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General for western YouTuber lewds, mainly relating to Storytime Animators (STAs) and related creators.
>All STA related content, including avatars, OCs, etc. are welcome.
>Don't spam/beg for a delivery of any request you have.
>No direct uploads for real life pics of any creators. Use catbox for those, especially if they're hot.
>Zero tolerance policy towards drama: report it for off-topic, and then more importantly, IGNORE IT.
>Settings > Filters & Post Hiding > Enable Filter and Highlight Specific Threads/Posts > Edit > Add Pattern: !!eLt81VMC1Lw, Board: /aco/, Type: tripcode, Enable: auto & hide > Save
>No virtue signaling of any kind. If you see something you don't like, hide it, and if you think it breaks the global or board rules, you're welcome to report it.
>No diaper, scat OR fart porn. It'll be considered troll posting and will be reported as such.
>Youtuber sex
Fanfics: https://pastebin.com/uSr5FFSc (last updated circa. mid 2023)
The OSP Archive:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lGGqaV1thjD4BKYe2ZitrE5xMHzU4SVU?usp=share_link (last updated March 2024)
https://mega.nz/folder/Ia90TbQR#2clwpj3Y0sP9sN98x4yLZQ (last updated June 2024)
Previous Thread: >>8477090
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So why was the keep it hatebfree rule removed
Hate falls under drama, it was redundant and didn't actually do anything since there was no way to enforce it.
There's no real way to enforce the no drama rule either.
Also why are the instructions on how to hide happy in the rules
>There's no real way to enforce the no drama rule either.
Yes there is, try actually reading the rules
>Zero tolerance policy towards drama: report it for off-topic, and then more importantly, IGNORE IT.
>Also why are the instructions on how to hide happy in the rules
Because it's better to hide his posts than it is to reply to them 50,000 times to tell him he's a nonce.
Happy is a girl
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did I stutter
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gomotion request. titjob and/or blowjob
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Honestly I can respect that
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I hope lonlon anon returns
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Who even is that
The name is Kensy. Kensy Kensington.
Clowngirl STA 'tuber.
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We need more Bizabizow lewds, she should suck some balls desu
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It actually bugs out and doesn't work if you use the slashes in front of and behind /aco/ instead of just aco, dunno why they haven't fixed that yet
God I want to possess Fiona's avatar and take so much cock
Yes, it sounds gay, because it is.
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Hopin to see TopSpin on the ol' public use wall position. We already got Harpy and Lucy, after all
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when you're up to it I'd like to see you draw this with lily and happix
I can't even draw a circle let alone any art lmao. Just a person who has a nice spank bank of his fetish
I wish loopsdaloop drew more stuff cause their style is so hot
Is lonlon anon even still here
> trying not to release my rage rn
Dude, he said he would stop being in the threads ages ago

U and "I hope the next thread is better" are seriously getting on my fucking nerves
Damn you're getting less and less pleasant to be around each thread.
Perhaps you should take a break from these threads, clearly you need it if someone hoping an artist they like will return makes you THAT upset
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Still out here Shenani-gooning RN. As Shadow says in the Silver Campaign video, there's always time for gooning.
It's funny seeing you post a picture that I requested lol.
Shut up she's nice

Yaaaas omg it's cute XD

So you said to that angry anon you've been basically in a nazi family cult right???

I think you and shgurr who has been on an abusive Mormon cult should collaborate on a storytime video talking about cults
>Shut up she's nice
Usually I'd agree but as of late she's been alot more rude and honestly its not really justified

She gets jealous when other youtubers get art and she doesn't, last thread she got mad over someone asking about a character in a drawing, and in this one she got madbthat someone hopes an artist they like returns.

I don't think she's a bad person but she should probably take a step back from these threads for a little bit, its a noticeable pattern.
I'm not in a nazi cult LMAO my parents aren't nazis were only half German and dad's got a lot of criminality on his side
Honest to god I haven't interpreted any of her messages as rude?? Where was she rude?
oh then who was the anon who drew that nebula pixels public use pic?

Didn't you say they were white supremacists??
We're not supposed to be responding to it anon. Remember the rules
Sry might be a mistranslation on my part. They're just hyper racist so I thought it befits them :p

She's like a mermaid now
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Enough pointless arguments. Post porn
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Here are the most recent examples
Got pissy when someone hoped an artist they liked would return
Got irritated over someone simply asking who a character they didn't recognize was
Firstly, i was getting pissy bc him asking if a person who clearly stated that they were leaving the youtuber porn community was still around repeatedly was starting to get on my nerves.

