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Once again, the jobber has lost.
New Hibiki manga chapter.
It's been 10 years and little Laala is finally a teenager....
Prime time to fall in love for the first time.
She just needs her own duo.
How loose~
my parents arent happy with my gf.....
We know Kouji.
Now that Primagi is getting added to PAF, I wonder if they are planning to do more wth it, because I feel like they haven't used that brand in years and there are old characters that are still missing in it.
Pizza dough is really cheap to make. The trick is that it then seems like a waste to cook it with cheap ingredients.
Yume hey, that's not very yume nice!
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relevant once again
The weak should fear the strong.
That would be nice, a lot of the old art and merch that came out of it was fun.
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I buy Lala John's exclusively
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sakura fly
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the raar
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i heard lala john uses inappropriate language...
I dreamed with this AiPri episode where they simply dropped all pretense and went full yuri.
Tamaki (who certainly is a succubus) now was asking Airi out, but Airi wouldn't have any of it.
Then they started talking about Sakura, but I don't remember this part well.
I was just about to go on /ai/ to comment about how gay AiPri is and then I woke up.
No puri... stop touching her puri...
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no pizza i think i should buy one of those really shitty gummy pizzas it would be funny
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Ok so, after going back to sleep I had another /ai/-related dream.
I swear I'm not making any of this up
>at school
>new classmates
>doing a test
>suddenly someone's phone starts playing a vocaloid song i recognize
>it plays for about 20 seconds until they finally shut if off
>couldn't figure out who it was
>next class, bored
>look around
>notice girl sitting next to me
>short black hair. looks sleep deprived. kinda cute
>notice she is browsing /a/ and looking at other anime/manga stuff
>she seems to like some niche anime and girly stuff
>feel too overwhelmed to talk to her
>find the thread she was looking at
>it's about some male idol show
>class is over
>go to the dorms
>open door to my room
>she is there
>we are sharing a room, somehow
>build up some courage
>about to ask her if she likes pretty series and knows about /ai/
>wake up
>realize i haven't been to school in years and never lived in a dorm. wtf was that.
Also it seems that thinking about /ai/ immediately ends my dreams. That's unfair.
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i have a lot of /ai/ and gallery dreams but theyre usually bad so im happy for you ainon
>new Akage no Anne anime
Something to ~desu wa about.
It's the first time I have a dream related to /ai/, so having two in a row was certainly interesting.
Maybe it was the shitty wine I drank yesterday.
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This is how tsumugi stops chii and her shinigami.
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since it's a special day, i didn't buy frozen pizza this time.
instead, it's regular supermarket pizza.
happy birthday!
puppetmaster mugi
we're off
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there was none
How is it possible they have no pizza
no gummy pizza
actually there was no frozen pizza too but it was a little corner shop not a supermarket or anything
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that's an odd thing to say
>Non! + Miruki = the slippery one
the lore....
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>Akari is too focused on that strawberry girl, gonna morph her into a rabbit plush so that she wouldn't get in the way anymore
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I actually wanted to see a Miyu and Anna singing together, but not with Miyutan's Emo voice.
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one day...
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>What would you do if your best friend was obsessed with another AiPri?
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is the theoretically-totally-doesn't-have-an-indonesian-aikatsu-cab ainon still around? and if so do you have a discord/any way to contact you?
i know someone who wants to talk about it and may be able to help
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F in chat for dorth
Someone is missing.
How long until she reactivates it.
I can't believe zu is FUCKING DEAD
S ~puri
some things never change
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tsumugi ureshii
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I think the gray one sucks
Celebrities keep moving, this is a gobi neighborhood ~puri.
Source please
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Celebrities can have gobi too ~mya
delete this ~da mya
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we all kashikoma down here
Guys, I'm starting to think that Tsumugi might be Mugi-chan...
Nagoya-ben isn't gobi...
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>didn't nap today
i'm so fucking functional
We get it, Hibiki.
