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Is it true that only passfags can post?
How am I supposed to know if you're being honest if you don't have your passes on
It was fucked up yesterday too. But not as bad as it seems today. Threads showing up on the catalog in a random order and posting completely down for extended amounts of time.
imagine buying a pass just to make tenshi thread
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Since I refuse to ever wear that badge, regardless of the situation. I despise the fact that I needed to buy this badge to allow me to post with VPNs, and even that doesn't work properly. The moment the IP adresses change, ie I decided to post on my PC and had posted on my phone much earlier (fuck the 30m cooldown), or was using my PC the whole time and the vpn changed, not only will it not allow me to post, it strips me from my login data on PC. Seems apps like kurobaex fixed that (but then browsing them I don't realize the site is down, since everything is cached) but I'm still unhappy.
I think so, haven't seen any non-pass posters yet
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I can post Papika and nobody can stop me.
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This space is for Nako
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I'm rich!
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So fellow pass anons, since its only us around, lets have a conversation about the state of this board. Since you pay money (or even worse be a janny) to post now, I'd assume you spend quite some time here for it to be worth it, right? Are you going to keep posting here, regardless of how bad it gets, and if so why?
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The sad truth about the internet is that 4chan might be bad, but everywhere else is still worse.
>I'd assume you spend quite some time here for it to be worth it, right?
I bought a pass because I used to live somewhere with shitty internet so bad it sometimes took so long just to send a post that the CAPTCHA would expire. I could post if I used my phone's mobile data as a hotspot, but mobile ips are rangebanned. Rather than post here less, I bought the pass to bypass the rangeban
>and if so why?
I like it here. People love to complain, but I have quite an easy time finding fun threads to hang out in. Desuwa I've always thought most complainers just had shit taste and were in bad threads for mediocre anime/manga
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100% this. And out of everywhere on the site, /a/ is the most "sane" of the fast boards. Plus it's one of the few boards that prohibits frogs and jaks.
because this site is, contrary to popular belief, fun!
Because this is still the best place to discuss certain hobbies on the entire web
Oh, so that's why I was getting a "something went wrong" error when I tried posting in incognito.
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>still no announcement of the date CCS CC S2 is starting
I hope this lasts all day, I want to see what pass only 4chan is like
Already some interesting things are happening, some boards realized sooner than others. Take /v/, quite a few posts are being made now, but seems nobody has realized only pass users can post.
I guess a big difference is what board archives support ghost posting, boards without that are more detached.
>paying for 4Chan
Holy grains jesus
its broken
Pass posters tend to be better because we've got something to lose.
So this is what a world without shitposters is like
You can still be banned for arbitrary shit with a pass.
That's what I'm saying, we can't just mindlessly shitpost.
Yes and no, reminds me of some pass anons bitching the the pass tracks bans, and somebody once reached 100+ bans and that became a ban reason in it of itself. They do track pass users, but some intentionally pay to shitpost, its weird
What is there to be confused about?
It doesn't matter if you refrain from "mindlessly shitposting" when you can and will be banned for arbitrary misgrievances and reasons, no matter what.
>they do track pass users
wait, you mean somebody knows how much samefagging I actually do?
Maybe stop shitposting?
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We have won
Go back to /v/ with your bad faith faggotry.
Ok but what this have to do with pass users having to tread more lightly?
Is this a scheme to sell passes?
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>watching cc
something went wrong
Just a humble tester!
I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
we too low
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Yes. Without pass everything seemed right, but as soon as you pressed the Post button you got
>Something went wrong.
I'm not buying a fucking pass
uh oh, are non passfags finally able to post again?
imagine spending money to post
non passu testo
im not a pass user
I have watched all episodes of the original series, the movies, Tsubasa Chronicle, and Clear Card. All of them are beautiful series, and I'm tired of the stupid infighting of "grain vs no grain", "Sakura's hair color", "muh Akiho", etc.
Fuck, the poor people are back
Not anymore ;)
>post successful
>isn't successful at all for 2 hours
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I didn't get that message, everything seemed normal except for the post not appearing, in fact I even bumped a thread without my post actually going through.
u... uooh
hey, I'm not the one spending money on stupid bullshit
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testies testies
Sex with Tenshi's flat chest
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I will never buy a goyim pass
I make mucho money but I refuse to pay for 4chan. It's like paying for porn. Absolutely not.
>Verification not required.
>I'm still imagebanned 2 years later
I fucking hate gookmoot...
I wish I have a pass
nonsubs won
That's been happening to me a lot lately. Sometimes when I'd try to make a thread, instead of showing the name of the filename of the OP pic, it just shows "Post successful!" then shows an unrelated thread that I didn't make. I don't know if it's a connection issue or something else.
Are we back?
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What kind of person takes pride in owning a 4chan Gold Account?
Mashiron is paying for a 4chan pass, I knew it.
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arisu what are you doing here in a pass user thread
I still can't post images but I can reply now
I want a rich 4chan boyfriend.
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That's because you didn't solve the captcha correctly. It's probably just a black hole for bots.
fuck hiro, fuck jannies and fuck passtroons
No, I got the CAPTCHA properly. I did it multiple times and the CAPTCHA was working. I was on mobile though and using the Samsung Browser so I wonder if that was the reason, it worked when I switched to Chrome.
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I was about to have a panic attack. Not even kidding. I might have a problem.
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Why was ghost quiet?
I'd give anything for an ara ara 40yo CEO Tomoyo
>Make the Witch couple dress up as their counterparts
>Backpeddle and make Lambda Satoko instead
I mean her personality and being in love with Rika (Bern) makes more sense with Satoko but I have to ask why though?
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why? what did i miss?
Is Hiro still in Africa?
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fuck you hiro
You may have made a small mistake in the captcha. I get the problem you described all the time. I even made a user script that remembers my last post so I can post it again if 4chan ate it.
>my imageposts don't go through
Fuck you, gookmoot.
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So what was the upgrade?
we don't even know what the fuck they did
More free HRT for jannies
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I love you, /a/!
>most complainers just had shit taste and were in bad threads for mediocre anime/manga
This is my opinion as well.
You can post your credit card and security code and 4chan will automatically censor it.
If anything actually changed, it'll be found by a /g/ anon in an hour or two. However, most likely this was just servers fucking up as usual
Mikan hug.
That’s where niggers are so yes
I don't think so. If the CAPTCHA was wrong, I should have gotten the wrong CAPTCHA error. Instead I get the "Post successful!" message but then nothing happens.
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/wsr/ got wiped lmao
Great anime/manga have bad threads here because the userbase here is literally same as xitter shit
So only pass users can post images rn?
7432-899-5623 166
>I don't think so. If the CAPTCHA was wrong, I should have gotten the wrong CAPTCHA error.
God you're such an idiot. I'm telling you that you don't get that message in these cases. Go ahead, try to make some posts with the captcha field explicitly misspelled or even empty.
Did it work?
Is there some new word filter I don't know about?
No that’s different, it’s when you post with a new session and certain keywords or too many post replies. It’s specific code to counter a ban evading schizo’s posting style
the fuck
Weird, I made a thread but its not appearing on the catalogue
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The site shall know Pain
Yes. I only see ****************.
The worst part about this is that only the somewhat decent boards get affected.
lol they did it again
So did [s4s].
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Test bros
can any anons see this thread on the catalogue or other means than direct link?
Why did they delete such a slow moving board? Will they apologize again?
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>non-passfags can post again
>post quality noticeably drops
It appears to be true.