Secondly, not all art of me fucking someone means its a youtuber, and i admit it was 3:30 am and i was tired AF
Lonlon anon was here as of 2 threads ago arachna.

And in the thread previous he said he'd draw chaos eventually

So I'm pretty sure they haven't left the community, they're just not super active
Looking back I really wish I had freckles added to Luvv's thighs.
If the STAs formed a DnD group, who would do what?
It'd go hard, considering Lucy has said that if one were to draw her character, freckles can go anywhere
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I just changed my name, you won't get rid of me that easily ;)

Is it me, or do I have a habit of pissing youtubers off, one way or another? First happy, then the bug lol

You REALLY want me to draw that tree bitch, huh? It's been MONTHS, man, give it a rest.
That's okay, we always got the future.
Nah u havent pissed me off, its the guy requesting ur existence who is.
(i worded badly, but that was my 1am brain speaking)

>changed my name
ohhhhhhhh ic lol

But anyways ur cool
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>You REALLY want me to draw that tree bitch, huh?
Yes, very much so. Also I'm goasld to see you're still in these threads
Isopod is a guy
desperately need SkeleHarpy and LUvvUCY together again. More porn of them together in more variety would fills my gooning heart with joy
What did I do now
does your rudeness know no bounds sir?
Well he did say he'd draw her eventually so just have patience
Its a request, not a comm. He has full rights of not doing it if he doesnt feel like doing it
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I am aware arachna, I'm still hopeful tho.
I will. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait
hey I corrected the guy saying Happy was a guy I'm just being equal
You weren't the one who corrected the person who said happy was a guy. I was, and I have no beef with arachna
I was stop pretending to be me weirdo
You're a loser
I think being rational is pretty winrar
1 you lied about being the guy who corrected the anon who said happy was a guy and 2 we both know why you said what you said about arachna. You aren't subtle

You are a loser.
Wrong & wrong weirdo secondary
You didn't do anything, I just know you don't like what I do, since you don't like body fluids.
Oouu ya you correct
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Hey lonlon anon are there any drawings you are currently working onbir things you plan to draw in the future?
Ooh, that must be new, haven’t seen that one of Honobread. Who made that one?
Based on the watermark, it was Hono herself.
Does Temmie qualify for these threads?
Isn't she more of a vtuber
why wouldn't vtubers fit here if they're western in origin, the bug already fits that description
They technically don't, but semantics and all that.
She's kind of a mix of everything, dev, youtuber, artist, streamer/vtuber
Either way I'd fuck her
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That's what it's referencing, yes
I don't like it
Isn't this the wii person with the big tits
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Something something something.
Your favorite Youtuber.
Something something something.
made for huge dicks
fuck yeah~
Any new Peachsaliva content?
She's a streamer
Known for her love of mcdonalds and mustard
Also she's a milf
Someone drugged and raped you while you were out cold, who was it?
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Requesting some porn drawn of her please
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DAMN, this is really good. I'd fuck her asshole up.
That's a good anus. We need more anal sex.
that's sad
Tell me his lore
What were y'all replying to? The post seems to be gone
Hell yeah. Been ages since the last good Penny art
File deleted.
Now we need her being forced to cum
Holy shit it happened! Good work anon.
I love this, was this commission or are you the artist?
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thank ya'
thanks and yeah i am
Thanks for all the art anon, it's really good
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Requesting femboy Red Bard jacking off
Kickass! Someone did the Fireball joke idea! Thanks!
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As the Shenanigoons say, cheers!!
Red would be the type to rape you just because she can. No romantic or sexual attachment or anything, just 'cause she was bored and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Femdom queen

I want her to sit on my face for that exact reason
Any chance we could cross the streams and see Jett and Penny fuckin together?
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Long live @S1LLY_BIMB0
>>8491561have you done other art before in these threads
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hopeless peaches absolutely would do this without a second thought
Why do you say that anon
have you seen how she acts behind the curtain? victim blaming is pretty in-character for her
Penny Snapcube and either her gf Dollipdaze or Holly Hollowtones would be really cool too. I think Dollip has no art and Holly only has one image.
I don't know much about her actually. I think I've seen an anon request art of her raping an anon in the past tho
>Jerking you off through her cheek
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this is really good! could you also do bizabizow?
that's because I'm him
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Since trans women seem to gaining in popularity here now, figured I’d throw in The Sphere Hunter/Suzi/Sue Lightening

She reviews survival horror games and used to be a proper porn star.