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Does Himari being isolated in an almost desert island imply that she had a very dangerous and contagious disease?
We have that plus Chii's oneechan probably dying from a terminal illness... AiPri might be too dark.
the dark secrets of idle princess
Himari's illness was actually a side effect of her power to create new beings from nothing.
Himari is too overpowered.
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mugi is so cute you guys
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i do love how expressive she is in the game, its such a funny contrast
soon to be canon...
she's very expressive during her song... and stops being so right when it ends as she stares into the camera.
i think the implication is that she's imitating himari's expressiveness too.
though she does smile naturally sometimes.
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The M stands for Mitsuki
the lore...
Look at her go!
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cute fluffy gal
Bear Rizumu is so pretty you guys.
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Do you miss her yet?
With every bullet so far
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bear tummy hurt
i wonder if mugi will get a new song next episode or if it'll be hikari no kotoba tsumugi blanco ver
>first season: literally perfect
>Dreaca: slow start, but turns great at the end
>Akari gen: not as great, but decent enough
>Starmiya Festival movie: literally perfect
>Stars: flawed but interesting, so good
>Friends and onwards: babyshit for toddlers
>nostalgia movie: good
When did the /ai/ Aikatsu consensus turn into this?
>Hikari no Kotoba (Another World ver)
Zu addressed the Twitter thing on her Instagram story, no real explanation, just got sick of it (for now)
As expected of the quitter ~puri.
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Stalking is a common idle activity.
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I was feeling nostalgic so I went looking for that autistic jewelpet communist that used to get posted here 10 years ago. Sadly, it looks like he disappeared off the internet after Lady Jewpet ended.
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My parents said that I should break up with my gf...
You should, Maria is a bad influence on you Suzu.
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don't open
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wtf i yume love rice now
Amari shoving her massive bazongas in a guy's face.
I love her a lot, even if she is all old and crusted over.
Prichan season 4
>Mirai gets into journalism and uncovers a scandal in city hall
>Emo gets caught in a whirlpool and wakes up as a mermaid princess
>Rinka has a tragic romance in a time of war
>Anna falls in a time portal to revolutionary France
>Sara gets recruited as a mecha pilot
>Mel inherits a haunted mansion
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This sounds great! When's it airing?
>he doesn't know
I'll just leave those links here.
Dig as deep as you want.
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>the year of our lord 2024
>still posting about eggpets and fairilu
>now an inazumafag
>churning out AI music
He has evolved.
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wow thats a very cool website i love the vibes even if i cant understand well anything really
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Do you think he's still at war with Steven Rode?
The year 203X
The sad part is that his old youtube channel got nuked.
The good part is that he uploads his shit to multiple platforms.
I got zero idea, honestly. Haven't followed him in years and even managed to forget that he existed somehow.
But knowing the man himself, quite possibly.
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sour idles
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i wish i was garara
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The most confusing of /ai/ lore.
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i wish i was this autistic i think about it concerningly often
i just found another artist who willingly destroys the resolution of their art
if this ever becomes the standard i'm killing myself
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(not to start a fight) on one hand i think people aren't entitled to art in the way they want if they didn't commission it or the like, on the other hand it's a useless defence against ai slop because people will find ways around it anyway, like i was reading a bunch of articles from clickers and when it comes to training ai models i think they literally just use upscalers to denoise and that. i think putting a bigger signature on is understandable because art thieves are faggots but it's only become so big because of ai. so basically "it's useless but deal with it"
though if clickers keep making new ways to circumvent it people are just going to stop posting art altogether so i would definitely just continue to support artists even if they do this
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>the overpowered team won't take part
>everyone is performing solo
>chii has buzzlume change
>everything is perfect
>chii still doesn't even make it to the finals
being chii is suffering
Why would Chii suddenly win if she's basically just got to the starting line?