How long were we down this time?
nope it didn't showed up
I can see it, but not in the catalog or the old paged view.
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I really hope you dont do this
Fuck this site
they can stop posts like this shit yet they'll let samefags samefag forever
This keeps happening.
I know, like the ACK bait thread is still up >>271316258
obligatory make a shounen only board
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Yeah, then there's a chance the board didn't get wiped, just the ways to see it are currently screwed.
This must be what living on a failing colony ship where nobody knows how to fix shit anymore feels like.
If you actually pay to use this place you're definitely a kid who came here in like 2014 and idolizes it more than you should. You're like tripfags but you don't even have the balls to draw attention to yourselves. For shame.
And I see the WSJ thread still fucking exists.
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I don't care about grain or whatever but cc looks like shit and everything/everyone is pants on head retarded. Don't put tsubasa on the same level as fucking cc with a pic of your shitty release on top of it. Next you'll tell me you've only watched the tsubasa anime and never touched the other series or read each manga.
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No. I just like typing desuwa
Go to an archive, find out whether threads are still alive?
About an hour
All jokes aside Hiro actually goes to Africa a fucking lot. Apparently he's really popular down thier
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is that true?
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Looks like you twentybuxers aren’t so smug now that non-passfags can post again.
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>who came here in like 2014
Try 2004.

Mountains. Mole hills. etc.
It means you like typing desu but don't want people to think you typed tee bee aich and got filtered
>make a shounen only board
How has this not happened by now
More bots.
Woah it censored your image. It really is true.
You know you can see your name, right?
Uh, excuse me, but these screencaps are from the original aired release of the show. CLAMP later released newer versions for BD and basically erased all the television releases, so calling this a "shitty release" just shows you are not a real Cardcaptor Sakura fan. Of course, I already knew that since you didn't even respond with a CCS, so you should shut your mouth as you have no idea what you're even talking about.
I type desu and senpai all the time.
because shounen is a target demographic you fucking retards
How do you decide what goes on there?
Yeah... that's exactly it. I type the four letter desu all the time because I think it's fun
How's it feel to have missed the late 03 golden age?
Don't care. Get that shit off the board. It can surely have its own board.
This but LNs and isekai generals.
If it's published in a shounen magazine it can go their.
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I bet they're testing a new shadowban type method where spam threads you make will be invisible to everyone else.

Of course it won't actually work against the serial spammers and it'll exclusively inconvenience regular users, like every other fucking thing they do.
You know what we mean when we say "shonen".
There's no need to actually pay heed to words, we all know who needs their own containment board.
Yotsuba&! is published in a shounen magazine too.
I crossed it out on the drawing thing on 4chan
Threads do seem to still be alive
GENERALS in general.
Let CHAOS take over.
ORDER is sickening.
That would require support from cloudflare, because all IPs see the same cached html generated from the reverse-proxied server.
Then it can go their too. No exceptions.
The main reason I have a pass is because of image dumps. I do dailies/storytimes/chapter dumps and not having a Pass when doing them is such a pain.
Bring back Accelspammer
You've lost my support.
This but yuri. It literally has its own board already.
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we need a retro anime board to talk 20th century anime and manga
I fucking hate it with all the zoomer crap on here
Just make a normalfag trash board instead. Most shounen and isekai can go there.
You might just well just talk to yourself, that board will be deader than /vr/.
don't care
slow boards are based
even 10 posts a day will be great
/m/ exists. It's dead.
Okay, fine, 1 exception
>Just make a normalfag trash board
That's what a shounen only board would be
This but with the 2000-2020 anime. I am tired of both zoomers and boomers. I want to talk exclusively with millenial chads.
And so can yuri and yaoi since normalfags love faggots.
I wish he was still here, he's the only one who can kill all the schizos like ACK and LRD
Well, then might as well go use altchans, since they sure as slow as fuck
Retro anime barely gets enough discussion on /a/ to sustain one pre-2000 thread every few weeks. Adding a whole board for it wouldn't magically conjure up more discussion. The core problem is that there's very little new retro material coming out to spark discussion. A few new remasters and fansubs, but that's it.
How come we don't have /a/ generals
Misaka besuto!
As the other guys has said, use altchan. Some of them have retro boards.
Newfags like you can go to the newfag containment boards and discuss what you want.
I like how you ignore that lns like alya and seinen manga like oshitnoko are normalfag trash as well
part of me wants a manga board so it'd be easier to discuss untranslated series but i know it'd still end up getting flooded with wsj threads and isekai
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I didn't know you were mentally challenged. I now realise the state of things and apologise for my rude demeanor. Picking on the disabled is too much even for me, wish you the best.
shounen is the most normalfag. it simply has to go.
All we need to do is just ban Naruto again.
we do though?
gottem ;)
More like an anime board considering that all the fastest moving threads on /a/ are manga related.
we have pseudo-generals, generals in all but name. Its very clear with quite a large chunk of series their threads are their own small bubblw which doesn't interact with the rest of the board.
Can I talk about other anime beside mecha in there?
I kept getting that and thought I was somehow still banned despite it saying otherwise.
Why are you black?
Technically, it was never banned. We just need all shounen off this board. The jannies don't even try to moderate /dbs/ nowadays
No, and it has threads about new mecha anime. That guy is a retard
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>couldn't post with other city slickers for an hour
this but also dragon ball, bleach and wan piss
they've also almost given up on /wsj/
Shut up Narutard, nobody likes your kind.
Like Kunoichi and U149 threads?
we're clearly Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang.
I didn't even notice. Try being less terminally online.
I'm not that. I'm just correcting him.
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there's this one schizo in the /wsj/ threads who's literally insane and only talks about hating nue
he literally only exists in 3 threads: Nue, KGB, and WSJ.
God, they get mad at you if you talk about any other idolm@ster series in their 24/7 perma thread.
The U149 threads are there to contain the smelly tripfag.
I was just joking, calm down.
This thread has quickly turned into /wsj/
The wall street journal?
So /wsr/ threads are still there, but they lack pages and aren't visible on index/catalogue. Are there any other boards with peculiar things happening to them?
True, but I don't know any good quotes from him
It's a pseudo-sci-fi board, you can post other things as long as the people there like it. Recently there was a LOGH thread that stayed up for a while despite some replies correctly labeling it as not /m/echa. It's mostly mecha though.
>they've also almost given up on /wsj/
Almost? They have given up.
I am pretty sure most /m/ threads are about retro mecha.
bring back the ip counter already
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>tfw there are no 4chan originals left
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It was pretty depressing realizing every lucky star thread is just the same handful of ritual posters desperately trying to hold their own pseudo-general, but there's not enough of them to keep it alive.
No, Wisconsin State Journal
WT Snacks still does DJ stuff on his X account, but I don't think he posts on 4chan anymore.
KOG is still getting GETs. He got some crazy one on /int/ a couple months back but I forgot the number.
Hiro still does livestreams on YT but I guess he's not an original in the 4chan sense.
I'm a true 4chan original
You could make 100 changes to /a/, it still won't become that much better because the people using it would remain the same.
I've seen those threads and I feel so uncomfortable looking at them. They're really horny. The discussions are almost entirely about wanting to fuck the girls or liking them because they're lolis. No wonder people claim that /u149/ is basically a de-facto lolicon general.

