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>Meet Rally and Mini-May, two of the most fun-loving, well-armed, bounty-hunting women in Chicago! Whether they're chasing bail jumpers or fending off the Mob, you can bet on a healthy supply of guns, bombs, car chases, and more guns!

Rally is assigned to track down a bail-jumping informant whose testimony could severely damage the Mob. Unfortunately, the Mob is onto him, and the meanest, toughest bad-girl hitwoman in the Windy City is all too willing to "ventilate" our heroines to get to the stool pigeon!
Sweet, back when Chicago was cool
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Damn I wish I had a muscle car
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>tfw have that many guns to shoot at once
It's a great feeling
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>ejecting the cylinder
>still a couple live rounds
Excuse me while I fap
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Still is. Source: Me, I'm there now.
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Pffft these days? lol no
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You bitch
Radinov did nothing wrong, also she's anime only
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FUCK Minnie
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I'm still mad Sonoda made Rally a Indian instead of a latina.
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I don't know much about guns, but I feel like everyone in this manga should be deaf.
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>getting wet just from blowing up a car
What a little slut.
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Never got to read the manga, only watch the anime. Thanks OP, this is an opportunity I won't let it pass.
does this guy still make art? Or just how he is doing currently, i hope he is having a good life
I bet you say latina with the sentence-breaking accent.
You disgust me.
>Big Magnums
Vashyron likes this very much!
Thank you, OP.
Chicago is as bad-ass as it's ever been. I've never been bored here, never run out of cool and interesting shit to do.
chicago has never been cool. even chicago people don't think chicago is cool
I think the Shelby is more of a classic European style sports car but that doesn't change the fact that I want the fuck out of one.
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total ATF death
god i miss girls being properly drawn like this
With those winds sure is cool!
>pigfat 2 door coupe with a boat anchor engine that can only go in a straight line because americans can't into turning
There's nothing european about the mustang.
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I was talking about the AC Shelby Cobra (which I believe Rally had for a while, and then got blown up). Although on second inspection, the one in that page is, indeed the Mustang. Silly me. I really like the Mustang too, though.
I've shot a few times without hearing protection
Your ears feel like they're burning.
But the sensation goes away
Sonoda runs a candy shop IIRC
He's done with anime and manga but he left his mark
Mustangs can be bought for cheap
I was thinking about buying one myself for fun and to work on it
>Women doing mundane things with a twist
>Car porn
>Gun porn
Yeah, I'm thinking it's kino time!
>mustangs can be bought for cheap
Lmao in what world? Almost every generation are going for retard tier prices, the only ones that are still semi-affordable are the sn95, new edge and s197 which are all shit. And having a project car is more of a headache than it is fun.
t. owner of a foxbody that has been on and off the road for 4 years
fox body mustangs were a dime a fuckin dozen at one point
A lot of cars were, shit happens over time. Now the used car market is fucked and you'll be lucky to find anything classic that's still running for a decent price.
The 2010s models arent too bad in my opinion
I want those
Aw that's cute, I don't know how old the guy is but I am glad he is happily retired. While I think his stuff is kinda niche, I am glad it has a cult following. I love the shit out of his work and I hope he knows how much people in the west does too!
Late S197 generation is fine because it's when ford dropped the modular and put in the new 5.0(2) coyote along with updating the chassis with shit like IRS. It's also then the mustang became the official car of low IQ dudebros who can't drive for shit.
He was in a lot of productions back in the day.
His style is very noticeable and a style that defines the era
I could care less about stigma honestly
I just want to master the car that almost killed me and my father
Good luck then because the newer gen mustangs are deathtraps.
While I am not really that old myself and just found out about GSC only a couple of years ago,I truly felt in love with it, the girls are so cool, cute and gives me a lot of nostalgia for an era I wasn't even part of. It's neat that people still talk about it even though there's so little content.
newer cars are inarguably more safe than older cars. across the board

its not even close
I'm talking more of the 5th gen.
6th gen was the one that almost killed me
no one has ASS in GSC
Chicagoan here, me and everyone I know here thinks Chicago is the best city in the US.
asses weren't invented in japan until the 2010s
Anime and manga in the 90s didn't have ass, or at least it was rare
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The tragic reality of the 90s.
>I could care less about stigma honestly
you should because fags will use anything to speculate prices
I just want one that I can realistically afford to fucking VROOM on Florida winters on the highway while listening to Initial D music thank you
Difficult because of the existence of a stigma. You might get a Toyota for less now if that thing made a stigma around them

