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Pink Christian stacy
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How is kouki supposed to fight against these?
why is dandadan so soulless it feels like an ai is writing every episode
The last episode sucked. It's all downhill from here, isn’t it?
Annoying and cringe retard.
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Kinta? The coolest and the strongest.
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real cuck
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Takakura Momo
Kinta is your average 4channer
>they didn't show Aira's ass
Where is Rin / Zuma / Cookie
they have thresome
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We love gyarus here.
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How are we feeling about our Princess?
Aira and Jiji will love each other eventually
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Don't think Vamola's into Okarun anymore.
Vamola doesn't love Okarun.
You should add Rin with an arrow saying "lust", though.
Stop this. Chuunibyou are not Christian. They're just adopting the imagery because they think it looks cool, like Evangelion.
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What is written on her headband?
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How does he do it bros?
I don't think she ever was
she was just ignorantly doing what her granny told her to and expressing it in the only way she knew how due to seeing that couple kissing in public
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Nice try alien scum!
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christian. all crist chicks live kids and will be good mothers
i thought you fags liked it either way because "good or bad it's still a cultural victory"
"Certain victory" or something like that.
It's actually foreshadowing techically..
Why is she so precious
I would like it more if Kinta just stopped being the stupid arrogant otaku trope already.
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damn, I've never noticed her doing that
I never liked Aira but that definitely makes her way cuter
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Threadly reminder that if DDD's mangaka was a woman Jiji would be the main character and Okarun would be the gag romantic rival, aka another Kinta.
That's the Kinta equivalent of taking away Aira's early retard bit. Awful
Sucking Momo's clit to death.
keep dreaming selfsinertfag
Kinta and Aira are really the same character huh
the most popular Jiji ship with women will be him and Okarun
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>Roasties will genuinely seethe if you ship picrel
I think Tatsu purpsefully making Jiji the stereotypical shoujo-ai male MC is probably him trying to subvert expectations here.
Unfortunately he is not as good as his sensei Fujimoto and all he did was make his OkarunXMomo canonical ship more unrealistic.
That's why they should date.
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Mini Momo, my beloved.
Aira is a mean girl and they don't self-insert onto her.
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so does she ever stop misunderstanding every little damn thing? because i'm gonna start thinking okarun deserves better at this rate
Just wait 2 more episodes and roasties will be angry if you ship momo x okarun, because then they would be shipping jiji x momo (straight roasties) or jiji x okarun (fujo roasties) instead.
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Why is she so perfect ! I hate that she's so perfect!
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no, she's retarded
that's why we love her
>The last episode sucked. It's all downhill from here, isn’t it?
Said an increasingly nervous anon for the 8th week in a row
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Aira and Momo
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Am I the only retard that didn't realize that she was actually dancing on a rooftop and she jumped to kill herself?
she's vulgar roasty with herpes
No, the anime made it subtle.
>Unfortunately he is not as good as his sensei Fujimoto
He’s so much better than that hack, let’s be real for a second here. Just look at the utter state csm part 2 is in.
i posted about team rocket before, need moon art of the two trios
When my brother was getting baptized in church I saw a young teenage girl in a christian goth dress. The dress was not super dark or emo looking. But I could tell she did that shit for aesthetics and to look cool. She looked pretty cool imo. So they might actually exist.
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>Hey Takakura-sama, wanna have lots of unprotected kissing and let me confess my love to you over and over until you're not under control by that skank demon Momo anymore? I've got my cross right and my dad's porn dvd right now.
No, Jiji is too openly nice. A true shojo hero would be a mean guy who threatens to rape her but has a heart of gold. Jiji would still be the rival that loses.
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Momo isn't real and you Ocuckrunfags will never get laid irl
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Pinki is my favorite jobber
Imagine if genders were swapped here. Even if the guy was clueless like Aira, people would still consider it rape and bad.
Wow Jiji is literally me...
CSM part 2 is only shit because his editors is forcing him to continue the series when he obviously intended to end it with part 1.

