissing a guy in the first chapter.
won at losing lmao
Shitposting aside, age gap is quite common in Asia, especially Japan. It's not even a big number.
Then again, Did they even revealed his age?
So hype for the movie died out huh
Yes, the show mentioned Majima is in his 30’s. He could be 39 and majimafags are shipping him with a literal child.
every girl wishes to date someone who can take care of them likes their dad.
Not majima's fault that "child" keeps bothering and chasing him
>No! this fictional character is underage!!!
Imagine moralfagging in 4chan. Not surprised that yurifags here are bunch of twitter tourists.
Reminder to yuritroons, your parents were HETfags.
Your DAD who stored SPERMS inside his BALLS; inserted his ROD inside your MOM and your mom conceived your DAD's SPERMS wilingly just to birth (You)
We know, melori
Not accurate, slightly too saggy.
It's true, every woman's first love is their dad and they will seek the hospitality from someone who acts like their dad.
legal in over half the U.S, and the majoriry of the world....
...if they were 16, which they are not
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I already fapped to her toilet scene.
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she's giving him those "fuck me" eyes
My parents weren't anime characters, so why would I apply the same preferences I have for anime girls to them?
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Because yuri authors copy another.
Maji property
What happened to Lycoris that's got you fags spamming this so often?
Made for corrective rape, with a penis.
M. Just M.
These threads are made by non-yurifags who want to spam about their headcanons. Hence why a majority of these threads don't have a lot of yurifags in them.
which flavor of ESL are you, buddy?
one mentally ill freak doing his daily
Meant for >>271319069
Majima is so fucking lucky
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Spreading time?
majima gets fucked in the ass by his goons
Happy birthday to Majichad's wife
that's all that happened?
and you've been posting about this for what, over a year?
that's, like, mentally ill man
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Nowadays it seems like MajiChisa is more popular than ChisaTaki. Is this true?
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Takina's THICK, JUICY nose got all over Chisato's pussy
and you're bragging about an indirect kiss
I'm not a yurifag or a ntrfag or whatever majima is supposed to represent.
Chisato was never painted as being interested in any of them (because she's mine)
Why would you post something like that that can be so easily fact checked? There are 115 まじちさ works on pixiv compared to the 8,500 ちさたき works. The most popular まじちさ work has 750 bookmarks compared to ちさたき's 11,000.

Yurifags don't care about Majima. They annoyed at a small group of people spamming him to shitpost.
Of course not. 99.9% of the fanbase ship ChisaTaki, it’s only here in /a/ where majimaniggers exists.
no one is seething at your unoriginal garbage posts
Majima was clearly gay coded
plenty of my cum is in your mom lmao
>goes from 0 to 100 in a span of 1 minute
That post really touched a nerve, huh?
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a handful of Chisato’s chisatos.
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the only troon here is your dad LOL
The fact that you went there after a lame "ur mom" joke is what makes it all the more apparent of how mad you are right now.
your dad sucked me off too
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oh no he's losing it
>You make it too easy
just like your mom HAHAHAHAHA
M/a/jima won
Y/u/rifags lost
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Yurifags really look at this body and think >"Hmm, she should really hit 40 childless a virgin, unmarried and branded a Dyke for the rest of her life!"
Yurifags are evil jews
yuri won actually
Lol you wish yuritroon. Real women are disgusted by you
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I didn't know it was. Happy birthday, Chisato. When's S2?
whoa calm down with the projection there pal
wanna talk about it?
need to pointers with women?
IVF exists
Chiasto isn't a citizen of Japan so she can't get married anyway. Plus she got could married to Takina in Hawaii.
>branded a dyke
She willing defended her own gay dads. Seems like she embraces that title.
Yuribait never wins
see >>271290635
Chisato loves cock thoughbeit
God, they're so perfect with each other.
>>271320540 (me)
I meant Takina not cock, sorry
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Chisato's thick shit inside the toilet
fix your bot
Business yuri is not yuri.
it has yuri in it so it's yuri you silly idiot
Some of the girls have kissed and others have gotten married.
>ready for Majima
majimafreak got cucked by a dyke if you're wondering why he's like this
I still can't believe they actually chased off femanons from /u/.
Fpbp. Chisato belongs to Big Majima Cock while Kekina watches.
>on /u/ ever
You don't know the first thing about what kind of yuri girls like either.
Have you ever looked at /u/? That board is overrun with actual trannies larping as sisters and having a seizure whenever a male character or het romance is brought up
The yuritranny reputation didn't come out of thin air
>kind of yuri girls like
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You're misconceptions about what the yuri fanbase likes basically did come out of thin air.