>to fucking VROOM on Florida winters on the highway while listening to Initial D music
I IMPLORE YOU TO RECONSIDER! Eurobeat while driving is one ticket for a crash at high speeds!! But I do like the cut of your jib, space cowboy
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I've been driving a Prius for years
Please understand
>Gunsmith Cats thread
>talking about cars
All we need is gun discussion and Sonoda would be proud of us.
Beretta 92 is best 9mm
Glock> pasta shooter
The look nice enough to where I can usually ignore it.
>I've been driving a Prius for years
Rally getting horny from shooting never gets brought up again.
Minnie May is a classy lady
39 OP, Minnie May is the OG crazy explosion loli.

A candy shop isn't what I expected, but that's pretty cool.
Thanks OP!
How many chapters until becky?
Huh weird, I could swear that Minnie had that one rare sickness where your body gets stuck looking like a kid despite being an adult. Not sure if I came up with that in my head or someone I knew told me that a long time ago when I watched the anime for the first time.
Interesting enough I went to look and she is just a 17yo (even though she still looks like a loli to me) and in some english translations they bumped her age up to 18 since she does lewd stuff in the manga aparently. That's one funny way to get out of potential complains I guess.
She was a child prostitute.
Reminder to watch Riding Bean if you haven't.
Damn, not sure if this was said in the anime but if it was then it really have been a long ass time since I watched it since I don't remember that at all
Military otaku are something else
Is everyone gonna have car-related names or something
Indian as in heya-hoya or jeet
Nopan in chapter one? I think I'll stick with this manga
Thanks OP
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fuck ATF
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the only thing cool is the trash is taking itself out
Millie took a lot of drugs to stop her body to grow on purpose
Oh well, some of them manage to be hot
Wasn't it just traditional chinese medicine and yoga, or some stupid shit like that?
Not Rally though
for the right price ?
was this necessary ?
I am not complaining, but surely shooting the guy again would be quicker
is this the most American manga ever made?
That would be Mad Bull 34
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nah, we went from big slightly seedy city kept mostly in line by crooked business-friendly democrats into post-obama gibsmedat racial grievance kleptocracy.
the current mayor is the former chicago public school teachers' union boss for fuck's sake.
>check it out
ok, you win
The saddest and most disgusting thing is that there is not a single FFL in the entire city of Chicago for the last few decades, excluding the (((Pritzker))) family, who don't do any public business whatsoever.
Rally would IRL have to be operating 45 minutes away from downtown because of niggers and jews.
It went to shit after the prison arc
Thanks for the dump OP
Sonoda is a pin-up girl kind of artist
Thanks op
Thank you for posting.
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good morning bitches
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There’s the freckles
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I would only make consexual forced love with my barrel to you Rally, Minnie May though, that's another story
Dropped, I don’t read manga about sluts
Reminds you too much about yourself uh
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Here have a picture Sonoda pointing a revolver at his head after receiving a NRA life time membership. Take me back

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Sincerely great to see you back dumping seinen series. Other dumpfags just wind up posting shit thats already popular like MHA or whatever the fuck romcom shit which happens to be the current FOTM
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Minnie-May has a cute tight ass.
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>20 times
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Man we need mangaka like Sonoda again
Don't leave me in suspense now
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i thought last page was already dumped but the shitty 4chanx failed me again, i noticed it very late

