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Episode 2 soon. I am fucking hyped for the fight against the Ice Slayers.
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Best action anime in years.
Looks like the two S ranks are going to be fighting outside the red gate.
Frieren had better action.
It's crazy that Solo Leveling season 2 stared off so well. A-1 can be hit and miss.
That's a fair opinion. I loved Stark vs Linie. I think I might prefer Solo Leveling slightly though.
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What was your favorite Frieren fight? Fern firing off all those spells in quick succession when fighting that demon was cool.
>I am fucking hyped for the fight against the Ice Slayers.
This. The buildup in the first episode was good. Having the other half of the party destroyed and that A rank running away in terror really shows how the fearsome the Ice Slayers can be.
Guys, I think I accidentally Solo'd my Leveling
I think A1 are underrated.
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This is probably going to remain as one of the best anime moments of 2025.
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Easily Anime of the year without any competition
I think I'm starting to see start screens IRL or that could be the LSD I took earlier.
anyone else reawaken for revenge lately
Frieren was a solid contender.
this gal gives the best blowjobs
You know when you find an old abandoned safe or a buried box full of goodies? That's the real life equivalent of an item box.
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I want this guy kicked in the face.
The thing about this show is that all throughout season 1 and 2 they keep mentioning Jinwoo's "revenge" but never what he's actually taking revenge against. I guess he was mad at that guy in season 1 for not carrying him to safety, but he died, so what the fuck is he angry at?
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Good framing and storyboarding. Makes the bear look domineering and menacing even though in the end Iris slaughtered it effortlessly.
The best day of the week is day, bros.
It's time for some fucking Solo Leveling!
it's not solo leveling when you have a coach
Don't question the writing in this. It's all spectacle
Is it actually going to be a fight though or will he nothing personnel them in 3 seconds? I hate that shit.
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It's always amusing to see the reactions of other hunters when they realise that Sung isn't actually E rank. Kek. That's the fan service.
The frights are good and generally are not over too quickly. This isn't like Kage no Jitsuryokusha.
File deleted.
Those are fodder. Main character got shit kicked in by the boss.
these are the absolute strangest threads i have ever seen, ever since the first episode of the first season they're just filled with what seem to be bots, or jeets pretending to be bots
it was the same during season 1
They literally do this every time he fights how the fuck is it fanservice
Sung should make these Ice Elves his shadows. That would be badass.
It's gook slop, so people praise it as bait for the weeaboos.
It's literally a bunch of ESLs trying to praise every aspect of the show as often as possible cuz they're insecure about it being Korean
it's a handful of autists pretending to be bots and jeets. I have no idea what benefit they get from this behavior.
I loved that scene. Was it in the Manhwa originally or was it added?
not quite. it's haters pretending to be retarded fans.
Usually not an anime guy but the Igris fight in season 1 was so good I watched the whole thing.
There's never any impact or feel weight nor speed but they managed to really convey it.
>Usually not an anime guy but the Igris fight in season 1 was so good I watched the whole thing.
it was so impressive
What did you prefer though? The animation in the episode or in the opening?
stop talking to yourself
those are the best moments
I found an old tool box buried in my garden once and it was full of a set of unused lighters. Talk about hitting the jackpot.
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false ranker
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So is Sung getting the System actually considered a "reawakening"?
is it out already?
All of those posts are you, though.
raws have been out for a while
Is it out yet?
Its Leveling
the action scenes and production team are hard carrying this show. everything outside of the fights is boring. every interaction is extremely cringe in a bad way. the production team really knows how to make the fights epic which is the only saving grace.
>every interaction is extremely cringe in a bad way
I didn't feel that way about a single interaction.
the good releases aren't out yet. Subsplease says less than half an hour but it could take them an hour
>She's underage
Can see why /a/ loves this.
>solo posters back for another season of abuse
kekking at you gooklovers
I felt that way in season 1 and now too. like it's written by some edgy 14 year old
why did women cream their pants at this scene?