All of Fujikino's works that weren't forcibly frankensteined by his editors were all award winning, highly respected works (Look Back, Goodbye Eri, Fire Punch etc).
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you make a very convincing argument
unfortunately, she's a side girl in an obviously forecasted heroine wins romcom and thus receives zero cock
I must have done something awful in my past life to be punished by being put in this reality instead of airas
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aitaro is chad
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The author knows actual rates. When I was studying in osaka my monthly scort were ¥33,000
*vamola and jiji
Since when? Cross Lighter wasn't even hers.
this is unironically the height difference that many zoomer women on tiktok would have you believe that they'll kill for, holy crap
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>CSM part 2 is only shit because his editors is forcing him to continue the series when he obviously intended to end it with part 1
This cope will never be real. It's the same shit with the latter half of FP, focusing on boring nonsensical shit and shock events.
>Fuck off, retard.
I would unironically prefer that but it seems pretty obvious Jiji and Aira will be a thing by the end.
FP's second part was pure luddokino, you're a genuinely tasteless retard, anon
No way, fag!
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Great, best character in the manga/anime. I love how unapologetic she is to Cookie, and instead just reestablishes her dominance. Not even atempting to apologize or anything like that. Just insults her to her face, the moment she remembers who she is. Fuck quitters.
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We all know, that once she fucked Okarun, she would lose interest in him.
Okarun is not THAT tall, anon. Don't kid yourself now kek.
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Airakeks should be happy about it, since by looking at all the shilling, it's clear they love Jiji
she loves EE not jiji. and EE is gay for jiji
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Aira supremacy
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>tfw finding girls like momo or aira is more difficult that finding actual aliens
feels bad
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Jiji's future wife. Aira is so lucky.
I hope we have some rich autist latch onto Aira x Okarun like that wonderbread dude and Spider-Man x Lucina guy.
>even in OC fanart, roastie drawfags would give okarun an imaginary inch or 2
How can manlets like me continue to cope when reality is so oppressing? >>273415863 is right… Okarun is only winning this shipwar because the series was written by a man.
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EE is gay for Okarun, he barely interacted with Jiji
I find it really endearing that Momo seems to prefer Okarun's normal form instead of his hot demon one simply because she hates his emo attitude when he's like that.
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it's because Okarun is a total cutie
I bet the ones that hate Aira now will simp for Jiji while cuckarun cries in his bath.
wouldn’t it be funny if Evil Eye Jiji had a kid's voice? After all it's a full possession
that would be kinda cool
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I just assumed it was an aged up timeskip thing.
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Obviously, because the same people who hate Aira most likely have a uterus between their legs. Jiji would sweep them off their feet with his antics while Okacuck self-inserters watch from the sidelines.
correct, ghosts and aliens and superpowers don't exist.
Good thing he is a homosexual.
WTF kinta is literally me if I was a fat bastard!
Hey guys, anime only, love the wholesome budding romance betwen Momo and Okarun. Anyway, who's the new kid in this panel, and what's his relation to Momo? Okarun seems worried????
I miss Team Rocket so much
Isn't the usual argument
>people who find Aira flirting funny, are hypocrites for hating on Jiji?
The people shilling Jiji and NTRposting are Airacucks though.
he's literally Okarun's soon to be best bro
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they exist
So does preferring the nice guy to hot forward emos.
The new threat to the MC ship, who’s a genuine one because unlike Aira, Jiji is a genuine chad who’s lovably goofy and not a jerk
>he's literally Okarun's soon to be best bro
Oh thank god, I was worried it would be something else.
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oh nooooo, now he'll have to fuck aira!!! such a horrible problem to have!!!!
Jiji is such a nice guy that he would make the other dude whom he just stole his girl from feel better because he wants everybody to be happy.
If you fuck Jiji, you have to fuck Evil Eye, too.
I wish I was that cool , I don't even collect gunpla
We need more cryptid arcs, getting burnout from the fucking aliens
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>a girl watching her dads porn
That's gotta be awkward. Imagine knowing exactly what kind of stuff your own father likes to jerk his dick to. Imagine if you found out he watches schoolgirl porn, or girls that kinda look like you. Imagine if he walked in on you while you were watching haha what would even happen from there.
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He's the actual cuck of the story.
Go back to xitter with you wojacks.
See >>273415863
Wow, that's really nice of him!
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Can't be. He's a childhood friend. It's Okarun who's a homewrecker.
She’s 15 bro…
jk prostitute in shibuya
Aliens are cryptids
We know it’s tough being NTRed, Okarun, but don’t be delusional now.
Aira is so pure and naive about it the event is actually wholesome
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Licking Momo's eyebrows
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Canon event.
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Retarded women are hot.
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Japan doesn't let 15 yo's work at maid cafes
Go watch porn you fucking freak.
does that mean she can't wear a bikini
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Very nice. Beach episode when?
>another OC where a roastie drawfag adds imaginary inches to Okarun’s height
just stop…..
>that "I got the ick." sideglance
it's okarunover...
...outta 10!
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get this chump outta here, cute short kouhais that only appeared in your life recently and keep telling you to die are where it's at
You know it’s true love if she didn’t get the ick when he was literally shitting himself in front of her
17 actually
she and Okarun are both 2nd years
Ova where they all touch their bananas soon.
Turbo granny is pure evil
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Well, instead of NTR, the term would be BSS. Jiji fucking lost.
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Momo porn?
jiji will plap this
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out of 10!
she's like a delinquent version of Tifa Lockheart, I love it
You know what's hilarious? Vamola literally kissed Okarun on the pretense of marrying him. She is literally doing the prescribed actions in Mr. Shiratori's porn collection. Maybe Aira should've just ambush kissed Okarun.
seek psychiatric help
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Remember the butt hurt when this dropped?
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wasn't it a bridge? Herrrrp derrrrp
What happens when Okarun goes all out in turbo granny mode while fucking her?
pinkshit doesn't have friends
no one likes her
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while okarun watches, sad!
reminder that okarun is probably the same height as a literal cuck, pic related.
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>This post was written by demonic alien hands to slander the pure hearted, pious Christian Aira
Begone foul fiend!
would there be as much butthurt if Okarun fell asleep in Aira's arms?
Season 4 can't come fast enough.
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Now that there’s twitter roasties in the fandom, yeah.
it's weird to think about the fact that she is sitting there literally fidgeting with Okarun's testicle.
You know there wouldn't be.
Ofcourse, what do you expect, double standards?
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Out of 10!
you're both so full of shit, there wouldn't be and you know it.
It would mean that Aira won Okarun. Jiji won Momo in this case.
>would there be as much butthurt if Okarun fell asleep in Aira's arms?
No, because it would be written as a gag and misunderstanding, unlike that scene with Jiji.
you think she ever kissed it for good luck?
>But I did eat breakfast
Would there be as much butthurt, yes or no?
Aira is so much hotter, and from a good house too.
depends, if jiji wasn’t introduced, yes.
if jiji was already introduced, they would just ignore it and continue flicking their beans to momoxjiji or okarunxjiji smut
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I love Momo so much bros
>Would there be as much butthurt, yes or no?