Not a lot of drawn porn of her but she’s pretty hot.
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Shota isn't allowed anon
Amazing through the cheek! I wonder what will happen when he cums
It'll fill the cheek up like a condom
Then she'll swallow it all in one big gulp
Fuck, now I wanna see this
I like her Pokemon outfit, and her butt
Jaiden has no money for when she loses battles so she always ahs to pay with her ass
The Hilda method
Who is hilda
Hilda, from Pokemon
I humbly request a picture of Red.
Any ol picture will do
new thread again? guess ill request more garden asada or gomo. ive seen a lot of gomo recently so maybe garden if any artist are taking request?
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Bet she wanted to do it to lio
>Not a lot of drawn porn of her
There should be more, like God damn
whos that? not gomo I know them
Isn't garden asada that slug thing or am I thinking of someone else
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Kinda hot. I can get behind that
yah thats the one. The only person who was drawing them I think has left these threads?
I'm pretty sure rug is still here. Last I heard he's working on a gomotion video
Hes been hard at work on comms lol

My gf commissioned him to do a cumflation of me and her lmao (cant send bc my gf is a furry)
oh thats sick!
that sounds hot af ngl but big into furries but cumflation I like a ton
I lurk.
yah ive been working on comms :0 too busy to work on other stuff rn :(
Maybe post it to rule34
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ough i hate posting lmao

Where do you do comms? I’m interested!
Just saw it and it's amazing!
Did you draw this
i have a WHOLE lot of backlogged NSFW of me i need to upload iugh

idk which one to do tho
Why not just upload them all to rule34
Now I need to see two naked Sydneys 69ing or tribbing or eating out or something
Maybe make one of them a hucow
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jfc hyper!!!!!!!!
I love hyper!!!!
this is so good
I would like to see it
So goodddd!!!! We NEED more bizabizow lewds!! Her design is so cuteee
Its on r34... its doing numbers lmao
Oh shit I better go check then, danke shoen for the heads up
Yea I can hella see why it's doing numbers, absolute fire animation
Hey, could you draw chaos
Wanna post a Catbox link of the max quality pic?
Rule 34
just search my tag dude its RIGHT THERE L MAO
Bro was so desperate for the nut he had that pre nut miasma in his brain
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just discord or fiverr rn :0 twt scares me
heres my discord if anyone wanna comm or chat :D rugrag2

also heres this to whoever wanted garden made this last thread but it was towards the end.
Yo lonlon anon you still here?
Yeah that'll do
I dont wanna clob up the thread so

basic 20, shaded 30, animation 70-100 but if you want one dm me on discord plz~! I dont wanna mess up the thread :o
Wait were you working on the Gomotion video or holding off due to commissions, no worries just curious!
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Forgot I doodled this
hey OSP editor anon if your here i have some screen shots
is she bottomless?
If you want her to be
Any good femboy designs for ass pounding?
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goose boose
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funny how you and i are the only two anons who are obsessed with this guy's ass
Make that 3, cuz me likey da Goose Boose, too
I am as well, just hard to find porn of him.
You the person obsessed with that Jeff guy? I found the artist that did the original art imma see if they do nsfw commissions
Any good straight biofem designs for ass pounding?
Krooked Glasses, I dunno
I thought krooked glasses was a girl
I thought you were talking about girls, so I figured I mentioned her
I am not the guy who asked about "straight biofem designs" to be honest I don't know what a boifem is, I know what a femboy is though.
I'm assuming someone got fed up with transgenders and lesbians lmao
Cis woman (Born female)
Also sorry dude, all ur gonna get a=is the copypaste white woman with brown hair OC's, no good designs from them sadly
Why do I have to be fed up? I have my preferences like anyone else and it helps to be specific to avoid confusion
Have you guys ever dreamt about having sex with your favorite YTer?
that's literally all we talk about in these threads. where the fuck have you been?
No, I meant literally dream about it. Happened to me for the first time last night
would you exercise /w her?
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I wanna exercise with her mom
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I wanna give her a real stretching
Who's that on the right
The artist's OC
yah probably not till later :X ill make it better if i get around to it after!
no worries take your time I was just curious is all!
i hope one of us is autistic and finanically irresponsible to commission a lot of goose boose porn
He's on a list of stuff I wanna commission. Just gotta be a reasonable adult for and pay off some annoying shit.
good boy
have a rare goose
Who is on the list anon?

So in no real order: Skeleharpy, Luvvucy,Topspinthefuzzy ,Arachnarmidillidia ,Gomotion ,Groose Boose ,Introverted Cartoonist ,Snapcube, bizabizow ,Garden Asada.

