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It's that time of the year again
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It's time for Moka to get cucked by her own mother, again.
What time? Anniversary or?
Goku's wife is so cute.
Spooky time
Out of every anime I watched in my childhood, I miss Rosario + Vampire and To Love Ru the most.

Man..any news? I take even gacha games and collabs. Like I know Azur Lane is going to have To Love Ru collab.
Halloween! I see.
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>cucked by her own mother
she was robbed, murdered and tossed into the gutter
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no harem end
Best blood-sucking girl
Hell yeah here to rep best girl
Fuck you I liked the anime.
I wish this series wasnt so dead and buried. I miss when it was more active

Anime remake when?
god i hope so soon
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Someday, hopefully.
I'm getting convinced we'll never get proper Tskune animated.
why is the new manga always on hiatus?
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Author is ill, sadly. IIRC it's something neurological? They've been in and out of health for the past couple years.
Which is so fucking sad, they deserve so much better.
Didn't it ended on 2nd season or I am wrong?
I love the fact that all the girls besides Moka want a polygamy end but the entire conflict is based around polygamy causing massive familial strife that almost ended the world
It's a damn shame I liked Ghost Reaper but it's dead in the water. This situation reminds me a lot of what happened with Heart Gear
Manga goes way too fast into 2serious4you territory, needed more fun sections like the anime.
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Agreed. I was hoping that he'd revisit Rosario Vampire after he finished Ghost Reaper Girl, but now...
IMO, I think the manga does a pretty solid transition and manages to strike a lot of good humor in spite of the new tone. Are you reading it for the first time or is this just your personal takeaway?
Personal takeaway, read each release when they were new but stopped at the part where he gets the super form with weird energy shoulders. Finished it recently and still feel the same.
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that only happened because one of the wives was a greedy malicious bitch. It'd work better here since all of the girls are friends who care for each other. Moka is probably traumatized though
Fair enough, I can't fault you for wanting more lighthearted stuff, as much as I love the drama I wish there were more sweet times. I really liked how part one had an entire school festival arc to cap off the first year, I wish they had done that for the second year as well. I need more than one chapter of Inner Moka enjoying her freedom and moving on from her traumatic past.
The fact is that neither Tsukune nor Moka want a harem end, so it's not likely to happen anytime soon.
I remember Mizore pics were posted everywhere in /a/. Times change
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Tragic, folks don't know what they missed out on.
I was on team Kurumi as long as I can remember.
Although I don't know what happened to the author of Rosario + Vampire, you all need believe and pray more for theirs recovery. Nande Koko ni Sensei ga was in hiatus for like 4 years and recently the author/artist came back with new chapters. Hoshino, the creator for D.Gray-man, had multiple hiatus from a number of injuries but she is still drawning D.Gray-man. Togashi has no spine left to sit down and he can't even shit properly anymore from the amount of pain its causing him but for some reason he wants to still draw whole ass chapters instead of having someone else doing it. Miura's death was a tragedy and a blessing at the same time. No mangaka wants to not not finish theirs work anymore. Believe that things will be alright and in Akihisa's recovery, she is still young enough (47 years old) to make a comeback, finish ripper girl and season 3 for Rosario + Vampire. Rumiko has 66 years now, but she is doing Mao since 2019. Keep loving this series because if nobody love or remember about it anymore, that how things truely dies.
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True, anon. I just want them to be healthy more than anything else.
I love my girl Akua.
Anime remake?
Rosario Vampire walked so that Iruma could run
Remake never ever
I understand your worries. I am in similiar situation with other serie. Although the person that I am hoping that will produce a new manga for a series that I love isn't in a unknown health status like Akihisa, we can't fell in despair. Keep this thread alive that I will comeback tomorrow after sleeping to keep pump it and make more people talk about the series on /a/.

The epilogue was left things too open for my taste and I wish to Akihisa to do a proper ending this time. Like "... and then Tsukune fucked everybody" or "... and then Tsukune fucked the fusion of the 2 Moka so hard that they have 3 children now".I think a season 3 at least should get them out of the school and show them in their adult lives.

Mizore was the shit back in the day. The Emo girl aesthetic stocks were very high at the time. Between all the others girls for a time, I always though she was the prettiest.

Kurimi on the beginning of the manga was very mediocre to me and hers boobs never appealed to much for me. She got way better in my eyes on season 2. I think my ranking of best girl is something like this now:
Mizore > Kurumi >= Moka = other Moka > The Rest.

Its seams that on 2023 an official account was made on twitter and people speculated that its was made to announce a new season or remake for the anime. I was caugh of guard by this information today, but it has bein more than a year by now with no knew information on that.

Iruma is great, and you are right. There so many similarities in the premise that I am shocked that I never noticed them.
The same time we get a Galaxy Angel, Soul Eater and Kaibutsu Oujo remake, so prbably never.
I'm going to laugh at you in 4 weeks, dubs will confirm
I fucking wish. I've been praying for a remake for nearly a decade since I finished the manga.
>Kurimi on the beginning of the manga was very mediocre to me and hers boobs never appealed to much for me
For me it was her personality. But boobs are nice but those are secondary. She was the one who got me into the pure gyaru archetype.
>Galaxy Angel,
I was actually surprised to find out that the source material was actually a decent space opera VN.
In harems I always go for the second girl, those tend to have the biggest boobs
Moka is so beautiful
Moka's mom has got it goin' on.
Sex with both Mokas.
Kill yourself yurifaggot they're just friends
>they fight over who you cum inside
Fun times.
That disco lady OP has been living rent free in my head for two decades now
That's the power of Nana Mizuki.
>I think the manga does a pretty solid transition and manages to strike a lot of good humor in spite of the new tone
Absolutely, Rosario Vampire is like an actual example of a "genuinely good" battle harem because it never goes whole hog in ways other battle harems do
>Cast has great chemistry
>Never forgets it's a romantic comedy and stays romantic and comedic
>Male MC isn't a bitch or psycho
>Most of the girls have shit outside of the MC
>Male friends for the MC
>Occasionally lewd but never porny
>Fucking fantastic art
Worst I can say is the ending with White and Pink Moka is kinda fucked up but that's mostly because I kinda prefered White Moka over Pink
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Bleh, not a fan of remakes. I guess if it was an adaptation with a director who has a strong character who makes some neat choices
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I just want to say the Nekomata teacher was always severely underrated
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Vampire bump
Thanks for the storytime anon
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This series was so generic and forgettable. I'm amazed people get nostalgic over it. I'd compare it to Vampire Knight or Karin.
I miss this series so much.
I do like Moka.
While i don't really hate the fan-service of the og content, i like my serious moka more
People like the manga not the butchered anime
>I'd compare it to Vampire Knight or Karin.
those are great too
Who's the womanlet?

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