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Yup, I'm watching this for the plot.
Oh shit, it's out?
still waiting for Mashima to serialize Starbiter Satsuki
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No subs yet. Small monsters seem to be CG. Grills get ENF'd.
ENF? In my Mashima-related work? It's more likely than you think!
Appears she has an interesting backstory
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woof, wtf was wrong with it?
Is the game a gacha?
>Is the game a gacha?
Nope, full game for Steam and consoles
now that's rare
>[SubsPlease] Farmagia - 01 (1080p) [B7ADBC12].mkv
i have too much shit to watch on fridays so this better be good
It's a farm-sim/action RPG.
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Hat girl is in it!
Dual roles for Yoko Hikasa confirmed!
>Annoying lead
>Ugly art
>Unfunny humor
The 3 episode rule is tough with shit like this.
Charlotte a cute
is subsplease downloading for you guys?
Maybe if he were written as more of a normal person like he is in the game, it'd be a little better.
Use XDCC to download. The good thing about it as opposed to torrents is that files are downloaded from the front to the back so you can start watching while you download.
Oh, the T is silent.
I will also be watching this for the plot
>Too much "plot"
>Not enough >>275030296
the game is absolute low budget low effort garbage
>2 cour anime
fuck off. go remake RAVE instead
"Farming sim" game with no romance and made with shovelware-tier effort.
Is it two cours?
yes, "2nd season" in production already before the 1st episode even aired
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>The good thing about it as opposed to torrents is that files are downloaded from the front to the back
How many episodes will have?
Is it trusted?
24ish apparently >>275032064
I don't mean a separate season, I mean if we'll be getting 12/13 or 24/25 episodes this season.
That doesn't let you watch the episode until it's done, retard-kun
Yes it does
>saw this title
>sweet, a comfy farm simulator show!
>open ep 1
>more fairy tail dogshit complete with cgi slop
God fucking damnit.
I can now enjoy Mashima's designs without having to play a really bad game that contracted Mashima for designs.
It's the game long or short?
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Nice, ENF is always welcome.
short because I dropped it after an hour
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>go remake RAVE instead
Even Mashima forgot about Rave so the chances of that are zero.
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Why else would we be watching this if not for the ""plot""" ?
Backstories are also important.
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>Starbiter Satsuki
Not before serializing this first.
well that was really bad.
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All i know is that this was a videogame on that one nintendo direct that had like 5 farming games on it
More ryona
More ptsd
More mindbreak
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....How and why?
Wrong series.
>Asian Kungfu Generation
hello boomer
>Even Mashima forgot about Rave
the fact that he still makes elie clones shows that he hasn't forgotten it
that shit's decided ahead of time, newfag
Marvelous must have had a lot of faith in the game for whatever reason. Maybe they thought getting Mashima to do the designs was all it'd take to be successful
I don't know if the fanservice is worth it.. I'm half way through and I wanna drop it already
oh hey the animal from Rave
>Small monsters seem to be CG
ehhh not sure fanservice can save CG slop. Maybe if there's nipples but I doubt there is.
Griff from Rave!
>Oracion Seis again
Sure wish somebody managed to make a decent game with Mashima attached someday, it's not like he's coding/writing the bloody things
A bit long. They could probably adapt the two halves of the game into two single-cour seasons.
i expected something similar to sol mixed with action here and there like Sakuna and Ryza anime
will this be something different, or like those two?
Going purely by the game, Farmagia's version of the OS is my favorite, actually.
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>the fact that he still makes elie clones shows that he hasn't forgotten it
Save for the obligatory Siegran clones and plue and Etherion appearing, Rave is still forgotten by him and FT will always be his golden child.
the song sucks too, they've lost their touch