>having a seizure whenever a male character or het romance is brought up
/u/ just helped saved a yuri manga opens with the MC helping pair-up a guy with a girl. What do you know?

Is this a joke?
The only remotely yuri thing I ever heard from girls were villainess LNs.
Yeah, it came from /pol/.
Happy birthday Mrs. Majima!
That's because you don't know shit about the yuri fanbase in Japan. What they like is live-action yuri works like Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna not anime/manga.
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>yuri series can't have men otherwise the fanbase would freak out
This is a popular manga on /u/ by the way.
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Retards seethe about yurifags, trying to insult them and accuse them of whatever, then all of it falls completely flat because they don't actually know what yurifags are like. Tales old as fucking time.
Yes. People ship them more, even if people make more art of ChisaTaki.
I'm interacting with Yuriniggers at this very moment and I know they are porn addicted low T betas with hubris the size of the moon. Go back to your containment board.
And that's exactly what I'm talking about.
Takina is so boring while Majima is entertaining so it's not surprising.
Only literal faggots dont like to see two hot girls have sex.
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>You're misconceptions about what the yuri fanbase likes basically did come out of thin air.
No. It's just shitposting.
Better than homosexuality
Only a literal faggot would choose lesbians over hetero sex.
Yeah, it seems to be becoming the more popular ship. If S2 has more Majima interacting with Chisato, it might surpass ChisaTaki.
No, anon. Read better.
298 + 7 + 84 = 389 mentally challenged individuals. That's like 41% of the entire poll
>389 of 1154 votes
>"like 41%"
Bro, if you fap to dick, that's gay. I'm hetero so I only jerk it to lesbians, dude. Just touching my own dick feels kinda gay so I'll probably learn how to cum through mind control.
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"results" doesn't count retard.
It doesn't?
Is "results" a new gender I'm not aware off?
>Bitches being fucked is them being shipped together
This kek
Is that how you're gonna cope?
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>steals S1
>steals live action play
How does Majima do it?
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>Remember that time Chisato and Takina got drunk raped, cute!
It was pretty kino thoughbeit
she comes as a package with takina, you get both and the age requirement is met.
Chisato trying to save Majima from falling off the tower in the stage play is so out of character. The stage play director is a majimafag as well.
the script writer for the show was also a Majimafag, I think he liked a comment that said that Chisato and Takina won't end up together. Yurifags went after him for that.
…with a man.
This is why hetero males like ffm.
Crackship degenerate kun...
What is a crack ship?
Oh nonononono
Based Majima production staffs.
Don’t forget the females. They like a genre about lesbians for a reason
What about them?
They’re obviously gay (mentally ill)
Yurisisters, our response?
Chisato's JK pussy is for Majima's huge Ojisan cock
Of course. Obviously. Christ, you fucking people...
I can almost do that. I can't keep my leg straight though, but it's getting there.
I think we're all a little bit mentally ill deep inside, what matter is that we're all friends :)
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That's right!
Lesbians are for BBC
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Based ARYANly
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STRONGly is too strong.
why is she such a gigantic slut?
Can we just agree that Chisato likes to hang out with Majima and watch movies while Takina is for hot sweaty lesbian sex?
Lesbos are for white cock,
This but reversed
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Takina likes it
Are they really worthy of the BWC?
She knows she only has a very abbreviated time left in her life, so she needs to speedrun all the pleasures of the flesh.