Prolly no.
uh oh she will marry him and become takakura aira
I feel Kinta and Jiji are the only ones in the school who don't come from a broken family
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Nah aira a shit and gets mogged by every other girl in the series
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no, because he's a guy so it's ok, Momo on the other hand has to save her virginity.
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>miss ayase
this should've been just Okarun, Momo and Turbo Granny, a larger cast just ruins everything.
Miss Senjougahara
>You can’t call me by my first name until after we kiss!
Do nip girls really?
* this show
With stealth, guile and preparation.
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Momo and Okarun are literally the best realized romantic pairing ever written into a shonen, it's funny watching you faggots seethe over them and screech about NTR.
Do not post AI slop of my wife ever again.
Airacucks are legit mentally ill
It wouldve been better if they just stuck to those + momo’s grandma, aira and jiji. Everyone else that came after jiji felt forced and unnecessary
They should just continue to push school romcom shit between Momo and Okarun. We already know that Momo is invincible deep inside and now the author is going to drag this shit on forever.
I love it when she demands that he looks her in the eyes.
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> peak stacy, peak chuuni

I love Aira
That's fine because Aira is for me
Nobody takes Aira seriously because she’s a delusional cunt, Jiji on the other hand is a likeable Chad and a genuine threat to the MCs relationship.
I only do it for shitposting sake, I want Momo x Okarun to. But it's funny driving people up the wall talking about NTR.
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>Momo wife, Vamila daughter

>Nobody takes Aira seriously because she’s a delusional cunt
She literally destroyed someones life, just to prove she can. And then she dropped the mic and left.
I have a visceral hatred for this series, its dream fulfillment with lackluster action and honest to god the must stupid retard transformation/power imaginable, what do you MEAN you’re mixed with a pedo grandma? KILL YOURSELF
If you think foids won’t seethe then I have a bridge to sell you.
Aira is too chuuni to be a believeable threat to okarun x momo
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Okarun is a nerd, he wouldn't mind a chuuni girl.
NTR porn when?
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>Jiji manages to learn a Kamehameha beam in 5 days
>can even spam it a couple of times
Why did Tatsu do this?
women fucking LIVE for the romance triangle, anon. its like the female equivalent to a big muscular guy picking up a machine gun and mowing 50 dudes down with it.
And yet she only has 1 NTR panel that was forced and intended to be a gag moment. Jiji has 3 (and counting) NTR panels >>273416641
>>273417093 , all of which aren’t misunderstandings.