Can't be as bad as Hitoribocchi threads or Edomae Elf threads.
I don’t know why they got rid of it, it’s made samefagging even worse.
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Bro I literally don't care. As long as this place remains free of garbage frogs and jaks, this place is already better than every other board on the site.
Yeah, similar thing is happening to MiA threads, who still seem to insist to have threads up when no discussion happens Seems especially now the ritualposters don't cover the timezones evenly, so they always die at the same hours
they still occasionally delete the schizo trying to force a war between kgb and nue
Do people really look at Snacks with fondness? He was just as awful as modern jannies/mods, and even let CP stay up for hours.
I see this happening with Doremi threads but the Doremi posters somehow have the energy to keep them going to the bump limit.
What explains Hitoribocchi or Edomae Elf threads? Or really any of the necrobumped weeks-lasting "generals".
>Do people really look at Snacks with fondness?
You seriously underestimate the "old = good, new = bad" meme. We got people in this thread praising Accelspammer but anyone who was actually here when he was knows that /a/ was completely unusable when he was spamming whatever threads you were using.
Because it's just a placebo since samefags can just ip switch with their phone and point to the counter to escape criticism. Now you have to actually use your brain to spot them, which isn't hard if you have one.
Aren't Doremi posters mostly lolicons too? I saw their threads too and it didn't even seem like they genuinely liked Doremi for being a magical girl series. I have a feeling they were also the people who tried to make Maruko-chan a thing here for a while. Even AiPare and Precure threads are barely hanging on, especially the former.
the garupan general even affects other websites, like that one anon who keeps uploading trash pics to the boorus
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huh?? what happened?
When it goes to weeks, and absolutely no intention to hide its one person, its quite clear its one lonely anon having a script to post an image/post when it reaches bump limit. As for why they do it, I really don't know.
I never said a word of praise about him. I said bring him back, this board could use a rinse.
please fuck my waifu
How did the Garupan general even become a thing? I vaguely remember that a few years ago we didn't have a thread constantly up, just the occasional thread, then all of a sudden it became a daily. I'm also sure that most of them are made by the same person because of the similar styles (usually bringing up a character's birthday).
As someone with a habit of necrobumping threads I like, there's always at least one other person doing it with me so I really doubt anybody is desperate enough to be using scripts for that. /a/ is slow enough that threads can stay on page 9/10 for a long time to do so.
Didn't they literally admit to not moderating it?
that's no the only problem with that fucking series of threads.
like half of every birthday-related post for a good while now (not just in garupan) has been made by MKL
MKL doesn't go to Garupan threads though so I don't think it's him.

It's usually the same kinds of shows that are prone to them, usually CGDCT shows. Why them of all shows? I have no idea.
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>meta thread still up
>posting works
>doesn't get indexed
lmao even
About a year before DF4 released
>I saw their threads too and it didn't even seem like they genuinely liked Doremi for being a magical girl series.
Sounds accurate.

Also...AiPare hasn't been a thing for a while. Aikatsu is kil, but Pretty Series is still alive...kind of.
Oh boo hoo nigger, you wouldn't have lasted a second here 12 years ago
But what exactly triggered the creation of the "general"?

Yeah, that's why it evolved. It used to be an Aikatsu general but then evolved to also talk about PriChan and other shows.
For all we know that board has now more threads than the catalogue usually supports.
I'm not complaining, I'm just surpised neither mods or jannies have done anything yet
And then on the other side of the fence you have Dragon Ball threads.
I'll be honest, I genuinely miss being able to discuss Dragon Ball properly.
The "X days until DF4" threads
Yea. Mods don't try with them now. Unironically, I want them gone.
/a/ is too fast for comfy threads with occasional posters.

It's clear that U149 posters don't really care about anime. They're only here for loli posting. This must be what discords are like.
They're basically /c/ threads where users just want to see a show they like have a thread up. Discussion is welcome but there's not much left to discuss.
atleast with how this site uses it, I absolutely despise this word. A comfy thread really isby design for them an echo chamber. I get sometimes the shitposting can be overwhelming, but the opposite is by design forced and unnatural, not to mention incredibly stale
I really don't want to use the P word but that's really the impression I get from the posts in their threads. Like, they aren't simply lolicons, they're genuinely the word I'm talking about. The weird part is that they deny that they're like that, but their posts betray them.
>I really doubt anybody is desperate enough to be using scripts for that
I sometimes do, but only for shows I really care about. I stop when there's nobody else around for long enough. And just as the thread is about to getting archived, someone else necros it.
any new versions of this?
Yes but do they really need to necrobump them for days or even weeks on end? In most cases it seems like they only bump for bumping sake rather than actually wanting to discuss anything. I don't get why they couldn't just go to /c/.
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Become a mod and see the changes you want to see.
The Dragon Ball threads are an extension of manly anime vs moe anime that has adopted it's own garbage culture throughout the years.
Basically /c/'s culture rejects them.
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Some things are dated on that pyramid, but a lot of what's there is still happening to this day.
Why even resort to using bumping scripts instead of letting threads archive naturally? Not all shows require having a thread constantly up.
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Did it work?
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You seriously underestimate the autism of some people on this board.
I think most anons don't understand that there is a very valid reason to necrobump on /a/, generals are generals but some threads simply cannot last on /a/ without necrobumping.
What would you tell these anons? To not talk about their series? To leave 4chan and talk about them somewhere else where the Posts per Hour is lower?
This board, with its pseudo-generals, is unwittingly divided into different "factions" who will only bump threads pertaining to said factions. It's extremely unlikely that someone posting in a "moe" thread is also going to be posting in a Dragon Ball thread or any other shonen jump thread.
Given this, it's not exactly a problem of there being delusional posters obsessed with dead series with barely any other posters surrounding it, it's a problem of the board speed not actually being level. Some threads are much faster than others, most can survive while others will reliably reach page 9 or 10 after a new post is made.

I've half supported new /a/-variations being made to isolate certain posters, but this argument is far more persuasive for me. The posting demand has exceeded current /a/'s supply.
People just like bumping threads, and there are just enough to keep it going all day. It's pointless, but it doesn't really hurt anybody
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>the P word
/u149/ is full of Producers, yes.
It's not constantly, and sometimes I don't want a thread about something I like and that doesn't have too many threads to begin with getting archived just because /a/ is very fast at the moment.
>>I'll be honest, I genuinely miss being able to discuss Dragon Ball properly.
me too...
What's your point? Technically they're pedos, that's just because of the mostly meaningless definition of the word. I don't see them talking about the real stuff, so there's no problem.
It did!
The thing is, in most cases, there's really no reason to keep forcing a thread or artificially keep them alive. Just see the Starting Today, We're Childhood Friends threads which are almost entirely composed of necrobumps as an example. Not sure though if that thread is mostly necrobumped by krslvsasuka or if they just have extremely dedicated followers for whatever reason.
This is what annoys me about threads like that. Some people need to just accept that no one cares about their niche show and just move on.
>/dbs/ memes
>romcom wars
>digital vs cell wars
Yep, it's all the same.
Arguably it does: it helps clogs up the catalog and it seems utterly pointless. Also, it feels like a waste of time, as well as advertising that that poster is... well, off.
>Casts instant death that bypasses all defenses and immunities
this one doesn't show up for me
does this? >>>/wsr/1490763
That's almost entirely subjective. Most threads that get necrobumped here would not need to be if Posts per Hour were simply slower. The only reason I can think of a thread has no reason to exist is there are 0 posters to actually use it, and there is indeed a single dedicated autist bumping it from page 10 each time until bump limit
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Ummm we're allowed one thread to talk about the state of the board. Lord Hiro approved it.
Because you and your series 'win' if you reach bump limit, and you 'lose' if it archives before that. It's literally just that simple.
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Did they remove the media size limit?
This is a frog-free board.
>The only reason I can think of a thread has no reason to exist is there are 0 posters to actually use it, and there is indeed a single dedicated autist bumping it from page 10 each time until bump limit
Like Edomae Elf threads. Even Hitoribocchi threads arguably since they don't even really discuss the series anymore. I've also seen multiple dailies or storytimes that have a similar issue.
besides lrd and whatever group pushes/shares his "political" views recently
unironically why shonenfags NEED to keep ritualposting.
I'm actually curious: given how /dbs/ moderation is virtually non-existent, if someone posted a Frog or a Jack there, would the post be left undeleted, or are they still dealt with?
Nu-LRD is dead. Nobody else is following his footsteps, except some ESL who makes posts like "That's child."
What is this? Some kind of "game"?
>Error: File too large.
If 'jaks were legal the threads would be nothing but I imagine.
>Searching for posts with the subject ‘dragon ball’ and that have been deleted. Returning only first 5000 of 5907 results found.