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suffering makes you stronger
ainon is the strongest~
Hyper Clock Up
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entirely unsurprising news, planning for the next kinpri project has started
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>be himari 20 years from now
>reminiscing about the good ol' days back when she used to be an aipri
>think about chii
>remember that story about her oneechan who had to move somewhere far away where she can't meet her
>"oh fuck- she died, didn't she?"
Himari is too dumb to realize that.
They should adapt Prism Rush main scenario and Road to SSS at least.
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i cant imagine himari being any smarter as an adult
i think its more likely for her to ask chii about when she could meet her sister
i think 20 years might be enough time
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See you in the future!
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>i think its more likely for her to ask chii about when she could meet her sister
>chii: "Y'know, Himari... You're kind of an asshole."
>himari: "???"
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Is he going to ruin the RL lore even more?
well, apparently Hishida explicitly mentioned wanting to see Callings again here in his remarks during the announcement, so between that and the KinDra ending cameos I wouldn't be surprised if it leans into the cross series shenanigans again. not a big fan of that myself, but, well, we'll see
Ah, actually saw someone post the Callings quote, it was in reference to wanting to see them (and Ann and Minato specifically, lol) at a Crossing Live, in a greater remark about wanting to see Pretty Rhythm included in future lives.
>At a stage greeting in October, General Director Hishida said, "I hope that 'pressure' will turn into a positive word." "It's not a letter, it's a contest," he prefaced, taking out a letter from his pocket and reading it out loud. "Thank you to all the fans for all the pressure you have put on me. I never saw a future like this coming at all. I made 'Kindra' thinking that this might be my last memory with you all," he said frankly, "Thanks to you all, 'KING OF PRISM' and 'Pretty Rhythm' were made possible, we have decided to set sail for a new future. Thank you very much. What you all brought to us was not pressure, but lots of love. Beyond the pressure was love. No more pressure. We don't need pressure anymore. From now on, let's shout out our love," he said in a message. He also expressed his eagerness for Pretty Rhythm and KING OF PRISM to participate in the "Pretty Series" live events and added "We'll still put pressure on the live side! We will carry in our hearts the love for 'KinPri' 'Pretty Rhythm' and 'Pretty Series' that we have received from you all, and move ahead to the 22nd century. I look forward to seeing you all again. I'm off!" he concluded the letter with warm words.
*We'll still put pressure on the live side! The last one will be at Tokyo Dome!
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Amo Cafe Ikebukoro is Pretty Series territory so it'll be funny to see both franchises there, like an IRL /ai/.
amo café
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ghost caught on camera
Sakura and Chii are taking the news about KinPri's sequel well.
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sakura and tamaki looking like boyfriend and girlfriend in that booster pack art
oh those aren't booster packs, those are gummies
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I hope it'll actually be new and not another repackaging of Shiny Seven Stars.
cute dress. shame about a puri being in the picture though
they look cute together
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my fist looks cute in your face.
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there's no need for violence ~puri
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I saw Mirei at a Prism stone in Paparajuku yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “Puri! Puri! Puri!” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like ten Daiapans in her hands without paying.
The Meganee at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first, it's the system desu.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When the cashier took one of the daiapans and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any Puri-ctrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that's a word. After the lady scanned each package and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Mirei kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
there is absolutely unquestionably most definitely a need for violence in my life you know how shit everything is right now and the way people are treating me i have a huge box of things coming and there is most definitely a puripriticket in there and it will face the consequences of my emotions though i cant think of anything funny to do to it (burning, cutting are no longer funny) and to be honest i don't even get any relief from the thought of doing that because it's more trouble than it's worth so i think i should just throw them out but really what am i meant to do aside from say shit like *punches you lol* on 4chan because there's nothing to do with me at this point i know ainons were nice to me last time i did this but it's a real issue again because i thought about it and i realised i can't take any of their advice because i'm awful so all i do is pretend to be nice and act like i accept it but in the end it does nothing and people waste their time typing replies but i write this anyway because if someone replies it'll make me feel good because i still have a major friend issue and other things i can't talk about on here but i could make a list of lists of things to bitch about that nobody cares about but really all i want to say is
>misery is building
>misery is building
>misery is building
"THAT'S AN ODD THING TO SAY" observes Devi
If there's one grip I have with Aipri is that the actual 3d models have non-existent armpits, it's like the dresses clip into the arms. Almost a monkey paw because some of the coords show quite a bit more skin than just the armpit.
