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Alright, it is Saturday and I am gonna post the thirty-seventh volume of Inuyasha. Feel free to react or comment on any panel, though I appreciate if image replies are not used during the dump. Feel free to discuss anything Inuyasha related after the dump.

Previous thread: >>275646767

Despite the OP image, I am using the VizBig 3-in-1 localization which does not feature this cover exactly. Be aware that some of the larger images have been edited to be lower quality due to image size limits.

In addition, I will be dumping the one short story from the Rumic World and Rumic Theatre series that came out around this time. Today, the scans I have of the one shot are fanscans. Today, that will be "Dutiful Vacation".
Starting us off with the cover of the 3-in-1 Volume. Image resized for posting.
Here's the inner illustration for Volume 37 in the 3-in-1. The suffering boy.
Original title was 飛頭根 which this was romanized from. It is a proper noun, it seems. 飛頭 appears to mean "fly head" (as in flying head) in Chinese, but not Japanese. 根 means root in both. 飛頭 is apparently used to refer to the Chilean and Argentinian mythological creature known as the "chonchon", but that may be a coincidence.

April 28th, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: If you could create a new holiday, what would it be?
A: Hanshin Championship Day."
In case you're curious, the term translated as monster in the top panel is 化け物, bakemono. Just as a contrast to the term 妖怪, yokai which is used further down and as always, localized as demon.
Pretty big. Poor woman.
A direct hit...
Looks like it splattered its eye. Also, hey, it is Kohaku! Saving the day. Maybe.
Full body shot. And off goes its head.
On the job.
Let's see if the two halves can fly off like the head did last time.
Doesn't seem like the halves can. Abandon ship. Also, this is pretty gross. Parasite stuff always makes me aware of my skin.
Boy, would that have been embarrassing.
Taichi's name is written as 太一 in Japanese. Online sources say it is a just a male given name and don't ascribe any meaning to it.
I understand his hesitation.
You probably figured that the chapter title refers to that thing. It seems VIZ translated Sango's line directly rather than add more explanation of the kanji in the name.
Another moon phase that doesn't quite overlap with real ones. I assume it is a stylized waxing gibbous, so almost a full moon. If it is either a waxing gibbous or waxing crescent, it seems to indicate that a new moon isn't for a while. But the cover of the volume has new moon Inuyasha, so whatever.

Also, bit of a white lie for his cover.
End of chapter. Sigh...
Original title is 父の記憶. It is translated correctly, but I guess it could also be "Memories of Father".

This is a cute cover.

May 12th, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: If you could have one super power, what would it be?
A: To give all Hanshin batters home run ability."
Shippo is back with Kagome rather than near Kirara's tail. Maybe it is based on what pace they're going at?
That first panel hurts.
Sigh... cute.
Certainly doesn't seem to be acting his usual self.
I guess I should've expected to cry when I saw we were going to have some Kohaku stuff this volume.
The demon seems to manipulate the body in a pretty direct manner, hence why we get it being flung around rather than it having the boy run off.
The timing is as expected.
Not what it looks like...
Really puppeteering.
I mean, it certainly worked with the wild dog, but you don't really want it to go like that here.
End of chapter. Oops?
Original title is "隠した想い". Original VIZ edition translated it as "Secrets" probably because "Hidden Feelings" has a bit of an association in English. Furinkan suggested "Hidden Thoughts".

Also, Furinkan relates us the following regarding this issue:
"This issue of Shonen Sunday has a tribute to manga artist Mitsuteru Yokoyama (横山光輝), who passed away from injuries sustained in a house fire on April 15, 2004. Rumiko Takahashi commented: "I am shocked. I was just now reading Sangokushi (三国志) which is being re-published. When I was a child, I used to watch the Tetsujin 28 (鉄人28号) anime, and Yokoyama-sensei's manga were all around me, of course. He was always at the forefront of his work, and I knew that he would continue to draw masterpieces in the future. Thank you very much for all your wonderful works. Thank you very much for your hard work. I sincerely pray for his soul rest in peace.""

Very sad. He was only 69. You've almost certainly heard of his works, as Tesujin 28 is what was released in the states as Gigantor and Sally the Witch is one of the first magical girl series. Sangokushi is an manga adaptation of a novelist's retelling of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, by the way.

May 19th, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: If you could reset one thing in your life, what would it be?
A: The final game between Hanshin and Giants in 1973."
Certainly makes things a lot harder.
Got ourselves some sort of powder for this?
Not the gentlest way to grab him, but the physics of all this is such that it wouldn't be a pleasant stop regardless.
Miroku can keep pace with Inuyasha, but I guess he's not used to holding another person while he does it like Inuyasha does. And a fully grown man is obviously going to weigh more than Kagome.
Quick to find a host.
I think this is about as convincing as he could've made it.
I mean, maybe throwing his weapon to injure would've made it more believable but who knows how that would've gone? He also obviously doesn't want to hurt his sister more than he has to.
Convinced, it seems.
The seven hells thing is as usual a bit of VIZ flourish. In Japanese, he says: "いったいどこにあるんだ". Using いったい is essentially like saying "what the hell?" or "what on earth?", apparently.

Don't speak Japanese, reminder. Take all this with a grain of salt.
Back to this.
Naraku didn't really answer this earlier. Unsurprisingly.
End of chapter...?!
Original title is "脱牢". It seems to specifically mean "jailbreak" so I wonder why they didn't go with that.

May 26th, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: If you were to run for election, what pledge would you make?
A: I am against the one-league system of professional baseball."
Naraku did say she mustn't let him escape out loud.

