Can't wait for the new chapter to find out what will happen to Cookie and finally end this seemingly never ending fag tears from anons over 1 sad scene. For fuck's sake I WANT TO KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO COOKIE AND HER ONLY FANS ACCOUNT!>Will she join the Dandagang now?>Will Kween-sensei even help the hoe?>Will Okarun, Jiji, and Kinta look up her nudes online?>Will Sanjome leak her nudes to everyone?
i'm not sure what you're talking about, but i'm just gonna post my wife
>>273226174>t. anime only fagAlso Aira is best girl for Okarun.
>>273226174H-h-hey Jiji, t-that's my girlfriend you're t-talking about! Could you maybe p-please not call her your w-w-wife...?
>>273226174>>273226714>H-h-hey Jiji, t-that's my girlfriend you're t-talking about! Could you maybe p-please not call her your w-w-wife...?
>>273226830>pic rel jacks off to Cookie's nudes
not watching the anime, but Bamora is the best girl of all timeOF ALL TIME
>>273226986Calm down, Kinta
>>273226700>>273226714>>273226830Verification not required.
>>273225992Yumabros....we're after Momo's heart
Surely the Yakuza didn’t steal her organs, right, anons? Surely they filled her with love instead.
>>273228599>Surely they filled her with love instead.That won't pay their membership fees.
The series started pretty strong but got fucking stupid by the alien invasion arc.
>>273228829Ok. They let others fill her with love in exchange for the membership fees.
>>273226830>>273226714OOC Okarun doesn't even say anything when Jiji cuddles her every night
Okarun is kinda just fucking boring.TG powers are kinda fucking boring.
>>273228834You're pretty much alone in that opinion, Alien invasion is unanimously considered the best arc.
>>273228834I thought that arc was great, but it felt like the manga was ending.
we don't need daily threads retardswait until the chapter tomorrow
>>273228599>Surely they filled her with love instead.Oh they did until she was overflowing with "love".
>omg le ebin hyper detailed tatsu spreadsi just don't care
who is he talking to
>>273228834That was the point where I dropped the manga, it was like everything became too random and I lost interest in what was going on. I'm enjoying the anime now, so maybe I'll pick up the manga again after this season ends.
>>273231618Don't post that granny cosplayer again or at least crop out her ugly ass feet
>>273231618who is that? >>273231934are you gay?
>>273231920I started with the anime and got to that arc and was genuinely annoyed to slog through it.I imagine the anime will be more enjoyable.
>>273225992Since its the start of a new volume, I have 0 idea how the next chapter will proceed.Probably adress the fact that they are no closer to getting momo back to being normal sized yet
>>273233007>are you gay?No he's right. Her toes are messed up.
This series needs actual sex
>>273228599No hentai yet...
honestly this part almost felt out of place compared to everything that came before itthe show previously was taking dark subject matter so lightly
>>273233907Acro Silky whoring herself out isn't enough for you?
>>273233750monkey feet are my shit, so im okay
>>273234026oh little guy, theres atleast 4 more flashbacks even more messed up
>>273234449well I'm on the manga now because I'm tired of waiting for episodes and I prefer reading anyway so I guess I'll find out soon.
>>273225992i'm an anime onlyfag and honestly was just waiting for a thread without excessive blogging about being sad in the opi guessed such threads would be retarded and just avoided them after a glance
Kinta is so sexy.
>>273234208or probably 20+ girls being raped then killed that turbo tried to be nice to
When the cinema is peaking…Peak cinemaMy cinema is peaking please excuse my cinema
I'm just to expect that Jiji isn't fucking all the dumb sluts that come on to him?He must be Mr. Oneitis Man?
Oooh okarun because he’s always RUNNING around I get it now
>>273225992>Can't wait for the new chapter to find out what will happen to Cookie and finally end this seemingly never ending fag tears from anons over 1 sad scene.But it was literally the best thing in anime this year. I'm sure it will win some awards.
>>273228599>>273233974Fuckin yakuza, took some of the kids teeth.
>>273228599Considering how this scene broke people, wonder if pic related will have just as much of an effect.
