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No specific edition

Hello everyone, welcome to the next edition of the Casual Nudity and Nudism thread. As usual, post pictures and stories of people being casually naked and enjoying it, whether alone or with others, indoors or in public. Like always, don't be afraid to contribute new material, but above all else, be naked and have fun

Previous Thread: >>8411194

Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/nudism/
Stories and Fanfics colletion: https://controlc.com/abf74bab (dead)
Nudist Avatar AU discussion: https://nuavatardiscussion.chatango.com/
OP Template: https://controlc.com/41d5e3a8

>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety (No single series/artist spamming)
>No hard fetishes (Inflation, Brap, Futa)
>No generic naked pinups/ images must have a background or context.
>Keep the focus on the nudity itself/ sex ok if isn't the main focus of the image
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Love that art style, sauce?
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Naval Lass
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fuck off
Why is some guy posting random nudes? Does he not get what casual nudity is?

There's very little material for this














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Anyone remember that Danganronpa: Eden's Island idea that was roaming around the threads? Heard the creator was busy with real life stuff the last time they were around.

At this point, we should try to make more Naked & Afraid-esque fanfics like Prehistoric Academy or Danganronpa: Eden's Island to keep this thread alive. It also has some potential in it.
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I'm still here, and life stuff is still a bit overwhelming
since it's been brought up again, I'll repost my two docs with everything I have so far relating to the project
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NuAvatar here
Heads up for those of you still invested in the Barebender project. I'm gonna be closing the chatango soon and switching it to private discord chats. While I'm confident everyone who actively contributed to the project made it in, anyone who hasn't yet please either join the discord/friend me there and message me, or let us know on the chatango itself, because once Ember Island Players is out, we're done with it
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It's so astounding to see this project has achieved so much progress since it was first conceived, that it's at the point where the ending is actually within reach.
If there was a male version of this art piece by Eltonel, who do you think would be Deku? I was thinking Uraraka but if we're going by Prehistoric Academy canon (Uraraka is with the 1-A and 1-B girls who are with Deku), Camie Utsushimi? She in Shiketsu High School though.

As for which boys replace which girls, here are my picks:
Uraraka -> Shoto
Momo -> Katsuki
Mina -> Shihai
Setsuna -> Denki
Ibara -> Kosei
Yui -> Sen

Remember, the current story of Prehistoric Academy is up to commissioners so you could make this canon if you have lots of money to pay for it.
has anyone done one where the camera crew is a part of the show yet?

like, cameramen constantly bugging 'em as the fanfic progresses, since the plot is based around a reality-tv-show
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Ordinary Woman should become a part of this somehow
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This makes me laugh considering this was pretty much the opposite of Katara in the barebender fic.
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The wonders of Photoshop
Brings you back isn't it?
In a way yeah. Fun fact, the filename for this is a reference to the Gorillaz song of the same name.
Someone should make a fanfic of them heading to Hedonism II in Jamacia.

It's like the biggest nudist resort in the country
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Are there any SSBU modders out there who could make a nude Shulk skin? It wouldn't be too hard to make because you could use the Ecru Type skin as the base. The only problem that would be optional is adding physics to the flaccid penis and testicles. I would have commissioned Hanxulz/Hsfrx to make it but I don't think he does NSFW Smash mods anymore.

On the topic of nudist, this should be an optional "outfit" in Xenoblade Chronicles.

I loves these pictures!
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Glad to see someone saw that episode of Wokaholics
>yellow skin
>pink nipples
I don't think so
You point out that and not the horrifying vagina edited in
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New Prehistoric Academy comic by Eltonel.

Remember, the story is up to the commissioners so if you have the money, you could commission the next page with what you want to happen next.
The Ember Island Players draft is done. For the final time, the Google docs link is available in the chatango for you to proofread and edit at your leisure
Since we're abandoning it after this chapter goes up, this is the last warning for anyone who has already or still wants to directly contribute to the project (both for the final chapters of it, the one-shots, or Korra when we get to it) to let us know on the Chatango so we can send you the right way
It's always good to see new pages being done!
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Fun fact, that's Amouranth
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My OC Sam with his mother Samara
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eve ning from octopus pie for >>>/co/145301468
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Book 3: Chapter 17: The Ember Island Players, is finished and can be read on Ao3 and Deviantart

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Anyone think this has potential?