see ya
Everyone is drooling over May but goddamn that Super Redhawk is gorgeous.
And a fucking tank gun
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Thank you, OP.
Nasty woman
Fuck off
>watch on her inner-wrist
I can't be aroused
Zoomer kun...
You can't say that bro
Thanks OP
No dead
Thanks for posting! Love that your going Gunsmith Cats now. Really gotta get to reading Burst soon.
Man this thing is brutal!
Love the art, tho.
She’s so fucking pretty.
Fuck is your problem? Triggered much, shounenspic and/or moetard?
Thank ya OP.
Lmao based
Thank you for posting.
Well-dressed girls with guns, very good.
Do you actually live in Chicago? The city is the same as it's always been. Why the fuck do you care who the mayor is? The city is full of kick-ass shit to do, awesome food, neighborhoods, bars and clubs, music, art, and the CTA for all it's flaws is still better than public trans in a lot of cities. You're probably an old fart like me but it sounds like you let your pessimism get the best of you. Lighten up.
>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city
I just hate console wars bullshit. Why try and stoke unnecessary drama between guys who all provide a space for people to congregate and enjoy a series?
Also being an ironic tripnigger is worse than being a tripnigger, as you feel it absolves you of your sin
Great, this has actually been on my to-read list for a while. Thank you OP
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I fucking LOVE sluts
Nah the last thing this board needs is a fucking My Hero Academia storytime when the series just concluded. Why cant you autists take a break from shit like that? Its like a fucking narcotic to you all.
is burst a sequel to GSC?
Yea but dont read it lol
I'm an import, but I've lived here (as in actual downtown) long enough that I consider myself 10x more a Chiraqi than the suburbanites that everyone not from there realizes are just tourists in denial. I lost my rose tinted glasses with how Beetlejuice managed the pandemic and allowed River North to get looted to the ground not once but twice and backstabbed every other business with insanely overzealous shutdowns.
jfc what's the eye relief on that scope?
You're telling me a gun smithed this cat?
is it really bad? i bought it a few days ago
multiple main characters get absolutely murdered
in the other sense
Sonoda's got decent paneling, but I just can't with his art style. Yes I know he influenced a generation of anime style, and I don't care for those either.
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I love Rally
Theres a lot of brainwashing and characters get their character assasinated
>I consider myself 10x more a Chiraqi
Ah, a /pol/ poster. Makes sense. I grew up on the West side and I'm not afraid of black people so I guess my view of the city is different. It's too bad you can't enjoy how amazing Chicago is, so amazing that after living in Texas and Southern California for a dozen years I actually moved back here.
pros of burst:
there's some actual gunsmithing
cons of burst:
sonoda being pissed off no one gave a damn about gun cannon exaxxion and thus deciding to shit all over rally and co
My wife's been robbed ("thankfully" just a snatch and run), and I've had several friends and coworkers robbed at gunpoint in the last 2-3 years.
You need to be koolaid guzzling retard to live in the city and believe these issues aren't real or that they're all harmless parts of the city living experience.
Sounds like bad luck. I've had my share of problems with crime (mostly on the train), but the benefits of living here far outweigh the negatives, and that seems to be true for all my friends too. Sorry you had a bad experience!
carjackings and targeted shootings, thats just part and parcel of big city livin'
I don't understand why Americans accept such crime as normalcy.
Nigga we always do that when the series ends
Disparos Unidos de-ACK
It's one of the oldest candy shops in Japan too, IIRC, his family has been running it for a few hundred years.
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rather lewd
thanks, nispa
it's also a tactical way so that you can still look at your watch while holding a rifle
Sonoda actually tried to do a bit of a comeback a few years back with the Riding Bean kickstarter.
then Riding Bean came out and like 60 percent of its runtime was dedicated to Becky taking a piss in a restroom stall.
Revolver Freak had some pretty neat glasses
every 90s action manga had to have one bad guy with the john lennon shades
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What is this from?
Pretty good you are back, daily black lagoon was a big highlight of the year for me
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who else /ak/ here?
So... the normal amount?
Anon's wish came true... /k/ arrived at this page, I guess

Anons' right. Now don't make a fuss while trying to stop anon of making a fuss because he ain't
This is actually cool, some fucker could pull a nintendo on that candy shop if time is right.

You got filtered. This is another case of not a perfect art with enough personality to develop its own charm and having identity; somewhat like Initial D. IMO this is how manga should be; oozing style and personality instead trying to hit "perfect" art as in hiperralism. Notice how the scripts of them shine better despite "lacking" in the art department
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Beautiful Pre-B, the wood grips really accent it too.
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>yacht club
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thanks! I'm mostly a SIGger, but the CZ was the right way to kick things off.
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First handgun I bought was the stainless CZ-75B with safety levers on both sides. Then I bought another one. The SIG P210 looks great, would love one of those too.
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Nice B models. I don't think I've ever actually seen the ambidextrous safety levers before.
Of my two OG models (not just pre-B, but true short rails), the one with the wood grips is even more unusual. It has a serial from the very end of the original model run but actually has a half-cock hammer position like the pre-B and later, which I've never come across otherwise.