>>273235462Evil Eye first.
>>273235304No evidence for that
>>273228599Credit to the director. The manga scene was whatever, but I shed a few tears watching.
>>273235514Still sucks that they had to censor the roof jump.
>>273235331Sure, that may be, but I'm just tired of actual faggots going:>"IF YOU DIDN'T CRY FOR THIS, YOU ARE A HEARTLESS CHUD!" Like 5 threads with just that. Holy fuck. It's fucking gay. It's like an overreacting teenage girl, but more annoying. It's more annoying than that nigger who keeps making threads about how girls like Momo wouldn't be friends with nerdy types IRL. Nobody thought how tragic it was when it was revealed that Turbo Gran Gran was just comforting the dead girls who got raped and dismembered.
>>273235510Evil Eye was more horror rather than sad. I think Vamola is sadder.
>i am a good anon>like with acro, gib moni plox
>>273235662Ah, ok. Fair enough. I also hate people who turn stuff like that into their entire personality for the day.
I thought this was a more ambitious work during the first 4 episodes, but then>the villain is.... le good?it's toptier shounenslop but that's about it
>>273236643>it's toptier shounenslop but that's about itwas anyone claiming it was anything other than that?
>>273235462No, for multiple reasons.1- Its gonna be season 3 roughly2-The anime would have to get adapted that far3- We would be very fucking lucky if it was still studio saru4- We would be even more fucking lucky if it was still the same direction style we had in season 1
>>273225992Nobody's talking about her two friends that Momo killed. She literally threw them against concrete, breaking all their bones.
>>273237480they're fine, they appear just a few chapters later
I don't know why people complain about the ghosts have le sad backgrounds. That's the entire point of ghost stories. If they didn't have some kind of tragedy ghosts would quit haunting mortals and fuck off to the afterlife.
Does this series have any good ass shots?
Next arc is about 6 chapters. You guys think 2 episodes will be enough, or longer?
>>273236643There are other villains that are just le evil for you Anon-kun.
Last episode made me cry
Guys, do you think we'll see best girl's debut?
>>273225992>cookie>kweenKill yourself.
>>273238101Not until second season.
>>273238101Bitch is looking like a fucking wall.
Peak episode, Hideo Kojima says so:
>>273238418thanks now I hate it
sex with bideo
>>273238418I hope death stranding 2 has an UMA sidequest chain
>>273238101Honestly a worse character than the Chudcel.
okarun aira kissu
couldn't Zuma join the gang? Male cast feels unbalanced, also why are all girls hot/same body type? Chubby short girl when?
>>273238967He could, but he has a whole gang/is at another school/is in the hospital currently . Though Tatsu could just BS his way into the group.
Zuma will win Momo's heart
>>273238101Didn't she have a very small cameo in the fifth episode?
>Okarun is actually.......a LE CHAD now
Watching episode 7 without watching anything else Why is there so much feet in this show
>>273238101Bruh why she lookin like a fridgeShe built like a teletubby
>>273238257>>273239838For some reason tatsu draws them extremely blocky when they have their jackets on. Just wait until her bikini scene
>>273238967There are 3 guys and 3 girls and Zuma is boring.
>>273238101Steve got a cameoFucking roblox lookin ahh
>Dandada Dandada Dandada Dandada DandadaDandada Dandada Dandada Dandada Dandada>Dandada Dandada Dandada Dandada DandadaDandada Dandada Dandadan
>>273239517Is a cuck like many cuckold BBC redditors here.
>>273240258>Steve got a cameo>he doesn't know
>no holding out for a hero dandadan AMVs yetI miss the based AMV days, bros... that song would make for a perfect AMV, instead it's just cringe rap edits on tiktok.
hopefully there is more NTR tomorrow
>>273240604I fucking hate creepy nuts so much.
>>273240604>Same pose as Kaori and Kousei.Momobros should prepare themselves.
newfren here i cant wait to join my ddd frens in the dumpy for the first time!
>>273235662And I'm tired of heartless chuds going:>"IF YOU CRIED FOR THIS, YOU ARE AN ACTUAL FAGGOT"Shit goes both ways.