because it's good
men like this scene too
waiting a whole week for this felt like the longest week of my life
Would have been, if he properly plapped the girl afterwards.
Solo Leveling is good.
...at being bad
cry more
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which one of the S ranks will win?
Sex is way too rare in anime.
Yes, very unfortunate. At least he plaps Cha Hae-Cute at the end.
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>Yes, very unfortunate.
Isekai Meikyuu was the last one I recall,
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It's time.
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>what the fuck happened here
she's underage but considering people ship Jinwoo with his sister I'm not surprised
im not gonna lie, I had read another webnovel series like this instead of solo leveling and it turned out that i read the inferior series since this one is much better and it got animated. Very lucky because 1 i would have ruined this show for myself and 2 its been made well without any of the patriotic gook shit author san spams in the novel version of solo leveling
This has to be the show I'm looking forward to the most every week this Season.
>liking Jinwoo

highT cringe edgekino
Lycoris Recoil? Materpiece.
86? Masterpiece.
Solo Leveling? Masterpiece.
Kaguya sama Love is War? Masterpiece.
Blend S? Very good.
Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! Masterpiece.
A1 are unstoppable.
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Look at her and tell me she doesn't want it like crazy.
So how far will this season go?
right up until jeju island i think
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I'd like this show more if Jinwoo had any sort of personality
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>i needed an excuse to kill!
lmao what an edgy faggot, i love the way these guys just blindly stared at him after he said that
Solo leveling is the anime version of Hollywood action slop that's pumped out for normies to consoom while being mid AF in everything except for the action scenes which are pretty good but not good enough to carry an entire season
subs out now
Jinwoo is finally getting into S rank territory.
Peak action anime.
things happened this episode and it was cool and i liked it
lol no
this is the power fantasy shit people like
it was cool how there was a plot and characters i give it 10 out of 10
How is every episode so enjoyable.
What sort of magic is this.
>holy shit the rank E mc was actually a rank S chad superstar
damn...what a twist
i'm aware that there's a retard botting the thread right now but i posted >>275071065 and i meant it, the last part of the elf fight was pretty hype
why did it seem like jinwoo was the bad guy tho
because he is
turns out this doofus is just a fodder
what chapter in the webtoon is this epidose?
Around 50, I think. 53 or something like that.
Finally a protagonist that don't fuck around, don't try to use Talk no Jutsu on enemies, and just decapitates them before they could even think about action.
Great choreography, nice animation.
If this was HeroAca this arc would take 6 episodes.
Holy fuck anime with good pacing? I thought it was imposible
No people who like gook trash really are this shallow.
i really hate this website, it's impossible discuss anything without some mentally ill retards ruining the thread

going back to the reddit thread, bye
hopefully not too far, i don't want this great anime to end so soon
t. the schizo spamming the thread
Umm... that is a high school girl.
This show is a lot more fun than MHA. I dropped MHA a long time ago.
twitter is getting ready to cancel this show as we speak
So maybe start the discussion retard? Or you are here just to hate on everything and you feel weird because finally /a/ has some taste and likes good shit?
she cute
>I raided her dungeon until it got RED
this show has better girls than i was led to believe
>A rank breaks up two S ranks
i mean he said they weren't really trying which is why he was able to do that
FINALLY someone actually says it!~
>the retard is copying reddit posts here
oh, so that's why this thread seemed so weird. it's okay though. it's a good thing this website exists as a cage for mentally unwell people. imagine what they'd be doing irl if not for 4chan.
this series is only missing big tits
ecchi fanservice is lacking in this show. Women wear tight clothes but there's a lack of male gaze to highlight that fact
i don't remember jw killing kim in the manhwa, maybe i was speedreading

How does this have such high budget? Korean mafia?
Yes. Season 1 is more or less required. But it's not that long so you could watch it before dinner.
it's 12 episodes...
>Wearing the slut makeup
Why does this underage girl want Jinwoo's dick?
>Han is underage
>... So?
Ok that made me laugh
what makeup?
Bro, twitter doesnt exist anymore. leftists dont buy checkmarks so all you'll see is lolicon nazis.
>very obvious eye shadow

Anon, I...
>blue eyelids
She probably wants to mark his dick with her makeup
>lolicon"""chads""" pay for twitter
How the mighty have fallen
>she's underage
Korea is doing what Japan is afraid too do
>two masterpiece episodes in a row
How does A-1 Pictures keep doing it? There was SO MUCH sakuga in episode. The Ice Slayer leader was a lot stronger than the regular Ice slayers.
Holy based.
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what's the problem? If her age is off the clock, she's ready for the cock.
She literally goes to her sisters school (or at least is supposed to).