I'm probably done buying 75s, but I've thought about getting an AT84S.
For anybody new enough to GSC to not recognize the CZ model autism, here's Rally's/Sonoda's snobbery.
I’m glad I got them when I did, since that specific model of 75B was discontinued in 2019.
I’ve never found any source on the lower grade steel bit regarding the later pre-B 75s. Did Sonoda just make this up or is there any proof?
It has a true basis but there's some missing detail.

Both the CZ75 and the Sig P210, on top of having inverted rail designs, started with forged steel frames on their first models before switching to machined steel in the 1980s.

The forged steel is indeed harder and substantially more expensive to work with, but it is also more prone to stress fracturing than softer steels. The higher machining costs for the forged models come more from the large number of dies as the frame and slide are incrementally folded into shape, not from cutting as the manga implies.

Forged P210s are also more sought after than newer models, and some of the most expensive pieces on the market ($15k-$20k) are rare forged "heavy frame" models that were made thicker to reduce stress fatigue issues.
Note that my P210-5LS was made ca 2003 (and is thus technically a Swiss Arms rather than SIG), decades past forged frames vanishing.
This and some other P210-8 derived designs (thumb button magazine release) have heavy frame dimensioning, but serve only for more steadying mass for target shooting since there aren't any stress fracture concerns anymore.
to any /k/tard
would you buy guns from a shop with pajeet girl who probably speak like customer service operator?
What is it about the CZ75 that brings out this kind of autism? I'm not big into gun circles, but I've hung around enough to see this type of thing before.
Rally is at least part white though.
Aside from being famous thanks to Gunsmith Cats, many are attracted to the CZ-75 because of its aesthetic and practical advantages. It’s a hammer-fired steel frame handgun, like the famous Colt 1911, but has a higher ammo capacity and is easier to disassemble and clean. It also has nearly the same standard ammo capacity as a Glock, but looks much cooler and has a better trigger. It’s the perfect in-between for people who want a high capacity handgun that doesn’t look so basic and boring. It’s also very reliable, my CZ’s have never had a jam or malfunction of any kind.
its no different than Char's High-mobility Zaku 2 model and Johnny Ridden one
I just wish things were different. That scene with Rally pursuing Bean in their Ford Mustangs was honest to god awesome, I remember I would go to Borders just to pick up the volumes to re-read that sequence. But his style of drawing faces is such a challenge.
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If we’re talking higher-end ace variants, the CZ equivalent would be the Shadow 2 or Tactical Sport
Is the gun type she's using prone to jamming?
>you autists
Go away
If they make so many anime reboots nwoadays of old classic series then fucking do this one Japan and add even more yuri to it for Rally and more detailed guns crazy in this.
Shame I can't buy a guy legally in my country for my personal protection like most burgers can.
>in some english translations they bumped her age up to 18
As far as modifications go that's honestly a pretty inoffensive way to go. She doesn't look her age anyway, which is the point, and a difference that fine is never going to come up anyway.
failure to ejects can occur from all sorts of issues, like weak/underloaded powder in rounds, weak ejectors, the magazine spring, the way you hold the gun while firing, etc
Why not buy a guy illegally for protection then? What's the guy gonna do? Take your money and snitch on you?
GSC unironically had a big part in spreading the autism here. People will parrot that exact page, no less. Even people who have no idea that they are. Man made some honest to god fuddlore.
Not really. It's mainly just the author showing off his homework. A stovepipe is a very real, fairly common way for a gun to jam that's easily cleared in most cases. In this case it works as a way to give the antagonist a chance to return fire without just making Rally miss. She's got enough rounds there that even on the move like that, a roughly aimed mag dump should hit him at least once.
This thread is really making me want to buy my first pistol soon.
Dont read Burst
Pistols are more prone to it in general because of the way you hold it, floating with no stock to brace it against your body. If the movement of your hands absorbs too much of the recoil momentum the slide can fall short of completing the cycle with enough force to properly eject the casing. With rifles your shoulder provides a backstop that keeps the gun from moving.
The gun is a Hi-power and not more prone than any other handgun
The main problem with pistol fanboyism is that ~120 years ago John Moses Browning got everything so close to perfection that virtually every semiauto pistol since (over .38 caliber at least) is nearly indistinguishable. Consequently, people have no choice but to fixate on minor design and manufacturing differences in order to talk about the huge variety of pistol models in the market.