Kind of embarrassing to pull a big name for your OP just to shit that out
>I'm half way through and I wanna drop it already
Six minutes in and I'm hitting that point too
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Also made an appearance in FT...again.
I finished it on x4
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How many O6 do we have by now?
How fucking shit is your download speed? It should take 5 minutes to download.
Yes it does, you cretin.
My download speed from XDCC is capped at 300 KB/s for some reason
So torrent.
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Who? Also... ugly.
characters who actually died
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Not her anime version.
I didn't even bother trying the game the moment I heard that it's a farming game with no marriage system in it.
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The VAs would probably be dead by the time a remake is announced.
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Mashima's initial art style wasn't pretty, I'll grant you that.
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It didn't work with GoN either, but hey, third time's the charm, right?
Love this design.
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For me it's this one.
Gate of Nightmares was a gacha and look where it is now.
What does she smell like?
Pirate Levy…
How’s the game? Never got into Mashima’s works.
Also isn’t it censored?
He can’t keep getting away with it.
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>EZ anime in a tight spot
>EZ vidya plagued with issues
>Farmagia vidya flopping
>FT1 vidya did fine but not the sequel
>now this
Mashima is in danger of suffering Toriyama syndrome being forced to only commit to fairy tail
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i looked the pic on OP and read fartmagia
>forced to only commit to fairy tail
And you think he hasn’t been doing it for the past 19 years?
100 year quest is mostly handled by his secretary that is why he was diversifying into other endevours all these years but apparently the superman mangaka spread himself too thin.
>EZ anime in a tight spot
One could argue that the game he made by himself, when he was bored one weekend, is more successful than the ones he did only the art.
this is why i don't watch of his other words aside from Fairy Tail

exact same characters in that space show and now this, some flying cat creature, same organizations, Ezra clone, fairy tail guild clone, etc...

could make up new original characters but no
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I still remember when people freaked out when this NotErza appeared.
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He admitted that he can't write anything but fantasies so don't expect him writing a romcom,a sports series or harem.
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Here's a better pic.
>some flying cat creature
EZ Happy didn’t fly
He can't do battles either. Most of his fights are gimmick-y 2-parters against irrelevant minions where
>first chapter is the hero getting thrashed
>second chapter they figure out the gimmick and win
He's been working for more than 20 years now, surely he can try to branch off a little instead of working on multiple projects at the same time and saturate his own market.
Thank you.
Oh, Farmagia has those too.
Ueda isn't Mashima's secretary or assistant or anything.
I finished the game. Ask me anything.
Is it true that Hitler is still alive?
Another mashima flop
Depends on the language.

There's four in Japanese, one for each work:
>Rave Master
>Fairy Tail
>Edens Zero

The English translation of EZ has two of them: the Oracion Seis Galactica (called something quasi-O6-related in Japanese) and Oracion Seis Interstellar (just called "Oracion Seis" in Japanese).
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>instead of working on multiple projects at the same time and saturate his own market.
Impossible, that would require him to use his brain for once instead of being a workaholic.
From the perspective of someone in the 30s, yes.
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Or maybe not make a new series hoping it will beat FT's numbers, because that won't happen, EZ couldn't and neither could DR, so his next series will be dead on arrival.
Imagine the smell
Now that would be interesting.
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Does that mean the elemental girls will appear?
It’s Erza
Who’s the best girl?
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Who's your favorite design?
Out of all the girls confirmed to be in the anime, it's a tie between Lisan and Charlot (>>275031739) because they're both voiced by Yoko Hikasa.
I was equally shocked to find out Scarlet Nexus had 26 episodes. Nobody who recommended the game to me watched the anime
let me guess, these are suppose to be like the 5 dragons

water (mercphobia), wind (wendy's dragon), earth (that dead dungeon one), fire (ignia), shadow (rogue's dragon), light (that other guy's dragon)
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Actually, it's darkness
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Fair enough.
They're just standard elemental spirits. The game's writers came up with them; Mashima just drew them.
>Earth is a doting mom who mistakes torture devices for health devices
>Light gets so excited that she accidentally sets things on fire
>Water is an introvert who likes fairy tales where wolves get disemboweled
>Fire is a bodybuilder with a fetish for men's muscles
>Wind is a healer with a terrible sense of direction
>Darkness is an easily depressed workaholic

The Five Dragons are themed after the seven luminaries and days of the week: Sun (Sunday), Moon (Monday), Fire (Mars/Tuesday), Water (Mercury/Wednesday), Wood (Jupiter/Thursday), Gold (Venus/Friday), and Earth (Saturn/Saturday).
That got an anime too?
And we still don't know who's the sun dragon.
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>that other guy's dragon
The fruity dragon slayer...
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And that's a good thing
Should've been called Smell le sting and smelling like bleach.
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Does she have golden plot?
You mean the one that had a mind broken Rebecca getting her tits sucked by a machine?
>Longing for Natsu
Always gets me
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>watching an anime as it comes out instead of a PROPER bluray release with superior audio, video, possibly uncensored, with corrected animation scenes and added features.

