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These girls give me a boner if you know what i mean
Literally half of the Kenshin cast.
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How is this the case? Aside from the parted hair, they look completely different.
>Agnes Lum => Lum
>Her iconic outfit is a bikini
>Agnes Lum was a huge cultural icon in the 70's
Can you dumb it down a shade?
Rumiko was gooning to Agnes Lum, she even had a poster of her on her wall. Lum Invader is based on Agnes Lum - she's supposed to be this exotic beauty that will seduce the Japanese man and take him away from his Japanese trad wife.
She might actually be more attractive than anime Lum here.
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The woman was a menace, and yet a vanishingly rare example of the CF winning after the girl became an international sex symbol. Rumiko has always been a gooner of profound taste.
So she really is a closeted lesbian.
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woof woof AWOOOOOO
Not "closeted" so much as "open secret, who cares, mind your own fucking business"
If Yaoyorozu was based on Julia, I'd bet Ochako was based on Yuu Shinoda too
Where the hell did the "lesbian" part come from, anyway?
if you don't marry and reproduce you're a homo
underrated shitruthpost
murata drew fubuki's boobs based off a gravure model apparently
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Gantz has a couple but most notably us Angelina Jolie's Lara Croft.
Ringo Sheena, in Honnou
(And in fact the whole premise is based off of Marunouchi Sadistic, but that's a whole other deal)
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Fuck I forgot image
Arnold's Terminator character was the inspired multiple times in many mangas and animes. This one is from Seto no Hanayome.
real life: big boobs, tiny head
fiction: big head, tiny boobs
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This one is from Negima.
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And as a bonus
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Can you guess who this fruit is based off of?
i think either he or anno denies it though. there were at least a two guys in utena based on him and i see the resemblance in those ones a lot more though
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Misato from EVA is based on VA Hidaka Noriko (Minami, Noriko, Akane) - Anno's first love.
The guy who turns lesbian princesses into cars?
The Kizaru guy must have been one of the biggest chads in his country.
People always say this but what is the evidence? The story that she's based on an adult Usagi sounds more believable to me.
Jesus Christ?
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Is that top guy Adam Sandler?
Josuke and Prince I think
Kira and David Bowie
my heroes
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>ruins animanga forever
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not anime but 3rd Strike Elena was based off Uchida Yuki
Someone post the Shirobako chart.
Don't forget Alien Danny Trejo.
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>Her Japanese name, "Fuumin", is a wordplay on "insomnia" (Japanese: 不眠 Fūmin), and Fuumin, the nickname of the Japanese gravure idol Fumie Hosokawa.
damn, kizaru is really a splitting image of the real guy.
He straight up drew her. She had the exact same outfit with the skull belt buckle.
And then he drew her fucking Kurono.
He must have REALLY liked the movie.
Lum in Urusei Yatsura was not modeled after Agnes Lum, but was simply named after her. Also, the fact that Lum is spelled LUM is just a coincidence. The one who decided to spell it LUM was Atsuji Yamamoto, one of Takahashi's assistants at the time, and according to him, he did not know how to spell Agnes' last name when he made the decision.
>He must have REALLY liked the movie.
Not enough to keep her around unfortunately
him and anno had a one night stand.
Bullshit. Rumiko only had female assistants because she hates men.
holy shit oda is a genius
Imagine thinking one guy is responsible for an entire subcontinent's beauty standard instead of him simply matching the ideal of that beauty standard.
Who is this?
A cutiepie. Just coom to her.
Man of culture
i would argue those works were pretty good and it's the works that built off those works without the same artistic inspirations that started straying too far from the light. also his influence is a bit overstated. everyone i've seen cited as saying they were inspired by him turned out to have more of a "yeah, sure. he fits the aesthetic" response when asked in interviews rather than bringing him up as a muse themselves.
Always found it odd that Rumiko Takahashi, a female, can't draw anatomically correct booba. They don't grow out of the collarbone you stupid bitch.
Isn't Kira japanese? I feel like westerners are inclined to see Bowie everywhere. I remember them saying Killua's dad looked like Bowie and then it turned out he was inspired by Baki's dad or something.