> inb4 the Laugo Alien actually manages a paradigm shift from short-recoil tilt-barrel-lock

>The gun is a Hi-power
No, the flush L-shape area of the forward frame and slide in battery are a hallmark characteristic of the short-rail (pre-pre-B) CZ-75, aside from that being Rally's trademark gun.

>Is the gun type she's using prone to jamming?
As said here,
a stovepipe is a trivial jam that -can- happed very infrequently with a slide-based pistols but is trivial to clear when it does. In reality by raw numbers alone, the vast majority of stovepipes come from people not holding their pistol firmly enough, a.k.a. "limp-wristing". If by either using a gun/cartridge too big for you to control, or not knowing what you're doing, you allow the gun to flip up/back very much, the slide won't open fully or long enough for the spent casing to eject through the port all the way as designed before the ejector port starts closing. For someone with good form who knows what they're doing (Rally) using a decent or better pistol (CZ-75) with quality machined ammunition, stovepipes shouldn't be happening more often than every several hundred to thousands of rounds fired, but do happen enough to be not completely jarring as a plot device.
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Big gun.
Nice. I always appreciated Czech fire-arm design.
It is the nature of my self that I must
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>Czech fire-arm design
Interestingly the Laugo Alien mentioned here
is also a Czech (Slovakian designer based in Prague) design.
It's expensive as fuck and the aesthetics aren't my taste, but it does seem to be the most successful holistic attempt at doing better than the Browning approach.
> fixed barrel with delayed blowback instead of short recoil tilt-lock-barrel
> fixed/non-reciprocating sights
> lowest bore axis (reduced muzzle flip) by putting the recoil spring etc above the barrel instead of below

The only technical thing I've really heard against it is that the gas piston delayed blowback mechanism traps retains more heat than normal designs and can make the non-reciprocating top rail too hot too touch if a few magazines are emptied in quick succession.
Got a CZ 75 sp-01 recently and I can't wait to go to the range with it .
TIA anon
>Got a CZ 75 sp-01
Those are pretty, you should post an actual pic.
I wish I lived in the land of the free
What cunt do you live in ? You might be able to get armed .
>Laugo Alien
Wow, that's radical.
do those two ever... you know...
maybe they're like bored or something and they just...
I miss flat 80s asses
tell me there's real yuri in this manga
There's evil yuri brainwashing towards the end if that counts
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BOMBS (and seccs)
Bomb rori
Thanks OP. Its really fun rereading this wonderful series.
She’s got amazing aim.
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Thank you, OP.
This is the second Bonnie and Clyde-themed criminal duo we've had in a Daily in the past couple days
She looks like Sawachika Eri
Thanks OP
Bomb sex
loli pantsu
>both legs amputated
she got fucked up bad
Really cool moment. Wish it was paneled a bit better
What kind of 90s music did Rally and May listen to respectively ?

May gives me Jodeci vibes

Thanks dude
average american dining experience
thanks, nispa
Thank you for posting.
You fucking take that back. Chicago rocks.


But only Old Days.
I'd say that's even better; it means it's difficult to replicate, reinforcing it's standout factor. Kind of like Ichigo
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Military otaku are simultaneously amazing and terrifying.
As nice as it is to see boobs, I vastly prefer Rally over Minnie-May.
>A weeb and westaboo at the same time
Truly... a weapon to surpass metal gear
>this amount of texture
This wasn't done in digital, right? This is pristine actual drawning?

Top right makes me think this type of face and art can easily fit with Shirow's Appleseed. Not Briaeros' face ofc

>drives besides you
Heh' nuthin' personel, lass
I thought Rally was the tsukkomi here. What's she doing grabbing boobs?
If you had a chance to grab Minnie’s boobs you would as well.
Can't believe Millie and Rally never once explore yuri. There must be doujins...
Its good to have boundaries. Rally gets some yuri action with someone else later anyway.
Do /k/ommandos really?
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Does Minnie May ever get a proper side piece or is she just a grenade tard for the rest of the series ?