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i'm no good for giving advice so i don't think i'd be able to type you anything helpful anyway. the best i could say would be get a new hobby to keep your mind busy or start going to the gym, but you probably have already been told that before.
but i don't see problem in destroying unimportant stuff you own as a way to cope with your frustrations, as long as you aren't hurting anyone or yourself (though i do think it's dumb to destroy merch but whatever).
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i cant find the energy to get interested in anything just nothing works i don't really know how to describe it. i just dont feel anything. or even worse i go back to an old hobby like drawing and it genuinely upsets/angers me. i wouldn't mind something like the gym but it's a bit out of reach right now though i do want to get outside a bit more when the weather isnt so unbearable (it didnt go above 1c today)
i dont really consider pritickets on the same level as merch because you can still print them if you live in korea or taiwan and the promotional ones were widely printed/distributed. you can even keep the qr code if you want im scared im going to start self harm again if i dont schizo out in whatever place i can or whatever periodically so bare with me
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>i do want to get outside a bit more when the weather isnt so unbearable
that's a good ideia. the world is a beautiful thing.
stuff still looks nice by this time of the year imo, i just hate how it looks during winter, at least where i live. though the cold is indeed already a turn-off depending on the day. i like spring the most.
My gf hit me last night....
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Is there anywhere we can see these cards in higher resolution?
Also I wonder what's the secret card going to be.
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Nvm, just checked the card list website and they have the first gummy ones there.
Just not those yet, probably adding soon.
Also many other special cards I hadn't seen before, nice.
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i like snow but it doesn't snow anymore here so winter is just miserable. we just get heavy freezing rain, ice and incredibly bad fog. i miss waking up as a kid and there was a good amount of snow on the ground
november is a month where things just don't look nice to me, september-october have the best autumn feeling. the fact that i just don't like november is probably contributing to how shit i feel
i actually really like photography, silly photos of sion plushies in random places aside, so i want to get back into that (i have a camera and a few lenses). it's not really anything productive but it is fun, but one of my favourite things to photograph is landscapes, i like urban photography a lot but most places i go aren't really nice/interesting enough to take pictures of unless i find something unusual hidden away. the UK is not exactly renowned for it's urban looks aside from historical places
spring is nice because of that, i hate how hot it gets in summer but it's good for photography too. i think spring might be my favourite season too
i don't know if you're the ainon who offered a discord last time i freaked out or if you're willing to/some other means of contact but it might be good to move random chat there instead of /ai/ though i might just...forget how to continue the conversation lol
We know you like the DV Shine.
Might be a Tsumugi Blanco coord they don't want to reveal yet.
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>i like snow but it doesn't snow anymore here so winter is just miserable. we just get heavy freezing rain, ice and incredibly bad fog. i miss waking up as a kid and there was a good amount of snow on the ground
Oh, I get it. I'm living in a northern city with high humidity. Weather can be kind of hell here.
During winter, I miss living in areas where cold isn't as biting, yet there's more snow.
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ahh i see, weather is generally hell in the UK because of (list of environmental factors i learnt years ago and can't remember) but even though it's meant to be drier in the south it still gets humid and awful particular in summer. plus the rain i mentioned
i've never lived anywhere else nor do i go on holidays during winter so i can't really say anything on having different weather
maybe it's just because i was a maniac child who would go outside in the middle of winter in shorts and a tshirt but it feels like the winters used to be warmer with more snow. weird variation. it's not a regional thing cus i've never moved
i feel like nowadays no matter how much i wrap up i still feel freezing outside in november-january so i just...don't go outside unless i need to
If it were to work on the male characters of AD/DMF, I would honestly prefer Hishida to work on films specific to the Aurora Dream/DMF universe rather than sequels for KinPri and RL.