"Inspired by Eltonel's Prehistoric Academia comic series, Ryu, Luke, Chun-Li, and Poison are stuck in the Late Miocene period completely natural. How long will they survive and get back to present times? (If possible!)"
Maybe if it was drawn by another artist. Also Luke & Poison seem like weird choices to pair alongside Ryu & Chun-Li
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Marisa would fit in more considering she has some canon confirmed nudist tendencies.
Mlplottery here. I plan to commission other artists to draw each part of this comic series. Suggest me other artists if you don't like Davidvidearte's drawings.

Also, it's Ryu & Luke and Chun-Li & Poison for pairings.

Furthermore, suggest me scenarios for this comic series set in the Late Miocene of South America! (You could also introduce new characters to join the cast)
Just when I posted >>8495774 I got this post. You can suggest a scenario on how she joins the cast or a one-off comic about her.
Manon too.
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Can we flat out ban sailor moon shit because this is getting absurd

great posts anon, who's the artist? I can't read viking runes.
My wife
you mean mine
If by chance there any Hilda fans here, the first chapter of a permanudist fic has just been released

https://archiveofourown DOT org/works/58881409/chapters/150077002
This is retarded, but I'd expect nothing less than retardation from someone who's still a SF fan in 2024.
I liked it! It was very cute.
i dont get the punchline- what did he 'mishear'?
"They took a fence"
ooooooooooooooooh! gocha!
good thread

It would be a whole lot better than actual ideas/concepts

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More octopus pie
anybody know the artist? i kinda like the simple scratchy artstyle
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anyone here actually been to a nudist camp/event/beach? what was it like there?
I'd love to try myself but worried that it's gonna be - and I know this is kinda what I'm signing up for - exclusively geriatrics (a normal distribution of them would be fine but this is based on stereotypes)
just go for it anon
Cybersix #05 - Angels And The Damned - Cybersix not included in this page
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The first panel from the next page.
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>More octopus pie
Yet more
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Not a truly nudist one, but I was at a R18 Halloween party at a nightclub once. There were lady dancers who slowly got completely naked, erotic shows on stage and some of the female guests also gradually got naked. It was awesome, especially the naked cuddling with one cutie.
Nudist camps are just camps where people are naked nothing different really. Age depends on the club and if there are events. Try to go to a young adult events if you want to meet other young people.

Go and don't be a creep.
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Did another one, really not my best
Its fine, nice filename you have being a reference to Office Space
love zee
wrong page
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What would life be like if Daphne was your girlfriend at this moment?
Giving her a bath
His cock & balls need to be at least 3 times that size...
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Have her some wine
man what a great guy
It's possible, but unlikely.

Go back to /e/
She looks like my wife, floppy tits and belly and all. But without the bangs, eyeshadow, and lipstick.
your wife sounds lovely
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5x5 ass for >>>/co/145659356
Les Nombrils for >>>/co/145659356
She really is.
So I'm getting closer to actually starting it, now that I'm getting a decent idea of how to proceed with the basic plot
There's some things I'd still like to bring up and discuss with it
The first of these is that I'm probably gonna stick with a first person/semi-first person perspective from Makoto (in which hi actions would be in third person but we'd hear his inner narration as well as following his perspective), save for extremely crucial bits
Another thing I wanna attempt is a bit more audience interaction (mainly in polls at the end of certain chapters allowing readers to pick the characters they'd like Makoto to spend time in during the Free Time equivalent parts in each chapter, which may or may not affect certain plot parts depending on how many times he interacts with some characters)
Also I'm kinda debating on if I should have the characters be referred to by their first names (ie Makoto and Sayaka) or their surnames (ie Naegi and Maizono)
sounds good
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LOUISE - Animation Short Film 2021 - GOBELINS for >>>/co/145689095
Love the Gorillaz reference in the filename
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Same VA
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>>8537165 Since there are a few instances in the Danganronpa series where the characters use the restroom, how will restroom problems be addressed?
>>8548432 Who's the artist? This could be an interesting premise by the way. It could be about the gems protecting and living with nature. I'm not too familiar with SU though.
I'll probably just have them either relieve themselves in the ocean, or someplace hidden and far away from their chosen camp sites where the waste can easily be disposed of.
Regardless, it'll probably mostly be off-screen, and the only way I see myself showcasing it is in an instance where, for example, Naegi is in the midst of relieving himself behind a tree or something and some shit goes down nearby that gets his attention
What about fecal matter? Will it be dumped to the ocean or dumped to an animal latrine/dung midden? (What animals are on the island by the way?)

Also, do they have to urinate to mark their territory?

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