How do you think Jinah would feel knowing that her older brother is railing her classmates?
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If a woman is willing to put makeup to see you anon.
She's into you.

However in this case, she's a slut.
sung diddy woo
Why is this girl suddenly being such a slut? She looks much worse with that makeup.

She's over 16
based, that's also why i came back to twitter/X
Hmm? Should he rather fuck his sister or what? I don't get it.
too old
>takes her on a trip to convince her to stop being a hunter due to danger
>ends up making her want to join hunter party but because she wants his dick
mission failed successfully
He should plap both.
>ends up making her want to join hunter party but because she wants his dick

b-but what if that was his plan a-all along???
Bro it's 4h if you skip Ops/eds you can watch it in one evening. But don't get anything to eat. You gonna eat good ;)
Best scene in this shitty show so far
well...it's not like there are any rules inside the dungeons..
Being all powerful doesn't absolve you from statutory rape Jinwoo.
Hey Sung Jinwoo
You cheated not only the portal, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained a slut.
You experienced a hollow victory. You risked gaining a slut and a slut was gained.
It's sad you don't know the difference.
it actually does.
Is that why Jinwoo prefers underage girls?
He headpatted her.
She saw his powerlevel.

She's an E ranked hunter and she saw her chance to catch a stud.
Do those two hunters end up spilling the beans to White Tiger guild?
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He was clear out there.
probably S rank evaluation which is just before jeju
Needs correction
If he STILL doesn't put every one on radar, then either everyone's fucking stupid or the show is.
>could get any woman he wants
>fucks his sisters high school classmates instead

Explain yourself, Jinwoo.
He doesn't actually fuck her the whole conversation was a classic misunderstanding
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man as retarded as this shit is it's still kino

blatant edgy power fantasy always has me giggling like a schizo
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When are we getting more of this slut
>can get any woman he wants
>goes for the most desirable type of woman
what's surprising about that? most human females peak in attractiveness around 15-20
It's been a while since I've seen such a blatant bot thread on /a/
It's more than that. He "levels up" which increases his ability further and further while in the case of real reawakening you just get a chance to reroll to a higher powerlevel and stuck there
inb4 lorefags are mad at me
Yeah I know he doesn't power up but he got super S+ power and the system is just there to make him adjusting to the ability without it totall wrecking his body
Probably see her in like episode 7 or so and then see her in action in episode 10ish.
She's underage
Keep coping
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>they adapted this scene
Aura farming episode
My Korean wife is very cute (and not underage!).
Wait till you see the blonde girl gets soaking wet wehn she meets junwoo
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I like how he doesn't give half a fuck about murdering other people.
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this could be a
>haha funny joke ikr?
but why did he sat in the backseat in the first place? feels like he wanted this kind of misunderstanding.
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Damn, looked good.
god fucking bless koreans for this. They might suck at everything but fashion is the one thing they get right, a breath of fresh air for anime
you know none of this matters right ? in the end he went back in time to change everything so none of this even took place
>instead of fucking his imouto

Nothing stops the strongest man on earth from being a faggot
Some stitches.
>falls in love with your friends brother
>start putting on thick make up to seduce him
what a slut
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its pretty light though, feels very reasonable to impress on a date and not look like a whore. Its just a very thin line above the eye
nice stitch anon
what a fabulous horse
I just turn my brain off and watch the action. It's too damn enjoyable not too
I’m sad he didn’t catch Elfbro, he was cool
I love this cha art.
How many episodes until she will come?
soon. she is in the PV for season 2
The only anime in excited to watch on Saturdays is this and medalist
Why does he forget everything and just become his slave? Like 5 seconds ago he was trying to kill mc
Baby-making impregnation sex with Cha Hae-Cute (and canon).
she needs cherishing
Did you miss the conversation between him and the elf boss, you should've gotten the hint then about him on why he doesn't give a fuck when it comes to murdering people.
Why did he have to kill the horse? He could've just let it go
surprised he only had 1 kid
Last stitch.
>absolute bro
>rich as fuck
>isn't a pedophile