But actually one of my preferences is for Hishida to make films compiled from AD/DMF or an "Aurora Dream Zero" or a sequel to DMF.
I would also like him to participate in a new Pretty Series.
But I totally agree that it's especially unfair for Pretty Rhythm not to be included in the Pretty Series lives concerts.
I don't like the final episodes of SSS, I really wanted a better conclusion.
The mechanics of Prism Rush are very interesting, I would love to see it better used, an adaptation of the game would be good.
>I would also like him to participate in a new Pretty Series.
He does, he's worked on every iteration of Pretty Series, except for maybe Idol Land i never checked if he did something there. His name is in AiPri's ED credits for example. But I get what you mean, it would be nice to see him in the lead role, even if it's just as a production consultant, instead of just doing storyboards.
It could be a film focused on resolving the problems between Hijiri and Jin. Honestly, it's about time Jin stopped being a villain.
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>he specifically thanked Chopper, PolePri, and the AiPri team for all their support
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no way this works, right?
yeah its on all boards, odd change
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Can you share with the class?
Yeah, I don't want him to do any more sequels or continuations. I just want him to do something new and self contained; a new standalone PR entry. I'll say it as many times as I have to, SSS retroactively made Rainbow Live worse by removing a lot of the ambiguity, and presenting answers to questions that never needed to be asked. As far as I'm concerned, PR ended at Pride the Hero. But the thing is, even if he were to get a chance to do something like a PR revival, it'd probably be in a 1 cour format, and after SSS I don't think it'd be worth it. I'm almost fully convinced at this point that Hishida can't make anything good unless it's a movie or a full 50 episode, year long run.
All those special screenings really did help.
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no way
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Nevermind, I just forgot you couldn't do mp4 on 4chan.
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ok, thats enough
i love greeens!!
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Shion love is alive and well.
…ainon said while being threatened at gun point.
I'm the one paying Airi.
t. daddy
how much does airi pay you?
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This isn't Mirai...
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Cute and canon.
She can have that hag ~puri.
Himari's father was summoning ghosts.
himari's disease was all made up.
himari's grandfather actually took her to that island so she'd be the sacrifice for his dark magic ritual.
but tsumugi found out and stopped him by murdering him.
neither himari nor tsumugi remember that, for now.
Himari thinks about this shell a lot.
This idol is done.
Okay but Shion and Mirei like each other.
Do what one more time?
ainon-on-ainon violence...
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The second Aikatsu store opens today
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Hopefully it's full of incredible Aikatsu Planet goods.
Honestly, I'd like to see the Aurora Dream and Dear My Future movies, mainly because their pacing has aged poorly (DMF in particular). Rainbow Live has a very good series pacing and is highly recommended for anyone who wants to watch episodes that are always developing stories and characters. But I won't deny that I'd like an "Aurora Dream Zero" or a sequel in that universe (I don't think Hishida would ruin those series).
I love AD as is.
Himari dreams of the sea...
himari mermaid arc
>But I won't deny that I'd like an "Aurora Dream Zero"
Hey I said the same years ago, Sonata slowly becoming suicidal kino
I've always thought that the green one is lame
The classic ainon opinion.
DMF is like 70% boring, 20% stupid but funny, and 10% retarded but somehow also incredible.
False. Magical Emi wad always the ainon's favourite.
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ok but i like sion more
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They aren't about to bring kenn back, are they?
Mia is so ichiban she did Mirai's iconic pose first.
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Something to ~puri about.