I think the issue here is that "guarding" something ambiguously can refer to either watching to control it (like guarding prisoners) or watching to protect (like guarding a vault). While in Japanese, the term used was "守っている" which I think really does only mean "protecting". But I can't be sure.

Anyway, that's the revelation in the bottom panel as far as I can tell.
What a lovely set of options.
It is done.
I wonder how many of these transitional panels there are in Inuyasha. Probably a lot.
Yeah, I don't think the pictured moon phases line up much with the story's moon phases. Anyway, I love the bubble bumping Inuyasha. I always love that.
There he is.
I don't really see how Miroku is so sure of that. No different than the blood drinking birds.
Bandits came to them. No need to chase. Unless these are different bandits, I guess.
You sure it's not 脱獄? I guess 脱牢 could be it too but I usually hear the former.
Of course he says nothing. Not even a warning.
Yeah, I'd say that is pretty unusual.
Anytime a group of humans looks like this you know they're about to get murked.
I mean, don't take that much offense, Inuyasha.

Well, I got that off of Furinkan. Let me check the Japanese edition. Yup, it is pretty clearly 脱牢. Maybe it is deliberately more archaic or exotic or something.

Well, the saimyosho could be watching.
>Maybe it is deliberately more archaic or exotic or something.
Yeah, that seems to be what google says.
Nonlethal strike. I mean, presumably. It didn't slice his head off. It did make a loud sound though so.
Not an entirely separate laser style attack.
End of chapter! What is going on?
Apparently, there was just the one color image for this chapter.

June 2nd, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: What music do you have on in the background while you work?
A: J-pop."
Skipped the art spacer.

Yeah, bandits definitely have a look to them in this series and it never seems to bode well for them.
Worth a shot, right?
You got this, Shippo.
A bit confusing, isn't it?
He just sucked up the demons in the urns (the odd laser demons) and not the bandits themselves.
Good job, Shippo. Also, not really much of an answer.
Wasn't passed out long.
Damn. Not good.
God damn it we go through this every time.
>Inuyasha becomes human for a night
>Some bullshit happens putting Kagome in danger
>Inuyasha fights despite being weak as shit
>gets mortally wounded
>turns back into a half demon in the nick of time
Just get to the point already!
End of chapter! Him?!
It's very frustrating watching how easily the most important items in the setting and designated series macguffins get so easily snatched from our heroes every time. Like I guess it shows the villains are actually competent but at the same time it's like fuck why even bother collecting them?
Original title is 変貌. This seems to translate closer to "transfiguration" or "transformation". It seems to have another definition specifically of transforming your appearance as well.

June 9th, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: If you were to compete in the Olympics, which event would you choose?
A: I decline."
It is happening.

Gotta enjoy the journey with Inuyasha. Just one of those things.
Would you look at that.
I dunno why I'm so sensitive to Inuyasha's particular brand of bullshit today. Usually I'm much more tolerant. Maybe it's because I have a stomachache.
Remember him?
What a plot twist! Goryomaru was secretly Moryomaru!? Who could possibly have guessed that, especially given how different their names are!?
So, this is my first reread and I'll admit that I don't always remember everything. I did not remember this plotline well enough to know what was happening with Goryomaru and Moryomaru on this read through.

But Goryomaru was introduced right after Moryomaru was given a soul, so I had assumed it was him. But I dismissed it as the chapters went on because it didn't seem to line up, even though Moryomaru was gone for all that time for seemingly no reason.

I feel a bit silly now. The similarities in the way the arm was drawn to Moryomaru should've been enough for me.
Too much chatting. Not enough getting the shard back.

魍魎丸 vs. 御霊丸 in Japanese. I mean, they do share "maru", but you know.
Bump for reading
I understand the kanji is different but they have hiragana too and that shit would be plain to see. Japan loves wordplay like that.
I get that he's way bigger than them so the shot actually works, but it genuinely looks like she's just firing from point-blank.
The usual prayer.

Fair enough. I wonder how many people were like me and dismissed it as being "too obvious".
I laughed out loud when I first read it and I laughed at loud just now. Oh my god, perfect. Just immediately.
Oh no. One got in. And Sango took a big hit. Everyone is dropping like flies.
>Fair enough. I wonder how many people were like me and dismissed it as being "too obvious".
It's one of those things like Tobi being Obito in Naruto that makes you go "No... it can't be that simple."
I also laughed. I think it's the sheer volume of vomited bees instantaneously appearing.
Good job.
The robe hopefully helped a bit.
Time is not on our side today.
And Jaken!
End of chapter...
Original title is 消えた妖気. This is accurate with the usual yokai to demon thing. 妖気 is essentially "yokai energy" though most places seem to translate it to just "weird" or "unearthly".

June 16th, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: What words do you say when you're surprised?
A: Why can't you be normal?"
Oh, he's a little green guy who follows Sesshomaru around, has a staff with two heads.
I'm sure Sesshomaru isn't fond of getting summarized that way.
Here I am cheering for Sesshomaru's arrival. Alright Rumiko, you got me.
So mean. I checked and the original insult appears to be "ひねたツラの妖怪" or "twisted face yokai".
Could that be it?
We keep on living, Jaken.
sex with Kagura now
Going for it.
Only if she's disgusted by it but has no choice.
>YWN have kagura look like she's going to throw up when you ejaculate inside her
>YWN have her look like she's going to kill you after but can't.
>YWN make her orally clean off your dick afterwards
Why live?
Alright hey a clever use of Tessaiga, you go dog boy.
For me, it's kagura fearing for her life while being throat fucked.
I don't think it went all the way through, but it definitely looks like it got in there.
go on
You could have used a Buddhist idiom about the six realms too.
It's not like Naraku ever told Kohaku aiding humans was disobeying him. It wouldn't even strongly indicate that he was more conscious.
End of chapter! Is it over for them both?
June 23rd, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: If you could go back and meet yourself as a child, what would you say?
A: Don't worry."
Destined to follow...
Don't pray for the dawn.
Lots of plans.
They both just happen to have the same face, or Goryomaru took on Moryomaru's appearance when they merged? I feel like you'd mention that.
This was like 2005, Americans didn't know shit about Buddhism, most still don't
Is Moryomaru technically a demon? We've established he's made of human haku, demon bodies, absorbed a human, and has his own soul which is probably from a human since Kanna gave it to him. I feel like there's a contradiction that he ever gave off demonic energy.
I'm still a bit confused. So Hakudoshi made the soulless Moryomaru and then the human monk Goryomaru fought Moryomaru and sealed it in his arm, but then it effectively possessed him? So the current Moryomaru is sort of a gestalt of the soulless demon and the corrupted monk?