The correct term is "spitting image".
>Kuzan is half Korean
She didn't draw that.
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Fiore from Sailor Moon R The Movie (directed by Ikuhara)
>Whitebeard is Hulk Hogan
I'll admit I wouldn't have connected the dots on my own
Other characters based on her
Female protagonist from Shin Megami Tensei IF
Kyo's girlfriend Yuki from King of Fighters
Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing
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>natural blond Japanese
Anyway, it's not difficult to think Araki would reference a music artist physically when JoJo characters have been referencing them by their name or works since the start (Dio).
NTA, but JAV Actress, Julia Boin/Kyoka. Also not sure if Yaomomo was based of Julia, Fubuki from One Punch Man definitely is though.
lmao he's creatively bankrupt to an insane degree
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I wish I won the genetic lottery.
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There is also Lynn Minmay being a mix between Akina Nakamori and Seiko Matsuda, the production puts quite many references on both idols, which make me think animators were just fans of those idols and nothing that deep but still
That ain't Minmay chief.
Did nobody post one of the most obvious examples from one of the most popular manga in recent memory, of one of the most famous musicians to ever live?
And we're like 80 posts into the thread too, lmao
Sony had him dealt with and possibly fed the rumors of kiddy diddling
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Any female character with even a moderately large bust size is Rumiko's self-insert.
Michael Jackson from Demon Slayer?
>Noooo, transparently basing character designs on real people for fun is baaaad
Nice try, faggot
>and yet a vanishingly rare example of the CF winning after the girl became an international sex symbol
The CF was the tradwife. Rumiko started the trend of the foreigner taking away the MC from the CF and winning by force.
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Allegedly based on the JAV actress Riku Minato, even her backstory was kinda similar (orphaned after Tohoku earthquake, even found her schoolbag amidst the debris of her collapsed house. Had to do JAVs to survive, but she's now retired from the industry).
Her editors did. Rumiko didn't want that.
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>and then it turned out he was inspired by Baki's dad or something.
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does anybody know Kubo's inspiration for Rangiku? I have heard that it was some super model looking whore.
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the protag of dan da dan is also named takakura ken. though honestly they are nothing alike in terms of looks nor personality
She made peace with the fact during Rinne's runtime tho.
Still doesn't remove the fact she was quite salty about that and that saltiness was reflected in Ranma's plot.
Neptuneman is based off of Hulk Hogan

Terryman is based off of Terry Funk

Both characters are from Kinnikuman and there are more examples of this but these are the most obvious.
that kids life was a nightmare until he cracked up and became a no name forest king. life is hard and lonely for very beautiful people
I was gonna post Buffaloman and Bruiser Brody myself
>no Sasha yet
Maybe it's for the better.
Nta but Togashi drew a picture of a few characters and what inspired them.
One being Silva which he said was supposed to be like Yujirou.
You're a fucking retard. 90% of Jojo characters are based on western musicians and actors. Don't talk about what you don't know.
>almost 70
Damn. How does she look nowadays?
Louise Brooks look-alike, or generic flapper?
There's at least two answers to this
where did I say that
what the fuck
Keron Army mecha designer Katoyama Kiko from Keroro season 6 is based on Gundam designer Hajime Katoki... although changed from a man into a cute girl.
Madoka is based on Phoebe Cates.
Why is Odor such a hack?
Why is Lum so flat if the lady she’s based off of has big melons?
The old dude in Midsommar
Just Rumiko's art style at the time. Dialogue a couple of times notes Shinobu felt liker her breasts were small compared to Lum's, even though there really wasn't any difference in the drawings.
Would Whitebeard be cancelled if the things he said about Blackbeard leaked
He meant the real Agnes Lum. She got married at the height of her popularity to a friend from childhood, who immediately knocked her up with twins. The family happily fucked off out of the spotlight forever. Ironic, since she was THE exotic temptress for a whole generation of Nips.
"Tragic Beauty" may be a cliché, especially for Nip characters who look like Björn Andrésen, but trust me. You don't want his life.