We all know if Momo was your average teenage girl she would already be sending nudes to Jiji 3 chapters after his introduction. Okacucks know this too that’s why they’re desperately trying to reversecuck Chadji when we all know that doesn’t fly in reality.
Good taste.
>Why did Tatsu do this?
Jiji is a prodigy that's his entire thing.
I assumed that exposure to the supernatural (Evil Eye) made him feel more in touch with spiritual energy.
As for the narrative reason, it's because the Evil Eye is too much of a wild card, so in order not to be useless, Jiji on his own must have some fighting chance.
Kevin Hart is a manlet and has broken hundreds of not thousands of foid hearts. You’re just mad that a short guy is the protag fuck off with your “m-muh reality!1!1” cope.
Competency. The girls are getting pulled into life or death scenarios, and Okarun's the most competent fighter. He's also attractive enough that he's not drying them up on sight.
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it pisses me off when manlet gets guys, it shouldn't be that way
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those two are literally just Gamo and Yoshi
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Kevin Hart is also a multi millionaire Hollywood star. Manlets have to stand on their stacks of cash to compete with what Chads are naturally born with, and you know this. Your argument is moot.
pov jiji
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>women fucking LIVE for the romance triangle
Yeah, when it’s two guys fighting for one girl. Let there be another woman involved and shit gets real toxic real fucking fast.
She isn't chuuni in the manga anymore, thoughever.
>Why did Tatsu do this?
To prove he should take over DB franchise, not Toyohackaro.
So, now that Takakura X Momo inevitable, we should focus on the next pair and why is it Kinta X Vamola
Good, I love how genuinely supportive they are of Momokarun, simply because they see how happy Momo is with him.
You forgot
>a burden in life or death situations
>always makes the wrong choices
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Momo's friends are one of the best parts of the series
fanart of maid Momo selling herself to salarymen when?
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how can Momo be a gyaru if she's not blonde?
Who’s the BLACK one?
>ocuckrun ignoring the qtpie chunibyo just so he can have a (0%) chance with jiji’s girl
can someone please smack some sense into nerd…
Is Kouki joining the team or is she losing her powers at the end of the arc?
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Sleepy Momo-chan a cutest
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>can someone please smack some sense into nerd…
Not smacking, but...
god he’s such a hunk…
She'll be the escort/home base healer.
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You've done it now guys. All this NTR talk made Momo angry.
Why would she be angry? Women love being in the middle of NTR scenarios, male attention excites female clitorises.
What the hell does she thinks she's doing, tsun tsuning Okarun? Only Momo can tsun tsun him.
Horse shit! They never molested Okarun once!
Why the fuck is modern day society so obsessed with ntr? Where did things go wrong in the timeline?
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>10/10 childhood friend
>going to lose just because he's not the MC
This upsets me greatly.
>Where did things go wrong in the timeline?
When we let women have rights.
>airatards are the ntr-posters and okarun-hates
why do you want your pinkskank to be with okarun if you hate him so much?
>fans of NTR
okarun fucking aira while momo watches!
Zoomers are virgin shutins so they take pleasure in seeing someone get cucked like them.
>childhood friend
That's Jiji's cope, they were never really friends and he made fun of Momo.
Because he is McLovin
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>he made fun of Momo.
boys make fun of the girls they like
>>airatards are [HEADCANON]

Before we gave women rights relationships were simple. 1 man, 1 woman, they stick together unless something goes majorly wrong.