I'll be honest, it might just be Rumiko same-face. Them both having bob-like haircuts is probably just a coincidence.
>He's weak to being slashed with sharp things!
Except we've established he's made of playdough, and reforms no matter what.
Expect nothing less.

I'll be honest, I'm not sure yet. I feel not all this has been answered as of now.
Not sucked up!
Don't get it on you.
Good job, Jaken.
End of chapter! Important stuff being asked.
Original title is 赤子の居場所. This was translated accurately, but I want to post the two humorous ways machines tried to translate it "Baby's Place" and "Where to Find a Baby".

June 30th, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: What was on your favorite school lunch menu?
A: Kitsune udon, yakisoba."
On his heels.
Sort of like a "walk and talk".
Oh shit they're actually chasing him
We see a lot of them in this series.
What a look.
Well then.
So the nulling stone doesn't hide the aura of the shikon jewel?
Not good for the boy.

It sure doesn't. Detecting shikon stuff has been unique to Kagome.
He's in the area, what are the chances? I assume he somehow planned that.
Has it really been long enough since Moryomaru was initially introduced that he had time to possess a monk, establish the temple with the kids, and create multiple demon stockpiles?
How horrifying.

The timeline has always been a bit murky. I assume he must've done it at night or when Goryomaru was recharging or something.
So, we know this much.
Sango gets a bit of time to mentally prep as usual.
End of chapter. No use in deceit.
July 7th, 2004. Author's note:
"Q: Tell me about a gag that was popular during your childhood.
A: I did it baby...you don't know. (Yes, I don't know.)"

I have no idea what this could be referencing.
>I'll do whatever you want

Moryomaru was an interesting idea compared to making more offshoots, but I feel like everything about creating him has been counter-productive. If Naraku just left the baby with Kanna, Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru, and Kikyo would never find it. They had leave this giant breadcrumb trail of destroyed villages and dead demons in Hakudoshi's wake to make Moryomaru. Why did he need a soul anyway? Why is he even a separate entity from the baby?


Surely we'll get more answers for this? I genuinely don't remember if we do or what they are. It has been too long. It is all very exciting.
Is this rape?

My thoughts as well
Tsk, tsk.

Though honestly, what he said by Goryomaru's cell really contradicted Naraku's orders.
From Kagura?
I guess mutual suffering builds comradery.
Cards on the table.

Didn't have to wait long.
I think this level of smug counts as having attitude.
The power of his shields continues to vex everyone.
God, I wish it was the diamond attack from the get-go.
End of chapter, end of volume. ...

Feel free to use the thread to discuss anything Inuyasha related. I have some stuff I'll be using to bump the thread here and there.

I will be returning Wednesday to dump Volume 38. Right now though, I'lI be dumping the Rumic Theater one-shot "Dutiful Vacation".
>human Inuyasha
ah so it's time
So in Kingdom Heart terms, it's like a Nobody and a Heartless were working together to make an artificial Nobody, then they turned a monk into a Heartless that they used to fill the the artificial Nobody to make a real person, then they fused the Heartless into the weird artificial filled Nobody.
I'm like 80% sure Xehanort did this.
>I will be returning Wednesday to dump Volume 38.
I own that one
I can't believe my wife(female) Goryomaru was just a demon puppet all along...
Are you implying Kanna was also conspiring with them?
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義理のバカンス or "Dutiful Vacation" or "A Dutiful Vacation" was published on March 5th, 2004 in Big Comic Original. As such, it was published a bit before the chapters in this volume. This title appears to be a pun, as 義理 means "duty" or "obligation" but 義理の specifically refers to "in-laws". It seems like a "mother in law" would be translated as "a mother by duty" if you translated the Japanese back literally.

This translation is a fanscan. Of course, as unofficial fanscans and translations, they have their own issues but at the least we don't have to worry about flipped art. And honestly, this one seemed to do everything right. This fanscan appears to have actually located the original publication, so we actually have the color pages. This story originally had four pages of color and four pages of red tint.

This isn't about a middle-aged man! It is about a middle-aged woman. I mean, maybe middle-aged. Depends on where your cutoff is.
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Kid's got a PS2. I like all the orange on this page.
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Oh, Furinkan has two notes related to these last two pages.

"Onsen (温泉) are Japan's hot springs and the bathing facilities along with the inns that surround them. Onsen can be either outdoor or indoor and entire hot springs towns have been built to capitalize on the tourism that onsen generate.
Obon (お盆) or just Bon (盆) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one's ancestors. This Buddhist–Confucian custom has evolved into a family reunion holiday during which people return to ancestral family places and visit and clean their ancestors' graves when the spirits of ancestors are supposed to revisit the household altars. It has been celebrated in Japan for more than 500 years and traditionally includes a dance, known as Bon Odori."