>>273236688Technically it's shoujo. It's just action instead of romance.
>>273241101It's a catchy song, you joyless fagoon.
>>273239527Author clearly likes drawing foot, if you read the manga it's even more noticeable
since Aira got her own cute theme, will Jiji have one as well to play in his scenes?
my gf slept with another man while I was a ghost, aita?
>>273241221Says the actual faggot
>>273241330If you'd seen the movie Ghost you could have avoided that.
>>273241291>?si=You know that part tells google where you post their link, right? You're basically advertising your referral farm.
>>273225992I can't stand episodes like this.>here's a flash back sad sob story out of no where that is 100% contrivedCouldn't stand it KnY, either. Basically every single demon they tried doing this with, but then the next thing you know the story just moves on and it never brings up any of the implcations or treats it with any importance. It's literally just there to quickly tug on your heart strings then move on. I enjoyed how with turbo granny they briefly mention her backstory, but they never dwelt on it and beat the viewers over the head with it.
>>273241697every computer device is already a megacorp botnet node anyway. what's one more camera in the panopticon
My little brother is an idiot who drowned over a fucking umbrella
>>273238418>it surpassed The Boss (2016)Is this really an achievement?
>>273225992>this girl's deadAnd nothing of value was lost.Momo should have let that irrelevant pinkslut die.
The whole episode feels like cheap writing and manipulative. Extremely forced.
>>273225992I teared up at this episodeWas not expecting this from the goofy cryptid animekino....
>>273235462Maybe? I personally feel sad for Zuma and his little brother but I really don't feel sad for his mom, we never see things from her pov is just some sad smile and BOOM LETS LE DIE TOGETHER BUT DON'T WORRY SHE WAS TOTALLY WORKING HARD HEHE
>>273242837>cheap writing and manipulative. Extremely forced.Student is like his master
>>273225992So the message of this show is that women suffer more than men?
>>273244151Yes and that you should be castrated.
>>273235462The Kasaobake reveal is going to be kino whenever the anime gets to it. One of my favorite moments in the manga. The build up to it is just perfect.
started the manga after finishing the seven episodeswhy is momo such a fucking retard?
>>273244366She doesn't get any better
>>273243748I can't believe okarun is fucking dead
>>273244366She's a woman but a Jojo at the same time.
>>273244366because she's the main protagonist in a shonen series
>>273244151No, the message is that all villains have sad backstories Unless you're a globalist. Or French. Then you're just an evil, irredeemable, psychotic beast.
>>273244404I realize I could've said Jolyne but fuck Jolyne.
>>273244404Momo-chan is my favorite Joestar.
>>273244538She's probably my favorite shonen protagonist of any gender in years
Thoughts on tomorrow's chapter?
>>273240604I started skipping the OP about 3 episodes ago.
>>273245512I think it was crazy when Okarun put mini-mono inside his underwear. Really unexpected.
Covering mini Momo with cum
>>273245512We’re probably entering a Momo and Jiji arc and I’m excited to see it unfold
>>273241101Genuinely a wrong opinion
>>273241239Not really, whenever I try to sing it I immediately go bing bang bang born.
jarring mini momo
>>273245512I hope we get to the theme of the arc already, these transitional periods where its all unclear set up annoy me.>>273245786If we can get to Momo and Okarun finally ending their chasers hopes im fine with an arc focused on that, but i cant imagine what kind of ayy/ghost/cryptid could show up for it.
Behold, the ultimate, invencible life form. The DanDaDan.
>>273246181Jiji will become Momo’s protector now that Okarun has no powers. She will be torn between Okarun and Jiji
who is the biggest jobber, aira or jiji?
>>273241101I dont like rap in general, nip rap less so, but still do, but their openings are alright, the less rap the better the op from them.>>273246389Jiji barely has powers to job, so Aira.
>>273241291absolutely catchy and cute
>>273244151It could have been a father and nothing would change.
acrobatic plappy
>>273248030Thanks CHAD anon, much appreciated
what does masticate even mean?