I never knew it was THIS BAD...
>simply cannot last on /a/ without necrobumping
Not really correct, they can't last as ongoing generals, but still last as threads from time to time. Usually, series are based on an active series, so threads pop up naturally when that content arrives. If its not incredibly popular or releases are really damn slow, the point of having a general decrease, as no new anons are coming, or any discussion happens.
In that case, series go one of two paths: Threads only get made when they need to, and anons will show up to them since they're tied to a release of something, or they become failed generals, fully held up by ritualposting and actually having nothing inside them.
Sure, activity in said generals would ramp up when something interesting happens, but it would've happened anyways with a thread being made.
Even worse, these pseudo-generals lets a couple anons really get to know each other, and often leads to infighting as the anonimity slowly gets stripped away. I've seen this first hand, and often makes me realize that I absolutely despise anons once I really get to know them.
They're a fertile ground of schizo creating as well.
Several weeks ago there was even a thread with a jak as OP image and that didn’t get deleted. Not a dbs thread brw
4chan should die
Most likely the image got deleted but you didn't notice.
How would you classify Hitoribocchi threads then?
>poor people gain access
>thread quality plummets
And considering 22,922 Dragon Ball threads have been made, that means 25.8% of all Dragon Ball threads that have ever been made have been deleted.

they're still around trying to groom anons
They don't but like I said posters just want to have a thread up.
I'm not poor, I just don't want to doxx myself on Coonbase.
That must have been hours after then
4chan is hell. Hell can't die.

More like
>post rate goes up
>thread quality plummets
Like where?
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true, i'm waiting for the american elections to see if any schizo is stupid enough to do something that'll kill this site.
>Like Edomae Elf threads.
I don't know the exact state of those but I did see more than one poster in a recent one just talking about the show as usual.
>Even Hitoribocchi threads arguably since they don't even really discuss the series anymore.
And what's your definition of "discuss"? Do all posters need to adhere to strict bussiness-only discussion of an anime until all topics are extinguished and subsequent threads must be put down?
Human interest in things lasts far longer than mere 'discussion' about its meaning or otherwise, you'd be deleting half of the board if you got rid of all people who just like an anime and don't discuss it in detail. There's no reason to actually do that.
so what happened really?
I lurk a few pseudo-generals and can't say I've ever seen them evolve from mindless necrobumping to schizo shitflinging. Except for GochiUsa. The random vitriol in those threads is bizarre.
Yes, if it is not active enough to stay alive then just let it dies. Go discuss something else. You don't need a thread up 24/7. You don't need a community. You don't need a close knit of friends on /a/. We come. We talk. We part way. That is the nature of things
Threads for less popular series that aren't pseudo-generals are the ones that need bumping the most, because they usually take time to find their audience in the catalog.
yesterday was almost impossible to post on /v/. didn't try here on /a/ tho, I thought it was a server problem. what's happening? they're forcing the users to buy the pass?
>More like
>>post rate goes up
>>thread quality plummets
That's the same thing
I still wonder to this day why the Bukiwave daily dose is allowed but Sakura eating the fish isn't.
>Except for GochiUsa.
I post in them but I don't know why there's always someone to post a new thread so soon.
Obligatory "because HE HATES IT" comment
unusable for years. I don't bother these days
Is it true that the anon who keeps posting the word "panservice" on /a/ and haunting threads for shows like Nanare Hananare is LRD? As in the original, not nu-LRD. I'm talking about >>271326912. I've seen people claim that the posting styles are similar, but as I'm not too familiar with LRD I don't know if it's true or not.
Lmao I was taking a nap
/a/ is only barely usable
i fucking hate shonenfags who spam their threads
Well, my first hand experience with them where when they were making the /a/ draws ED, which I contributed to. During then, that kind of ritualposting was very useful, as it lead to a backbone for threads as it needed lots of new anons to see it. In fact, I'd say that kind of devotion is what lead to such a project to be made (The YT channel being called Bocchi adds to that). However now, it seems anons arw just stuck in their ways, a purposeless general. They're keeping up old habits, and its clear now there won't come anything big from it either. At least some nice OC was made
I have to admire the Jirenposters for their sheer dedication, you don’t see that much anymore on this board.
Your point of view completely falls apart when you view the same kinds of threads in alt-chans whose post rates are much lower, threads naturally taking days or weeks or months to archive.
Forcing people to talk about something else and abandon a series they like is nonsensical, you can talk about both at the same time, and /a/ only doesn't naturally allow this because threads for airing series and certain generals are faster than most others.
Weird how early posts related to panservice are about Pan from DBGT but now it's something completely different.
>you don’t see that much anymore on this board
Dedication to what? Feels like you're tooting your own horn here.
So, what was the "update"?
I find that hard to tell. But people thought that oldfag LRD and nu-LRD were the same person (which is why nu-LRD always denied being LRD) so whatever.
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New bugs for /wsr/ and /s4s/.
great thread
all i can gather from this is that 4chan will just continue to grow worse because the owners don't do shit
These posts are what I'm talking about here. Is he really LRD or just an unrelated but similar anon?
I've been following /miag/ for 6+ years, and its seen its fair share of phases, including the schizo shitflinging. Atleast from what I gathered, while these phases have meant different audiences came and went, and to be fair the biggest schizos have left, the current general does have them. Ritualposters which are perfectly happy to be mingling with each other, but would bare their fangs and intensely samefag once they see something they dislike, like what happened with last chapter. Only rationale I could see is that they'd post in those threads all the time, so seeing something they don't like made them fully livid
Yes. You finally understood. The mods just barely keep this place running (see the downtime today how well that works) but they don't care enough to make radical changes to save this site.
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Sakura created daily threads. It's a shit excuse but whatever.
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There's too many storytime threads.
it's sad
i love anonymous posting
but i fucking hate how incompetent these owners are.
>this happened nearly 7 years ago
Where does the time go...
He's posting in a lots of threads about shows that aren't loli adjacent at all, which I would take as a possible clue that it's not LRD.
Aaaaaaaaand they summoned him after 12 hours of bait posting, mods still doing nothing at all.
Here are some of his other posts. He seems to use the word "hag" a lot especially when referring to non-lolis. Based on his other posts he also has disdain for non-lolis. He also used to complain that "hags" got fanservice and not lolis. With that style, could it be him, or just an unrelated guy?
"panservice" is new to me
sounds like he's copying the swimsuit guy
What in the actual fuck is happening in that thread, give me a quick qrd on this guy
I have a feeling they gave up on him already. Even when he gets banned, he's almost always back almost immediately. Nuking him is just a band-aid solution. The real solution would be to have filters that would his favorite words to something else (like how "s.oy" becomes "based" or how that one word becomes "desu"). Why they haven't done that yet I have no idea.
Oh no...are you saying he's in this thread, RIGHT NOW?
Insane /u/ faggot that's been posting the same routine spergouts for over a decade by now
I really wonder if it's a bot that was never shut off
It's clear wordfilters are a thing of the past, so many words that would've been filtered before have now been left untouched. Like take tranime or goyslop, I doubt old 4chan would just let stuff like that proliferate
>He seems to use the word "hag" a lot especially when referring to non-lolis.
It's a meme you dip
Actually the post style looks very different, just search for LolisRDead in the name field for his confirmed old posts.
>He seems to use the word "hag" a lot especially when referring to non-lolis. Based on his other posts he also has disdain for non-lolis. He also used to complain that "hags" got fanservice and not lolis.
Not enough, most lolifags do that. Hell, it's such a common meme, "hag" is even used in a positive way now.
It's incomplete and doesn't have all the lore, but works as an introduction.