You probably knew this though.
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Another Furinkan note:

"Tokyo Station (東京駅) where Namiko and her mother-in-law meet is a real train station in the Chiyoda section of Tokyo. It has an extensive history not only as a transit hub but two Japanese Prime Minister's have been assassinated there as well. More than 500,000 people use the station every day."

Weird that Furinkan noted this but not the pun in the title. Maybe I'm reading too much into it though. I will say, when I looked it up, most machines translated it as "In-Laws Vacation".
It's kinda bullshit but I'm a huge sucker for the "enemy is an energy absorber but their opponent is so brolic they just overload them and they explode or something" trope.
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Do you know the Rikaikun/chan plugin by any chance? It's for Chrome/Firefox and basically allows you to highlight kanji and whole words or even phrases sometimes and see their meanings without having to rely on AI guesses.
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Pretty sights.

It seems that way? But maybe she just followed Hakudoshi's orders? Hard to say. I can't spoil anything because I genuinely don't remember.

Sometimes, it is super nonsensical (like in the second Cooler movie in DBZ), but yeah, it can be really fun.
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I am not aware of that. I assume it looks them up in a dictionary rather than doing AI stuff? Might be better than what I'm stuck doing since I have to split things up to find out individual meanings.

I'll look into it. Maybe it'll at least save me some time.
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I really like the way she is drawn in that bottom panel.
>buyo's dad is in this
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You can see him here too!
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I also love that her flipphone's background is a photo of the cat.
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This is of course, infuriating.
>strict husband who didn't let her have fun dies
>her everything improves, her skin is glowing
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Damn. They were doing so well with translating the sound effects.
I like this story. It's really down to Earth.
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the mother-in-law is her
>treat yourself
phase lol
good for her
she also turns against Naraku, so it’s likely
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Tsukudani is apparently either seafood, meat or seaweed that is simmered in onions sauce and mirin (a type of rice wine). It is like a side for rice, apparently.

Lot less exotic for a Japanese person, obviously. Also, I guess Japanese people eat whelks.
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He WILL be happy.
>You can see him here too!
I said "dad" because I was thinking this one shot was older than inuyasha but it just clicked that this was during the manga's publication, so uhhh
>buyo's brother is in this
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She wasn't feeling good the night before, in case you forgot. And she had her reasons...

Honestly, vacations are tough.
Hey, it's Sess and Inuyasha's retarded cousin!
Kohaku getting in on the Fehs.
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I love how the bags swapped with only transition panels in between.

Heh, I post the publication date every time I post a one-shot (nowadays).
>we shouldn't have gone
>bloody panel
>hidden onsen
oh noes
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That's a pretty unique demon design.
>rickety-ass bridge
>2km walk
this better be a kino af onsen
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シダレザクラ is the Japanese term (Shidarezakura is obviously the romanization of that). And it seems to mean "weeping sakura".
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Those two photos are so cute.
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End! Yup. They made it. I like this one but yeah, it is very realistic in that frustrating way. I really don't think the mom meant anything bad about any of this, these things just seem to happen with this sort of situation. Furinkan discusses something through a Japanese concept:

"Haragei (腹芸) is a key element throughout the story. Haragei is a Japanese concept of interpersonal communication. It refers to an exchange of thoughts and feelings that is implied in conversation, rather than explicitly stated. Haragei is characterised by euphemisms, vague and indirect statements, prolonged silences and careful avoidance of any comment that might cause offense."

Obviously, this story seems to show the pitfalls of that sort of thing though not to such an extent that it proposes an alternative. Westerners obviously have similar ideas (though likely not to the same extent), whether we call it tact or customs or whatever. Same with Giri, which means duty or obligation and also is a part of this story.

As mentioned before, I'll be back Wednesday with Volume 28 of Inuyasha.
>This isn't about a middle-aged man! It is about a middle-aged woman.
Always pushing the envelope that rumiko...
It's not just a stereotype. Japanese culture really does seem to discourage directness to an extreme. There's a dark side to it too. Just yesterday I heard about a surgeon repeatedly committing malpractice in 2019, and no one in management or HR addressing it even after multiple patients were harmed back to back within the span of weeks.
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Here's the back cover illustration of the Japanese Vol. 37.
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And here's the inner sleeve illustration of the Japanese Vol. 37.
That building is the same btw. Lovely piece of design in a city like Tokyo

>the kid was at home plaing FFX all the time
The real winner
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Hopefully next volume.
I can't stop thinking about Moryomaru's dangerously kissable lips
Welcome and thank you OP
>So in Kingdom Heart terms, it's like a Nobody and a Heartless were working together to make an artificial Nobody, then they turned a monk into a Heartless that they used to fill the the artificial Nobody to make a real person, then they fused the Heartless into the weird artificial filled Nobody.
I had an aneurysm reading this, and then another from the fact that I understood it.
It does, but I should mention, it doesn't use OCR, so it can't read from the page directly; you have to highlight them in text form.
Oh, right. These were bonus illustrations that VIZ included in the last 3-in-1 that I was supposed to post in the previous thread but forgot to. Sorry!

Had to resize image to post. Sorry again.

Hi! No problem.
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Tl, dr; It's always Xenahort's fault
I don't actually remember this cover.