Is this 2 cour or 1 cour?
Do we know where anime will end? Nessie fight in the school?
>>273249729It will end where it ends. What does it matter, you entitled brat?
>>273249781Just curious to know how much they'll adapt with s1, retard
>>273249729>>273249848After the running man most likely, nessie is 3 eps, so ep8-10
I keep seeing you fags post about this series. Is the anime worth watching? Does it live up to the hype? My time is very limited and as such I only commit to watching true kino. Lesser anime are simply beneath me. Serious answers only, please.
>>273250101No, it isn't.
>>273250101as an animeonly I'm enjoying it. The only other thing i'm watching this season is Ranma
Just read the fucking manga.
>>273250101Its my AOTY, but my tastes are mine and mine alone, and since you mentioned "true kino" i dont think it will fit your tastes, as you seem into the more "deep" stuff.I recommenced Shoushimin Series instead, its my AOTS from last season and i think its more like the kind of stuff you will enjoy
>>273249729If they kept the same 3 chapters per episode pace they could end on the gang going to Jiji's house, but it an awkward season finale to end on, so they might slow down and end on the end of anatomy model guy's mini arc.
>>273235511Other than the manga
Just watched the episode, is it normal for Japanese people to leave their 4 year olds alone in apartments through the middle of the night without getting arrested? Just realized I see this a lot in anime even when the parent character isn't a destitute whore with no other options
>>273251195This is why the father took her back, now the kid has a better life.
reading the manga more and Jiji is so adorable, the opening made me think he was some kind of hot playboy but he's actually like a big human puppy
It's out, in the comment, someone said that hideo kojima tweet something about dandadan ep 7.Anyone can confirm it? I don't have twitter.
>>273251554he did >>273238418deserved, this episode was a masterpiece
Well, guess they were right about the anime bringing in "ironic" cuck shitposters.To think that I had hope that it wouldn't be as bad as everyone was saying.
>>273251504but Jiji IS hot
What's the popular theory about Okarun's name? Was his mother a fan of the actor like Momo?Parents name their children after their favorite celebrities, Okarun's parents must have liked Takakura Ken.
>>273241832If you have a pass, 4chan actually implements a little tracking resistance. So provided you take steps to spoil automatic writing analysis and use a tactically common but obfuscated browser configuration over a residential or mobile connection that you somehow didn't pay for in a way traceable to you, you might manage to avoid having the contents of your email accounts correlated with your posts here when an algorithm somewhere decides if it can make you buy a new car. All that's missing is your personal knowledge and effort to defend yourself from manipulation. It's not baked into the platform.
>>273226714>>273226830This is your self-insert protagonist, cuckfags? Grim
>>273226174Used goods
>>273253681she’s literally a virgin
>>273247533A ballerino would have fucked some yakuza up.
Takakura Momo
>>273253711why has she been almost raped twice while other characters just get their asses kicked and that's it
>>273251439Author said the girl was sold off to Yakuza and had her organs removed. There was no happy ending.
>>273253887Where does he say that?
>>273250399The reveal of the Evil Eye following Jiji all the way to Seiko's shrine-home would be a neat cliffhanger.
i wanna see Ken and Jin playing soccer together animated...before 2025
>>273226714>>273226830Jumping Jehoshaphat! Cuckposting? BEFORE he even appears in the anime?Well... all I really have to say to THAT kind of posting is... YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>273235662>Nobody thought how tragic it was when it was revealed that Turbo Gran Gran was just comforting the dead girls who got raped and dismembered. I teared up at that part when reading the manga and again watching the anime. It doesn't take much to make me cry. If the anime ever makes it to Zuma's flashback, I'm going to be a wreck.
why is this board so obsessed with cuckholdry?
>>273250101>My time is very limited>Posts on 4chanSensible_chuckle.gif
>>273255260there was an influx of zoomers to the board over the past several years. zoomers are OBSESSED with NTR because of being the most porn-addicted generation of humans that has ever existed. the zoomers who AREN'T self-described as liking NTR themselves, are obsessed with bringing up NTR and projecting the fetish onto others. They literally cannot stop talking about it.