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Obito's crush was based on a pornstar of the same name
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This kid will never be dethroned, he inspired so much over the decades from sheer natural beauty.
Considering she had the sense to drop out of the rat race in her 20s instead of replacing half her body with industrial polymers in a doomed bid for perpetual attention, we may never know. Probably part of her lasting appeal.
>no dad
>mom killed herself at 10
>repeatedly forced into sex with producers
Even if you're a neet your life is definitely than his
almost every manga it's based on western influence, dumbfuck
this kid is definitely one of the basis for Kaworu
>nobody posted her yet
Joe the Condor from Gatchaman started off modeled after Steve McQueen, but then became more like Jack Palance as the show went along. Trying to find good comparison angles but Palance's face shape and cheekbones do fit the later stylized look.
This single image ruined me forever. This single fucking image destroyed my ability to be normal.
Fuck you
As if you were worth a shit before.
I don't understand
Terminator came out in Japan like two months before this episode of Dancouga where the aliens attack with discount terminators
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Naaa. Rumiko may idolize rocker knockers, but her heroines are usually modestly proportioned. ‘Oh, what about Lum?’ Lum was never meant to be the main girl of Urusei yatsura. It was supposed to be Shinobu. Lum was such a fan favorite that she had to be brought back, and Rumiko tried for a love triangle plot for a bit before surrendering and just making Lumtaru end game. She did not make the same mistake with Xiam Puu when she made Ranma one half, burying her until long after Ranma and Akanes’ dynamics were set in stone.
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I thought there would be more Marilyn influence in anime considering how big she was in America
besides the song mentioning the singer getting hit with a gretsch by asai kenichi, how else is the premise modeled after the song?
isn't spike based off of matsuda yuusaku
Kek. I am the anon who posted the pic. Can't right now since I am on phone.
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Here it is.
Ringo Sheena is literally one the best, coolest, sexiest Jpop singers ever she is so fucking good. Her new stuff isnt as good but its also not bad either.
And a bunch of them are set in the West, but part 4 isn't.
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Atsuji Yamamoto has been a friend of Rumiko Takahashi since they met at Kazuo Koike's manga school, and he helped her in the early days of Urusei Yatsura. He is the only man among Takahashi's former and current assistants.
this and bjorn are both baffling to me because they're attractive but not the kind that would make me do a double-take or anything. they're the kind of beautiful i might encounter once in a while in daily life and be impressed by, but people act like they're earth shatteringly gorgeous
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I'm pretty sure this guy is based on someone
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Yumi Takaichi.
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reminder that the villains in Kamen Rider Kabuto are also called worms and they also impersonate people
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They go to read about her and run into all the menhera stuff and turn back to living white chicks showing more real estate on film.
Fine regal features even in old age
looks like Alan Moore with a decent haircut
Bro, your movie version of Kakihara.
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Alan Moore is a proper wizard and looks the part. There's nothing wrong with his haircut.
Hitler being in Dragon Ball media still feels so surreal.
always thought that his original face was just Harlock without the scar and eyepatch
He meets his ideal Aryans and they're half-breed alien Asians who kick his ass without any guns. Seems pretty well done to me.
Is Hauer in there twice
I think it's more that she didn't really embody Japanese values of beauty and was kind of a bulky hag by their standards. I'm reminded of a story I read on jp twitter years ago about a lady who was talking with her friend group who had one american friend visiting from overseas and when the topic of sexy celebrities came up that friend brought up the sexiest man alive poll which had just awarded Dwayne the Rock Johnson as the winner and all the other girls couldn't believe it because he looked like a gorilla to them, so the american friend asked who they thought was the sexiest guy and her reaction to the jp celebrities they showed her was "those all look like women!"

The traits that are valued just differ by culture a lot.
Poor guy was born too early for #MeToo, the idolization of gender politics, and OnlyFans
fucker was abused by italian P. Diddy
Kinnikuman was, not surprisingly, full of these. Apart from Hogan, Terry Funk and Bruiser Brody off the top of my head there are characters in it based on:
Abdullah the Butcher
The Sheik
Dusty Rhodes
High Chief Peter Maivia
Fritz Von Erich
Skull Murphy
Billy Robinson
Shinsuke Nakamura

There's probably loads more that I can't remember or haven't realised. Antonio Inoki and Giant Baba appeared in the original manga, Big Van Vader and Stan Hansen appeared in one of the Nisei series.