Gotcha. Well, I'll give it a stab anyway.
I know this only happened because he got mixed up with my brother!
It’s such a cool trope, honestly. Figures Sess would be the one to use it.
>Stop it! I'll do whatever you want.
>Heh heh heh... that's a good girl
The dialogue is so sexually charged
Aww, Sesshomaru is protecting Kagura. He does have a heart.
I definitely find Kagura in fear sexier than Kagura disgusted.
>I'll be back Wednesday with Volume 28 of Inuyasha.
>Volume 28
>the 2km walk was not worth it after all
it gets worse
mother nyooo
god should just smite them already, put them out of their misery
Damn it. 38.
>OP fell down the bone-eaters well and ended up 10 volumes ago
I keep getting interrupted lol now to finish this one shot and get that 5/6 of the red bouquet compilation volume >>275756234
>without incident
>well not quite
n- nyo...
>several hours later
the trip is finally over
>we look kind of like comrades in arms
namiko's going to be having war flashbacks of that hidden onsen lmao
>let's go somewhere together again sometime
if they do, they'll come out of that trip looking like they were in 'nam
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Well? What did we think of her in this form?
she looks nice with the ponytail down
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namiko and the mother-in-law are on the front cover of this collection btw
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May as well post some of these that I missed before. Here's the back cover illustration for Volume 22.

My theory that manga Shiori had purple skin rather than purple eyes was completely wrong.
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And here's the inner sleeve illustration for Volume 22.
>God damn it we go through this every time.
>Implying this isn’t Inuyasha in it’s entirety

Reminder that this is basically every Inuyasha chapter in a nutshell

>Inuyasha and friends happen upon some random-ass village and agree to help the people there
>Naraku appears
>Miroku jobs to Bees
>Naraku uses Kohaku as a distraction and Sango’s Hirakotsu fails
>Naraku used Barrier: It’s not very effective
>Kikyo appears out of nowhere
>Inuyasha: “Kikyo…”
>Naraku manages to escape
>Cut away to a shot of Sesshomaru looking all stoic and pretty with Jaken and Rin in the background yelling “SESSHOMARU-SAMAAAA!!!”
>End Chapter/Episode

Repeat ad-nauseum.
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Here's the back cover illustration for Volume 21.
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And here's the inner sleeve illustration for Volume 21. I think this was the extinct dog yokai thing that tried to fool Miroku.

It has been a bit.
>inuyasha's and sesshomaru's great-grandma
>My theory that manga Shiori had purple skin rather than purple eyes was completely wrong.
Remember how in the Yashahime anime they lightened her skin for her human form and xitter and tumblr went insane over it?
>Remember how in the Yashahime anime
no, none of us remember that slop
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>no, none of us remember that slop
Best quadroon Moroha is canon though.
rumiko destroyed every fanmade inukag baby with this
actually this is a better design than most weekly shonen manga finales give for the canon children lol
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Here's the back cover illustration for Volume 20.
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And here's the inner sleeve illustration for Volume 20.

Had to look up Ryukotsusei's name.
Is it wrong to think that this is super hot?
This manga really knows how to bring out the feels.
Listening to you isn't any better though, Hakudoshi.
Any slip up could cost him his life, given Naraku always has either saimyosho or lesser component demons observing.
Oh no, he got bodyjacked.
Naraku sucks so much even an incarnation that's literally just him in miniature can't stand him.
>goes from 0 to BEE SWARM GO the instant he pulls out the Wind Tunnel
Oh god my sides
Sesshomaru defending someone who isn't Rin of his own volition? Who is this and what have they done to my edgelord?
Inuyasha, he saved your life. You could try being a bit more grateful.
I think of him as being similar to the possessed creatures under the command of the Hitokon or the golem Naraku used early on. Forged and animated by demonic means and certainly unholy in and of themselves, but only debatably an actual demon.
Cute Shippo in that last panel.
Welp, time for more Kogaku suffering!
This is a rape doujin plot.
They're both trapped.
Of fucking course he was here all along.
Thanks OP.
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>rumiko destroyed every fanmade inukag baby with this actually this is a better design than most weekly shonen manga finales give for the canon children
Yeah Moroha really is an absolutely perfect blend of her parents design-wise, it makes sense since Rumiko said she had the design for an InuKag daughter in the back of her mind for years now, pretty much the entire fandom adores her design as well though I have heard some grumblings here and there about Moroha not having dog ears, pretty much all previous InuKag fanchildren gave them the ears, to which I say - she’s only a quarter demon, of fucking course she’ll inherit less dog demon traits than her father dummies! I actually think the ribbon serving as a substitute for the ears is a super cute and clever idea.
Meant for >>275754852
I personally like both Moroha and the fankids who have dog ears. Demon genetics are bullshit anyway.
He can literally spit out bees. It's unfair. Miroku should consider catching people off guard with the wind tunnel so they don't have time to ready the saimyosho. Just sneak up behind them while they're distracted.
Technicallly, a hanyou and a human could have another hanyou rather than a quarter demon, it’s incredibly rare but since you only inherit 50% from each parent and it’s random which DNA you get, a child of Inuyasha and Kagome could end up inheriting most of or even all of Inuyasha’s 50% demon genes while inheriting none of his human ones from Izayoi.
After seeing the bees get thrown around so many times I think they are kind of cute now.
This volume is the most important part of Kagura's character arc and this moment is her pivotal decision. Her inner struggles are written so well and The Final Act butchers it by trying to shove an entire volume in a single episode. My girl deserved better.
Kanna is nothingness so she mindlessly follows orders. Maybe she didn't even know Hakudoshi was rebelling against Naraku and thought it was Naraku's orders.
Rumiko has successfully conditioned you.
Rumiko had to nerf Miroku some way, that’s what you get when you create a character too OP.
Moryomaru was the infant idea. Basically this is another coup attempt against Naraku by one (two) of his clones. The baby has no way to defend itself and it know it so it create Moryomaru as a weapon to rival Naraku that it could wield
I will never understand why Naraku was just giving out wind tunnels to random people and have even their children inherit it. What purpose did that even serve?
it'll consume you eventually and you can end up sucking up innocent people
Naraku back then was very weak and could have been easily sealed away by holy men. And one particular monk made it his mission to do so after he investigated and came to know what happened to Inuyasha and Kikyo. Since a direct confrontation would lead to defeat, Naraku took the form of a woman, had sex with the monk and while his guard was down surreptitiously put the wind tunnel curse, probably because anything else would have caused him to become alert that Naraku, in fact, was not a woman in disguise.
>had sex with the monk
nice headcanon
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Takahashi tweeted this recently. In case you don't know, the giant Lum statue is in her house.
That's what was told in the Animax English dub when I watched Inuyasha back in 06. Are you saying its a false memory?
It's a slow working curse that will nit only kill you but a bunch of people beyond you. It's very much a petty idea to cause incredible suffering to the innocent.
>how to get off on your own
Kagura's been helping this kid get off?
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Here's the back cover illustration for Volume 19.
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And here's the inner sleeve illustration for Volume 19.