>>273255260trolls gonna troll
I can’t wait for Jiji to show up on the anime I hope these threads become unusable
>>273255441I was expecting to hate the character after picking the manga up going off of these threads but he turned out to be one of the most likable characters in the manga.
>>273255464He’s a retarded unfunny pussy but he cucks Okarun so that’s funny
>>273255441if these guys expressed their feeling more than being embarrassed about them they'd be far happier but more than that Momo needs to get over the idea of the perfect confession. Okarun has confessed to her like twice now and she's rejected them both because she didn't like the setting or the vibe
Is this the best new shonen?
>>273255517>setting or the vibeThe setting and vibe being Okarun
newfag here, honest question - were you guys all wanking around the "NTR" when Aira or Bamora showed up or is this specifically a you projecting onto Okarun thing?
normies are getting passionate about SilkyI like it, she deserves more love
>>273255583Aira and Vamola are used for comedy, and Okarun clearly rejects them every time. Jijis crush is treated seriously, and always presented that way. And it's clearly intentional on the author part.
>>273255583They're gonna say that the girl cuck moments are more like gags compared to Jiji.But the latter is still the answer.
>>273255626so it's a you projecting onto Okarun thing, thanks
>>273255517the first time it qas because okarun was raising his own death flag and she was scared of losing himobviously she doesn't want him to ask her out while she's a lilliputian because she wants to seal it with a kiss
>>273255579nah that's not it>>273255583people do say the NTR is 2 sided but most anons claim Okarun is being cucked worse because he decisively rejects their advances and it's usually a clear misunderstanding whilst Momo seems to be genuinely be having romantic moments with other men even if those moments are fleeting and not sustained like withj Okarun
>>273253794>attractive girl >sexual predators exist not sure what that has to do with her being a virgin, almost getting raped doesn’t negate that>>273255561yes, with best MC
>>273255645No, it's how the author of the manga clearly presents it.
>>273255678yea yea yea I know, he's totally into your weird fetish I got it.
>>273255625is he giving a loan to help her out or just being her next customer
There's not a single scene betwen Okarun and Aira/Vamola like this. It's always in jest.
>>273255690Cope you fucking retard
>>273255674but Vamola and Aira are also attractive and whilst they do get stripped they don't nearly get raped. It's nothing to do with virginity it's just a question
>>273255678>i am in the authors head, it it so clear to memeds now
>>273255441Jiji is hilarious, it's so sad we're getting almost nothing of him animated. People will be too busy to ship him with Okarun also
I cried during the episode. Did anyone else?
>>273255711maybe lay of the porn a bit, my dude.
>>273255713You don't have to be in his head, just know how to read and comprehend what you see on the page.
>>273255693obvious help, it gest even better>>273255719most people did, I shed a good amount of tears my first rewatch ;_;
>>273255712the serpos are specifically interested in her sex organs because of her abilities that weird crime family just seemed like a bunch of creeps getting a power trip in what they thought was a vulnerable girl
>>273255722You’re in denial. Show me a single panel of Aira or Vamola’s moments being taken as seriously by Okarun as what happened literally last chapter with Jiji let alone this
>>273253794Anon, Ken's been raped to the point of literally losing his dick.
i like how organic NTR in this show. You can feel it, it not forced shit out of nowhere.tatsu is ntr master
>>273255746just because you envision your crush getting slammed by some random guy doesn’t mean the rest of us do>verification not required
>>273255703Disregarding the fact that you fags always post context for Okarun scenes that make it clear he's not into his suitors and not with this.
>>273255512he cares about Okarun a lot tho
>>273255756Yeah, it's pretty clear what the author tries to do, and yet retards are like 'what are you, a mind reader?!". No, I just have working eyes and brain.
>>273236643anon, are you seriously going to complain about "Ghosts are made from dead people with intense and tragic emotions" as a plot point?People who die without lingering regrets don't stick around as youkai, they go hang out past the pearly gates.
>>273255756do you always like just fly into fetish territory every time there is opposing romantic tension in anything you watch?