Cunsmith Cat
pretty much the second big arc of the series is about she and her ex pedo boyfriend
>ex pedo boyfriend
Is that her ex-boyfriend who is a pedo or an ex-pedophile boyfriend?
ex-boyfriend who is a pedo
ex who is a pedo. She's underage and has a history as a former prostitute.
minnie stopped her body from growing by taking chinnese medicine to still on good shape to appeal the pedophile
That's a keeper for sure.
So Pedo ex boyfriend
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Where was Rally in November 22 1963 ?
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I have been in love with Rally for 30 years
I want her to be my wife so bad
She's a half-breed, her daddy is white
American cars were so fast on European circuits that they had to be banned because they kept winning. The whole "can't turn" schtick has always been pure weaponised copium. Euros can't handle the idea that performance doesn't have to cost a half million dollars, flies in the face of their lies about some 750cc go kart being 'fast'
Fox body was cheap because it wasn't old enough to be a classic. Now it is, so the SN95 and the New Edge have taken its place. It used to be unthinkable you could get an early 00s Mustang GT for like 4k, now you can.
Honorary Rhodie
If you live in the eastern bloc, south asia, or south america it's trivially easy to buy a black market gun. You're not really gonna have a choice in what you get, though, it'll mostly be old Soviet shit that's been left out to rust
You man the shading and black fill-in? Back then it would've been screentone. It's like a sticker with different patterns on that you cut to shape and then apply.
She doesn't have Turner's Disease, there's some Chinese herbal bullshit she took to stunt her growth while working at a cathouse.
Change your name to Stupid Namefag, you waste of organs.
Accept the bishoujo style into your heart anon.
She's just getting her back for earlier in the chapter.
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Already in the 2nd chapter?... Ok...
A REAL woman gets turned inside-out daily by strangers paying in cash, chuddy. You don't deserve her virginity or her exclusivity
And a Honey
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I thought everyone was joking about the prostitution part, that's all.
Thanks OP. I like the characters and the action but the plot feels off to me, maybe cause i'm not a gun junkie but I get that's part of the appeal.
Why do the two halves of her bra defy gravity? Isaac Newton demands fanservice.
Like that girl in MiA
I can see how you got that impression.
awesome. what a sweetheart.
i'd pay double.
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Im startin soon
Lol something came out

I will dump later
The ending of GS Burst is still the maddest a manga ending has made me.
There are like 3 frames where you see her nipples in this scene. Try to find them.
That makes me excited to see.
OP are dumping Burst too?
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Swowwy this gonna take much longer
Is it normal for your nipples to get hard at the thought of blowing away a home intruder?
Yours don't?
I get erect at the though of being able to exercise my 2nd amendment rights as an American.
Normally that's my reaction to being handed a sledgehammer or something you can swing.

Don't do it, anon. The finale reads like Sonoda going scorched Earth and hating his audience.
nta but what's so bad about Burst and its finale? Spoiler text if you want to, i am just curious

It definitely had the spiteful feeling. I guess he didn't like that GS was his only big seller. He made sure there was no way back.

>Bean leaves
>Corrupt cop gets off scot-free
>Roy quits force, disillusioned with the job.
>Revy gets nerve damage. Aim keeps getting worse.
>May goes off with Ken
>Goldie rules Chicago again
>She still has Rally's friend as a sex slave
It’s very sweet, he still does art here and there plus visited San Diego comic con this year

Retiring with a middle finger to everyone is a power move,still.
Does he have like a twitter or something? I wonder how he was in san diego, if he was like invited or just showed up


>Dad gone for good
>mind control drugs now loose on the streets
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Someone should go and ask Sonoda his decision in BUrst desu
He's just portraying IRL Chicago.
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Probably making sure he could never go back to it, and nobody else could even try to continue it.