Standards all those years ago differ more from now than Japan's now do.
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these host club faggots are still seen as the pinnacle of masculine beauty in japan. I guess the average japanese man can't look virile no matter how hard he tries so they need to push a masculine beauty standard that goes into the opposite direction
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Host clubs are fetish specific. You need to look at ads and fashion mags for middle of the road standards.
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Arcueid was based on a white model whom the Type Moon guys saw in a magazine
Those guys arent masculine. Bottom left looks straight like a woman and I'd probably have sex with any of those guys because they're pretty, not masculine.
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Cant believe no one has mentioned strike witches yet. Every character is an anime girl version of a ww2 ace pilot.
Eh, I recently was privy to a conversation of women complain about how hulking and muscly some males are in films and how they want male leads to be slimmer and more handsome and it wasn't the first time I heard that sentiment, and these women were literal boomers so it's not just a recent generation thing. I think pretty boys like Twilight-era Robert Pattinson are a lot closer to what more women actually like than the super muscular action heroes a lot of men idolize as the ideal of male beauty. The Japanese may take it a step farther, but there's a basis for it.
Those women were just pedophiles.
Bowie looks nearly identical to Kira, especially in this performance: https://youtu.be/MsfrmNeiuQI?t=33
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Pretty men can be masculine
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literally every single adult romance novel cover says otherwise
i mean once you're in your 60s, your options for screen crushes are gonna be limited if you hold yourself to that standard
just reminded of a podcast where they interview a porn actress that makes videos with both men and women, and when asked what is her favorite kind of women to record with she said "women that are tall and muscular"
Those aren't men, they're breeding studs. Different kind of fantasy.
I wish I could tell if those are written by a chick with a beastiality kink of or some guy with a zoomorphism kink
Spike Speigel is also based on number 3
You know what's worse? The product reviews. Definitely written by women.
a man can be pretty and masculine, but a man can't be androgynous and masculine, and what japs push as ideal masculine beauty steps in androginy territory
I assume the author is someone like Vaush, the commie youtuber that wants to shapeshift into a horse and fuck lolis
Do they? Last time I my local supermarket's paperback section the covers for romance slop definitely didn't look like a they were taken from a gay calendar like you pic seems to be suggesting.
A lot of "homos" in here then.
I wish to be the little girl.
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>harlequin romance novels
>not niche as hell
The left is obnoxious in its point but is much more observable in media made by females. Anyway, this is starting to veer off-topic so here's a Stan for the thread.
It surprise me that an Asian chick that skinny could have those big bazongas.
>She got married at the height of her popularity to a friend from childhood, who immediately knocked her up with twins.
exceedingly based and revolutionary
lmao this image is probably older that most posters in this thread. Amazing.
Half the cast of Eureka 7 were inspired by real people
Is that the one that fucked the 15 year old MC or was that another character in Gantz?
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Brazilian model Gisele Bundchen was both the inspiration for Giorno and Jolyne
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TOTALLY not the basis for Mr Satan *wink wink*
Always have been.
>listening to women
They don't know what they want for dinner
silva is clearly inspired by both yujiro and bowie in labyrinth
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Also found this JP site a while back compiling all the references in Shirobako.
Does this count as homage or tracing?
is this credible, I find this hard to believe
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japs still worship him
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not HnK but Cyber Blue has Prince too
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Who is that and who is she based on?
Freddie Mercury or Tom Selleck?
To be fair, neither do I.
I should really decide soon. I'm getting hungry...
Homage. No way that shit is traced
I thought he was based on some guy texting on the train.
>The character who moonwalks and has a similar-sounding name to Michael Jackson
>is based on Steve Tyler
Yeah, ok, sure.
His name IS Freddie, so...
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Yes she's 26 and the 15 year old MC fucked her.