Gonna try to put a big collage together when I get more done.
Who is Introverted Cartoonist, I recognized all the other names but not them
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This chick
Someone posted some stuff of her awhile ago (which got me watching her channel, a reoccurring thing here in this thread) and she's every enjoyable.
If you don't mind, could you please add ColeyDoesThings to that list? She's super sexy, and it's criminal how there's NO porn of her.
Depends if I end up enjoying their content. Everyone I listed I've been watching while I work.
I'll def look into her tho, and if I don't hopefully some lurker here decides to step up for that.
You, my friend, are fucking in heaven
YEP! I see new content creators to listen to, or I have older ones I get to get porn of. A huge win win for me with this thread. Hope others are having fun or finding stuff they like too
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Requesting a prequel to this where you both are swallowing down huge gulps of cum to get to this size
that whats why i kept drawing gomo and garden cuz i hadnt seen them before but like both of them now. i want that garden to do more non splatoon stuff they did a good pokemon vid
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gomotion is streaming
Quickly we must make porn of her and post it in chat for her to see
(kidding obv)
No, we must have her do more screams and moans so we can put them together later to make more porn vids
kinda weird seeing others most my own work around :o :D
didnt mean to do that twice hahaha
You did a good job with it, and people like it. I'm hoping you can keep up the good work
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please do more. I'd also like to see you draw her
Dude, the animation is going NUTS on r34
nta but animation?
thx thats good to know!
i saw XD
whats the name? i only rlly draw people whos content i like :0
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nebulapixels. a trans woman who loves doing video essays and reviews on movies and video games
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what animation?
The animation she posted on rule34
ok i found it
this it https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=11165583
Yup, thats the one
It's good, only reason why it's not properly posted is cause of global rules saying no Furry outside of /trash/ shout outs to Rug for making it tho!
I hate to sound like a begger but I hope to see ragsuo make an animation based on this
Sorry dude, U would have to pay him for that

That animation was commissioned by my gf lmao
Man shut the fuck up.
Pathetic bait ngl
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just calm down and post porn plis
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An image like this just makes me want a game where you slowly corrupt/tempt/trick STA characters into lewd stuff more and more.
Hey tumor, if you're gonna keep showing up here can you at least comtribute something to the thread for once instead of this pointless shit.
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Dominant triangle
that was a fun one XD
Your gf has good taste...
I wish they streamed ngl
fuck thats hot where did you find this?
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I need more of this chick in my life and I'm requesting more
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The Isopod lass has posted a fair amount of them in past threads. Give it time, they'll show back up.
What video are the first couple from? With the blue lady talking about a golden age?
she's the goddess Astrea from Red's recent video.
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Can you edit this too?
that's hot too. Def haven't seen this one yet but its good
mouth begging to be filled with cum
what are you gay
I need her soles wrapped around my cock guys

bad bait brother. Gotta try harder then that baka
wtf I typed 'baka' and it fucking autocorrected to god damn baka. That is more upsetting then any bait and I did it to myself somehow
Do you? Do you really, Anon? Is that really something actually you want? Are you sure?
retarded newfaggot
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I need to be dommed and bullied by the triangle
Very funny 4chan, captha gay22
Why do you ask.
I also want to be dominated by the triangle bitch
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Been trying to get a discord ava to be her for longer than i'd like to admit, for this specific purpose.
What would you want the triangle bitch to do
Tease me with her ass for one, sph too,. Actually alot of it would be that, more than what would be considered healthy
Quit your whining and post porn
I just need to be sure this is want he wants.
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Of course
As one of these people, I can tell you with absolute certainty that there's at the very least two different anons, more likely three, that you're conflating with being one person
But why do you need to know so bad
My point remains the same whether you're all the same guy or separate individuals. You should shut the fuck up and post porn.
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so true so with that heres one of my fav pieces love this style
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Bug Sex... You should have sex with futa Hornet
The bug should chug cum
Love this one too, need more of her
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requesting some bizabizow and gomotion duo content. either some futa sex or threesome with some anon guy would be great.
this is good, the fact that penny is so underutilized in porn makes me really sad, she's really hot
Seconding thissss
Would love to see them both sucking on a dude’s balls or something
there should be more hopeless peaches femdom porn
Why though?
because mean women make me horny and I think there should be more porn that capitalizes off toxic behavior
I'm over here just wanting this energetic woman to get pounded and bred only to turn it around and ride the dude until they're dry lol
We're at page 10. Its time for a new thread
OK baking
New bread


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