I don't remember street drugs brainwashing people into sleeper cell assassins
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thank you good man
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>lady shrugs the shots off without flinching because of armor
The guy must've been using 9mm
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The rare intersection of /k/ and footfaggotry
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The sexiest girl in the series is in that first panel.
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God America's so cool
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She did the thing!
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>tight, shiny pants
So sexy
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GETTING CAR SICK (and seccs)
Thanks OP
just some good ol' boys
poor becky
thanks, nispa
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I wonder how much that P08 was.
Thanks OP.
I wish Bulletproof became a full series.
TV shows that started out as good OVAs always disappoint, particularly in the animation quality department.
>sliding wrist holster
Rally planning on gunning down some perverts and pimps?
>Goku vs Tien at the world martial arts tournament
As a /k/ autismo, I'd probably like this, but I can't stand the girls and guns genre.
I am getting mixed signals here. I always thought the author was like this super chill westaboo that loved america and guns but at the same time (or maybe later on his career) a bitter asshole that dragged gunsmith cats to the ground with the sequel
Gunsmith Cats practically invented it
True, but its always fun to imagine what could’ve been.
Why can't the author be both of those things?
Just wondering since I seen people either loving or hating him
This is the blueprint for the genre
Doesn't get as ridiculous and stupid as things like Gunslinger Girl and Black Lagoon though.
Or extremly schizo like beautiful place and joshikouhei tho
That is a real gun, name and design are a bit off. there are many more "folding" designs currently, but this has got to be the one he was thinking of, it was unique at the time
Thank you, OP.
>to western standards
As opposed to 2nd world Warsaw Pact standards?
>Minnie May is sick from a j turn
That's a weird way of saying horny. Because we all know that the handbrake lever is connected directly a girl's sexual appetite.
>Verification not required.
Well, it is Chicago.
this isn't quite the genre you rightfully fear from only seeing shit made in the last 15 years or whatever
At least it's not 1970's NYC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGwRe_5L1WM
This single page moggs most modern manga slop. Grim.
Go back.
Prove it
Rally would fuck this thing if she could. She probably leaves a snail trail in her seat.
I would kill a man for that jacket
39 OP

>mind control drugs now loose on the streets
Fucker predicted fentanyl lmao
Fenty is just the most recent in a long line of opiates. Before fent it was heroin, before heroin it was straight opium. It's not a 'mind control drug'. Sonoda was more commentating on the crack epidemic which was in full swing when he was writing GSC.
Now it's fucking pulp territory

Badass jacket ngl

>ridiculous and stupid
>Black Lagoon
There's no such thing in Black Lagoon since it's a B tier flick action manga
Is that a goddamn Artillery Luger???
Yes it is. Gawd I should have read this sooner
The things I would do to Rally’s tiddies
I like the detail of telling who shot with the casing flying
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I love it personally. Desert Rose and the Burn Up! series were also pioneering examples of the genre. There was also lots of gunplay in series that weren’t necessarily as focused on it, like Dirty Pair. Other series that Sonoda worked on like Bubblegum Crisis and Gall Force had plenty of guncentric scenes too.
The .25 Auto and sliding assembly was definitely lifted from Taxi Driver.
Witnessed devil trips
>"Fool! Our X gang is just small fry in comparison to the gang we are subordinate to, which is the the Y gang, who are in turn subordinate to the Z family! You'll never have a peaceful life again!"
Stupid henchman should've shaken the catwalk more.
Cute girl
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Probably. Whats definetely there is a broomhandle mauser, G3, and some HK mp5/7 variant. So the theme was German guns, although I dont recognize the rest.
I've always enjoyed the anime but it's strange to see it resurge in conservations. I know a lot of people are exploring older anime especially with the retro 80's-90's thing these days but it's strange and makes me worried.
>I know a lot of people are exploring older anime especially with the retro 80's-90's thing these days but it's strange and makes me worried.
Gatekeeping is important but also happens because new anime is simply shit in comparison and more audiences are realizing it now. Bound to happen imo hopefully not with shitty new anime of them

I hope for a wave of Cobra and mecha anime appreciattion
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>I'm seventeen now, y'know
There's so much isekai garbage flooding the airwaves that people are trying to expand their horizons a little bit.
>not callingStabler.png
>Spice and Wolf enjoyer
Good to see he's still a man of fine tastes.
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>he watched Mayonaka Punch and knows who best girl is
I suppose I'll have to finally forgive him for Burst
It just has too much wacky shit in it.
>jumping and shooting
>stormtrooper aim
>special forces turning into paper target jobbers when the plot calls for it
But women being competent in combat against trained professionals is always what pisses me off the most without a proper conceit. I'd give a break to Gunslinger Girl for that even if the gunplay wasn't so garbage (at least in the anime).
Ah, he's buddies with the character designer!
I'd give that mare some leg.
I know. The barrel isn't shortened. Fuck you.
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Where in his bio does it say anything about Spice & Wolf?
Not that I'm complaining. Both me and my wife, Holo love firearms.
Oh look, another newfag who thinks tiktok invented mogging
Back in the day, we called it mercing.
wtf I'm a footfag now
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