I swear to God that this board, and indeed the site's, quality and collective IQ went down the toilet the moment "trannies" became 4chan's favorite buzzword.
Holy lmao
what the absolute hell insanity is this picture
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I have a feeling most of those reaction posts in that collage are ACK
I love these kind of insane schizo screencap pics.
somehow any new thread that I add to the watchlist doesn't get pinned anymore. but the old ones are still pinned. something major has been changed
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So, how do you get a 4chan Pass without using a KYC exchange?
/dbs/GODS would defeat the accelspammer
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>left to take a nap
>come back
>see this
>don't understand what happened
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The scary part is how accurate that post is. I wouldn't be surprised if some "personalities" are ITT right now posting normal posts half of the time and nonsense bait posts the other half.
Last time I renewed my pass (this was a couple of months ago) they allowed cards again, just not through PayPal. Good because paying with crypto is a fucking pain and I hate crypto anyway.
Mine your own coins I guess, good luck.
I wonder if in theory you could get bitcoin anonymously by selling worthless trash online, say AI generated porn advertised on pixiv.
You can now get a pass without crypto, they recently added back regular purchases.
Of course you technically can also get the benefits of a pass without paying at all, but that's by becoming a janny, which I'd say people would rather pay than do.
Holy shit it got deleted
God Etna is so cute
>have to solve cloudlfare captcha to even view the 4chan pass page
Absolutely cucked.
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Yeah all the big city people love ボテトセンベイ but shops out here don't have it yet
Something went wrong.
I always wondered if he's ever had a job or if he even goes out of his house considering his posting hours and intensity. At times it seemed like he'd only leave a thread to go to sleep but would otherwise never stop.
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look at this cool thread I found onii-chan
missed the link, that was embarrassing
lmao they've jobbed so hard to moe recently, they'd lose hard.
4chan went down for maintainence for a bit, but maniftested in a weird way, ie posting was bricked with the exception of pass users. All of this lasted less than an hour, its back to normal now.
What do you mean?
>another thread ruined by ACK and his baiters
Yeah, really cool, now kill yourself, cancer.
I mean, you can buy bitcoin through Bisq or something, but you can only pay through Coinbase.
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C-can I post again
Not in a 100 of years. Even when trying their best to flood the catalog they failed to cover even 1/5 of it.
>full of shipfags from tumblr
So you're saying 4chan only accepts coinbase as intermediate? So much for bitcoin being le free and independent ancap moniez.
tons of dbs threads had "moe" as the thread opener.
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>lots of activity
>then suddenly, complete silence for over 10 minutes
The bots broke.
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It's nearly 5pm here so need to get ready for muh lifts
I love you Konata!
>shounen and isekai haters are 4chan haters as a whole and love cuckshit as well
Interesting isn't it.
Conversation shifted to discussing schizos so I tapped out for a bit
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I love you too anon
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>site is still alive
why, god? why?
why does this always happen when I'm sleeping
>shounen and isekai lovers are 4chan addicts as a whole and are retarded as well
Was pretty obvious.
Because this is purgatory.
If this is purgatory, just how bad is hell?
They usually plan site maintenance during the slowest hours.
No one likes YOUR kind either, outside of your little homo circlejerk. A blanket shounen ban would be great for /a/
How does this site even stay alive? Everyone uses adblocks and almost no one owns passes.
In hell, every thread is about your favorite shows, and is also /dbs/ quality.
Glowie money, especially from Russia.
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Testing grounds for a Pass-exclusive posting system to be implemented on blue boards and /pol/ once the election goes full steam under the guise of an every day downtime. System to be implemented in full in 2025. This also explains why they're offering 3-year Pass deals now.
You're welcome
Can't wait for Christmas.
I used my own wallet to pay. So it's just that coinbase runs the service, not that you need an account.
>/vip/ is so dead and unused that people literally forget that it exists.
but yeah the code for pass only posting already exists on this site. they literally just have to copy paste it if they really wanted to.
>mp4 in sound
think you fucked that up
I don't think pass-only posting will ever be enforced 24/7. That would kill 90% of posting activity and instantly destroy 4chan's last remaining cultural relevance.
It's more likely a semi-lockdown mode where only pass users can post during major happenings. That would make moderation much easier, would let them extract money from agenda pushers (who are most active during happenings), and would be an extra incentive for regular posters to get a pass without making them feel like they're being forced.
How did you do it? The payment page seems to require you use a supported service.
I'm always impressed how the Bocchi and Hidamari Sketch generals manage to bump their thread just 1 or 2 new threads away from archiving.
Nah, its quite clear the pass posters being able to post was a side effect to normal users posting, having the thread be bumped, but the post not being visible. They were experimenting with a way to combat the spam and bots, and probably making a system so they can still "post" but not visible posts.
if only
Think about it anon, how in the fuck does that make sense? Because it doesn't.
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I forgot exactly how. That was a year ago. I have a coinbase account though so maybe you had to log in but I did send the payment using electrum.
Never underestimate the dedication those Hidamari alcoholics have.
I can't imagine life without 4chan... might consider suicide for real.... yes I'm that lonely...
I'm pretty fucking lonely but I think my life would improve without 4chan.
But I can't leave. It's like an addiction. Just the same alcoholics or people on fent.
Well, as other anons said, they already have the implementation to enable pass only posting, but that wouldn't explain why s4s and wsr are still borked, its clear they're experimenting with something else. My idea was, is that bots likely have a system to change to a new IP once they see they can't post on the current one, however allowing these "invisible" posts will keep them in a loop of posting nothing.
Everyone would probably just migrate to an altchan anyways
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The cult of wide never sleeps.

