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Now that the dust has settled, did Yotsuba deserve to win?
How come the author was okay with breaking the hearts of the other four lovely sisters?
>did Yotsuba deserve to win?
Yes. Boring girl x boring guy, they're a perfect match.
It was either Miku or Yotsuba.
How's the new movie? I haven't seen a single leak or anything fun from it
Someone have to win
Should have been Miku, she was the cutest
Raiha a best
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Love isn't something you have to win, but she definitely did the most to sabotage herself.
the promise girl part was retarded and felt tacked on. the series would be better if it had just stuck with the "tutoring five sisters" thing
Honestly it got ruined when Negi used the "akshually they met during childhood" card. It's like telling your readers you can't build up a believable relationship from the ground up and instead recurring to some kids' simple emotions and oneitis.
They literally lobotomised fuutarou half way trough to make that happen
saddest loss of the series
Because they existed to be humiliated and hated to begin with. Filthy lesser whores all made to be raped.

The idea is that it's pandering to the "real woman" meanwhile all of the others are reduced to nothing, like reassuring a jealous woman "Don't worry honey you're the only one for me! All of your friends and sisters are evil whores and bitches! You're better than them!!"
You sound psychotic
She tried her hardest to lose.
And F fell for her, again.
If she had actually tried the manga would have been one chapter of meeting him one chapter of fucking like wild animals.
i never read this, but in terms of designs: 5 > 2 > 3 > 1 > 4
Finally. Someone with taste.
it's actually this