find a fucking flaw.
Yeah. That A rank retard didn't even know what hit him.
what episode was the battle against igris again?
We need webms, this episode was filled with great action.
My cute underage wife
Thanks anon, I appreciate the effort.
Shut up Jinwoo
made for bread
11 i think
The funniest bit is how these threads are moderated. I have gotten month long bans for "ban evading" calling them out of obviously being wildly inorganic shill threads
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9/10 episode. Peak action.
What will happen to the elf women now?!
It's interesting how Sung can make humans his shadows. I thought it only worked on monsters.
I thought her red cheeks were part of her makeup. It's just her blushing
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looked a lot better in the manhwa
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Zamn, how tall is she?
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What level is sung at the end of this episode? 55?
Some part is better and some is worse. I like the glowing blue eyes much more in the manwha
Beautiful amazonian queen.
i prefer A-1's adaptation desu
What ever happened to his dumb de-buffs from his knifes?
They never even referenced it
enemies are too strong for them to proc. He needs to upgrade his blades
the ice slayer got pissed when this didn't work
she has some lipstick, the eyeshadow and whatever's the thing for eyelashes called
i fucking love powerlevel reveals
i fucking love 'weakest is actually the strongest'
kek. thanks for the stitches
If this was based off a Japanese LN his sister would've been part of his harem and that would be a good thing
It's one of the first and executed it well
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beautiful weapon
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That's what I hate about jap isekaislop actually. Him not caring about muh romance is one of the things I like about this series
as if gookslop is any better
I don't read much gookslop outside of villainess slop but if it has harem it's shit for me
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>moving so fast that you can grab the arrow and use it against the shooter all while saving your comrades
This was one of my favorite action scenes in the episode.
She looks even better with the makeup.
This is so cool.
S1 spent too much time building up and not much time left for action
Glad it's being paid off this season
2 episodes and they're pure action
Honestly, some of the cuts in this episode were even better than ones from the Igris fight.
>one slap and this bitch is down
fag got what he deserved
this was good because it was sung demonstrating to the leader how great the difference in their power was
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do his spawns get a buff or what? how was he a decent match for the boss?
this episode had some really great timings
>do his spawns get a buff or what?
i don't know, but the A rank he revived seemed much more capable
>their friend is decapitated
Why are they still looking so smug?
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The Dragon fight when Sterk first joined was pretty sick too.
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It was very impressive but I prefer humanoid combat so the Linie scene was the peak for me
How is literally anyone besides the Player supposed to deal with these threats?
awesome sakuga
S ranks exist
I'd fuck these blue elfs and yes I'm a woman. What a waste of handsome elfs.
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why is it called sister leveling?
i like the ice elf designs a lot too
imouto is queen, that's why
S rankers. Countries that don't have the money to hire them are pretty much fucked
a proper A rank party could have handled this. The anime also didn't showcase properly that this took a week and A rank guy's group had no supplies.
If his summons/revives get no buffs then you can easily see how a proper A rank party could have beat that boss fairly easily
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Dont worry He gets his shit pushed back in by Daddy.
man, that must've been really disappointing then, seeing the Igris fight by itself then going back and watching the rest of the season seems like torture to me, since all the other fights are trash.
>tries to murder him just to cope with his own shitty decisions
>calls him a bastard when it backfires
why are the chins extra sharp in the anime
Korean beauty standards
Will we see him fight the MC this season?
That’s their default face
>How do you think Jinah would feel
>becomes his pokemon
he really wants to find sung so it could even be next episode
Who did it better?
sung should've beaten him to a bloody pulp
I wonder if the enemies are actually sentient? They sometimes seem intelligent but also never seem to care about their own lives or the lives of their allies.
GOD LEVEL sakuga
manwha = badass
anime = badass but also catnip for women
Surprised she isn't blushing in the anime
Thats just it. When you are raised by him you become fully subservient even if it clashes with your personality. Serving them becomes your greatest happiness.
Didn't this episode confirm that they are literal NPCs? They follow a script and can be "free" inside of that script but that's about it.