Look at this little harlot manspreading without a care in the world.
Thanks, doc... I mean Tyrone... I mean Majima... I mean Piccolo dick... I mean the green Gachi Ranger... I mean Luigi... I mean (you)...
shit series
but she was the same before meeting takina.
Chisato didn't grow as a character over the course of the series but she didn't need to because she was born a perfect cinnamon roll.
Stupid lesbian bangumi
And they said they wanted to honor Gunslinger Girl
I wish I could have sex with a cute bicurious girl like Yuta and Majima get to.
To be fair, Gunslinger Girl was also fucking stupid, also hardcarried by one single character. In that respect, Lycoris Recoil was a good homage.
It’s weird that he’s not here, there’s literally a crack thread up. Maybe he jobbed to the lag
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>every Lycorco thread is a *** bait thread
>the mods literally don't give a shit
It's so tiring.
Thanks troid
He died, sorry to say.
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Oh no, what will the baiters now do with their empty lives?
I'd built an altar home and offer prayers to it every morning if that was true.
Watch him quote you lol
I know his behavior, doesn't change that I think you're worse than him.
RIP. He was a great man.
Takina fucks Chisato every day
Majima won
That's what Majima calls his dick
in theory i'm disgusted. in practice i can't blame her, i'd do the same.
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We were talking about yurifags on 4chan and in Japan, not the websites you come from and still browse.
Should we hold a funeral?
>implying the majority of yurifags here aren’t reddit tourists
I'll miss baiting it.
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It's the one thing that stops them from being a little lesbian girl!
He's just perfect for her, that's why they're a couple.
>>271316361 >>271316381
>>271316619 >>271316742
Seriously, Austin. How do you live being this mentally ill? What is in the actual fuck is wrong with you?

No sane person acts the way you do. Everyone can see you're the only person doing this. Everyone can see how no one at all posts like you outside off these threads. You are totally alone. No one helps you fake your "flame wars". No one on 4chan is your personal army.
>>271317009 >>271317059
>>271317377 >>271317391
You are by far the most mentally ill person to ever exist.
>>271317505 >>271317519
>>271317550 >>271317541
Go to a therapist, Austin.
Wrong picture
>he wants the quick Madodown
uihihi, guess it's time to not hold back
>first born of a high class family
>final heir of legendary magical potential
>secret lover of the mysterious big bad meguca who's actually good
>such a chad that she adds every magical girl to her ever-expanding afterlife harem
>Comes back to life solely to cuck her little brother
>Chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>Her and Harem member masters and can fully control her *psh nothin personell kid" witch powers
>wields light arrows and can omnipresences behind you
>beats one of the most powerful city destroying witches solo that gets hyped up every timeline
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance her underage students
>just saying "uihihi" makes everybody drop their pants for her
>uses the power of intelligence to defeat the true antagonist, interdimensional aliens that appeared before humanity was born
>is the main character of the entire franchise, doesn't have to lift a finger for most of the show
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing over the course of millennia by adding magical girls to her afterlife
>even the previous badasses hype up how good she is at magic
>kills herself in a noble self sacrifice with her yuribait girlfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>Becomes one of the strongest characters in the universe
>has the option to cuck Homura away from マドカ, Kyouko away from Sayaka, Sayaka away from kyousuke, etc.
>a version of herself from an alternate timeline is trying to replace her because she's too chad
>tops the 2013 saimoe poll the year homura's movie came out
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's side media are about her
>Is the fanbases favorite character, they go on to call the subsequent edgy magical girl anime and sequels embarrassing
>>271317732 >>271317870
>>271317959 >>271318089
It's honestly funny as fuck how Troid blocked posts with new cookies from saying (!)Akemi. He will go to any lengths he can to protect mentally ill shitposters, and stop people from telling the shitposters to fuck off.
Calm down
You sound mad. Has the spirit of Three Letters taken over your mind?
You cant see results unless you vote.
I don't hate those anons.
>>271326286 >>271327856
>>271326362 >>271326608
Your samefagging will never fool anyone, Austin. You are not even close to smart enough.
>>271319682 >>271319757
>>271319993 >>271319871
It's legit insane how much time and effort you put into spamming and samefagging. Even more so because you have been caught in IP bans and everyone knows it's only you who acts this way.
Shut up, fake Melori.
>>271325573 >>271325576
>>271326258 >>271327933
Where do you even come up with all these fake "names" for your boogieman, Austin. You literally pick random things.