Thanks that's the one I was asking for
Blame proto-fujos for being the first to the market, literally, since they largely invented comiket and dyed the fandom in their colors forever.
My stick reacted to the picture on the right side.
So there really was a real life inspiration for Nagi from Shounen no Abyss.
Kill yourself subhuman mentally ill faggot.
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Too bad you can't just look it up.
Pico, from the all times best seller Boku on Pico
Call me clueless I thought Ayrton Senna was the only foreigner was big in Japan I didn't know anything about the American model
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>After modeling for Shiseido in 1974, she became a very popular model in Japan, appearing in advertisements for Coca-Cola, Lion, Toyota, Asahi Kasei, and Kodak. She was also featured on the covers and in interior photo collections in magazines such as Weekly Playboy, Heibon Punch, Myojo, Goro, and Yomiuri Weekly.
>life is hard and lonely for very beautiful people
>sub5s have it easier
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Spike is a mix of Yusaku Matsuda and Bruce Lee, Ed's personality is based con series composer, Yoko Kano. Honestly, half the cast of Cowboy Bebop is based on real people.
>Ed's personality is based con series composer
I don't remember Ed plagiarizing anything in the show...
The whole series is "plagiarize but cool", it matches the vibe
why is souten no ken based in china if all the characters in hokuto no ken are white?
>still seething
I did try to look up but I found nowhere even saying she was based on someone
are you just guessing based on the beret?
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You dumb bitch! That's what robin is for!

Also, let's remind every one about horseshoe theory.
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He's not directly based on Senna, but
>short curly brown hair
>died tragically young in the line of duty
>legendary super pilot
>famously piloted a white machine

Senna was just IRL Amuro Ray.
who decided to translate that as bouya. stupid nips
This is how Anno looked to the people in Gainax
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That's the inspiration for Ai from Oshi no Ko i guess? Her name is Kanna Hashimoto it seems
Arcueid and Saber are both inspired by foreign models that Takeuchi Takashi was obsessed with
You can draw people however you want and then say they're whatever ethnicity you want.
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Kind of incredible when you think about how a character from an early 80s movie that got mostly mixed reception during release played a major role in the development of the entire tsundere character archetype.
Shiet i hadn't noticed.
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Horikoshi’s assistant confirmed this
Mr. T is white?
No black
he's not
in of the sbs oda talks how he based the old man on a real old man he met in a bar
i bet sasuke reads that
kind of bummed Kizaru wasn't based on Jeff Goldbloom.
Kunie Tanaka is an incomparably better actor
Oda met Hulk Hogan in a bar?
Anno would never say that. He couldn't stand Okada, doubt that's changed in the 30 years since they've been in the same company.
Her personality and subject matter of her work are also big clues.
Rest in peace sweet prince
Android 16 is based on Arnold
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Mr X and NEMESIS are based on Terminator 2
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Kiritsugu was inspired by Keanu Reeves

Kiritsugu Emiya's origin story was inspired by Urobuchi and Nasu holding hands while watching Snakes on a Plane
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Leon's hair was inspired by John Connor in Judgement Day
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>not niche as hell
They're not niche. In fact they comprise the majority of what women read.
Only pervs read though. Any anime w/ a literature club, the chicks are always freaks.
I seriously don't get the Japanese perception of Freddie Mercury as a burly muscleman when he was a fey flamboyant man of average/skinny build.
It's just a gay stereotype to be a body builder.
major metalitron too
>In fact they comprise the majority of what women read.
That's not what that graph shows. It only shows the gender makeup of the readers, not the total number. That 50% female readerbase for Sci-Fi could easily be much bigger than the 99% female readerbase reading historical romance.
anon...that's not what the graph is measuring.
never understood why jap women associate ugly men with gorillas when Shabani is a thing
>all the characters
>Mr. T
Nope. Look up Bob Sapp
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>That 50% female readerbase for Sci-Fi could easily be much bigger than the 99% female readerbase reading historical romance.
That's doubtful considering the overwhelming majority of goodreads users are women, leading to an overrepresentation in genres that are usually dominated by men.
Andre the Giant?!