I sincerely hope you don't do this.
You fags are worse than narutards
At least we don't fuck children under three.
Did he lick her asshole?
What are elementary school girls for?
damn I like all of these
thighs too fat
Why is airing it this late, the game flopped so hard too
Literally a worse harvest moon
No idea
I don’t know.
NotAries skirt is too short
What is Wendy and Lucy doing here?
Shit taste detected, this looks 100 times better than his modern slop
I'm too distracted to read your post
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isnt she his 6th blonde heroine or so? this is starting to feel like a cry for help (or a casting opportunity)
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3th blonde heroine.
Dead Rock has no blonde heroines.
breh, it's 3rd
>1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th etc.
from 4 onward it's "th"
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Kinda weird since it's by the same company which made Harvest Moon and Rune Factory series
Making babies.
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No such thing.
all but 5 look blond to me
some gaming companies are just a shadow of their former self.
ie Konami
>fairy tail guild clone
Mashima only made that to filter people.
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That will never happen.
And they all fell for it.
>Natsu and Lucy in the background
Their fault.
why are the fairy tail characters farming stuff
80% of the frames are just 1 character moving and everyone else still
This series had the budget of a mcdonalds meal
After the 100YQ anime ended, they changed jobs
Watching it now and right when they mentioned that shit, I paused to find this thread and ask if I’ll be missing anything here despite having dropped Fairy Tail ages ago.
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Charlot and Nares are my early favourites. Also tell me why a Dimaria cameo wouldn't be hilarious.
It's just a name of an organization, it has no relation to anything from other series besides an easter egg. Mashima didn't write the story, they just hired him to do the art designs for the game.
You’re not missing anything, O6 is just a name that Mashima puts in every one of its organizations.
>Mashima didn't write the story, they just hired him to do the art designs for the game.
Sounds like at least someone finally understood how to properly utilize the guy’s talents.
Oracion Seis is one of Mashima's many homages to his own work. It's been in three other series now, one of which came before Fairy Tail.

I like to think of it as what Final Fantasy does (using the same ideas to tell different stories in different worlds), except his series just share a common author rather than a common franchise. Though in this case, as >>275044388 said, he's not the author here.
I was worried Charlot wouldn't show up because she wasn't in any promo stuff.
I’m convinced that everything he draws that isn’t for games is just him speed drawing >>275034589
If you are piccky...
Probably 1 counts as brown. and 4 has two-color hair
>thinking BD's fix anything anymore
Naruchads are based
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>This series had the budget of a mcdonalds meal
Just like the game
Fitting since the studio also made the final season of FT
And the 2014 season.
Ravemaster has a darker color scheme and everyone knows pinks are the blonds of anime (just as slutty as their irl counterpart to boot)
I need it
ill forever hate the fact we never had ONE good animated FT fight, dunno about the new series
Have you seen how expensive McDonald's is these days? It's more like the budget of a box of fries.
Does it have QUALITY?
Just a side job
It’ll be funny if Siegrain appears as a cameo here
What is she eating?
It would, because he actually doesn't appear in the game.