Now women have rights and they use them to turn relationships into a never ending real life TV drama where all men must constantly compete for womens eternally fickle affection.
See >>273417410
>I don't like Aira!
>posts in an Aira thread
How will shitposters cope when they get together
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>1 man, 1 woman, they stick together unless something goes majorly wrong.
lol only among poor folk. women from the higher class had plenty of suitors and their fathers had the final say in which they would marry. having multiple suitors is literally the most trad thing out there but people forget that for some reason
>his powers are gone
what now?
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>>fans of NTR
Yes. All women cheat, constantly. You can be perfect and they'll still cheat just for the thrill of it.
We all know Okacuck self-inverters will rope when they see their escapist media reinforce their life experiences.
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if liking this dumbass is wrong i don't want to be right
>what now?
Jiji has powers
He's still really fast, it'd just be embarrassing now.
reddit is basically wattapad, most of the shit on there is fake
i habe had gfs though
>she literally rubbed one of Okarun's balls under her desk.
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She didn't know what it was at the time.
I wonder if she'd still do it after learning the truth.
it's cute you think a subreddit called 'adultery' isn't primarily comprised of single male NEETs jacking off to the fake scenarios other horny dudes made up
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kinta x jiji
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rip cool Okarun
Call me gay, but I hate her outfit ever since w learned that her tights are uncovered. It just makes it look stupid.
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Dude go outside lmao
No, there’s genuine pieces of shit on that subreddit. It’s not popular enough to have constant creative writing exercises posted on it like other subreddits.
>timeskipped momo and her 3 plebbit accounts justifying her sexual experiences with jiji while okarun wagecucks as a salaryman
She's wonderful
>All the NTR posting etc
Alright some people seem to be posting miss fatass retard doroboneko screamer, but do you really think she'll win water? Or does another girl scare you?
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Could Ludris defeat Reinhard?
jiji and aira should get together,
I hate her. She's extremely annoying and not in an entertaining way.
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How heavy?
Kek,this made me laugh
>I hate her. She's extremely annoying and not in an entertaining way.
But enough about Momo
Yeah she's pretty cringe desu
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>jiji’s chad genes + aira’s stacy genes
Momokarun’s kids are just going to be bullied by them…
Is she gonna use tackle?
She will hurt herself in confusion...
Holy shit this rage bait has got my blood boiling. Luckily I am an incel and will never have this happen to me.
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Based Christianbro, we have to convert them properly. Amen.
He loses because of his own actions that he never fixed.
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How are her hair so long all of a sudden.
You haven't read enough Shojo, zero chance Jiji would be the MC. He'd be the kindhearted rival that would lose to the badboy character, someone like an older Zuma or a Sanjome.
Read the comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUGWYIby3Sg

4chan likes to pretend it's super duper smart and everyone who didn't realise it is retarded, but a lot of people missed it.
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Look at how much more destructive it is when a foid cheats. When a man cheats it’s simple and no one gets hurt.
>Jiji would still be the rival that loses.
And most importantly he would ALWAYS be obsessed with her, she would always be his number one forever.

Even if they did a timeskip and he eventually did marry someone else, there'd be some keepsake or memento that she gave him that he'd look to in his quiet moments to show she was always the one for him and no other woman can replace that.
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Look, if Seiko says so, than it's a fact. She wouldn't lie.
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It would Bearly be a problem.
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I started disliking her but I admit, Aira is growing on me the more episodes pass.
Whereas Momo is getting annoying with her misunderstandings.
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Look, if Aira says so, than it's a fact. She wouldn't lie.
Jiji is an empty headed yes man and Okarun actively challenges Ayase and is willing to argue with her.
If you don't see the difference, you're not gonna make it.
No woman, especially someone like her wants a wet noodle unless they're looking for men to exploit.
Other way around for me. I hate Aira even more now.
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When she went to fight a Demon did she dress up like some heathen shrine maiden or try enact some pagan ritual? No. She put her faith in the Holy Cross. She believed herself protected by His love and His light.

Follow Aira's example, Anon. When she was in trouble, when she needed help, she turned to the Cross, you can always do the same.
Trips of truth.
The shitposters don't read the manga, thoughever.
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No, because Jiji's shit is played 100% bone straight while Aira's is always a joke.

Aira never gets in the way of Okarun/Momo, Jiji does.

There's nobody that shitposts about Okarun/Momo with Aira pictures, because there's nothing to post. Meanwhile, that same Jiji/Momo picture will be posted till the end of the series, and if the series gets a bad ending, it'll get posted endlessly when all the people who haven't read it come in to laugh (ex. MHA, somehow "I'm upset he got a Quirk in ch2 instead of being Batman" became a talking point again when the series ended)
>i want to use a 51 yr old crt just for this
uhh that's nice i guess
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>Wide smile and happy, bright expression
>"Um, look how disgusted she is, wow"
Threadly reminder that Ayase Momo has plenty of experience using her asshole, pits, feet and mouth to wring the seed out of men...but at least she's still a virgin!
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yeah pretty much, if i have to deal with one more "uh oh here i go doubting okarun without even giving him a chance to explain again!! (and then act all sad about it the whole time afterwards)" i'm devoting myself to supporting the losing side
It happens again later but it's okarun's fault for lying then immediately getting caught in the lie again.
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Plus she's pretty cute even if she's a bitch, and the fact she acquired the acrobatic skills and flexibility of Acrosilky means she's bound to blow your mind in bed while remaining a total pure virgin instead of slutty Momo.
So she fucks up the ass is what you're saying.
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If Aira was properly established as a real romantic rival, there would absolutely be butthurt about it. Just look at the Hall of Anal Devastation.