I mean there is a point when the only ones noticing you're getting bigger are other men, I think it's weird how there is this point where girls stop caring about how big you are.
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remember when the japanese used to think Putin was a nice fella
I wonder how much of a factor his origins had in determining his facial aesthetic.
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Chrollo is Japanese visual kei singer who was popular in 1999.
Who are the females?
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isn't he based on Dark Schneider?
>The woman was a menace

Pretty that's a real person and not an anime/manga character.
He an auto racer or something?
What all was plagiarized?
Never understood why they all associate athletic women with gorillas, either.
The middle one looks like Yuu Kobayashi
I understood that reference
Just search up who voiced the characters
Amerimutt spotted
ShindoL based a girl on her
Even family guy portrayal of putin was the same
this is probably a bit of a stretch
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Didn't Ride-On King get cancelled because of the war? Japan can't go against their American overlords.
i think it's a little weird to make manga glorifying world leaders regardless of whether they're good or bad irl anyway, there's no way to make it not seem like propaganda
That doesn't really address that you could get those numbers on the graph you posted with very few readers of one particular genere, and a genre being targeted at women being majority women is no mystery nor indicative of what the majority of one particular website reads let alone the global population. Just take the L.
It's still going, but they changed his looks (is hairline is different and now has a big crossed scar on his forehead)
Lmao what a hack
I accept your concession
bot? what do those bottom two have to do with the top reply and how are they inflammatory
Kuroko and Ginobili
>tfw the video was deleted
Why wouldn't they? he never did anything against Japan.
Japan itself soured their relationship by trying to use the war as an excuse to demand the "return" of the Kuril islands.
Compared to the other stuff on the Jpop market, it's still pretty good but her latest stuff is just okay. I just like the fact she doesn't get caught up doing the same thing over and over again or going insane like Utaru Hikaru did.

At least I can still jerk it to her older stuff.

He always look hideous. Like a nordcuck
chalamet with an even more faggot face
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Is the left one from Brazzers? Link now if she is, damn
the japs (used to) like him because he was the first russian state leader in more than a century that decided to just leave Japan alone iirc
I thought she was just a viera from final fantasy
got a source for the premise thing? i can't find anything online
is that supposed to be Druk ?
Anon I don't think you understand how statistics work.
>picrel is named Maria Oosawa
>there is a JAV girl named Maria Oozawa
although the name is the only similarity, what the fuck did they mean by this ?
Japan has never changed its stance regarding the Kuril islands ever since the end of the war, and the quotes around "return" make no sense because it is an objective truth that they have been administered by Japan before.
It also didn't "demand" the islands back recently, because that could be considered an act of war.
The only thing Japan did recently was bring up the topic again, which they've been doing regularly for decades.
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>going insane like Utaru Hikaru did
best trad wife cum supermodel cummies
probably the gender thing
what gender thing
she cast off having a gender kind of like prince cast off having a readable name
>she cast off having a gender
what does that even mean
By the way, why is Aokiji recognized as Black in Western fandom?
His design is based on a Japanese actor, and above all, his skin isn't even dark.
The thick lips, mostly. The skin isn't dark, but it's darker than a lot of the other characters, and the hair further confuses things.
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I thought it was just bullshit from Koreans again, but it turned out to be true.
I kneel Gook-sama...
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it means the honorifics in your legal documents change to something you made up and not much else. i gave you the prince example and you foolishly ignored it
Not quite. The British anime girl stand-in is a version of a Canadian WW1 ace.
he's probably singlecockedly responsible for half the hapas in japan
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Based off /a/non.
I had also heard a similar rumour he was "experimenting" or something.
I think an anno interview even.
Good morning, Ivan!
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Right, cause fat fucks with warts all over their body and no ability and other deformities have it so easy amirite?
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His name is literally Freddie.
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He was effeminate until the 80s. After that he was literally a gachi stereotype
She kinda looks like Shinichi from Parasyte.
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Kinda weird how everyone thinks he's Keanu now.