Prove your boogieman's name is "melri" or "sean". Let's see you explain any of the incoherent shit you spam.
>>271320061 >>271320071
>>271320211 >>271320417
Will you ever get treated for your mental disorders?
>>271320459 >>271320466
>>271320540 >>271328018
A list of random posts that hurt your feelings is not "facts", Austin. Just putting the word "facts" in written text does not make it facts.

You being so pathetically obsessed with this pastebin is laughable. Because it shows how desperate you are.
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>he believes in therapy
>>271328033 >>271320648
>>271320793 >>271320956
You really are the most mentally ill person to ever exist.
>>271325175 >>271325256
>>271325275 >>271325422
I honestly can not even fathom how you fucked your life up so badly.
Wasn't me.
RIP the crack ship thread... We will have to pay our respects here instead
>>271325083 >>271325139
>>271325156 >>271325158
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
For proof >>271327559
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nice deleted posts, faggo
Calm down, Hu Tao Schizo impersonator.
>>271328374 >>271321817
>>271321987 >>271322005
It's genuinely hilarious how your life is one massive cope, Austin.

>copes with rage by screaming at people on 4chan that they are mad
>copes with having no friends by making everything on 4chan (an anonymous site) personal
>copes with being a failure by spamming the same wrong things over and over
>copes with being mocked by doubling down and spamming harder
>>271323970 >>271324162
>>271324757 >>271325068
So mentally ill that you ruined your life and gained nothing for it.
All of those describe you, though
>pretend your boogeyman is angry
>make everything about your boogeyman
>spam endlessly despite it having not changed anything
>double down to cope with being wrong
>>271322677 >>271322690
>>271322897 >>271323801
Imagine getting mind broken so hard by people on 4chan refusing to be your friends that it literally breaks you for the rest of your life.
Can I get a (you)?
I thought madokafags hated yuri
It was a substantial post that applies to the late ACK perfectly.
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here you go bud
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What the actual fuck
Big Majidick inside tight Chisato pussy
>>271328801 >>271322523
>>271322618 >>271322663
Austin crying alone in his room as he screams at people on 4chan that they are mad.
small majidick inside your ass, actually
>kgbfags still trying to bait ack
durrr ack ded!!!!
How do you not feel pathetic for spending every single waking second of your life obsessed with "ack". How do you even want to live like this?

Really, let's see you link to a single other time in 4chan history where someone was obsessed with a "personal" 4chan fight for 12 fucking years straight. Everything you do is so insanely unique.
n-no u!
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any real humans left in this thread?
Actually, he passed away a few hours ago. This is just an AI or human impersonator.
Damn he was ready
It’s got the word yuri in the op what do you think?
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Yuri is based, look at this
What the fuck is this?
Thanks, bro. I appreciate it.
You are the only person who tries to force this autistic "boyfreind" thing, Austin. No one cares about you, no one likes you. People just want you to fuck off.
btw, if you see someone that just doesn't seem to run out of proxies, it's safe to assume they showed their cock to a literal obese faggot from /g/ for access to said proxies
so, if you ever feel like they are subhumans compared to you, just remember that you're absolutely right and they had to prostitute themselves to post here
>OMG! what's going on in this thr...
nevermind, carry on, carry on.
>posting obvious fakes
why would he call himself gay?
Acksisters, butt plugs and now this??
Ack's daily meltdown
which one bottoms?
Where are the scars for this rumored artificial heart she supposedly has?
ask Takina
Does it suck knowing you literally ruined your life for nothing?