all of them except Cha get neglected by the story so it doesn't matter
They are basically mindcontrolled by some powerful being to kill humans and invade earth
Ah, so the good idea came from the Manhwa. The anime definitely improved it though with him having her in his arms and her not even knowing it was coming. 10/10
They're monsters, they're not like people.
God I wish that were me
nice to get an elf being badass for once. the king/leader always gets one shotted or easily killed in most media
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Japanese audio with Japanese names doko?
Please give me the JDM audio track! I don't fuck with these gook names! Ahhh Jun Gook Poo!
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i 100% agree
I definitely enjoy his sense of personality.
It always feels weird when characters turn from someone who was a punching bag into someone with great power, but still remain meek and don't fight back verbally.
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It felt like a pretty minor effort to almost any other boss fight he went through so far
honestly that description sounds like me...
That "glitch" that happened when the Ice Slayer tried to tell Sung something was really interesting.
Meant change of personality obviously, not sense
Nah thats false impression. They are people with full free will from their own world. Its just they are used as a brainwashed drones to attack earth for purpose they do not comprehend. If they try to figure it out their mind cant take it and resets to few moments before their train of thought got there.
In fact the system has literally nothing to do with this.
cause the elf wasn't a giganigga armored monstrosity. i find it better he didn't get to recruit the elf.
Jinwoo was literally seething so much that he couldn't revive the elf he killed he almost picked a fight with the S-rank dude outside the gate. He was acting like a petulant child it was pretty embarrassing to think this is what gooks think is how a "cool guy" acts. .
he's upset that he couldn't make the Elf leader one of his shadows
Download raw and manually slap on sub track then
It was not shown but his mana was at 0 at the end.
he was so fucking edgy
that office romance anime from this season had the MCs bang in the first episode.
same. i want to see him dominate
>when your mom forces you to make up with your bro after a fight
Please understand, that's exactly what teenagers are into.
How old is Jinwoo supposed to be again? It's easy to forget but he looked like a high school student in episode 1 too.
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i like the effects
bro he one-shot an A-rank tank this week.
she is so cute
She was so cute too....
plenty of good action this episode
i like her smile
wife material
I wonder what Korean women think of not having feminine-sounding names. When I try reading KR web novels the attractive female character named Goon-Dok or Jin-Hyuk etc really tears me out of it.
He's a college dropout
Jinah was literally offering to introduce him to her friends last episode. She wants onii-san to fuck some JKs.
The way he runs fills me with hype. I love the personality of this elf, his confidence and the way he's eager to fight.
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>No fanart outside of AI generated slop
>No merchandising
>No sales
>Contender for waoty on /a/'s poll
Yet somehow these threads are consistently one of the most active in the board, overwhelmingly positive, and with webm dumps of every single 'cool' marketable scene.
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Using Igrisa's power here was brilliant.
Why does this show make a huge deal out of a college guy dating and fucking a high school girl? It happens everywhere even in korea.
I'm enjoying this show so fucking much, man.
who knows
anon, this show is exactly like every japanese harem. Girls all throw themselves at MC and MC just comes up with reasons not to dick them all.
He is between 20 and 25.
it happens everywhere all over the world
Good action is good. Solo Leveling understands what a good action show should be.
It's not that his summon was a decent match for the boss, he was just durable enough to survive for a while and had taunt skills.
Basically the idea was "with a proper tank, Igris and I can fuck this guy up while he's slightly distracted".
didnt the anime have a cut in of him grabbing the arrow aswell before the hug? Pretty impressive how manhwa captured the motion though
I want to see more anime like Solo Leveling in the future.
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they are having a feast
Youd generally need familys blessing to actually fuck them as long as they are below 18. Its never a good look and you can indeed be charged for statutory rape if the parents do not consent with the relationship.
Theres also the stigma of being a pedo that comes with dating an underage girl. Basically technically not illegal but frowned upon.
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cutie. i love this cutie
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Kino episode. I wish they were 1 hour long. Fights are so fucking cool
Yeah I was thinking some of the posts feel really off, I think it might just be koreans coming to talk about it here though? Would explain why it feels esl'ish