Or pic related, which took over /a/, R*ddit, Twitter and everywhere else with outrage.
when does he lie again?
All Okarun had to do, is let Aira kiss him that one time. She would get insta bored, and left him alone. But noooooooooo...
How would Momo react to getting her ass smacked by Okarun?
>inb4 memory loss arc
>while remaining a total pure virgin
Would Aira remain a virgin even if she merged with the spirit of a prostitute?
Momo is the MC you fucking retard
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Someone needs to repair the uniforms they keep breaking.
god i almost forgot about how forced that section of franxx is
sometimes i wonder how that shit go so popular
Dude is playing the long game, he will bag Aira and Momo for a threesome! Maybe Vamola too and Jiji
She would be slightly impressed by his forwardness but want to take it further, probably offer her anus for his use like with her previous boyfriends.
>zero chance Jiji would be the MC. He'd be the kindhearted rival that would lose to the badboy character, someone like an older Zuma or a Sanjome.
wrong, jiji would win in a shoujo. the only thing he lacks is being rich but that's no longer necessary in modern shoujo
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>Hall of Anal Devastation
I can't wait for Airacucks to kill themselves
Bunch of insufferable shitposters who shit up every single thread
Why didnt she do it when they were in nurse office, and Rin and Vamola had to tradwife it themselves?
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Why the fuck do people ship Jiji and Momo he is a walking time bomb.
Damn, Cookie getting some really good art.
She can't really control them yet and she was also busy getting interrogated.
Before the invasion but after vamola gets introduced I think? I can't give you an exact page but I remember getting upset that he didn't learn his lesson the first time and lied then got caught leading to another misunderstanding.
why can't it be okarun+momo+aira?
he's literally me
Aira saved Acro Silky from oblivion, that's worth a good deal.

Momo isn't really misunderstanding anything though, Okarun outright did lie to her.
Finally someone asking the real question.
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This, then?
>saved Acro Silky
Only because she saw le sad backstory.
And it was thanks to Momo who saved her life after the retarded pinkho tried to kill her. And thanks to Momo again for stopping Okarun from finish Acro Silky up.
Momo gets all the credit here.
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>pink haired and blond haired stacy want the short nerd with huge glasses
this is as unrealistic as a shoujo where the bland girl has 3 chads after her cause she's "different"
These scenes change when you realise that Vamola is way more naked than you initially thought.
We all know this is not happening in real life. Momo would be screaming “GET OFF ME YOU CREEP” followed by Jiji pummeling the crap out of Okarun while everyone cheers.
I'm really enjoying Aira's chuuni attitude. I hope she remains like that for a long time.
because real life is not a JAV storyline, coomer-kun.
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And pinkretard didn’t learn anything. She’s still saying the same retarded shit after Momo saved her life. She didn’t even apologize to Okarun. I feel no sympathy for her.
All Dandadan girls are so erotic. I hope they do her justice.
>the bland girl has 3 chads after her cause she's "different"
so... Momo?
I don't get what's so funny about Jiji's retarded expressions, Japanese humor much?
Reposted so many time, pixels are starting to show up.
bs, Momo is anything but bland.
The only sane option to fix her is rape correction. I wish the Serpos did it last episode.
>I don't get what's so funny about Jiji's retarded expressions, Japanese humor much?
Its clear Dandadan is aimed at superior japanese cultures. That's why they don't shy away from scenes of rape, patriarchy, loud noodle slurping and high IQ japanese humor. Its not meant for dumb westerners who wouldn't get it.
literally a Persona game cast, but with aliens instead of evil killer/mastermind.
>real life
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She's like british food.
momo isnt bland
I like the "ghost orbs" everywhere that mess with alien tech.
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They're so cute together.
She's the blandest out of every girl.
>They're so cute together.
But enought about Aira chan and Takakura kun.
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Cutest shonen couple
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>pink haired and blond haired stacy want the strong seed
But enough about Jiji and Momo.
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never read the manga, do the Serpoians try to fug any other girl after this arc or do they finally get defeated.
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Best couple in shonen.
Such power!

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