This is Gatenmaru's humanoid form. The big moth guy. I forgot about him.
The problem with the ribbon, with her whole look really is that it makes perfect sense if Moroha was raised by Inuyasha and Kagome.
It makes no sense at all with the bizarre choices Yashahime made where she has never met her parents and has no memory of them.
>The problem with the ribbon, with her whole look really is that it makes perfect sense if Moroha was raised by Inuyasha and Kagome. It makes no sense at all with the bizarre choices Yashahime made where she has never met her parents and has no memory of them.
That’s why Yashahime as a whole isn’t canon and only Moroha is.
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>where she has never met her parents and has no memory of them.
I cannot forgive yashahime
Inuyasha didn't go through all this bullshit in his life just to be denied raising his daughter ; ;
for the record bros, the first episode of yashahime is actually an inuyasha episode
after the earthquake, a lot of mangaka took part in fundraisers and rumiko submitted a post-epilogue chapter of inuyasha for that
that's what the first episode of yashahime covers (and is the only ep I watched)
rumiko had no information about the plot when she was asked to design her to be fair
That much is clear. Apparently when Takahashi was approving restrictions on the writing staff she didn't imagine just how much of an axe-griding dark fanfic it would be. She said
>You can't kill any of the main characters
and the producer heard
>Nothing against trapping Inuyasha and Kagome in the borderland of the afterlife!

An Inuyasha sequel should have been more like Ranma in tone. More goofy episodic stories, but with the occasional adventure.
>dog hunting dog
>Hey, it's Sess and Inuyasha's retarded cousin!
third cousin twice removed
bad dog!
to make sure a monster stays dead, you must take off its head–
just go hunt stuff bro lol

I don't have deeply ingrained memories of this case, so I take it that this was either cut from the final act or trimmed down considerably
>just a wee lad
>did an animal bite you?
sure let's go with that
>that panel, zoom in
is he spitting alcohol on his arm?
>just traveling around exterminating demons
literally what he was trained to do
naraku cut off his allowance please understand
>part of a theatrical show
>terrible thing happens when you go pee
this is one of my paranoias
Kagura reluctantly pleasing you!
I'm pretty sure Inuyasha is the retarded one
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Here's the back cover illustration for Volume 18.
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And here's the inner sleeve illustration for Volume 18.
>didn't catch the sickle and chain right
well at least this time it won't be kohaku doing the killing...
wait kohaku slept in full uniform? didn't even take the armor pieces off?
he's crying :-(
>I'm innocent this time I swear!!!
>my planet needs me
joke here
oops, looks like the jig is up kohaku
>you can't fool my nose
I bet he could hear kohaku with his little doggy ears too
>Got ourselves some sort of powder for this?
incredibly specific powder
>possessed a boar
now kohaku can kill it without regrets lol
>exorcising powder
>do you still have a trace of a human soul
oh it's more than a trace...
>why is naraku keeping you locked up
for that pretty mouth of course
hakudoshi is a terrible little brother
the creepy monk statues were wards?
well that's not ominous at all lol
time for more gravediggin!
>Inuyasha doesn't keep track of his time of the month
>There he is.
indeed, indeed!
I don't remember when miroku and sango got to learn about his human night now that I think about it...
some shit always has to happen when he's full human
something that big probably snapped his neck lol paralyzed him at least
I'd be spooked as fuck if I saw a monk do that
I'd be gone, peace out
oh nyo! lmao look at shippo's eyes bugging out
>tentacles close to kagome's skirt
inuyasha stop them!!!
well, owari da I guess
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appropriate reaction to seeing crazy shit like that
>the man's soul lived on
and then hakudoshi freed that man's soul when he beheaded him?
>Wasn't passed out long.
you know if a person passes out it should only be a few seconds or else you risk brain damage or something, realistically lol
>I'll rip you apart!
as soon as I get my fangs and claws back! just you wait!
shit like this is why kagome needed to learn to make barriers...
>inuyasha's pupils are slits
wait a minute...
he has learned to speak!
good for him
>魍魎丸 vs. 御霊丸 in Japanese. I mean, they do share "maru", but you know.
the gang can't hear kanji lol
not like they were ever shown how their names were written
it went in!
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>the only one who can relentlessly bully that little shit for merely existing is me!
^ sesshomaru probably
>just as I said
>not a drop of demonic power in that creature
was jaken keeping track?
and what's with that face?
... that's a penis
oh, jaken was referring to moryomaru and not inuyasha
just now realizing how much bigger the anime made jaken's hat
sesshomaru is a dog, not a rat!
totally not defending his bro in any way shape or form
and he's definitely not being petty about inuyasha not being grateful about being defended, which sesshomaru wasn't by the way, it was just a coincidence
anyways this is an interesting cover of them
the full demon brother and inuyasha in his full human form
jaken and shippo should throw hands
it's happening..!
>sesshomaru actually hurt him?!
that's the power of being a hater
>you are too small a vessel to contain a power like mine
considering the size of sesshomaru's real form...
he liiiiives!!!
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is jaken holding on to the tip of shippo's tail?
>Detecting shikon stuff has been unique to Kagome.
kikyo can as well
>she's trying to make it quick
aww </3
for someone who literally doesn't have a heart in her body, her heart grew three sizes that day...
>I guess mutual suffering builds comradery.
they also have a similar hair style
>scheming to supplant naraku
they will become
>naraku blanco
he'll crash into a tree eventually dw
its almost that time....
I think a compromise could have been inuyasha and kagome get trapped when moroha is 11-12 that way she gets to actually be raised by them and then she spends time training in order to become strong enough to save them
Why is Kagura so hot?