She doesn't know. That's why has to see if it's bad for her.
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Me on the right.
But still reply?
It’s an unspoken rule that every Mashima-related work must have ENF.
NotWendy is hot
What’s its name?
Still waiting for that?
At what point exactly?
I still don’t know what is Griffin supposed to be.
I need a brown gf
Sometime in 2016. I liked the character design, but found the writing to be unbearably tropey and formulaic. Tried giving EZ a shot as a fresh start, but it was just more of the same schlock. So far I’m cautiously optimistic about this show since Mashima apparently has minimal input outside of character design.
In the game, he's called a Strange Creature.
Same but preteen.
You could say that for every creature in the game too.
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100 YQ anime had 2 well animated fights so that's the step up from this series. FT is always cursed with shitty fight scenes
There are too many series in a modern season to 3 episode rule everything. Go with your gut and if something you dropped turns out to be actually good you will hear about it by the end of the season and can catch up
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So Virgo and Aries are more slutty than Lucy?
Her hips are wider than her shoulders.
>Tried giving EZ a shot as a fresh start, but it was just more of the same schlock
Minus the part where the MC's loved ones died behind his back at the end of the first episode. Though the manga has more bite anyway.
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Wrong pic.
It also appeared in EZ.
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It would be hilarious, especially if they mistake Nares for her.
It would be very weird if his next series doesn't have another O6.
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>See this
What you do?
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I have a confession. Lucy's my all-time favorite Mashima girl but she's ruined future blonde heroines for me because they're not Lucy, so now in his future series I find myself more drawn to the other girls.
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Probably, but what about the others?
Sex with Charlot and the pink harpy
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>anime is ramping up the lewd
>somehow they will make her even lewder
Also Nakajima.
Me on the left
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Slavery good
Need paizuri from Elie
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They got isekai'd.
Slavery is always good.
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The Eden's Zero game could be decent
Uhhh you're a slaver??
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Understandable, Lucy is perfection after all. I do appreciate Becca in her own way though.
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>Strange Creature.
And what about this...thing?
That's a cat.
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This is a cat.
This isn't Mashima's series, but Rave and Fairy Tail are more successful than 99% of manga series in existence.
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From 1 to 100, how much do you love her?
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Why does such an ugly creature have such attractive lips?
To kiss better.
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>Has a tail
Good to know that Fairies have tails.
How long did it take Natsu to finally see Lucy's pussy? Shiki and the new guy just speedran it.
It'd be even funnier now if Leii gets brainwashed into being Lisan's "rose bearer" because Lisan is secretly Charlot's meat puppet.
It's called a Kissie. Specifically a Light Kissie.
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Natsu's a gentleman.
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I don't know, probably a couple of months.
Nares a cute!
Cute potato
Blonde Erza
So, is she the Erza of Farmagia?
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>Voiced by Rebecca's VA
Does anyone have a complete list of which characters are voiced by VAs of previous works?
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That's the opposite of being a gentleman.
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I liked it
Besides one of the O6 being voiced by Erza’s VA, I don’t know the rest
That is trespassing.
To suck things better.
I would hide in her tits
In the game, that's true for Japanese and English.
Feels like she’s going to kidnap you.
Did final boss man kill them in their sleep?
He took its time, and he has seen her pussy many times
is that Yuzu?
I felt like I got info dumped and so much happened the first episode, so confusing? Guess I'll have to play the game to figure out what the hell is going on but I like the blue girl>>275054197
>Emero (blond brown guy) is Sho (blond brown guy) from FT.
>Diluculum (the dead Magus) is Bacchus and Silver.
>Manas (O6's white bowl cut guy) is Midnight.
>Corpus (big brown O6 guy) is Brain/Zero.
>L'Oreille (green haired O6 lady) is Erza and Elsie.
>The tall guy with the weird lips is Ajeel and Weisz. He also has a double role in Farmagia as a tall blue butler guy.
The game throws you into the war at the start but takes it slow and easy with the character introductions after that.
How many episodes until these two appears?
How is the game?
I heard there was no romance so it killed my drive to get it.
Blue girl's name is Chica. She doesn't have her plant-eating quirk in the game, though.
All the game characters are more down-to-earth versions of their anime selves, except for Leii (blue haired guy), who's like a different character altogether.
>Literally blonde farmer Erza
It's fun but repetitive, best in small doses. It also has pseudo-dates with all these girls: >>275037408

The story is what's kept me interested. The anime does it different. Too much too fast.
Charlot is mine
He doesn’t care
Be happy I guess
I was afraid the anime would do that cliche where Ten gets teased by everyone, even the kids, for never growing any monsters. Glad they were all nice folks.
That’s a very dapper cat.
Which girls have caught your attention?
Kiss her.
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It would appear that he at least likes Charlotte
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>the fire elemental saw into different worlds and saw body builder competitions and how all the dudes were cool having a good time so now she is addicted gains