In all seriousness they really should just let threads die after days of nobody discussing anything. There's nothing stopping you from just making another whenever you want.
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>Been on 4chan for nearly 15 years
>starting to realize I neglected my life in favor of posting on 4chan
I made a mistake
It's owned by Goodsmile.
>however allowing these "invisible" posts will keep them in a loop of posting nothing.
That has existed a long time ago, you idiot. If you post without filling in the captcha field your post will often pretend to get posted successfully, but it never shows up.
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If you want a splash in the face, check out /soc/ for what actual loneliness is. Or, if it doesn't phase you, get in contact with some people there, they'll come with a bundle of mental illnesses, so basically you're rolling a gacha
Only 30%.
Hiromoot still owns it and hides the servers in france which is why he always travels there and streams there regularly.
The difference is now for some reason it was bumping the thread as well, it wasn't the same thing
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>been on 4chan for a decade
>not a single second has been wasted
I'm too powerful
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dawa > desuwa
That's how I felt around the 10 year mark.
Please be careful over the next 5 years.
I didn't show a literal error either, retard. Your interpretations are nonsense.
>for a decade
election tourist-kun....
Thank you Russia.
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>Please be careful over the next 5 years.
I will have a moonbase by then don't worry
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Did something happen
the ever closer day post-election 4chan is older than pre-election 4chan I might leave for good.
It cuts several pages off of /a/, effectively, meaning dozens of threads for fun jokes/OC or for discussion of niche stuff just aren't allowed to exist because some autist is knocking them down to keep his dead general in the catalog 24/7. That alone is extremely harmful, but it also prevents any discussion of the thing that thread is supposed to be about since you have to choose between getting buried in an endless stream of ritualposts and necrobumps or getting purged for making a "duplicate thread" with an actual point of discussion. There's a reason /v/ purged its generals, it's just that the cancer didn't consume /a/ until after all the people who cared about the site's quality left.
nyanpasus were banned from posting for an hour or so
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five hundat posts
fare thee well, Anonymous

though it's weird, KurobaEX is not saying the thread hit bump limit
>for discussion of niche stuff
Threads for niche stuff only survive because of necro bumping.
I love you too, Mikan
probably doesn't consider OP the first post
Your post was reply 499. So before you made your post, there were 498 replies, which is not bump limit yet. What's weird is that 4chan itself indicates bump limit only after reply 500 was made, even though reply 500 doesn't bump anymore.
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Where do Anons go after threads like this die?
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I think it may be directly counting deleted posts, the native extension says 502 (that post was actually the 499th), and 4chanX says 503
I'll just do some work.
Threads should be automatically autosaged after entering page 8 10 times.
They'd just change to bump at page 7.
/biz/ has this system already partially in place under the slogan of "combatting scammers and easing moderation" despite scams running rampant in 2021 and 2022 and nobody batting an eye. Also the fact that almost nobody is bothered by this change except for people who happen to be from developing countries which economies are in a permanent downwards spiral of inflation, who also happen to be the portion of the site that makes it unusable and full of shit.
You'd be surprised seeing how many people are willing to pay 20usd a year to post this site, if /biz/ is anything to go for. Applying this to the side of the site where serious discussion and rule abiding should take place makes the most sense. Boards like /b/ would still be free for everyone to use.
>What's weird is that 4chan itself indicates bump limit only after reply 500 was made, even though reply 500 doesn't bump anymore.
didn't know that
we turn to dust
It's not much, but I'm archiving this thread and in doing so I connect each one of us together.
I'm also going to upload my archive before I kill myself. That way you will never be alone again.
Only 2 years left anon so you'd better have your rope ready.
What I've learned from this thread is that I shouldn't feel bad to necro-bump a thread I made that no one else cares about
Sites like desuarchive archived almost every single post since 2009 or so.
personally I think there should be a "thread should autosage after X days if it hasn't reached bump limit" system in place for boards that have the 500 bump limit
Do you fags seriously think necro bumped threads are /a/'s worst problem?
>Marked for deletion (old).
Honestly, gonna stop using 4chan for the day. Was just gonna browse a bit earlier, saw that the threads weren't matching up the time since last post and the page they were on, so realized something weird was going on. So spent some time on /ghost/, then realized passes could actively still talk, which got me really interested. Spent last couple of hours replying to shit on a couple of boards surrounding this, and yeah, it's petered out by now.
Atleast something interesting happened, but still I'm quite busy and shouldn't of spent this time here
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i stay in your head cutie
this, in fact I already bump at page 7 so people don't complain about necrobumping
this doesn't fix the issue that some threads are kept alive by necrobumping and wouldn't otherwise survive because they're "niche", yes generals are usually a plague but we can't get rid of those, they're just a consequence of the catalog existing. Most of the board is still too fast to be able to handle more niche manga or anime, whereas on a slower board you'd just have to wait a little longer for someone to make a real post
Come on. The autists bumping a thrwad every hour or so aren't the real problem, compared to shonen generals and fetish threads.
You know what's sad? When you have no reason to live but no reason to die either. I hate being stuck in this limbo. I've been finding some reasons to die lately and if I can't find enough, I'll make them.

I think /tg/ does have something like that
All the real CGDCTfags have been driven away from the threads by yurifags, who now make up the entirety of these threads’ residents.
That’s why they’re so slow.
Unfortunately, many people don't seem to understand that discussion is like a big pitcher of water that's constantly being refilled by a slow drip from above. If you constantly try to pour out discussion you'll soon end up getting nothing, you need to give it time to refill.
>/v/ perged its generals
What planet are you from, /v/ also has countless pseudogenerals like /a/
As a terminal /v/ user I learned from foolz that archives are not to be depended on.
Yeah, if its not part of a well known mold, it'll likely die way too quickly. You need some time and chance to get the roll balling on something new, so do try keeping the thread afloat for a while for the chance of that.
>They'd just change to the threads actually being active
And it would be an objective improvement.
This by the same retards who want 10 posts per day boards and telling people to go to alt chans LMAO
Just kill yourselves already.
/a/ has half the catalogue of generals at least. /v/ has a ton of problems, but the amount of generals isn't one of them.
>This by the same retards who want 10 posts per day boards
nothing inherently wrong with this
>telling people to go to alt chans
noticeably higher quality per post than 4chan
Only because gachashit drove out all the circlejerks centered around actual video games and they started using /v/ as the overflow board.

A thread being up for something != discussion for that thing occurring. That's the whole problem.
The biggest problem is that you fuckers don't discuss MY favorite series!
Let me guess, you already made more than 10 posts this thread right? stupid bitch.
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Makima does stay in my head
holy fuck I wanna be abused like that

I'm just glad this dogshit nigger disappeared. Sometimes /a/ heals a tiny little bit. Every cancer passes eventually.
then the problem is generals, not necrobumping threads.
Is a thread about a series a general?
>You'd be surprised seeing how many people are willing to pay 20usd a year to post this site, if /biz/ is anything to go for.
/biz/ is not representative. A crypto gambler and his money are easily parted. Most of the site is much more skeptical, and /a/ in particular is full of anons raised on piracy who hate being forced to pay for things that could be free.
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you're such a loser
Jannies are at war with Fire Emblem threads were they often end up deleted or auto-saged because they act too much like a general
Technically they are. If we're going by airing series then they're weekly generals. Not that it matters.
If we're going by intended meaning then it's any thread that is continuously remade as soon as its last instance ends.
I've been in plenty of threads where this intended meaning does not apply but that still required necrobumping to stay alive because most of the board is not interested
Many of the /a/ generals have hours or days of pause between threads, are they still generals?
Are said delays intentional?
Very correct take.
Not necessarily, but even without OPs intent it can become one. Pseudogenerals have calling cards, usually its just the title of the series plus reference only up to date readers will get, and can be differentiated by those who just found out about the series, made a lengthy OP and likely took a pic from first page of google results.
A defining part of a general is how relevant the OP is to discussion, if not at all its likely one. Of course, somebody can accidently make a thread with the calling card, easiest to see is on /v/ if OP uses a pic featuring a 2hu character, often will get overrun by /v/hu even if OP didn't inted.
Generals are just regular threads about something. If there’s enough people interested there’s no problem with them. Bump generals where it’s only 3 retards mass bumping stay alive while not interesting anyone.
99.9% of necrobumps are for generals and that's clearly what we're talking about here, not the fringe cases where OP needs time to deliver and keeping the thread alive while waiting is justified. It's a specific type of general that survives on the autism of a couple people instead of the pissing contests of dozens.
Does she have no hands?
Yeah, I'd say so. If the exact same posters come to do the exact same ritualposts, a day or two between breaks doesn't make a difference. Only time breaks really matter is if its weeks and all attempts to make the genersl die under 10 posts, then those couple straddlers give up and the general effectively dies.
Insanely correct post.
What does that even mean? When a thread reaches bump limit and gets archived, anyone watching the thread could immediately recreate it.
She wears sweaters with oversized sleeves because it's cute!
Is she pretending to be a vampire?
>act too much like a general
They literally are the general from /vg/ that moved to /v/ like a year ago because Heroes and/or an exceptionally talented tripfag made the thread unusable even by their abysmal standards.