Sango suffering time?
How do people even survive in this shit ass time period. They can't even take a piss without some unholy monstrosity preying upon them.
I think that Goryomaru thought he had sealed Moryomaru in his arm while in reality the demon took over his whole body but left Goryomaru's mind in control, at least until Hakudoshi killed it for good, leaving with Moryomaru in full control and now holding onto the monk's soul, which was the one thing he lacked.

>How do people even survive
they don't
have you forgotten how many times the gang has to dig graves?
>be villager
>just want to farm some rice
>bandits wipe out village
>move to new village
>invading army wipes out village
>move to new village
>random demon wipes out village
>move to new village
>Naraku wipes out village as part of an elaborate scheme to distract the Inuyasha/Sesshomaru while he gathers enough demon cum to make his barriers immune to Inuyasha's newest technique (until he learns the Cum Cutter technique)
>move to new village
>village is cursed to start with
>by this point your wife has been kidnapped 17 different times by demons
>your son was possessed and then later eaten
>your daughter was cursed by a demon to be a fish and she won't stop complaining about it
>all you ever wanted to do was farm some fuckin rice

Sopping wet
Adult woman.
You know, I like it more than the off-yellow the anime used.
The struggle is real.
It's still Sunday.
I still want sex from Kagura.
I still want to kiss Goryomaru's juicy lips
no homo because she's a woman in my mind
>no homo because she's a woman in my mind
Kagura probably doesn't have functioning sex organs.
What? What makes you think that?
They're all special in their own ways.
Anon there are so many dead villages they've buried at this point that there's a non-zero chance all of feudal japan is just built atop mass graves.
From what little we can see of her mangled body, she was pretty cute. Poor woman.
You know, I think Rumiko's writing is at its best when she's writing about the depressing struggles of modern day Japan. It's like slice of life but showing a side that's missing from most slice of life.
Not him, but she's just a chunk of Naraku and I personally doubt he spent the time developing any of his incarnations in such a manner as to enable them to function sexually.
Such was her karma.
You know, the shield and cutter part of this seems to have only happened like, twice so far.
I think it's more likely for your daughter to get eaten, perhaps as a sacrifice to appease some demon.
Don't you meh me.
not yet
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I'd like to think in a few years Oda Nobunaga would have his meteoric rise and deal with the yokai infestation permanently with facts and logic (burning them all with Portuguese guns and Christian spells regardless of if they are benign or malevolent). That, or usually things aren't as bad as it is shown in Inuyasha and its actually the deteriorating law and order situation causing the demons to act up after being passively affected by human malice and violence.
I'd pay to read that.
Kagura has proper breasts. I see no reason for her to not have a vagina. Don't forget that the reason for Naraku's existence is his sexual desire for Kikyo.
>wee lad
Even without her intentions Rumiko is ahead of the memes lmao
That's a great mid page panel

>misunderstandings but drama edition
Kneel to the obasan!
The fact that there are no youkai in modern times wasn't addressed at all, if I recall well, right? Missed opportunity
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>Goryomaru was Moryomaru all along
OMG WHO COULD'VE SEEN IT COMING?! It's not like they appeared in the same arc... or have sameface... or extremely similar names... or using bound by the same type of power... or hairstyle... or face marks.... HOW COULD THIS BE?!


More like bees in any given Inuyasha volume
They still existed but Rumiko was on record saying she didn’t want to deal with that landmine. Writing a dog boy/girl romance along with their friends fighting against an almost unkillable foe sending endless bees at them in the feudal past was what she wanted to do.
>there are no youkai in modern times
there was that one time early in the series
His second biggest ENTER moment. Bravo Rumiko!

>the exct moment when Moryomaru fucked up
He should've never been able to talk, he told Sessho he's weak to Colmillo sagrado's life powers

Yes, but he's made of humans or something more "clean" than most demons imo
Your forgot Inuyasha getting impaled through the stomach and always opening with the wind scar after a frame shot drawning Tessaiga making it look like a giant phallus from the perspective