I wonder if they will keep it in the anime
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Words are not enough.
>so much she wants to do she doesn't know where to start
Undina confirmed for peak lewd, she wants to do every position. Yes, even THAT.
>Yes, even THAT
What is THAT?
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>Earth elemental gets into health practice
>Invents an acupuncture device
>It's really an iron maiden
Every time.
What a coincidence, me too.
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>he doesn't know
I just noticed, that green child looks just like the dot-eyed Digitalis NPC girl from EZ.
I also spotted a kid version of Erza's friend Sho and also the baker lady's daughter from FT0's anime original scenes.
I want to lick Arche's shoulder blades
Fire girl is the hottest
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Lumina’s hair bun reminded me of Cana’s.
What would Mavis do with him?
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Who doesn’t like her?
EZ isnt a guild its a crew that travels to find Mother, the guilds in EZ arent important to begin with it was bait for FT readers
>bait for FT readers
He ended up doing the opposite and didn’t help when Space Erza appeared
There was plenty of well animated fights in the first series the fuck are you on about? Hell even when series hit its lowest lows in the Final Season stuff like Gildarts vs August and the 7 Dragonslayers vs Acnologia had good animation.
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Space Erza is a warlord and EZ is a story of how time travel destroys your story, seriously the final arc is just wtf
U0 killed the manga
Funny I actually stopped reading around the final arc start, I still want to finish it, dunno why I stopped tho, thik the site I used to read only stopped working
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She really is just blonde Erza
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>EZ is a story of how time travel destroys your story, seriously the final arc is just wtf
If a third anime season happens I hope they just cut off here and leave that damn final arc to the viewer's imagination. Edens Zero ends with Lendard.
Farmer Lucy is pure sex. Tube top, exposed midriff and miniskirt combo gets me every fucking time. Anyone got the full scenes Ten going under her skirt and any other ENF scenes?
They should have just explored until they reach Mother. The humans vs robots plot never made sense since there are already sapient androids in that galaxy.
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>to the farm you go
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What's the yellow marking on her leg?
I don't know, maybe something like the guild emblems from Fairy Tail
The same thought crossed my mind.
All the villains have a tattoo that let them transform into a monster.
There's no thick farm girl route?
No, which was a big misstep on Marvelous' part
When you can pick between a goddess and a farmer nobody is going to pick a farmer. Farmer Lucy probably smells like a barn.
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I would pick a blonde with large breasts over a goddess
Did he include it in that one off Monster Hunter oneshot he did?
At one point someone is going to whip their tits out as a distraction I just know it.
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>no romance
what's the point of a rune factory game with no romance
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Breh, what's wrong with my Pikmin?
Good night
It's not a rune factory game. It's a pikmin dungeon crawler rpg. The game never once pretended it was a farmsim. It was always a dungeon crawler with a weird farming backdrop to pull a bunch of monsters out of the ground like pikmin
>rune factory
>not a dungeon crawler
Anon still hasn't progressed on the story.......
Why does it look like she got destroyed by cocks?
Idk, they're retarded and clearly doesn't understand the reason why people like anime-style farmsim in the first place.
And the game bombed because of it.
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>not crawling the dungeon with your wife and child
see >>275055495
Lei is the hot one. Emero is sexy in a cute way. Ten is pretty good, too, I suppose.
I haven’t read it yet.
You aren’t missing much desu.
And which goddess would you pick?
I like stinky girls
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Because she got destroyed by one.
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I wonder if they will appear at all.
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Which one?
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Not there yet.
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These two too.
Wait, you can romance your summons in this and it has different routes?
price tag for long time and short time
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True, words will never be enough.
It bugs me that all the MCs' markings are black in the anime when the game made them all different colors. I get the artists were following the early production work where Mashima drew them black, but he also drew the O6 without marks at all before their game designs added them. If the anime staff gave the O6 their colored marks, they should have done the same with the MCs.
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I want to lick her midriff.
They're not summons, they give you your summons and upgrade them the more you give them stuff and do sidequests for them.
And they're not routes, it's a harem.
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She and Erza would get along quickly.
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Will his next series have another blonde heroine?
Mashima can only write one kind of series. It's common knowledge.
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Mira is getting married!
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This one isn't Mashima's story.
oh so bride Wendy DOES exist
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>it's a harem
Huh, is this the first for Mashima? I was sure the Lucy lookalike would make the running again.
>we're still dealing with aliasing and low res textures
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Mashima didn't write the story and he has never done a harem series before.
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She's marrying me of course.
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Oh no... the chestlet has lost it.
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also the bois
Why is Wendy angry?
Yeah, I meant involved.
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Not the first time.
The models in the new game actually look really nice but whenever you take a screenshot they become way fuzzier.
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Say something nice to Irene's equal.
braids are great
it's what really elevates farm Lucy and hat girl here too
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Irene's braids are great too.
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I don't blame her.
Maybe Erza asked Irene to say something nice to Wendy but Irene overexxagerated a lot.
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why is Sting into it
I don't know.
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I don't know if it's just me but there's one thing I noticed about about koei tecmo anime games, the character's faces are always a slightly darker shade than the rest of the body and it annoys the fuck out of me.
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Finally a reason to watch fairy tail
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From what movie was this supposed to be again?
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Dragon Cry
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It seems like Wendy is throwing a tantrum.
>not being able to tell if you will like a series within the first 10 frames
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Will this bring Tamagoro back to the H doujin scene?
Speaking of which, what is he doing these days?
I thought he's back already? His manga's done iirc?
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Still won’t forgive that fucking faggot
Yeah, but only mags so far
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anyone playing the game too?
He's right.
He’s not.
I'm playing it. I wish I could recommend it to everyone if it wasn't such an acquired taste.
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The reception seems to be terrible.