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wait what
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>collab with the shitty murder incest edgy "look how dark everything is" franchise
>the collab outfit is the one who gets murdered like 10 minutes in
great job dipshits this isn't even the first time ive seen oshi no ko in children's media though you're still stupid. where are the moms that got offended at the body pillows to bitch
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Looks like Tsumugi Blanco's official name is Tsumugi (Princess Ver.)
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Holy shit Tsumugi Blanco is too strong...
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And good news for those who were worried.
Looks like Tsumugi is indeed keeping her normal form.
>Tsumugi's new song: Kirameki no Uta
>Himari's new song: Pastel Step Days
>Student Council's new song: Christmas Quartet
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I love the red dork
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Sakura's reputation has been utterly destroyed...
Tsumugi blanco (forma de princesa)
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The mangaka has been a huge fan of the franchise since AD, they must be ecstatic about this.
No one is missing!
Wasn't Oshi no Ko featured in Ciao or some other magazine like that?
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tsumugi blanco is the brightest star
It's popular with the kids nowadays.
I hope the little girls just like the design and aren't actually watching Oshi no Ko...
Shougo and Yui as Aqua and Ruby when?
>these coords
Summer festival episode when
Tower Records is reposting a lot of old pics from Pretty evens they've hosted in honor of KinPri's new movie.
>Summer festival
Matsuri da!
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Next episode preview.
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i want to go down the rabbit hole
Green leftovers.
no one wants to touch a green
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No one is missing!
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Still missing
bears can have a lift strength of over 500kg, the big red dork is lucky to be alive after such a harrowing encounter...
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Looks like the wings aren't just foiling on the card art.
Mion finally became the butterfly.
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Was there even a transfer from PR to Pripara?
I feel like you could only do that via 3DS games, but not with actual Prism Stones.
That being said, I wonder if you could transfer one coord from 3DS all the way to AIPRI Verse
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christmas is a bit scary this year
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>buy the sion acrylic stand
>now i have something to look forward to until january
life is beautiful
tsumugi blanco is about to break aipri power scaling
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just remembered the paradise pans release next month, beautiful
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The Ghost of Primagi
Actually, I misremembered.
There was no transfer between Prichan and Primagi cabinets. All you got is some bonuses and that's it.
I kind of get why that happened, but it is really sad in my opinion. At least they re-released quite a few of past outfits, looking better than ever.
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The poor one is not my friend
There’s no need to be rude to Dorothy, Hibiki.
When I shine darkness fades
Warning, warning. This is not a test!
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i blame fashionable witches
ONORE ~da chii
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i think i need someone to give me physical brain damage if there are any ainon volunteers let me know
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It's Kaede's birthday today, say something nice about the American clown.
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It's also Hijiri's birthday, say something nice about June's husband.
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GEH! It's Shogo's birthday too, say something IIZE about him.
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i dont really have any strong feelings about any of them but thank (you) for posting about them im always happy that someone remembers their birthdays thats very kind of you
She's got a nice rack.
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This has me thinking Mitsuki is Hijiri and June's daughter, especially with her moon motif.
her gf has a huge butt
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>ftw subs come out in just an hour
How is he wrong though?
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>misery is building
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A girl and her dog.
Surprised anyone still remembers it was kind of a thing.
Thank you!
Well well well.
>>273390776 deserves an apology!
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you deserve a knife to the eye
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its alive
Are you that one anon who was asking how to rip digital data from a machine like this? I don't even want to know the steps it takes to buy a machine like this.
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no sorry its from the new store that opened today. i am genuinely impressed by the ainon who did that though
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Love Mii
dou demo iize
the netorilu face
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it was a popular frame
mii is never going to beat the allegations
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i want to make sweets with mii
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i got too excited and forgot the pic...
The big red dork made this mistake.
If my gf keeps bringing up the bitch's name, I'm gonna slap her
Calm down Tamaki
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kawaii christmas bear very fluffy and warm
and tight
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miitan kakkoii
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Last one
Everyone loves Mii
Go to bed Sakura, little girls should be sleeping
kashikoma jumpscare
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strange couple
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