I know he wasnt able to keep up with the boss,
but the guy didnt give an impression of being able to tank a single hit before. Then again why am I even asking when he got fucking turned into a giant, of course he got buffed in some way kekw
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it passed by so fast I didnt even realize its over when we got to the makeup scene
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Episode 1 was a masterpiece and episode 2 was even better. Episode 3 might be amazing but I don't see how it's going to top this.
> I wish they were 1 hour long.
I agree brother.

>Fights are so fucking cool
Fuck yes!
i like this art
koreans don't speak english at all and wouldn't come here to speak it
Anyone else look like a little like jinwoo?
There is so much sakuga. I'm going to watch this episode another 10 times.
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>with the S-rank dude
does that still matter at this point? no idea where he ranks compared to them
she lookin fine
This slut and her sexy teardrop mole started to use makeup didnt she?
wife material
Jinwoo himself is about upper A rank right now. But he has an entire army with him and Igris is around same level as himself. He can solo dungeons with his army where as regular S ranks would struggle.
If he faced either of the S ranks outside in combat he would be no diffed.
he literally said he was tired
from being in a winter forest for a week you retard
>rescued 2 of his clan members
>somehow the leader is accused you of killing 6 of his members instead of thanking you for saving 2
Dunno. Seemed pretty understandable to me
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Honestly, I feel bad for him. I kinda liked him
That was just an excuse anon, the others even point out "he suddenly got in a bad mood shortly after he killed the boss". He wasn't tired at all, he was just pouting.
bros i need a system to control me
I want to fuck adult Korean women.
He's Jinwoo's buddy now it all worked out.
dude didn't accuse him of anything, just asked him what happened in there.
This but the elf
>the others even point out "he suddenly got in a bad mood shortly after he killed the boss"
ah true you right
nigger he literally put his hand on his shoulder and prepared to attack
It wasnt an accusation. What rubbed Jinwoo the wrong way was that Baek was ORDERING him to explain what happened. He was really irritated already.
The only raws so far are ToonsHub at ~1.4GB per episode. I might have to bite the bullet..
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Actually there's a pop up showing he paralyzed the boss right before Iron smashes it with his hammer.
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i don't miss the prick
that was after Jinwoo said "fuck you i'm not talking" when he asked what happened in there.
75% of the good fight scenes from S1 were in the OP
Yeah "why were you hiding your supples" like bro, the first thing you did when you got here was tell all of the E-ranks to die, why would they help you?
this, the notifications still pop up. the director is smart enough to not show a fullscreen "fatal strike" every time it happens. we already know it happens.
kino episode...
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we got a new weapon
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the action was crazy good
Shit I really need to reread the manwha
Fuck waiting another week to remember what happens
Is this shit any good?
where's the choker?
when he fights the ants its not as fun since everyone is worshipping him
I wonder what she'd look like if Jinwoo made her a member of the shadow army. Armies traditionally need prostitutes right?
it's a blade that's used by an opponent stronger than Igris so it must be.
Sung really has a fetish for short blades.
It has high attack and increases agility. Its ok until Demon king set daggers
i completely forgot that iron was this fuckwad
Call it Solo Levelling but Jin Woo is always jumping his enemies
eh, the original version of the dagger broke like a piece of trash when it got hit by Jinwoo's telekinesis knife attack, so i wouldn't expect much from the Ice elf knife. cutting dude's ears off and using those would probably have made a stronger dagger.
He is the clown of his army
It's Solo leveling, Dark Souls style (Me and my summoned phantoms solo'd this game).
>i fucking love 'weakest is actually the strongest'
I dislike the execution in most of them, which sucks because I like the trope
Loved this episode. Jinwoo got 2 more powerful shadows and the fight choreography with the Ice Slayers was nuts. This is better than season 1. I like the whole dynamic going on with Song I Han too.
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I wonder why they don't show weapon stats and shit. It's cool as fuck and can provide better understanding of Jinwoo progress.
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The elf feels the same say as the anime viewers. We rarely get an action anime as good as Solo Leveling.
for solo leveling to dominate
>the fight choreography with the Ice Slayers was nuts
I liked how the MC used the blade disappearing trick against the elf.
so cool
Good episode
you are a chad
only likable character in the show.
i hope we see ice elves again
it's people shitposting by ironically hyping it.
half of them are probably usually contained in the dragonball threads
i love this show unironically, cope
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>it's people shitposting by ironically hyping it.
It's just a great, well animated action anime.
>no webm of iron celebrating with the mages
hopefully we get more of iron and the shadows shenanigans, theyre fun
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These Ice Elves are special intelligent monsters and they hold secrets to the system. That glitch had me intrigued.
i care way more about the action, i cba to make a webm for that
I meant the guys who are giving false praise that reads like it was shat out by some AI trained on nothing but marketing departments
that one hit kill was beautiful
>i've never seen fanboyism in my life
what rock do these retards crawl out from under
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He was insane and had to be put down.
it gets better with every episode
>we haven't even gotten to Esil yet
i guess even this episode could be topped
Why did he murder that guy?
I like it
No one deserves to die
that guy was a POS
Pretty neat
Git gud
i'm still watching the episode but i think he had murderous intent and system decided to kill all enemies or mc dies
I do enjoy the frozen hand
Skill and teamwork. Also knowing your limits
oh my oh my
>the ice elves are just programmed NPCs