>>273255807why are Momo and Aira doing symmetrical docking
>>273255813not after they killed others.
>>273255771did Granny actually give him fellatio though or were they magically removed
>>273255756Jiji clearly stating it’s a good opportunity to train his chi>muh ntr!!!>>273255775Momo clearly pushing Zuma away because she’s shocked by his advances >man i really cant get cuck shit outta my head!ntr headcanon be wild
>>273255867and she still open to sleep with Jiji
>>273255827No only when the FMC falls asleep in her childhood crush’s arms while blushing and talking about how amazing he is while the MC watches helplessly as a ghost with no balls
Turbokarun x Acro Aira
>>273255867Yeah it’s all about training chi. No subtext here! You people are a joke
>>273255811>>273255895weird how any opposing romantic tension in media sends your rotted mind to your wife/partner/crush getting pumped and dumped by some rando (seek therapy)
>>273255929Oh boy, look how innocent Jiji is. Definitly not fighting his monster boner right now.
>>273255929it's so cute how despite being a hot guy he still gets so embarassed
>>273255915They're literally in the middle of a fight. Try harder bro.
Momo is gay girl
>>273255959Yeah, and what happens pages before >>273255703, hm? It's like >>273255800.
enough with NTR discourseboys are cute and wholesome!
>>273255834The youkai are not presented as "good", just tragic and understandable. Turbo Granny stole Okarun's fucking cock and balls and was trying to kill Momo and him after they resisted her despite her initially showing up to interrupt ayylmao rape. She was literally ordering him to turn around and stab them all to death like the fucking Exorcist until it became evident she lost her powers. Same with Acro Silky, who was mad with grief and would kill people who encountered her, the message is not "GHOSTS ARE ALWAYS GOOD AND NICE" it's "fucked up shit turns you into a ghost"resolving the lingering regrets of spirits to exorcise them is a bog standard approach to spirits, Momo's grandmother is literally an old school spirit medium ffs. If your sole asshurt is because some of the antagonists are sympathetic you're in luck, Evil Eye and the Globalists are coming up
>>273255967i wish :(
New chapter in 5 minutes. I hope Jiji will follow up with his calling Momo his woman.
>>273255997no anon, we must talk about other men fucking the girls we lik-er, I mean the girls the main characters like in fiction we consoom
>>273256005fuck off, any killer ghost must be defeated and litteraly erased from existence with no afterlife chance like sico got.
>>273255956Yeah sorry watching with no genitals as the love interest sleeps with her childhood crush and asks to do it again isn’t normal actually and I don’t have to like it
Episode was so sad I cry
>>273256026no, I'd rather talk about Jiji and ken smashing very tenderly
Saddest anime episode of all time according to IMDb
NTR chapter incomingscreen this post
>>273256109And hideo kojima.
>>273256109i wouldn’t say the saddest, but no matter the edgy contrarians here, it deserves all the praise it is getting
>>273256035is NTR a fetish of yours? Genuinely asking without judgment to try and determine how you're so dense
>>273256114Yuri chapter, actually.
>>273256147not him but ntr is the most realistic outcome of all romances. it's normal like loving dramas instead of comedies
it's so obvious Okarun is getting Momo at the end it's not even funny, yes even if she has a small crush on Jiji. Worst case scenario is no one gets Momo, none of those two at least. What I am curious about is what kind of confrontation Jiji and Okarun will have about this, will EE be involved?
>>273256172lol holy cope
Every time I find something new that I like I hop into the /a/ threads for it and 90% of the posts are people projecting weird fetishes onto it
>>273256136i wanted to protect her smile...
>>273254570You've really been consumed haven't you.
>>273255583Aira gets plenty of hate from Twitter girls too
>>273255997Grown man and some prepubescent boy. Probably his sissy-bottom.
>>273256136>show a ghost going crazy and literally kills an innocent girl>BUT WAIT HERE'S A SOBBING BACKSTORY AS TO WHY IT'S NOT ACTUALLY BADliterally just a demon slayer ripoff
why are alium girls with antennae always such a best?