3 > 2 > 5 > 4 > 1
Yes, but differently. I dislike how sloppy it was executed.
2>>>the rest
>Did the person who put the most effort into a relationship with the MC and cared about his feelings and well being deserve him over her mostly selfish sisters and itsuki?
Gee man I don't know but we've had this discussion for about 4 years now and you guys can't seem to accept the schizo bitch horse you backed lost.
Sounds like the winner was a boring Mary Sue!
I rather have that than someone who accuses me of rape drugs me and tried getting me fired every chance she had
No chance for redemption?
What was her redeeming herself? Just the confession that came out of nowhere of some false image of futaro she has? She never apologized for anything she did and even when she "was" going to she was like "nah I never really did anything to the guy he should be happy I'm even talking to him. Hell Ichika had more of a redemption by switching places with Miku after she overheard what group futaro was gonna be in and that barely counts cause she still made a move on him afterwards.
>she didn't apologize
That's all? Redemption can come in other ways, the mere fact she turned a new leaf is a step in a better direction.
I don't care anymore but I still love Itsuki.
Where the fuck are the leaks for the honeymoon arc?!
Your personality doing a complete 180 isn't a redemption it's called being bipolar
>She doesn't have to say sorry for any of the bad shit she's done her confessing and having every other fifth word that comes out of her mouth be fu-kun is enough
You're being delusional, redemption beings at acknowledging what you've done wrong and what you as a person are prepared to do to correct your behavior, hopping on mc dick for no reason does not qualify as redeeming yourself.
>She doesn't have to say sorry
Hey, I didn't say she shouldn't apologize or imply it would be meaningless or anything like that, just that redemption can be expressed in other ways and that her attitude change is a way to do it.
Her being nice to him now because of some false attraction to him isn't redemption, it doesn't magically negate everything she's done to him
>Her being nice to him
Considering how nasty she was at certain points, I'd say that's a very significant change, besides, why wouldn't kindness be a form of repentance?
bokuben was better
I'll bite sure, no it wasn't it was dog shit from beginning to end and all the girls were terrible except for maybe the gremlin but barely. Also having a route for all girls is almost as lame as a harem ending.
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Cute physiotherapist.
It was meh. A lot of focus is on this new character. Fuutarou and Yotsuba barely have screentime together. Nino and Miku have moved on from Fuu and are dating other guys. Ichika is too busy with her acting career to be with anybody and Itsuki has a crush on one of her students.
sup romcom schizo
It's trash with a cowardly non committal route shit ending.
considering she was the only one on his side from beginning to end, why not?
it's been a long time since I read it obviously, but I'm pretty sure that was even fuutarou's reasoning
She's not being nice because she's sorry she's being nice because she wants his dick there is a difference and she's wrong for doing it because she's still a bitch at the end of the day, she didn't learn anything nor did she reflect on her mistakes she's just horny because she's bipolar and a switch in her head flipped.
So your problem is her not being visibly regretful of her past actions? Doesn' thave a lot to do with redemption.
>She has to look like a depressed bitch all the time sobbing that she accused futaro of rape drugged him and tried getting him fired
No? Do literally anything else besides act like you own him now and that alone should be the only act that makes up everything you did. Again she's clearly being nice for the wrong reasons she shouldn't of been part of the mc bowl at all and lean into a supportive role at most like what essentially happened to itsuki after the ski trip.
>Nino and Miku have moved on from Fuu and are dating other guys.
No way. Jamal and ojisan?
Otp sisters we won
>Nino and Miku have moved on from Fuu and are dating other guys.
Good, the MC was a loser. No need to be hung up on him
>nice for the wrong reasons
That's irrelevant, redemption is not internal but external. Her kindness from her turn on is what characterizes it.
A slight bit more dramatic than the series.
Yotsuba and Nino's relationship is more distant and tense, they have a crisis that ends into a mutual bitchslapping because Nino wanted to NTR her sister (she doesn't see Yotsuba as a sister anymore, but as a bitter rival. Ichika and Itsuki had to separate them).
Yots wants to divorce because she thinks it's her fault Nino turned against her and never forgave her for being chosen. Fuutarou rejects the idea and chooses to stay by her side. She has to understand somehow.
Miku and itsuki argument because of the situation. Yotsuba passes out and gets the deadly japanese cold because of the stress the situation caused. Somehow seeing her with a 40° fever and Fuutarou sucking dick at taking care makes Nino realize she was about to lose the sibling she was overprotective with and apologizes. She also starts to realize she doesn't see herself into a relationship with Fuutarou. However she admits things can't stay the same and has to accept Yotsuba is the one Fuutarou chose, even if that means she has to distance herself from her siblings.
Honeymoon movie is literally Nino having to let it go and remember the bond they had. She announces the siblings she'll move outside because she has to start from zero and the only way ahe can move from her crush is by distancing from the siblings. The decision makes the quints consider go independent too, Yotsuba is married after all but they spend the honeymoon together a last time, despite of not being together anymore, they'll always be quints. Last time together is more like the usual tone 5toubun series had. Before parting, Nino tells Yotsuba the next time they'll see each other, she'll bring a better fiancé than Fuutarou.
Sounds like complete bullshit too. If not, that is fucking kino as fuck.
>Nino tells Yotsuba the next time they'll see each other, she'll bring a better fiancé than Fuutarou.
that cope from shitno
>Miku and itsuki argument because of the situation.
What was actually said, and so sided with who?
It's like talking to a brick with you Ninofags
>Itsuki has a crush on one of her students.
Really? I don't think I failed to adress your point.
Miku w/ Nino
Itsuki w/ Yotsuba
The funny thing is that Nino takes care because Fuutarou and the other quints suck dick at taking care of a bedridden person. Nino was the quint who took care of everybody after all
>ichika doesn't bother with any of this crap
this is why she is best girl
which gotoubun would you hanayome?
>the series would be better if it had just stuck with the "tutoring five sisters" thing
That's why the first half of the story is so good. The second half just abandons that aspect when it was a good way to develop the characters and create organic interactions between Fuutatrou and the girls. Also Fuutarou being a mystery box zombie in the second half also sucks, his character and personality made it stand out in all the bog standard harems.
>that barely counts cause she still made a move on him afterwards.
Like what?
Anyone as long as she rescues MC from that whore who came back to saddle him woth a baby after dumping and cucking him.
They’re all sexy though
have you read any of the recent chapters? he rescued himself by leaving her and now we're back to regular sharehouse drama
Link of the chapter?
it's on mangadex, here's the one that came out before the most recent one https://mangadex.org/chapter/d7c82478-fadf-46f2-bae1-7e79c64d70a2
that and it's thrown in midway, if you're going to do a promise girl you need to introduce the premise in the first chapter a la love hina
the autistic half-finn
they all have the exact same face
people really watch this shit?
Bravo for the MC.
Seems Finnish-chan raised some winning flags.
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OP's a speedreading fag because they still don't seem to understand they are all best girls

Speed-kun doesn't understand that's why Fuutaro took a while to pick THE BEST GIRL for him.
That doesn't mean Yotsuba is on paper "the best".