And it's fucking sad that /v/ mods do more to combat cancer than the /a/ mods do these days.
Add "is this yuri" to the spam filter list
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Yet you keep coming back to us
How come panservice anon isn't banned yet despite being a spammer? Usually his posts aren't deleted despite being spam.
Just because it's not interesting to you doesn't mean it doesn't have users interested.
The point is you're striking against necrobumps instead of generals directly, accidentally harming threads that are just slow by nature
They could, and then they get banned. Gochiusa and GuP posters explicitly mention this constantly. Delays for pseudo-generals in /a/ are almost always intentional so as to not enrage the mods
Anon is tsundere.
The mods are incredibly selective. I once got banned for spam once because I posted a single ritual posts in every new thread of a certain show (but only if not someone else did it).
But a faggot like this often gets away with his off-topic bullshit.
Now you're delusional. The stuff /v/ mods do are incredibly tiny compared to the rest of the board becoming /vpol/ plus all the other kinds of spam, which often get just light slaps on the wrist.
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>Gochiusa and GuP posters explicitly mention this constantly.
You must be kidding.
Amazingly correct and accurate assessment.
It usually takes at least 1 or 2 years for mods to get sick enough of a spammer that they decide dealing with the endless complaints is more work than playing whack-a-mole with one ban evader.
There's also the theory that certain raid groups have infiltrated the janny team to dismiss reports for stuff that suits their agenda.
That's why he wants us gone.
why is your last name "I love"?
> Just because it's not interesting to you doesn't mean it doesn't have users interested
Retard, if they did they wouldn’t be bump generals
it's I. Love
OK? That's just a meme that you should wait 24 hours before making a new thread to recharge it. The joke is that they never wait this long. It got nothing to do with mod actions.
The suspicious thing is that it's often the case that posts calling out panservice anon are deleted, but they leave his actual posts up, as if they were keeping his posts up on purpose. Even in the rare times he does get deleted, it's usually just one post rather than all of them and he's back to posting shortly after. I've reported him for spamming or evading filters multiple times yet the reports are almost always ignored.
Threads that are slow in nature are the ones most harmed by necrobumping autism because it reduces the amount of effective space on the board and thus reduces the amount of time that you are allowed to go between posts across all threads before getting archived. You're turning all of those topics into autism competitions where you can't just start a thread and wait for someone to give a meaningful response because that spot on the board is getting eaten up by someone who is willing to fuck over your niche interest in order to keep his thread that nobody but him cares about alive even without a shred of discussion.
She's a spooky idol.

It's a toxic relationship. Please let me go!
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I wish anon would be honest about his feelings
That seems more of an inside joke, /a/ mods never give a shit about threads being too close to each other, the only times threads get deleted after being made after one reaches bump limit is if the OP relates too much to the last thread, or the general itself (ie linking thread, calling it general/edition). The rest goes under the radar.
Reports are always ignored.
The mods may see posts complaining about the schizo as off-topic, while the schizo appears to talk about anime (so it's on-topic in their clouded, unaware minds).
The schizo might even report bomb posts that disagree with him, giving those mods who respond to reports the impression that the complainers are the worse problem.
I can't know if you're gone for good if I don't check, can I?
Is that why in recent times there have been so many /pol/ bait or ragebait threads that are either not deleted, or only get deleted after they hit bump limit?

I've seen threads with "edition" in them not being deleted, so even then it seems selective.
>It's a toxic relationship. Please let me go!
You're here forever.
It's truly a mystery. They can delete frog or 3D porn threads in under a minute, but such bait threads stay up and are obviously allowed by most of the mods. And then, half a day or days later, the thread gets deleted...
>generals are banned
>introduce an artificial delay to make your general look less like a general
It's very obvious.
GuPanons were just recently warning each other to not do exactly what we're talking about because mods have deleted threads