>>273256343I know Okarun is kinda Woody Allen like, but he doesn't look like a grow man!
>>273256266lol, you first you fucking cuck hahaha
>>273256346Silky's backstory was set up way before that and the very reason why she did what she did. Also, she gave up her own life for Aira and gave her a cool power up too
>>273256147>you don’t like my cuckshit manga? What do you have an NTR fetish or something?
>>273256343they're the same age, actually Jiji is slightly younger too by some months
>>273256413it being a cuckshit manga in your mind doesn't make it a cuckshit manga in reality lol
>>273256413>opposing romantic tension appears in thing>KEKSHIT KEKSHIT KEKSHIT KEKSHIT NTR NTR NTR NTR NTR NTRthis whole thing is so clearly just some mild romantic conflict and you guys act like it's a fucking NTR doujin or something. lay off the porn, my dude.
>>273256412The reason she did what she did was stupid and makes no sense BECAUSE she had to kill herself for some shallow form redemption
tatsu lost the direction of manga. 3 weeks is big
>>273256467>lay off the porn my dude
man...discussions are always based on cuck shit here isn't it?..that and Okarun not being ripped enough, nerdy or something elsecan't wait for fujos to join, at least it will be something "new"
>>273256479I too wanted Silky to stay like Turbo Granny
>>273256497What happened next? Did they rape her?
>>273256849the intent was to sacrifice her to a demon but no, she escapes.
>>273252535he sure is built
>>273252535imagine Momo comparing their cock sizes
>>273251504yeah I was expecting to hate him reading the threads before I picked the manga up, he's a pretty likable dude though.
>>273256849of coursewhere do you think the rape namek meme came from
>>273256479ghosts are inherently illogical creatures. imagine being bound in the last form you take and that form being after you plummeted from a 10 story building. youkais like turbo grannny already set precedence for supernatural creatures with orange green morality in the story
>>273253887At least she wasn't sold as a junkie sex slave.
>>273256517the guys are too ugly for fujos to care
>>273257038Jiji has a heart of gold and him and Okarun have a cute friendship, most of the characters get misrepresented by retards who aren't even reading the manga and just hate it because it's popular
>>273251554>japan was a mad max tier wasteland before the anti yakuza law of 1992Scary stuff.
>>273256849You think what’s going on here is an attempted rape? Is that your fetish or something? Lay off the porn, my dude.
So the loli gets saved at least? Right guys?
>>273258151She ded bro
>>273258151she got steven spielberg'd
>>273255625I would do the noble thing and spend my whole net worth on her priciest services every day until her debt is payed off
>>273259265that's sweet anon...
>>273258151Anything is better than living with a whore, so yeah.
>>273256497Fag's act like the author doesn't bait doujin. Dude is a hot blooded otaku.
Momo have small ass and tits and brain of bird like a dumb gyaruAira has big ass and tits and brain of dolphin like smart cutie
Aira is shit and irrelevant I'm afraid.
>>273261374Momosluts seething that we got a chapter about how Aira always wins because her competition isn’t willing to do what it takes
>>273261374Afraid soAiracucks can't handle the truth
>>273261374I hope so, the second she gets close to Momo'm man I'll become an anti.
Okarun confessed but she refused to kiss him. MomoJiji will rise
>tfw even Jiji is more relevant than pinkshit
Momo’s heart belongs to Okarun, but her body belongs to Jiji.
gma is a ho
>>273261644>you can play sonic with kinta while i and jiji have steamy hot esoteric sex training.
>>273261731>Jiji and Momo are having ESOTERIC sexOkekrunbros… it’s over
cute and canon
chudcel doesnt deserve love
>>273262242Kinta will impregnate Aira at the end of the series
>>273262301>T. Scholar
>>273244404>>273234404I bet the artist who drew these discover the series through Dead by Daylight.
I’m reading the manga right now and pic related is a really cool page; the author makes some astounding visuals.
>>273261546Aira is literally the author reading those shojo magazines. You really do put a little bit of you in all your characters.
>>273262879He really channeled tokyo ghoul for that one in particular