I don't play bad games just because the characters are hot or the writing is entertaining. That's been my rule ever since I decided that I had had enough of slogging through Neptunia slop even though I love the characters.
I'm sorry but while earth and light have good designs all of them are inferior to farmer Lucy. Where is her route?
There's something charming about this. It's like a scene from an anime made two decades ago or so.
Just because she’s autistic doesn’t mean she’s not erotic.
Mira mogging Wendy without even trying
Reused character designs AND actors?!
Mashima has gone too far this time!
how to destroy the rocks in the farm?
You unlock the "Remove Obstacles" command in your Research Notes grid. Upgrades will let you remove bigger rocks and logs.
Happy's parents have the same VAs as the MCs of Mashima's first manga series.
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And he will do it again.
Here's some other tips to make the game easier:
>If you're looking for item drops, the easiest way to get them is to grow Research Buddy seeds from the monsters who drop them.
>A Research Buddy only gives you Research Points the first three times you grow it on your farm. After that, it won't give you any more points; just money and materials.
>Not every monster or item drop will be available the first time you go to a continent. The right monsters will come as you progress in the story.
>There is no missable content, but there are temporary missions like Dentro's Trials and Pact Trials that let you fight monsters you won't get until later. These mazes can be repeated until you claim your rewards for the missions.
>If you need to refill your FP for farming, just complete the first maze. You'll be full again in a few minutes.
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She's trying her best!
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>Emero (blond brown guy) is Sho (blond brown guy) from FT.
If DR has an anime, he needs to voice him.
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He did the same with Space Erza, Happy and Jellal.
thanks anon
also i am stuck at the Sunlit Demi-Beast Boss
I pray to God every day to kill all Wendy simps (pedophiles)
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It won't happen.
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She sucks
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Like all monsters, it's a matter of knowing their attacks and timing your perfect guards and counters to them. Every perfect guard lasts about one second from when you hold the guard button

If it holds its shield up and sits still without doing anything, watch carefully for the white flash on the shield because it will charge you a split second after that.
If it stabs you repeatedly with its spear, time your perfect guard for each hit and you'll knock off tons more stamina.
For its unblockable spin attack (the red-flashing attack), you're safe until it holds out its spear. Once it does, use a Unite Blitz and you'll counter it.

Most importantly: white and red flashes only tell you it's about to attack. Don't time your blocks to the flash, but the hits that come after.
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I played it for a bit, played a little over an hour then refunded it, I wish it was a better game
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DESU, I prefer the story over the gameplay. The anime is better at visualizing the events, but the game is just scripted better and the characters act more like normal people.
>tfw no Wendy manhandling Loli Erza
Wendy is so considerate
Kagura should also get a turn
Tricked by OP's pic into watching something terrible again...
is this AI generated? completely formulistic and souless
>What are elementary school girls for?
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Who else?
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God is dead and Wendyfags killed him.
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>The only time Sherria appeared in the entire sequel
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Last for Nares
Last for Erza
Such an erotic body
Imagine making babies with her
would make a football team with her
Arrow to the knee claims another...
Good thread, see you next time

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