Ichika is the actual """best""" if you define "best" as traditionally "Who's Stacy?".
Ichika is the one who's the oldest, the most mature, the one that works while still mogging Miku (Yay), still intimates Yots, has the most drive/initiative, is the most popular at school, had guys falling for her just after transferring, made it big in show biz, etcetcetc. If all 5 fell for some rando guy it would probably be Ichika who wins because she'd take initiative and nab him first.

That said Yotsubest deserved to win because she's the one destined for Fuutaro and makes him the happiest.
>Speed-kun doesn't understand that's why Fuutaro took a while to pick THE BEST GIRL for him.
Nah, he thought Yotsuba was special since the bell kiss. He knew which girl he liked since chapter 68 or around there. Like slightly past the midway point of the story.
I feel like if there's twins or more that all like you you have a moral obligation to creampie all of them
>Not having the same face
Are you stupid or inbred?
That's why she's ichicute
>If all 5 fell for some rando guy it would probably be Ichika who wins because she'd take initiative and nab him first.
She wouldn't take initiative and would try to hand him to her little sisters. Not a bad thing, but sometimes you have to move past your guilt and be selfish.
1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5
Trouble in paradise
Actual spoiler for movie. I won't spoiler tag it cuz fuck that function is retarded, so read at your own risk.
>>adapt extra chapter about swimsuit
>>only few scenes when Yots and Fuu are together.
>>Fuu and Maruo go drinking. Maruo blamed Fuu for not noticing the troubles the quints are facing ( though that should not be his business)
>>Fuu got drunk and dreamt of Takeda ( lol). Then he woke up to see the quints holding his fingers ( just like in campfire)
>>Nino meets an American little girl. Though she doesn't understand what the girl is saying, the girl is fond of her and asks for advice since she likes a Japanese boy
>>The quints take turn to disguise as Nino to help the girl
>>they also tell Fuu about their problems. Fuu suggests they disguise as each other to solve problems
>>possibly the most controversial scene: Yots doesn't know how to interact with Fuu grandparents, so Fuu asks Miku to disguise as Yots to solve the issue. Not only he lacks the trust in his wife and allows Miku to play the role of his wife, he is also ready to lie to his grandparents
>>but the girl confessed successfully by herself, so the quints decide they should face their problems by themselves
>>end of movie, Fuu admits he forgot this is supposed to be his and Yots honeymoon, so he gave her gifts to apologize
you still don't get it? they're ALL his wives
>so Fuu asks Miku to disguise as Yots to solve the issue. Not only he lacks the trust in his wife and allows Miku to play the role of his wife, he is also ready to lie to his grandparents
Does Yotsuba have no pride? I would be offended if my husband offered that plan.
when can we officially declare Negi as a fucking hack?
This was all planned
not a great movie but at least a conclusive ending
>the others moved on from fuutarou
>last scene is with fuutarou and yotsuba
>honeymoon over
>the others go their separate ways from the couple after the trip
>throwing Miku bros a pity bone by cucking yotsuba
For shame negi
>>the others go their separate ways from the couple after the trip
this is the only way it could end. Glad every girl found closure.
>Miku still best girl
>Negi still can't write romance
Exactly as I expected
Yotsuba a BEST and a WINNER
>doormat is still best girl
Does Itsuki do anything or is she still an afterthought?
Especially for Nino after she cried in the last final Quints game. Maybe Negi will give us a sequel where Fuutarou and Yotsuba have a child. I wouldn't rule that out after the honeymoon movie. I mean the sisters moved on from Fuutarou and Negi even ended the honeymoon movie with Fuutarou and Yotsuba as the last scene, which is pretty unusual since it always ended with Fuutarou and the quints together.
My three wives on the left.
What is the fucking point of all of this if Negi hates all of them?
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Yes, Since Nino got a lot of friends, and become successful idol.

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