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A general where one can post bimbos. AI and edits are welcome.
So what's your guy's favorite bimbo artists and authors? Any standout pieces of literature you would recommend?
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How about OC?
Sure. Anything's welcome.
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So if anyone is interested. Here's a list of bimbofication quests.

https://fiction.live/stories/My-Bimbo-Academia/L8ydK7Pp8njMySy6v/home (Ongoing)

https://fiction.live/stories/Bimbopocalypse-Take-Control/tGkC8rKGv84DY55RY (Ongoing but lives are infrequent and their are large stretches of inactivity)

https://fiction.live/stories/A-Bimbo-Stop/ktuNSSWc5Lw9gWySR/Sunday-Evening/34qATPwQQN7SgxiPa (Completed)
Who's the artist?

Muchos gracias.
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Nice work Anon.
Thanka man, this was part of a commission and I liked the sketches almost more than the finished work.
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More wholesome bimbos
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Really hot stuff dude! love the way you've drawn all these bimbos. So hot!
Thanks bro, I aim to please (myself).
...why do you do this to me 4chan.
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Nice to see this thread again.
If any AI anons are taking requests, I'd like to request Samus as a bimbo at a nightclub.
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I'm more of a hobbyist but I took a shot at fulfilling your request.
Thanks anon, but that doesn't look like Samus at all.
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The ai really wants to only gen her in her zero suit, this is the only one I could get in clubwear. Im sure if I used a lora for her it would be more flexible but I try not to for characters I know pony will already have baked in.

Here's one of the zero suits too:
NTA, and usually not particularly into Samus, but both this and the Zero suit gens are really hot
I am that anon. This clubbing bimbo samus is really good. Thanks.
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needs bulge
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If requests are being made here, remember seeing some really nice bimbo C.C. here threads back. Any chance for some anons to make more pics of her?
Fuck off.
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I'll give her a try in a little bit. She's from Code Geass, yeah? Any particular clothing or sex acts or something you want?
Yeah she’s from code geass, clothing wise it’s kind of whatever but if it can go from pre-bimbo in the normal white strait-jacket into post-bimbofication with some glitzy green micro bikini (or generally whatever would look hot on the newly transformed ditz) with a blowjob and normal sex image that’d be awesome. Sry for the kind of long request lost lol
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Ok, here is the transformation
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The green microbikini
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And a couple various sex scenes going to catbox the rest as to not spam.

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Damn these came out great, thanks anon
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Anyone got some bimbo art of Rin? Something about a girl as smart as her being stripped of all of the mage knowledge and being made all kinds of ditzy has been sounding nice lately
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Artist name? Does it have any outlets where they post their art?
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You gonna buy her a drink anon?
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bonus attempt at a fusion suit (personal favorite) bimbofied at the club. the adherence seems to find it really hard to mix lips with the full helmet. I got a few, but the ones with the bottom half really aren't great.
I don't really go by a name and I don't post my art anywhere but 4chan. I'm trying to keep it on the down low.
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This is how Samus would look like canonically if Nintendo weren't a bunch of cowards.
wow very nice. source?
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Its my own slop. Unless you meant a catbox? I had to run the face through krita because I didnt like the one it initially genned, but everything else is unchanged prompt-wise

hey, do you have like an email or social to contact you for requests and commissions?
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Does anyone have any more edits like this? I see this one all the time, but I swear I have seen more like it?
Neither but if you want, I can take a simple request and post it here. Do know I reserve the right to reject part of all of the request.
Is "reverse bimbo" a thing?
Yes, and it is beautiful.
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I used to hate this fetish for being humiliating and degrading. I always enjoy bimboification for the whole "woman embracing hypersexuality in the face of society's prudish bullshit" aspect. It would be nice to be completely shameless and carefree
Are you still interested?
Very nice. Please make more of these
It's not from me but an artist on deviantart known as yourficklenoona

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>no underbite, circles under eyes, or hunched back
>lab uniform is way too clean

Well, I'm at least grateful someone else wanted Reagan porn, anyways.

Huh. Unusually restrained for this guy. Are we missing two more parts of the transformation?
>Bottom clit
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um who cares bro everyone makes mistakes lmao ai slop is as good as anything lmao
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NTA, but I am
Can you bimbofy this girl?
It's a request so I'm not picky, but if you need any direction, keeping her school uniform but too tiny for her body would be very cool
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[1/3] “I wish I was more confident… if that’s allowed,” Libby said timidly watching the popular girl take selfies as the first finger curled on the paw clicked and folded down.
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[2/3] “I wish I had a body that could get likes like that…” Andrea huffed after Libby’s accidental post screamed passed 100k likes in minutes… the paw clicked as the second finger curled in with the first, bonding the wishes…
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[3/3] “Okay I should try and fix this…” Molly gulped holding the paw “I wish my friends and I were together and everything was normal” the final finger curled and the paw shriveled. There was a flash as Molly blinked,

“Ok girls, just a few more shots for the site…”

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I feel like this needs one more step between 2 and 3 but otherwise not bad sloppa
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What if bimbo, but more? Bimbofication brought to its natural end point? Maximum pink, maximum titflesh, maximum dick sucking lips, maximum fuckable holes? So bimbo they barely count as human, more as a place to relieve aching cocks?
So pinkbrained your body's rewired itself to interpret a dick in your mouth as fulfilling your biological imperative. Dicks don't taste salty or bitter or anything any more, they just taste like your brain covered your clitty with sherbet.
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Love how that turned out, if you got any more potentially with some sex scenes that’d be great
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I happen to be generating right now before leaving to work, so sure, have a one with a recycled prompt I've used recently
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What's the artist's name/handle?
Here's a gallery of the art.

I know that the artist's name is KET, but I don't know where he posts. You're going to have to ask the author for that information.
I know that KET draws for a TS, with bimbofication, text based game called Ooze Wizard Apprentice. I like the way he draws the transformations and faces of the characters.
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>AI and edits are welcome.
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Those two look real nice. If suggestions are being taken can I get some of Tifa getting bimbofied and then fucked silly? Been looking for some nice art of her as a bimbo lately
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I did some of her getting fucked silly for now, I can do one of those bimbofication ones with her later
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Ignore the extra hands on this one, it's late and I'm too lazy to edit them out
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She turned out real nice damn. Feel free to take your time with the other stuff, no need to rush
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Glad you like it, I'm actually genning stuff right now so I gave the tifa before-and-after one a try
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Ooh nice to see you back taking requests anon. Really loved the bimbo Ivy pics I requested last time you were here so can I request some before and after pics with some action?
Can I request a before and after Samus whore pic?
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I gave it a try, the before and after doesn't work quite as well due to the character lora that I need to gen her, it just kinda refused to change the face and body all that much, but here you go
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And some action
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I'll do that in a bit too
Hey if you're still taking any requests, can you do a few with kirino kousaka? Any before and after would be great
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Damn she came out fine. Thanks a bunch anon. I know you got a good number of requests already so this’ll be the last one from me but can I get some new stuff of Yu Mei-Ren? Preferably with some even bigger assets than prior for a more extreme shift and a good railing. If not it’s understandable
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And one without dress
Oh fuck, sorry, I just realized I missed yours, I can do that tomorrow
No prob, thanks man
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Damn that’s some good vampire breeding, might have to ask for a similar treatment to her summer alt too in the future lol. Thanks a ton anon, greatly appreciated
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absolutely blessed, thank you bimbo ainon
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If you're taking requests. Could you do nui harime too?

Similar to the quoted post, where the before is mostly covered up, while the after...is still technically covered up but I can see the pinkness of the bulging nipples, rather than outright showing the nips.

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