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Thank god Makima gassed the jews
that's not what was said or being addressed
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The underwear in the head is an idea from Hentai Kamen, but Ayame’s hospital-gown-like dress reminds me the porn actress known as Katsuni in the scene I post (2005 approximately). The blue of the truck in the movie is a merely coincidence with the name Setsugen no Ao.
No he's implicitly inferring it for bait reasons.
I'm not sure I do.
Could you drop the subtlety and be more explicit?
>Isn't Kira Japanese?
Obviously you gibbering retard,the point is that Bowie was the INFLUENCE for Kira's design.
>Isn't Kira japanese? I feel like westerners are inclined to see Bowie everywhere. I remember them saying Killua's dad looked like Bowie and then it turned out he was inspired by Baki's dad or something.
at this point i'm inclined to believe non-westeners see themselves as white people with dark hair or something
how retarded or deluded do you have to be to look at a character like kira or kenshiro and go "yup this guy is japanese"
What did he mean by this
source or you're lying
I can't remember.
It could be false memories 2bh. I might be mixing shit up.
I swear it was in a thread once and there was some proof of it.
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I recently read that Rouge is based (at least visually, ie her body) on Jennifer Lopez.
still running, still riding, but it changed from a standard fantasy plot to space ships powered by magic and backstory
Wow, it looks exactly like her.
"He felt the earthquake, so you don't have to."
TWO Jim Carreys?
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Charles Aznavour
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The goat
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Arnold J. Frankenstein.
She was the inspiration for Arisu Tachibana (Idolmaster U149).
The ones who do keep quiet about it and make money.
Ask all the Japanese who see Japanese characters as Japanese.
It's famously a shoop that greatly obscures the original model. It was used by Time and others to fake war images back before there was an internet to notice and raise a stink about such things.
And yet that error will continue until you personally edit the image to set the record straight.
I mean, he is. You'd start the same war if your people were facing famine after the total failure of trade and diplomacy.
Bad apple.
There was also a news reporter named Rick Sanchez who was fired then killed.
Why do white people think they look like anime characters? I've seen them say brown anime characters have "white features" when theey obviously look Arab or Latin Aamerican
And now you can detect that kind of bot.
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Everyone is trained to identify their own race as default, so they don't realize most Asians see them like this.
every time a brown character gets posted on /v/ anons claim they're white people(not even southern europeans, straight up whites) with a tan
Hey, it's Hanuman. Are you gonna tell us what we think and how we feel?
>generalise none-whites
>"no you can't do that against us"
>Everyone is trained to identify their own race as default
Like hell they are. Anyone who's an ethnic minority in the country they were raised knows this is absolutely false.
If anything, you learn there's no such thing as a "default".
>ethnic minority in the country they were raised in
my condolences
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>Why do white people think they look like anime characters
Because they do
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oh no no no...delete this!!1!
What’s the name of the valley your DNA spawned from?
He'd be facing copyright issues or someshit if he made her a main character. This way it's dismissed as a homage and such.
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Surprised this haven't been posted yet
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What a strange and oblique question. Is "post your hand" going out of fashion?
I love you anon
skinny for us is super muscular for nips
If all of this Porn star inspiration is true I'm really surprised that's allowed to fly.
Imagine a new batman villain is a tall bald doctor named Johnathan Sins.
I think their image of gay men was equally as influenced by the Village People and somehow they're depictions of Freddie got blended in with that.
The Fertile Crescent
What about for Momoka?
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I've been wanting to make this for a while but now I have an actual reason to.
She has that GITS 1995 Major blank stare down pat.
Why does the modeling business have such a hardon for women with androgynous faces and bodies?
Kenshiro is literally "What if you put Bruce Lee's mind and skills into Sylvester Stallone's body and had him play Mad Max instead of Mel Gibson?"
The real joke is that she's literally just describing Nightwing
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Comics trace porn all the time.
Nip seed = Nip man
clothes look better on people with flat and impossibly thin builds. they're like mannequins
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Androgynous models are appealing to both genders
Sweater puppies tho.
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>In the early days, Baki had an appearance that closely resembled Naoyuki Taira.
>As time passed, he grew his hair and changed his hairstyle, making his appearance closer to Itagaki's.