Will it end good? I never cared or liked Kagura and her scenes at all and I don't see anything too remarkable around her as a character.
So let me get this straight.
>Naraku separates his heart from his body, but this time the right way, getting rid also of Onigumo’s human feelings
>the heart becomes the babby
>the babby later gets split in two, but this was also somehow part of the plan
>one half becomes Hakudoshi, the other remains as the babby who is Hakudoshi’s heart who is Naraku’s heart, so heart squared (pottery)
>babby (both halves) want to betray Naraku
>Hakudoshi uses Haku (pottery) to create a vessel for the babby (babby) to move around
>his best monster doll, Moryomaru, fights and is absorbed by a monk named Goryomaru (pottery)
>Goryomaru is killed, then his body and soul get taken over by Moryomaru and the babby
So far, so good?
>the babby later gets split in two, but this was also somehow part of the plan
>one half becomes Hakudoshi, the other remains as the babby who is Hakudoshi’s heart who is Naraku’s heart, so heart squared (pottery)
I still don't understand why this was necessary.
what do you mean, it's not convoluted at all
This all happened because Kikyo is so fucking hot.
She killed millions
I would kill just for the chance to be killed by Kikyo
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Makes sense to me
Would you kill Kikyo for that chance?
If necessary, yes
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Okay, so how long until Goryomaru's lingering will shows up to kick Moryomaru's ass?
Undead but sex doll Kikyo is canonly cold and life-less it wouldn’t feel good.
Simple solution: onsen sex
you can help warm her up
>Will it end good?
that's for (you) to decide when you get there
Thanks OP for the dump. InuYasha was the first anime I was ever obsessed with back in grade school. I gotta say all these years later I still think Grip! is the best anime OP of all time. Everything about it perfectly what an OP should be. Close second for me is the 5th One Piece opening.
Likely so they couldn't just kill off Naraku in one go by targeting Hakudoshi.
We had multiple demon attacks in the modern day early in the series. Rumiko even more or less confirmed they still existed, but she didn't want to deal with the fucking implications of that so she left it aside in favor of making Kagome spend more and more time in the feudal era. The Yashahime manga picked this plot point back up but since it's shorter than all of the OG series, it's not like it's developed in much depth.
Rumiko's rumiko's.
Remember when Naraku blasted out of the Youkai graveyard? He need the baby to remain in the living world to act as a gateway for him but doing so would still put his heart in danger so he made them split again to still can use one as a gateway while the other keep his heart safe.
I will never forgive The Final Act for cutting this scene.
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I don't even want a remake because it won't be as good as the OG anime aesthetics and music
How exactly do they plan on usurping Naraku? Have Moryomaru absorb Naraku?
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are they holding hands?
I didn't know takahashi was such a baseball nerd
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Dont you dare talk about my wife!
I liked the cast of Uruesi yatsura the most. the Inuyasha cast are like a faint echo.
Ranma's my pick personally; I think Takahashi leaned too much into the adventure idiom and ended up making her characters less human as a result.
>Oh boy do I love shitting in the woods with only one piece of clothing ever!

Normal human concerns are never brought up.
It's not like Ranma characters talked abut that shit regularly either
Guy should've taken the warrior path with all these times that he managed to escape death.
If she has breasts she's got a pussy
That's because Ranma characters live in a time period where they have easy access to clothes stores, laundromats, and bathrooms.
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This is nice, reminds me of usagi yojimbo storytimes
she's a hanshin tigers fag
Yes, the logistics of their trek are never brought up. They typically always have food, the money to pay for it, and everything else. Half the time they sleep in a field with seemingly zero gear, half the time they stay in some village. Does Kagome bring a pack of tampons around with her each time she does a trip?
>They typically always have food, the money to pay for it, and everything else.
They don't need to worry about that when Miroku is around.
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Nap time. Off of Rumiko's twitter.
Kagome definitely brings tons of stuff from the future, despite her bag only overflowing once. Almost always whenever we see the group eating, they are eating stuff from the modern era.
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water. When she closed her eyes at last, Kagome did not know whether she would be strong enough to open them again. - Rumiko Takhashi, Inuyasha
Yeah, but no maxi pads or tampons or anything like you'd think. perhaps because she knows her fanbase is mostly young males, she avoided that? She in fact has not made a single reference to menstruation in her entire comic career.
>They typically always have food
there's also all the times where it's just fish cooked around the campfire lol
I'm sure inuyasha's is decent at hunting with his nose and speed, sango is likely a good hunter too
>Half the time they sleep in a field with seemingly zero gear
such was life anon
plus most of the series takes place within less than a year, it doesn't get into winter until almost the end of the series
>Does Kagome bring a pack of tampons around with her each time she does a trip?
1. probably
2. the trips aren't that long, she knows when her time is

Naraku did

just put a jewel shard in her like Kohaku. Avoids all that pesky soul collector bullshit. Simple
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Basado drifternaga

>zero hope
>Does Kagome bring a pack of tampons around with her each time she does a trip?
I wonder whether she introduced Sango to modern pads and tampons.
one more day remains
Or even more likely, the usual kind of demon that eats young women alive kidnaps and devours your daughter not as a sacrifice but randomly with no assurance of the village's safety.
Oh boy!
very spicy
I'd like to think she never did.
Even after deciding to stay in the past forever.
Nobody likes Naraku, the only reason Kana is fine with him is because she is void
Aww, Kagura actually cares for her fellow slave.
Were any of those recent?
calm down kagura
She never loved you, Onigumo.
>Frieren and Inuyasha
I can picture the two getting along.
Too late by a long shot.
She has no body anymore.
She's made of ash and clay.
>has a statue of inuyasha pinned to a tree in her house
>arrow included
Owari da...
There's a yearly one iirc. Search in the archives and the date of the last one should tell you when the next one will be
Kagome was barefoot too while wearing that.
mada da!!!
Thanks, I'll search for it later.
When was the last time we made bump limit?
This is the first
I'm pretty sure at least one Inuyasha thread has hit bump limit in the past year.
We've gotten close before but it's usually right before the next thread. This is the first time I remember us getting there so early.
see you in 3 days
sounds like a ban threat

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