Damn. Sucks to be them. Or DOES it? I mean, if they can't be aware of their own nature, doesn't that mean they're literally incapable of feeling pain and suffering?
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Jinwoo has me so manwet for him and his series, holy shit.

>forced hype
>forced paid shills
>forced animation
forced thread

Damn this ED is good.
>wore makeup
You guys are talking about high-rank Hunters but the Red Gate smacked the shit out of the A-rank tank guy. So is it the usual shounen situation where only the top elite fighters have any meaning? Or is the Player essentially an isekai cheat-user that the entire plot / setting has to revolve around?
If a person comes at Sung with the intent to kill the system forces him to kill them
If he doesn't his heart will stop
Dungeons are getting worse as time goes so eventually if MC hadn't rocked up people would have been screwed.

There is still a higher order of hunters than S though but MC gets there by levelling up
Amazon shopper isekai boned the barmaid in the first episode
IIRC the gates are grades for teams of 8 with at least half the team being the gate's grade
So an A-rank gate would be a reasonable task for 4 A ranks and some backup
They had one A-rank
Because murders ok when he does it but not them
he violated the nap
TK is overrated
i want to forget about that asshole so it's good that Jinwoo renamed him
i ship them
Fight animation and choreography was decent but they did that stupid shaky camera bullshit, so the cinematography I have to give low scores.

I'd say it's just slightly better than Frieren's fight scenes.
It sounds good but I like the OP a lot more.
i've been listening to it non-stop on repeat
Still can't get used to Korean names. Don't know who is who.
In Japan "revenge" can also refer to a comeback
So is this anime worth watching?
I remember reading it but then dropped it at chapter 50 or something
Someone pulls a gun/sword on you, you are perfectly justified in putting a blade through their torso.
>So is this anime worth watching?
Short answer: Yes.

Long Answer: YYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>So is this anime worth watching?
I think so.
Yes, this show changed my life
It's got tons of good animation so the answer is yes.
Same! There has to be a release out there that has Japanese names. I'm going to try all of the ToonsHub ones and let you know what I find.
Stop liking Korean high school girls.
RIP Barca. May you live on in fanart and doujins.
And then the story starts all over again with Ragnarök.
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Good animation, but if you're read the manhwa you already know the characters are trash
It's just so weirdly inorganic in here
Is this what browsing actual Asian internet is like?
This series has a good formula, we need more anime that have great action animation every episode. The RPG theme is just the icing on the cake.
kino moment
it's really not that hard anon. Sung Jinwoo is the main character, and nobody else matters so why bother remembering them. also there's a guy named Hwong Dongsuk
i wonder when he'll open that cursed loot box
She literally solo leveled herself over night.
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oh well, at least he has Igris
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hahahahahahahahah, that's a good one
this was an easy 8/10 episode for me
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cute campsite
Barca would have been way too OP anyway.
that and the summon party wouldn't have needed Jinwoo to fulfill the "thief" role in the party anymore. show would've gone from "Solo leveling" to "AFK grinding".
what about the other ones? did he get archers
>Doesn't fight with magic
>Ice Elf
>Tank fire spells like it was nothing
Explain this.
I guess they didn't show, we'll find out later.
>>Tank fire spells like it was nothing
That Ice Slayer was just ridiculously strong.
It doesn't help that the Japanese pronunciation is so removed from the spelling, which is not the case with Jap names.
I think some marketing department is using 4chan threads that fill to bump limit as evidence their marketing is working and the show is popular. Some loser is going to get a $500 bonus for their spam.
He was going to murder SJW for having the audacity of following his instructions.
B Global and NF both have Korean names ;_;
I'm currently downloading LFTL to check... I'm guessing that will also have Korean names.
LFTL has Korean names.
If the raw has Korean names, I'm going to flip some shit.
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imagine what the elven women look like
>kill boss
>shit drop
many such cases

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