Does this indicate that Baki, for Itagaki, changed to a self-insert character?
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I think it was to make him look more Yujirou since they don't look very alike early on.
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Wtf why new Baki looks so ugly and creepy?
That's a guy?
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And the model for the Shinogi brothers is Yoshiki, the drummer of X-Japan, whom Itagaki was a fan of at the time.
East asians subsist on fuck all food and most of that is shit like rice which has next to no nutrition. Over the centuries their standards have come to encourage toothpick figures instead of v-shape figures for men or hourglass-shape figures for women, because the latter figures require a lot more nutrition to attain and maintain.
Tom Brady gave up that to play two more years of football. Dude should have rode off in the sunset with that superbowl.
78-81: I thought Greta was Swedish.
You would think it would be incredibly easy to proteinmaxx on an island nation, surrounded by an infinity of fish and crabs and squids and shit.
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The prince from Level E is also modeled after Yoshiki.
Most bishonen characters from the '90s and 2000s were modeled after visual kei musicians.
Chrollo from Hunter x Hunter is the same.
Both are black yes.
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Killer Bee from Naruto may have been based off of Hulk Hogan
Leave Finland's women to me
It's clearly Motoko Kusanagi from the 1995 film
>design your character around your favourite porn star
>said porn star finds out and cosplays as the character

Anime never
Finns aren't white though.
If nordics aren't white, who is?
Finns aren't Nordic either.
Pics or it didn’t happen
I never liked the one piece character designs, but that's cool
Rumiko's thicc
Homage and plagiarism are very different concepts
Nippon has very weird fan cults around specific things from the west the west has ling forgotten like Dog of Fladers and Columbo
Where's Ötzi ?
Because both Japan and Korea are so insistent on using fairness filters, hair straighteners and plastic surgery no one imagines theres curly hair and brown skin among them. Theres few anime characters of Okinawan and Ryuku and all who are depicted as dark like Koito from Golden Kamuy and one of the dads in an old horror anime but they are the rarest of the rare. Mutts are extremely self isolated and think curly hair and dark skin only exist in those of African descent and don't consider anything that didn't descend from Noah's arcs that set sail from Europe as real.
And who said Nips don't have thick lips? Isshos actor did too and very prominently the actor who starred in some Kurosawa movies as the old man like Ikiru had ones which would be considered racist if drawn. Ironically Oda is right in that Bunta Sugawara is actually a very good looking man except he looks criminal(Japanese) and he emphasized his worst facial lines when making Akainu pretimeskip.
What ethnicity are you?
It's a north american notion, so only them I suppose.
Twin Peaks lives on thanks to their pilgrimages.
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this is as hard one
Why are there so many characters based on JAV girls/gravure models?
People were stick thin in Europe around the time ideal female beauty was to look well-fed (and have a big forehead for some reason), it's not really about what the average looks like or else all women would go for musclefreaks and yet that's far more appealing to gay men.
I thought Slavic girls were supposed to be beautiful
>Why do white people think they look like anime characters?
imagine asking this question in a thread full of examples of famous mangaka tracing white actors for their characters
Yeah Biden personally called the publisher to cancel the manga you cum guzzling bootlicker.
didn't kishimoto confirmed that both naruto and sakura are caucasian while sasuke and hinata are asian
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That would fit in with the IFD ninja theme the series started with.
Artists are perverts.
Hyde from L'Arc-en-Ciel?
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he mirin'
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Sousuke Sagara in the flashbacks was based on her, inspiring Gauron's eternal pedoboner.
She was basically the "unstoppable NTR foreigner nightmare" for a generation of Japanese women.
the iron man holding his chest one always kills me, if you could trace anything why choose a viral pic that everyone already saw a million times before?
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Naturally he is not black, but the inspiration is clearly there. Hanamichi is like the japanese adaptation
baphomet worship if you're willing to look into esotericism at all
it's like a demonic sacrilege to have people idolize others as the sex that they are not. shes promoted as an ideal feminine but is androgynous. that's also why so many celebrities look so cooked. same ideology
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she is overrated as fuck
her sister is better

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