You've been told the answer to this multiple times, Austin. It's because it Troid set up a script to auto delete (not ban) any post with a new cookie that says (!)Akemi.
I said "you" and you answered. This means you finally admitted ack exists.
There’s no script, the posts just don’t register. It’s the dev team not the jannies
don't quote me along with that mentally ill freak please, I'm just having fun
And yet my post registered. Only ack's having problems. Thank you troid for finally addressing the ack problem.
It's not fair that Majima gets to eat this every day!
No, Austin. It's any post with a cookie less than 24 hours old. You just don't get banned because Troid literally goes out of his way to protect you while you shitpost.
No he’s right it’s all posts with a new session
Het chads i kneel.
>Austin replying to himself trying to "upvote" his own shitposts
Who the fuck is Austin
This makes me sad.
Right? It makes me sad to. Imagine there being a human in this world so fucking stupid he thinks if he just lists random posts that make him upset and says they are all by the same person that it's proof they are all the same person.

You will never make anyone think 'ack' is real, Austin.
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you should all be ashamed
huh look at that
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I'd waste my time taking a screenshot but I actually don't care and would prefer to watch the fallout anyway.
No shit yurifags have shit tastes
yeah you can't stop eating yuriCHAD cum
No way
>implying yuricucks can produce sperm
>Literally named -ACK!!

Can't make this shit up.
didn't you literally make up the name
>Anti Crack Kun
Yes, that's a name you made up, Austin. Just because you also abbreviate it doesn't mean both are not made up names. It's literally nothing but you coping with being totally alone and you trying to make everything on 4chan personal. As this is the only human interaction you get in your life.
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>they both quoted me thinking I'm the other one
I won the thread
It's honestly funny how easy it is to tell who you are, Austin. You are the only person so obsessed with thinking you "win" on 4chan.
Multiple posts in a minute
Oh no no no, Acksisters, our response?
I see what you did there. Do you?
The lack of self awareness...
Ack can't decide what !Akane is
>doesn't man
What's wrong acc? Rushing to shitpost as hard as you can in two threads?
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>mfw this thread.
Yurithreads are such a train wreck it's honestly impressive.
This isn't a yuri thread. This is a non-yuri thread meant to focus on one specific goal unrelated to yuri.
The absolute state of /a/. This probably isn't trolling.
if you check leddit and xitter the mere mention of shipping majima with chisato gets you the pedo label. also getting spammed by yuri chinks.
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>heterosexual fans admit to being twitter immigrants
Even if that were true, it still wouldn’t be as bad as not being "heterosexual".
You're "heterosexual" fans because you're fans of the heterosexual ship. We both know that you're homosexual for Majima anyway.
wanting to see two girls make out is not "heterosexual" now? damn
I don't support any ship though. Shipfaggotry is a mental illness
Hot and canon
Right, you're not a fan. That's why you know what happens on twitter if you post these two characters together.
I'm not the person you were originally replying too. You're delusional if you think you can use "heterosexual" as a negative on 4chan and not get mocked for it.
I wasn't. I was using it to refer to the fans of the heterosexual pairing.
I really just want to kiss Kurumi's forehead.
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are you ready to give her a nice gift on her birthday?
That was what the announcer on TV said about his age, it's no fact, just the authorities' subjective estimate based on what footage of him was available at the time. He clearly was pretty young in the flashback 10 years ago, 19-21 maybe, which means he's likely around 29-31 in the main series. 40 y.o. ossan is nothing more than your wet dream.
It's actually her birthday?
The green new deal.
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Incredibly chemistry. Sexual tension.
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Uoh!! Takina Chisato SEG!!
Cute size difference
Could you stop samefagging?
>why are off topic threads off topic
Oy vey!!
Based, but you should also call out the blatant homosexual propaganda ITT
the hetero/bi porn is great
the show was meh

like pretty much all yuribait, the pon is the best part
Majima is so lucky
>the pirate spinoff is real
dead game
dead franchise

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