It's nothing so serious obviously, but /a/ pseudo-generals behaved exactly like /vg/ generals (without the branding) they'd be guaranteed deleted too just like most threads that have a "last thread >>" or "edition" in the subject
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She's really 150iq
>Is that why in recent times there have been so many /pol/ bait or ragebait threads that are either not deleted, or only get deleted after they hit bump limit?
Probably. Deleting bait threads after they hit the bump limit is its own form of ragebait, in a way.
>introduce an artificial delay to make your general look less like a general
No, that's not the intention. The intention is to take a break to not get worn out by the constant threads. Give me just one proof that it's done because of mods. Also this screenshot is real
Here's an example of what I'm talking about. His posts were left up while posts calling him out were deleted, sometimes relatively soon after posting. It got to the point that it was theorized that he's a janny himself, but who knows if that's plausible or not.
I'd assume its a form of containment, and deleting them would make an even worse result. Take vidya butts on /v/, the instant deletion then was taken as a challenge, fucker has posted nearly 20000 threads.
Anon, effective space in the board is way more affected by quickly reused threads than by necrobumped slow generals. The problem is niggers that make too many threads at once, not the ones that keep one alive
That's a good example why the complainers get deleted, but not the schizo. The schizo's posts are at least superficially talking about anime, while the complainers are blatantly off-topic and even complain about the mods.
None of that changes that /a/ mods do even less to make this board usable.
I've heard claims that /pol/fags are being babied or protected by the mods/jannies, which is why rage bait threads often survive, at least until after it's too late. Something about one of the chief mods leaning thay way politically and trying to influence the site to be more like his politics. How plausible is that theory?
>The intention is to take a break to not get worn out by the constant threads.
even though the delay is minimal at best? the only reasonable explanation (and the one that they always mention) is mods, it's weird to me you're arguing this
>Also this screenshot is real
and I'm sure mods let them all stay up and didn't ban anyone that day
>58 posts by me
I made every tenth post in this thread.
That's why they leave /dbs/ up, but /pol/ brainrot hasn't settled on /a/ enough to seep into everything if it doesn't get its own containment thread. It's at the stage where the containment thread itself only makes stray /pol/tards feel welcome.
I doubt it, jannies get controlled as well. He's likely abusing the report feature, from what I understand after a certain thershold it'll get deleted no matter what. Plus like the other anon said, bringing up the schizo is often more off topic (and leads to meta discussion) than what the schizo is saying by himself.
>even though the delay is minimal at best?
"Minimal" is your subjective opinion.
> the only reasonable explanation (and the one that they always mention) is mods,
You're literally just making this up because it fits your narrative. Nobody ever said you should wait with the next thread because otherwise the mods would delete it. I'm a regular in gochiusa threads.
>it's weird to me you're arguing this
You're the weird one.
Rapeape the head moderator is a /pol/fag wants them around.
It seems like a double standard. He's similsr to bikinischizo in that they spam and only superficially talk about the show, yet he is often left alone unlike bikinischizo who is often (but not always) nuked.
For a board this speed, they are the fastest at deleting actual spam, whether thats porn, wojaks, pepe, etc.
>Plus like the other anon said, bringing up the schizo is often more off topic (and leads to meta discussion) than what the schizo is saying by himself.
Good schizos operate like this. They upset everyone with their anime related bait, which leads to meta posting, which is what the mods will delete. The schizos don't do this intentionally, they just do what they believe is right. You have to blame the mods for creating such an unbalanced bullshit dynamic.
As another anon said, RapeApe is a known /pol/tard, and /pol/tards are probably some of the biggest pass buyers on the site because of the meme flags and shorter post timeout.
>because of the meme flags
Both pass users and normal users can freely choose between meme flags and geoip based flags.
>and shorter post timeout.
It's only 30 seconds on /pol/ unlike 60 seconds on /a/ for all users without pass.
Maybe have a better viewing experience first, the 5 images seems nice but are abhorrent for the layout they make in threads.
Retarded spammers like you need to fuck off with their cancerous garebage spinoff. If anything, your place demonstrates that the mods are not that bad.
Just use gallery mode?
Idk I don't have your problem with the 5 images though
>blame the mods for creating such an unbalanced bullshit dynamic
Or just, you know, stop feeding the trolls? Not defending mods or anything, fuck them, but trolls or schizos do live on attention, which they get in spades.
Stop outting yourself.
>Both pass users and normal users can freely choose between meme flags and geoip based flags.
>It's only 30 seconds on /pol/ unlike 60 seconds on /a/ for all users without pass.
I assumed Hiro had more business sense than that.
>"Minimal" is your subjective opinion.
Last post in the Chiya thread was at 18:44 22/9
Megging thread started at 2:12 23/9
That's a pretty minimal delay for a thread. Most wait a week to be made again.
>Nobody ever said you should wait with the next thread because otherwise the mods would delete it.
What's the reason then? It's not like they ever lose out on activity.
>I'm a regular in gochiusa threads.
>You're the weird one.
you fags were the reason everything turned to shit in 2015, your suicide is almost ten years late so please get on with it already
fuck that retard and fuck anyone who responded to him
Good shit.
Literally the opposite is true, jannies are all yurifags and censor any opinion that is against homosexuality or yurishit
Let blatant schizo lore from /u/ stay up and delete posts that call it out
Seems to work now, see >>>/wsr/1490772
Okay, why not.
I meant how the images are laid out when one person posts more than one image in a post, max of 5. Having all images show up, with differing sizes, just looks so off and makes browsing threads a pain. A lot more UI issues are imbalanced like that.
4chan isn't great either for this, but with 4chanx and some other tweaks it gets good enough, here its behind in so many little ways until its ugly to look at and use.
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sorry i don't read the wall street journal
I know exactly why you're salty, and it's a good thing they crack down on your spam.
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So the conclusion is we hate each other?
If I were to kill myself what website could I use to stream for maximum entertainment for people here?
added 8 gigabytes of RAM
>/pol/ obsesser is a complete newfag
I see Holo I submit.
>defending /pol/
You have to go back.
I don’t spam
This >>271331845 is spam
It's a different site.
Fair enough, although a simple userscript could tidy that up easily. Also the owner of the site is open to feedback.
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I like you anon
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It's just a funny meme?
The conclusion is that the latter half of this thread is exactly why metathreads are dogshit and deleted. It just polarizes anons more, gets everybody against each other more than any other thing
Only twitter toutists try to use /pol/ as a boogeyman. /pol/ is representative of this site’s userbase.
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Come to a better board, one I made out of necessity.
Link in the pic
It’s neither of these two things.
I just wanted to say that Hatsune Miku is now being pushed as a roastie slut symbol.
Deco27 is releasing songs of miku being a slut and loving it, he's doing it on purpose to taint her since his brain has been lost to roastie ntr shit.
Wait, you mean you, the dude advertising it, is not part of its development? What else would prompt you to constantly advertise it here?
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Come to a better board, one I made out of necessity.
Link in the pic
>only 5000 posts found
>"what did he mean by this" gets 27k
you're stupid anon, it's just a meme
It's a representative of newfag election tourists from 2016, kill yourself
That entire board is a twitter colony, what are you on about?
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can you hit just below my tummy with negative ions
>Only twitter toutists try to use /pol/ as a boogeyman.
No. I've been on /a/ long before the elections. We also hated "stormfags".
> /pol/ is representative of this site’s userbase.
That's like pouring mud into a glass of water and saying the mud is representative of what should be in a glass.
No! Not /hap/!
/hap/? More like /crap/!
It’s not a "meme" when it’s just a couple retards spamming the same pointless shit every thread.
Election tourists aren’t real, they’re a boogeyman made up by tumblr and twitter immigrants to blame backlash against them, which has existed for as long as they have been flooding in, on.

You would get banned from twitter for having /pol/ views, retard.

/pol/ was created because there was a demand for it, and there was a demand for it because the userbase is like that. Stormfag obsessers have always been tumblr toutists too.
>You would get banned from twitter for having /pol/ views, retard.
Look up the views of the guy who owns it, retard.
I'm not from tumblr either. moot deleted proto-/pol/, it as his greatest mistake to add it back. It wasn't a significant part of the 4chan user base until the election tourism happened and all these reddit refugees with their shit culture flooded everything.
>You would get banned from twitter for having /pol/ views, retard.
I think you're just a troll who hasn't been on /pol/ in several years.
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>I'm archiving this thread
pls tell me how do you do it?
>inb4 desuarchive
You think Elon Musk has /pol/ views? Retard.
He's a troll who is very invested in spreading /pol/'s revisionist history.
>You would get banned from twitter for having /pol/ views, retard.
Like twitter automatically bans you because you somehow opened the /pol/ board?
Is this one of the obviously mentally ill schizo delusions /pol/cucks suffer from?
You complete fucking retard, the very reason why shitholes like reddit and twitter are hated here is because their userbase is typically left wing.
Well, glad this thread's nearly dead.
Are you screenshotting posts that you find interesting or saving all of it? I have similar plans for when I'm about to die.
I'm interested too.
I used to have a wget line for it, but it stopped working when they changed something about how the CDN works.
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You can literally use "Save page as..." or the "Take Screenshot" function in firefox.

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Are you the same fag who keeps saying it was plebbit's fault that 4chan hated /pol/ since 2015?
You actually can get auto banned from twitter for saying faggot or tranny yes
There are autoban words on 4chan too. Want me to post some?
You get manually banned for saying "nigger" on most boards.
Sounds like you don't have a clue about twitter or /pol/, which I would commend if I thought think it was for a lack of trying.

Twitter is so openly racist it's both surprising and hilarious to wonder what you people still complain about.
That board was deleted by reddit jannies specifically because it didn’t conform to the average reddit views. They were 4chzn people crossposting on reddit

Lol, /pol/ being used as a boogeyman only started 3 years ago tops.
That has nothing to do with whatever you're claiming. You talked about views.

>They were 4chzn people crossposting on reddit
Obviously not.
I hope this place stays gone for real next time.
/pol/ posting outside of /pol/ report option when?
Not that any jannies would respond to it.
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As long as there is darkness inside of people's hearts, I will return. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!
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Yes jannies (who are all twitter and reddit immigrants) subvert 4chan to give tourists an advantage.

Anything even remotely right wing gets censored on twitter, unless it flies under the radar, which it doesn’t for long. All it takes is one report.
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Only if yuri outside of /u/ gets banned too.
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